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Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from FWD HOUSE 1881, 2A Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
From Former Marine Police Headquarters to epochal landmark, FWD HOUSE 1881 now shows its unique charm when history meets fashion.
坐落在歐陸建築風格的 #富衛1881公館 中,中菜館 The Queen 后園 是一個獨特的存在。古色古香的裝潢,遇上創新演繹的經典中菜,讓許多食客驚喜萬分、意猶未盡。
為慶祝 #富衛1881公館 開幕五周年,FWD MAX會員現可尊享低至半價優惠,品嚐 The Queen后園 的精選午市套餐。一齊來品味令人難忘的創新中菜!除了后園外,FWD MAX更會陸續推出低至半價的不同餐廳優惠,密切期待!
立即登錄FWD MAX了解更多:https://fwdmax.fwd.com.hk/ #/Events/1881bday
查詢:3988 0188
【Discover Innovative Chinese Cuisine at Half-Price】
Housed in the European-style grandeur of , The Queen presents a unique blend of antique ambiance and inventive Chinese cuisine. Diners are treated to a delightful surprise with each dish.
Celebrate the 5th anniversary of by enjoying selected lunch set menus at The Queen for up to 50% off as an FWD MAX member. Join us for a taste of unforgettable innovation! Besides The Queen, FWD MAX will also be rolling out various dining offers with discounts of up to 50% at different restaurants. Stay tuned!
Know more on the FWD MAX: https://fwdmax.fwd.com.hk/ #/Events/1881bday
Enquiries: 3988 0188
*Photos are for reference only
#富衛 #富衛保險
#富衛1881公館 開幕5周年,一連串慶祝活動陸續登場,當然少不了公館內各大特色餐廳的餐飲禮遇!FWD MAX會員尊享低至半價優惠,品嚐The Queen 后園、 LUMA HK、The Cell HK、The Steak Room HK 的精選套餐。一齊來享受盛宴,與我們一同慶祝!
立即登錄FWD MAX了解更多:https://fwdmax.fwd.com.hk/ #/Events/1881bday
【Celebrate Our 5th Anniversary with 50% Off Dining】
To mark the 5th anniversary of , we're rolling out a series of celebrations, including incredible dining deals at our renowned restaurants! FWD MAX members can relish selected set menus at The Queen, LUMA HK, The Cell HK, and The Steak Room with discounts of up to 50%. Join us for a delightful feast and celebrate together!
Know more on the FWD MAX: https://fwdmax.fwd.com.hk/ #/Events/1881bday
*Photos are for reference only
#富衛 #富衛保險 #香港好去處
近來人人打卡的「NAKED FLOWERS 花舞光影展」就在1881,一齊踏上這個以花卉作主題的沉浸式五感之旅!
展覽佔地約 4 千多平方尺,為視覺、聽覺、觸覺、嗅覺、以至味覺帶來意想不到的震撼。8 大繽紛夢幻展區,營造一個個超越現實的魔幻花朵之境,每一處都讓人想停下來打卡留念。
現成功免費登記成為 新會員,即可免費換領《NAKED FLOWERS 花舞光影展》入場券一張(價值港幣$180;數量有限,送完即止)。
立即登錄FWD MAX了解更多: https://fwdmax.fwd.com.hk/ #/Registration/Promotion/1881bdaynakedflowers
【Into an Ocean of Flowers】
The Naked Flowers Art Exhibition at 1881 has been the talk of the town! Join us for an immersive, multi-sensory adventure that celebrates the beauty of flowers.
This expansive 4,000+ square foot exhibition surprises your senses with visual splendour, auditory delights, tactile wonders, aromatic fragrances, and even delectable tastes. Explore 8 vibrant, fantastical zones, each creating a surreal floral paradise ideal for capturing memories.
Sign up for a free membership today and get a free ticket to the Naked Flowers Art Exhibition (valued at HKD $180; limited quantity, while supplies last).
Know more on the FWD MAX: https://fwdmax.fwd.com.hk/ #/Registration/Promotion/1881bdaynakedflowers
#富衛 #富衛保險 #香港好去處
#富衛1881公館 踏入五周年大日子,將於6月開始推出一連串活動及豐富優惠予 會員,包括免費換領《NAKED FLOWERS 花舞光影展》入場券,低至半價餐飲禮遇及五周年大抽獎,有機會嬴取豐富禮品總值超過數十萬! 密切期待!
立即登錄FWD MAX了解更多:https://fwdmax.fwd.com.hk/ #/Events/1881bday
The prestigious is celebrating its 5th anniversary with a series of events and generous offers for members starting in June. These will include free admission tickets to the “NAKED FLOWERS” show, exclusive 50% off dining privileges, and a grand anniversary lucky draw with prizes worth over hundreds of thousands. Stay tuned!
Know more on the FWD MAX: https://fwdmax.fwd.com.hk/ #/Events/1881bday
#富衛 #富衛保險 #香港好去處
端午佳節,除了投入龍舟盛事,怎少得了品嚐糉子! #富衛1881公館 中菜館 The Queen 后園 為大家預備了多款經典口味的糉子,從糉葉到餡料,均以傳統手藝、古法秘方精心炮製。現時透過FWD MAX平台訂購糉子,更可享低至71折優惠。切勿錯過!
立即登錄FWD MAX了解更多:
https://fwdmax.fwd.com.hk/ #/RewardCategory/2/LatestPromotion
【Dragon Boat Festival Celebrations】
This Dragon Boat Festival, while you're enjoying the excitement of the dragon boat races, don't forget to indulge in some delicious rice dumplings! At The Queen, located in , we’ve prepared a variety of traditional rice dumplings just for you. Each one is crafted with care, from the leaves to the fillings, using age-old techniques and secret recipes. Order now through the FWD MAX platform and enjoy up to 29% off. Don’t miss this delicious deal!
Find out more on FWD MAX:
https://fwdmax.fwd.com.hk/ #/RewardCategory/2/LatestPromotion
*Photos are for reference only
#富衛 #富衛保險
屹立在尖沙咀逾百年, #富衛1881公館 的每一磚每一瓦,都承載著關於這片土地的蛻變故事。從昔日的水警總部到如今的文化地標,這裡不僅見證了香港的歷史變遷,更成為了連接過去與未來的橋樑。
【Every Brick, Every Tile】
Standing in Tsim Sha Tsui for over a century, every brick and tile of carries the stories of this land’s transformation. From its origins as the Marine Police Headquarters to its current status as a cultural landmark, this place has witnessed Hong Kong’s historical changes and has become a bridge connecting the past and future.
#富衛 #富衛保險
如果說遊歷 #富衛1881公館 是一次對歷史足跡的追尋,到 LUMA HK 用餐則是一場藝術與文化的交流。資深名廚與本地廚藝新秀以餐桌餐碟為畫布,發掘不同的食材和烹飪方式,正如當代藝術家不斷探索新材料、新手法。這場融合藝術與美食的饗宴,將為你帶來視覺和味覺的雙重享受。
查詢:3988 0088
【Artistic Feast】
If visiting is a journey through history, dining at LUMA HK is an exchange of art and culture. Renowned chefs and local culinary talents use the dining table and plates as their canvas, exploring various ingredients and cooking techniques, much like contemporary artists experimenting with new materials and methods. This fusion of art and cuisine offers a dual sensory experience for your eyes and taste buds.
Reservations: https://inline.app/booking/luma/luma
Enquiries: 3988 0088
*Photos are for reference only
#富衛 #富衛保險 #香港好去處
今天是520,為另一半預訂一份特別驚喜吧。入住 #富衛1881公館 的尊貴套房,有高私密度的客廳空間,讓你們在梳化裡享受慵懶,在紅酒裡感受微醺。立即預訂,開啟你們的甜蜜假期。
查詢及訂房:[email protected]
【A Sweet Holiday】
Today is 520, the perfect day to surprise your loved one. Book a stay in a luxurious suite at , featuring a private living room where you can relax on the sofa and enjoy a glass of wine. Reserve now and embark on your sweet holiday.
Enquiries & Reservations: [email protected]
*Photos are for reference only
#富衛 #富衛保險
喜歡精緻料理的美食家們,融合藝術和創意的最新概念餐廳 LUMA HK 是不容錯過的一站;鍾情於優質肉扒的饕客,可到 The Steak Room 大快朵頤,享受大廚為你精挑細選的美味;我們亦邀請你走入「后園」 The Queen,探味穿梭於摩登和傳統之間的中菜體驗;或踏足 The Cell HK,在充滿歷史故事的場所,遍嚐來自世界各地的威士忌美酒。
【Culinary Journey】
For gourmet lovers who appreciate fine dining, the artful and creative new concept restaurant LUMA HK is a must-visit. Meat enthusiasts should not miss The Steak Room, where you can indulge in expertly selected, delectable cuts. We also invite you to step into The Queen for a unique dining experience that bridges modern and traditional Chinese cuisine. Or, venture into The Cell HK, a place rich in history, to savour whiskies from around the world.
#富衛 #富衛保險 #香港好去處
坐落在 #富衛1881公館 的 The Cell HK 是一間威士忌酒吧。提到威士忌調酒,多數人立刻會想到 Highball 或 Old Fashioned 這一類名字,但其實威士忌調酒可以有很多嶄新、驚喜的選擇。趁有假期,一齊來 The Cell HK 體驗一下!
訂座:3988 0138
【Innovative Cocktails】
Nestled within is the whisky bar The Cell HK. While many might immediately think of traditional drinks like Highballs or Old Fashioneds when whisky cocktails are mentioned, there are actually many innovative and surprising options available. Take advantage of your holiday and come experience them at The Cell HK!
Reservations: 3988 0138
*Photos are for reference only
#富衛 #富衛保險
一提起慶祝母親節,許多媽媽就算口裡說著「不用了」,臉上的喜悅卻是藏也藏不住。今年帶媽媽來 #富衛1881公館 的中菜館 The Queen 后園,這裡不單有精緻美味的中式佳餚,更是一個適合全家人開懷暢聚的舒適地方,一定能給大家帶來一個難忘的母親節。
查詢:3988 0188
【Happy Mother's Day】
When it comes to celebrating Mother's Day, many moms might outwardly say "no need," yet their delight is unmistakably evident on their faces. This year, bring your mom to The Queen at . Not only does this restaurant offer exquisite Chinese cuisine, but it also provides a comfortable setting perfect for family gatherings, ensuring a memorable Mother's Day.
Reservations: https://inline.app/booking/thequeen/queen
Enquiries: 3988 0188
*Photos are for reference only
#富衛 #富衛保險 #母親節快樂 #母親節聚餐
今年是 #富衛1881公館 開幕五週年。五年來,我們一直推動古蹟保育與文化傳承,向公眾和旅客展示這裡獨特的歷史價值;我們亦用心締造全新餐飲概念和精品酒店住宿體驗,舉辦一系列活動與訪客、社區深度互動,為這個文化及旅遊地標帶來前所未有的精彩。
【Happy Fifth Anniversary】
This year marks the 5th anniversary of 's opening. Over these five years, we have dedicated ourselves to promoting heritage conservation and cultural preservation, showcasing the unique historical value of this site to both the public and tourists. We've also passionately developed new dining concepts and boutique hotel accommodations, hosting events that engage deeply with our community, bringing unprecedented excitement to this landmark location.
To celebrate the fifth anniversary, we will be bringing you various offers and surprises. Stay tuned!
#富衛 #富衛保險 #香港好去處 FWD Hong Kong & Macau
這幾扇引人注目的木門,屬於當年水警總部的馬廄,用來安置當時警察用作代步的馬匹。其後馬廄被轉作車房之用,但木門卻保存了下來。你至今仍能看到它的獨特設計:上下以木條交叉固定,中間透氣欄杆的位置,正好是馬匹頭部的高度。一齊來 #富衛1881公館 看看吧!
【Historic Wooden Doors】
Visit to marvel at the striking wooden doors of the former Marine Police Headquarters stables. These doors, which once sheltered police horses, feature a distinctive design with cross-braced wooden slats and a mid-level ventilated railing—the perfect height for a horse's head. Though the stables have been transformed into garages, these doors remain a testament to their historical purpose.
#富衛 #富衛保險 #香港好去處
到訪 #富衛1881公館 的 The Steak Room HK,除了要留足胃口,對頂級肉扒大快朵頤,更要預備好第二個胃,品嚐精緻甜品。這款雜莓口味的梳乎厘,果香四溢,入口略帶酸味,不會過分甜膩,還能吃到啖啖莓肉,絕對是喚醒味蕾的清新之選。即來 The Steak Room HK 發掘更多美味吧!
查詢:3988 0288
【Double Delight】
Make sure to bring your appetite and an extra stomach when you dine at The Steak Room at . After indulging in their premium steaks, treat yourself to a delightful ‘Raspberry Soufflé’. Its fruity aroma, balanced tartness, and just-right sweetness provide a berry-rich, palate-cleansing experience. Discover this and more tasty treats at The Steak Room!
Reservations: https://inline.app/booking/tsr/thesteakroom
Enquiries: 3988 0288
*Photos are for reference only
#富衛 #富衛保險
入住 #富衛1881公館 的尊貴套房,處處瀰漫著復古的氛圍。這裡的沐浴間選用了黑白兩色的方形地磚鋪設,簡單而優雅;白色盥洗台亦採用了歐陸設計,低調中見心思。下榻這裡享受一下吧,在這復古風格裡逃離當下、放鬆片刻!
查詢及訂房:[email protected]
【Black & White】
Immerse yourself in the timeless beauty of the exclusive suites at . The design features a classic black and white tile scheme in the bathrooms, paired with chic European-inspired washbasins. Enjoy a serene escape into the elegance of the past!
Enquiries & Reservations: [email protected]
*Photos are for reference only
#富衛 #富衛保險
#富衛1881公館 概念餐廳 LUMA HK 的出品,一直都擅於發掘不同食材,碰撞出全新品味火花。就如這道意大利雲吞,配搭了雪耳和黑松露兩種菌類,一中一西,一家常一矜貴,一個口感獨特,一個香味馥郁;再配上 63 °C 初生蛋及帕瑪森芝士,帶來別樹一幟的多層次味道。立即預訂,更多驚喜等你一試!
查詢:3988 0088
【Flavours Collide】
At the concept restaurant LUMA HK at , the expertise in blending diverse ingredients to create new taste sensations is unmatched. Take, for example, the ‘Wild Mushroom and Snow Fungus Tortellini’ paired with black truffle—a blend of Eastern and Western influences, commonplace and luxurious, uniquely textured and richly aromatic. Complemented with a 63°C first born egg and Parmesan cheese, it offers a distinctive multi-layered flavour experience. Book now for more delightful surprises!
Reservations: https://inline.app/booking/luma/luma
Enquiries: 3988 0088
*Photos are for reference only
#富衛 #富衛保險 #香港好去處
細心留意,你會發現 #富衛1881公館 的一樓是白色牆面,二樓則是紅磚牆。雖然紅磚是司空見慣的建築材料,但在現今香港,它們大多被隱藏。 #富衛1881公館 以及整個1881建築群,卻保留了很多紅磚牆。一齊來這裡看看,它們在簡單的排列組合中,流露樸素的秩序美。
【The Beauty of Red Bricks】
Take a closer look, and you'll find that the ground floor of is adorned with white walls, while the second floor is characterised by red brick walls. Although red bricks are a familiar building material, they are often concealed in modern Hong Kong. Yet, and the entire 1881 complex have preserved many of these red brick structures. Visit us to appreciate their simple yet elegant arrangement, revealing the understated beauty of order.
#富衛 #富衛保險 #香港好去處
愛吃各種魚鮮,卻吃膩了清蒸?來 #富衛1881公館 的 The Queen 后園 試試不一樣的風味!
查詢:3988 0188
【Fresh Sichuan Flavours】
Craving seafood but want to move beyond the traditional steamed varieties? The Queen 后園 at offers an adventurous twist!
Indulge in our gourmet-favourite Marble Goby Fish, seasoned with vibrant Sichuan peppercorns for that tingling freshness, chilli peppers, and scallions, bringing out the fish's succulent sweetness. Choose between deep-fried or savoury crispy bean methods, which take 20 minutes to perfect, but the wait rewards you with exceptional flavours. Come and taste the difference!
Reservations: https://inline.app/booking/thequeen/queen
Enquiries: 3988 0188
*Photos are for reference only
#富衛 #富衛保險
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