
**GrabMax® gépi látás alapú ipari és raktári automatizálás**

**GrabMax® machine vision based factory and storage facility automation**

New star on the sky of machine automation. Up-to-date solution that takes advantage of the most cutting-edge technologies, algorithms, and instruments. Increase the productivity of your factory or storage facility and cut the costs with GrabMax!


The GrabMax team wishes you a peaceful and happy New Year!🎄 See you in 2023! 🥳

Electronica 2022: GrabMax's Chess Playing Robot 24/11/2022

Electronica 2022: GrabMax's Chess Playing Robot Even smarter than it looks, this robot shows off GrabMax's AI hardware and software perfectly

Photos from GrabMax's post 18/11/2022

A Bajor Innovációs Hivatal vezetői is meglátogatták a standunkat, akiket alapos sakk oktatásban részesítettek kollégáink.

Photos from GrabMax's post 16/11/2022

A müncheni Electronica 2022 kiállításon ismét a GrabMax sakkozó robotja a magyar stand legnépszerűbb része. A müncheni külgazdasági attasé asszony, Major Ildikó is meglátogatott minket és nagy érdeklődéssel szemlélte meg a magyar innovációkat!

München Messe, Electronica 2022, B1-es csarnok- 443-as pavilon.


GrabMax’s system can perform from a typical quality control to a complex 3D AI based machine vision task. Our AI learning algorithm is capable to fulfil high-level complex monitoring for the production.

GrabMax’s Machine Vision turn-key solutions:
•quality check
•machine tending
•AI supported solutions.


Last but not least the robot. Without it GrabMax’s eyes and brain could not work.

All in all GrabMax providing Eyes and Brain to the Robots.



The second principal need is the brain. It is a must for the robots to recognize the objects.
It is like teaching a human to identify things.

We have to show the objects multiply time, from every angle so the robot can remember, and later easily recall it.



Why is it a must to have cameras like human eyes?

In order for a robot to be able to accurately detect the shape, size, position, and alignment of an object, a suitable vision system must be selected.



Our main task is to get the perfect solution for our costumer’s issue by Robot Programing and Machine Vision.

GrabMax can solve any complication, you just have to tell us the occurring problem.


Bin Picking in life.

Have you always wondered how the robots are able to percieve?

If the answer is YES than you have a lucky day, because with this video you can become the robot’s eyes.

As you can see it is actually like our vision, they can progress the objects they have to pick up thanks to the camera and the software (AI) we created.


Chess Machine Story

Our idea became a reality, but how was the idea created?
If you think about chess, what you need during the game?
You need EYES to see, BRAIN to think and HANDS to move the chess piece.
We thought about what if we can program a robot so you can play against it?
So the idea was CAMERA for eyes, SOFTWARE (AI) to think, and ROBOT for the hands movement.


We had a serious talk with our robots.
Don’t break fingers❗️

As you can see we are not afraid to play with our Chess Machine!

Chessmatch played: 217
Broken fingers: 0 😎


We have a solutions for warehouse automation in the intra-logistics as well!

Our bin picking solution can commissioning your order!

Please contact us for more details.


Our booth at Vision, Robotics & Motion exhibition at 's-Hertogenbosch.

The Fully Autonomous Chess Machine, do you think you can win against it, please take a seat. 😉



We got the opportunity to participate in Wolves Summit pitching competition.

We have been selected for the pitching final out of 1000 start-ups.

GrabMax is rocking!🎉


Complete solution for 3D machine vision. Made of Ensenso camera, Schmalz gripper and UR robot.

If you would like to have other hardware setup, we are able to do it!✨


What a great news… We won OnRobot 2022 Best Case Study Award.🎉


Human vs Robot, what do you think who will leave the table as a winner? 😉

Photos from GrabMax's post 21/06/2022

A müncheni Automatica 2022 Expon is a GrabMax és holland partnerünk a Dormac standja és sakkozó robotja az egyik legnépszerűbb attrakció! Kollégáink folyamatosan nagy tömeg előtt mutatják be a GrabMax képességeit és sakkoztatják a Doosan Robotics cobotját.


Nowadays in production lines the machines need eyes to see quality, location or orientation and brain to think if the product is in the right quality or to support the workers to decide what needs to be done with the observed products. Therefore, we are focusing on machine vision with a strong AI team.

Please contact us for more details.

, AI Team,


Who we are?
GrabMax providing eyes and brain to the robots.

Our mission is to empower robots by giving them eyes (camera) and brain (AI algorythm) independent thinking.


Photos from GrabMax's post 13/06/2022

A Grabmax és partnerei nagy sikert értek el Dániában is!
Köszönjük, hogy dolgozhatunk veletek: Wamatec Hungary és Doosan Robotics! 🎉👏👏👏🎉

🏆 Múlt héten tarolt a cobotos divíziónk Dániában. A Mach-Tech-en is bemutatott sakkozó Doosan Robotics cobotunkról szóló esettanulmányunk kapta a legtöbb szavazatot a szakmai zsűritől, és így elnyerte az első helyért járó díjat!

Büszkék vagyunk Lacira, Robira és Balázsra, illetve köszönjük partnereinknek, az OnRobot-nak és a GrabMax-nek.

Photos from GrabMax's post 25/05/2022

Érdekes pitch-et tartottunk a lengyelországi Wolves Summit eseményen Wroclawban.

Szeretnéd, hogy a(z) vállalkozásod elsőként szerepeljen az Felszerelés tematikájú vállalkozások között Budapest városában?
Kattints ide a szponzorált hirdetés igényléséhez.


Bocskai út 77-79

Nyitvatartási idő

Hétfő 08:00 - 16:00
Kedd 08:00 - 16:00
Szerda 08:00 - 16:00
Péntek 08:00 - 16:00

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