Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies, HKPolyU, Hong Kong Videos

Videos by Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies, HKPolyU in Hong Kong. CBS was established in 1988. Our department is one of the leading academic departments in Asia.

PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day 2024 a big Success!

Our department was pleased to engage with a high volume of JUPAS applicants, who visited the CBS consultation booth and participated in guided tours of the department's top-notch facilities.
Visitors had the opportunity to explore the Language Laboratory, Speech and Language Sciences Laboratory, and Speech Therapy Unit - specialized spaces that provide our students with unparalleled hands-on learning experiences.

We're excited to see what the future holds for this year's JUPAS cohort, and we look forward to welcoming many of them to the PolyU family next year!

#JUPAS #ConsultationDay2024 #LanguageLab #SpeechTherapy #PolyUCBS #聯招課程諮詢日

Other Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies, HKPolyU videos

PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day 2024 a big Success! Our department was pleased to engage with a high volume of JUPAS applicants, who visited the CBS consultation booth and participated in guided tours of the department's top-notch facilities. Visitors had the opportunity to explore the Language Laboratory, Speech and Language Sciences Laboratory, and Speech Therapy Unit - specialized spaces that provide our students with unparalleled hands-on learning experiences. We're excited to see what the future holds for this year's JUPAS cohort, and we look forward to welcoming many of them to the PolyU family next year! #JUPAS #ConsultationDay2024 #LanguageLab #SpeechTherapy #PolyUCBS #聯招課程諮詢日

✏️大家有了解過中文及雙語學系 (CBS) 嗎?✨Have you ever heard of the Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS)?
✏️大家有了解過中文及雙語學系 (CBS) 嗎? 相信很多人都希望自已除了能夠具備流利既中文外,同時又能擁有優秀既雙語溝通能力📚 不過如果問到你關於CBS既特點,你又識唔識答呢?🧐 📌到底中文及雙語學系有甚麼可以讀? 翻譯學? 語言學? 文化探討?? 📌在其他人眼中既發展出路又係啲咩呢? 傳譯員? 老師? 公務員? 考古學家?? 📌中文及雙語學系既競爭優勢係? 相信大家睇完影片之後就會更了解CBS啦 ! 😆 歡迎來到CBS !😚🙌🏻 最後亦再次感謝各位接受採訪的同學們、教授們、老師們👏🏻❤️ ================================================ ✨Have you ever heard of the Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS)? Many individuals aspire to acquire exceptional bilingual communication skills, enabling them to effectively interact and engage with others in two languages. But have you truly understood about CBS? 🧐 📌What can we study in CBS? Translation? Linguistics? Cultural exploration? 📌What are the possible career paths in the eyes of others? Translator? Teacher? Civil servant? Archaeologist? 📌What are the competitive advantages of CBS? We believe you'll find the answer through the video! 😆 Welcome to CBS! 😚🙌🏻 Thanks to all the students, professors, and teachers who participated in the interviews. 👏🏻❤️ #PolyU #PolyUCBS #香港理工大學 #中文及雙語學系 #stereotype #translation #interpreting #chineselearning #高等教育 #mscgah #communication #crossculture #翻譯 #傳譯 #雙語

🍊 龍年吉祥,幸福安康🏮 🐲 Wishing you a year of prosperity and strength in the Year of the Dragon! 🧧

🎅 May this festive season bring you joy, love, and warmth 🎄願你既聖誕都充滿奇蹟同溫暖,並與你最愛既人一齊共渡呢個奇妙既聖誕之旅!
🎄 Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024! 🎅 May this festive season bring you joy, love, and warmth ✨ 🎉 Let's celebrate this special holiday together, feel the magic of #Christmas, and spread #love and #joy. 🎅又到聖誕又到聖誕~願你既聖誕都充滿奇蹟同溫暖,並與你最愛既人一齊共渡呢個奇妙既聖誕之旅!中文及雙語學系祝你聖誕快樂! 🎄聖誕節除咗有愛同歡樂外,當然亦唔少得有我哋CBS既禮物:日常陪「理」貼圖包!!!欢迎下載: #PolyUCBS #CelebratingChristmasWithYou #SpreadLoveAndJoy #PolyU #merrychristmas #happynewyear2024 #聖誕快樂

Repost @polyugeo [Final call📣] Do you know what a secondary school student can gain from joining the PolyU Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme (JRMP)? Here is an interesting video of three JRMP mentees who are currently studying in Year 1 at PolyU. They have a better understanding of PolyU’s undergraduate programmes through participation in the Programme, and were successfully admitted to our University. The JRMP is now open for applications. Seek your principal’s nomination before you make a submission. [立即報名📣]你知道中學生參加「理大青少年研究指導計劃」可有什麼收穫?送上現時就讀理大一年級、JRMP前學員的精彩分享片段。他們透過JRMP了解理大的本科課程,更成功入讀心儀學科。計劃現正接受報名,請盡快預備,並在提交申請前獲得校長提名。 Application deadline 截止日期:2023-02-16 For more details 詳情參見: #PolyU #PolyU_GEO #GEO #PolyUresearch #JRMP #research #researcher #mentoring #programme #campus #University #香港理工大學 #理大 #青少年研究指導計劃 #中學生 #研究 #研究指導 #活動 #學術活動 #中學活動 @hongkongpolyu

[2分鐘認識 #JS3330] 新推出嘅 #語言科學、#翻譯學 及 #言語治療(榮譽)文學士/理學士組合課程(#聯招 編號︰JS3330)究竟係文學士定理學士課程? 有乜嘢讀? 即刻用2分鐘時間了解! 稍後我哋會介紹每個主修課程嘅特點,敬請留意! 想知更多課程資料,歡迎於10月8日到 #理大 參加課程講座,亦可到位於 EF平台嘅 #中文及雙語學系 攤位,我哋嘅老師同學生大使會為大家解答各種課程問題。立即登記參加理大本科課程資訊日👉 📌語言科學、翻譯學及言語治療(榮譽)文學士/理學士組合課程資訊︰ #語言學 #語言數據分析 #linguistics #translation #LanguageSciences #analytics #SpeechTherapy #HKDSE #2023DSE #HKDSE2023 #JUPAS #JUPAS2023 #PolyUadmissions #升學攻略 #學士學位 #大學聯招 #課程講座 #課程資訊 #教育資訊 #入學資訊 #香港理工大學 #PolyU #PolyUCBS

【 📺專題訪問:#PolyUCBS 言語治療師講解疫下特殊教育】
【📺專題訪問:#PolyUCBS 言語治療師講解疫下特殊教育】 疫情持續嚴峻,💻#網上學習 已成新常態, 👩‍👦#SEN 學童及家長可以如何應對?本系言語治療所臨床導師兼 #言語治療師 鄺嘉儀女士,獲 #NOW新聞台 #醫療 專題節目《#杏林在線》採訪邀請,為觀眾講解有關 #語言障礙 學童上 #網課 的挑戰,演示如何在網上進行 #言語治療 與訓練,並提供家長在網課期間可用的實用技巧。 ➡️ PolyU Speech Therapy Unit 理工大學言語治療所: ➡️完整節目(影片來源:Now News - 新聞 ): #PolyU #SpeechTherapy #NowTV #ViuTV #特殊教育需要 #特殊教育 #教育

【📺專題訪問:#PolyUCBS #言語治療師 講解語音障礙 】
【📺專題訪問:#PolyUCBS 言語治療師講解語音障礙 】 🧒💬小朋友口齒不清,是否屬於 #語音障礙 ?本系言語治療所臨床導師👩‍⚕️吳詠儀博士和👨‍⚕️黃震浩先生,受邀參與 TVB #醫療 #健康 資訊節目《#最強生命線》,通過實例教大家辨認 #香港 #兒童 語音障礙的特徵,提供家長改善小朋友發音的提示,亦演示 #言語治療師 如何以玩遊戲的方式進行有效的 #言語治療 與訓練。 ➡️PolyU Speech Therapy Unit 理工大學言語治療所: ➡️完整節目(影片來源:#TVB): #PolyU #SpeechTherapy

Mega Japan Culture Days 2021
🎬 🇯🇵 A recap of the Mega #Japan Culture Days 2021 #PolyU #PolyUCBS #日本秋祭in香港

【📺專題訪問:#PolyUCBS 言語治療師為你講解 #吞嚥困難】
【📺專題訪問:#PolyUCBS 言語治療師為你講解 #吞嚥困難】 #吞嚥困難 成因眾多,患者在進食及飲水時都會受到阻礙,為日常生活帶來不便,甚至生命危險。本系言語治療所臨床導師兼 #言語治療師 黃彩茵女士於TVB醫療健康資訊節目《最強生命線》中,為觀眾詳細講解及演示了吞嚥困難的成因及治療方法。 ➡️PolyU Speech Therapy Unit 理工大學言語治療所: ➡️完整節目(影片來源:TVB): #言語治療 #吞嚥障礙 #吞嚥治療 #健康 #醫療 #SpeechTherapy #最強生命線 #TVB

【💡5分鐘認識 #BALSS】🤔語言科學(榮譽)文學士 究竟係讀語文定Sciences⁉️ 有冇啲科可以waive❓我哋揀咗幾條同學常問嘅問題,等BALSS嘅師姐親自同大家解答💁‍♀️ 🎓#語言科學(BALSS)兩年制 #銜接學士學位 課程現正招生,4月30日截止報名,課程詳情請見👉: #PolyUCBS #大學 #本科課程 #語言 #理大 #PolyU #undergraduate #topupdegree #nonjupas #language #speechscience #linguistics #polyualumni

【 💡BALSS校友分享系列2:讀BALSS都可以做老師⁉️】
愈來愈多中小學開始關注及支援有 #言語障礙 的學生,讀 #BALSS 嘅同學都可以好似而家喺小學做 #老師 嘅Jan咁,畢業後投身 #教育 界出一分力💪👩‍🏫! 🎓#語言科學(BALSS)兩年制 #銜接學士學位 課程現正招生,4月30日截止報名,課程詳情請見👉: #PolyUCBS #大學 #本科課程 #語言 #理大 #PolyU #undergraduate #topupdegree #nonjupas #language #speechscience #linguistics #polyualumni

【 💡BALSS校友分享系列1:讀BALSS有咩出路?】
🤔讀咩科最好❓只要識得揀,#搵工 #升學 一樣得!💁‍♀️聽吓兩位畢業師姐同你分享讀#BALSS 有咩出路! 🎓#語言科學(BALSS)兩年制 #銜接學士學位 課程現正招生,4月30日截止報名,課程詳情請見👉: #PolyUCBS #大學 #本科課程 #語言 #理大 #PolyU #undergraduate #topupdegree #nonjupas #language #speechscience #linguistics #polyualumni