FWD HOUSE 1881, Hong Kong Videos

Videos by FWD HOUSE 1881 in Hong Kong. 富衛1881公館前身為水警總部,現轉型為文化地標,呈現歷史與時尚交融嘅獨有魅力。 From Former Marine Police Headquarters to epochal landmark, FWD HOUSE 1881 now shows its unique charm when history meets fashion.



早前,萬眾期盼的賀歲盃再度於香港大球場上演!是次賽事由 FWD Hong Kong & Macau 冠名贊助,邀來一眾殿堂級球星包括李華度、佩奧爾、托迪、大衛韋拿及迪比亞路等組成世界明星隊,與香港明星隊送上精彩的90分鐘表演賽。

上陣前一日,#富衛1881公館 亦為本次盛事特別舉辦了歡迎酒會,讓一眾足球名宿以及獲邀貴賓,享受一個精彩紛呈的晚上。


【Celebrating the Football Spectacle】

The much-anticipated Chinese New Year Cup recently graced the Hong Kong Stadium again! Sponsored by FWD Hong Kong & Macau, the event featured a star-studded World Legends team, including superstars such as Rivaldo, Puyol, Totti, David Villa, Del Piero, who faced off against the Hong Kong Legends team in a spectacular 90-minute game.

The night before the match, #FWDHOUSE1881 hosted an exclusive cocktail party for this special occasion, providing an enchanting evening for football legends and esteemed guests.

Revisit the day's highlights and immerse yourself in the passionate atmosphere of the event!

#FWD #富衛 #FWDInsurance #富衛保險 #Celebrateliving #DiscoverHongKong #2024LunarNewYearCup #CNYCup #Rivaldo #AlessandroDelPiero #DavidVilla #FrancescoTotti #CarlesPuyol #RobertPires #HongKongFootball

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Other FWD HOUSE 1881 videos

【喜迎足球盛事】 早前,萬眾期盼的賀歲盃再度於香港大球場上演!是次賽事由 FWD Hong Kong & Macau 冠名贊助,邀來一眾殿堂級球星包括李華度、佩奧爾、托迪、大衛韋拿及迪比亞路等組成世界明星隊,與香港明星隊送上精彩的90分鐘表演賽。 上陣前一日,#富衛1881公館 亦為本次盛事特別舉辦了歡迎酒會,讓一眾足球名宿以及獲邀貴賓,享受一個精彩紛呈的晚上。 立即重溫當日精彩花絮,一同感受當日熾熱氣氛! 【Celebrating the Football Spectacle】 The much-anticipated Chinese New Year Cup recently graced the Hong Kong Stadium again! Sponsored by FWD Hong Kong & Macau, the event featured a star-studded World Legends team, including superstars such as Rivaldo, Puyol, Totti, David Villa, Del Piero, who faced off against the Hong Kong Legends team in a spectacular 90-minute game. The night before the match, #FWDHOUSE1881 hosted an exclusive cocktail party for this special occasion, providing an enchanting evening for football legends and esteemed guests. Revisit the day's highlights and immerse yourself in the passionate atmosphere of the event! #FWD #富衛 #FWDInsurance #富衛保險 #Celebrateliving #DiscoverHongKong #2024LunarNewYearCup #CNYCup #Rivaldo #AlessandroDelPiero #DavidVilla #FrancescoTotti #CarlesPuyol #RobertPires #HongKongFootball #HongKongFootballAssociation

【富衛10周年應援活動正式開始】 富衛今年10 歲了!富衛將化身 #10PRIZE應援團,以多重驚喜,全方位應援大家的健康生活!而日前,富衛已於 #富衛1881公館 舉行「應援您健康 Experience Day」,率先為未來連串慶祝項目揭開序幕! 當日請來創辦 Be Earth Yoga 的星級瑜伽導師 Elva Ni #倪晨曦 與大家做瑜伽;創作型女子組合 #雷同二友 帶來精彩音樂表演;香港馬拉松2023年(半馬組別) 男女子組總冠軍 #黃啟樂 及 #羅映潮 帶領的維港海旁夜跑;還有超療癒的Singing bowl冥想活動。 如果你也想參與,就記得留意我們專頁的最新公佈! 更多活動詳情👉 bit.ly/3NjR735 【FWD 10th Anniversary Celebration Kick-off】 As FWD turns 10 this year, we're transforming into the #10PRIZECelebrationTeam to uplift everyone's healthy lifestyle! To kickstart our celebration, we've recently held the "Here we are for your health” Experience Day at #FWDHOUSE1881, which marked the beginning of a series of celebratory events. This event was filled with amazing activities. Star yoga instructor Elva Ni, founder of Be Earth Yoga , led a rejuvenating yoga session; indie pop singing duo sister group, The Absent Brother, delivered a spectacular musical performance; Wong Kai Lok and Virginia Lo , the male and female champions of the half-marathon category at the 2023 Hong Kong Marathon, guided a night run along the scenic Victoria Harbour. A deeply soothing Singing Bowl meditation session was also on the agenda. Stay tuned to our page for more updates and don't miss your chance to participate in our future activities! For more details👉 bit.ly/3qywwiG #FWD #富衛 #FWDInsurance #富衛保險 #Celebrateliving #10yearsyoung #1OxFWD #富衛10周年 #應援您健康 #DiscoverHongKong #HKYoga #HKYogaClass #HKWellness #香港好去處 #HKTravel

【屋頂:為細節「築」動】 說到那些讓人印象深刻的建築,我們總是先為它恢宏的全貌而震撼。但若將目光投向細節之處,你會發現,當中有更多令人觸動的美。 #富衛1881公館 的屋頂,結合了⻄⽅的建築結構與中國傳統的雙層瓦頂設計,以應對香港多雨且悶熱的氣候。當中瓦片與混凝土的交錯排列,創造了獨特的美感。 下次造訪#富衛1881公館 ,記得來發掘這些建築中的細節。 【Realising The Details of Architecture】 When it comes to awe-inspiring architecture, it is mostly the grandeur of it all that we admire. Yet, it is in the details that genius is usually found. On the roof of #FWDHOUSE1881, you will find an impeccable union of Western concepts with Chinese traditions in its tile designs, perfectly suited to Hong Kong’s rainy and humid climate. The staggered arrangement of tile and concrete creates an aesthetic that you will not easily find anywhere else. On your next visit to #FWDHOUSE1881, remember to take a moment to appreciate all the details that this architectural wonder holds. #FWD #敢至係人生 #CelebrateLiving #LookingForwardToStaying #DiscoverHongKong #PlaceToDiscover #HKHeritage #HeritageDesign

【透風 透光 透露文化】
#富衛1881公館 處處皆古蹟,來走走看看,感受歷史、文化的變遷。 這裡的維多利亞建築群,曾是香港水警總部,建造於1881年,亦以此得名,迄今已逾百年。漫步其中,一定會留意到設計特別的露台,它凸出於牆外,全鑄鐵結構,還有獨特的花紋。原來當時的水警總部有不少印度裔警員,便設計並建造了印度式的陽台,引入大量自然光之餘,更令屋內通透涼爽,能夠保存至今,實屬不易。 【A Source of Light, Air, and Culture】 With history etched in every stone, #FWDHOUSE1881 is where you will find culture breathing in every corner. The Former Marine Police Headquarters, this Victorian-era building was built in 1881 and stands over a hundred years old. As you stroll through its grounds, you will find a peculiar structure protruding out of its upper floor. In fact, this is the intricately designed Indian Balcony. Made entirely out of cast iron, the balcony was able to improve both the room’s lighting and ventilation. Perfectly preserved till this day, it is truly a sight to behold. #FWD #敢至係人生 #CelebrateLiving #LookForwardToStaying

【亦東亦西 獨特智慧】
【亦東亦西 獨特智慧】 #富衛1881公館 超過百年歷史的建築曾是水警總部,由英國建築師於十九世紀設計並建造。建築師融合了東方傳統與西方智慧,結合中式雙層瓦頂設計和英式建築結構,以隔熱、降溫和減少雨水滲漏為目的,來應對香港潮濕又悶熱的天氣。時至今日,這絕無僅有的屋頂結構仍完好如初,值得你駐足欣賞。 【Where Eastern Wisdom Meets Western Philosophy】 #FWDHOUSE1881, the Former Marine Police Headquarters, was constructed by British architects over a hundred years ago, who included traditional Chinese pan-and-roll tiles in their colonial roof designs. This allowed the building to better cope with Hong Kong’s climate by reducing heat, humidity and preventing rainwater leakage. Perfectly preserved, this marvel of colonial architecture is one you would want to witness firsthand. #FWD #敢至係人生 #CelebrateLiving #LookForwardToStaying

【回想以馬代步時代】 殖民時代,警察用馬匹代步,而水警總部的馬匹就安置於馬廐之中,其後馬廐被轉作車房。馬廐的大門為馬匹使用,而內裹的小門則為馬伕使用,兩道木門被保留至今,到訪 #富衛1881公館 地下的馬廐,探尋百年前的建築風貌。 【Our History With Horses】 During the colonial era, horses were still used by the Marine Police, so two sets of different-sized wooden doors were built for both the horses and stablemen within the headquarter’s stables. Despite going through many transformations over the years, the wooden doors remain at #FWDHOUSE1881 where you can experience history up close. #FWD #敢至係人生 #CelebrateLiving #LookForwardToStaying

#富衛1881公館 內的 The Steak Room HK 已經恢復晚市堂食! 聞著炭火焦香,選一把自己喜愛的法國Goyon-Chazeau牛扒刀,輕輕一切,隨即可品嚐到肉質粉嫩、肉汁四溢的美味牛扒。光想到這一幕,已經欲罷不能!立即查詢訂位! 訂座:https://inline.app/booking/tsr/thesteakroom 電話查詢:3988 0288 【You Can’t Stop the ‘Meat'】 The Steak Room HK at #FWDHOUSE1881 is now open for evening dine-in! The smell of freshly burnt charcoal, the feel of the beloved Goyon-Chazeau steak knife, the taste of succulence that overflows with juicy goodness, how we have missed you. Book a table now. Reservations: https://inline.app/booking/tsr/thesteakroom Enquiries: 3988 0288 #FWD #敢至係人生 #CelebrateLiving #TheSteakroom #LookForwardToTasting

【一扇窗 內藏心思】
【一扇窗 內藏心思】 百年建築的巧思,往往藏在細微之處。 十九世紀的水警總署,在窗戶上配置了可180度打開的「蝴蝶鉸」,為求在夏天更通風涼快。#富衛1881公館 保留了充滿殖民地色彩的木窗,並沿用了這種「蝴蝶鉸」設計。 【The Wonder Found in a Window】 The most ingenious architectural designs are often hidden in the smallest details. To improve ventilation in summer, the Former Marine Police Headquarters designed its windows to open up to 180 degrees with the ‘Butterfly Hinge’. #FWDHOUSE1881 has kept these design elements from the past, so that you may marvel at its ingenuity. #FWD #敢至係人生 #CelebrateLiving #LookForwardToStaying

粵菜是中菜十分重要的菜系,其最為人津津樂道的就是火候,各種新鮮海鮮以及豐富食材在粵菜大廚的手中盡情翻滾、融合,更相得益彰。#富衛1881公館 的 The Queen 后園 糅合傳統與新派菜式,精心炮製一桌色香味俱全的粵系饕餮。 現時所有餐飲外賣皆享八折優惠,你可以透過外賣自取服務享受美食。 【Can’t Stop Looking Forward to Cantonese Cuisine】 As one of the most important Chinese cuisines, the Cantonese style relies heavily on heat control and is used by many great chefs to turn an assortment of ingredients into some of the most mouth-watering dishes. To experience Cantonese cuisine at its finest, come visit The Queen HK at #FWDHOUSE1881, where traditional cooking techniques are reimagined with innovative flavours for a feast you will not soon forget. You can now enjoy 20% off on all takeaway orders to feast in the comfort of your home. #FWD #敢至係人生 #CelebrateLiving #后園 #TheQueen #LookForwardToTasting

【2022,期待更多】​ 2022即將到來,你是否充滿期待?#富衛1881公館 由內至外,匠心處處,每個細節都充滿巧思和設計,小至牆角的裝飾,大至場地的佈置,旨在與你慶祝每個歡慶時刻!2022,期待更多!​ ​ 【Looking Forward to 2022】​ Are you filled with eager anticipation for 2022 ? With ingenuity in every corner and wonder etched on every wall, #FWDHOUSE1881 is where you can celebrate the coming of the new year as you look forward to 2022 and all it has in store for us!​ ​ #FWD #敢至係人生 #CelebrateLiving #LookForwardToCelebrating

【屋頂這東⻄ 也能結合東與⻄】
【屋頂這東⻄ 也能結合東與⻄】 香港的氣候,多雨且悶熱,所以19世紀的英國建築師在設計 #富衛1881公館 的屋頂時,便結合⻄⽅的建築結構與中國傳統的雙層瓦頂設計,以減低溫度、濕度和雨⽔滲漏的風險。 想⼀睹這些舊時光的建築特⾊,便快來探索中⻄合璧的富衛1881公館吧! 【A Union Between Eastern Roofs and Western Frames】 To accommodate their colonial buildings to the Hong Kong weather, British architects in the 19th century adopted roofs with traditional Chinese pan-and-roll tiles in their designs to reduce heat, humidity and to prevent rainwater leakage. These architectural features from the past are well-kept at the Former Marine Police Headquarters. Come and appreciate the beautiful marriage between the East and West at #FWDHOUSE1881. #FWD #敢至係人生 #CelebrateLiving #LookForwardToStaying

【令每杯雞尾酒都更值得期待】 在過去的5月,#富衛1881公館 很榮幸邀請到著名調酒師Eddie Nara在 The Cell HK 當一天的客席調酒師,即場調配了多款獨家威士忌雞尾酒。 我們將會繼續舉辦不同的活動,期待與我們一同Celebrate Living! 【Make every cocktail worth looking forward to] Last month, #FWDHOUSE1881 was honored to have renowned mixologist Eddie Nara as our one-day guest at The Cell to make a variety of exclusive whiskey cocktails. As we continue to host different events, we hope you’ll join us to Celebrate Living! #FWD #敢至係人生 #CelebrateLiving #1881色香魅 #TheCell #LookForwardToTasting