S Razlogom - vl. Božena Razlog

S Razlogom - vl. Božena Razlog

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Obrt za savjetovanje ''S Razlogom'' pruža usluge individualne psihoterapije i partnerske terapije ( Gestalt terapija i Imago terapija odnosa).

Moja inspiracija u radu s ljudima je unutarnja ljubav prema njima, pomaganje u nošenju s patnjama uzrokovanim krizama u životu, gubicima, traumatskim iskustvima, davanje potpore u zagledavanju u sebe, svjesnosti, postajanju onoga što jesu i prihvaćanju sebe. Učeći na svojim iskustvima kao klijent u osobnoj terapiji u okviru edukacije, obogatila sam suosjećanje s mukama drugih. Psihoterapijski rad


On this National Relaxation Day, why not try a simple yet powerful practice to bring peace into your relationship? Set aside a few moments to share your daily stressors with your partner. One of you speaks, while the other listens actively and provides support. It’s a wonderful way to manage stress from outside the relationship and strengthen your connection.

This practice can turn daily stress into an opportunity for support and understanding. Take a deep breath and give it a try today—you might find it’s just what you need to feel more relaxed and connected!


“Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a 'hot mess' or having 'too many issues' are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.”

~Anthon St. Maarten

art: Ann-Marie Zilberman "Freya's Tears"
Sacred Dreams


"Every [romantic partnership] is a consequence of childhood. The unconscious mind wants to heal those wounds, but that can only be achieved if both participants in a relationship are aware of what those hurts were. We become partners with each other in the project of helping each other finish childhood.”

—Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. Founder, Imago Relationships.


It is the time I have wasted for my rose--" said the little prince, so that he would be sure to remember. - Chapter 21 🌹

✏️ .arch


If you love someone, you are always joined with them--in joy, in absence, in solitude, in strife.

Rumi 💙

Art by Heinrich Vogeler


'Igra je toliko važna i radost je toliko važna....."


Welcome the blossoming of spring with open arms! Just like a rose uncurls its petals, it's time to delve into the growth process. Subscribe to our Love Notes newsletter for a free download unraveling Gottman concepts, nurturing your relationships to bloom beautifully.

Not subscribed yet?Join us at https://bit.ly/30JWG2H



Relationships are not built on the big expensive vacations you take your family on or the expensive gifts you buy your kids for their birthday, but instead are built by the little moments - small things often.
This month subscribers of the Love Notes newsletter received a free download of prompts and ideas for sharing small things often with their partner - but these little moments can be extended to all relationships.

How do you express gratitude to your children? What are some rituals of connection you do as a family? Share your small things often moments with your family here to help give others ideas as well!

You can still get the download for this month by subscribing here: https://bit.ly/30JWG2H


"Every heart wound is the seed from which grows a tree of light "
Ghalib 💜
Art Dominique Hurly


Conflict is inevitable in all relationships and tends to spike after a baby is born. Work stress, new financial strains, and balancing the added responsibilities of being parents can create strain on the relationship. The Bringing Baby Home research found that having a daily conversation that includes understanding, support and affection helps manage the external stressors separate from the relationship.
Learn more here: https://bit.ly/3rsWlRW


" Love is a mirror.
It reflects only your essence,
if you have the courage to look
in its face."

💚 Rumi


When I am silent, I fall into the place where everything is music.

- Rumi❤️


"All I want
is a clear mind
and a happy heart."

Artist: Maja Lindberg, Sweden
Source: Naive Art Extraordinaire


A Message to Parents...

Raise your children to be strong through their emotions.

Nurture them with your love.

Receive them through your connection, the Soul to Soul connection, the Divine connection between you.

Welcome intimacy, emotional bonding and physical bonding.

Listen to their feelings and receive them with an open heart and an open mind.

Boys and girls need to be raised with their birthrights through their feminine and masculine aspects to grow up as healthy adults who are in harmony with themselves, and therefore, with others.

Surrender to their true feelings.

Create space for them to express their anger, fears, doubts without feeling judged and controlled.

Respect and honor where they are, while picking them up with love and appreciation.

Guide them with love while creating space for them to live their Divine Journey.

Make only promises you can fulfill.

When your children feel safe in your environment to live in love, they will be adults, who will feel safe to live through love in all aspects of their lives.

Prepare them with your awareness and love for their milestones.

Celebrate their milestones.

Remind them that Self Love and Self Care is their birthright.

Nurture your family bonding through unconditional love and harmony.

Remind yourself that they will be in your place one day and how they learn to be loved and received, will be how they will love and receive their partners and children, and everyone else in their surroundings.

You don’t only raise your children, you raise the foundation of the coming generations.

~Sarah Moussa

Sarah Moussa - The Writer

Artist: Unknown

Anna Halprin Explains Dance | Breath Made Visible 21/02/2023

Anna Halprin Explains Dance | Breath Made Visible Anna Halprin was a rule breaker of modern dance as she would say. She helped redefine dance and was a pioneer in the experimental art form known as postmoder...


I won’t lie.
Some days I feel like crying for no reason.
Some days it seems harder to breathe than other days.
Some days small talk feels like an exhausting task.
It’s important to share these feelings so we learn that we’re not alone.
Truth is that sometimes I’m a beautiful wreck; yet most days I’m a warrior.
And that’s okay.

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