Eco Shop 有機健康產品

Provide high quality certified organic products include foods, drinks, skincare, body care, non-toxic household cleaners and pet's products.


The weather is getting hotter and hotter. If you like ice cream but are allergic to milk, you can try making vegan ice cream at home. You don’t need an ice cream machine, and there is no milk. Try it! You can also use matcha powder instead of cocoa powder to make matcha vegan ice cream.

Vegan Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream Recipe:

1 can (14 ounces) condensed coconut milk
1 can (13.5 ounces) full-fat coconut milk (not light)
1/4 cup cacao powder (unsweetened)
1/4 cup maple syrup (or your preferred liquid sweetener)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
Optional toppings: shredded coconut, chopped nuts, chocolate chips, or fresh fruit

1.In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the condensed coconut milk, full-fat coconut milk, cacao powder, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Mix well until the ingredients are fully combined and smooth.

2.Pour the mixture into a shallow, freezer-safe container. Must be a shallow one.

3.Place the container in the freezer and let it freeze for about 2-3 hours.

4.Take it out from the freezer every 30 min, use a fork or a whisk to vigorously stir the mixture. This will help break up any ice crystals that have formed and create a smoother texture. Make sure to scrape down the sides of the container as well.

5.Return the container to the freezer and repeat the stirring process every 30 minutes for the next 2-3 hours. Each time you stir, the ice cream will become creamier and prevent large ice crystals from forming. You can stop stirring once no more crystals are found.

6. After the final stirring, let the ice cream freeze for an additional 1-2 hours or until it reaches your desired consistency.

Once the ice cream is fully frozen and firm, it's ready to be served. Scoop it into bowls or cones and garnish with your favorite toppings like shredded coconut, chopped nuts, chocolate chips, or fresh fruit.

Enjoy your delicious homemade vegan chocolate coconut ice cream!


天氣越來越熱, 如果你喜歡吃雪糕但對牛奶過敏, 可以試試在家造純素雪糕, 不需要雪糕機, 沒有牛奶, 不防試試! 也可以用抹茶粉代替可可粉造抹茶純素雪糕。



1 罐(14 盎司)椰子練奶
1 罐(13.5 盎司)全脂椰奶(不淡)
1/4 杯可可粉(不含糖)
1/4 杯楓糖漿(或您喜歡的液體甜味劑)



3. 將容器放入冰箱,冷凍約 2-3 小時,或直到混合物邊緣開始凝固。

4. 每30分鐘從冰箱中取出容器,用叉子或攪拌器劇烈攪拌混合物。這將有助於打破任何已經形成的冰晶並創造更光滑的質地。確保也刮掉容器的側面。
將容器放回冰箱,並在接下來的 2-3 小時內每 30 分鐘重複一次攪拌過程。每次攪拌時,冰淇淋都會變得更細膩,防止形成大冰晶。直至有一次取出後攪拌時沒再發現冰晶,就可以停拌, 讓冰淇淋再冷凍 1-2 小時或直到達到您想要的稠度。總冷凍時間可能因冰箱溫度而異。


#家做純素雪糕 #純素雪糕 #無奶雪糕 #純素朱古力雪糕 #醉環保

Photos from Eco Shop 有機健康產品's post 20/05/2023

If you have a sensitive scalp like me😨, you must try this herbal shampoo! 😁
Because of my sensitive scalp , I can only use chemical-free shampoos. Typical liquid shampoos cause head sores, itchy scalp and loose dandruff flakes. The Aubrey organic shampoo that I have been using recently has been closed down. Suddenly I received a sample of this herbal hair shampoo powder. Just add a small amount of powder to the palm of your hand and add some water, rub both hands to make it foam, shampoo hair and then rinse as usual. It is really refreshing after drying! After using it for a week, no itching, no dandruff flakes nor head sores at all!
These new products recently arrived at Eco Shop! 👏🎉🎊
There are 4 different powder shampoo for various hair types.
Besides herbal formula, this shampoo powder is inside an aluminum bottle, which is reusable and convenient to recycle. You don’t need to discard your shampoo plastic bottles! Zero plastic bottles!!! Since the product does not contain water, it is low-carbon footprint during the transportation. Besides the manufacturer Plant a 🌲when one bottle is sold, really support conservation!
Let‘s give it a try to reduce your shampoo plastic bottle waste today!

Photos from Eco Shop 有機健康產品's post 20/05/2023

如果你同我一樣頭皮很敏感😨, 你一定要試試這款草本洗頭粉!😁
於皮膚敏感,一直只能用不含化學品的洗頭水, 一般洗頭水不是令頭皮生瘡就是令頭皮痕癢產生雪花頭皮。最近一直用的Aubrey有機洗頭水停產了。突然收到這個草本洗頭粉樣本, 只需少量粉加在手心加些水, 雙手卒到起泡,就可以卒到濕的頭髮上, 正常洗頭並過水, 洗完吹乾後真的很清爽!用了一個星期, 完全沒有痕癢、雪花頭皮或頭瘡!
這些新產品最近抵達 Eco Shop! 👏🎉🎊
有 4 種不同的洗髮粉適合各種髮質。
除咗草本外, 它是鋁樽, 可循環再用又方便回收,以後洗頭就不再需要棄置膠樽啦!零膠樽!!! 因為產品沒有水,所以在運輸過程中是低碳足跡,生產商更實行賣一樽種一棵🌲, 努力支持保育!

#草本力量 #地球環保至上 #零膠樽
#草本洗髮粉 #非化學品洗頭
#醉環保 #敏感頭皮洗頭水


感謝天下所有母親, 謝謝您們的付出和奉獻!

Thanks to all Mothers !
Happy Mother‘s Day!

#母親節快樂 #母親節快樂❤️ #母親節快樂🌹 #母親節快樂 #母親節快樂💋


As mentioned earlier, the US EWG released a report in April that pointed out that dirty dozen. In this report, it also pointed out that there were 15 kinds of fruits and vegetables that contained the least pesticides, the clean 15 including:
sweet corn
sweet peas (frozen)
honeydew melon
kiwi fruit
sweet potatoes

Among them, you can see that some products with high pesticide content in the UK, such as watermelon and mushrooms, are low in pesticides in the United States. Therefore, when purchasing fruits and vegetables, it is also necessary to look at the origin of the source.
It's worth noting that some sweet corn, papayas, and summer squash sold in the U.S. are produced with genetically modified seeds. If you want to avoid GMOs, you should buy organic varieties of these crops.
In addition, if you feel uncomfortable after eating some fruits and vegetables, you should pay attention to buying other regions or organic ones.
Next time, we will share how is the feeling after taking produce with high pesticides.


之前提到美國EWG 4月份出咗一份報告指出含農藥最多12種蔬果, 在這份報告中也有指出15種含農藥最少的蔬果, 包括:
鱷梨 (牛油果)
捲心菜 (椰菜)
另外就係如果你吃一些蔬果, 吃之後有唔舒服反應,就要注意買其他地區的或有機的.


#健康選擇 #清潔飲食 #有機生活 #食品知識 #無農藥 #食品安全 #健康飲食 #綠色環保購物 #醉環保


🍓🌽 Are you aware of the latest findings by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in the US? They recently released a report in April, revealing that 12 types of fruits and vegetables are found to contain a staggering 210 different pesticides. 😱 It's crucial to be mindful of these findings when choosing your produce! Here's a rundown of the top 12, ranked by pesticide content (with the highest amount first):

1️⃣ Strawberries
2️⃣ Spinach
3️⃣ Kale and Mustard Greens (containing 103 pesticides)
4️⃣ Peaches
5️⃣ Pears
6️⃣ Nectarines
7️⃣ Apples
8️⃣ Grapes
9️⃣ Bell Peppers and Chili Peppers
🔟 Cherries
1️⃣1️⃣ Blueberries (containing 84 pesticides)
1️⃣2️⃣ Green Beans (containing 84 pesticides)

If you still want to enjoy these fruits and veggies, make sure to take precautions like thorough washing or opting for organic varieties. 🚿🌿

Now, let's play a little game! 🎉 Can you guess which 12 fruits and vegetables are most likely to contain the highest number of pesticides in the UK? Drop your guesses in the comments below, and stay tuned for our next post to find out the answer! 🕵️‍♀️🔍

Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to making healthier choices for ourselves and the environment. Stay informed, stay curious! ✨


昨天分享到有有心醫生介紹病人買有機洛神花茶和有機香蜂草茶, 並介紹咗洛神花茶的好處, 今日講講有機香蜂草茶(又稱檸檬草茶)的好處:
總的來說,香蜂草茶具有許多潛在的健康益處, 但在出於醫療目的使用任何草藥或補充劑之前,務必諮詢醫療保健專業人員。

如果你想知多啲天然保健方法和故事, 記得follow我哋😊🙏

#香蜂草茶 #香蜂草茶的好處 #天然降血壓
#天然助眠 #天然抗衰老 #天然抗氧化 #醉環保


最近多咗客人來買有機洛神花茶, 同客人傾談間發現原來有位有心的西醫在客人初期發現高血壓時建議他飲洛神花茶和檸檬草茶, 幫助舒緩壓力和降低血壓。今日就同大家分享一下洛神花茶的好處:

1)含有抗氧化物: 這種不含咖啡因的飲料是抗氧化劑的重要來源,有助於對抗自由基(free radicals) 並最大限度地減少細胞氧化損傷。簡單的飲一杯洛神花茶就可以減少自由基, 減少體內炎症, 並減少因炎症引起的慢性疾病。另外抗氧化物也可令皮膚更加光亮,皺紋少些,身體老化得慢些。

2)有助於減肥: 厭倦了頑固的腹部脂肪?那麼,洛神花茶可以幫助你。這種植物中的花青素、酚類化合物和類黃酮有助於調節參與脂肪消化的基因,從而促進脂肪去除。發表在《食品與功能》雜誌上的一項研究發現,連續 8 週每天飲用芙蓉茶的超重和肥胖女性,可有效減輕體重和脂肪。當您想吃甜食時,像這樣的美味的洛神花茶也非常適合在晚餐後飲用。它有助於消除對甜食的渴望。


4)提升免疫力, 幫身體對抗細菌:有研究顯示,洛神花提取物已被證明可以抑制八種不同的細菌菌株,包括大腸桿菌和引致尿道炎的細菌,並且與一些用於治療細菌感染的藥物一樣有效。

5)保護肝臟, 降低膽固醇: 從分泌膽汁到產生蛋白質,肝臟對您的整體健康至關重要。洛神花茶具有保肝作用,這意味著它有助於保護肝臟免受損害。由於其強大的抗氧化活性,它可以保護肝臟免受各種毒素的侵害。 2014 年對 19 名超重參與者進行的一項研究發現,服用洛神花提取物 12 周可改善肝臟脂肪變性。這種情況的特徵是肝臟中脂肪堆積,可導致肝功能衰竭。洛神花茶中的化合物會抑制促進肝臟中膽固醇合成的酶的活性,從而降低膽固醇水平。

6) 促進睡眠:尋找令自己更容易睡的方法?別再看了。絡神花茶不含咖啡因,具有鎮靜作用,可放鬆身心,改善睡眠質量。它還可以通過減少焦慮和壓力來幫助改善睡眠質量。一項研究發現,每天飲用洛神花茶可顯著改善失眠症患者的睡眠質量和持續時間。另一項研究發現,洛神花茶可能有助於減少入睡時間並增加睡眠時間。所以喝了這茶就不會輾轉反側了。


如果你想知多啲天氣保健方法和故事, 記得follow我哋😊🙏

#洛神花茶 #洛神花的好處 #天然降血壓
#天然助眠 #天然護肝 #天然抗衰老 #天然抗氧化 #醉環保


🚫 Say NO to unhealthy cooking oils! 🚫

When it comes to choosing the right cooking oil, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are some factors to avoid:

❌ Solvent extraction: This process uses chemicals like hexane to extract oil from seeds. This can leave behind harmful residues in the oil.

❌ Trans fats: These are a type of unsaturated fat that can raise bad cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease.

❌ Low smoke point: When oil is heated to a certain temperature, it can begin to smoke and release harmful compounds. Oils with low smoke points are not ideal for high-heat cooking methods like frying.

❌ Inflammatory oils: Some oils can cause inflammation in the body, which can contribute to a variety of health issues.

So which oils should you avoid? Examples include:

👎 Vegetable oil
👎 Soybean oil
👎 Canola oil
👎 Cottonseed oil
👎 Corn oil
👎 Rice bran oil
👎 Peanut oil
👎 Flaxseed oil (healthy oil unstable at high temperature)
👎 H**p Seed oil (healthy oil unstable at high temperature)

Instead, opt for healthier oils like:

✅ Avocado oil
✅ Coconut oil
✅ Camellia Oil
✅ Olive oil
✅ Ghee

Remember, making small changes to your cooking habits can lead to big improvements in your health! 👍🏼

🚫 對不健康的食用油說NO! 🚫


❌ 溶劑萃取:此過程使用己烷等化學品從種子中萃取油。這會在油中留下有害殘留物。







✅ 鱷梨油
✅ 椰子油
✅ 山茶油
✅ 橄欖油
✅ 酥油

請記住,對您的烹飪習慣進行微小的改變可以大大改善您的健康狀況! 👍🏼

#健康煮食油 #高煙點煮食油 #怎樣選擇煮食油 #醉環保


Coffee is beneficial for giving a person energy to wake up and get things done. But now you may try a caffeine free coffee substitute that give you sustainable energy using Maca Powder!

3 tablespoon of Maca Powder
3 tablespoon cocoa powder
3 tablespoon of maple syrup
3 cups of coconut milk (or other plant based milk)

You can find the above ingredients of our online shop.

Preparation Mode:
Heat coconut milk on the stove. Mix the powder to the coconut milk.
Leave to heat on the stove on low heat for 5-10 minutes, stirring always.
DO NOT LET IT BE BOIL. Just heat it up enough to dissolve the powders.
Remove from heat when all powders dissolved.
Add the maple syrup to taste. Serve❤️

Tell us how your experience went.

Photos from Eco Shop 有機健康產品's post 14/04/2023


👉尋找可以同時抵禦 UVA 和 UVB 射線的廣譜防曬霜。
👉 選擇至少 30 的高 SPF,但 SF50 只能提供稍微更好的保護, 不需要SPF100等。

Badger 嬰兒礦物質防曬 SPF 40 是一個不錯的選擇。它是一種安全有效的防曬霜,使用氧化鋅和金盞花等天然成分來保護您的皮膚。此外,它的防水時間長達 40 分鐘,質地柔滑,非常適合嬰兒嬌嫩的皮膚(但也非常適合成人!)。

不要忘記定期塗抹防曬霜,每兩小時或游泳或出汗後重新塗抹一次。保持安全,享受陽光! ☀️

如果這個資訊有幫助請給❤️, 如果你想知更多這一類的資訊請打{是} 🙏

#有機防曬 #有機嬰兒防曬 #對珊瑚礁友好的防曬 #醉環保

Photos from Eco Shop 有機健康產品's post 14/04/2023

🌞Summer is coming, and that means it's time to stock up on sunscreen! But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right one? Here are some tips:

👉 Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
👉 Choose a high SPF of at least 30, but an SPF of 50 provides only marginally better protection.
👉 Avoid harmful chemicals that can damage coral reefs and marine life. Look for mineral-based sunscreens that use zinc oxide or titanium dioxide instead of oxybenzone and octinoxate.
👉 Consider your skin type and any sensitivities you may have to certain ingredients.

One great option is Badger Baby Mineral Sunscreen Cream SPF 40. It's a safe and effective sunscreen that uses only natural ingredients like zinc oxide and calendula to protect your skin. Plus, it's water-resistant for up to 40 minutes and has a creamy texture that's perfect for baby's delicate skin (but also great for adults!).

Don't forget to apply sunscreen regularly and liberally, and reapply every two hours or after swimming or sweating. Stay safe and enjoy the sunshine! ☀️
Drop a ❤️ if this helps! If you want more information like this type “Yes” 🙏



車前子粉是一種天然的纖維補充劑,已被證實可以降低 LDL(不良)膽固醇水平並改善血糖控制。通過將車前子粉添加到你的飲食中,你可以減少心臟病和糖尿病的風險。


只需將 1-2 湯匙的車前子粉粉末與水混合,或添加到你喜歡的食物中,如燕麥片或果昔中。食用車前子粉時,請確保多飲水,以避免便秘並確保足夠的水分。


如果這個資訊有幫助請給❤️, 如果你想知更多這一類的資訊請打{是} 🙏

#車前子粉 #控制膽固醇 #控制血糖 #健康生活 #食得健康 #醉環保


Drop a ❤️ if this helps! If you want more information like this type “Yes” 🙏

Are you struggling with high cholesterol or blood glucose levels? Psyllium husk might just be the solution you're looking for!

Psyllium husk is a natural fiber supplement that has been shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and improve blood glucose control. By adding psyllium husk to your diet, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

In addition, there are other benefits include:
Improved bowel regularity: Psyllium husk powder is a natural laxative that helps to regulate bowel movements and relieve constipation.
Weight loss: Psyllium husk powder can help to promote feelings of fullness and reduce appetite, which may lead to weight loss.
Reduced inflammation: Psyllium husk powder has anti-inflammatory properties that may help to reduce inflammation in the body.

Simply mix 1-2 tablespoons of psyllium husk powder with water or add it to your favorite foods, like oatmeal or smoothies. Make sure to drink plenty of water when consuming psyllium husk to prevent constipation and ensure proper hydration.

Don't let high cholesterol or blood glucose levels hold you back from living your best life. Try psyllium husk today and see the difference it can make for your health!

Drop a ❤️ if this helps! If you want more information like this type “Yes” 🙏



要製作這些美味的杯子,只需在雙鍋或平底鍋中用小火融化黑巧克力,然後加入甜菊提取物粉末和雲呢拿味香油攪拌即可。您可以從少量開始,例如 1/4 到 1/2 茶匙甜菊,然後根據需要進行調整甜菊粉分量以達到所需的甜度。



#生酮飲食甜點 #醉環保 #灣仔健康店


Are you trying to reduce your sugar intake for a healthier lifestyle? Check out this recipe for keto-friendly almond butter dark chocolate cups! They're the perfect guilt-free treat that won't derail your health goals.

To make these delicious cups, simply melt the dark chocolate in a double boiler or saucepan over low heat, and then stir in the stevia extract powder to taste. You can start with a small amount, such as 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon stevia with the vanilla extract, and then adjust as needed to achieve the desired level of sweetness.
Once the chocolate is melted and sweetened to your liking, you can spoon it into muffin cups, freeze for a few minutes to harden, and then add a layer of almond butter on top. Cover the almond butter with more chocolate, add a bit of salt on the top and freeze again until firm. A tasty and healthy dessert that's ready to enjoy.

With these keto-friendly almond butter dark chocolate cups, you won't have to sacrifice taste for health. Give them a try and let us know what you think in the comments below!


We always ask for the food we should eat to reduce inflammation inside our body. In facts, the Cheapest Way to Reduce Inflammation is Grounding!

Grounding, also known as walking barefoot, is a simple and inexpensive way to improve your health. By walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil, you can connect with the earth's natural electrical charge and reap the benefits of reduced inflammation in your body.

Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury or infection, but chronic inflammation can lead to various health problems. Grounding has been found to decrease the levels of inflammatory markers in the blood, which can help reduce chronic inflammation and improve your overall health.

Not only can grounding reduce inflammation, but it can also improve your sleep, relieve pain, and boost your mood. It does this by decreasing cortisol levels in the body, reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines, and having a calming effect on the nervous system.

The best part? Grounding is a safe and simple practice that anyone can do. To start, choose natural surfaces like grass or sand and gradually increase the duration of your barefoot walks. Remember to check for hazards like broken glass or sharp objects, and keep your feet clean and dry to prevent infections after the walk.

In conclusion, grounding is the cheapest way to reduce inflammation and improve your health. By connecting with the earth's natural electrical charge through barefoot walking, you can experience the many benefits of reduced inflammation, better sleep, pain relief, and improved mood. Give it a try during the Easter Holiday and see the positive impact it can have on your health!








#最平的消炎方法 #赤腳行的好處 #赤腳行要注意安全 #赤腳行可以消炎
#醉環保 #灣仔健康店


🍒 BLACK CHERRIES: More than just a delicious summer fruit! Did you know that black cherries are also loaded with health benefits?

👉 They're packed with antioxidants, which help to protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. This can help to reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's.

👉 Black cherries are also rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, which can help to reduce inflammation throughout your body. This can help to ease pain and stiffness in conditions like arthritis.

👉 They contain melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Eating black cherries or drinking cherry juice may help you to fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly.

👉 And last but not least, they're a great source of fiber, which can help to keep your digestive system healthy and regular.

Ready to give black cherries a try? We've got you covered with our organic dried black cherries, now available in stock! Order now and start enjoying the health benefits of this superfruit. 🙌🏼🍒


🍒 黑櫻桃:不只是夏天美味的水果!你知道嗎,黑櫻桃還有許多健康益處!

👉 黑櫻桃富含抗氧化劑,能幫助保護身體細胞免受自由基損傷,有助於降低患上心臟疾病、癌症和阿茲海默症等慢性疾病的風險。

👉 黑櫻桃也含有豐富的抗炎化合物,能夠減少身體內的發炎反應。這有助於緩解關節疼痛和僵硬等關節炎症狀。

👉 黑櫻桃中還含有褪黑激素,這種激素能夠幫助調節睡眠,讓你更容易入睡並且睡得更香。

👉 此外,黑櫻桃也是一種良好的膳食纖維來源,有助於保持腸道健康和維持腸道規律。

想要嘗試黑櫻桃的好處嗎?雖然市面上很難找到新鮮黑櫻桃, 我們現在有有機黑櫻桃乾現貨供應, 沒有任何添加物, 低溫烘乾保全最好的營養!趕快訂購,享受這個超級水果帶來的健康益處吧!🙌🏼🍒
#黑櫻桃 #超級水果 #健康益處 #有機 #健康飲食 #營養 #健康生活
#醉環保 #灣仔有機健康店 #有機黑櫻桃乾


Looking for a natural and calorie-free sweetener? Look no further than Stevia!

Stevia is a plant-based sweetener that has been used for centuries in South America. It's an excellent alternative to sugar, as it is much sweeter but without the calories or negative health effects.

Using Stevia is easy, and it can be used in many different ways! You can use Stevia to sweeten your coffee or tea, or you can sprinkle it on top of your favorite fruits and yogurt. You can also use it in baking as a replacement for sugar.

Some of the benefits of using Stevia include regulating blood sugar levels, aiding in weight management, and reducing the risk of tooth decay.

So why not give Stevia a try? It's a natural and healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth without any of the negative consequences!







#甜菊糖 #天然甜味劑 #健康選擇 #無糖 #生酮飲食的糖 #醉環保 #灣仔健康店





#可可果粒 #可可果肉 #可可果粒的好處 #醉環保 #灣仔健康店 #有機可可果粒


Cacao nibs are small pieces of crushed cacao beans, the same beans that are used to make chocolate. Unlike chocolate, which often contains added sugar and fat, cacao nibs are a pure and natural form of cacao.

Cacao nibs have a rich, dark chocolate flavor and are packed with nutrients. They are an excellent source of antioxidants, which help to protect the body against damage from harmful molecules known as free radicals. Cacao nibs are also high in fiber, magnesium, and iron.

Consuming cacao nibs is easy and versatile. They can be added to smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, or baked goods. They can also be sprinkled on top of ice cream or used as a topping for granola. Some people even enjoy eating them as a snack on their own!

Here are some potential health benefits of consuming cacao nibs:

Improved heart health: The antioxidants in cacao nibs have been shown to improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Increased energy: Cacao nibs are a natural source of caffeine, which can help to boost energy levels and improve mental focus.
Reduced inflammation: The flavanols in cacao nibs have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to reduce inflammation in the body and protect against chronic diseases.


Attention all health-conscious moms! Are you looking for a delicious and healthy drink to add to your child's school lunchbox? Look no further than Hollinger's Organic School Juice!

Our 200ml paper box with a paper straw is perfect for busy mornings and school lunches. Our organic apple, pear, grape, orange, and multi-sunrise juices (which include 7 organic fruits juice and organic carrot juice) are not only packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, but they also taste great!

As a mom, you want to ensure that your child is consuming only the best and healthiest products. That's why our organic school juice has no added sugars or preservatives, making it a guilt-free way to satisfy your child's thirst and keep them fueled throughout the day.

Make Hollinger Organic School Juice a part of your child's healthy lunch routine today! Scan the QR code and place your order now.





現在就讓Hollinger的有機學校果汁成為孩子們健康午餐的一部分吧!掃QR code了解更多並訂購。

#有機果汁 #健康飲品 #紙吸管果汁 #學校午餐盒 #健康生活 #無添加糖 #必需營養 #忙碌媽媽
#醉環保 #灣仔健康店


Looking for a delicious and nutritious addition to your meals? Meet Tahini, a creamy and versatile ingredient that's been a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine for centuries. Made from ground sesame seeds, Tahini is packed with essential nutrients, including protein, healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins B and E. This delicious paste is not only good for your health, but it also adds a unique nutty flavor to your dishes. From dips to dressings and sauces, Tahini is a must-have ingredient in your kitchen. Try this tahini dressing today and see how it elevates your meals to the next level!


#芝麻醬 #芝麻醬沙律醬 #健康沙律醬 #有機芝麻醬 #醉環保 #灣仔健康店

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最近多咗客人來買有機洛神花茶, 同客人傾談間發現原來有位有心的西醫在客人初期發現高血壓時建議他飲洛神花茶和檸檬草茶, 幫助舒緩壓力和降低血壓。今日就同大家分享一下洛神花茶的好處:1)含有抗氧化物: 這種不含咖啡因的飲料是抗氧化劑的重要來源,...
Coffee is beneficial for giving a person energy to wake up and get things done. But now you may try a caffeine free coff...
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Say goodbye to dry, chapped lips and hello to Alteya Organics Organic Rose Lip Balm! 🌹 Made with natural and organic ing...
We always ask for the food we should eat to reduce inflammation inside our body. In facts, the Cheapest Way to Reduce In...
Cacao nibs are small pieces of crushed cacao beans, the same beans that are used to make chocolate. Unlike chocolate, wh...
Looking for a delicious and nutritious addition to your meals? Meet Tahini, a creamy and versatile ingredient that's bee...



Rm. B, 22/B, Shinyam Commercial Building, 163 Johnston Road
Wan Chai

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 20:00
Thursday 11:00 - 20:00
Friday 11:00 - 20:00
Saturday 11:00 - 20:00

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