Resolute Education Centre - HK

Resolute Education was founded by a team of registered language teachers for P.1-S.6 students.


本中心設[Ms.Rosalind 高中恆常英文班],

🧑‍🏫Ms. Rosalind 從 Marymount Secondary School 及 HKU 學士及碩士畢業,並正攻讀 University of Bristol, UK 教育博士。

Ms.Rosalind 亦在不同大學擔任講師,對英文教學非常有心得,並有多年英文及英國文學教學經驗,其學生在各公開試 (HKDSE / IB / IGCSE / GCE / IAL) 皆取得出眾成績 🅰 ➕ 5️⃣⭐⭐ 。

💡如有興趣,可以 WhatsApp 或致電 9794 6480 查詢詳情。

[ Resolute Education Centre ]
👨🏻‍🏫由前Band 1 學校老師們主理, 升中 #呈分試 專家
💡 #小學 #中學 語文➕作文課程 (Language)
🏬Location: 3/F, Yue Hing Building, 103 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai (Exit B1 Wan Chai Station)

🌟Click in our bio for more



Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 05/08/2024

Love it when our students rack their brains during Math lessons conducted by Miss Fan!


Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 03/07/2024

2024-2025 English, Chinese, and Maths Regular Course Timetable

🔔Mr. Yung English Masterclass 分別有 P.1-S.3 General English & Literature 及 P.1- P.6 English Writing 課程

🔔Miss Leung 中文班分別有 P.1-S.3 中國語文及 P.2-P.6 寫作課程✏️

🔔Miss Fan 數學班有 P.1-P.6課程, 均以小班教學

⭐Google form link:

名額有限, 先到先得 (以Google Form 提交時間為準)

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 10/05/2024

🔸Mr Yung English Masterclass 分別有 P.1-S.3 General English & Literature及 P.1-P.6 English Writing 課程。

👉 暑期班報名表 Google Form:

名額有限,先到先得。 我們會儘快處理報名和聯絡您們 😊 謝謝!

* 以 Google Form 提交時間為準

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 10/05/2024

🔸Miss Leung 中文班分別有 P.1-S.3 中國語文及 P.2-P.6 寫作課程。✍️

👉 暑期班報名表 Google Form:

名額有限,先到先得 (以 Google Form 提交時間為準) 🙏

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 10/05/2024

📣 本中心新增設小學數學 (Primary Mathematics) 課程,由擁有豐富補習經驗的 Miss Fan 任教。Miss Fan 畢業於英國名校 London School of Economics,對數學科教學非常有心得。全部數學班均以小班教學 (二至六人)。想善用暑假為下學年做好準備,快啲報名啦!

👉 暑期班報名表 Google Form:

名額有限,先到先得 (以 Google Form 提交時間為準)

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 08/05/2024

各位Resolute Education家長您好,

由於不少家長現已開始計畫暑期活動,現附上七、八月的中、英、數暑期班時間表,有興趣的家長請填妥 Google Form 報名表,我們會儘快處理和聯絡您們 😊 謝謝!(請以小朋友2024-2025年度的級別選班)

🔸Mr Yung English Masterclass 分別有 P.1-S.3 General English & Literature及 P.1-P.6 English Writing 課程。

🔸Miss Leung 中文班分別有P.1-S.3 中國語文及P.2-P.6 寫作課程。

✨ 本中心亦新增設小學數學 (Primary Mathematics)課程。由擁有豐富補習經驗的 Miss Fan 任教。Miss Fan 畢業於英國名校 London School of Economics,對數學科教學非常有心得。家長可在leaflet查閱更多關於她的資料。

👉 暑期班報名表 Google Form:

名額有限,先到先得 (以 Google Form 提交時間為準) 🙏

Resolute Education
May 2024

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 30/01/2024

More good news! 📣 Our upper primary (P.5 and P.6) students scoring the highest average in the General English group in class ☝️. With our effective theme-based approach, our students are able to improve their English efficiently and get the hang of the skills required to excel in different assessments 💯

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 29/01/2024

A fruitful end to year 2023. Grateful to see some outstanding results from my students. More to come! Stay tuned 💯😁

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 03/09/2023

[Sept 2023 Update!]

S.4-S.6 English & Literature classes available on Saturdays at Resolute Education Centre - HK

Conducted by University lecturer Ms Rosalind, our English & Literature classes equip students with effective strategies to tackle public exams. Ms Rosalind is familiar with different exam requirements and her students have a strong track record of excelling in different English exams including HKDSE.

- HKDSE Intermediate (S.4) Sat 2:30-4:00pm
- HKDSE Advanced (S.5 & S.6) Sat 4:10-5:40pm

Whatsapp 9508 3428 for more details.


⭐Google Form Link:

愉快的暑假過得特別快,新的學年也快將開始😊 謝謝各家長的支持,九月份課程的報名情況非常熱烈,部分班別已額滿🙏🏻

已報名的同學將於這兩天內收到學費單和上課時間表;而有興趣而尚未報名的家長請儘快填妥我們的 Google form 報名表,我們會儘快處理和聯絡您們 😊 謝謝!

學額有限,先到先得 🙏
Resolute Education Centre - HK

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 13/08/2023

Congratulations to some of our outstanding students for their excellent results in final exam 2023 🥳

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 13/08/2023

P.4 Summer Writing Class ✍🏻 Limited spots still available in our September writing classes. Enroll now before school starts 🤓

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 19/07/2023

⭐️ 2023-2024 學年常規中、英文專科課程開始接受報名 ⭐️

Resolute Education 中、英文專科課程 ,為學生在新學期作好準備, 領先同齡學生進度 。

⭐️Mr. Yung English Masterclass 主打General English & Literature 課程。除了教授學生不同文法 (Grammar) 及閱讀不同題材的文章 (Reading Comprehension) 外,亦透過生動的英國文學 (Literature) 課堂鼓勵學生多閱讀,增強分析能力和學會更多詞彙。

本中心亦設有初、中、高小英文寫作班 (Writing Class),教授不同文體及寫作技巧,適合不同程度的學生報讀。

⭐️中文科 Ms Leung 自編教材,能兼顧聽、說、讀、寫四大範疇,並會按校本編製模擬試卷,讓學生能輕鬆應付測考。

現附上 Resolute Education 九月份常規課程時間表。請選擇適合的時段後,再填寫 Google Form 報名表格。由於名額有限,報名將按先到先得的準則處理 (根據我們的 Google 表格記錄)。如有疑問,歡迎 Whatsapp 95083428 (Mr Yung) / 60774006 (Ms Leung) 查詢。

⭐️Google Form Link:
👉🏼 👈🏼



Our English and Chinese summer courses are commencing tomorrow! See you all soon 😊 Contact us asap if you'd like to join us.




已報名的同學將於今天內收到學費單和上課時間表;而有興趣而尚未報名的家長請儘快填妥我們的 Google Form 報名表,我們會儘快處理和聯絡您們 😊 謝謝!

暑期班報名表 Google Form:

名額有限,先到先得 🙏

此外,Mr. Yung 在16/6-1/7 期間不在香港,期間英文班將會暫停。1/7-14/7為本中心假期,該時期內將不會有任何課堂,謝謝🙏🏻😊

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 03/06/2023



- 英文Middle Primary Writing ✍️
- 英文 Upper Primary Writing ✍️
- 中文五、六年級寫作班 ✍️

暑期班報名表 Google Form:

名額有限,先到先得 🙏

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 08/05/2023

想過一個充實的暑假,為下學年做好準備,就快點報名參加 Mr Yung English Masterclass 和Miss Leung 中文班吧 😊

為期6星期的課程(17/7-25/8) 將會為孩子溫故知新,為下學年打好基礎。深受學生歡迎的主題式教學,有趣又實用,務求達到學以致用的學習成效。

如欲報名,請填妥以下 Google Form ,選擇適合您的時間吧!

請填妥以下報名表 👇🏼
Link to Admission Form:

名額有限,先到先得。期待暑假見到大家 😁


Resolute Education 中、英文專科課程 ,為學生作好準備, 領先同齡學生進度 。

⭐️Mr. Yung English Masterclass 主打General English & Literature 課程。除了教授學生不同文法 (Grammar) 及閱讀不同題材的文章 (Reading Comprehension) 外,亦透過生動的英國文學 (Literature) 課堂鼓勵學生多閱讀,增強分析能力和學會更多詞彙。

本中心亦設有初、中、高小英文寫作班 (English Writing Class),教授不同文體及寫作技巧,適合不同程度的學生報讀。

⭐️中文科 Ms Leung 自編教材,能兼顧聽、說、讀、寫四大範疇,並會按校本編製模擬試卷,讓學生能輕鬆應付測考。

歡迎 Whatsapp 95083428 (Mr Yung) / 60774006 (Ms Leung) 查詢。

Resolute Education 2023

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 09/03/2023

A final boost for my St. Joseph’s upper primary boys! 💚💪🏼

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 15/01/2023

恭喜我們的學生 Karl, Terron 及 Cherry 在剛剛上學期考試獲取佳績,英文科總平均分全班第一名。Karl 更是中、英文都Number 1 💯🫶 不少同學也獲得理想成績,不能盡錄。下學期小五、小六呈分試將近,同學們繼續加油努力,再接再厲 💪🏼


Congratulations!! Our student, Karl has scored highest average in both English and Chinese assessments 💯. These are his first academic awards in St. Joseph’s Primary School and we believe there are more to come! Terron has also scored highest average in his English assessment. Well done! We're grateful to see many other upper primary students achieving excellent results too. 💪 Cherry from Hennessy Road Government Primary School also came first in English in her class 🥳 Mr Yung and Ms Leung are so proud of these little ones 🫶

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 11/01/2023

Congratulations!! Our student, Karl has scored highest average in both English and Chinese assessments. These are his first academic awards in SJPS and we believe there are more to come! Terron has also scored highest average in his English assessment. Well done! We're grateful to see many other upper primary students achieving excellent results too. 💪

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 11/01/2023

~~ UPDATED TIMETABLE (from 15 February onwards) ~~

因應教育局規定各小學必須在 15/2 轉回全日制,本中心的上課時間表亦有所更改。現附上各年級最更新時間表,以便家長安排接送事宜。名額有限,先到先得。

Resolute Education 中、英文專科課程 ,為學生作好準備, 領先同齡學生進度 。

⭐️Mr. Yung English Masterclass 主打General English & Literature 課程。除了教授學生不同文法 (Grammar) 及閱讀不同題材的文章 (Reading Comprehension) 外,亦透過生動的英國文學 (Literature) 課堂鼓勵學生多閱讀,增強分析能力和學會更多詞彙。

本中心亦設有初、中、高小英文寫作班 (Writing Class),教授不同文體及寫作技巧,適合不同程度的學生報讀。

⭐️中文科 Ms Leung 自編教材,能兼顧聽、說、讀、寫四大範疇,並會按校本編製模擬試卷,讓學生能輕鬆應付測考。

歡迎 Whatsapp 95083428 (Mr Yung) / 60774006 (Ms Leung) 查詢。

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 23/11/2022

Resolute Education 中、英文專科課程 ,為學生在新學期作好準備, 領先同齡學生進度 。

⭐️Mr. Yung English Masterclass 主打General English & Literature 課程。除了教授學生不同文法 (Grammar) 及閱讀不同題材的文章 (Reading Comprehension) 外,亦透過生動的英國文學 (Literature) 課堂鼓勵學生多閱讀,增強分析能力和學會更多詞彙。

本中心亦設有初、中、高小英文寫作班 (Writing Class),教授不同文體及寫作技巧,適合不同程度的學生報讀。

⭐️中文科 Ms Leung 自編教材,能兼顧聽、說、讀、寫四大範疇,並會按校本編製模擬試卷,讓學生能輕鬆應付測考。


歡迎 Whatsapp 95083428 (Mr Yung) / 60774006 (Ms Leung) 查詢。

Photos from Mr. Yung English Masterclass's post 23/11/2022

Resolute Education 英文專科課程 ,為學生在新學期作好準備,領先同齡學生進度 。

⭐️ Mr. Yung English Masterclass 主打General English & Literature 課程。除了教授學生不同文法 (Grammar) 及閱讀不同題材的文章 (Reading Comprehension) 外,亦透過生動的英國文學 (Literature) 課堂鼓勵學生多閱讀,增強分析能力和學會更多詞彙。

✍️ 本中心亦設有初、中、高小英文寫作班 (Writing Class),教授不同文體及寫作技巧,適合不同程度的學生報讀。

名額有限,先到先得。歡迎 Whatsapp 查詢。


Saturday English and Literature classes are running out fast. Contact us for more details 💯😊

中學學位分配辦法內容 05/09/2022

2023 升中派位官方資訊供家長參考 🫶

中學學位分配辦法內容 介紹中學學位分配辦法


New academic year at Resolute Education will commence on 3 September (Saturday). See you all soon! 😁

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 19/08/2022

Swipe right for 2022-2023 English class schedule. Whatsapp 95083428 for enrollment 😊

Photos from Resolute Education Centre - HK's post 11/08/2022

Wholehearted congratulations to Kevin Chua (SJC class of 2022) for being accepted to The Chinese University of Hong Kong studying medicine🩺👨🏻‍⚕️🥳

We wish him all the best in all his future endeavours. 👍🏻

恭喜我們的學生Kevin 獲中文大學醫學院取錄,祝願他前程似錦,日後能夠幫助有需要的人 😊

At Resolute Education, we offer HKDSE/IB/IGCSE English and Literature courses. Message us for more information 🤓


As an and alumnus, I would like to congratulate my beloved alma mater on its 147 years of excellence in nurturing countless bright minds. I am thrilled to see a lot of my past and current students from being excited about the new school year ahead! It’s my honour to pass on Josephian values and spirits to future generations!

Looking forward to seeing you all in the new academic year! Reserve your spot now at or whatsapp us at 95083428.

Mr Yung
SJPS and SJC old boy

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3/F, Yue Hing Building, 103 Hennessy Road
Wan Chai

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 19:00
Thursday 11:00 - 19:00
Friday 11:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 18:00

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