Giant Year Gallery

Giant Year Gallery was established in 2012 by Solan Chiu, a Ceramic Artist and Chinese Calligrapher in Hong Kong.

Giant Year Gallery was established in 2012 by Solan Chiu, focusing on the development of ceramics. The gallery aims at promoting ceramics arts by building an exhibition platform and discovering more local ceramics artists.


Shop H, 186 Hollywood Road, Sh





Giant Year Gallery. Collections
Sake Cups. Tea Cups

Photos from Giant Year Gallery's post 14/05/2024

Giant Year Gallery. Artwork Collection

田上真也(Shinya Tanoue)1976年在日本京都出生,於同志社大學神學學院畢業,因對陶藝創作有濃厚興趣,在京都佐贺藝術學院學習陶藝,在創作上,他一直在追求原始表達方式,和结合陶藝和漆的技術。
在2019年,他開始用漆面塗層技術運用到陶器中,在他的作品塗上漆(Urushi), 重複多次這個過程,再用砂纸细心打磨,完成獨特漂亮的作品。

田上真也 (Shinya Tanoue)
藍貝殼. Blue Shell
陶藝 Ceramic 2021
巨年藝廊 Giant Year Gallery

Photos from Giant Year Gallery's post 08/05/2024

Giant Year Gallery .Artwork Collection

谭丹武 於1986年在湖南郴州出生,於中央美术学院雕塑系畢業,致力研究雕塑的材料和语言。他的作品曾獲第二届高岭國際陶藝大赛特等獎、第十五届江西省美術作品展二等獎、“瓷的精神”——2021景德镇國際陶瓷藝術雙年展銅獎、“江山壮丽 大美赣鄱”大型主题美術創作展二等獎、第二届江西省青年美術家優秀作品展收藏獎等。



A special Moon Festival 不一樣的中秋節
Oil on Canvas by Stephen Yeung 2022

Photos from Giant Year Gallery's post 07/10/2022

展期到明天星期六10月8日Fine Art Asia #典雅藝博 - #巨年藝廊(會展3C展覽廳B1展位)參觀。

「 #印心-李淨的懷古天地 」

#書畫 #國畫 #新水墨 #水墨 #工筆 #白描 #山水 #山水畫 #國畫 #書道 #書法 #篆刻 #拓片 #篆刻 #佛畫 #典雅藝博


Posted • .hk。而「 #印心-李淨的懷古天地 」展覽在Fine Art Asia 典雅藝博將有新作品加入,其中有一件手卷佳作《仿龍眠居士五馬圖》,此作品乃李淨老師目睹《 #五馬圖 》真容有感後而作,作品呈現出 #李公麟 白描加淺絳設色的淡雅畫風。

歡迎大家於10月5至8日繼續前來2022 Fine Art Asia #典雅藝博 - #巨年藝廊(會展3C展覽廳B1展位)參觀。

「 #印心-李淨的懷古天地 」
【Fine Art Asia 典雅藝博 2022】
. 2022 / 10 / 4 (預覽日)
. 2022 / 10 / 5 - 8

#書畫 #國畫 #新水墨 #水墨 #工筆 #白描 #山水 #山水畫 #國畫 #書道 #書法 #篆刻 #拓片 #篆刻 #佛畫 #典雅藝博


【漢礼活動推介】Fine Art Asia 2022【典亞藝博2022】展出水墨和佛畫大師李淨先生作品

李淨,字墨盦,號稚堂, 香港書畫人。生於閩南,自髫齡始,性好塗鴉,得鄉賢薰陶以書畫,令其醉心於傳統藝術而轉益多師。後隨周凱先生遊,得其言傳身教,登堂入室。



李淨,字墨盦,號稚堂, 香港書畫人。生於閩南,自髫齡始,性好塗鴉,得鄉賢薰陶以書畫,令其醉心於傳統藝術而轉益多師。後隨周凱先生遊,得其言傳身教,登堂入室。



日期/ 十月四日(VIP 預覽日)和十月五日至八日
地點/香港會議展覽中心舉行 3C 展覽廳 B1 展位 巨年藝廊
轉載: Giant Year Gallery

Photos from Giant Year Gallery's post 29/09/2022

Posted • Established by Solan Chiu in 2012, Giant Year Gallery () is back at Fine Art Asia 2022 with works from the traditional Chinese painting artist Li Jing.

With great enthusiasm for traditional arts, Li enjoys creating landscape and Buddhist paintings. Below are another 3 highlighted pieces of the artist that will be exhibited at the fair.

As reflected in the scenery of the painting “Night View Inspired By Wu Li”, the feeling of tranquillity, which is a pursuit of the artist, was depicted with repeated layers of ink and colours.

In “Imitation of Li Gonglin’s “Polo Playing of a Ming Dynasty Emperor””, the brushstrokes appears neither strong nor soft, but also strong and soft at the same time; it comes off as unvarying, but actually consists of hidden twists. Through such brushstrokes, the high tension of the sports was captured.

As for “Cintāmaṇicakra”, in hopes to attain and reflect peace and tranquillity, Li used airy colours to create the artwork. The main colour of the painting is green, complemented with ochre, blue, gold and other colours.

There’ll be more updates on the fair, don’t miss out!

巨年藝廊 () 由趙素蘭於2012年創立,並再次參與本年度的典亞藝博,為我們帶來中國水墨畫家李淨的作品。






Fig. 1 Li Jing 李淨 (b. 1972), Night View Inspired By Wu Li 漁山夜色四屏山水, 2022
Fig. 2 Li Jing 李淨 (b. 1972), Imitation of Li Gonglin’s “Polo Playing of a Ming Dynasty Emperor” 摹龍眠居士明皇擊球圖, 2021
Fig. 3 Li Jing 李淨 (b. 1972), Cintāmaṇicakra 如意輪觀音, 2022

【Fine Art Asia 典亞藝博2022】
• Date 日期|5.10-8.10.2022
• Venue 地點|HKCEC香港會展

#李淨 #巨年藝廊 #典亞藝博 #典亞藝博2022

Photos from Giant Year Gallery's post 27/09/2022

Posted • .hk 在或藍或紫、如水如冰的月光下,山川大地静止了、草木花卉静止了,宣紙上的線條與顏色似乎也静止了,從屋外之景到作畫之心,似乎都慢慢地静住了、定住了,手下的筆墨似乎成了他與「月色」連結的工具。


各23.5 x 38 厘米


《 #印心-李淨的懷古天地》
【Fine Art Asia 典雅藝博 2022】
.2022/ 10/ 5 - 8

#禪 #書畫 #國畫 #新水墨 #水墨 #工筆 #山水 #山水畫 #國畫 #書道 #書法 #篆刻 #拓片 #篆刻 #佛畫 #典雅藝博


巨年藝廊,很榮幸將於十月四日(VIP 預覽日), 和十月五日至八日在香港會議展覽中心舉行的Fine Art Asia 2022【典亞藝博2022】, 展出水墨和佛畫大師李淨先生的近年畫作。誠邀出席參觀!

李淨,字墨盦,號稚堂, 香港書畫人。生於閩南,自髫齡始,性好塗鴉,得鄉賢薰陶以書畫,令其醉心於傳統藝術而轉益多師。後隨周凱先生遊,得其言傳身教,登堂入室。



李淨,字墨盦,號稚堂, 香港書畫人。生於閩南,自髫齡始,性好塗鴉,得鄉賢薰陶以書畫,令其醉心於傳統藝術而轉益多師。後隨周凱先生遊,得其言傳身教,登堂入室。




The Giant Year Gallery will be returning to Fine Art Asia this year featuring works from the traditional Chinese painting artist Li Jing.

With great enthusiasm for traditional arts, Li enjoys creating landscape and Buddhist paintings such as “Arya – Avalokitesvara” and “Imitation of Wang Hui’s “Waterfall in Spring Mountain””. It is also his belief that one could reach enlightenment and attain a purified mind through painting.

There’ll be more updates on the fair, don’t miss out!


李淨醉心於傳統藝術,作品多以山水及佛學為題,譬如是次展出的《聖觀音》及《仿石谷子春山飛瀑圖》等。 他相信作畫能助人覺悟真理、淨化心身。

Li Jing 李淨 (b. 1972), Arya – Avalokitesvara 聖觀音, 2016

【Fine Art Asia 典亞藝博2022】
• Date 日期|5.10-8.10.2022
• Venue 地點|HKCEC香港會展



The Giant Year Gallery will be returning to Fine Art Asia this year featuring works from the traditional Chinese painting artist Li Jing.

With great enthusiasm for traditional arts, Li enjoys creating landscape and Buddhist paintings such as “Arya – Avalokitesvara” and “Imitation of Wang Hui’s “Waterfall in Spring Mountain””. It is also his belief that one could reach enlightenment and attain a purified mind through painting.

There’ll be more updates on the fair, don’t miss out!


李淨醉心於傳統藝術,作品多以山水及佛學為題,譬如是次展出的《聖觀音》及《仿石谷子春山飛瀑圖》等。 他相信作畫能助人覺悟真理、淨化心身。

Fig. 1 Li Jing 李淨 (b. 1972), Arya – Avalokitesvara 聖觀音, 2016
Fig. 2 Li Jing 李淨 (b. 1972), Imitation of Wang Hui’s “Waterfall in Spring Mountain” 仿石谷子春山飛瀑圖, 2015

【Fine Art Asia 典亞藝博2022】
• Date 日期|5.10-8.10.2022
• Venue 地點|HKCEC香港會展


Photos from Giant Year Gallery's post 06/08/2022

【Affordable Art Fair 2022. 4-7.8.2022】
Giant Year Gallery 巨年藝廊 Visit us at booth 展台A05!

Photos from Giant Year Gallery's post 06/08/2022

【Affordable Art Fair 2022. 4-7.8.2022】
Giant Year Gallery 巨年藝廊 Mr. Stephen YEUNG 楊志榮 We are overwhelmed by your support! More works will be shown this weekend. 更多更新作品,今個周末一定要來支持啊!

Visit us at booth 展台A05!

Photos from Giant Year Gallery's post 02/08/2022

【Affordable Art Fair 2022. 4-7.8.2022】

Silkscreen print on Arches watercolour paper by Winnie MAK, Hong Kong
香港麥翠影 絹印紙本作品

Giant Year Gallery 巨年藝廊will participate in the above art exhibition, and proudly present the stunning artworks by Mr. Stephen YEUNG 楊志榮 and Ms Winnie MAK 麥翠影.

You are cordially invited to visit us at booth A05


【Affordable Art Fair 2022. 4-7.8.2022】

Silkscreen print by Winnie MAK. , Hong Kong
香港麥翠影 絲印版畫作品

Giant Year Gallery 巨年藝廊will participate in the above art exhibition, and proudly present the stunning artworks by Mr. Stephen YEUNG 楊志榮 and Ms Winnie MAK 麥翠影.

You are cordially invited to visit us at booth A05

If you would like to get a VIP access, inbox us!

Photos from Giant Year Gallery's post 01/08/2022

【Affordable Art Fair 2022. 4-7.8.2022】

Art by Mr. Stephen YEUNG, Hong Kong
香港楊志榮 油畫作品

Giant Year Gallery 巨年藝廊will participate in the above art exhibition, and proudly present the stunning artworks by Mr. Stephen YEUNG 楊志榮 and Ms Winnie MAK 麥翠影.

You are cordially invited to visit us at booth A05

If you would like to get a VIP access, inbox us!

Photos from Giant Year Gallery's post 29/07/2022

【Affordable Art Fair 2022. 4-7.8.2022】
Giant Year Gallery 巨年藝廊will participate in the above art exhibition, and proudly present the stunning artworks by Mr. Stephen YEUNG 楊志榮 and Ms Winnie MAK 麥翠影.

You are cordially invited to visit us at booth A05

If you would like to get a VIP access, inbox us!

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Videos (show all)

Stephen Yeung 楊志榮 Oil Paintings @Fine Art Asia 2021
Mon & Monica CR2 clip




Unit 7, 13/F Block A, MP Industrial Centre, 18 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan
Hong Kong

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