Haiti Health Ministries

Haiti Health Ministries

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Legacy Retreats

Haiti Health Ministries PO Box 175 Girard, KS 66743 (620) HHM-9797 http://www.haitihealthministries https://web.facebook.com/groups/haitihealthministries/


12 year old Julienne is headed to a charitable hospital for possible appendix. Thanks for praying for her! She has a Bible story book to read while there. Praise God with us as an older gent received Jesus as Lord and Savior yesterday morning-the first fruit of the year. New life in Christ is a precious gift.


PRAYER REQUEST:WISDOM to find a way to get needed meds & supplies to us from Port


PRAISE REPORT:Edo's documents are flying to Cuba where he will get his visa for Egypt.If all goes well he will be flying in 2-3 weeks for his heart repair!KEEP PRAYING FOR ALL TO GO WELL!


Viergela came in as we were starting devotions out front this morning and during the duration, I noticed heavier breathing than normal and occasional cough. Before the closing prayer I checked her oxygen and it was quite low 84-88%. Yvenite took her into the ER while we closed in prayer. Shortly thereafter Dr. Jim came to tell me we had an admission and to notify the helicopter. She seems to have something going on with her heart as well as infection indicated by her blood count and low oxygen. She is jaundiced, her urine if very dark and her kidneys have some damage. We are hopeful the hospital has more lab tests they can do to verify what we found and figure out the correct diagnosis for treatment. They arrived around 2. Please pray for Viergela who is a believer. SEE BELOW


Yesterday we heard that one of our heart patients who is eligible for heart surgery received his call. Another family declined their opportunity and so Edo has his chance now. Please pray for the family as they finish up paperwork and prepare to leave in the next 2 weeks. Pray that Haiti Cardiac Alliance is able to get the visa for his surgery in Egypt. THANK YOU!


When our ER nurse Lorette was gone for a few days, I was given a close up look at what she does daily. When she is not saving lives in the ER, she is saving feet! Because our practice has prioritized people with chronic illnesses like diabetes, hypertention/heart disease, and sickle cell, we see a lot of consequences of these problems. Lorette handles that part that makes them difficult to heal in their extremities - mostly feet. It is rare that she has to send them for amputation. She patiently changes dressings, checks their blood pressures and sugars, refills medications and gives them another appointment. It isn't glamorous but is necessary. 1 Corinthians 12:21 "The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!" On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty." The next time your feet are sore, remember to pray for Lorette.


At Christmas time we think a lot about Jesus birth to a virgin many years past.
We at the HHM clinic care for a lot of women who are pregnant and not one of them are virgins. We see between 15-25 pregnant women daily and many have conditions that can hurt them or their unborn babies. God has blessed us with a few sonogram machines over the years and they are a great asset in assessing the condition of mother and child prior to delivery. Dr. Jim does around 3-4 OB sonograms officially and a few unofficial ones daily. The newer sonograms have a great tool that takes all the math out of determining age of the fetus and date of delivery. Below is an example. We strive to NOT deliver babies at our facility but send them out with a letter prior to delivery or when they have an emergency requiring immediate delivery.
HAA helicopter has been a big help to us when we have emergencies. Our most common problem is pre eclampsia (signs are hi blood pressure, protein in urine + others). We rarely see a placenta too close to the cervix which can bleed copious amounts. We also see women whose placentas are beginning to detach PRIOR to delivery. These are all emergencies that threaten the life of mother and baby. We see a fair number of pregnant women whose membranes that surround the baby with fluid, rupture before it is time to deliver. Marlene is our OB nurse and she sees the vast majority of our pregnant women with Dr. Jim's help. She is an expert at finding problems that Dr. Jim confirms or helps to manage.
While our mamas are not virgins carrying the Son of God in their wombs, we still consider them extra special and strive to keep them and their babies (who are created in God's image) healthy up to delivery when we send them on.
This summary is of 1 of a set of twins whose mama had her the membranes rupture early which opens baby and mama up to infection which can become an emergency if not delivered quickly. This baby was determined to be at 31 weeks and weighed 1.7 KG = 3.9 #.


In 2023 the average patient paid $4 at the clinic. It included consultation,lab,x-ray,surgery,sonogram,medications needed.


Diabetes is one of the most common illnesses we diagnose and treat. In November we had a 12 year old arrive carried in by his dad. He weighed 41 #. My index finger and thumb easily encircled his upper arm. The child blood pressure cuff was too large for the velcro to fasten so we used a toddler cuff and his pressure was too low to register numbers audibly. We had to feel it with his pulse. Malnutrition? Cholera? No! It was his 4th episode of diabetic ketoacidosis since his diagnosis in July. He had been admitted to 3 other hospitals and because his family (6 brothers and sisters) could not afford insulin on dad's meager salary...so he did without. He only had it when friends of the family bought it for them. On this day the friends paid for him to come to Gressier ($2.60) because they heard about us. He received emergency care and a free ride via HAA to a charity hospital in Port au Prince that treats children. We sent a bottle of insulin along just in case he was discharged without a sufficient quantity - as well as money for food, meds and his transport home after discharge. We give medications for hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease free to anyone who cannot afford them, they just need to get to the clinic to receive care. Edouard has not been back since his hospitalization. PLEASE PRAY THAT HE RETURNS TO HHM. Insulin costs between $7-8 in Haiti. Our general fund helps us to buy medications. Our poor fund helps us pay to send poor patients to hospitals when they cannot afford it.

Photos from Haiti Health Ministries's post 22/12/2023

Towards the end of 2022 this child came to us from a missionary living west of us. As part of his work up he received sonography which showed a large tumor in his abdomen. With the other missionary's help, we took him to Port au Prince and got a CT scan to help a hospital determine if they could remove it. It had been growing for years, so was not an aggressive tumor. We sent him to St Damien's hospital and Alexandro returned in January with a flat abdomen and a big scar. This is only 1 of many such things God did this year through HHM working with others.


This year we saw about 140 patients/day: 34,960 total. 542,842 since 2006.


13 People in 2023 made decisions to follow Christ. This is our top priority.SEE BELOW


Friends, Supporters, Prayer Warriors, Sorry for the lapse in updates! In US for the holidays and ready to write.

Haiti Health Ministries 05/12/2023

Today we were confronted once again with the world in which we live. 2 babies came in. The first had a very low oxygen 68%, rapid respiratory rate, and pneumonia. Both helicopters are broken, the hospitals in our area have no oxygen due to gangs taking over the roads and transportation often at a standstill as police and gangs confront one another. With no options left we are seeing the baby daily and giving injections of strong antibiotics. The second baby a 12 day old came in with a higher but still a bit low oxygen (93%), but a high fever, dehydrated, and needing antibiotics. It weighed 1.4 kg = 3 # and was more vulnerable. We sent him to the same hospital hoping the oxygen would not be a problem. The doctor there insisted he could not admit without oxygen, made my driver take an empty tank to a private supplier of oxygen to exchange for a full one ($78 US). This tank will run out in a couple days. Why didn't he offer this for the first baby? Fortunately, the family of #2 had some means to pay for hospitalization after the money I sent paid for the oxygen tank only. Since I'm telling you about babies, a 3rd one then arrived having been flown to a distant hospital for treatment several weeks ago and discovered he had TB (17 months old) The hospital diagnosed and treated him giving meds for 2 months but no information on the severity of the case or which meds etc. They will end in 2 weeks. We will see if the helicopter can fly the third baby up to that distant hospital for a return appointment, which they did gave. I called a pediatric treatment center in Port (also inaccessible) and she said she would help us find treatment but did not reply back with options. Our only treatment center in the area refused him due to age. The lady in Port said to try another town further west which the family will try.
Life here is one mountain after another with no end in sight. Thankfully we have a God who does impossible things. At least 2 of the mamas were believers and will pray for a way as they seek out solutions.
Please feel free to contribute to our "Poor Fund" which helps us to pay for hospital admissions, CT scans, and lab tests we can't do.
www.haitihealthministries.org/ Pay pal button on the home page along with a 5 minute video.
Or HHM PO Box 175, Girard, KS 66743
What a great gift to give to a child living in Haiti without the means for healthcare.

Haiti Health Ministries We meet the Physical needs of the hurting by providing the best medical care possible. We meet the Spiritual needs of the lost by presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and referring them to local churches. 


I CALLED THE FAMILY JUST NOW AND THEY ARRIVED SAFELLY AT 10 PM AND HE WAS ADMITTED TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM. HE IS DOING WELL THIS MORNING. CALENS IS NOT A BELIEVER. THANK YOU AS YOU CONTINUE PRAYING. We had a 15 year old boy come in this afternoon with tetanus. This is not a smile, this is "lock jaw". He suffers from spasms beginning today and when in it, he cannot move his jaws or swallow. Please pray for Calens. He is frightened. Tetanus can be fatal if not properly treated. We are so glad we had some tetanus immune globulin on hand to give to him. We also gave him a strong muscle relaxer to help him. The road has been blocked most of the day and opened up around 2 PM. The helicopter could not come, but his family has a vehicle and they decided to drive him to St. Boniface hospital after dark (not safe) in order to get proper care. Please pray that they arrive safely; no vehicle problems or bandits or difficulty on the mountain road is incurred. Pray for wisdom for the medical staff and nurses. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


WE ARE THANKFUL FOR OUR DONORS AND PRAYER PARTNERS WHO HELP US HELP OTHERS. Today you helped us send a man for surgery because of obstructed intestines. Yesterday you helped us send a woman 24 weeks pregnant with severe preeclampsia to a hospital, as well as a newborn 5 days old that likely has a congenital intestinal problem that may also need surgery. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! - GOD HAS BLESSED OTHERS BECAUSE OF YOUR FAITHFULNESS TO HIM!


A week ago we decided we needed to address the sad state of our wheelchairs that get hard use daily. With a huge chronic wound population, we depend on these chairs to move lots of folks around the clinic. After asking for help on a Haitian medical site, we are praising God for a nearby therapy ministry which donated 3 wheelchairs to our "fleet". Papa, Mama, and baby bear chairs arrived yesterday and were assembled today by our Chauffeur and plumber, Junior. Thank you to "My Life Speaks" and of course to God for His provision. 3 older chairs will get refurbished cushions and join the fleet after a well deserved rest.


GUERLINE AND THE TWINS CAME IN AFTER DELIVERY. A DOCTOR TURNED THEM AROUND SO SHE COULD DELIVER THEM VAGINALLY. THEY ARE ALL DOING WELL. Guerline is a 42 year old woman pregnant with twins in her 35th week. They are both breech and her water broke at 6 this morning. Why can't anything be easy here? She has 4 children already, although thankfully 1 is old enough to come help her mama deliver in the hospital. She has already been accepted at St. Boniface hospital for delivery. We are just waiting on the daughter and helicopter to arrive. Please pray for Guerline and her babies.


Today we have 2 patients needing hospitalization but the helicopter is not flying. Please pray for Michy, an 18 year old orphan. He has a chronic problem with his kidneys and swells up from time to time. We also have a small older man (my age but much shorter due to severe scoliosis). Dieudonne has pneumonia and a small stroke. His right arm is not functioning but more important likely is the pneumonia. His rib cage is very cramped and he cannot clear fluids well. Please pray for both of these guys. They are both believers, financially challenged, and quite ill. Pray for wisdom for Dr. Jim as he tries to treat them outpatient till we find a hospital. Thanks!


Today we sent a woman in her 8th pregnancy at 41 years of age to deliver her second child. She has lost 6 in miscarriages. She had developed severe pre eclampsia and is at 34 weeks gestation. Haiti Air Ambulance came to take her to the hospital. Thank you for praying for Jouline's safe delivery and for life for this precious child.


Yesterday a 70 year old man arrived very short of breath. Remarkably his oxygen was not too low. Fresnel has a huge heart which is very weak and not pumping well. As a result his kidneys have not been removing excess fluid and he is swollen and has water in his lungs as well as the lining of his heart. We tried unsuccessfully to find a hospital yesterday. Today God has opened a door and we are hopeful he will be transported to a hospital where they can give him treatment in an ICU. Imagine living in a country where you should be admitted to an ICU but you cannot because there is not room due to not enough staffing, or there are gangs preventing you from going, or the helicopter is broken. We live in a perilous place and time. Those experiences are mushrooming all over the earth. Those experiences may come to the US before you expect. Are you prepared? Do you have a plan or a bomb shelter? You can be prepared if you have a Savior Who loves you. He knows what you are going through and can deliver even in perilous circumstances. Your creator has provided a Plan of Salvation for you. You can find it in the Love Letter he has written for you, a Bible. Find yours and dust if off and see what He has prepared for you.


Today we had a 12 year old arrive carried in by his dad. He weighed 41 #. My index finger and thumb easily encircled his upper arm. The child blood pressure cuff was too large for the velcro to fasten so we used a toddler cuff and his pressure was too low to register numbers audibly. We had to feel it with his pulse. Malnutrition? Cholera? No! It was his 4th episode of diabetic ketoacidosis since his diagnosis in July. He had been admitted to 3 other hospitals and because his family (6 brothers and sisters) could not afford insulin on dad's meager salary, so he did without. He only had it when friends of the family bought it for them. Today the friends paid for him to come to Gressier ($2.60) because they heard about us. He received emergency care and a free ride via HAA to a charity hospital in Port au Prince that treats children. We sent a bottle of insulin along just in case he was discharged without a sufficient quantity - as well as money for food, meds and his transport home after discharge. Your donations to our "Poor Fund" help us to provide care for those who cannot afford it. A bottle of insulin costs us $7.40 and they will need to get from Carrefour to us to receive it. We pay for another young teen without parents to come monthly so she can receive her insulin as well. PLEASE PRAY FOR EDWARD and if you can spare a few dollars use the Paypal button on our website to donate for poor kids with diabetes. www.haitihealthministries.org/


Yesterday God helped us to get a 15 month old admitted to a hospital for a serious lung infection. It often takes us more than one day to get critically ill patient admitted to a hospital now. Francklin went home the night before and yesterday God opened a door to a hospital that could put in chest tube if needed for this lung to drain. Please pray for little Franklin to get antibiotics that will kill this bug and for his lung to heal up.


PATRICK WAS TRANSFERRED TO MIREBALAIS THIS MORNING. We have experienced several emergencies for the last few days. Please pray:
1. Geraldson is a 4 year old boy vomiting large amounts of bright red blood, nearly died, I rode with him to Carrefour to a hospital which has blood available. Pray he does NOT continue bleeding and that his body will heal while the hospital keeps his blood and vital signs stable.
2. Patrick is a 50+ man who has fluid in his abdomen as well as lungs. His liver and lungs are sick. He just vomited red blood too. Pray that he also does not continue to bleed and that we/they can find the source of the problems.
3. Samaelle an 11 month old blue baby with serious heart defects that are inoperable. She has a respiratory infection that is very serious.
4. We sent a diabetic OB with severe pre eclampsia yesterday to a hospital. Baby is 34 weeks.



These sunken eyes are what cholera looks like. We've had 4 cases this week. When clinic is open if someone says they have had diarrhea and looks like this we assume cholera. If they don't and we get a blood pressure in the 80 or lower range, we plug in a couple IV's (usually 1 in each arm) and run them wide open till we get 2-3 liters of fluid in and then we start hearing a decent blood pressure.
This morning JIm couldn't get an IV in and her BP was 60 so we were going to go to the nearby hospital in Gressier which is only a few minutes away. One vehicle had a dead battery and then 1 had an axle frozen by mud that is like concrete. They had a moto driver handy, so we packed up a sack full of IV fluids and supplies and sent her on the way.
Cholera is indigenous in Haiti at this point. It comes and goes. I should have ordered more of the good IV fluid for cholera this month but we will next time. I should know that we need to keep a bunch on hand, just in case. The cholera center has been running out of supplies so we always send some along.
Please pray for this sweet girl to get better.

Photos from Haiti Health Ministries's post 16/10/2023

We've had lots of broken bones today and 2 bone cancers in the last couple weeks. We send the complicated ones (like today's) to Adventist hospital for treatment. We are glad to have a good orthopedic program nearby. Most of our patients cannot afford the surgeries. Donations from the Poor Fund help offset the cost for this hospital. Here are a few X-rays from today.


MOM HAD EMERGENCY C SECTION AND SHE AND BABY ARE FINE. Right after we closed one of our OB's at 36 weeks came in bleeding profusely. We think her placenta is detaching. She was rushed by the helicopter to a hospital as they tried to get home prior to sunset. Sheila and baby were fine when they left. Please pray for the hospital to have wisdom as they decide whether to do a C section and when. They are one of the few hospitals that do have blood on hand.


Please pray for Sheila who is 36 weeks pregnant and we think her placenta is detaching. Baby’s alive.


Yesterday we sent a carload to Haiti Cardiac Alliance. We didn't really know how many were coming and it was more than anticipated. HCA helps us to manage many kids and adults with heart problems. They also work on passports and visas to get folks to other countries for heart surgery which can't be done here. Aleece handles most of the kids and Jim has a few adults that go. Some are very serious, some inoperable, and others need medication to keep them as healthy as possible. We've had about 25 get surgery over the years. We appreciate the partners we have that help us help others.


Yesterday was a rough day. Mondays are often quite busy + emergencies that occurred on the weekend. First emergency was a young woman covered in blood from 3 scalp lacerations. The first story was that she fell out of the taptap (public transport pickups). Later it was a boyfriend who clobbered her in the head with a hammer. The police were called. Lots of blood but no apparent brain damage or skull fractures. Next was a young man from the provinces who fell out of an avocado tree Sunday afternoon about 3. He had free fluid in his abdomen usually indicating bleeding. It appeared to be the spleen, but was not too serious fortunately. He flew out to a state hospital for observation. Then we had another head injury. Family said the older man was beaten the night before and had not been normal since. He seemed to have brain damage but no lacerations. With no CT nearby, the difficulty and expense, the fact that there is no one going to do brain surgery if there is a bleed, the decision was made to send him home to return today. He was a little better today. Please pray that Leon's brain heals up. We were finally able to fly the preemie Aleece tried to hospitalize all week out yesterday so that was helpful and a load off of her shoulders. Dr. Clemence then had a young boy who had febrile seizures. Sent him home with fever control to return today. God gives us just what we need to get through our difficult days. Today was calmer and that was much appreciated. We are so grateful for your prayers. Thank you for persevering on our behalf!

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Vidéos (voir toutes)

Michaelson is finally on his way to St Boniface via helicopter.  Although feeling better his kidneys and liver likely ar...
Shortly after Kesner took off in the helicopter, another child 9 years old who had come in the week prior with a stab wo...
A 19 year old young man named Anderson came in for his second consultation today.  Wednesday Dr. Jim thought his abdomin...



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