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Empowering private equity and venture capital community with knowledge, investment opportunities and

Photos from VentureXchange's post 05/09/2024

🚀 Did you know that PE and VC managers have been active in Croatia since 1997 and are now in their fourth generation? Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association members manage an impressive €3.2 billion in capital!

For more on opportunities for startups and the PE/VC scene, check out new column by our CEO Mirna Marovic in 📰 👇

To support the capital attraction, Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association is hosting the LP-GP Networking Event from 9 – 11 October 2024 in Dubrovnik—a private, invitation-only event bringing together the PE& VC fund managers (GPs) and their end-investors (LPs), including institutional investors and family offices and from across Europe. Find out more at: 🌐

Jeste li znali da Private Equity (PE) i Venture Capital (VC) fond menadžeri djeluju u Hrvatskoj još od 1997., a sada smo već došli do četvrte generacije? 🚀 Članovi CVCA upravljaju s impresivnih 3,2 milijarde eura kapitala! 📈

Za više informacija o prilikama za startupove i PE/VC sceni, pročitajte novu kolumnu naše direktorice Mirna Marovic za Poslovni dnevnik: 📰👇

Kako bi se olakšali privlačenje kapitala, CVCA organizira LP-GP Networking Event od 9. do 11. listopada 2024. u Dubrovniku – privatni, ekskluzivni događaj koji okuplja PE/VC fond menadžere (GPs), te njihove krajnje ulagače (LPs), uključujući institucionalne investitore i predstavnike family office-a i iz cijele Europe. Saznajte više na 🌐👇


In the last 10 years, the angel investment ecosystem in Croatia 🇭🇷 and Central Europe 🌍 has grown significantly, often providing the first capital 💰 to startups. Through collaboration with local venture capital funds, Croatia is gradually transforming into a high-value-added economy 📈, creating a "high tech, high skill, high wage" economy. 💻👩‍💻💵

On that note, we're proud of our CEO Mirna Marovic who has been nominated for European Female Business Angel of the Year 🏆 by Business Angels Europe. This nomination is a recognition of the development of the entire startup ecosystem 🌱 in Croatia 🇭🇷. Supporting innovative startups 🚀 opens doors for our entrepreneurs to conquer global markets 🌐.

U posljednjih 10 godina, ekosustav poslovnih anđela u Hrvatskoj 🇭🇷 i Srednjoj Europi 🌍 značajno je narastao, često pružajući prvi kapital 💰 startupovima. U suradnji s domaćim venture capital fondovima, Hrvatska se polako, ali sigurno, transformira u gospodarstvo visoke dodane vrijednosti 📈, stvarajući "high tech, high skill, high wage" ekonomiju. 💻👩‍💻💵

U tom kontekstu, ponosni smo na našu direktoricu Mirna Marovic koja je nominirana za European Female Business Angel of the Year 🏆 by Business Angels Europe. Ova nominacija je priznanje razvoju cijelog startup ekosustava 🌱 u Hrvatskoj 🇭🇷. Rad na podršci inovativnim startupovima 🚀 otvara vrata našim poduzetnicima za osvajanje globalnih tržišta 🌐.


📢 VentureXchange is excited to announce our engagement for the 𝗦𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗘𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗘𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗠&𝗔 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘂𝗺 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰. Let's meet in 𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲 on 𝟯𝗿𝗱 𝗢𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 for a networking event with leading , Funds, and corporate . A full day of networking, informative panels, and provides an excellent opportunity for attendees to learn about current deal momentum and discover opportunities in sectors including , , , , and . Do not miss it!

📅 Save the date - 𝗢𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟯, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 , 𝗠𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗼𝗹 𝗣𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲, 𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲

Find out more 👉

👉 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮𝗱𝘃𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗩𝗖𝗔𝟮𝟬 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝟮𝟬% 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁


As the proud partner of Baltic VCA Summit 2024, we invite you to join this unique event in the PE/VC industry.

📅 When: September 5-6, 2024
📍 Where: Vilnius, Lithuania

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with leading LPs and GPs from the region and discuss key challenges, opportunities, and the outlook for the PE/VC industry.

Key topics include:

✔️Macroeconomic trends impacting PE/VC
✔️LP expectations and new opportunities
✔️Regional cooperation in the Baltic and beyond
✔️New fund structures and financing mechanisms

More than 69 investors are already confirmed! Register now and use code CVCA_10 for a 10% discount.


Kao ponosni partneri Baltic VCA Summit 2024, pozivamo vas da se pridružite ovoj jedinstvenoj konferenciji u PE/VC industriji.

📅 Kada: 5.-6. rujna 2024.
📍 Gdje: Vilnius, Litva

Ne propustite priliku da se povežete s vodećim LP-ovima i GP-ovima iz regije te raspravite ključne izazove, prilike i perspektive u PE/VC industriju.

Ključne teme uključuju:

✔️Makroekonomski trendovi koji utječu na PE/VC
✔️Očekivanja LP-ova i nove prilike
✔️Regionalna suradnja u Baltičkim zemljama
✔️Nove strukture fondova i mehanizmi financiranja

Više od 69 investitora već je potvrđeno! Registrirajte se sada i koristite kod CVCA_10 za 10% popusta.


Photos from VentureXchange's post 19/08/2024

📈 Reflecting on 20 years of growth in Croatia's private equity and venture capital industry! Since the founding of the Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association , we've seen the market evolve from its early days to a thriving ecosystem, with members now managing over €3.2 billion in capital. 🚀

The 2005 Investment Funds Act was a key milestone, setting the stage for venture capital in Croatia. Today, our industry has made significant economic impacts, including the rise of unicorns and successful exits.

Check out the latest issue of Lider media for more and read the column by our CEO Mirna Marovic ! 💡

📈 Osvrćući se na 20 godina rasta hrvatske industrije private equity i venture capitala! Od osnivanja Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association vidjeli smo kako se tržište razvija od svojih ranih dana do naprednog ekosustava, s članovima koji sada upravljaju kapitalom od preko 3,2 milijarde eura. 🚀

Zakon o investicijskim fondovima iz 2005. bio je ključna prekretnica, postavljajući teren za private equity u Hrvatskoj. Danas je naša industrija izvršila značajan gospodarski utjecaj, uključujući uspon jednoroga.

Više pogledajte u najnovijem broju Lider media i pročitajte kolumnu naše direktorice Mirne Marović! 💡



📅 1st session: October 1, 2024 Duration: 8 hours

📅 2nd session: October 15, 2024 🕑 Duration: 8 hours

📍Zagreb, Croatia

Enhance your investing skills as a Business Angel or start your journey in Angel investing in Croatia. This free program offers access to leading players in Europe's Angel Investment markets and local investors. 🌍🤝

𝗪𝗵𝗼 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗲?
- Business Angels looking to become more effective
- Individuals interested in investing in early-stage startups
- All backgrounds and ages welcome! Especially encouraging women investors. 🌟

There are only 25 spots available. Don't miss out, apply before September 15th.

Photos from VentureXchange's post 26/07/2024

🌐 The world paused on Friday, July 19, 2024, echoing the days of COVID-19. The recovery and remediation from the Crowdstrike incident will take weeks across many industries, pushing IT and cybersecurity to the forefront. 💻 With frequent hacking attempts aimed at destabilizing various sectors, the landscape of global threats has shifted dramatically.😮💡

Find out more about this topic in the new column by our CEO Mirna Marovic for

🌐 Dobar dio svijeta stao je u petak, 19. srpnja 2024., kao nekad tijekom COVID-a. Sanacija i oporavak nakon Crowdstrike incidenta u mnogim industrijama trajat će tjednima, a IT i kibernetička sigurnost konačno su postale teme broj jedan. 💻 Kada na to dodate učestale hakerske napade s ciljem destabilizacije pojedinih grana društva, slika globalnih prijetnji potpuno se mijenja.😮💡

Bacite pogled na novu kolumnu naše direktorice Mirna Marovic za 👇


VentureXchange is thrilled to invite you to the ESIL2 consortium's workshop, "Building Sustainable Gender-Focused Angel Investment across Europe: The Role of ESIL2 Next Gen Angels." As an expert and local leader with ESIL, our CEO Mirna Marovic is passionate about fostering gender-balanced angel investment across Europe.

This dynamic event will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders, including angel investors, researchers, policymakers, and representatives from European organisations.

📅 When?

Thursday, 11 July 2024

🕑 Time?

2.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Join us for interactive panels and insightful presentations focusing on:

- The current state of women angel investors in Europe

- Effective strategies to enhance gender balance

- Fostering gender-focused angel communities across the continent

Check out the detailed agenda📋 :

Secure your spot now👉:

Your participation is invaluable as we work together to shape the future of gender-focused angel investing in Europe. Looking forward to seeing you there!


VentureXchange is thrilled to promote SuperInvestor, the premier event for the investment community.
🔹 3,000+ Decision-Makers
🔹 1,000+ Senior LPs
🔹 1,500+ Leading GPs
🔹 90,000+ Meetings

Experience SuperInvestor like never before! Set against the stunning backdrop of Monaco, the Grimaldi Forum offers expansive meeting areas and fabulous outdoor networking spaces. This isn't your typical city-centre hotel event. It's a unique opportunity to make productive connections with the people who matter most in our industry.

✨ Play your part in shaping the future of investment and register for the event!

Photos from VentureXchange's post 28/06/2024

🚀 Looking for a compelling weekend read? Check out the latest column in the weekend edition for .hr by our CEO, Mirna Marovic ! This time, she delves into how the new government can transform Croatia into a regional hub, attracting significant foreign investment. 🌍💼

Key highlights include:

- Members of the Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (CVCA) managing over €3.2 billion! 💶💪
- A recent CVCA survey showing that two-thirds of members believe improving the regulatory environment for private equity and venture capital is crucial, with 88.9% rating it as a top priority. 📊

👏 Kudos to the new-old government for their efforts in developing private equity and venture capital investments and the startup ecosystem. Earlier this year, they implemented essential reforms such as higher limits for pension fund investments in alternative investment funds, a new tax regime for employee stock options (ESOPs) for startups, and the use of EU funds for venture capital (CVCI II) and growth capital (CROGIP II) investments.

Check out her column for more suggestions on collectively creating a ‘high tech, high skill, high wage’ economy. 🌟📈

Read more at the link! 🔗

🚀 Tražite zanimljivo štivo za vikend? Pogledajte najnoviju kolumnu u vikend izdanju Poslovnog dnevnika naše direktorice Mirna Marovic! Ovaj put se bavi time kako nova vlada može pretvoriti Hrvatsku u regionalno središte, privlačeći značajna strana ulaganja. 🌍💼

Neke od zanimljivosti u ovoj kolumni su:

- Članovi Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association upravljaju s više od 3,2 milijarde eura! 💶💪
- Nedavno istraživanje CVCA-e pokazalo je da dvije trećine članova vjeruje da je poboljšanje regulatornog okruženja za private equity i venture capital ključno, a 88,9% ocijenilo ga je kao glavni prioritet. 📊

👏 Sve pohvale novoj-staroj vladi za njihove napore u razvoju private equity i venture capital ulaganja te startup ekosustava. Ranije ove godine proveli su bitne reforme kao što su viši limiti za ulaganja mirovinskih fondova u alternativne investicijske fondove, novi porezni režim za dioničke opcije za zaposlenike (ESOP) za novoosnovana poduzeća i korištenje EU fondova za venture capital (CVCI II) i growth kapital (CROGIP II) ulaganja.

Pogledajte njezinu kolumnu za više prijedloga o zajedničkom stvaranju gospodarstva "visoke tehnologije, visokih vještina, visokih plaća". 🌟📈

Više pročitajte na linku 🔗


📺 Hvala HRT - HR 1 -u na doista lijepom prilogu o transformaciji našeg gospodarstva kroz private equity i venture capital ulaganja, istaknutih na našoj konferenciji i dodjeli nagrada 📈 Važno je da svaki dan otvaramo prostor mladim liderima koji će znanjem, idejama i inovacijama, gurati Hrvatsku u pravom smjeru. 🚀

Pogledajte video za prikaz najvažnijih trenutaka konferencije! 🎥👀✨

📺 Thank you to HRT for their excellent coverage of the transformation of our economy through private equity and venture capital investments, showcased at our fourth conference and awards. 📈 It's crucial that we continually create opportunities for young leaders who will steer Croatia in the right direction with their knowledge, ideas, and innovations. 🚀

Check out the video for the highlights from the conference! 🎥👀✨

19/06/2024 organised by Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association took place exactly one week ago. Check out our brief "Best Moments of BestInvest" video. 🎥👀🇭🇷✨ Being surrounded by top business leaders each year is always wonderful, but it's even more inspiring to see our young innovators growing and propelling Croatia towards a high-tech, high-skill, and high-wage economy. 🚀📈🌟

👉🔗Read more: u organizaciji Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association je bio točno prije tjedan dana. Bacite pogled na kratki "Best moments of BestInvest" video. 🎥👀🇭🇷✨Uvijek je prekrasno biti okružen vrhunskim poslovnim liderima svake godine, ali još je ljepše vidjeti kako naši mladi inovatori rastu i guraju ovu zemlju prema high-tech, high-skill i high-wage gospodarstvu. 🚀📈🌟

👉🔗Više pročitajte na:


🚀 This year's conference, organised by the Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (CVCA) at the Westin, marked the fourth edition of celebrating the annual awards for the best investments in fast-growing companies and startups, recognising the top private equity and venture capital (PE&VC) investments in Croatia 🏅🇭🇷🏆. This year's winners are:

🏆 Founder of the Year: Matija Nakic, founder and director of Farseer
🏛️ Investor of the Year: Provectus Capital Partners
🏅 Private Equity Investment of the Year: Invera Equity Partners for their investment in the Museum of Illusions
🚀 Venture Capital Investment of the Year: Farseer for raising venture capital investments from Apertu Capital, SQ Capital, and others.
🌟 Private equity and venture capital funds are no longer exotic or niche. They support dynamic companies and have become the cornerstone of the Croatian economy and society🇭🇷. These funds support our daily lives more than we realise, transforming the Croatian economy towards 'high skill, high tech, and high wage.' 🌟 This aligns with BestInvest conference slogan – support the best and transform the rest! 🚀
👉 📷 Check out the photo gallery here👀
🔗 Find out more on

🚀 Na ovogodišnjoj konferenciji u organizaciji Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (CVCA) održanoj u Westinu, dodijeljene su godišnje nagrade za najbolja ulaganja u brzorastuće kompanije i startupove tj. najbolja private equity i venture capital (PE&VC) ulaganja već četvrtu godinu zaredom. Pobjednici ovogodišnjeg izdanja su prema kategorijama:
🏆 Osnivač godine: Matija Nakic, osnivačica i direktorica Farseer
🏛️ Investitor godine: Provectus Capital Partners
🏅 Private equity investicija godine: Invera Equity Partners za ulaganje u Museum of Illusions
🚀 Venture Capital investicija godine: Farseer za prikupljanje venture capital ulaganja od Apertu Capital, SQ Capital i ostalih ulagača.
🌟 Danas private equity i venture capital fondovi ne predstavljaju nešto egzotično ili svojevrsnu tržišnu nišu. Oni podržavaju najpropulzivnije tvrtke našeg gospodarstva i postali su kamen temeljac hrvatske ekonomije i integralni dio hrvatskog društva. 🇭🇷 Private equity i venture capital fondovi podupiru naš svakodnevni život više nego što to shvaćamo, te su perjanica transformacije hrvatskog gospodarstva u željenom smjeru 'high skill, high tech i high wage'. 🌟 Točno u skladu sa sloganom BestInvest konferencije – support the best and transform the rest! 🚀
👉 📷 Bacite oko na galeriju fotografija ovdje 👀
🔗 Pronađite i više na!


🌟 Private equity i venture capital industrija transformirala je naše gospodarstvo 🇭🇷

🔝 Glavni cilj razvoja našeg gospodarstva je izgraditi ‘high skill, high tech i high wage’ ekosustav, što opravdava i slogan BestInvest konferencije u organizaciji Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association : “Support the best & transform the rest”. 🚀

👉 Na pravom smo putu kao industrija i nikad nismo bili utjecajniji, zato pridružite nam se i uhvatite posljednje karte na web stranici 🎟️

🌟 The private equity and venture capital industry has transformed our economy 🇭🇷

🔝 The main goal of developing our economy is to build a 'high skill, high tech, and high wage' ecosystem, which is justified by our BestInvest conference slogan organized by Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association "Support the best & transform the rest". 🚀

👉 We are on the right track as an industry and have never been more influential. Join us and grab the last tickets on the website 🎟️


Photos from VentureXchange's post 07/06/2024

👀 At this year's 🌱gathering of the investment community, we are thrilled to unveil our keynote presentations! Check out this year's speakers! Venturexchange is proud to be a partner of Bestinvest, organized by Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association .

👀 Na ovogodišnjem okupljanju investicijske zajednice 🌱, s ponosom otkrivamo naše keynote prezentacije! Bacite pogled na ovogodišnje govornike! Venturexchange je ponosni partner Bestinvesta, koji organizira Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association.

🎙️ Hrvoje Čuvalo - President of the Managing Board, HBOR - Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvitak

🎙️ Sladjana Ćosić - Head of the European Investment Bank (European Investment Bank (EIB) in Croatia

🎙️ Matija Nakic - CEO & Founder, Farseer

🎙️ Kristijan S. - CEO & Co-founder,

🎙️ Tomislav Ivanić - CEO & Founder, SoltiQ

🎙️ Albert Gajšak 🛠️ - CEO & Founder, CircuitMess

🌟 Find your tickets at and see you next week! 🚀

🌟 Ulaznice pronađite na i vidimo se idući tjedan! 🚀

Photos from VentureXchange's post 06/06/2024

👀 At this year's gathering of the investment community, organized by the Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association , we have three fireside chats. Take a look at this year's topics and speakers 👀

👀 Na ovogodišnjem okupljanju investicijske zajednice u organizaciji Private Equity and Venture Capital Association imamo čak tri fireside chata, bacite pogled na ovogodišnje teme i govornike 👀

🚀Fast-track in scaling from 0 to 100
Stevica Kuharski, Partner, Fil Rouge Capital
Valeri Petrov, Managing Partner, Eleven Ventures
Jack Thorogood, Founder & CEO, Native Teams
Aleksandra Mitrevska, Co-Founder, Chief Evangelist, Native Teams
Timothei Jukić, Regional Director, Native Teams
Moderator: Bernard Ivezic, CEO & Co-founder Unicorn Underground

🚀 Creation of the largest chain of dental clinics in the region
Gordan Muškić, CEO, Adria Dental Group
Ivan Dujmovic, Partner, Provectus Capital Partners
Moderator: Vladimir Nisevic, Editor in Chief, Poslovni dnevnik, TBC

🚀Creating the largest museum chain globally
Slaven Kordic, Managing Partner, Invera Equity Partners
Teo Širola, President, Museum of Illusions
Ivan Stipancic, Museum of Illusions, TBC
Roko Zivkovic, Founder and Advisor, Museum of Illusions
Moderator: Mirna Marovic, President, CVCA

🌟Join us at this year's awards ceremony 🏆 for the best private equity and venture capital (PE&VC) investments and secure your ticket in time at: 🌟
🌟Pridružite nam se i vi na ovogodišnjoj dodjeli nagrada 🏆 za najbolja private equity i venture capital (PE&VC) ulaganja i osigurajte na vrijeme svoju ulaznicu na: 🌟


🚀 Announcing Nominations for 2023! 🇭🇷 / 🚀Otkrivamo nominacije 🇭🇷

🔴 Private Equity Investment of the Year 2023/ Private Equity investicija godine 2023

Nord Mobil - Mobile home producer & PROSPERUS-INVEST
Pick & Pack & BlackPeak Capital
Vetti Group & Provectus Capital Partners
Museum of Illusions & Invera Equity Partners
Studenac market & Enterprise Investors

🔵 Venture Capital Investment of the Year 2023/ Venture Capital (kasna faza) investicija godine 2023

Be-On savjetovanje
Game Boost
Insider CX
Juicefast zajednica
Native Teams

🟢 Founder of the Year 2023 / Osnivač godine 2023

Albert Gajšak 🛠️, CircuitMess
Aleksandra Mitrevska, Native Teams
David Dravinec & Marko Dravinec, Juicefast zajednica
Filip Špiranec, Hypefy
Goran Deak, Sponaglobal
Ivan Burazin, Daytona
Josip Begic, lebesque
Kristijan S.,
Luka Berger, Flexkeeping
Matija Nakic, Farseer
Nikola Komes, Insider CX
Sabine Gradistanac Skrgatic, Be -On savjetovanje
Stjepan Buljat, Cognism

🟣 Investor of the Year 2023 / Investitor godine 2023

Fil Rouge Capital
Invera Equity Partners
BlackPeak Capital
Provectus Capital Partners
Enterprise Investors

🌟 For tickets and more information, visit / Ulaznice i više informacija pronađite na

Photos from VentureXchange's post 04/06/2024

🚀Četvrtu godinu za redom okuplja creme de la creme private equity i venture capital poslovne zajednice u organizaciji Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association !🚀

Takav je i naš žiri koji će odabrati najbolje i investicije u četiri kategorije, kao i uvijek prepun uglednih i dokaznih stručnjaka:

Hajdi Cenan, President of CroStart UP
Ivana Gažić, President of the Management Board, at Zagreb Stock Exchange
Sven Harjaček, Business Development Manager at BIRD Incubator
Marijana Ivanov , PhD, Professor, Faculty of Economics, at University of Zagreb
Bernard Ivezic, CEO & co-founder, at Unicorn Underground
Andrej Knez Director Strategic Risk Management at Addiko Bank AG Branch Zagreb
Leo Mršić, PhD, PhD, Professor, Vice Rector for Science and Research at Algebra University
Vladimir Nisevic, Editor in Chief, at Poslovni dnevnik
Tamara Perko, Director, at Croatian Banking Association
Hrvoje Serdarušić, Financial Analyst,
Goran Šaravanja, Chief Economist, Croatian Chamber of Commerce
Velimir Srića, PhD, University Professor Emeritus / member European Academy of Sciences and Arts / Management and IT Consultant
Filip Stipančić, Managing Partner at Smion

🌟Pridružite nam se i vi na ovogodišnjoj dodjeli nagrada 🏆 za najbolja private equity i venture capital (PE&VC) ulaganja i osigurajte na vrijeme svoju ulaznicu na: 🌟

🚀For the fourth consecutive year, gathers the crème de la crème of the business community in the organisation of Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association!🚀

Our jury, as always filled with esteemed and proven experts

🌟Join us at this year's awards ceremony 🏆 for the best private equity and venture capital (PE&VC) investments and secure your ticket in time at: 🌟

Photos from VentureXchange's post 31/05/2024

🌍💡 Curious about how private equity and venture capital are driving Croatian startups to global success? In the latest column for Svijet novca , our CEO, Mirna Marovic shares her insights and success stories on emerging stars. 🚀

🔗 Check out the full article:

Also, don’t miss the Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (CVCA)'s BestInvest conference, returning for its fourth year! 🎉This event showcases the remarkable impact of these investments on our economy and society. Register now to be inspired by success stories and insights from industry leaders! 🌟🏆

🔗 Register here:

🌍💡 Zanima vas kako private equity i venture capital pokreću hrvatske startupove do globalnog uspjeha? U najnovijoj kolumni za Svijet novca, Poslovni dnevnik, naša direktorica Mirna Marovic dijeli svoje uvide i uspješne priče o zvijezdama u usponu. 🚀

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Također, ne propustite Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (CVCA) organizira BestInvest konferenciju koja se vraća četvrtu godinu zaredom! 🎉Ovaj događaj prikazuje izvanredan utjecaj ovih ulaganja na naše gospodarstvo i društvo. Registrirajte se sada kako biste bili inspirirani uspješnim pričama i uvidima vodećih u industriji! 🌟🏆

🔗 Registrirajte se ovdje:

Photos from VentureXchange's post 31/05/2024

🌍💡 How do private equity and venture capital help Croatian startups become global leaders? Discover which companies have already succeeded and which are on the rise in my latest column in Svijet novca, 🚀
🔗 Read the full article here:
Don't miss out! The Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (CVCA) is hosting the BestInvest conference for the fourth consecutive year. 🎉 This exciting event celebrates the incredible contributions of these investments to our economy and society. Register now to hear inspiring success stories and gain valuable insights from industry leaders! 🌟🏆🔗

🌍💡 Kako private equity i venture capital pomažu hrvatskim startupovima da postanu globalni lideri? Otkrijte koje su tvrtke već uspjele, a koje su na putu prema uspjehu u mojoj novoj kolumni u Svijetu novca 🚀
🔗 Pročitajte cijeli članak ovdje:
Ne propustite! Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (CVCA) organizira BestInvest konferenciju već četvrtu godinu zaredom. 🎉 Ovaj uzbudljivi događaj slavi nevjerojatne doprinose koje ova ulaganja čine našem gospodarstvu i društvu. Registrirajte se sada kako biste čuli inspirativne uspješne priče i stekli vrijedne uvide od industrijskih lidera! 🌟🏆 Registrirajte se za BestInvest konferenciju, 🔗


🚀 Our CEO Mirna Marovic had the honor of speaking at one of Europe’s premier tech and startup events, the esteemed Podim Conference. The panel discussion, "Unlocking the Growth of CEE Companies," offered unparalleled insights into scaling challenges and strategies in Central and Eastern Europe. 📈

A special shoutout to esteemed panellists:
🌟Julien Coustaury from Fil Rouge Capital - FRC
🌟Kristina Marinovic from Duamentes,
🌟Nina Hoedlmayr, co-founder of

Their discussion ranged from exploring product-led versus team-led growth, to navigating the intricacies of strategic relocations and crafting exit strategies that maximize startup success.

Panellists insightful questions made this session a cornerstone of the conference! 🌍💡
Until next year!

🚀 Naša direktorica Mirna Marovic imala je čast govoriti na jednom od vodećih europskih tehnoloških i startup događaja, cijenjenoj konferenciji. Panel rasprava, "Otključavanje rasta kompanija u CEE regiji," ponudila je neusporediv uvid u izazove skaliranja i strategije u srednjoj i istočnoj Europi 📈

Poseban pozdrav cijenjenim sudionicima panela:
🌟Julien Coustaury iz Fil Rouge Capitala
🌟Kristina Marinovic iz Duamentesa,
🌟Nina Hoedlmayr, suosnivačica

Njihova se rasprava kretala od istraživanja rasta vođenog proizvodom naspram rasta vođenog timom, do snalaženja u zamršenostima strateških preseljenja i izrade izlaznih strategija koje maksimiziraju uspjeh startupa.

Iznimno zanimljiva pitanja panelista stavila su ovu diskusiju u središte konferencije! 🌍💡
Do sljedeće godine!

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