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祝積木瑩妹來年 #炎上厄除 #クソリプ 厄除
#正日生日 #生日願望成真
🎉 今日我哋為公司兩位超級同事慶生!積木金手指同埋積木美少女戰士!
積木金手指— 榮哥。(型仔過朝偉,仲係社交高手🤭)佢嘅強項並不是督背脊,而係點石成金,令頑石點頭。無論遇到乜嘢問題,榮哥總能夠輕鬆地搵到解決方案,扭轉乾坤。
積木人工作時細心就係基本㗎啦😝, 買禮物都特別用心貼心❤️每個人都精心挑選了一份禮物,希望能帶俾收禮者驚喜。每一份禮物都代表著積木人彼此嘅關心和溫暖嘅祝福。
🎉🎂 CEO生日快樂!越來越強!🎂🎉
祝我們進撃の巨人CEO未來繼續帶領積木團隊勇敢地面對挑戰,對抗外敵,永不言敗, 征服任何困難,攀登高峰。🗡️🦾
🏠【住宅篇:海怡半島 向海而生 侘寂之美】🌊
#積木設計 #室內設計 #海怡半島 #侘寂風格 #舒適簡約 #家居裝潢 #藝術漆 #海景住宅 #舒適生活 #住宅設計
Antony峰哥生日快樂🎂🎉! 大家一起努力施展奇妙魔法🪄,締造意想不到的奇妙成績!
P.S. 趕住去見客 忙到無時間切蛋糕😅帶大家一齊體驗積木P圖神技😜
#米奇做見證 人會變
壽星仔成就大解鎖!除咗3D rendering 技術非同凡響之外,收納技能同樣技驚四座!👏👏 居然可以短時間內將積木這二十幾年黎雜物逐漸堆積如山嘅工作檯收拾得井井有條!果然係水星來的螳螂小子!真係要食返個兩層大蛋糕慰勞一下👍🏻☺️
工作也可以很享受,你是否嚮往一個”Work Hard Play Hard”的辦公室?一個可以讓你放鬆身心,一面品酒一面欣賞藝術的工作空間?如果是這樣,那麼你一定會愛上我們Module Interior Design公司的最新作品。我們以自然為靈感,運用了天然紋理的地毯、實木質感的家具和藍灰色的調子,打造出一個年輕又穩重的辦公環境。辦公室的共用空間設計得像住宅客廳那樣,不僅可以進行視像會議,也可以打機放鬆。這樣的設計,深得這群年輕客戶的歡心。
Work can be enjoyable. Do you look for a “Work Hard, Play Hard” workplace?A space where you can relax your body and mind and enjoy wine and art simultaneously? If so, you will love our latest work from Module Interior Design.
We are inspired by nature, using carpets with natural textures and furniture with solid wood quality and blue-grey tones to create a young and sophisticated office environment. The shared space of the office is designed like a living room, where you can not only have video conferences but also play games and relax. This design has won high appreciation from our young Client and users.
Want to know more about our design philosophy and renovation process? Feel free to leave a message or contact us. Let us create a dream place exclusive to you!
#工作享受 #自然靈感 #辦公室設計
🏢【Commercial Building: The Secrets of Feng Shui Design】🏢
Did you know that the angle of the entrance, the direction of the central door opening, the size of the ceiling cornice and other details can affect your wealth luck? This design not only considers the needs and tastes of the customers but also follows the guidance of the feng shui master so that the space can attract positive energy and wealth. Therefore, we have made careful arrangements in the details of our design layout, using colours and lines to change the pattern, making the “qi” more smooth and the “wealth” naturally come. Following the suggestions of the feng shui master, our designer chose stone and wood as the primary materials, creating an atmosphere that is grand and cosy. At the same time, they used the curved feature of the building’s exterior wall, using stretch ceilings to match the building’s curved glass curtain wall, allowing more light flow and change in the space and increasing the sense of freedom. In this way, an area that initially had defects became an office and lobby space with a noble and simple style.
Do you want to know more about feng shui design tips? Feel free to contact us! Please leave a message or send us a private message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
#風水設計 #財富和能量 #空間方案 #風水改造 #高貴而簡約 #辦公室和大堂
『生日會』是我們Module積木設計公司的一個重要文化,讓我們作為『積木』一分子,聚首一堂,團結起來。在『積木』的世界裡,團結是最重要的,也是我們的核心價值之一。積木可以組合成各種各樣的風景和事物,堅固卻不失靈活,有無限的可能。或許我們心中都應該有成為一塊積木的心,才能一起拼出這幅樂也融融的風景。 我們期許團隊能繼續團結一心,以最有效、最有Heart的方式,繼續為大家提供服務。🎈
It's our designer Ying's birthday!
"Birthday party" is an essential culture in our Module Interior Design company. As a member of the "block", we gather and unite. In the world of "modules, unity is the most important and one of our core values. Block can be combined into various landscapes and things, solid yet flexible, with unlimited possibilities. We should all have a heart of becoming a block in our hearts to create this happy and harmonious scenery together.
We hope the team can continue to unite in the most effective and heartfelt way and provide services for everyone.🎈
#生日會 #團結 #核心價值 #創意 #才華 #技巧 #團隊合作 #生日快樂 #健康順利 #設計師 #積木 #無限可能
#積木設計 #烏溪沙迎海 #現代設計 #時尚生活 #室內設計 #家居裝飾 #海景 #沿海住宅 #個性化生活 #夢想家園 #吉他愛好者 #舒適生活 #獨特的家 #住宅設計
In another project, a group of film professionals who are whisky enthusiasts approached us at Module with their dream of having a whisky room built in the dark industrial style. Taking inspiration from their private collection of film props, we realized their dream by building a private studio space filled with a nostalgic and raw ambiance. This mesmerizing space allows the occupiers to indulge in whisky enjoyment while their creativity on script writing and plot planning is being incubated and unleashed.
As much as our clients enjoy the whisky room, we always find pleasure in creating unique, custom-made spaces for our clients based on their wish and dream. If you ever have a chance to decorate a space in the style you want, do contact us and let build it for you.
Recently by coincidence, two clients hired our team at Module Design to create their respective private space for whisky tasting. Drinking whisky is a highly personal enjoyment. The look, the smell, the taste, and the finish of a dram can best be appreciated in the comfort of a private den exquisitely designed for the purpose of whisky tasting.
One of the clients is a European gentleman who is fond of modern decorative art as well as Scandinavian minimalism. For his whisky lounge, we attempted blending these two distinct styles together and the result is surprisingly harmonious. Our design is also functional with a custom-made cabinet serving as the storage as well as the show case for our client’s collection of whiskies and glasses. This elegant and tasteful whisky haven is ideal for dining, playing pool, watching movies, listening to music, and chatting with business partners and friends.
If your dream is also to enjoy life in style, our Module Design team is here to help make your dream come true.
積木仝人祝福大家 鴻兔大展 Happy New Year兔you!
秉承積木精神,創出無限可能!今次生日會+團年飯食KING crab🦀️!2023 會繼續發揮創意,不論做工程還是公司活動,我哋都係一班有要求的Moduler🤭💪
P.S. 好感動終於可以po無帶口罩的團體相!難得可以以真面目見人!
“平日注入一滴水,難時擁有太平洋” - 這是我們客戶中國太平洋保險的廣告口號。為了呼應這個宗旨,我們積木這次為中國太平洋保險位於利園1期的新辦公室從設計和物料運用上,都展現了該主題的內涵。
波浪切割的地毯和天花,流線型的傢私和前臺,海洋色系的物料,各元素都恰到好處地與太平洋形成呼應。客服位置規劃出「金三角」提供了 --“健康保障、財富管理、 退休養老的展示區域,具體地實現了中國太平洋保險的周全服務,為保險客戶提供全面的保障。
“A Drop of Water at Ordinary Times, A Vast Water of Pacific Ocean at Difficult Times.” – This is the brand Slogan of our Client, China Pacific Life Insurance (H.K.). Module Interior Design has chosen to express this brand motto through its office design and the materials used in the renovation.
Wave-shaped carpets, ceiling panels, streamlined furniture, reception counter, and ocean-colored materials all skillfully simulate the Pacific Ocean. A “Golden Triangle” concept is designed at the customer service area to enclose customers with the experience of “Health Protection, Wealth Management, and Retirement”. The interior design reflects the comprehensive services of China Pacific Life Insurance provides for its customers.
恭喜積木CEO終於可以重啟‘Alice Around the World’ 2.0 version👏👏👏🎉✈️🌍 CEO生日願望係大家快馬加鞭,節節領先,勇往直前,射中目標,同埋中六合彩頭獎!!
J.C. Penney是來自美國的百年老店百貨業巨頭,他們集團在九龍灣的辦公室已經使用超過10年,這10年間我們積木設計與客人合作無間。該辦公室今年租約期滿,而當客戶他們在去年開始物色新的辦公室時,積木已經著手提供協助,就著幾個可能會是新辦公室的地點提供了平面設計及空間規劃,以確保新辦公室能符合客戶的空間所需,幫助客戶作出最佳的新辦公室選擇。
J.C. Penney的新辦公室座落在觀塘的創紀之城,我們為這新辦公室空間規劃採用了開放式的設計,從公司正門進入就是開揚寬敞的茶水間和共享空間。我們相信開放式辦公室有助員工互相交流,進行有效溝通,從而提升工作效率。共享空間放置不同形式的座位, 包括高枱,圓桌,沙發,卡座位, 以滿足不同的需要。
The Hong Kong office of J.C. Penney, the century-old American retail giant, has been a client of Module Interior Design for nearly ten years. When planning to move out from its 10-year-old Kowloon Bay office, J.C. Penney HK sought help from MID to provide test-fit plans for several potential office spaces. This smart move paid off as it has given JC Penney a perfect-fit new home in Kwun Tong's Millennium City 5.
MID designed an open plan for J.C. Penney's new office. The main entrance leads to an open and spacious pantry with a collaborative working space. The contemporary design for open plans encourages communication and interaction, improving work quality. Different seating arrangements are placed in the communal space, including high benches, round tables, sofas, and huddle booth seats to create a multipurpose area, meeting the needs of different users.
Our designers use bright yellow as the thematic color to create a lively and relaxed atmosphere. Coupled with the natural moss wall, it gives off an awesome energetic vibe. The innovative interior design will bring a new atmosphere to staff, enhancing creativity and brainstorming.
#積木生日會 #積木生日卡
Super Jade 💻💄🤳🥢🗞
今年高溫刷新多項紀錄, 酷熱天氣下,大家都寧願留在室內歎冷氣。 在入夏前,我們就為空調巨頭大金冷氣(香港)翻新他們位於觀塘的辦公室和旗艦陳列室。
Temperatures are at a new record high this year. During the hot summer months, everyone prefers to stay indoors and enjoys the air-conditioning. Before summer this year, Module Interior Design renovated the air conditioning giant Daikin Air Conditioning (Hong Kong) office and flagship showroom in Kwun Tong.
To better let the consumers experience Daikin’s products in their showroom, we designed the "Daikin Air Conditioning Experience Center" to emulate a real living space. We included different exhibition areas in the showroom, including living spaces such as the living room, open kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom as a backdrop to display their products.
Overall, we skillfully integrate Daikin’s product into a visually harmonizing design. Allowing our client's consumers to experience their products in a novel and comfortable environment.
Happy Birthday to Rocky 💪🏼🎂
SONY PS5魔力無限,令全港電玩迷都瘋搶,它們的辦公室設計又是如何的呢?來一起看看我們的客戶SONY INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT 最近位於尖沙咀的新office。
今次風格上運用型格黑白灰配搭,並融入PlayStation遙控器按鈕標誌性的圖形,增加小趣味。在空間設計上為員工提供不同形式的辦公或交流空間,可以因應需要使用窗邊的work bench,也可以為求清靜選有三面隔音牆的phone booth/chat room位置去處理工作或小組討論。辦公區亦有升降枱的選擇,不論坐著或站著都同樣舒適。若要進行會議的話,可以與客人在梳化區一起討論,做演示的話也有convertible的2 in 1會議室,又或者可以相約在pantry/breakout area沖杯咖啡brainstorming,與其他同事閒話之間找到靈感。
其實一些西方multi-national corporations,特別是digital及IT相關行業,已於十數年前提供這種工作環境,盡量給自由及舒適空間予員工以助激發創意。SONY以其成功之道作佐證,起示範作用。我們積木設計與客人攜手合作,創造優良的工作空間,在辦公室設計上幫助客人吸引人材,使工作趣味盎然,保持企業優勢。
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Rm 703A~703B, 7/F, Lladro Centre, 72 Hoi Yuen Road
Hong Kong
Opening Hours
Monday | 09:15 - 18:00 |
Tuesday | 09:15 - 18:00 |
Wednesday | 09:15 - 18:00 |
Thursday | 09:15 - 18:00 |
Friday | 09:15 - 18:00 |
Hong Kong, 0000
KINGS Interior Design (former TEA Interior Design Ltd, founded 2007) continues to provide its client
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本公司成立於2008年是一家在香港從事裝修業務的公司擁有多年豐富的經驗和專業的技術團隊。提供一站式裝修服務,並且可以根據客戶的需求和要求進行個性化設計,為客戶提供最優質 一站式專業服務
Units 01/03, 8/F, Eastcore, 398/402 Kwun Tong Road
Hong Kong, 0000
Hong Kong
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1/F. , Hing Yip Centre, No. 37 Beech Street, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon
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7, 26/F, Kwong Kin Trade Centre, 5 Kin Fat Street, Tuen Mun
Hong Kong, 852
一居室內設計 由2002年創辦至今致力提供一站式專業室內設計服務。我們的?
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
4N design architects is an award-winning Design Consultancy, focus on luxurious Interior & Architecture lifestyle projects. Project types include Hospitality (Hotel & Restaurants),...
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Room R2, 7/F, Kwun Tong Industrial Centre Phase 1, 474 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong
Hong Kong
arctitudesign formed by a team of interior architects and designers who has received numerous award in Australia and Hong Kong. As Australian culture background interior design pr...
觀塘開源道72號至80號溢財中心3樓313室 觀塘鴻圖道一號11樓03室
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