Studio Alina Neculcea

Studio Alina Neculcea

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Danijel Ferić
Danijel Ferić

OPEN STUDIO ~ Divkovićeva 2B P**a • Painting Workshops • Showroom • Store All paintings cost between 200€ - 450€. Made with love �

I use only professional colors to ensure freshness and durability.


The Mediterranean collection is special to me because it's made with soil and ash. This one in particular represents the Bridge on the Ypsilon Highway from Istria towards Slovenija where my journey started in 2010. The ground will always be there to show you the path 🙏


The truth is, I dared to fail at everything else in my life, that was not my life, and finally, accepting in my 30s that I couldn't not paint a single more day of my life.
It's scary to jump head-on into something that's so scary and potent and have absolutely no idea how your life is going to look after you open this door.
But hey, here I am, it's been 5 years and what painting has taught me about myself in this period, surpasses any lesson I had before this.

The hyper-sensorial world I feel in any given moment, people's emotions and mine combined, this Molotov cocktail of life that sets my heart on fire, is the engine behind my paintings, it's my way to swim through this intense existence and reach the other shore with fairly intact sanity.

So hei, if they helped me, then they can help you too.
This is my gift to you. The bridge between human emotion and our capacity to integrate it.

Photo by Kreativa na OKO

Photos from Studio Alina Neculcea's post 14/11/2023

"Rising" Through fire shall my soul be transformed and fearlessly I step in it. No fear can make my steps walk backwards. No pain can stop my feet in place. My heart is open and ready to feel the flames. Because nothing is in vain and safety can only be found within ❤️🔥

Photos from Studio Alina Neculcea's post 12/11/2023

You gave me so many good names idea for the previous painting that I can't wait to see what name you find for this one? I created it with the feeling of a sunny autumn. A bit melancholic because you know the summer is over but also appreciative of the slower upcoming rithm. 🍂🌕🍁 What name would you give it?

Photos from Studio Alina Neculcea's post 11/11/2023

Help me find a name for this one. I've painted it with the intention of a light, sunny feeling. The kind of lightness in your heart that you feel when you are carefree 🤍 Can you spot the little heart?😄


This painting will be with me for one month. Then it's free to do its work further in this world. If you feel its message, you know where to find me ❤️


Grateful to be part of this stunning project by Studio Kaić Arhitekti for Odvjetnički ured Korotaj.
A space of such elegance and flair blends perfectly with original impactful art ✨
There are 6 paintings in the new offices. Excited to show you more soon 🤞🏻


Nature on canvas , the vibration of the soil and the lush green to keep you refreshed. Green appeals to an open heart 💚


Painting with natural pigments connects me to Mother Earth. These pieces of bricks were reshaped by the waves. Who knows what they were part of before. Reusing already existing materials makes me feel the natural cycle of life. Everything is transformed 🌀🔥


"Bloom baby bloom!" - An ode to personal genius. To all souls taking responsibility for their existence. May your life become an eternal act of presence ❤️🦋

100 x 200 cm


Geometry is attractive because it's simple. It gives your mind a break. It has on the soul the same effect a tree has. It's there so you can comfortably lean onto it.

This piece is now available ✨
"Keep it simple baby "
60 cm x 60 cm on stretched canvas. Framing available on request.

(FOTO/VIDEO) ALINA NECULCEA, rumunjska slikarica koju je ljubav dovela u Istru: "Ja sam medijator u nastajanju djela. Svoj um isključujem i dozvoljavam da se slika razvija. Umjetnosti dajem iskru svoje duše" 17/09/2023

Od srca hvala Istra 24
Ništa ne bih bila bez ovo što istinski jesam❤️ 🦋

(FOTO/VIDEO) ALINA NECULCEA, rumunjska slikarica koju je ljubav dovela u Istru: "Ja sam medijator u nastajanju djela. Svoj um isključujem i dozvoljavam da se slika razvija. Umjetnosti dajem iskru svoje duše" Najnovija kolekcija slika, koja je tek u stvaranju, inspirirana je istarskom prirodom. Umjesto klasičnim bojama Alina ih stvara od istarskog vapna, pigmentima istarske zemlje i karboniziranim drvom loze. Slike su tople, izviru iz prirode, pričaju priču o Istri


Painted with carbonized vineyard wood, soil and acrylics. When Mother Earth speaks , there is no need for human intervention. She paints, i just move my hands in her rythm.


I close my eyes to feel it all, no filter applied to this story of mine, just pure life flow running through my veins and everything it brings. I surrender completely and know that whatever this Divine Intelligence is , a speck of its light lives in my heart. And this is its home as it is mine 💎

My mantra for today ❤️

Beautiful photo by my soul sister Kreativa na OKO 🌕


This Saturday at 8:00 pm. Hope to see you there ❤️

Nova izložba u pripremi.Interesantna autorica Alina Neculcea predstavlja se serijom slika 'Moj komad sreće'. Vidimo se ove subote!


A painting skips the small talk and goes straight to your core 📍❤️
"Cosmic Visions" is open every night except Sunday in SKUC P**a, until 20.8

Photo by Kreativa na OKO


I don't know if there is going to be rain tonight. But what I know is , you need to see this for yourself so you can understand ❤️
Come by Srpski Kulturni Centar today from 19:00 🌍

Photos from Studio Alina Neculcea's post 27/07/2023

"This Bunny ain't going nowhere" 💪

Amidst the vibrant strokes that come alive on the canvas, a woman's gaze captivates me with her piercing blue eyes, carrying a bright-colored bunny on her shoulder. "This Bunny ain't going nowhere" speaks volumes about resilience and adaptability—a powerful reminder of our inner strength and determination. Like the rabbit totem, we encounter obstacles in our journey, yet possess the inherent power to grow and transform through life's twists and turns.

The woman's unwavering stare resonates deeply within, mirroring our own courage and fortitude. In her eyes, I see a reflection of my own struggles, victories, and unyielding spirit. The painting becomes a profound mirror, urging us to show up even when life gets tough, to embrace the challenges and emerge stronger.

The rabbit totem holds significant symbolism across cultures and mythologies. It represents fertility and transformation. Just as the rabbit moves swiftly through various terrains, we too navigate the ever-changing landscapes of our lives, adapting and evolving in the face of uncertainty.

The woman becomes a beacon of hope and empowerment. Her strength echoes the tales of mythical heroines who triumph over adversity, inspiring us to overcome our own trials and tribulations.

With "This Bunny ain't going nowhere," we declare our commitment to embracing life's challenges with courage and tenacity. We acknowledge that setbacks may occur, but like the rabbit, we shall bounce back stronger and wiser. In every stroke of the brush, the painting becomes a testament to the indomitable human spirit—a reminder to show up, persist, and thrive in the face of life's uncertainties.

Find it here at


🌚 So what if you don't fit in ? 🌕

Growing up, we're often taught to conform to the norms and strive for what's considered "normal" by society. But what if I told you that your passions and extraordinary abilities are meant to be more than just hobbies? What if you dared to dream bigger and bolder?

The world may recognize genius, but it often seems like it's out of reach for most of us. We fear failure in the unknown, and that fear can hold us back from exploring our true potential. We carry entire worlds inside us, brimming with untapped potential, waiting to be unleashed.

Society tries to confine us to predefined structures and discourages change. It's scary because change can't be controlled, and it challenges the status quo. But don't let that stop you from stepping into your greatness.

I've faced doubts and fears on my journey too. When I began investing in canvases, professional colors, and self-education, I wondered, "What if no one appreciates my art?" But I soon realized that I wasn't here to seek validation from others. Painting is my life mission, and I must follow it no matter what.

Each decision I made to pursue my passion was met with resistance from some. But in those moments, I remembered that this was a lesson repeating itself until I learned to break free from limiting beliefs.

Creating art is my meditation, and it's more than just colors on canvas. It's channeling messages, symbols, and dreams. Ideas flow from a higher source, and my role is to be the decoder, translating emotions and wisdom onto the canvas.

I'm convinced that we are like antennas, constantly receiving signals and frequencies from our surroundings. That's why I choose to surround myself with positivity, uplifting music, and conversations that enrich my soul.

Sometimes, the ego tries to take over, leading to paintings that don't resonate with my heart. But when I surrender to the Universe, the true magic happens. My paintings come alive, carrying messages that touch the hearts of those who connect with them.

If there's one thing I've learned on this journey, it's that love is the essence of everything. It's the driving force behind all our actions, the key to unlocking our potential, and the ultimate message I wish to share with the world.

So, my dear friends, don't be afraid to embrace your uniqueness and follow your passion. Let love guide you and paint your life's canvas with bold strokes of authenticity. The world needs your light, so shine bright! 🎨🌌💫

Photo by Studio Lux by Anna Gaspotic ❤️


Veselim se, poznati vas na još jedan zvučni susret.
Subota, 17.6.2023 P**a
19.30 - 20.45
Iskusit ćete duboko opuštanje koje je preduvjet za otpuštanje stresa i napetosti iz našeg tijela. Upotrebom pokreta, zvuka i određenih holističkih glazbala potaknut ćemo povratak prirodne harmonije našeg bića. Susret sa gongom je susret tebe sa tvojim unutarnjim zvukom. Zvučna kupka je jedinstveno iskustvo koje djeluje na svim nivoima našeg bića.
Subota, 17.6.2023 P**a Studio Alina Neculcea
19.30 - 20.45
Nakon kratke serije pokreta prepuštamo se zvučnoj kupki uz kristalne zdjele i gongove (simfonijski, venera, jupiter). Gong je „prozor u svemir“ njegove vibracije smiruju i balansiraju živčani sustav, uklanjaju blokade, čiste um i dovode energetsko polje u harmoniju. Kristalne zdjele vezane su uz emotivno tijelo, pomažu nam da otpustimo iskustva, emocije i senzacije koje su ostale „pospremljene“ u našem tijelu
Cijena: 15 eura
Prijave - putem inboxa. Za potvrdu rezervacije Vašeg mjesta, potrebno je uplatiti iznos na racun. U slučaju opravdanog otkazivanja, uplaćeni iznos mozete iskoristiti za drugi termin.

Mem Gong = Muscles, Emotions, Meridians (Mišići, Emocije, Meridijani) je holistička yoga kreirana od gong majstora Don Conreaux-a. Mem je kombinacija pokreta, disanja, namjere i zvuka. Pročišćava, otvara energetske kanale, a time je doživljaj zvučne kupke intenzivniji i djelotvorniji. Efekti zvučne kupke kasnije se osjećaju danima.


The world needs art , just as the soul needs inspiration. There is no world without imagination because beauty starts within and manifests afterwards.
Living your life sincerely, open and brave. That's your only chance ❤️ I hope you take it ! 🤞🏻🦋

Photo by

Photos from Kreativa na OKO's post 30/05/2023


Studio Alina Neculcea ovo je bio još jedan magičan session ✨

Photos from Kreativa na OKO's post 23/05/2023

Kreativa na OKO - Niku priporocam iz srca ❤️ more than a photographer, a genuine kind and well intended woman. She really catches even the beauty you can't see at first sight. A fairy with a magical eye 🤗❤️🌸



Today I celebrate a huge success from my dear sister Stela. 🥳

Stela just launched her FIRST EVER BOOK! 😱

And we celebrated it with a beautiful poetry night 📚 where she read to us a couple of pages out of her book.

She reminded me of how far she has come.

And I am truly proud 🥲 to see such a big transformation.

When she came she was lost, confused, and at a breakdown. Her world was shattered and was falling apart 😖, but now she owns her power and creates pure magic and bliss in her life. 👸🏻

Just look at how she shines, like a true star! 🌟

All of that only because she made the first step 👠 and decided that it’s time to change her life; because it was more painful to stay in the place she was in than it was to completely shift into her most beautiful 😍 and fulfilling life.

🌸 Darling woman, if you are feeling like you need to change your life because living for another second will drive you into madness then come to me and let’s shift into your dream life.

Click the link in bio ⬆️ and join me in my free facebook group where I share exclusive healing and tips on how you can shift your life just like Stela and thousand of other women did. 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏽

See you there! 💋

Love and light,



Petak 5.5 u 19:00 u Studio Alina Neculcea . Vidimo se🌸

[Najava POETRY NIGHT]. Zakoračili smo u mjesec svibanj, mjesec razvoja, vrijeme kad se priroda budi i cvjeta. No ne budi se samo priroda i mi se budimo, izlazimo na svjetlo dana, odbacujemo sa sebe tople dekice izlazimo van tražeći zrake sunca da nas griju. Ovo je mjesec druženja s prijateljima, upoznavanja novih ljudi, odlaska na različite manifestacije, koncerte, događanja i na sve ono što nam grije dušu zbog kojih se ona budi i cvjeta. 🌷

Stoga Vas pozivamo na buđenje duše, kroz čitanje osobnih priča i pjesama autorice Stele Cavrić, na 🖊POETRY NIGHT 📖, na čitanje poezije kako je sama autorica navela: "na Moj način". Pozivamo Vas na putovanje kamo se, najčešće, ne usuđujemo putovati sami, na mjesta koja tek trebamo otkriti kako bismo doista mogli pronaći sebe onakve kakvima doista jesmo, bez maski, titula, funkcija, bez uloga.

Ako smo Vas imalo zainteresirali slijede tehničke upute:
vrijeme događanja je: 5. 5. 2023. u 19 h
mjesto: P**a, Divkovićeva 2b, zona Šijana, u roza zgradi Mariterm, u studiu: .alina.neculcea. Studio je na prvom katu.
Ulaz je besplatan i svi su dobrodošli!

Važno je napomenuti da ako među Vama postoji još autora, slobodno se javite našoj Steli kako biste i Vi mogli podijeliti dio sebe! 💛
Za dodatne informacije možete posjetiti Stelin Instagram profil.

Vidimo se! ❤

Photos from Sound Experience's post 19/04/2023

Travel within ❤️

Photos from Studio Alina Neculcea's post 07/04/2023

Danas u Glas Istre čeka Vas jedna lijepa vjest 🔥

What we share, multiplies. Our biggest strength lies in our ability to connect ❤️💪

Share it to reach whom it must ✨



Svi ste pozvani...vidimo se u srijedu u galeriji Loža
Nika Paus Kreativa na OKO 📷

Photos from Sound Experience's post 11/02/2023

Not all travelling requires you to move ❤️
Travel inwards ✨

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Sometimes I feel so light and airy, as if my soul lingers beyond the edges of my skin. And then, a sunny feeling enters ...
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Divkovićeva 2B
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