


既然講開 Thermage FLX 緊膚塑身嘅好處,咁唔爭在梗係做埋塊面啦! 採用咗新一代4.0探頭,同埋佢嘅突破性AccuREP™技術,令熱能3D環迴立體咁直達深層皮膚,刺激更多膠原蛋白增生,幫助收緊鬆弛嘅面部皮膚,同時改善皺紋問題,咁成個人睇落去自然就容光煥發啲啦~!

唔駛左諗右諗喇,今日就嚟同我哋book番個 Thermage FLX 高效射頻面部緊膚療程啦~!

(**Skinworks HK 係香港其一被認可嘅專業診所提供 Thermage FLX療程同埋使用其原廠儀器**)

Since we were talking about the benefits of Thermage FLX skin tightening and body contouring, then why not having the treatment for your face as well! Thanks to its new generation 4.0 probe and its breakthrough AccuREP™ technology, it allows the heat to reach the deeper layer of the skin in three-dimensional way, thereby to stimulate the growth of collagen, aiding to tighten sagging facial skin, as well as improving wrinkles and fine lines problems, as the result, it makes you look much younger and radiant~!

What are you waiting for? Come and book yourself a Thermage FLX RF facial tightening treatment with us today~!

(**Skinworks HK is one of the officially recognised clinic in Hong Kong to perform Thermage FLX treatment with their official equipment**)

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #塑身療程 #減皺 #去皺紋 #去面部細紋 #修身 #抬頭紋 #虎紋 #收緊鬆弛皮膚 #魚尾紋 #眼尾下垂


一到咗泳季,換上泳裝後,啲鬆弛到唔想見人嘅皮膚,上至手臂肚腩,下至大脾 Pat Pat,全部都無所遁形添!咁點算呢?咁不如做番個 Thermage FLX 嘅射頻緊膚塑身療程啦!突破性AccuREP™技術,採用新一代4.0探頭,能夠刺激更多膠原蛋白增生,即時緊膚提拉,有效咁改善皮膚鬆弛,適合身體不同部位例如手臂,肚腩同大脾等等。

咁今個夏天游水嗰陣就唔駛左遮右遮啦~!而家就同我哋book番個 Thermage FLX 射頻緊膚塑身療程,親身咁去體驗一吓啦~!

(**Skinworks HK 係香港其一被認可嘅專業診所提供 Thermage FLX療程同埋使用其原廠儀器**)

While the swimming season is still on, did you aware of those unwanted saggy skin, from your arms and belly, then further down from your buttock to the upper thigh, they were all exposed no matter how much you wanted to hide them! Especially after putting your swimsuit on! Gosh…, what can we do about it? Well, the sought-after Thermage FLX skin tightening and lifting body treatment will be perfect for you! Thanks to the breakthrough AccuREP™ technology and the usage of the new generation 4.0 probe, it stimulates the regeneration of collagen, and tighten your skin, as the result, it aids to improve the skin sagging situation efficiently. This treatment is suitable for different body parts such as arms, belly, and upper thigh etc.

There’ll be no need to keep covering your saggy skin during this summer~! Get in touch with us and book yourself the Thermage FLX skin tightening and lifting treatment now!

(**Skinworks HK is one of the officially recognised clinic in Hong Kong to perform Thermage FLX treatment with their official equipment**)

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #塑身療程 #減皺 #去皺紋 #去面部細紋 #修身


咦~,有無發覺呢排照吓塊鏡見到啲額頭紋,”魚尾紋” 好似多咗同深咗啲呢? 跟住再睇落少少,啲嘴嚼肌好似 ”發咗福” 咁,真係好似啲老態突然間走晒出嚟咁!呢個時候,做番個 Botox 除皺瘦面療程就啱晒你喇! 榮獲美國FDA認證,同時擁有國際級安全認受並獲香港衛生署認可,Botox 透過高科技純化,從肉毒桿菌A型中萃取嘅蛋白質,嚟去令導致動態皺紋嘅肌肉得到放鬆,從而減低動態皺紋出現以及改善面型,療程後效果自然,啱晒追求年輕美嘅你!


Did you notice that those wrinkles on your forehead and the “crow’s feet” seemed getting more and deeper lately? Then take a look downwards under the cheek, those chewing muscles on both side of your face seemed getting puffy too! Gosh…! Doesn’t it look like all these unwanted aging signs appeared simultaneously all of the sudden?! Relax…, it’s not the end of the world yet, what you just need right now is the Botox wrinkle removal and face slimming treatment! Certified by FDA in the US, with the international safety recognition and recognised by the Hong Kong Department of Health locally, Botox uses proteins extracted from Clostridium botulinum type A, through the high-tech purification, it aids to relax the muscles that causes dynamic wrinkles, thereby reducing the facial wrinkles such as those on the forehead, crow’s feet etc., as well as facial contouring. The post-treatment result is natural and satisfying! Which is ideal for those who constantly pursues youthful beauty!

Want to regain your youthfulness as quickly as possible? Then get in touch with us today and find out more~!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #專業美容 #香港醫學美容 #美容 #抗衰老 #皮膚護理 #年輕肌膚 #撫平皺紋 #皮膚鬆弛 #抗皺 #減少皺紋 #額頭紋 #眉心紋 #嘴嚼肌


想搵番隻專業嘅防曬面霜,但係唔想搽完後好 ”油笠笠” 咁樣,有乜好介紹先? 咁有無試過美國專業醫美護膚品牌 ZO Skin Health 嘅水盈透薄防曬霜 SPF50呢~?佢嘅不油膩配方,蘊含多種抗曬成分,全方位抵禦UVA、UVB紫外線,以及 HEV藍光;專利ZOX12™ 抗氧化成份,有助提供長達12小時嘅抗氧化保護俾你啲皮膚,幫你預防由陽光引致嘅皮膚老化問題!而且佢有80分鐘防水防汗功能,防曬同時又能夠保濕滋潤,啱晒啲想搽防曬又怕 ”油笠笠” 嘅你!


Are you looking for a professional sunscreen however without the greasy feel after putting it on? Well, have you ever try the Daily Sheer Broad Spectrum SPF50 by US medical skin care brand, ZO Skin Health? Their non-greasy formula contains a variety of ingredients, which provides a broad-spectrum protection against UVA + UVB rays and HEV light. The patented ZOX12™ antioxidant ingredient aids to provide up to 12 hours of antioxidant protection to prevent skin-aging problems caused by the sunlight. Moreover, it has an up-to-80-minutes water and perspiration resistant, which protects you from the sun whilst moisturizes your skin, these great benefits made this an ideal sunscreen for those who try to stay away from those unpleasant greasy ones out there in the market!

So, did you have this wonderful Daily Sheer Broad Spectrum SPF50 yet~? If not, come and visit our website and shop for one now~!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #醫美護膚 #防曬 #抗紫外線 #保濕滋潤 #皮膚老化 #保護皮膚 #水盈透薄防曬霜 #抗衰老 #防曬產品


諗住操靚個身型去迎接泳季順便 show 吓肌,胸腹二頭肌都有齊,硬係嗰一”註”仔體毛就搞到自己成個 total look “煞”晒風景,咁就真係有啲嘥晒啲功夫喇! 唔緊要,而家即刻嚟做番個男士醫學激光脫毛療程啦!


唔駛猶豫啦!而家就嚟同我哋 book 番個男士醫學激光脫毛療程,親身咁體驗一吓啦~!

Hey guys! We understand that you’ve spent weeks to work on your abs and biceps in order to show off your ‘hard work’ during this summer, it’ll be a pity if it’s just that bit of unwanted body hair that ruins the whole look, isn’t it? No worries, we have a proposition for you! Come and try our men’s medical laser hair removal treatment now!

Thanks to the advanced laser technology, the treatment can effectively eliminate hair follicle cell tissue and prevents the unwanted body hair growth. It is comfortable, accurate and safe, which suits those guys who are conscious about their body and personal grooming!

No more hesitation needed! Get in touch with us now and book yourself a men’s medical laser hair removal treatment today~!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk

#醫美中心 #專業美容 #香港醫學美容 #美容 #脫毛 #男士脫毛 #男士激光脫毛 #激光脫毛 #抗衰老 #皮膚護理 #男士美容 #乾淨 #香港激光脫毛


夏日炎炎,最啱就係去游吓水晒吓太陽先啦!弊!啲手毛腳毛咁”茂盛”,點算呢~? 唔緊要,嚟做番個醫學激光脫毛療程咪得囉! 療程舒適方便,而且低創性,多做幾次效果更佳!

想啲皮膚光滑啲,無憂”毛”慮咁去迎接夏日? 咁而家就嚟同我哋 book番個醫學激光脫毛療程先啦!

It’s official! Summer’s here, what’s better than heading out for a good swim and a comfortable sunbathing? Wait! Take a look with those body hair on the arm and leg! It’s just terrible! What shall we do now? No worries, what you simply need is our medical laser hair removal treatment! Not only it’s comfortable and convenient, it’s also mild invasive to bring back your smooth and health skin; try to keep up a couple of treatments to see a better result!

Wanna welcome the summer with your smooth and healthy skin? Then get in touch with us today for a medical laser hair removal treatment!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #專業美容 #香港醫學美容 #美容 #脫毛療程 #脫毛 #女士脫毛 #激光脫毛 #唔想做毛孩 #夏日 #暑假


而家夏天啲陽光咁猛烈,幾乎出一陣街都已經曬到成身黑晒咁返入屋,你話係咪搽少啲防曬都唔得呢~?好彩有美國皮膚醫美品牌 ZO Skin Health 嘅無瑕素肌防曬啫喱 SPF 50幫吓手!佢嘅ZOX12®獨家抗氧化複合物同植物幹細胞複合物,含豐富維他命 A、C 和 E,能夠提供長達 12 小時有效三重光譜保護® (抵禦 UVA + UVB紫外線、HEV藍光同紅外線 A 射線) ,無香料配方,具保濕、平滑膚色嘅效果,再加上佢嘅啫喱質地溫和舒適,男女啱用,今個夏天又點可以少得佢呢?


With such strong sunlight out there in the summer, it’s so easy to get tanned by just spending only a short moment outside, can you imagine how dark your skin will be without putting any sunscreen on? Thankfully, with the Gel Sunscreen Broad-Spectrum SPF 50 by US medical skincare brand, ZO Skin Health, its ZOX12® exclusive antioxidant complex and plant stem cell complex, which encapsulated in vitamins A, C and E, it aids to provide up to 12 hours of Triple- Spectrum Protection® (against UVA + UVB, HEV light and infrared A rays); The fragrance-free formula aids to maintain hydration, and the complexion-smoothing finish of the skin. In addition, with its gentle and comfortable gel texture, it’s suitable for both men and women; how could you go out without it during this summer?

Come and visit our online store to get yourself one before it’s too late~!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #專業美容 #香港醫學美容 #美容 #防曬 #皮膚護理 #抗曬護膚 #抗氧化 #三重光譜保護 #保濕 #平滑膚色 # complexionsmoothing


基本潔面除咗清潔同磨砂之外,其實仲有一個重要一環,就係爽膚喇!尤其係响呢個又熱又濕嘅夏天!保持皮膚乾爽清潔,咁先更有效等啲護膚精華容易啲吸收㗎嗎!所以洗完塊面之後,記住搽番啲爽膚液啦!美國專業醫美護膚品牌 ZO Skin Health 嘅鎮靜平衡爽膚液,含有多種有效爽膚、保濕同滋潤成分,能有效鎮靜肌膚,去除面部剩餘污垢,仲可收細毛孔! 同埋佢嘅冰涼作用,响呢個咁熱辣辣嘅夏天就啱晒你啦~!

而家就登入我哋嘅網址,去搜攞更多ZO Skin Health 嘅潔面爽膚產品啦!

Besides cleansing and scrubbing, there’s another crucial step for a basic facial cleaning routine, and that is toning! Especially during this hot and humid summer, by keeping your facial skin clean and smooth, it will facilitate the absorption of the nutrient from the skin care product more efficiently! Therefore, don’t forget to apply some toner whenever after washing your face! The Calming Toner by US medical skincare brand, ZO Skin Health, contains a variety of effective toning, moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, it soothes your facial skin whilst removes the remaining impurities on the face, and it aids to shrink pores too! With its comfortable cooling effect, how can you not have this in your facial cleansing routine during this summer?

Come and visit our website now, and discover more ZO Skin Health’s facial cleaning and toning products!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #醫美護膚 #防曬 #保護皮膚 #潔面 #爽膚 #保濕 #鎮靜肌膚 #夏天


暑假又就到喇!無論諗住出外遊埠亦或留港遊船河都好,最起碼都要執番好自己個樣同身型先啦!話晒都要著短袖衫褲同泳衣啵,係咪? 做番個 Liftera V 無針埋線療程,幫你即時拉提,激活膠原,結合咗HIFU同專利熱點擴散 (TDT) 技術,同你全面改善肌膚質素,做完面部再做埋身體,今個夏日仲唔實行搶晒鏡!?

Liftera V 功效:

 V面瘦面,全面輪廓提升;
 減淡皺紋;
 收緊雙下巴;
 收緊眼袋,提眉;
 塑形溶脂,解決 ”鬼鼠肉” - 背部,手臂位,腰部等。

而家就嚟同我哋 book 番個Liftera V 無針埋線療程啦~!

It’s about to count down for your summer vacation, yes? Whether you have decided to spend your holiday elsewhere, or staying in to do your junk trip here in town, it’s crucial to make sure that your both your facial and body is in the best shape first! Especially you are going to wear your beloved short-sleeved (or sleeveless) fashion and swimsuits a lot in the upcoming weeks! Therefore, it’s time to do a Liftera V thread embedding facial and body treatment, which aids to activate collagen regeneration, performs skin tissue lifting and tightening effect instantly. Combining HIFU and patented hot spot diffusion (TDT) technology, it helps to improve your skin quality comprehensively.

Key features of Liftera V:

 Facial contouring (V-shape face), all-round contour lifting;
 Reduces wrinkles and fine lines;
 Tightening the double chin;
 Reduces eye bags and eyebrows lifting;
 Body contouring, reduces fat cells and cellulite at the back, the arm area and the waist etc.

Get in touch with us today for our Liftera V thread embedding facial and body treatment now!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #塑身療程 #減皺 #女仕 #抗衰老 #去皺紋 #去面部細紋 #修身 #無針埋線 #塑形溶脂




After celebrating with your mom last month, it's your dad's turn now! While enjoying the wonderful family gathering on your Father’s Day, please don’t forget to pay attention to the health condition of your dad’s hair and skin!

We sincerely wish all the amazing dads in the world a wonderful and happy Father's Day~!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #專業美容 #香港醫學美容 #美容 #抗衰老 #皮膚護理 #父親節 #父親節禮物


準備外遊放暑假嘅你,除咗帶齊啲日常護膚品之外,有無準備埋啲防曬系列呢?話晒外出烈日當空,唔想曬傷皮膚同令色斑增多,防曬工夫絕對唔少得啦!美國專業醫美護膚品牌 ZO Skin Health 嘅礦物水感防曬乳SPF 50,質感輕盈兼無香料,能全面提供三重光譜保護® 抵禦UVA + UVB紫外線同HEV藍光;佢嘅獨家ZOX12® 抗氧化複合物,能有效抵禦 IR-A 射線長達 12 小時;同時具補水功能,夏天外遊就啱晒啦~!


For those of you who are getting prep for your summer getaway, besides packing up your daily skin care products, did you prepare any sunscreen items yet? Especially under the intense sunlight outside, the least you wish is to get sunburn or skin pigmentation, right? The new Sheer Fluid Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen SPF50 by ZO Skin Health, a professional US medical skin care brand, will definitely a great choice for you here! Its texture is light and fragrance-free, which provides a comprehensive Triple-Spectrum Protection® against UVA + UVB rays and HEV blue light; in addition, its exclusive ZOX12® antioxidant complex aids to defend against IR-A rays for up to 12 hours. With its hydrating function, which makes it one of the ideal sunscreen for your upcoming summer getaway!

So, what are you waiting for? Simply visit our website and get yourself one before it’s too late!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #醫美護膚 #防曬 #保護皮膚 #外遊 #放暑假 #紫外線 #抗氧化


唔經唔覺,下個禮拜就係端午節啦啵!加上仲係一個長週末假期添,食番個 ”五月粽” 之餘,會唔會趁機去個短程旅行呢?無論你係出外或留港都好, 我哋响度預祝大家有個愉快同和諧嘅端午佳節,端午節快樂呀~!(記住唔好食濟呀!)

Just before you know it, the Dragon Boat Festival is just around the corner! And gladly it is a long weekend holiday too! Are you all excited to take this opportunity to go for a short vacation while enjoying your “Rice Dumplings"? Whether you are traveling abroad or staying in town, we sincerely wish you all a joyous and harmonious Dragon Boat Festival and a long weekend holiday! (And don’t over-eat, ok?)

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #專業美容 #香港醫學美容 #美容 #抗衰老 #皮膚護理 #年輕肌膚 #端午節


睇到塊面呢排多咗啲色班,連啲皮膚都暗啞埋!真係有啲唔開心添…咁點搞好呢? 咦~,似乎做番個 CO2 Laser二氧化碳激光亮肌療程會好啲啵~!佢集齊祛斑,疣 痣,凹凸孔同眼紋於一身,連暗瘡印都搞得掂!

皮膚光滑番晒,咁呢個夏日你仲唔靚到發光發亮? 唔駛心郁郁,即刻就嚟同我哋 book 番個CO2 Laser二氧化碳激光亮肌療程啦~!

Gosh…, seeing those unpleasant pigments on the face lately, it makes the overall skin looks even dull than before! Pretty upsetting, isn’t it? Well~, don’t be frustrated yet, come and try our professional CO2 Laser resurfacing treatment! It aids to remove freckles, warts and moles, improves uneven skin such as bumps, and eye lines, it also aids to remove acne scars!

With the skin becomes smoother and translucent after the treatment, your beauty is going to shine even brighter throughout this summer, don’t you think? What are you waiting for? Get in touch with us and book yourself a CO2 Laser resurfacing treatment now~!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #專業美容 #香港醫學美容 #美容 #二氧化碳激光亮肌 #祛斑 #祛疣 #祛痣 #凹凸孔 #眼紋 #暗瘡印 #皮膚光滑 #夏天 #發光發亮


維他命C 對面部皮膚嘅好處你又知道幾多呢~?又或者俾個少貼士大家呢~!响呢個春夏交接期,再加埋空氣中嘅污染物,其實好容易令毛孔堵塞,甚至助長黑頭、粉刺同暗瘡嘅形成,單靠一般潔面其實唔係好足夠,要配合埋定期做番個磨砂潔面先夠徹底!咁你就要試吓美國皮膚醫美品牌 ZO Skin Health 嘅維他命C抗氧磨砂喇!佢嘅微細鎂粒子,同蘊含維他命A、C、E成分,幫你去除面部皮膚嘅多餘角質同死皮外,更為皮膚提供抗氧化保護!每星期做兩至三次,有助改善毛孔粗大,皮膚粗糙,控制油脂分泌,同埋預防暗瘡嘅功效添!

而家就登入去我哋個網店,選購你嘅心水 ZO Skin Health 潔面護膚組合啦~!

How much do you know about the benefit of vitamin C for our facial skin? Let us give you a little hint here~! Consider the seasonal transition period between spring and summer like now, adding the irritated pollutants in the air, it is relatively easy to cause clog pores as well as the formation of blackheads, pimples and acne. Solely rely on general facial cleansing is not enough, it is essential to include facial exfoliating in your cleansing routine to get a better result! That’s why you should try the Exfoliating Polish by US medical skin care brand, ZO Skin Health, thanks to their ultra-fine magnesium oxide crystals, and their stable vitamins A, C, and E, which aids to remove dead skin cells and other debris, whilst providing antioxidant protection to your facial skin! Use it two to three times a week can aids to improve enlarged pores, rough skin, as well as controlling oil secretion, and prevent acne development!

Come and visit our online store today, and shop for your favorite ZO Skin Health cleansing combination now!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #專業美容 #香港醫學美容 #美容 #磨砂 #抗氧化 #去除多餘角質 #死皮 #控油 #預防暗瘡 #黑頭 #粉刺 #毛孔堵塞


呀~,講開 ”逆齡美肌” 同埋” 減淡黑眼圈” ,其實做好眼部抗衰老嘅功夫都係不容忽視㗎啵!因為最易出賣年齡嘅部位就係我哋嘅眼部;想有效咁解決眼紋,眼袋浮腫嘅問題? 咁你就要試吓美國醫美護膚品牌 ZO Skin Health 嘅生長因子眼部修復精華喇! 佢嘅獨特配方含生長因子成份同 ZPRO®技術,能有助重組膠原蛋白,有效咁幫你改善眼部細紋皺紋,同時提供保濕功能,令眼部肌膚回復彈性!再加埋佢嘅獨家冰感筆頭設計,用起嚟方便舒服之餘,仲有助加速眼部微循環,舒緩眼部疲勞添!


Since we were talking about “anti-aging” and “reduce dark circles” here, as the matter of fact, the anti-aging work for our eyes is as important as the rest of our anti-aging skincare routine! Especially it’s because our eye is one of the easiest part of our body that reveals our true age; if you are looking for an effective way to trouble-shoot your eye lines, wrinkles and puffy eye issues? Then it's time to try the Growth Factor Eye Serum by the US medical skincare brand, ZO Skin Health! Its unique formula contains the Growth Factor ZPRO® technology and Neuropeptide, which aids to restructure the collagen, in turn improving the fine lines and wrinkles situation around your eyes, whilst replenishes hydration and restore the elasticity of your skin around the eye! With its unique cooling applicator design, not only makes it user-friendly and comfortable to use, it also aids to improve eye microcirculation and relieve your eye fatigue!

Such an innovative and well-rounded eye serum, how can you do without it in your anti-aging skin care routine? Now quickly visit our website and get yourself one before it’s too late~!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #醫美護膚 #生長因子眼部修復精華 #眼部抗衰老 #抗衰老 #眼紋 #眼袋浮腫 #眼部皺紋 #保濕 #加速眼部微循環 #舒緩眼部疲勞


最近有無發覺個前額同淚溝位好似 凹凹 哋咁,睇落好似好無精神嘅黑面神咁呢?响呢個時候,可以考慮吓 Derma Veil 童顏針劑療程啵!出名有效逆齡美肌,佢哋獨特嘅“3R 微分子膠原技術”,同經改良嘅PLLA成分,有助激活大量膠原增生,從而填補面部皮膚較薄嘅 凹 陷部位同皺紋,甚至有助減淡黑眼圈,等你塊面自然豐滿啲,亮白又潤澤啲,成個人都睇落後生咗同精神咗啲添!

想了解多啲Derma Veil 童顏針劑療程有幾啱自己?而家就嚟同我哋傾吓啦~!

Did you notice that the sunken situation on your forehead and the tear troughs area lately? Doesn’t it look awful like someone is lacked of spirit? Well, in that case, you may consider to have a Derma Veil injection treatment! Famous for their professional anti-aging effect, their unique "3R micro-molecule collagen technology" and the improved PLLA ingredient aids to activate the collagen regeneration effectively, in turn it aids to fill the sunken area of your face, especially the thinner facial skin area such as the forehead and ‘tear sulcus’ area, it even aids to reduce fine wrinkles and dark eye circles too! As the result, it makes your face looks naturally plumped and brighter, making you look even more energized, youthful and refreshed!

Get in touch with us now to discover more about how the Derma Veil injection treatment works, and how suitable will it be for you!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #專業美容 #香港醫學美容 #美容 #抗衰老 #皮膚護理 #年輕肌膚 #補充膠原蛋白 #前額 #淚溝 #皺紋 #黑眼圈 微分子膠原技術 #童顏


“See my skin, lift my way.”

想感受一吓 Ultherapy®️ 無創緊緻拉提嘅魅力? 不如睇睇靚仔人氣韓星李敏鎬呢段短片啦~!



“See my skin, lift my way.”

Crave to experience the charm of Ultherapy®️ non-invasive firming and lifting? Why not take a look with this short clip featured the handsome and popular Korean pop star, Lee Min Ho!

Ultherapy®️ is FDA-approved, it’s safe and effective to tighten the skin, suitable for both men and women; no surgery nor downtime is required, and the effect is natural.

To find out more about this treatment, simply click the link below or get in touch with us now!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #提升緊緻 #重塑拉提 #下臉部 #頸 #上胸 #膠原蛋白 #李敏鎬


就嚟母親節啦啵!唔知大家今年點同媽咪慶祝呢~? 話晒佢咁用心去照顧你哋同屋企,襯呢個節日不如就好好咁答謝吓佢啦!譬如送個專業抗衰老美容療程俾佢呢~,由抗皺拉提,激光去斑,至到消脂美肌修身,微創植髮,我哋都一一照顧周到,必定有一款啱晒你媽咪㗎~!


Mother's Day is just around the corner! How would you like to celebrate with your mom this year~? Since she’s been working so hard to look after the family, let’s do something special to show your appreciation over her love and devotion! For example, pamper her with a professional anti-aging beauty treatment, from wrinkle smoothing, skin lifting, laser pigmentation removal, to body contouring and even non-invasive hair transplant treatment, we take pride of our professional treatment and ability to look after each of them under one roof, there must be one treatment that will be great for your mom, making her look even more youthful and beautiful!

Anyway, we wish all beautiful moms out there, always look youthful and cheerful, happy Mother's Day~!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #專業美容 #香港醫學美容 #美容 #抗衰老 #皮膚護理 #年輕肌膚 #母親節 #母親節禮物 #錫晒媽咪


講到修身迎游季,又點可以少得另一皇牌專業療程 Venus Legacy 呢? 採用專利嘅(MP)² 磁頻技術同創新VariPulse™ 脈衝式機械震動技術,有效咁提高射頻能量分解脂肪嘅效果,促進血液循環,改善浮腫,達到理想嘅排毒效果,功效包括:

 改善鬆弛, 消脂,身體雕型;
 減少皺紋,收緊皮膚;
 改善炎症,水腫及瘀傷;
 舒緩輕微肌肉疼痛.

佢哋嘅専利技術均受美國 FDA及歐盟 CE等認可㗎!

趁住就嚟母親節,錫吓媽咪同自己,一齊嚟修身去腫迎夏日! 今日就嚟同我哋 book 番個 Venus Legacy 療程啦!


Speaking of body slimming to welcome the swimming season, how can we not talk about another sought-after professional treatment – Venus Legacy? Thanks to their patented (MP)² Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields technology, and the innovative VariPulse™ Mechanical Vibration technology, which improves the radio frequency energy to break down body fat and cellulite efficiently, it also aids to improve local blood circulation, as the result to relief the body edema and detoxification. Major functions included:

 improves skin sagginess, body contouring and cellulite reduction;
 wrinkles reduction and skin tightening;
 reduces inflammation, edema and bruising;
 relief of minor muscle aches and pain.

Their innovative technology has also been recognised by FDA USA and CE European Union etc.

Take advantage of the upcoming Mother’s day, let’s get pampered for your beloved mom and yourself, get in touch with us now and book yourself a comfortable Venus Legacy treatment! To welcome the hot summer day with a perfect and healthy hot body!

(P.S. in order to achieve the best result, it will be much better to do the treatment a couple of times, as well as complementing with a healthy diet and regular exercise!)

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢: (852) 2526 6238
WhatsApp: (852) 9149 1611
Facebook: SkinWorks醫美皮膚中心
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
#醫美中心 #塑身療程 #修身 #減脂 #去水腫 #塑身 #收緊皮膚 #減皺 #夏日 #母親節

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SkinWorks 醫美皮膚中心


堅持從專業醫學角度提供有效而優質的個人化療程,還希望透過專業、細心,優質的服務態度,提升客人對頭髮及 皮膚的知識。

查詢及預約 2526 6238

(中環站 J3出口,金鐘站B出口)

Videos (show all)

既然講開 Thermage FLX 緊膚塑身嘅好處,咁唔爭在梗係做埋塊面啦! 採用咗新一代4.0探頭,同埋佢嘅突破性AccuREP™技術,令熱能3D環迴立體咁直達深層皮膚,刺激更多膠原蛋白增生,幫助收緊鬆弛嘅面部皮膚,同時改善皺紋問題,咁成...
一到咗泳季,換上泳裝後,啲鬆弛到唔想見人嘅皮膚,上至手臂肚腩,下至大脾 Pat Pat,全部都無所遁形添!咁點算呢?咁不如做番個 Thermage FLX 嘅射頻緊膚塑身療程啦!突破性AccuREP™技術,採用新一代4.0探頭,能夠刺激更多...
咦~,有無發覺呢排照吓塊鏡見到啲額頭紋,”魚尾紋” 好似多咗同深咗啲呢? 跟住再睇落少少,啲嘴嚼肌好似 ”發咗福” 咁,真係好似啲老態突然間走晒出嚟咁!呢個時候,做番個 Botox 除皺瘦面療程就啱晒你喇! 榮獲美國FDA認證,同時擁有國際...
想搵番隻專業嘅防曬面霜,但係唔想搽完後好 ”油笠笠” 咁樣,有乜好介紹先? 咁有無試過美國專業醫美護膚品牌 ZO Skin Health 嘅水盈透薄防曬霜 SPF50呢~?佢嘅不油膩配方,蘊含多種抗曬成分,全方位抵禦UVA、UVB紫外線,以...
諗住操靚個身型去迎接泳季順便 show 吓肌,胸腹二頭肌都有齊,硬係嗰一”註”仔體毛就搞到自己成個 total look “煞”晒風景,咁就真係有啲嘥晒啲功夫喇!  唔緊要,而家即刻嚟做番個男士醫學激光脫毛療程啦!利用嶄新激光技術,能夠有效...
夏日炎炎,最啱就係去游吓水晒吓太陽先啦!弊!啲手毛腳毛咁”茂盛”,點算呢~?  唔緊要,嚟做番個醫學激光脫毛療程咪得囉! 療程舒適方便,而且低創性,多做幾次效果更佳!
而家夏天啲陽光咁猛烈,幾乎出一陣街都已經曬到成身黑晒咁返入屋,你話係咪搽少啲防曬都唔得呢~?好彩有美國皮膚醫美品牌 ZO Skin Health 嘅無瑕素肌防曬啫喱 SPF 50幫吓手!佢嘅ZOX12®獨家抗氧化複合物同植物幹細胞複合物,含...
基本潔面除咗清潔同磨砂之外,其實仲有一個重要一環,就係爽膚喇!尤其係响呢個又熱又濕嘅夏天!保持皮膚乾爽清潔,咁先更有效等啲護膚精華容易啲吸收㗎嗎!所以洗完塊面之後,記住搽番啲爽膚液啦!美國專業醫美護膚品牌 ZO Skin Health 嘅鎮...
暑假又就到喇!無論諗住出外遊埠亦或留港遊船河都好,最起碼都要執番好自己個樣同身型先啦!話晒都要著短袖衫褲同泳衣啵,係咪? 做番個 Liftera V 無針埋線療程,幫你即時拉提,激活膠原,結合咗HIFU同專利熱點擴散 (TDT) 技術,同你...
上個月同媽咪慶祝完,今個月終於輪到爹哋啦~!响享受父親節天倫之樂嘅同時,記住都留意一下爹哋嘅頭髮同皮膚健康啵~!响度預祝天下各位爹哋們,父親節快樂呀~!After celebrating with your mom last month, ...
準備外遊放暑假嘅你,除咗帶齊啲日常護膚品之外,有無準備埋啲防曬系列呢?話晒外出烈日當空,唔想曬傷皮膚同令色斑增多,防曬工夫絕對唔少得啦!美國專業醫美護膚品牌 ZO Skin Health 嘅礦物水感防曬乳SPF 50,質感輕盈兼無香料,能全...
唔經唔覺,下個禮拜就係端午節啦啵!加上仲係一個長週末假期添,食番個 ”五月粽” 之餘,會唔會趁機去個短程旅行呢?無論你係出外或留港都好, 我哋响度預祝大家有個愉快同和諧嘅端午佳節,端午節快樂呀~!(記住唔好食濟呀!)Just before ...



香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室 (中環站 L出口,金鐘站B出口)
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 18:00

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分店資料: 📍中環威靈頓街39號六基大廈13樓1302室 📍尖沙咀K11 Musea 2樓213B號舖 📍銅鑼灣渣甸街23號兆基商業中心27樓(暫時關閉,預計2024年5月下旬重開)