Brand Bar

Brand Bar

Közeli számítógépes és elektronikai szolgáltatások tematikájú vállalkozások

Brand Bar Márkaarculatok
Brand Bar Márkaarculatok
Naphegy U
Royal Rocket Design
Royal Rocket Design
Naphegy Utca Who are we? Designers. We help to make the brands and products of our cust Who are we?

We help to make the brands and products of our customers stand out.

Photos from Brand Bar's post 22/07/2023

The A' Design Award Gala-Night, which is regarded as one of the most prominent and most exclusive social events in the design world, took place this week in Teatro Sociale Como. This year, our team won a bronze award in the competition, where our design was chosen as one of the best by the 225 jury members from thousands of innovative works entered. The dynamic identity created for Genecontact has previously earned Graphis and WOLDA awards as well.
Congratulations to Bianka Földi and Robi Válóczi designers!


With this piece of art, we wish to recall the memory of our colleague Tamás Veress, who has passed away three years now.
With age, his work became more and more expressive, as a brilliant continuity of the finest traditions of Hungarian drawing art. Most of the time, he created illustrations for his own poems. Perhaps, this explains the profound drama in these works.
As he sayed: „ For the most part of my life, I expressed myself by the tools of typography and fine art. Then I realized that in critical moments, only poetry remained, by which I was capable of conveying thoughts that cannot be drawn or painted."

Photos from Brand Bar's post 09/12/2022

📺 The Media Centre of Kecskemét is an institution consisting of five media channels. It was a guiding principle when redesigning their brand identity, that the new visual world should be related to Kecskemét, yet be modern and contemporary, while it should also connect the various business lines by a unified appearance, whilst leaving room for their individual characteristics to express. The logo was inspired by one of the windows of the old, art nouveau casino building of Kecskemét. The dynamic logo system was created using the hexagonal shapes of this window, which were then quadrupled and arranged into various forms.
The dynamic continuity was achieved by rotating the hexagonal elements that form the basic unit of the system by 90°, resulting in 12 logo variations. The varied use of the same visual element reflects the unity of media channels, and that they all belong to the Media Centre of Kecskemét as an umbrella brand.


It's an honor for us to have Can you see the music? - music-driven dynamic brand identity designed for Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra chosen as a winner in the 365: AIGA Year in Design competition!
This competition recognizes excellence and represents innovation across all categories of communication design, from print to web to service to spaces—both physical and virtual.
Read what juror, Nakita Pope of has said about our work: “This brand identity takes a technical concept and applies it in such a way that you still see the organic nature of the music. It is an excellent example of what happens when designers collaborate with other disciplines.”
See all of the winning work:
Thank you again to our courageous client and all those who have contributed to this success.


Even up untill today, our works have been recognized noumerous times by Graphis, one of the most prestigous design magazine. Now, we are proudly and gladly announce that we gained two additional awards, and so our designs will be published in Design Annual 2023.


"Its creators have invented an alternative musical language, by which any melody can be visualized within the set of guidelines defined. The identity allows for each member of the orchestra to build their own personalized logo, related to their favorite piece of the repertoire. Moreover, due to a custom developed logo design application, even the audience could become an active part of the identity renewal process."


Thank you for the opportunity! We are grateful to Gazsi, who has organized Arany Rajzszög exhibition series with persistence and enthusiasm for twenty years now. This was an exciting adventure and we're anxiously awaiting the moment when we can get to see this year's outcome as a whole.
We will be at the MOME Ground tomorrow at 7pm and we look forward to seeing you all. :-)

A Brand Bar, még Café Design néven, 2011-ben lett az év grafikai stúdiója. Talán nem véletlen hogy már független cégként tíz évvel később, 2021-ben a Kreatív Apex listáján is ők lettek az év design cége. Keretkoncepció: Szakonyi Fanni, oldalak: Dóri Annus, Orsolya Illés, Róbert Válóczi, Simon Attila, Tóth Otilia Ramona.
Ha kíváncsiak vagytok az általuk megalkotott kocka többi oldalára, akkor azt megtaláljátok az Arany Rajzszög Instagram oldalán, de ha 3 dimenzióban szeretnétek látni az idei alkotásokkal együtt, akkor gyertek a MOME Groundra október 14-én este 7-re.

A megújulás nálunk tradíció 18/03/2022

One of the most exciting and challenging projects of the past year has been completed with the renewed packaging of Pick salami assortiment on the shelves.
We are proud to have been part of this more than 150-year-old brand for 15 years now.

A megújulás nálunk tradíció Az évszázados szakértelemmel készített PICK szalámikat most megújult külsővel találjátok a boltok polcain. Ráadásul szeletelt termékeink változatlan mennyisé...

Photos from Brand Bar's post 01/02/2022

Brand Bar Communications won the first prize of the brand identity category in one of the most prestigious international competitions, the German Design Awards, by the "music-driven dynamic identity” work made for Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra.
The German Design Awards have been presented by the German Design Council for the tenth time. The German Design Council has been operating since 1953 as one of the world’s leading centres of expertise in communication and knowledge transfer within design, branding and innovation.Their internationally renowned prizes are awarded to companies whose pioneering products and projects stand out in the categories of “Excellent Product Design”, “Excellent Communications Design” and “Excellent Architecture”. Entries are judged by an international jury made up of leading experts from all disciplines such business, education, science and design.
Among the communication design solutions of the 2022 competition, our agency got nominated in the brand identity subcategory, participating with an innovative, music-driven, dynamic identity of Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra. The jury evaluated our entry as the winner of the category.
The music-driven nature of the identity lies in the fact that the new logo is essentially a rethought sheet music system. With the logo we made the first part of Bartók's Divertimento literally visible by creating an alternative musical language. It is dynamic, since any piece of music can be visualized by this notation method. Yet, given the infinite number of graphic signs that can be generated by the process, the concept works for any piece of music, while ensuring this way a visual appearance that is consistent and truly related to the brand.
“The basis of any dynamic identity is not a rock-solid, untouchable logo but a solution, that on one hand enables identification, similar to traditional logos, and on the other hand it is demonstrated by basic structures, forms, or editing guidelines resulting a method that can generate countless or even an infinite number of equivalent signs.”- said Attila Simon, Creative Director at Brand Bar. “It is a great pleasure for us to be recognized in one of the most outstanding international design competitions by this innovative, special identity, which is the result of close collaboration between musicians and graphic artists as one team. We are proud that we could participate in such a large-scale project and could contribute to the branding efforts of a major player in the classical music market.” - he added.
The new identity of FLCO has already performed well in two Hungarian design competitions, winning silver prizes at the Golden Blade and RGB.
The renewed identity framework was part of an integrated marketing and communication strategy, in which Brand Bar cooperated with FleishmanHillard Café and Stratlog Consulting.

Our team:
Creative Director: Simon Attila
Co-creative Director: Gyula Halász
Art Director: Laszlo Herbszt
Music Advisor: Dániel Zelenák
Senior Graphic Designer: Bianka Földi
Webdesigner: Vanda Molnár
Project Manager: Kata Fodor, Boglárka Izsáki

Attila Simon - Creative Director
After graduating in today's MOME in 1990, Attila worked for international advertising agencies (RSCG, Lintas). In 1994, he was among the founders of Art Force, where he held the Creative Director position for ten years. In 2000, he initiated the establishment of the organization that today is called Golden Drawing Nail Society. In collaboration with the Café Group, he founded Café Design in 2004 and became its Creative Director. The company today is known as Brand Bar, where Attila is Creative Director and Managing Director.

Gyula Halász - Co-creative Director
Gyula started his career at GGK advertising agency in 1990 as a Copywriter. He later continued at RSCG and became the Creative Director of JWT advertising agency for more than 15 years. He joined HD Group, then following a short freelance period, he became Co-creative Director in Brand Bar. He was chairman of the jury in Golden Blade three times and a member of the board of ADCE (Art Directors Club Europe) for many years as one of the founders and president of ADCH.

László Herbszt - Art Director
László finished his university studies as a Graphic Designer at MOME in 2000, then worked in several graphic studios and advertising agencies. He has been teaching since 1998, while has been working as a freelance Graphic Designer since 2008, and an Illustrator of books since 2009. For 3 years, he has been the Curator of the Budapest Illustration Festival.

Dániel Zelenák - Music Consultant
Dániel Zelenák will graduate in 2022 as a Jazz Guitarist, but before his music career he studied industrial product and graphic design, so the visual world was not foreign territory for him. He works as a music performer and teacher, teaching jazz theory and improvisation techniques in his workshops.

Földi Bianka - Senior Designer
Bianka graduated in the visual communication major of the local faculty of the Paris School of Visual Arts, VISART Academy of Arts in 2019. She started her internship at Brand Bar already during her studies and after she got her degree, she joined the team as a Graphic Designer. Since 2021, she has worked as a Designer Lead, participating in various exciting and interesting projects.

Fodor Kata - Project Manager
Kata graduated in the Slavic Studies and Art History Faculty of Loránd Eötvös University, but her interest in linguistics and aesthetics took a visual twist in the brand design department of KREA School of Design, where she continued her studies. Her focus of work at Brand Bar were concepts, research and creative communication.

Boglárka Izsáki - Project Manager
For 14 years, Bogi has been the contact between clients, designers and contractors in the fields of design, identity, and event, exhibition organisation & management at several agencies. She joined the Brand Bar team in 2020 and ever since she is responsible for account management of the company’s major customers.



A huge thanks to everyone who contributed.


Account munkatársat keresünk!

Nagymúltú ügynökségünk munkatársat keres ügyfélkapcsolati csapatának erősítésére. Csatlakozz hozzánk, és légy izgalmasabbnál izgalmasabb arculattervezési, webdesign és csomagolási projektek mindenható koordinátora!

Feladatod lesz:
az ügyfelek és tervezők közötti kommunikáció segítése
projektek menedzselése (tervezéstől a gyártásig)
prezentációk készítése

Melyekhez nélkülözhetetlen:
-a jó szervezőkészség
-ragyogó kommunikációs skillek
és az angol nyelv ismerete.

És persze nem árt a:
-korábbi, design/reklámügynökségben szerzett kapcsolattartói tapasztalat
-rendezvényszervezésben vagy szerkesztőségben szerzett szuperképesség
-nyomdai és webes alapszókincs ismerete

Cserébe nap mint nap:
-jófej munkatársakkal
-az otthonod kényelmében
-szakmai fejlődési lehetőségek mellett
-keresheted meg versenyképes fizetésed!

Jelentkezni az alábbi hivatkozáson elérhető űrlap segítségével tudsz:

A zenélő logó – megszólít és megszólal 12/02/2021

Köszönjük ezt az izgalmas és kalandokkal teli közös munkát!

A zenélő logó – megszólít és megszólal A Zenekar számára választott logó Bartók Divertimentójának első ütemeit teszi láthatóvá, lényegében egy alternatív zenei nyelv használatával

A zenélő logó – megszólít és megszólal 09/02/2021

Our latest dynamic brand identity for the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra is based on a logo that visualizes music. A personal logo was generated for each musician from a segment of their favorite piece in the repertoire. But that's not all that this identity has to offer regarding user involvement... more details coming soon! Stay tuned. 🙂

A zenélő logó – megszólít és megszólal A Zenekar számára választott logó Bartók Divertimentójának első ütemeit teszi láthatóvá, lényegében egy alternatív zenei nyelv használatával

Photos from Brand Bar's post 21/05/2020

The Tranzit Art Café has reopened! This also means that the Tamás Veress exhibition, devoted to the loving memory of our exceptionally talented colleague, is open to the public again, too.

The memorable exhibition opening was hosted jointly with the Vylyan Winery, but shortly after the show had to close its doors due to the pandemic. Even though the compassionate staff of the Café has rearranged the artworks so that they remain visible to the passersby from the outside, we can tell by the opening that the unique atmosphere of the venue truly adds to the exhibition.

Let’s head to the Tranzit and indulge ourselves in Tomi’s works once more! 🍹🎨

Kreatív Online - Vegyük észre a takarítókat is! 21/04/2020

We proudly report that our employer branding campaign for B+N is featured on Kreatív Online 🧼🧹🥳

Kreatív Online - Vegyük észre a takarítókat is! A B+N Referencia Zrt. a takarítók társadalmi megbecsülésének növelésére indított kampányt.

Vedd észre! 08/04/2020

Our goal with this campaign for B+N Referencia Zrt. was to change the public opinion on one of the least prestigious jobs in our society: the job of cleaners. Isn’t it fair that these professionals that provide the hygiene, comfort and safety of our environment are so underappreciated?
It started out as a simple social recognition campaign, but the current Coronavirus crisis has made it evolve into something bigger. In these critical weeks these brave cleaners work for our safety by maintaining our environment tidy. Let’s show our gratitude by hitting the counter on the campaign website.

Vedd észre! Mi lenne velünk takarítók nélkül?


Who would mind working overtime when the next morning we can celebrate with a big breakfast together? :) Scrambled eggs á la Brand Bar 🍳✨

Photos from Brand Bar's post 29/01/2020

As designers we usually earn our daily bread in front of our computers. But not always! 🥨😊
Recently we had been invited by JÓkenyér, one of our dearest clients to a day trip to their bakery. We were thrilled to put on the aprons and try ourselves as bakers! Not only did we have a great time, but we also finished the day with 9,6 kg of fresh, additive-free pastry. Yum-yum! 🥳🥖


December 15-én vasárnap 17 órától tartunk egy megemlékezést Veress Tomi barátunkról a Caféban (1037 Bp, Seregély u. 3-5.)

Mindenkit várunk szeretettel, kérlek szóljatok azoknak is akik a barátai, nem csak közvetlen, vagy egykori kollégákat várunk, mindenkinek örülünk, aki szeretettel emlékszik rá.


Brand Baristas @ Arany Rajzszög 2019 Award 🍷🎉
Not only we can boast with our works exhibited at the graphic design award of the Arany Rajzszög Társaság, but also with our colleagues Abi and Bia, graduates of KREA Design Iskola and Visart Művészeti Akadémia, whose wine label designs have been selected also for Vylyan Pincészet winery’s competition for art students. Prosit Abi and Bia, we are very proud of you!


We’ve won an award! 🥳
Our work for the Vylyan Pincészet winery received the Bronze for the Best Creative Campaign at Lollipop Award by Kreatív. Let’s raise our glasses to Café Communications, 1080P Reklámügynökség, and most importantly the client, Vylyan Pincészet for this successful collaboration!

Tegnap is begyűjtöttünk egy elismerést: bronzot nyertünk a Lollipop versenyen a Content csapatunk által a Vylyan Pincészetnek készített „Borból lett művészet” kampánnyal!
Köszönet a sikeres együttműködésért a Vylyan Pincészetnek, a Brand Barnak és a 1080pR-nek! A fotóért pedig Gyurkovics Annának és a Kreatívnak!


Fenntarthatóság – a „sustainability”📈 klasszikus fogalmán túl beleértve a stratégiai gondolkodást, az innovációt, a márkánk fenntartható fejlődését befolyásoló piaci tényezőket.👨‍💼 Regisztrálj most!✍️


Benne vagyunk.

Iden is lesz Arany Rajzszög. Már dolgozunk rajta.


Brand Bar


Brand Bar's cover photo


Which one would you choose? The Bear or the Rabbit? We drunk both of them 🤭
Wish you all a crazy party for the new year's eve, and lots of luck and happiness for 2019! 🍾🥂✨


Happy Holidays! 🥂

Szeretnéd, hogy a(z) vállalkozásod elsőként szerepeljen az Számítógépes és Elektronikai Szolgáltatás tematikájú vállalkozások között Budapest városában?
Kattints ide a szponzorált hirdetés igényléséhez.



Naphegy Utca 21

Nyitvatartási idő

Hétfő 09:00 - 18:00
Kedd 09:00 - 18:00
Szerda 09:00 - 18:00
Csütörtök 09:00 - 18:00
Péntek 09:00 - 18:00

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