Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from 1010, Mobile Phone Shop, Shop G127, G/F, Tuen Mun Town Plaza Phase 1, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong.


【 #窩心聖誕 – 為您家中獻上祝福】
笑聲笑聲滿載溫馨,聖誕佳節將至,1O1O 祝您家中天天都充滿愛和歡笑,共度窩心聖誕!
-立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/3v5BBkN
- 圖片只供參考。受有關條款及細則約束。

[ wishes: Let’s spread festive greetings far and wide!]
It's that wonderful time of the year again! 1O1O wishes every family a holiday filled with love and laughter. Enjoy heartwarming festivities at home. Merry Christmas to ALL!
- Download the 1O1O app to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/3twTusf
- Photos for reference only. Terms & Conditions apply.

500 Club 積分換 5G 數據漫遊通行證 23/12/2023

【2023 年倒數快閃!500 Club 積分換 5G 數據漫遊通行證 展開冬日快閃遊】
長假將至,是時候出走外地,歡度佳節迎接新一年!不論是到日本來一場滑雪之旅、去韓國體驗傳統冰釣慶典或快閃台灣倒數,1O1O 5G 數據漫遊通行證絕對是您的最佳旅伴!

1O1O 現為您獻上限時快閃漫遊優惠,以 500 Club 積分即可兌換 4 張 5G 漫遊數據通行證*,涵蓋中國內地、澳門、日本、南韓、台灣及泰國等人氣旅遊熱點,讓您在旅途中隨時享受穩定高速的網絡連接,即使身處外地亦能與親友保持聯繫,分享旅行喜悅!

立即 WhatsApp 1O1O 服務專員 https://bit.ly/48otcrc 或親臨 1O1O Center 兌換限時禮遇,創造美好冬日回憶!
- 立即下載1O1O app,體驗極致5G服務: https://bit.ly/3ts0aYH

[Limited-period countdown to year-end flash sale: Embark on an Asian winter trip – and equip yourself with 5G Data Roaming Passes for just 500 Clubpoints]
Fancy spending your year-end holiday skiing in Japan? How about taking part in South Korea’s ice fishing festival? Or counting down to the New Year in Taiwan? All sounds wonderful, right?

Well here’s your chance to make the trip even more enjoyable! Simply redeem 500 Clubpoints to get FOUR 5G Data Roaming Passes* in 1O1O's limited-period winter flash sale. These passes grant you stable and high-speed Internet access while on your travels. Stay connected with loved ones, share your holiday highlights via social media and record magic moments along the way. You’ll have a GREAT time!

WhatsApp one of 1O1O’s customer representatives NOW at https://bit.ly/4aqY8sB, or visit any 1O1O Center to grab this limited-period offer AND be sure of seamless connectivity while on a winter adventure!
- Download the 1O1O app NOW to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/48s2ygX.
*Promotion runs until 31 December 2023. Limited availability. Offer valid while stocks last. Terms & Conditions apply. Details: https://bit.ly/48s2L3J .

500 Club 積分換 5G 數據漫遊通行證 立即聯絡 1O1O 服務專員


Baby Alton:瞓覺前一定要較定鬧鐘呀⏰!打機打夜咗都唔怕唔知醒,咁就最安全喇!想同我一樣準時起身,就要去 1O1O 門市將 Baby Alton 帶返屋企放枕頭邊嘞!

由 12月 28 日起 SLEEPING BABY MIRROR 盲盒系列就可以喺全線 1O1O Center 買到,全套12款每位成員都有專屬嘅入睡小法寶!每個盲盒仲會附有 1 張基本款小卡或者隨機特別版閃卡🃏㖭!

1O1O 更獨家準備咗🏠SLEEPING BABY MIRROR House🏠俾大家完美收藏 12 款入去齊齊瞓覺,每晚同佢哋一齊 Have a nice dream~ 想知點拎記得密切留意我哋公佈喇!
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/3RRY2mr


Baby Keung To:聽住我哋嘅新歌入睡就可以 Have a sweet dream 啦🍬!去 1O1O Center 帶走 Baby Keung To 陪你瞓就甜上加甜喇😍!

由 12 月 28 日起 SLEEPING BABY MIRROR 盲盒系列就可以喺全線 1O1O Center 買到,全套 12 款每位成員都有專屬嘅入睡小法寶!每個盲盒仲會附有 1 張基本款小卡或者隨機特別版閃卡🃏㖭!

1O1O 更獨家準備咗🏠SLEEPING BABY MIRROR House🏠俾大家完美收藏 12 款入去齊齊瞓覺,每晚同佢哋一齊 Have a nice dream~ 想知點拎記得密切留意我哋公佈喇!
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/3tr8UOR

Photos from 1010's post 23/12/2023

【以 Perrier-Jouët 香檳相伴 感受聖誕花藝氛圍】
1O1O 日前誠邀特選客戶於尖沙咀 1O1O Center 參與法國知名香檳品牌 Perrier-Jouët 聖誕花藝工作坊。在專業花藝師帶領下,每位客戶皆以絢麗鮮花親手製作獨一無二的聖誕花飾,同時細味巴黎之花特級香檳 Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut 及了解其品牌故事,一同感受滿溢的節日喜悅,無不盡興而歸。

1O1O 將繼續為您帶來更生活品味體驗,請密切留意 1O1O Facebook 專頁,緊貼最新動態。
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/47a0fxZ

[Enjoyed Xmas flower power with Perrier-Jouët Champagne]
Select 1O1O customers were happy to accept an invitation to the Perrier-Jouët Christmas Floral Workshop. Our guests sipped Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut Champagne and found out more about the brand. They were also assisted by professional florists when crafting their own unique Christmas floral decorations – all in a truly convivial atmosphere of festive cheer.

We never tire of discovering new lifestyle experiences to delight and enlighten 1O1O customers. So stay tuned for the next fascinating event by following 1O1O’s page.
- Download the 1O1O app NOW to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/3NCCpUM.

立即聯絡1O1O 私人助理 22/12/2023

【預購1O1O 多天漫遊數據組合 – 分享購物時光必備】

1O1O 提供「多天漫遊數據組合」,只需HK$38/1GB,毋須換SIM,即可於中國內地及澳門使用各種社交平台與親友聯繫!有效期更長達30天,到埗開機即用。讓您享受高速5G漫遊數據體驗,從此自購代購無難度!

立即透過 1O1O app https://bit.ly/486kONj 選購,隨時與親朋好友保持穩定聯繫,盡享購物樂趣。

您亦可WhatsApp 1O1O 私人助理 https://bit.ly/3vaR3fF 為您規劃行程及提供外遊小貼士!
- 立即下載1O1O app,體驗極致5G服務: https://bit.ly/3v8LDlp
- 圖片只供參考。受條款及細則約束。

[Buy the Volume Data Roaming Pass Package and share magic shopping moments via 5G connectivity]
Increasingly more shoppers are flocking to large membership-based warehousing supermarkets in mainland China to make purchases on behalf of friends and relatives. But what can you do if unable to contact those back in Hong Kong to check if goods you have found are exactly what they want?

No problem if you have the right connectivity! 1O1O’s Volume Data Roaming Pass Package costs just HK$38/1GB and equips you with full-speed 5G data in mainland China, as well as Macau, for 30 days. And there’s NO need to change your SIM card because the pass works INSTANTLY on arrival. Reap the benefits of truly seamless high-speed roaming, plus handy support for your shopping adventure in mainland China. With 1O1O’s support, shopping for yourself or others is completely hassle-free!

Buy NOW at: https://bit.ly/486kONj . This is a reliable way of staying connected with loved ones at all times while enjoying a shopping trip.

You can also WhatsApp 1O1O’s Personal Assistant team at https://bit.ly/473f6KI – so they can help plan your journey and offer handy travel tips.
- Download the 1O1O app NOW to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/3GUYN7Y .
- Photos for reference only. Terms & Conditions apply.

立即聯絡1O1O 私人助理 為您規劃行程及提供外遊小貼士


【全新系列SLEEPING BABY MIRROR 登場 香港電訊獨家接受預訂✨】
終於公佈啦📣!由即日起至2024年1月13日,全港嘅鏡粉都可以憑手機號碼登記購買SLEEPING BABY MIRROR盲盒,每人限量購買最多3盒!

1. 先到登記網頁預約
2. 收到預約確認短訊後按照指示到指定門市購買
3. 向門市職員出示預約確認短訊,就可以以每盒正價HK$88購買SLEEPING BABY MIRROR盲盒(最多3盒)喇~
想比其他人快啲帶到你鍾意嘅SLEEPING BABY MIRROR翻去陪住你入睡?咁就記得要預約啦先!

- 立即下載1O1O app,體驗極致5G服務: https://bit.ly/3tltmki
- 圖片只供參考。受有關條款及細則約束。


【 #佳節同慶 – 向家人好友發送祝福】
不論身處何地,想於聖誕佳節向親朋好友送上祝福,立即下載1O1O特意製作的 WhatsApp Stickers:https://bit.ly/3kuKm2r,傳送出您的點點心意!

👉🏻下載WhatsApp Sticker : 於1O1O App 的左上角 "🟰",於貼心服務內 "WhatsApp Sticker" 下載

- 立即下載1O1O app,體驗極致5G服務: https://bit.ly/48uX7xF
- 圖片只供參考。受有關條款及細則約束。

[ : Send seasonal greetings to your loved ones]
Looking to send festive greetings to your loved ones near and far? No problem! 1O1O has created a set of WhatsApp stickers to do the job for you! Download NOW from https://bit.ly/3kuKm2r and allow our adorably elegant stickers to spread seasonal cheer.

👉🏻Download the WhatsApp Sticker : Press the "🟰" button at the top left corner of the 1O1O App, select "Heart-warming service" on the side menu and click "WhatsApp Sticker" to download!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! 🎄
- Download the 1O1O app to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/47YGyKR .
- Photos for reference only. Terms & Conditions apply.


【 #佳節同慶 – 團圓迎冬至】
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致5G服務: https://bit.ly/4aws9qQ
- 圖片只供參考。受有關條款及細則約束。

[ : Enjoy time with your family during the Winter Solstice]
According to Chinese tradition, the Winter Solstice is an ideal time for family members to gather together to share love, laughter and a scrumptious reunion feast. 1O1O wishes you a truly Happy Winter Solstice and hopes you enjoy this golden opportunity to reunite with loved ones.
- Download the 1O1O app NOW to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/3RtRmtj .
- Photos for reference only. Terms & Conditions apply.

1010 22/12/2023

【 * Belkin 迪士尼系列產品冬日限定禮遇 邀請您投入歡樂節慶】
臨近聖誕,1O1O 為各位誠意獻上聖誕驚喜以及精緻禮物包裝服務。立即親臨 1O1O Center 選購 Belkin 迪士尼系列產品,當中包括迪士尼100周年米奇、魔雪奇緣、Lotso 及 Marvel 系列手機保護殼、行動充電器,以及兒童無線耳機等限定配件,享冬日限定禮遇:

❶ 購買 2 件或以上 Belkin 迪士尼系列產品滿 HK$400,即可獲贈獨家^Belkin 迪士尼禮物盒一個
❷ 免費精美禮物包裝服務+
❸ Belkin 迪士尼系列組合套裝 - 優惠價: HK$1,000 (建議零售價: HK$1,356)
❹ 以88折優惠價選購Belkin迪士尼系列產品

立即親臨 1O1O Center 選購聖誕禮物,共度圓滿聖誕!

您亦可WhatsApp服務專員 https://bit.ly/48pmDV0 了解更多。
- 立即下載1O1O app,體驗極致5G服務 : https://bit.ly/3tkjWpc
- 圖片只供參考。受條款及細則約束。
*Belkin 迪士尼系列產品於即日起至 2024 年 1月 31 日,1O1O為香港流動通訊網絡商獨家經銷。
^Belkin迪士尼禮物盒於即日起至 2024 年 2月 29 日,1O1O為香港流動通訊網絡商獨家經銷。
+沙田1O1O Center提供禮物包裝服務,地址:新界沙田新城市廣場一期6樓616號舖。

[ *: Grab limited-period Belkin Disney winter offers ready for the festive season]
Christmas is almost upon us, so 1O1O is offering a special Christmas gift and exquisite gift-wrapping service. Visit any 1O1O Center and choose from the Belkin Disney collection, which includes Disney100 Mickey, Elsa, Lotso and Marvel phone cases, as well as portable chargers and limited edition accessories such as wireless headphones for children. Just look at these fabulous winter offers:

❶ Purchase two or more Belkin Disney collection products for HK$400 or more to qualify for an exclusive^ Belkin Disney Gift Box
❷ Use an exquisite gift-wrapping service for FREE+
❸ Get the Belkin Disney collection combo set for the SPECIAL PRICE of just HK$1,000 instead of the normal price of HK$1,356
❹ Get 12% OFF Belkin Disney collection products

Visit any 1O1O Center to choose lovely Christmas presents for family and friends!

Find out more by WhatsApping one of our service representatives at https://bit.ly/489ATBW.
- Download the 1O1O app to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/3GSRo9e .
- Photos for reference only. Terms & Conditions apply.
*1O1O is exclusive Belkin x Disney Limited Edition series distributor among mobile network service providers in Hong Kong until 31 January 2024.
^1O1O is exclusive Belkin Disney Gift Box distributor among mobile network service providers in Hong Kong until 29 February 2024.
+Gift box packaging service available at Shatin 1O1O Center. Address: Shop 616, Level 6, New Town Plaza Phase I, Shatin, New Territories.


迎接不一樣的 2024 日出 21/12/2023

【 #171010旅遊助理 推介– 於空中迎接不一樣的 2024 日出】
想於空中見證您的 2024 首個黃金日出?1O1O 帶您從非一般的角度出發 – 墨爾本熱氣球升空體驗。

到澳洲感受獨有的 12 月夏日魅力,更可體驗世界唯一城市飛行的熱氣球,穿梭摩天大樓,俯瞰綠化覆蓋率高的墨爾本城市景致,特別是標誌性的雅拉河,於高空以獨特角度迎接日出。

立即預購「5G 多天漫遊數據組合」,只需 HK$168/6GB 或 HK$258/10GB,有效期 30 日,全速 5G 數據。到埗開機即用,毋須換 SIM,盡享當地優質 5G 網絡。

立即透過 1O1O app https://bit.ly/48dV4ht 選購及 WhatsApp 1O1O 私人助理 https://bit.ly/46XN57l 為您規劃升空旅程及提供外遊小貼士!
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致5G服務: https://bit.ly/4aFWWBQ
- 圖片只供參考。受有關條款及細則約束。

[ #171010 Personal Assistant: Fly up, up and away over Melbourne!]
Fancy a spectacular Australian sunrise as your first golden experience of 2024? Then 1O1O is pleased to recommend an adventure in a hot-air balloon over Melbourne!

Remember, December is part of Australia’s summer season, so no need to worry about feeling chilly. This unique voyage takes place in the world's ONLY city-flying hot-air balloon – giving you an eagle’s eye view of skyscrapers, as well as Melbourne’s lush greenery and the iconic Yarra River. This really will be a truly memorable sunrise trip to talk about for years to come.

Purchase the “Volume Pass Package” NOW to get 6GB of data for just HK$168, or 10GB for HK$258, both of which deliver full-speed 5G data for 30 days. You’ll benefit from a superior local 5G network immediately on arrival – WITHOUT changing your SIM card!

Buy the package via the 1O1O app at https://bit.ly/48dV4ht or WhatsApp one of 1O1O’s helpful representatives at https://bit.ly/3GHzLJE for details. What’s more, 1O1O’s Personal Assistant professionals will be delighted to recommend other sunrise trips and offer handy travel tips.
- Download the 1O1O app NOW to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/4awbkwo
- Photos for reference only. Terms & Conditions apply.

迎接不一樣的 2024 日出 立即聯絡 1O1O 私人助理為您安排及預約

立即聯絡 1O1O 私人助理 21/12/2023

【 #171010旅遊助理 – 如何登記內地會員制超市?】
近期內地會員制大型倉儲式超市成團購焦點,想去掃貨就需要先申請會籍,171010 旅遊助理為您整合會籍辦理流程!

登記會籍途徑分為透過微信小程序及親身登記,唯超市微信小程序只開放給持有內地身份證的市民,而港人必須持有內地電話號碼,並攜帶回鄉證和前往超市的服務中心辦理。1O1O 的「86-易」內地電話號碼服務就可以助您即時完成登記,除了超市會員,「86-易」更包含內地流動數據,亦可開通內地流動支付及銀行戶口、call 車及外賣落單,全程支援您的購物旅程。

想了解更多「86-易」及內地購物熱點,立即聯絡 1O1O 私人助理 https://bit.ly/3GNa2zm 或聯絡171010為您安排!
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致5G服務: https://bit.ly/3TyvIqy
- 圖片只供參考。受有關條款及細則約束。

立即聯絡 1O1O 私人助理 了解更多「86-易」及內地購物熱點


Baby Jeremy:睡前攬住主子就可以咩煩惱都冇晒,暖笠笠更快瞓著,嚟 1O1O Center 入手 SLEEPING BABY MIRROR,仲可以好似 Baby Jeremy 咁有 nana 一齊瞓😻!

由 12 月 28 日起 SLEEPING BABY MIRROR 盲盒系列就可以喺全線 1O1O Center 買到,全套 12 款每位成員都有專屬嘅入睡小法寶!每個盲盒仲會附有 1 張基本款小卡或者隨機特別版閃卡🃏㖭!

1O1O 更獨家準備咗🏠SLEEPING BABY MIRROR House🏠俾大家完美收藏 12 款入去齊齊瞓覺,每晚同佢哋一齊 Have a nice dream~ 想知點拎記得密切留意我哋公佈喇!
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/41yAVk5


Baby Jer:著住最舒適嘅睡衣喺夢中月球漫步,就可以發個好夢啦💭去 1O1O 門市帶埋 Baby Jer 返屋企,每晚陪你睇盡繁星!

由 12 月 28 日起 SLEEPING BABY MIRROR 盲盒系列就可以喺 全線 1O1O Center 買到,全套 12 款每位成員都有專屬嘅入睡小法寶!每個盲盒仲會附有 1 張基本款小卡或者隨機特別版閃卡🃏㖭!

1O1O 更獨家準備咗🏠SLEEPING BABY MIRROR House🏠俾大家完美收藏 12 款入去齊齊瞓覺,每晚同佢哋一齊 Have a nice dream~ 想知點拎記得密切留意我哋公佈喇!
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/41ySwbv


【  1O1O全力支持「短訊發送人登記制」 新制度將於12月28日實施】🛡️

為加強保護大家免受短訊詐騙,1O1O積極配合通訊辦的「短訊發送人登記制」。新制度將於2023年12月28日正式實施,1O1O會陸續使用「 #」號開頭的「已登記的短訊發送人名稱」向大家發出短訊,幫助市民識別短訊的真實發送來源,進一步提防電話及短訊詐騙。

自始之後,當您收到含有「#」號的短訊時,即可更容易辨認來源是否來自 1O1O 的訊息。

同時,我們再次提醒用戶,如果收到不明來歷的短訊,請務必保持警惕,不要披露任何個人、銀行或信用卡資料,切勿輕易點擊短訊中的連結或進行轉賬。如果您收到任何不確定資訊,只需要Send 到我們 24小時「反詐支援」WhatsApp專線 68281010,我們會讓您即時知道真偽!

有關 1O1O以 「 #」號開頭的「已登記的短訊發送人名稱」詳情,請留意稍後公佈。

#短訊發送人登記制 #打擊短訊詐騙 #通訊安全



根據登記制,「已獲認證的發送人」會使用以「 #」號開頭的「已登記的短訊發送人名稱」發出短訊予本地流動服務用戶。登記制會首先涵蓋電訊業,市民可透過通訊辦網站,查閱首批參與登記制的電訊服務供應商名單。



#短訊發送人登記制 #短訊詐騙 #通訊辦

追蹤「通訊達人 . 通訊辦」在

【“SMS Sender Registration Scheme” to be launched on 28 December to assist in combating SMS scams】

The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) today announced that the “SMS Sender Registration Scheme” will first be implemented in the telecommunications sector from 28 December, with a view to helping members of the public verify the identities of SMS senders and beware of call and SMS scams.

Under the Scheme, all Registered Senders will use “Registered SMS Sender IDs” with the prefix “ #” to send SMS messages to local subscribers of mobile services. The Scheme will first cover the telecommunications sector. Members of the public may visit OFCA’s website to check the list of the first batch of telecommunications service providers participating in the Scheme.

Relevant Press Release:

“SMS Sender Registration Scheme” thematic website:

Follow “Communications Master . OFCA” on


Baby Anson Lo:開工開到幾夜都好,食飽飽再飲埋阿媽煲嘅靚湯,就包你甜睡一晚啦~

由 12 月 28 日起 SLEEPING BABY MIRROR 盲盒系列就可以喺全線 1O1O Center 買到,全套 12 款每位成員都有專屬嘅入睡小法寶!每個盲盒仲會附有 1 張基本款小卡或者隨機特別版閃卡🃏㖭!

1O1O 更獨家準備咗🏠SLEEPING BABY MIRROR House🏠俾大家完美收藏 12 款入去齊齊瞓覺,每晚同佢哋一齊 Have a nice dream~ 想知點拎記得密切留意我哋公佈喇!
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/4aqzqsj


Baby Tiger:放鬆身體,調整穩定呼吸,個心靜落嚟就可以有優質睡眠喇💤~Mark 定 12 月 28 日去 1O1O Center 入手 Baby Tiger,陪你立即瞓覺 ACTION🎬!

由 12 月 28 日起 SLEEPING BABY MIRROR 盲盒系列就可以喺全線 1O1O Center 買到,全套 12 款每位成員都有專屬嘅入睡小法寶!每個盲盒仲會附有 1 張基本款小卡或者隨機特別版閃卡🃏㖭!

1O1O 更獨家準備咗🏠SLEEPING BABY MIRROR House🏠俾大家完美收藏 12 款入去齊齊瞓覺,每晚同佢哋一齊 Have a nice dream~ 想知點拎記得密切留意我哋公佈喇!
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/48ppoG5

立即購買全新纖薄設計PlayStation®5主機 20/12/2023

【 #獨家呈獻* 全新纖薄設計PlayStation®5主機獨家*登陸1O1O 】

- PlayStation®5主機 (纖薄版) (建議零售價 HK$3,780) 即減HK$100^
- PlayStation®5數位版主機 (纖薄版) (建議零售價 HK$2,980) 即減HK$100^
- PlayStation®5主機 - 雙DualSense無線控制器套裝 (纖薄版) (建議零售價 HK$4,280) 即減HK$200^

立即 WhatsApp 1O1O 服務專員 https://bit.ly/48hQT4b 或親臨 1O1O Center 選購。
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/3tnQZbJ
- 圖片只供參考。PS5®主機直立架另售。優惠期由即日起至另行通知。數量有限,售/送完即止。受條款及細則約束。
^客戶需由購買此產品日起連續使用1O1O服務不少於 12 個帳單月。
*由即日起至2024年12月31日,香港移動通訊有限公司為各款PlayStation®5主機 (纖薄版) 於香港流動通訊網絡商中之獨家經銷商。

[ *: Plunge into sensational gaming with the new PlayStation®5 console (Slim)]
Get yourself the new PlayStation®5 (slim) console– exclusively from 1O1O*! The PlayStation®5 console (slim) boasts compact and streamlined looks, without compromising the incredible performance gamers have come to expect. 1O1O customers can enjoy special offers include:

- PlayStation®5 console (Slim) (Suggested retail price HK$3,780): HK$100 discount^
- PlayStation®5 Digital Edition (Slim) (Suggested retail price HK$2,980): HK$100 discount^
- PlayStation®5 Console Two DualSense™ Wireless Controllers Bundle (Slim) (Suggested retail price HK$4,280): HK$200 discount^

Purchase by WhatsApping one of 1O1O’s helpful customer representatives at https://bit.ly/48BmgHp or visiting any 1O1O Center.
- Download the 1O1O app NOW to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/3RPIy2z .
- Photos for reference only. Vertical Stand For PS5® Consoles sold separately. Promotion valid until further notice. Offer available while stocks last. Terms & Conditions apply.
^Customers require to use the 1O1O service plan continuously for at least 12 months from the date of handset purchase.
*CSL Mobile Limited is exclusive slim model group PlayStation®5 console dealer among Hong Kong’s mobile network operators until 31 December 2024.



【提防假冒短訊 1O1O 特設 24 小時「反詐支援」專線】
近日騙徒發送有關會員積分到期的短訊,聲稱需及時兌換,否則積分會逾期作廢。短訊內所標示的連結,會連結到一個虛假網站,藉此騙取您的個人或信用卡資料。1O1O 提提您,收到不明來歷或可疑的短訊時要提高警覺,切勿隨意打開連結或披露個人資料。

❶ 1O1O 官方發出的短訊,只會帶您進入 1O1O 網站「1010.com.hk」/ 網店「hkcsl.com」,1O1O app 或聯絡已獲 WhatsApp ✅ 認證的 1O1O WhatsApp 團隊
❷ 1O1O 官方網址及電郵註冊的域名 (domain) 都為「1010.com.hk」或「hkcsl.com」
❸ 1O1O 使用的 WhatsApp 是由公司註冊,會有 WhatsApp ✅ 認證。沒有認證的WhatsApp 帳戶就要加倍小心
❹ 如果您收到任何不確定資訊,您亦可 WhatsApp 到我們 24 小時「反詐支援」專線 6828 1010,我們會讓您即時知道真偽!
- 圖片只供參考。受條款及細則約束。

[Beware of fake messages! 1O1O’s new 24-hour Scam Prevention Support hotline will help you check authenticity]
Scammers are currently sending text messages falsely claiming that membership points need to be redeemed before imminent expiry. These messages include a link that redirects to a fraudulent website designed to deceive users into disclosing personal and credit card information. 1O1O strenuously reminds you to STAY ALERT to unsolicited or suspicious text messages. NEVER click on any link or disclose personal data.

Always keep these four anti-scam tips in mind:
❶ Messages legitimately sent by 1O1O will only ever direct you to our official website at 1010.com.hk, the shop at hkcsl.com , the 1O1O app or 1O1O’s officially verified WhatsApp team.
❷ Our official website and email addresses use the registered 1010.com.hk or hkcsl.com domains.
❸ The WhatsApp account used by 1O1O is officially registered and verified. NEVER trust WhatsApp accounts without verification.
❹ If you have any doubts about a message received, simply forward it to 6828 1010 and we will check its authenticity for you. We’re committed to helping you identify messages from unknown sources.
- Photos for reference only. Terms & Conditions apply.

1010 18/12/2023

【 為你精選價格多樣化的聖誕禮遇】

HK$200 以內:inno3C i-QD10 快速充電移動電源 、Travelmall x MobileSteri 8合1 多功能旅行充電套組
HK$500 以內:創維 聲波震動牙刷、Dretec 冷熱光子美容機
HK$1,000 以內:Future lab Gradit 隨行溫控杯、DAEWOO G8 多用途烤爐
HK$1,000 以上:Marshall Acton II 藍牙喇叭、B&O, Bang & Olufsen Beoplay EX 入耳式無線耳機

尚有更多精選產品。12 月更可享限時免運費*!立即到網店選購:https://bit.ly/3Nxsu2V
- 立即下載1O1O app,體驗極致5G服務: https://bit.ly/41qQ6M8
- 圖片只供參考。受條款及細則約束。
- 優惠期由2023年12月13日起至2023年12月27日23:59。折扣率以零售價計算。貨品數量有限,售完即止。

[ : Diverse Christmas delights at various prices, just for you]
Still trying to find Christmas gifts for family and friends? Then here’s some good news for you! Our online store offers an array of gifts to suit everyone’s budget. Items include:

HK$200 (approx): inno3C i-QD10 Fast Charging Power Bank, or Travelmall x MobileSteri 8-in-1 Multi-Tool Premium Travel Essentials
HK$500 (approx): Skyworth Sonic Electronic Toothbrush, or Dretec EMS Hot & Cool Skin Care Device
HK$1,000 (approx): Future Lab Gradit Smart Bottle, or Daewoo G8 Multi-Functional Grill
HK$1,000 or more: Marshall Acton II Bluetooth Speaker or B&O Bang & Olufsen Beoplay EX Wireless In-Ear Earphones

More selected products available for you to choose from. AND you get FREE shipping for a limited period in December*. Start hunting for gifts NOW at the online shop: https://bit.ly/3GJb1Rf
- Download the 1O1O app to sample truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/4at6lwf
- Images for reference only. Terms & Conditions apply.
- Promotion period ends at 23:59 on 27 December 2023. Discounts calculated from the suggested retail price. Limited quantities available while stocks last.
*Free shipping from the online shop available between NOW and 31 December 2023. Must spend HK$1,000 or more to qualify.



Baby AK:唱歌拍戲做老闆定照顧猜柴都有十足精神,全因晚晚用力瞓🛌,一於12月28日起去 1O1O Center 帶走 Baby AK,陪你用力玩用力瞓😎!

由 12 月 28 日起 SLEEPING BABY MIRROR 盲盒系列就可以喺全線 1O1O Center 買到,全套 12 款每位成員都有專屬嘅入睡小法寶!每個盲盒仲會附有 1 張基本款小卡或者隨機特別版閃卡🃏㖭!

1O1O 更獨家準備咗🏠SLEEPING BABY MIRROR House🏠俾大家完美收藏 12 款入去齊齊瞓覺,每晚同佢哋一齊Have a nice dream~ 想知點拎記得密切留意我哋公佈喇!
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/482U1RK


Baby Lokman:Set 定手機睡眠提示,準時上牀瞓覺,先可以養足精神返工返學!12 月 28 日起嚟 1O1O Center 帶 Baby Lokman 返屋企,一齊瞓個靚覺啦💤!

由 12 月 28 日起 SLEEPING BABY MIRROR 盲盒系列就可以喺全線 1O1O Center 買到,全套 12 款每位成員都有專屬嘅入睡小法寶!每個盲盒仲會附有 1 張基本款小卡或者隨機特別版閃卡🃏㖭!

1O1O 更獨家準備咗🏠SLEEPING BABY MIRROR House🏠俾大家完美收藏 12 款入去齊齊瞓覺,每晚同佢哋一齊 Have a nice dream~ 想知點拎記得密切留意我哋公佈喇!
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/47YRmZt

Photos from 1010's post 16/12/2023

【 Future Lab 新品發佈會為您帶來全新家電及汽車產品】
Future Lab 日前舉行了新品發佈會,推出 4 款全新高科技性能及外觀時尚的家電產品!包括可以洗碗及潔淨首飾的超聲波 ShineJet 脈衝洗碗機、自動黏集毛髮的 loni 毛絮洗衣球、O2 Purifier 空氣清淨機及可過濾淨水的 MG1 增壓滅污槍。Future Lab 亦推出 3 款全新汽車專用單品,包括胎壓充電架、光能清淨機及 PressureAerat 迅能充氣棒。

於 2024 年 1 月 7 日或之前到 1O1O x Future Lab 期間限定店消費更可享以下優惠:
❶ 購買正價 Future Lab 產品滿 HK$500 即可享有8折優惠
❷ 成為 1O1O 5G 客戶*,賞您高達 HK$5,500 手機禮券,選購以上最新獨家 Future Lab 產品

📍Future Lab 期間限定店(尖沙咀 1O1O Center)
地址:尖沙咀漢口道 28 號亞太中心 10-11 號地下及 9-11 號一樓
📍Future Lab 期間限定店(io.t by HKT)
地址: 柯士甸道西 1 號圓方二樓 2001A 號鋪
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務:https://bit.ly/3RksNPD
- 圖片只供參考。受有關條款及細則約束。
- Future Lab. 全線產品由即日起,香港移動通訊有限公司 (「CSL」) 為香港流動通訊網絡商獨家經銷。

[ : Future Lab offers attractive new home appliances and automotive products]
Future Lab unveiled four new stylish high-tech home appliances at a recent product launch conference. They were the ShineJet dishwasher that can even clean jewelry, an loni laundry ball that automatically collects hair, an O2 Purifier and the MG1 Water Gun, which filters and purifies water. Future Lab also launched three new car products – the Pulse Pressure Car Washing Water Gun, along with the Solar Energy Air Cleaner (Transparent Special Edition) and a Tyre Pressure Charging Stand (Car Version).

Purchase the product you fancy at the 1O1O x Future Lab pop-up store on or before 7 January 2024 to qualify for the following discounts:
❶ 20% OFF purchases of regular-priced Future Lab products of more than HK$500
❷ Become a 1O1O 5G customer* to get up to HK$5,500 gift voucher for purchasing new exclusive products from Future Lab

📍Future Lab pop-up store (Tsim Sha Tsui 1O1O Center)
Address: Shop 10-11 (G/F) & Shop 9-11 (1/F), Hong Kong Pacific Centre, 28 Hankow Road, TST, Kowloon
📍Future Lab pop-up store (io.t by HKT concept store)
Address: Shop 2001A, Level 2, Elements, No.1 Austin Road West, Kowloon
- Download the 1O1O app NOW to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/46Z8hK0 .
- Photos for reference only. Terms & Conditions apply.
- CSL Mobile Limited is the exclusive operator for all Future Lab’s products.
*Must subscribe to a designated service plan and agree to a specified commitment period.

立即預訂全新vivo X100 Pro 15/12/2023

【 * 全新vivo X100 Pro現已接受預訂 | 淨機即減高達 HK$1,200 折扣優惠】
vivo 年度旗艦 X100 Pro 5G 強勢登場,配備旗艦級處理器 MTK9300 ,帶來極致流暢體驗!X100 Pro 更升級為業界唯一蔡司 APO 潛望式長焦鏡頭,重新定義手機攝影上限 !

1O1O 獨家呈獻* X100 Pro 落日橙,現有客戶於 1O1O 預訂更可享高達 HK$1,200 折扣及以下豐富淨機禮遇:
❶ 麻雀及撲克牌桌上遊戲套裝、延長 12 個月原廠保養服務及 Belkin SoundForm™ Pulse 真無線降噪藍芽耳機 (總值HKD2,188)
❷ 免費 1 對 1 手機顧問服務,包括手機資料轉移服務及專業手機指導

立即 WhatsApp 1O1O 服務專員 https://bit.ly/47Xp4P2 或親臨 1O1O Center 預訂。
- 立即下載 1O1O app,體驗極致 5G 服務: https://bit.ly/3tmymF9
- 圖片只供參考。優惠期由即日起至2023年12月20日。數量有限,售/送完即止。
*香港移動通訊有限公司為 vivo X100 Pro 落日橙於香港流動通訊網絡商中之獨家經銷商。

[ *: Get HK$1,200 OFF the New vivo X100 Series by preordering NOW!]
The X100 series 5G flagship handset from vivo comes equipped with MediaTek’s most powerful smartphone chip to date – the Dimensity 9300, which delivers the smoothest experience imaginable. What’s more, unique integration of the Zeiss APO periscope telephoto lens redefines mobile phone photography.

1O1O exclusively presents* the X100 Pro in Sunset Orange. Preorder NOW from 1O1O to qualify for up to HK$1,200 discount AND benefit from these attractive preorder perks:
❶ Mahjong and poker game set, 12 months’ extended warranty, and Belkin SoundForm™ Pulse Canceling Bluetooth Earbuds (total value: HK$2,188)
❷ FREE 1-on-1 handset consultancy including mobile data transfer and a helpful handset tutorial

Preorder NOW by WhatsApping one of 1O1O’s helpful customer representatives at https://bit.ly/47UUrtx or visiting any 1O1O Center.
- Download the 1O1O app NOW to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/3NvpfsB .
- Photos for reference only. Promotion valid until 20 December 2023 and offer available while stocks last.
*CSL Mobile Limited is exclusive vivo X100 Pro Sunset Orange dealer among Hong Kong’s mobile network operators.

立即預訂全新vivo X100 Pro

迎接不一樣的 2024 山上日出 15/12/2023

【 #171010旅遊助理 推介 – 迎接不一樣的 2024 山上日出】
1 月 1 日的日出一定是 2024 年的第一個黃金畫面,想令片段更與眾不同?1O1O 有一系列新的觀賞旅程推介!

搭乘全台灣唯一紅色歐式觀光巴士,由擁有超過25年經驗的資深導遊沿路講解。旅程於零晨時段出發,全程只要舒適安座,就可以從超過 150 厘米高及 270 度廣闊視野的窗戶可飽覽台灣百岳之一的合歡山,盡享星空、雲海以及日出,一行盡賞日夜自然美景。

立即透過 1O1O app https://bit.ly/3Rztjuh 選購 HK$98/5 張「台灣5G數據漫遊通行證組合」(首 1GB 全速),有效 24 小時。毋須換 SIM、落地即用。

想了解不同的登上看日出旅程?立即聯絡 1O1O 私人助理 https://bit.ly/3Ri03XC 由我們為您安排及預約!
- 立即下載1O1O app,體驗極致5G服務: https://bit.ly/41mutN8
- 圖片只供參考。受有關條款及細則約束。
- 優惠期至 2023年12月31日。

[ : Welcome 2024’s first sunrise over a mountain!]
We all hope sunrise on 1 January will signal the dawn of a truly golden 2024, so NOW is a good time to plan a trip to suit the occasion – and 1O1O has a great idea for you:

Relish the prospect of witnessing sunrise over a mountain? If so, the Sightseeing Commentary Limousine in Chingjing is definitely for YOU! You can ride in Taiwan’s only red European-style sightseeing bus, accompanied by a guide holding more than 25 years’ experience of providing a running commentary. The tour starts early, so you’ll be able to see a starry sky, followed by sunrise over Hehuan Mountain, one of Taiwan’s 100-strong collection of breathtaking mountain scenes.

Buy the Taiwan 5G Roaming Data Pass Package for HK$98 (five passes) NOW by going to: https://bit.ly/3Rztjuh. Each pass lasts 24 hours and delivers the first 1GB of 5G data at full speed immediately on arrival – all WITHOUT you having to change SIM card!

Find out more about sunrise-over-mountain trips NOW by contacting 1O1O’s Personal Assistant team at https://bit.ly/3RlPkvc .
- Download the 1O1O app NOW to sample our truly genuine 5G service: https://bit.ly/41pKT7j
- Photos for reference only. Terms & Conditions apply.
- Promotion period ends 31 December 2023.

迎接不一樣的 2024 山上日出 立即聯絡 1O1O 私人助理為您安排及預約

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【#優悠主義 非一般教學智能機械人】UBTECH Alpha 1 Pro 是一個可編程式的人形家庭機器人,以手機app操控其視覺編程及PRP(姿勢、記錄和播放)功能等。仿人體靈活的動作設計,動作靈活流暢。主要提供STEAM教育功能(Scie...
【#氣度深藏】iPhone 7 配合1O1O,完美連繫。唯您一脈相承。今個月,我們會以不同角度演繹「氣度深藏,自有鋒芒」。【#BeDistinctive】iPhone 7 on 1O1O. This is how we connect.We...
【#氣度深藏】氣度,來自誠以待人,代表我們關心及照顧客戶的需要,更為每位1O1O客戶準備了「1O1O Badge」,以彰顯尊貴身份。您只需以手機致電171010,即有專人為您打點,由挑選餐廳及訂座、預約高爾夫球場,以至提供海外旅遊支援等等,...
【#氣度深藏 製作編】1O1O最新推出以「氣度深藏 自有鋒芒」為主題的電視廣告,由一對父子完美演繹以「氣度」代表深藏的修養及內涵,更邀請了著名音樂人陳光榮先生為經典歌曲"The Sound of Silence"重新編曲,由日本頂尖交響樂團...
【#BeDistinctive】 iPhone 7 on 1O1O. This is how we connect.



Shop G127, G/F, Tuen Mun Town Plaza Phase 1, Tuen Mun
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 21:00
Thursday 11:00 - 21:00
Friday 11:00 - 21:00
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Sunday 11:00 - 21:00

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Imobile HK Imobile HK
Hong Kong, 000


James(lcd) James(lcd)
Hong Kong

buyback and sale mobile phone accessories(display),second hand phone

Pekai Mobiles & Accessories Pekai Mobiles & Accessories
8 Tai Tung Road Tung Yik Building Yuen Long
Hong Kong, 999077

Quick Response in inquiry

Gudid Store Gudid Store
Hong Kong, 999077

CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PROMO!!! Merry Christmas and happy new year to our esteem customers.

Vertu-Ada Vertu-Ada
Hong Kong

The world's best luxury phone -- Vertu

Sadia Telecom Sadia Telecom
Hong Kong, 6386

I'm a simple person and lead a small business

Foldable Cases Foldable Cases
Hong Kong, 999077

The best covers for samsung galaxy z fold 2, galaxy z fold 3, galaxy fold, galaxy z flip, galaxy z flip 3, huawei mate xs, huawei mate x2, mi mix fold, much more options for peopl...

CompAsia Limited - Hong Kong CompAsia Limited - Hong Kong
Unit 9, 16/F, Westin Centre, 26 Hung To Road
Hong Kong

CompAsia is one of the largest used smart devices suppliers in South East Asia. We supply used phones/ tablets/ notebook with wholesales price.

Caudabe HK Caudabe HK
(不對外開放)Rm 2D, Floor 10, Wing Fung Industrial Bldg, TW, NT, HK (不對外開放)
Hong Kong

【簡約就是美】 廣受美國媒體熱捧的 Caudabe iPhone 13/12/11 簡約手機殼已登陸?

EbayCase EbayCase
Hong Kong, 000000

Phone case

Awan luxury sales Awan luxury sales
P. E. O Box 90731 TST Kowloon
Hong Kong

Gukcy-shop Gukcy-shop
Hong Kong, 999077

The online shop has a limited time promotion in Thailand. and the number of products is limited