Intuitive Astrology Videos

Videos by Intuitive Astrology. Intuitive Astrology gives you a secure orientation in the basic principles of kabbalistic astrology and presents you with highly effective techniques for identifying your talent, your passion, your spiritual support, and your connection to the world.

Pisces: Energy this Week

More energy of this week:

During this transit you may have difficulty striking a balance between your own personal goals and your responsibilities. Tension may arise as you feel the need to break out of old restrictions, but are frustrated in your attempts. Although your tolerance level may be low, you would do well to cultivate the assistance of others, rather than meeting them head on or simply giving up on them. The benefits of this transit is that you are forced to reassess areas of your life which may have become stagnant and tired.

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Pisces: Energy this Week
More energy of this week: During this transit you may have difficulty striking a balance between your own personal goals and your responsibilities. Tension may arise as you feel the need to break out of old restrictions, but are frustrated in your attempts. Although your tolerance level may be low, you would do well to cultivate the assistance of others, rather than meeting them head on or simply giving up on them. The benefits of this transit is that you are forced to reassess areas of your life which may have become stagnant and tired. #astrologer #intuitiveastrology #energyfortheweek #pisces #monthofpisces #horoscopefortheweek #followformorepost

Weekly Horoscope Pisces
More on the energy of this week: During this Jupiter transit, you may have difficulty striking a balance between your own personal goals and your responsibilities. Tension may arise as you feel the need to break out of old restrictions, but are frustrated in your attempts. Although your tolerance level may be low, you would do well to cultivate the assistance of others, rather than meeting them head on or simply giving up on them. The benefits of this transit is that you are forced to reassess areas of your life which may have become stagnant and tired.

Welcome to the new month of Pisces or Adar (the Hebrew name from Kabbalistic Astrology). Pisces completes the astrological cycle that began with Aries. A water sign controlled by two planets Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter is the planet of success, miracles, expansion of the metaphysical vessel and extension for our spiritual abilities. Neptune represents the abstract where there are no boundaries and limitations. It controls intuition, imagination, creativity and art. Providing us the ability to see and understand beyond our five senses. People born in the month of Pisces are highly sensitive, emotionally vulnerable and have the strongest intuition of any sign. Deep thinkers both in intellect and inspiration, also having a gift of sensitivity towards others, to the point of experiencing their pain and suffering. Pisceans also have a gift for mathematics, sciences and metaphysics often having the ability as psychics or clairvoyants. This is a month of happiness, miracles and wonders. A window in time where we can all tap into the energy of mind-over-matter, overcoming our doubts to connect to our highest fulfilment. Happy birthday Pisces ♓️ 🎂! Let me know if this rings true for you ☝️ in the comments below 👇 Want to know more? Feel free to send me a DM for more insights. Not a Piscean? Follow me to find out about the month you were born. #newmoonpisces #kabbalisticastrology #astrology #newmoon #Pisces