Tamer Begum

Tamer Begum

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I help people Tame Life with coaching and wellness techniques to live healthier and happier. Tamer has been teaching AntiGravity Techniques since 2009.

Tamer is dedicated to helping people awaken to the power of their inner potential while leading and serving from that place. As the director and founder of his wellness company Tame Life, he holds corporate wellness events, transformational coaching sessions, training courses, and retreats. Connecting both body and mind through his coaching practices, his intention is to hold space for people to a


Modern lifestyles have robbed us of our lucid fourth state experiences. Before electricity, our first language was light and sound.

Without generous lucid fourth state of consciousness experiences self regulation weakens, which leads to a variety of mental and physical health in balances.

How to develop this state? Deep conscious relaxation is the key. To maintain awareness as you deepen your relaxation gets your brain reconnected to this biological state that has long been forgotten.

“In order to acquire continuity of consciousness unaffected by lapses into unconscious states, you must hold yourself at the junction of all the states which constitutes the links between sleeping, dreaming, and waking: the half sleep or fourth state.” - 10th century ta***ic text (over 1,000 years ago)

Looking forward to speaking and holding space at the upcoming about the forgotten fourth state and how to reconnect with it easier using light and sound.

Photos from Tamer Begum's post 20/09/2022

Had the unique opportunity to share my story with the tribe last week.

For the past 10 years I’ve been living in Asia inspiring different communities to open up and be free using by turning upside down and making fitness fun.

On my path I met an extraordinary man who became my mentor and empowered me to spread his revolutionary .us light.

Flash forward to the present moment and life continues to unfold in miraculous ways. To enjoy your life you must

When you follow Gods plan, trust in your gifts, and keep relentlessly showing up to serve, anything is possible.


The definition of Tame Life: To mindfully harness your inner greatness, and redirect it towards creating an extraordinary life.


Joining the shared learning this weekend at the biohacking conference.

Look forward to spreading this fourth state experience with like minded people I meet along the way.

Engage. Enrich. Enjoy


The secrets to success in life are already within you now.


Welcome to the NeuroVIZR US community! Discover the power of Brain Exercise using light and sound.

Check out the new Youtube channel for our NeuroVIZR US community of users, and subscribe for a series of educational content about Neuroplasticity, Brain Exercises, and simple to Enjoy your life.


Photos from Tamer Begum's post 01/07/2022

If you want to Tame Your Life, you must first be willing to Step Up.

Without the readiness and willingness little can move the scale towards positive change.

When we step up and choose hard, embrace uncertainty and break free from the comfort of our inner and outer worlds, an entire new way begins to emerge.

Two months of being in the thick of healing family addictions, the challenges of beginning a new, and doing my best to continue becoming this version — has reminded me of the power of saying YES and stepping the fu^^ up.

To all those who are taking massive action towards supporting family, being there for friends, holding space for clients, colleagues, and daily interactions with people, I appreciate you.

The world needs more positive action masters like us to light the way for the world to heal.


Yoga was the gateway to begin working on myself. 15 years later I’m still a work in progress.

It all started when I was 16 years old and going through life challenges. Hungry for something that would enrich my body / mind, I found it in the teachings of my beloved teachers and mentors.

The roots of Yoga inspired me as it taught me how to breathe, be present, visualize, remember my energy, and move in all directions. It also taught me to slow down and trust in the process.

To this day I draw energy from the essence of the practice, and hold space for myself and others to experience the abundance developing a healthy relationship with yourself leads to.


We are one…

I had the unique experience to bring my family together and welcome in the Jones heart to our tribe with a meditation and prayer for healing.

Beautifully set under a Tree on a Hill, for my incredibly smart and beautiful sister Trianna and her new husband Oscar.

Using Dr. Ho'oponopono’s blessing: Thank you, I’m sorry, Please Forgive me, I love you we were able to in that event let go of the past and hold space for magic to unfold.

Oneness and the re connecting of loving hearts, made for a truly magnificent event.

Congratulations and Oscar! We are so grateful to have you in our lives.


Compressing and release the body in the CVAC Pod. To the moon!

Tried this for the first time this week and the experience was interesting. It basically feels like you’re in a spaceship going from sea level to 20,000 feet over and over again for 20 minutes.

Turns out there are some super exciting benefits of this machine for blood boosting, circulation improvement and mitochondria stimulation.

Healing and recovery is a life long journey, so you might as well make it as enjoyable and interesting as possible.

Keep spreading the light! What’s your secret sauce for recovery?


The worlds first lucid microdosing and brain priming technology has arrived

Three months into this exciting new project, and it is starting to take shape in extraordinary ways!

This week we have welcomed in a new distributor based in LA, signed up handful new affiliates, and confirmed our first pop up events in Santa Monica!

Learn something new about what inspires you, then take it to the moon. LFG!

Join the lucid minds global family and let’s co create something beautiful together. Link in bio to begin 🧠🚀✨

Photos from Tamer Begum's post 14/05/2022

Photo dump the first few weeks back in California.

The wedding was gorgeous and I’m so happy for my sister Trianna and Oscars new chapter of life ahead.

We stayed in San Francisco for a few days after to see Muir Woods and enjoy the Bay Area. Must see when in SF!

Now I’ve landed in Carpinteria to setup shop for the next few weeks until LIB festival and our product launch Pop up shops in LA.

It’s been magical, mysterious, full of family challenges and lots of staying in flow, and filled with excitement.

Looking forward to how the journey unfolds and the beautiful co creations along the way.

Next up: LIB Festival, LA pop up events, and Bio Hacker summit!


Spend time with people that make your heart sing.

Reflecting on this past few months of life and all that has changed, one this has and I believe will always remained the same…

The most memorable experiences are always based on the people you spend your time with, and how those relationships amplify the greatness within you.

When you know you would say Hell Yessss to doing it all over again, you know it was worth every moment.

Thank you for being on this journey with me. I love you all. See you again soon! Kap koon krap🙏❤️


“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”

Turns out this isn’t true, and you actually can based on Neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is the ability for our brain to shift from one state into a new state, and stay that way.

In my fitness classes I’ve been saying it for years: Use it, or Lose it. And, the importance of this and how it relates to brain wellness has literally turned medical science upside down.

I can remember many times this philosophy playing a friendly reminder in my life, and now as I become apart of this Lucid Minds family, It has reawakened an excitement for nourishing the brain with neuroplastic demand.

Learning new languages, playing my guitar, world travel, yoga, and action sports have all inspired and contributed significantly.

Neuroplasticity changes in the brain happen over time, and require a series of elements in order for these new experiences to become new traits. More on these later…

One thing we can always remember is that the whatever the current health of your brain today, it can be better tomorrow.


11 years ago on my 21st birthday we were fundraising to study abroad in Thailand

In retrospect, it was the most impactful experience during my undergrad at and changed the trajectory of my life.

Here and now, I celebrate my 32nd bday in the land of smiles, elephants, and a genuinely kind culture.

Grounded and grateful ❤️🐘

Photos from Tamer Begum's post 18/03/2022

Ten days ago I moved from Hong Kong to Thailand in pursuit of new a way to serve.

Now flying high in entirely new narratives, I remember this feeling of making bold moves into uncertainty leads to so much magic, joy and fulfillment.

I am now on new journey with some incredible people, to build brain gym technology for optimizing human performance. Stay tuned!

The best part is that I get to be closer to the elephants 🐘


Boost recovery and improve health with FlexBeam.

Introducing to the Hong Kong wellness and fitness industries target red light therapy.

Thank you to and for being the first physiotherapy and fitness center in HK to host a pop up shop event for this awesome new wellness device.

Spread lightness, stay healthy, and keep beamin’ everyone!


Something I’ve been practicing lately that I want to share is called: Simply Being

This past month in HK has been devastating for many of us. I have friends who lost their jobs, partners who lost their yoga/fitness studio space, family who cannot leave here because there is no other option other than to stick it out.

After listening a live by one of the wonderful coaches at , I remembered the practices of the Deep Coaching Program, and it made a huge shift in my day to day. Here it is:

When you learn to take time for “being” - which means to practice presence, self awareness, observing your own thoughts, breathing consciously, tuning inward to your own inner God, and trust in the magic that is unfolding - the “doing” will automatically flow naturally from that space.

More so, when you learn to enjoy being, that state of love and joy becomes the flow for taking action and doing. And, since it’s coming from a place of love and joy, it feedbacks into the enjoyment of simply being.

When you enjoy your life and simply Be, taking action can be done with joy, when you’re acting from joy, you are enjoying the art of being. When you are enjoying the art of being, taking action comes with ease.

I think this is partly why my motto for my wellness company is to inspire people to remember To Enjoy your life, you must Tame your life. Perhaps we can all Tame this madness of doing, and take a full step back into our own human nature as beings.

To any friends / family in HK who have been hit hard by these recent closures, know that you are not alone.

Comment below if you want to share or need someone to listen.


Did you know? When you smile you work your Zygomatic muscles 😃

Bringing levity and positive vibes to your feed, as when you smile and bring attention to smiling from within, you automatically begin to feel better. Give it a try!

Now for some real share: The past 6 months has been one of the most fulfilling times in my life. With all the incredible growth, new projects, retreats, community development, and growth I cannot help but be grateful. Hong Kong accepted me as a PR, we created magic with Tame Your Life retreats, AG teacher trainings, introducing red light therapy with FlexBeam, found business partners for a studio concept, landed a new home to serve from!

And, like many in HK right now, I am gutted by the recent restrictions. A proper low point as an entrepreneur. Teacher trainings postponed, Retreat events gone, studio concept shattered, pop up shops canceled, further business development canceled.

I am Heart broken not only for this city, but for the trajectory of motion and where it is inevitably heading. Feeling all the sadness, frustration, and emotions of loss because without being Real with that, experiencing joy and happiness cannot be authentically felt.

So, instead of giving into the BS and forces pulling us all down, let’s All redirect the energy into a new way of showing up! Start by Being. BE, and let the Doing come from that space. Sometimes the easiest way to do that is to start with a smile.

When things do open up again, stay tuned for a new collaboration with my guys at Soho House HK! AG coming to the Haus ❤️


As a young boy I was inspired and mentored by my Uncle Chris.

The man that brought the aerial yoga genre to the world, taught me the importance of movement in all directions of open space and in multiple dimensions.

With the invention of the Harrison AntiGravity Hammock, and his technique called AntiGravity, world of yoga and fitness class experiences and training education evolved up into the air.

Weather you’re a newbie or a seasoned mover, the benefits of hanging upside down should not be overlooked for both spinal decompression, releasing tight joints, neuroplasticity, and a fun workout to learn something new.

To this day, and now nearly fifteen years of teaching later, my mission to serve and inspire others with this technique remains.

“When you open up space in your body, you open up space in your mind.”

Video by: .o
Special thanks:


Show Up Gracefully

Step up, be in state, embody the role, hold space, and always do your best.

When we remember to show up to our daily life gracefully, that presence is transformative for all other people that cross your path.

Bring your style and grace to everything you do, and make it an easy value to live by.

Try this incantation: I am present, in flow, and accepting of this moment, and the next.


Let’s help get your body back on track!

Recover, repair, and relieve with targeted red light therapy.

Did you know that red light therapy optimizes your bodies natural anti-inflammatory response, boosts ATP and cellular energy, and targets the root cause of pain?

Living in an environment like Hong Kong where we are over stimulated, for me I have found that by starting and ending my day with my red light morning mediation and evening wellness ritual helps multiple areas of my life. Focus, sleep, and a feeling good feeling that keeps me recharged.

As technology has improved making this treatment option portable, even more powerful, and affordable, it is a no brainer bio hack for anyone looking to Tame the body or Tame the mind.


Tame Life Retreats at Amtarda

It was hard to capture the sounds, smells and tastes of this experience. And, I’m excited to share this video as I think our production team nailed it!

From the fun flying AntiGravity aerial partnering workshop, to the incredible sound bath escape with red light therapy, to the delicious Thai food, this short tester gives you an idea of what to experience at our wellness retreat.

Join Hong Kong’s only outdoor AntiGravity Fitness space, Red Light Yoga therapy sessions, and Sound bath escapes in Clear Water Bay.

Learn more from about our upcoming events in the bio link, or PM for our upcoming Tame Your Life retreat schedule.


Become conscious and remember your center.

Everything in the universe is connected through a series of dependently arising and dependently ceasing events. Life happens for us when we are in flow!

I reflect back to 4 months ago when I was turned away at LAX because of a the two week window post getting the jab.

What I thought was probably the worst travel nightmare and thing that could have happened at that specific moment, perhaps was life happening in its own divine timing. Perhaps that is what lead to the series of extraordinary events that have taken place since…

Flash forward to now — had my mere oversight of flight rescheduling not taken place, perhaps the permanent residency and kind officer that day not shown up, teacher training success with a higher turnout not happened, retreat program launch misaligned, or new wellness studio concept partners not shown up. Who knows?!

Call it the compounding effect, Gods plan, or the trust in the universe that everything is dependently happening for us, the point is this: as someone who steps up and into life with passion and purpose everyday — none of this would have been what it is today without trust, boldness, risk taking, and allowing the magical timing to unfold exactly how it’s meant to be. There is no luck here, rather relentless persistent effort towards the long term goals.

After a full day of programming events, learning from my Create course, connecting with my team, and now taking time to tame my own mind, I cannot help but share this message in hope that it inspires you to remember that — we never know what is good news or bad news. Rather, learn to trust in the perfect arising and ceasing of life while doing your best to stay in flow.

Photo by:
Pose by:
Inspired by:


What is red light therapy and how is it beneficial for your well-being?

A light therapy with a primary goal to get your body healthy and strong so it can repair itself and overcome environmental challenges.

Red light therapy has some amazing benefits. Among many other things, red light therapy:

Increases muscle endurance, tone, and density

Boosts healing of bones, tendons, and wounds

Repairs damaged nerves

Promotes hair health and growth

Rejuvenates skin by strengthening the collagen network

Improves immunity response

Regulates hormones

Helps improve and balance your mood

Enhances your weight loss efforts

Learn more about the life changing benefits this treatment has to offer and experiences Hong Kong’s first dedicated Infrared Red Light Yoga and Recovery classes coming soon to Tame Life Studios!


Become the greatest version of yourself by first suspending your disbelief.

Learn the origins of aerial yoga with me or at our upcoming teacher training series this April in Hong Kong.

Photoshoot by:


Came back to HK for a 6 week training, and decided to stay and create a new chapter.

I believe that life is constantly happening for us, not to us. Learning how to trust the process of how things shake out is where you shape your destiny. What do you REALLY want to create, give and become?

What was originally planned to be a wrap up tour, close my company, pull out my MPF, and say goodbye, led to an unexpected and unplanned new chapter and exciting and interesting new life to build.

Exactly 8 years ago to todays date I landed in Hong Kong. January 3, 2014 was when the journey began, and now more than ever I am blessed and grateful to continue the adventure to bringing life changing and world renown brands and programs to this city.

It took 8 years for me to receive my HK permanent residency, meet business partners to launch Tame Life Studios, Retreats and Workshops, and have introduce a new personal FlexBeam wellness device to the sport and recovery community. Which in real time happened in 3 months…

None of this would have been possible without taking relentless massive uncomfortable and uncertain action in moving my life from So Cal. I’m in awe as to the guidance from God and know that this is where I am most inspired and useful for others.

Seek a life that is most interesting to you and useful for others and then learn to trust in Gods guidance and love.

2022 let’s GO! I’m dedicated to making it the most energetic vital healthy, and massively successful of my life to date. If you’re with me say YES!


Happy New Year! Let’s make it the most healthy and abundant year to date ❤️🎉

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Videos (show all)

In the span of a year, our journey took us from New York to Hong Kong, where we exchanged vows just six weeks later.En r...
Busy becoming the best man I can be for myself, the superstar husband to my wife, and greatest daddy in the galaxy to my...
Boost recovery and improve health with FlexBeam.Introducing to the Hong Kong wellness and fitness industries target red ...
As a young boy I was inspired and mentored by my Uncle Chris.The man that brought the aerial yoga genre to the world, ta...
Tame Life Retreats at Amtarda It was hard to capture the sounds, smells and tastes of this experience. And, I’m excited ...
Become the greatest version of yourself by first suspending your disbelief. Learn the origins of aerial yoga with me or ...
Experience this magical space as we awaken, transform and connect our tribe to live happier, healthier and inspired Reme...
One of a kind experience with outdoor AntiGravity, Red light yoga therapy, and sunset sound escape at AmtardaSharing wel...
Last chance to join the Tame Life Retreat this Sunday!Outdoor AntiGravity, Red light yoga therapy, Sound bath, and more!...
Tame Your Life RetreatThis one event will leave you feeling energised, and inspired. Held at one of Hong Kong most exclu...
Your vibe attracts your tribe.Anything with sound and music that infuses flow states and creativity resonates hard with ...



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