AGS - Advanced Genomic Solutions

AGS is the first Personalized Genomic Laboratory in Central, Hong Kong offering Pharmacogenomics and AGS will brand, market, and analyze cheek swab DNA samples.

Advanced Genomic Solutions (AGS) Limited was established to develop and operate a state-of-the art genomics-testing laboratory in Hong Kong. AGS will use the latest technology to empower customers and physicians to make more informed health choices, improve their lives, and save medical expenses. The Human Genome Project (HGP) was one of the great feats of exploration in medical history. Completed

Timeline photos 01/11/2019

🥗Nutrition and diet are not “One-Size-Fits-All”.

👩🏻‍🔬Even we metabolize nutrients differently, we can still find a diet that suits ourselves because...

🧬The answer lies in our genes!

💪🏼Depending on how well our body metabolize carbohydrates, fats and protein, we can then adjust our diets that match how our body needs. We call them: Match Your Meal to Your Wheel.

🔎How does your wheel look like? Find out the answer by taking our Health and Wellness genetic test today.


👩🏻‍🔬雖然我們對不同食物營養素有着不同的敏感度,不過要找出適合自己的飲食方式卻非難事 , 因為...


💪🏼透過掌握我們身體代謝碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白質的能力,我們可以調整飲食以配合我們的身體需要。 我們稱它為:將您的餐食與您的飲食環相配。


#健康 #健康生活 #基因檢測 #基因检测 #基因健康 #預防醫學 #健康飲食 #健康飲食計劃 #健康減肥 #減肥 #基因減肥法 #基因

Timeline photos 29/10/2019

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Do you know your risk of stroke increases if your family carries a history of stroke?

💪🏼Luckily, stroke is preventable. In fact, a lot of stroke incidents could be prevented by better awareness and action.

🧬Let’s spread awareness today by understanding our genetic information and health risks on .

🔎Find out what your genes say about your health risk and learn ways to lower and prevent stroke risk at .



🧬讓我們透過今天 #世界中風日 掌握個人基因訊息,學習更了解自己的健康風險。

🔎立即到 了解更多有關健康基因檢測詳情,學習如何降低和預防中風風險。

#健康 #健康生活 #基因檢測 #基因健康 #預防醫學 #體重管理 #健康飲食 #健康 #健康減肥 #減肥 #預防中風 #預防三高 #健康資訊 #世界中風關注日

Timeline photos 24/10/2019

👫Little do we know, our genes can explain the reason we react differently to exercise regimens and essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

🧬While we cannot change our genetic makeup, we can always take active steps to reduce the risk of certain diseases and to optimize our health.

💪🏼Our Health and Wellness genetic test focus on modifiable lifestyle factors such as healthy diet, exercise regimen and appropriate supplement intake.

❤️Make today the beginning of your new adventure by joining us at .




❤️立即到 了解更多有關檢測資訊,讓今天成為您的新開始!

#健康 #健康生活 #基因檢測 #基因检测 #基因健康 #預防醫學 #醫學 #健康飲食 #健康 #健康減肥 #減肥 #體重控制 #體重管理

Timeline photos 18/10/2019

🧬NQO1,SOD2,CAT 與 GPX1 基因主要幫助調節體內抗氧化物,他們在排除以及催化自由基中擔當重要角色。



我們會助您掌握您先天製造抗氧化物的能力 , 讓您掌握提升抗氧化能力的方法以及適合選購那些肌膚保養產品保持肌膚健康,延緩肌膚衰老 。

ℹ️立即聯絡我們查詢有關資訊或到AGS網站 www.ags-health.com了解更多關於AGS肌膚基因檢測!

🧬NQO1, SOD 2, CAT and GPX1 are genes that regulate antioxidants in body. They play a huge role in clearing and keeping free radicals in check.

👩🏻‍🔬Some of us are born to be weaker at antioxidant defensing and we may need additional antioxidants in diet to work against free radicals such as UV lights and toxins in the environment.

🔎Have you ever wondered your ability to produce antioxidants? AGS can provide you the answer based on your genetics.

With the results, you will have a better understanding on how your body uses Vitamins and antioxidants and which type of skincare products suits you better.

ℹ️Contact us for more details today or visit to find out more about our AGS SkinHealth Genetic Test!

#健康生活 #基因檢測 #修復肌膚 #年輕肌膚 #改善肌膚 #肌膚檢測 #香港 #肌膚修復 #肌膚護理 #油性肌膚 #抗老化 #基因 #肌膚保養

Timeline photos 10/10/2019

AGS DNA Testing is:
🧬Accurate: AGS reports have been validated to be 99.9% accurate. We run an individuals’ specimen twice and results are compared before any conclusions drawn.
📌Goal Oriented: AGS Premium Health & Wellness Genetic Test reports 60 SNPs. We hand selected genes that have been identified as being the most relevant to overall wellbeing.
🔒Secure: Your privacy is our number one priority. We pledge to uphold the highest standards of bioethics and maintain rigorous policies and procedures to keep your data safe and secure.
To learn more, visit us online at or give us a call at +852 2618 2567!
🧬準確度高:AGS會進行兩次化驗分析,並將檢測報告送往美國,於CLIA 認証化驗所覆檢。其他沒有安排第三方覆檢的公司,報告的準確性當然不及我們AGS。
想了解更多有關資訊,可以到我們網站www.ags-health.com或致電+852 2618 2567向我們查詢!
🔎Advanced Genomic Solutions (AGS) Limited .hk
📍16/F Chuang’s Tower, 30-32 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
#健康生活 #基因檢測 #基因減肥 #健康減肥 #健康増進 #健康人生 #香港 #肥胖基因 #飲食方案 #飲食計劃 #體重管理 #基因 #優化生活

Timeline photos 04/10/2019




🈹 或致電查詢+852 2618 2567 登記體驗健康基因解碼檢測,了解更多個人基因特性。

🧬You should not be surprised how people slim down following a DNA diet since our DNA reveals a lot about ourselves!

🤭Our body indeed, responds differently to stimulants like food and exercise. While certain diet works for someone, it might or might not work for you.

㊙️Discovering your genetic information can empower you to work on lifestyle changes which in turn helps with achieving your health goals.

🈹Find out more here at or go ahead and make a booking with us by calling +852 2618 2567.

#健康 #健康生活 #基因檢測 #基因检测 #基因健康 #預防醫學 #身體檢測 #健康飲食 #健康早餐 #健康減肥 #減肥 #基因減肥法 #基因減肥

Timeline photos 30/09/2019

☕️ 你對自己嘅咖啡基因了解嗎?

🧬 鹼基列序決定您CYP1A2基因所屬嘅基因型,而唔同基因型同時會影響指示身體控制咖啡因代謝率。

㊙️ 一般擁有AA基因型嘅人需要較一般人少時間代謝咖啡因,而擁有CC基因型嘅人代謝率咖啡因則相對比較慢(AC屬中等,比AA基因型的人慢但CC基因型的快)。

🔎 究竟自己代謝咖啡因能力如何?立即向AGS查詢有關健康基因解碼檢測,了解更多自己咖啡基因類型啦!

🈹 星期五前登記仲可以享有減HKD 500優惠!

☕️Do you know your coffee gene?

🧬Different genotypes of CYP1A2 gene can result variations in caffeine metabolism.

㊙️To make it simple, having an AA genotype makes you a fast caffeine metabolizer whereas a CC genotype makes you a slower caffeine metaboliser (AC genotype being in between, slower than AA but faster than CC).

🔎Find out the answer to whether you are a “slow” or “fast” metabolizer with AGS Health and Wellness Genetic Test today. Clink link in bio to learn more.

🈹 Enjoy seasonal HKD 500 off discount for all tests when you join us this week before Friday!

#健康 #健康生活 #基因檢測 #基因检测 #基因健康 #預防醫學 #身體檢測 #健康飲食 #健康早餐 #早餐 #咖啡 #咖啡因 #咖啡控

Timeline photos 18/09/2019

立即click入我地網頁查詢有關肌膚基因解碼檢測嘅詳情啦!(Link in bio)
由即日起至2019年10月17日前登記做肌膚基因解碼檢測仲可以享有減 HKD 500 呢個優惠!
快D tag埋朋友一齊上嚟了解保持健康肌膚嘅方法!👯‍♂️👯‍♀️
Mid Autumn Festival marks the changing of season. It is also a setup for skin disasters like dry and itchy skin. Boys and girls, it is about time to revisit and switch up your skincare routine! 🧴
Our new SkinHealth Genetic Test can provide you information with selecting your right type of skincare products and treatments based on the genetics of your skin. 🧬
Click the link in our bio for more information about the SkinHealth Genetic Test and don’t miss out our latest offer! Customers can enjoy HKD 500 off within our promotion period.
Tag your friends now to let your healthy skin journey begin! 👯‍♂️👯‍♀️

#基因檢測 #基因检测 #預防醫學 #全新體驗 #皮膚基因 #皮膚基因檢測 #優惠 #秋季優惠 #香港 #皮膚健康 #皮膚保養產品

Timeline photos 12/09/2019

立即click入我地嘅info box了解更多有關自己嘅”嗜甜基因”同有關資訊啦!🦷🧬
Mid Autumn Festival is approaching, have your mooncakes ready for this big family reunion celebration! 🌝
Speaking about mooncakes, have you noticed yourself being irresistible to this pastry? 🥮
Some population has a stronger sugar cravings and they need more sugar to be satisfied. 😋🤭
Want to know if you are one of them and learn ways to better control your sugar intake? 💪🏼
Click on the link in our bio to know more about what your genetic says about your “sweet tooth gene”! 🦷🧬

#基因檢測 #預防醫學 #身體檢測 #健康飲食 #健康生活 #個人化飲食規劃 #優化健康計劃 #個人化體驗 #嗜甜 #全新體驗 #中秋節快樂 #月餅

Athletes: Born or Made? 14/11/2018

Athletes: Born or Made?

Athletes: Born or Made? Is it genes inherited from parents, work ethic and dedication, or amount of practice? The trouble is, this question is so hard to answer ...

5 Tips to Help Achieve Your Health Goals 14/11/2018

5 Tips to Help Achieve Your Health Goals

5 Tips to Help Achieve Your Health Goals 5 Tips to help achieve your health goals. If you want to succeed, it's a good idea to set some smaller goals to reach your main one. Goal setting can be sometimes challenging, so here are 5 tips to help get you started!

Whose DNA Do I Have? Why Does Genetics Matter? 04/11/2018

Whose DNA Do I Have? Why Does Genetics Matter?

Whose DNA Do I Have? Why Does Genetics Matter? Most people know that we inherit 1/2 of our genetic makeup from our mothers and 1/2 from our fathers. We are just as related to our brothers and sisters as we are to our parents. Genetics.

Make Your Home A Gym With These 6 Exercises 02/11/2018

Make Your Home A Gym With These 6 Exercises

Make Your Home A Gym With These 6 Exercises When in a pinch for time, make your home a gym by utilizing these 6 simple exercises that will give you a full body workout AND get your heart rate up.

Timeline photos 16/09/2018

With an AGS Genetic Test, discover the best exercise ratio (power vs. endurance) that is right for you. Knowing your genetic makeup can help you achieve personal fitness and health goals. A simple cheek swab can change your life.

Timeline photos 11/09/2018

recently visited us in our office. Check out her video on her profile!

Here's what she had to say:

"Recently I was invited by .hk to learn a little more about what they do! helps individuals their based on their 📷🏼📷️📷. They have an in-house state-of-the-art lab and delivers your with great care and attention. We can use this information to make more informed decisions about our . This includes what and diet is better for you and how you absorb nutrients, amongst others in their thorough list. Lastly, the integrity of the AGS brand is something I love; they don’t sell your private data and don’t claim ownership, it’s all yours. I got to meet their amazing Founder on his last trip to learn a little bit more about what they are about and I can’t wait to keep sharing. So far, I’ve lost 5kgs since taking on board their advice based on my . I should be eating 65% carbs!! And I always thought diet was for me. It’s the complete opposite. Want to learn more about your DNA and how to empower yourself to make informed decisions about your body and lifestyle? Message me for a extra special package here!!

Timeline photos 08/09/2018

Mooncake season is upon us. Do you have sweet tooth? Our DNA Test can give an answer to that question!

It looks in depth at the SLC2A2 gene which determines if you love sweets. Knowledge can help with portion control and limit the amount of sugar intake.


Timeline photos 04/09/2018

Check out our friend Tina Chow📷😊 to find out the details of how her AGS Health & Wellness test changed how she meal preps, and her new perspective on food and exercise. 👆🏻

Timeline photos 03/09/2018

Vitamin D deficient? One billion people worldwide are!
Main symptoms:
1. Pain or weak bones and muscles
2. Depression
3. Bad complexion
4. Fatigue
5. Weak immunity
Your genetics affects your vitamin D levels. If you have a predisposition to be vitamin D deficient, sunshine and vitamin-rich foods alone won't solve the problem. AGS Health & Wellness Genetic Test can help you gain insight.

Nature vs. Nurture: A Matter of Personal Taste 30/08/2018

Nature vs. Nurture: A Matter of Personal Taste

Nature vs. Nurture: A Matter of Personal Taste The question over Nature vs Nature, and the variable of choices you make with the genes you have.

Timeline photos 30/08/2018

How much protein should you have in your everyday diet? Knowing how much of each macronutrient your body needs each day is one of the first steps to achieving optimal health. Find out how much protein, carbs, and fat you should consume each day with a Health and Wellness or NutraFit test from AGS!


當你清楚了解你身體每天需要的蛋白質,碳水化合物和脂肪需要分量,就是邁向健康的第一步 。

你可以透過我們的基因測試Health and Wellness 或NutraFit去了解你每日需要的營養素分量 。

如果你想購買我們的基因測試,請聯繫 [email protected]


With the World Cup 2018⚽ now very much under way, let’s see if your genes can change your game!

Renowned athletes not only excel in their fields but also have more to offer! Did you know that some are”genetically” gifted💪
🏊‍♂️Michael Phelps has virtual flippers :
His size-14 feet reportedly bend 15 degrees farther at the ankle than most other swimmers, turning his feet into virtual flippers. This flexibility also extends to his knees and elbows, possibly allowing him to get more out of each stroke❗

🤸‍♂️Donald Thomas beat Stefan Holm (2004 Olympic gold medalist) by learning High jump in 8 months:
Olympic gold medalist Stefan Holm had trained for 20 years; his competitor, Donald Thomas (won the gold at the 2007 world championships) took up the sport just eight months before the games❗

⛷️Eero Antero Mäntyranta’s EPOR mutation (gene that doubled his oxygen-carrying red blood cells) contributed to 40 second lead in 1964 Winter Olympics:
His EPOR mutation was considered “evidence” of a “sports gene”—a single genetic variant that has the ability to turn someone into a superior athlete. A mutation in this gene basically allowed Mäntyranta’s body to produce about 50 percent more oxygen-carrying red blood cells than a normal person❗

Unlock your human potential using AGS Health & Wellness Test, no more trial and error on your quest for peak performance.

Give us a call NOW ☎️ 2618 1869


【𝟙/𝟚 of ❤️ disease death are attributed to poor diet😮】PART Ⅱ
In PART Ⅰ we talked about what to eat MORE of for optimal heart health, this time let’s look at what to eat LESS to keep your ❤️ (and body!) in its best shape!

👉Eat LESS of:
⬇️Sodium🍕🥫: Also known as salt. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300 milligrams a day and an ideal limit of no more than 1,500 mg per day for most adults, especially for those with high blood pressure. With most of our added sodium found in restaurants and processed foods, it’s another reason to cook more at home so you know what and how much you’re eating.

⬇️Red and Processed Meats🥩🥓: it’s OK to have a hot dog, burger or bacon occasionally, especially with summer coming. BUT Limiting and not eliminating is the key word. Large amounts of saturated fats found in these foods raise cholesterol levels and put you at risk for heart disease. Replace red meat with ground, lean turkey, seafood, beans, or chicken. This way you still get the protein without the risks.

⬇️Sugary Drinks🥤: Sodas, juices and Frappuccinos can wreak havoc on your teeth, waistline and heart. A can of soda contains 39 grams of sugar, over the recommended daily intake of 37 grams for men. Limit your sweet drinks to 1 per week and drink more water for hydration - we don’t drink enough water in general to reap its countless benefits.

BOTTOM LINE: while your DNA may determine your eye color or height, the way in which you live your life is ultimately up to you and has a bigger impact on your overall well-being … especially your ❤️ health. AGS is here to educate and empower you with the tools to eat healthy and establish a healthy lifestyle. Together, you can work toward maintaining or obtaining your health.

Give us a call to learn more ☎️ 2618 1869


【𝟙/𝟚 of ❤️ disease death are attributed to poor diet😮】PART Ⅰ
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, almost 50% of deaths stem from cardiovascular disease are attributed to poor diet. The good news is that diets are modifiable.

The foods our nutritionists encourage our clients to eat based on their genetic make up are targeted for weight control, blood sugar stabilization, energy and heart health.

The following are guidelines on what you should eat more of to achieve optimal ❤️ health.

Eat MORE of:
🍞Whole Grains: Don’t avoid a food group and categorize carbohydrates as “bad,” because we need them for energy. The type of carb is what matters. Avoid the processed and refined white breads, rice and pastas.Consider brown rice, quinoa and alternative pastas such as wheat, spinach, veggie or rice.

🍉Fruits: Nature’s candy! Fruit boasts natural sugars along with nutrients such as fiber, potassium and vitamin C to name a few depending upon your selection and genetic make up. As a snack, it’s best to pair it with a little protein or fat to keep you satisfied.

🥕Vegetables: Before your scrunch your nose at the thought of a piece of 🥦, know you can do a lot today to punch up the flavors, textures and consumption of vegetables. Consider sautéing your veggies in extra virgin olive oil with sea salt & pepper or add them to a sauce or smoothie. Vegetables are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – all of which are good for your ❤️!

Eating seafood twice a week is beneficial for our heart – especially if the fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help decrease ❤️ disease. eg. salmon. tuna.

Learn more about what's the best diet based on your DNA : ☎️ 2618 1869



大家都知道,DNA 就像是印有每個人專屬特徵的「說明書」,檢測一個人的 DNA 能在一定程度上判斷一個人在特定生活環境下的身體狀況和疾病風險。但是基於 DNA 檢測來訂製飲食有效幫助減肥呢❓

意大利的University of Trieste研究發現,人人體質不同,根據基因來決定減肥餐單,比起不理食物類別、光在乎減少卡路里的節食法,有效得多,可助癡肥人士減磅多33%。


👉立即inbox或致電☎️:2618 1869 預約有關飲食與健康基因檢測測試,更準確了解你每日卡路里攝取!

DNA-linked wearable app takes the guesswork out of fitness and diet 30/05/2018

Our proprietary DNA-linked wearble app (we are the 1ѕт 🎉)provides real-time bioinformatics & creates a powerful tool to help you maximize your health & fitness goals.
Thank you South China Morning Post for the mention😀

Read on ⬇️below⬇️ to learn about this innovative app with unique on-the-go accessibility to guide you to achieve your health & fitness goals.

Learn more about AGS Health & Wellness Test : ☎️ 2618 1869

DNA-linked wearable app takes the guesswork out of fitness and diet Advanced Genomic Solutions app syncs with your smart band, reads your genetic profile and lets you program in your fitness goals, then recommends workouts and meals. Alas for our reviewer, it doesn’t come with a wine list

Born to be FAT? The genetics of obesity explained 27/05/2018

💪Let's fight against the global epidemic - Obesity.
Have you heard of the FAT (FTO) gene❓
Carriers of this FTO gene are known to be on average 6-7lb heavier as they have a higher level of "hunger hormones" - feel hungry again soon after they have finished a meal🍔

📢Good news - it's very easy to have your DNA tested to unlock the secrets of your genes.
All it takes is a cheekswab which is then tested at our in-house lab ➡️you just wait 7 days for the results (and explain by our health geneticist!)

Learn more : ☎️ 2618 1869
We are conveniently located on Connaught Road Central

Born to be FAT? The genetics of obesity explained WE ARE in the grip of an obesity epidemic. The latest figures show that two-thirds of the UK population is either overweight or obese, making Britain one of the fattest nations in Europe.

Photos from AGS - Advanced Genomic Solutions's post 22/05/2018

🤔Ever wondered why you often crave certain foods or have a problem losing that baby weight?

The ❓mystery could be unraveled by taking a peek into your genetic make-up.
😍Curious Supermodel-actress Ankie Beilke 貝安琪 came in today for her in-depth Health and Wellness Genetic Test consultation, delivered by our experienced dietitian. Oh and did i mention that you can also retrieve your report on our AGS app now?

What's so special about AGS Health & Wellness Test?
☑️Most Comprehensive Health & Wellness Genetic Test available on the market
☑️Offers insight into: General Health, Risk of Obesity, Food Choice, Exercise & Activity, Behavior & Motivation and Nutrients
☑️One test, one time, gives you a lifetime of understanding about your health

Learn more : ☎️ 2618 1869
We are conveniently located on Connaught Road Central

Advanced Genomic Solutions (AGS) Limited and Wor(l)d Global Network (WGN) Launch the First Smartphone App 15/05/2018

📢The long awaited Health & Wellness app is here😃 !
Our proprietary algorithm generates your DNA reports that populates the app with real-time informatics & creates a powerful tool to help you maximize your health & fitness goals.

✔️Nutrition and fitness choices are all personalized based on optimal % identified in your unique genes
✔️Tracks daily steps, sleep patterns, and calories burned
✔️Hundreds of exercise workouts
✔️Thousands of recipes geared towards your genetically identified macronutrient %
✔️Projected 3D body transformation images,how-to-videos, and more!

Click on link ⬇️below⬇️ to learn about this innovative app with unique on-the-go accessibility to guide youl to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Advanced Genomic Solutions (AGS) Limited and Wor(l)d Global Network (WGN) Launch the First Smartphone App Advanced Genomic Solutions (AGS) Limited launched the first-to-market smartphone app that integrates genetic testing results with wearable smart band technologies, the proprietary algorithm generates the clients DNA report that populates the app with real-time informatics and creates a powerful tool


【母親節想不到送什麼?送媽咪健康❤️ 】

AGS Health送給媽咪身心健康3招,學起來保證讓她從心笑出來~



😉其實從輕熟女階段就可以開始注重飲食及額外需補充的營養素,不一定要等到出現初老才開始注重,想知道自己及媽咪到底身體額外需補充 的營養素?AGS 都市健康DNA測試能助你從中得到屬於你的答案。

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Introducing the AGS Lite Health & Wellness Test!🎉...#genetics #health #DNA #AGS #genomics #fitness #diet #exercise #behe...
Your Unique Genetic Blueprint



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Unit 703-705, 7/F, Building 10W, No. 10 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin
Hong Kong

全港唯一榮獲FACT, CAP & AABB認證的國際級臍帶血實驗室,提供全面臍帶血及臍帶膜儲存服務。獲最多婦產科醫生推薦及連續15年全港最多父母選擇,深受父母肯定。

Auiset Biotechnology Co. Ltd. Auiset Biotechnology Co. Ltd.
Unit D, 10/F, Roxy Industrial Centre, Kwai Chung
Hong Kong, 852

Cytologics Cytologics
Hong Kong


Yr Air Doctor - HK Forest Biotech Yr Air Doctor - HK Forest Biotech
Hong Kong

生物科技機構有三間實驗室科研30多年多種純天然配方解決空氣環境問題包括細菌病毒異味甲醛🍀室內外油煙🐭驅老鼠🦆養殖業抗生素禽流感➕NPN認證改善呼吸系統🎖️權威認證針對流感鼻腺病毒。Biotech org +three labs with30+yrs R&D a variety of natural formulas to solve air+environm...

Hygisoft Hygisoft
Hong Kong

🔸芬蘭製造MADE IN FINLAND🇫🇮 🔸芬蘭國內醫護機構廣泛使用 🥇芬蘭♻️環保行動榮譽獎 🥇榮獲歐盟認證, ISO9001及ISO14001品質雙重保障高標準認證

CircleDNA CircleDNA
K11 Musea, 18 Salisbury Road
Hong Kong

Sajid saim Sajid saim
Hong Kong

Modern Genomic Services Modern Genomic Services
Unit 604-606, CEO Tower, 77 Wing Hong Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
Hong Kong


Oilpark.HK Oilpark.HK
Hong Kong, 519000

Esco Aster Jotbody - HK - Limited Esco Aster Jotbody - HK - Limited
Room 641, 6F, Building 17, No. 17 Science Park West Avenue, Pak Shek Kok, New Territories
Hong Kong

Jotbody is dedicated to providing researchers with Single Domain Antibody of out-standing quality for in vitro diagnosis and therapy.

Herbap Biotech Ltd. Herbap Biotech Ltd.
Kwai Chung
Hong Kong

A HKBU spin-off company