ReBag - Reuse your shopping bag
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Fővám Tér
Fővám Tér
Fővám Tér
Fővám Tér
Fővám Tér
Fővám Tér 8. Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem E
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Fővám Tér
Fővám Tér 8. E-116
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Fővám Tér 8. C Épület 3. Emelet 306. Iroda
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Fővám Tér 8
We're four students from Corvinus University Budapest and we got the opportunity to create a social organization for our course assignment.
ReBag aims to address the issue of single used plastic bags in Budapest with an emphasis on grocery shopping.
❗Last remindert❗
Tomorrow is our event. We'll be at 1pm at the ground floor of the old building.
Be there 👊🍃🌍
Don't forget to join us at our event next Tuesday!
Meet us at 1pm in the ground floor of the old building
A big thanks goes to for supporting our event on the 3rd of December!
Rebag's Event Unveiling
Shout out to Urban Zerowaster for providing us with 25 samples of their sustainable fruitbags! ♻️🍃🌍
Recently our team was in Copenhagen, where we spotted a local zero waste supermarket! The store is called LØS market and the idea is that people bring their reusable bags in which they put all of the products. The store also sells all kinds of reusable bags for grocery shopping, pretty cool right?😊
We need more of these kind of solutions all over the world 🌱♻️
Hi everyone,
Today we teamed up with EscapeCup in Prague! Obviously we did our groceries with a reusable bag. It's great to find like minded people who share our vision! ♻️🌍🍃
🔊 Event Upcoming ‼️
On the 3rd of December we will organise an amazing event for you with the aim to design your own reusable shopping bag.
So save the date, take your creativity and join us on this day.
Keep in touch with the website for further information ❗️
Today we are teaming up with urban zerowaster! 👊
They are providing us with samples which we'll give away during our event on the third of december. Save the date! 🍃♻️🌍
Spread awareness! 👊🍃🌍
10 Facts About Plastic Pollution You Absolutely Need to Know We seriously need to do something about our plastic pollution.
A few weeks ago we posted about going to a vegan market at Ankert here in Budapest. We were happy to see some companies selling reusable bags for e.g. grocery shopping, and we talked to a few of them!
Below you can find a link to a FB page of a company called SAKU, that makes reusable bags for fruits and vegetables, as well as very cute reusable bread bags😊 Visit their FB page for more info:
SAKU - az ökozacskó Táskák, zsákok, neszeszerek minden mennyiségben!
Today the ReBag team went to Slovenia, Bohinj, to get inspired by the beautiful crystal clear lakes. No plastic bottles were found this day! 🍃☘️🌍
Europe has to be an example for those countries.
This doesn't mean the effort we are doing here are worthless!
Keep reusing ;)
Happy saturday everyone!!
Did you know that Halloween is likely to create 2,600 tonnes of extra plastic waste, if you tot up the weight of plastic and the number of costumes thrown away soon after Halloween?
That’s a scary amount of new plastic waste going into our environment. Equivalent to over 100 million plastic Coca Cola bottles.
As the founders of ReBag we try to set an example of sustainable behavior! ♻️👊
Hi everyone, here you will find an update about the ocean cleanup operation which started about a year ago. After several technical issues that had to be overcome, the device is now fully operational.
This doesn't mean plastic isn't an issue anymore, as it still costs a lot of energy to produdce and emits a lot of CO2, but it's a good step in making the ocean cleaner.
Ocean Cleanup: Plastic-harvesting device ‘successful’ Subscribe to France 24 now: FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 A device designed to remove...
Happy National Day Hungary!!🇭🇺 We hope everyone has enjoyed the day off 😊
From July 1, 2018, the Australian Supermarket giant Woolworths banned single-use plastic bags at all stores across the country.
Let's all take an example from that!
The plastic bag ban starts today in some Qld stores — here's what you need to know Supermarket giant Woolworths is banning single-use plastic bags from today ahead of a statewide ban taking effect next month.
Link to the Article mentioned below :
Did you know that plastic bags are used for an average of only 12 minutes? And it takes 500 or even more years for a plastic bag to degrade in a landfill.
Let's think about these facts the next time we're about to buy a plastic bag!
Hi everyone,
Just a quick reminder that synthetic material does not biodegrade, which means it lasts forever in the environment. Every day marine animals mistake plastic bags for food. Once plastic gets lodged in the bodies of animals, it can cause them to suffocate or starve to death!
Let's use reusable bags! ♻️🌿
Plastic Bags Overview of the plastic bag pollution and guidance for getting plastic bag bans passed in Mass.
Have you reduced your plastic consumption this week?
Hi everyone!
Today we went to Vegan Sunday Market to get some samples of sustainable grocery bags ♻️ We obtained two samples from very kind people who share our sustainable vision ✌️
Let us strive together to reduce plastic waste 🌍☘️
Hi everyone!
Here is an interesting article about the Plastic bags bans or taxes implementation throughout the world.
What is your country doing against plastic bags?
Do plastic bag taxes or bans curb waste? 400 cities and states tried it out. And will it work for plastic straws?
are back!
Did you know that about 2 million plastic bags are used every minute? Moreover, it's estimated that between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags are used worldwide annually. Let's reduce this number for a more sustainable future!
Here's how plastic bags impact the environment In this Our Changing Climate environmental video essay, I look at the environmental impact of plastic bags. Specifically, I look at how plastic bags affect o...
Thanks to data gathered by WWF, we have an insight of how long it takes for plastic items to completly disappear when they end up in nature.
A first step is to throw your plastic in the specific bin, but the best way to avoid plastic from ending up in nature is to avoid using it in the first place!
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