Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

We live and work by a vision and mission "centred" on you.

位處香港心臟沿岸地帶的香港會議展覽中心 (簡稱「會展中心」),於1988年開幕,是一所佔地廣達306,000平方米的會議及展覽設施,提供91,500平方米可租用面積。會展中心的業權由香港政府 和香港貿易發展局共同擁有。
About the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
This award-winning 306,000 sqm building, first opened in 1988, offers 91,500 sqm of rentable space. An iconic Hong Kong landmark, the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (‘HKCEC’) is located on a prime waterfront site i

Photos from Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre's post 02/08/2024

🐱以貓為主題的展覽 – 香港貓迷博覽會去年首次舉行,得到貓迷熱烈歡迎。博覽會今年增至410個展覽攤位,一連三日於會展中心舉行至8月4日。除了貓用品及產品外﹐亦有以貓為主題文創藝術區、講座、CFA國際貓展,以及貓奴打卡區。
- 只能攜帶貓隻進場;每位入場人士可攜帶一隻貓隻進場。
- 入場人士須遵守大會的攜帶貓隻入場守則 https://bit.ly/4eyUNd6。

Hong Kong Cat Expo, a cat-themed exhibition, is staging at the HKCEC till this Sunday. Debuted last year with overwhelming response, the Expo is expanded this year with 410 exhibition stands. The cat lovers should not miss the shopping, “Cultural Creative Art Zone”, seminars, the CFA International Cat Show and also the cat lover selfie spot.
Visitors with pets please note:
- Only cats are allowed; only one cat per visitor is allowed for entry;
- All visitors have to comply with the admission rules for cats https://bit.ly/4eyUNd6.


會展中心隔鄰的博覽道中停車場及港灣道停車場已經泊滿,前往會展中心的市民請盡量使用公共交通工具,駕駛私家車人士請使用附近其他停車場。附近停車場位置可參考 https://bit.ly/4aMwIgR。
【Attention! 】
Parking bays in Expo Drive Central Carpark and Convention Plaza Carpark (Harbour Road) connected to the HKCEC are already full. Visitors to the HKCEC are advised to use public transport or refer to the map here https://bit.ly/4aMwIgR for other nearby carparks.



會展中心隔鄰的博覽道中停車場已經泊滿,前往會展中心的市民請盡量使用公共交通工具,駕駛私家車人士請使用港灣道停車場或附近其他停車場。附近停車場位置可參考 https://bit.ly/4aMwIgR。
【Attention! 】
Parking bays in Expo Drive Central Carpark connected to the HKCEC are already full. Visitors to the HKCEC are advised to use public transport or refer to the map here https://bit.ly/4aMwIgR for other nearby carparks.


會展中心隔鄰的博覽道中停車場已經泊滿,前往會展中心的市民請盡量使用公共交通工具,駕駛私家車人士請使用港灣道停車場或附近其他停車場。附近停車場位置可參考 https://bit.ly/4aMwIgR。
【Attention! 】
Parking bays in Expo Drive Central Carpark connected to the HKCEC are already full. Visitors to the HKCEC are advised to use public transport or refer to the map here https://bit.ly/4aMwIgR for other nearby carparks.



【提提大家 ─ 請使用公共交通工具嚟會展中心】
由明天開始到今個週末(2024年8月1至4日)將有多個大型公眾展於會展中心舉行,預計吸引大量市民到場,會展中心隔鄰的博覽道中停車場及港灣道停車場亦會泊滿,提提大家,屆時前往會展中心的市民請盡量使用公共交通工具,駕駛私家車人士請使用附近其他停車場,以避免輪候時間過長。附近停車場位置可參考 https://bit.ly/4aMwIgR。

【Use public transport when visiting the HKCEC】
From 1 to 4 August 2024, the HKCEC will be hosting few public exhibitions to be attended by crowds of visitors. We expect the parking bays in Expo Drive Central Carpark and Convention Plaza Carpark (Harbour Road) connected to the HKCEC will be full. Visitors to the HKCEC are advised to use public transport or refer to the map here https://bit.ly/4aMwIgR for other nearby carparks to avoid a long waiting time.

Photos from Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre's post 31/07/2024

【薈景美國主題自助晚餐 指定信用卡可享85折】


供應時間:即日起至2024年9月29日 | 星期三至日、公眾假期前夕及公眾假期,晚上6時30分至9時30分
6歲或以下小童可免費享用自助餐 | 無限暢飲指定美國啤酒、紅白餐酒、啤酒、橙汁及汽水 | 加一服務費(以原價計算)| 優惠須受有關條款及細則約束
👉https://bit.ly/CongressPlus-c 查看價錢及詳情
訂座 https://bit.ly/46sQECF | 致電 2582 7250或WhatsApp 6020 3235
#薈景 #灣仔 #自助餐
【Congress Plus “Flavours of the USA” Dinner Buffet Selected Credit Cards Get 15% Off】
While a summer getaway may be ideal, beat the crowd and embark a culinary tour around the world can be the next best thing. Join us at Congress Plus “Flavours of the USA” Dinner Buffet”, where you can enjoy premium ingredients straight from the States as well as delicacies from around the world.

Dive into an array of popular chilled seafood such as Hand Shucked Oysters, Snow Crab Legs and Canadian Boston Lobsters, tantalise your taste buds with USA-theme exclusive dishes such as Cajun Roast Chicken, Barbecue Baby Back Rib, Lobster Brioche Bun as well as Baked Half Shell U.S. Oysters. Conclude your foodie adventure with the quintessential Baked Alaska and the ooey-gooey S’mores are not-to-be-missed!

Serving Time: From now until 29 September 2024 | Wednesday to Sunday, Eve of Public Holiday and Public Holiday, 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Free of charge for kids aged 6 and below | Free-flowing selected American beer, red and white wine, beer, orange juice and soft drinks | 10% service charge (based on original prices) | Terms and conditions apply
👉For prices and details: https://bit.ly/CongressPlus
Visit https://bit.ly/48paoZF| Call 2582 7250 or WhatsApp 6020 3235 for reservation

Photos from Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre's post 26/07/2024

又到動漫迷及電玩迷的年度盛事 – 香港動漫電玩節,今年踏入25周年的動漫節一連五日於會展中心舉行至7月30日,有最新動漫電玩產品及Cosplayer表演之餘,仲有「潮巨匠藝術玩具展」,展示最新最潮Figure。
今年不設現場售票,入場人士需預先購票,票務詳情可瀏覽 https://ani-com.hk/acghk入場資訊 ,及請參閱大會Facebook 專頁有關排隊安排的最新資訊。
Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong (ACGHK), the hottest annual public show for fans of comics, animations and games, opens today at the HKCEC till 30 Jul. Fans must be excited to see the latest release of comics and figures plus the cosplayers’ performance. The Elefunpop Art & Toy Show 2024 concurrently held with ACGHK showcases the latest creation of the pop and art toy masters.
Please note that there is no on-site ticket sales. Visitors must purchase tickets in advance, click here https://ani-com.hk/en/admissions/ for ticketing details and please refer to the event’s Facebook fan page for the updates of queuing arrangement.


【綠在會展 – 公眾教育好時機】

【Green @ HKCEC – Grasp every opportunity to do public education】
Our HKCEC Buddy “ExhiBit” is very hard-working and you may have seen her around in the HKCEC recently. Being our environmental ambassador, "ExhiBit" was promoting waste separation and recycling to exhibitors, contractors and visitors at the Hong Kong Book Fair. Let us share with you some moments of "ExhiBit" at work that we captured in the past few days!



兩位起 | 設茶芥及另收加一服務費 | 只限晚市堂食 | 數量有限 售完即止
👉 https://restaurants.hkcec.com/zh/TheAtrium 查看推廣詳情
📱訂座:https://bit.ly/TABookNow-tc | 電話:2582 7332 | WhatsApp:9212 3087

【The Atrium Chinese Restaurant Superior Lobster Set Menu】
The Atrium Chinese Restaurant launches an 8-course Superior Lobster Set Menu. Priced at HK$788 per person, this delectable menu includes three fresh lobster dishes namely Steamed Lobster Dumpling, Baked Half Lobster with Mushroom Sauce, Supreme Broth or Cheese Sauce, and Fried Rice with Lobster and Dried Shrimp Wrapped in Lotus Leaf, bringing a taste of freshness and sweetness to the summer.

Min. 2 persons | Tea and condiment charges apply and subject to 10% service charge | For dine-in dinner only | While stock lasts
👉Click https://restaurants.hkcec.com/TheAtrium for details
📱Reservations: https://bit.ly/TABookNow-en | Call 2582 7332 | WhatsApp 9212 3087
Stay tuned on The Atrium Chinese Restaurant IG

Photos from Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre's post 25/07/2024

【綠在會展 – 以行動實踐綠色承諾】
• 於Food@Grand Hall 及Food@Hall 5E設置的廢物分類回收桶,回收共782公斤的廚餘,並送到政府屬下廚餘處理設施O・Park1,轉廢為能;
• 於展覽佈展和撤展期間收集了410公斤用於展覽品運輸的塑膠保鮮膜,作循環再用;
• 多達八成參展商預訂飯餐時選用了可重用餐盒,並於Food@Hall 5E特設的「綠色用膳區」用餐。多謝參展商大大力支持!為鼓勵參展商一起實踐綠色承諾,我們給予參展商每盒預購飯盒港幣 3 元折扣優惠。

【Green @ HKCEC – Act green together】
The 7-day Hong Kong Book Fair concluded successfully. HML once again implemented “Green @ HKCEC” initiatives and received active support from the organiser, exhibitors, visitors and contractors to act green together!
• 782 kg of food waste was collected from Food@Grand Hall and Food@Hall 5E and delivered it to O・Park1, the Government’s food waste processing facility, which turns food waste to energy,
• 410 kg of plastic wrap which was used for transport and delivery of exhibits was collected during the Hong Kong Book Fair’s move-in and move-out,
• 80% of the Fair’s exhibitors selected reusable utensils when they pre-ordered meal boxes from HML. A big thank you to the exhibitors for joining us to act green! We have prepared a designated “Green Dining Zone” in Food@Hall 5E for these exhibitors to dine-in and enjoy their meals, and offered them HK$3 off per each pre-ordered meal box.


【綠在會展 – 做好正確廢物分類】

【Green @ HKCEC – Recycle Right】
The Hong Kong Book Fair closed today. HML deployed 20 “Green @ HKCEC” ambassadors to assist exhibitors in separating and recycling wastes properly during the Fair move-out, minimising wastes dumped in landfills.


會展中心隔鄰的博覽道中停車場及港灣道停車場已經泊滿,前往會展中心的市民請盡量使用公共交通工具,駕駛私家車人士請使用附近其他停車場。附近停車場位置可參考 https://bit.ly/4aMwIgR。
【Attention! 】
Parking bays in Expo Drive Central Carpark and Convention Plaza Carpark (Harbour Road) connected to the HKCEC are already full. Visitors to the HKCEC are advised to use public transport or refer to the map here https://bit.ly/4aMwIgR for other nearby carparks.

Photos from Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre's post 20/07/2024

【綠在會展 – 鼓勵廚餘分類】
會展小夥伴「嚟妮」再次出動,今天去到香港書展Food@Grand Hall美食區和小朋友玩廚餘分類小遊戲,並呼籲各位書迷用餐後記得做好正確廚餘及廢物分類。

【Green @ HKCEC – Please support food waste recycling】
HKCEC Buddy “ExhiBit” visited Food@Grand Hall today and played games on food waste recycling with little book lovers. She also encouraged visitors to separate and put the food waste into the correct recycling bins at the designated Waste Recycling Area.


【書展美食推介 | 意日閣】

【International Delicacies during the Book Fair】
Satiate your hunger and get recharged during the Hong Kong Book Fair with delicious food at Traders! Located on L2 at the HKCEC, Traders offers an array of Chinese noodles, pastas, pizzas, burger, salads and desserts. Children Menu is also available, a perfect fit for the whole family!
Opening hours:
19 – 22 July 2024: 11am – 9pm
23 July 2024: 10am – 4pm

Photos from Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre's post 17/07/2024


🎫票務詳情 https://hkbookfair.hktdc.com/tc/Visitor/Ticketing.html
💡參觀書展小貼士 https://hkbookfair.hktdc.com/tc/Visitor/Visiting-Tips.html

The Hong Kong Book Fair opens today at the HKCEC till 23 July. With the theme of “Film and Television Literature”, this year’s Fair features a curated selection of literary works and books related to the file and television industry encouraging explorations of cross-textual reading. Over 600 seminars, book launches, and cultural activities will be held during the Fair including the sharing from the author of the original novel of the hit movie “Twilight of the Warriors: Wall In”. Two exhibition areas “Featured Directors” and “Classic Literary Adaptions” staging at the Art Gallery showcases the selected works from film and television literature.
Don’t miss the concurrent Hong Kong Sports and Leisure Expo and the Hong Kong World of Snacks.

🎫For ticketing details, click here https://hkbookfair.hktdc.com/en/Visitor/Ticketing.html
💡Visiting tips https://hkbookfair.hktdc.com/en/Visitor/Visiting-Tips.html


【行書展 搵美食 | Food@Grand Hall】
書展聽日就開鑼喇!大人小朋友喺書中尋找黃金屋嘅同時,行到攰想醫肚就一定要去會展中心三樓大會堂Food@Grand Hall美食區。由地道小食到打卡甜品都有,首推夏威夷薄餅、港式蛋撻、焗肉醬芝士通粉杯同牛角酥窩夫配雪糕及鮮果,到時見啦~
#香港書展 #灣仔 #港鐵 #灣仔站 #會展站

【Hong Kong Book Fair | Food@Grand Hall】
T-minus 1day until the Hong Kong Book Fair 2024 opening. While burying yourself in the joy of reading, don’t forget to refresh yourself at Food@Grand Hall located on L3 at the HKCEC.
From local eats to Instagrammable desserts, there’s a huge variety of Chinese and Western delicacies ready for you. Highlighted items include Pizza with Pineapple and Ham, Hong Kong Style Egg Tart, Baked Macaroni Bolognese with Cheese and Fresh Croffle with Ice Cream. See you there!

Opening hours:
17 – 22 July 2024: 11am – 9pm
23 July 2024: 10am – 4pm

Photos from Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre's post 16/07/2024

【綠在會展 – 支持廢物分類】
【Green @ HKCEC – Support waste separation & recycling】
Hong Kong Book Fair will open tomorrow! HKCEC Buddy “ExhiBit” visited the halls today and encouraged the exhibitors and contractors to support waste separation and recycling.

Photos from Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre's post 15/07/2024

👏會展管理公司首次於《明報》「環境、社會及企業管治大獎」中奪得兩項殊榮 ─ 「卓越 ESG企業大獎 – 非上市公司(展覽)」及「卓越ESG項目大獎 – 傑出可持續發展領袖大獎 」,肯定團隊近年在ESG範疇的出色表現。
🤝🌏作為世界級場館的管理公司,會展管理公司堅持可持續發展管治和承諾,在實現卓越業務的同時,全力保護環境,回饋社會,並早於2021年,已經簽署「淨零碳活動約章」,承諾在 2050 年實現淨零碳排放。會展管理公司未來將會繼續以ISO 20121國際標準,帶領活動策劃向可持續發展管理的方向。


👏For the first time, HML received the “Excellent ESG Enterprise Award – Non-Listed Company (Exhibition)” and the “Excellence in ESG Project Award – Elite of Sustainability Performance Award” in Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Awards organised by Ming Pao Newspapers Limited, in recognition of HML's contributions to ESG.
🤝🌏As the professional venue management company of a world-class venue, HML embraces ESG in daily operation and commits to the betterment of society, along with achieving business excellence. As early as 2021, HML has signed the "Net Zero Carbon Events Pledge" and committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. In the future, HML will continue to inspire leadership in event sustainability management with reference to the international standard ISO 20121.

The Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Awards, organised by the Ming Pao Newspapers Limited, aim to recognize enterprises that demonstrate outstanding ESG performance and make positive contributions to society.

Photos from Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre's post 12/07/2024

會展管理公司與生命小戰士會於7月6日舉辦「會童樂 展愛心 - 瑞士卷工作坊」,20名生命小戰士及其照顧者來到會展中心的薈景,由會展管理公司糕餅廚師示範及在「愛❤會展人」義工們的陪伴下,合力炮製造型可愛的瑞士卷,並一同享用豐富的自助午餐,度過一個開心的星期六!
HML co-organised a roll cake DIY workshop with Little Life Warrior Society on 6 Jul at Congress Plus for a group of 20 Little Life Warriors and their care takers. The kids and their care takers had so much fun making the cutie roll cakes with the demonstration by our pastry chefs and the help of HML volunteers. After the DIY workshop, all enjoyed a delectable lunch buffet at Congress Plus and had a wonderful Saturday!

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Videos (show all)

綠在會展 – 公眾教育好時機 Green @ HKCEC – Grasp every opportunity to do public education
【書展美食推介 | 意日閣】喺香港書展行到攰,想搵個地方醫肚兼歇一歇,可以到會展中心二樓的意日閣,提供各款中式麵食、意大利麵、薄餅、漢堡、沙律、甜品同兒童餐,啱晒一家大細一齊食!營業時間:2024年7月19至22日:上午11時至晚上9時20...
會展團隊 – 成就卓越的關鍵 HML team – key to achieving excellence
會展管理公司支持全球展覽日 HML supports Global Exhibitions Day
終於到了毛孩與主人掃貨的大好機會!優質寵物用品展一連三日於會展中心舉行至5月12日。展覽以今屆規模最大,有超過350展覽攤位,今年新增設的「至Fun寵物公園」有各種障礙訓練及休閒設施讓主人同狗狗一起玩。🐶入場注意🐱- 入場人士須遵守大會的攜...
專業,熱情  會展團隊始終如一 HML team – consistently professional and enthusiastic
會展中心醒獅賀新歲 Lion Dance@HKCEC
會聚迎新春惜食展愛心 HML’s Charity Lunch
會展管理公司 – 成就世界級盛事 HML, Professionally Hosted World Class Event
會展中心35周年Facebook問答遊戲第一擊 HKCEC 35th Anniversary Facebook Game Round 1
第七屆國際名廚慈善宴 The 7th International Master Chefs’ Charity Gala Dinner



1 Expo Drive, Hong Kong Wan Chai
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 00:30
Tuesday 07:00 - 00:30
Wednesday 07:00 - 00:30
Thursday 07:00 - 00:30
Friday 07:00 - 00:30
Saturday 07:00 - 00:30
Sunday 07:00 - 00:30

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