TRIGHT Interior Design

"TRIGHT 為您打造最適合您的設計”

Complete design and decoration operation process, and have design and engineering experience in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau. Undertake residential, various commercial designs, such as restaurants, shops, offices, etc. Providing one-stop service from design, color selection, material selection, delivery to installation.


Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 13/04/2023


Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 13/04/2023

[灝景灣 T9][單位分享]

Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 13/04/2023

[灝景灣 T3][單位分享]

Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 13/04/2023


Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 12/04/2023


Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 11/04/2023


Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 11/04/2023


Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 11/04/2023

[Campton 1B][案例分享]

Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 11/04/2023


Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 11/04/2023

[盈翠半島 T8][單位分享]

Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 06/03/2023

經過這次體驗 🖌️ 設計師有信心在現場為客戶做「多樂士臻彩」牆面漆 😼


[寶翠園 ‧ 追尋侘寂風的優雅美學][單位分享]
The wabi-sabi style originates from Japanese aesthetics, which advocates the pursuit of simplicity, nature and acceptance of imperfection in daily life. The apartment is designed in a semi wabi-sabi style with elegant elements that creates an atmosphere of serenity and sophistication. Natural decors and furniture, such as bamboo cabinet, rattan sliding doors, linen baskets and wood furniture, are chosen to complement the earth-tone color palettes and soft lighting. Meanwhile, the retro oak kitchen shelves and cabinets extrude a touch of vintage, creating not only an understated yet elegant style but also a retro vibe to make the apartment more poetic.

#半侘寂風 #優雅元素 #室內設計 #寶翠園

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Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 04/02/2023

│媒體報導 ‧ 《Modern Home》摩登家庭2月號│
感謝 Modern Home 摩登家庭 2023年2月號 (No.536) 分享我們位於青衣灝景灣的「桌遊迷部屋」。簡約北歐風格以明亮簡潔色調以主,搭配不同的木材元素、燈效和美型收納設計,讓客飯廳搖身一變桌遊咖啡廳,為戶主夫婦提供一個舒適寛敞的桌遊聚會好地方。

│𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 ‧ 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑│
Thanks 𝙈𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙣 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚 (No.536, February 2023) so much for sharing our recent project “A Dream Home of Board Game Lovers” in Villa Esplanada. Featuring simple Nordic style design, the apartment is dominated by bright and clean tones. Together with a mix-and-match of wood elements, lighting effect and hidden storage designs, the ambience of living room and dining room become a board game café, providing the homeowners with a cozy and spacious place for board game gatherings.

#摩登家庭 #室內設計 #家居改造


[公司團建活動 ‧ 「熊手製造」鐵匠打鐵體驗][媒體分享]
一月是新一年之始。TRIGHT 在疫情舒緩後,為團隊組織了團建活動作為好開始─「熊手製造」鐵匠打鐵體驗 🗡️。「熊手製造」位於台北,四周給美麗的鄉郊 🌳 環繞著。在「熊手製造」的專家帶領下,TRIGHT團隊不但從頭到尾完成了整個刀具設計 🔪 和打造過程 ⚒️🔥,而且學習到刀具製作的基礎知識並掌握了相關傳統技術。在「熊手製造」愉快渡過一天後,每個團隊成員都把自己創作的獨有刀具 🔪 帶回家。現在就讓以下的相片和視頻,分享我們在「熊手製造」打鐵體驗的樂趣!

Facebook: 熊手製造
電郵: [email protected]
January marks the beginning of a new year. As such, TRIGHT organized the first team building activity for team members to have a good start after the pandemic had been eased off—Blacksmith forging experience at Bear Arms 🔪🗡️⚔️. Bear Arms is located in Taipei surrounded by beautiful countryside 🌲🌳. The expert of Bear Arms guided the TRIGHT Team through the entire knife design 🔪 and forging process ⚒️🔥 from start to finish, allowing them to learn the fundamentals of knife-making as well as mastering the traditional techniques involved. After a wonderful day at Bear Arms, each team member took home their own uniquely crafted knives. Let’s share our forging fun at Bear Arms with the photos and videos below!

【𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗕𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗔𝗿𝗺𝘀】
The founder of Bear Arms is a knife maker, prop maker and an interior designer. He likes handmade products, so he started making various things by himself. As a comic lover, he liked to explore the possibility of imaginative animation stories in reality. He began to learn how to forge and make swords and props, attempting to turn the stories into real. If you are interested in Bear Arms’ handmade products, please feel free to contact Bear Arms:
Facebook: 熊手製造
Email: [email protected]

#熊手製造 #刀具設計 #道具設計 #室內設計


TRIGHT 祝各位人日生日快樂 🎉 大吉大利 🍊 出入平安 🏠🐱🐰

#室內設計 #家居裝修 #辦公室設計


[蘊含風水元素的輕奢華品味 ‧ 灝景灣3座][案例分享]
輕奢華風設計以現代簡約美為設計基礎,透過不同材質 🪵🪞 搭配華麗的細節,為單位締造出豐富層次感和視覺趣味 😎。屋主重視家居風水 ☯️🔮,設計師巧妙利用輕奢華設計做了一些風水處理,美觀之餘又能讓戶主住得安心順心 👍。
Structured on a modern and simple form, the interior design achieved a subtle luxury feature through mix-and-match with different materials 🪵🪞. The details offer layers and visual interests to the apartment 😎. As the homeowner believes in Feng Shui ☯️🔮, the designer cleverly incorporated some Feng Shui elements into the subtle luxurious design. Not only do these designs look elegant, they also help the homeowner promote wealth, health and harmony in the home 👍.

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Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 01/01/2023

[新制服上路 🪪 2023 新年快樂🎊]
每個三角形裡面各自放入 TRIGHT 三大核心的抽象藝術,迎接 2023 為大家推出新工作制服。“TRIGHT 室內設計量身為你做最適當的設計.”
Placing each three abstract arts that represent TRIGHT cores into each triangle. The new uniform will be launched in 2023. “TRIGHT Interior Design, where the design is done right for you”

#室內設計 #辦公室設計 #商業空間設計 #家居裝修


[桌遊迷部屋 ‧ 灝景灣 T9][案例分享]
以「桌遊」🎲♟️♜ 作為設計出發點,融合桌遊元素,成功為桌遊愛好者戶主夫婦創造出一個簡約北歐風 🇩🇰 🇸🇪 🇳🇴 🇫🇮 的「桌遊迷部屋」🏠。全屋以明亮簡潔色調以主,搭配不同的木材元素 🪵🪵 和柔和燈光效果 💡,讓客廳及飯廳搖身一變成如桌遊咖啡廳。再加上大量隠藏式收納位置,既讓戶主夫婦能整齊收納各式各樣桌遊之餘,也為他們提供一個舒適寛敞的桌遊聚會好地方。
Using “board games” 🎲♟️♜as the starting point, as well as integrating the elements of board games into the design, we successfully created a simple Nordic-style 🇩🇰 🇸🇪 🇳🇴 🇫🇮 dream home 🏠 for the homeowner couple who are super fans of board games. The apartment is dominated by bright and clean tones. Through mixing and matching different wood elements 🪵🪵 with lighting effects 💡, the ambience of living and dining rooms can be transformed into a cozy board game café. Together with a large number of hidden storages, not only does the apartment allow the homeowner couple to store their great variety of board games neatly, it also provides them with a comfortable and spacious place for board game gatherings.

#桌遊 #北歐風 #燈光設計 #室內設計


[舊式單位變身繽紛色彩家居 ‧ 金宇大樓][案例分享]
戶主希望將舊式單位改造成放鬆活潑的家居 🏡。原則廚房 🍲 及浴室 🚽 相連,空間不足之餘也會造成衛生隠患。設計師將單位重新佈局,把原有的浴室拆掉 👷🛠️ 並擴建成廚房一部分,令廚房空間大增,也減低了衛生問題。整個單位用上最少六種色彩。客飯廳選用鮮明的淺藍色 🔵 和黃色 🟡 作主色。主人房及書房則以型格黑 ⚫、藍 🔵 和米色硅藻土為主。天花板和部分壁面留白 ⚪,淺色木地板也增添了微妙的和諧感,營造恬靜的氛圍。
The homeowner wanted to change the old flat into a relaxed and vibrant home 🏡. Before renovation, the kitchen 🍲 was built just outside the bathroom 🚽. Such unfavourable layout would waste lots of space as well as causing hygiene problems. Our designer deliberately rearranged the layout by demolishing the original bathroom 👷🛠️ and transformed it as part of the kitchen, which greatly increased ⬆️⬆️ the kitchen space and minimised hygiene risks. At least six colours were used in the whole flat. Contrasting light blue 🔵 and yellow 🟡 were chosen to brighten up the living and dining room, while stylish black ⚫, blue 🔵 and beige diatomite were used in the master room and the study room to give a modern look. The ceiling and part of the walls remained white ⚪ to avoid making the rooms feel oppressive. The light wood flooring also added a delicate sense of harmony, creating a peaceful vibe.

#舊單位翻新 #室內設計 #辦公室設計 #商業空間設計 #家居裝修

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【品味家居.柯士甸擎天半島】以油畫出發 將藝術氣息散佈單位不同角落 25/11/2022

感謝阿思達克財經網財經視頻節目《品味家居》採訪我們在擎天半島的設計項目。我們的設計師 Tyrone受到戶主鍾愛的油畫 🖼️ 啟發,把油畫的意境融入是次設計專案中。他巧妙配搭油畫內的色調 🎨、圖案 🟣🔺🟩、弧形線條 ➰ 和大自然元素 ⛰️🌳🌼🍂,再加上貼心的智慧型收納、家居安全和功能上考量,成功打造出一個舒適實用、美觀兼具的現代家居。如想了解當中更多的設計細節,歡迎留言給我們,或瀏覽我們的網站。
Thank you AATV@AAStocks, our project in Sorrento is being featured on the latest episode of “品味家居”. Being inspired by the homeowners' beloved oil-painting 🖼️, our designer Tyrone integrated different attributes of the oil painting, including colours 🎨, shapes 🟣🔺🟩, curves ➰ and natural elements ⛰️🌳🌼🍂, into this project. Together with due consideration to smart storage, home safety and functionality, Tyrone has successfully created a cozy, practical and beautiful home with modern vibe. Feel free to comment below, or visit our website if you want to know more about the design details.

🎥 影片連結 Video : (in Chinese only)

📝文章連結 Article:

#阿思達克財經網 #品味家居 #媒體採訪 #擎天半島 #室內設計 #住宅設計 #辦公室設計 #商業空間設計 #家居裝修 #標誌設計

【品味家居.柯士甸擎天半島】以油畫出發 將藝術氣息散佈單位不同角落 風景油畫的柔和色彩和光影配搭,讓人有種置身於詩般美景的感覺。屋主夫婦在家族旅遊期間遇上一幅漂亮的風景油畫,畫中有一條由啡、橙、黃、白和桃紅樹木組成的彩色拱形隧道,樹下有一對夫婦,彷彿是一個家庭給大自然...

Home - Designpedia|家庫 一站式設計裝修配對平台 08/11/2022

近年來由於在家工作的機會增加,在規劃家居格局時,都會考慮加入書房設計 🧑‍💼🏠。打造獨立書房,這樣在家工作時 🖥️🖨️ 就能夠減少外界的干擾,讓自己擁有一個私隱度高、隔音較好 🎧🔇 的家居辦公室。

其實書房並不受限於獨立書房,還有各式各樣的設計類型,比如開放式書房、臥室兼書房 🛏️📚、多功能書房等等。如想了解書房設計需要注意什麼,或是哪種書房設計類型最適合您,歡迎與我們聯絡 📞📧。
In recent years, due to the popular working mode of “WFH” (i.e. work from home), many people plan a study room in their home layout 🧑‍💼🏠. Having an independent study room—you can reduce the outside interference as well as having a home office 🖥️🖨️ with better privacy and sound insulation 🎧🔇.

In fact, there are various study room designs in addition to independent study room, such as open study room, bedroom and study room combined design 🛏️📚, multi-functional study room, and so on. If you would like to know more tips for designing a study room, or which type of study room design is the best for you, you’re welcome to contact us 📞📧.

文章分享 Related article:

#書房設計 #獨立書房 #開放式書房 #臥室兼書房 #多功能書房 #室內設計 #住宅設計 #辦公室設計 #商業空間設計 #家居裝修 #標誌設計

Home - Designpedia|家庫 一站式設計裝修配對平台 Planning to renovate but don’t know where to begin? Designpedia is the all-in-one platform for homeowners to browse local home ideas, get matched with Hong Kong interior design companies, read up on useful budgeting and decorating advice, and check out reviews made by other homeowners who have use...

Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 26/10/2022

巧妙利用衣櫃當隔牆,既能收納又能保持空間整潔。然而,衣櫃隔牆的隔音效果會否比一般實體牆差? 🤔

要測試衣櫃隔牆的隔音效果如何,設計師首先在主人房開動電動摩打,錄得噪音達72分貝 🔊😵。當兩間房的房門都關上,在鄰房聽到的聲音只有47分貝 🔈😊。測試結果證明了衣櫃隔牆也能提供很好的隔音效果 👍👍。

想了解更多這測試所應用的材料選擇及空間設計,歡迎留言給我們 💬💬,我們會有專人把詳細的衣櫃隔牆資訊給您 📧📧。
│Test Result Sharing ‧ Soundproofing of Wardrobe Partition Wall 🔇│
Using wardrobe as partition wall smartly can provide ample storage space as well as keeping your space clutter-free. However, will the soundproofing effect be weakened if using wardrobe as partition wall instead of normal wall? 🤔

To test the soundproofing effect of wardrobe partition wall, our designer first of all turned on an electric motor in the master room, and the noise reached 72 decibels 🔊😵. When the doors of two rooms were shut, the sound level in the adjacent room was only 47 decibels 🔈😊, indicating the wardrobe partition wall could also offer a very good level of soundproofing 👍👍.

If you would like to know more about the soundproof materials and wardrobe partition wall design in this test, feel free to leave us comments 💬💬 and we will send you the detailed information 📧📧.

#衣櫃隔牆 #隔音效果測試 #室內設計 #住宅設計 #辦公室設計 #商業空間設計 #家居裝修 #標誌設計

Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 26/09/2022

[灝景灣 T3‧ 選材分享][單位分享]
輕奢華風設計善於透過材質本身的紋理和質感搭配,散發時尚美感 😎😎。不論是溫潤的木材元素 🪵🪵 和深沉的金屬鋼材 🧲🧲 有趣搭配,或是優雅的大理石紋 🪨🪨 和玻璃鏡面 🪞🪞 材質的美學搭配,不同材質拼貼都能賦予現代家居獨特精緻感和豐富細節。
The subtle luxury style exudes the modern beauty through the mix-and-match of patterns and texture of natural materials 😎😎. Whether it is an interesting combination of warm wood 🪵🪵 elements and dark-coloured metal 🧲🧲, or an aesthetic match with classy marbles 🪨🪨 and glass mirror 🪞🪞 material, the collage of materials can spell out a unique sense of sophistication as well as giving rich details to a modern home.

#室內設計 #住宅設計 #辦公室設計 #商業空間設計 #家居裝修 #標誌設計

Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 19/08/2022

[山麗苑 ‧ 選材分享][案例分享]
這個單位展示了 🇳🇴 🇩🇰 🇸🇪 北歐風室內設計之美。北歐風設計一般採用經典的白色 ⚪ 和木材 🪵 配搭,時尚簡約。淺棕色 🟤、白色 ⚪、綠色 🟢 和灰色 🔘 賦予了單位異常明亮 ☀️ 和自然 🌲🌳 的氛圍。簡單的傢具裝飾保持了整體的簡潔設計,而灰色的沙發 🛋️ 和地毯則增強了時尚效果。高對比度也是北歐風設計的標誌性特色。黑 ⚫ 白 ⚪ 圖案的瓷磚、淺色的水磨石地板和石英枱面,以及黑色洗手盆和衛浴設備營造了鮮明的對比,彰顯現代氣息。
This apartment shows the beauty of 🇳🇴 🇩🇰 🇸🇪 Nordic interior design. The interior design generally takes the classic white-and-wood ⚪ 🪵 approach which is chic and minimalistic. Light brown 🟤, white ⚪, green 🟢 and grey 🔘 give the apartment an exceptionally bright ☀️ and natural 🌲🌳 vibe. Simple furnishings keep the overall design clean, while the grey sofa 🛋️ and rug boost the modern accent. High contrasts are also the hallmark of Nordic interior design. The black and white-patterned ⚫⚪ tiles, terrazzo floor, quartz countertop and black wash basin provide a nice contrast and make a modern statement.

#室內設計 #住宅設計 #辦公室設計 #商業空間設計 #裝修設計 #標誌設計 #北歐風

Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 06/08/2022

[灝景灣 T9 ‧ 桌遊主題設計][案例分享]

Grey, white and light brown are the main colours for the modern and simple look. The grey marble-designed bed board brings different visual layers to the room.

A variety of light-colored wooden building materials and furniture are also chosen to create a bright and comfortable atmosphere.

#室內設計 #住宅設計 #辦公室設計 #商業空間設計 #裝修設計 #標誌設計 #桌上遊戲主題室內設計


TRIGHT Interior Design 的空間哲學
感謝 《菁英講場》跟 TRIGHT 創辦人兼設計總監 Tyrone 進行專訪。Tyrone 在訪問裡分享了 TRIGHT 的三大設計理念核心,並講解如何利用故事貫穿設計,以創造獨有愜意空間。如有興趣了解詳細的訪問內容,請瀏覽以下連結:
Thank you for the interview with TRIGHT's founder and design director Tyrone . Tyrone has shared TRIGHT's philosophy and three crucial cores in a design process. The interview also mentioned how Tyrone makes use of "story" to create unique and cozy spaces. If you are interested to know more about the interview, please check out the following links (in Chinese only):

🎥 專訪影片 :

📰 訪問文章:

#室內設計 #住宅設計 #辦公室設計 #商業空間設計 #裝修設計 #標誌設計 #菁英講場

Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 14/07/2022

[日系房間的巧妙收納 ‧ 日出康城][案例分享]
戶主希望把原有書房改裝成具日式風格的上下床組二人房。設計師利用潔白的天花和牆面與淺色木傢具結合,提升室內的明亮度。有別於傳統的雙層床設計,上層床組 🛏️ 是靠牆設計,設有樓梯 🪜 上落,並備有扶手以確保上落安全。下層床組 🛏️ 則是沿窗而建,襯有酒紅色軟墊床頭板,板後裝有LED燈帶來滲光效果,讓房間呈現獨特的視覺焦點 ✨。

巧妙收納是日式風格設計的另一重點。上層床組附設吊櫃方便日常儲物,而床的下方是趟門衣櫃 👗👔🧣 和隱藏式小型儲物櫃;下層床組於床下方設有六個大型抽屜,可讓戶主方便儲存日常衣物 👖👕🧦。整組設計充分利用了房間每一寸空間,有效提升室內美感的同時也大大提升房間的收納量。
The homeowner hoped to renovate the study room into a Japanese-style bedroom for two. The designer combined the white ceiling and walls with light-coloured wood furniture to enhance the brightness of the room. Instead of using traditional bunk bed layout, the upper bed 🛏️ was designed along the wall with a ladder 🪜 . A handrail was also built to ensure safety. The lower bed 🛏️was built along the window with burgundy upholstered headboard. The LED lighting effect behind the headboard brought a unique visual focus ✨.

Ingenious storage is another focus of Japanese interior design. The upper bed is equipped with a hanging cabinet for daily storage. Under the upper bed, there is a sliding wardrobe 👗👔🧣 with a small hidden cabinet inside. For the lower bed, it comes with six large drawers, allowing the homeowner to store daily outfits 👖👕🧦conveniently. The whole bedroom design wisely utilizes every inch of the room, as well as effectively enhancing the interior aesthetics and greatly maximizing the storage capacity.

#室內設計 #住宅設計 #辦公室設計 #商業空間設計 #裝修設計 #標誌設計

Photos from TRIGHT Interior Design's post 08/07/2022

《經濟日報》📰 報導了 CORPHUB「香港最優秀領袖大獎2022」頒獎禮當日的盛況和活動花絮。TRIGHT很榮幸獲得「年度最傑出室內設計服務」奬 👏👏👏。
A feature of CORPHUB Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Leaders Awards (HKMOL) 2022 is in Hong Kong Economic Times 📰. TRIGHT is the recipient of the “Most Prominent Interior Design Services of the Year” award 👏👏👏.

#家居設計 #室內設計 #住宅設計 #家居佈置 #家居設計 #辦公室設計 #商業空間設計 #裝修設計 #標誌設計 #室內設計奬項

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彈墨線是什麼? #彈墨線 #裝修
同時具備優雅同粗獷異材料搭配 #TRIGHT #interiordesign
Magical transformation from display shelf to dinning table 😎
香港最優秀領袖大獎2022「 年度最傑出室內設計服務」


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Sham Shui Po

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Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
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G/F, 2B2, 52-54, Cheung Shan Wan Road
Sham Shui Po, 0

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