Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest

In the very heart of Budapest Kempinski Hotel Corvinus offers a luxurious pad into comfort and care. Welcome to Budapest!

Relax, relish and recharge in the re-invention of fine, contemporary luxury in Kempinski Hotel Corvinus, in downtown Budapest. Enjoy the city in a way you can nowhere else. If you are coming to Budapest for an energising leisure trip, an inspiring business meeting or an adventure discovery, do not miss the iconic Kempinski experience. Our hotel takes your journey to a whole new level with the abun


Is there any greater happiness than sipping freshly brewed coffee with a sweet and creamy cake while simultaneously enjoying the heavenly taste and smell of the delicacies? Maybe if you share this experience with someone who is really important to you! At The Living Room...:


Van nagyobb boldogság annál, mint frissen főzött kávét kortyolgatni egy édes-krémes sütemény mellé és egyszerre élvezni a finomságok mennyei ízét és illatát? Talán az, ha megosztja ezt az élményt valakivel, aki igazán fontos Önnek! A Living Roomunk Önt is várja:

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 29/08/2024

Introducing our Executive Suites

All the facilities in our Executive Suite help you feel comfortable. Our suite No. 600 is a great choice for relaxing at the end of an eventful day.

Book now!


Bemutatjuk Executive Lakosztályainkat

Executive lakosztályunk minden szolgáltatása az Ön kényelmét segíti. A 600-as suite remek választás a kikapcsolódáshoz egy eseménydús nap végén.

Foglaljon most:

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 28/08/2024

Let us pay tribute to the legacy of Andrew G. Vajna, the Hungarian-American film producer and founder of NOBU BUDAPEST, who would have celebrated his 80th birthday this month.
In honour of his memory, Nobu Budapest is offering a special chef’s menu throughout August, featuring some of his favourite dishes, such as Salmon Sashimi, Nobu Gazpacho and Grilled Chilean Seabass.
Do not miss the chance to savour this exclusive menu, available until Saturday!

Andrew G. Vajna, magyar származású amerikai filmproducer, a NOBU BUDAPEST alapítója ebben a hónapban töltötte volna be 80. életévét.
Emlékének tisztelegve, kedvenc ételeiből augusztusban különleges séfmenüt kínál a Nobu Budapest, többek között lazac-sashimit, Nobu gazpachot, grillezett chilei sügért.
Kóstolja meg szombatig ezt a különleges ételsort!


Travel Pulse
Align your travel plans with your desires and needs. If you seek cultural immersion, Budapest is the ideal destination to match your rhythm. Discover your beat:




Our Concierge team offers up-to-date information on all attractions and events and provides expert assistance in planning your Budapest itinerary. Our employees are at your service when and where you need them the most.


Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 21/08/2024

What does a 15th-century Aragonian princess, a Hungarian first lady, have to do with a style advice book published recently?

✨ They inspired the limited offer at our Blue Fox The Bar. This special Style Gourmand Aperitivo menu will be available from 21 August to 30 September 2024 only.

‘It was the flavours of Italy, where Beatrice of Aragon was born, that inspired us to create these three cocktails.

▪️ Queen of Hungary is an aperitif-style spritz cocktail made with premium Hungarian vermouth, rich in apple and lavender notes, combined with olive bitters and Mediterranean tonic and served in an elegant glass over a flower frozen in an ice cube.

▪️ Princess of Naples blends various Italian aperitif liqueurs, such as Amaro Santoni (rhubarb), Italicus (bergamot) and Muyu Chinotto Nero (chinotto), with a touch of gin, served neat and finished with a golden spray on top.

▪️ Princess of Aragon is a refreshing mocktail made with a blend of freshly ground coffee, sugar and sour cherries, cooked together with non-alcoholic chinotto and citric acid.

These drinks are a perfect choice before or after dinner.’ - Balázs Molnár, creative beverage manager


Mi köze egy 15. századi aragóniai hercegnőnek, egy magyar first ladynek egy nemrég megjelent stílustanácsadó könyvhöz?

✨ Ők ihlették a Blue Fox The Bar új ajánlatát. Ez a különleges „Style Gourmand Aperitivo” menü csak limitált ideig, 2024. augusztus 21. és szeptember 30. között lesz elérhető.

„A három koktél megálmodásához Beatrix királyné szülőföldjének ízei adták az inspirációt.

▪️ A virágos-kesernyés aromájú Queen of Hungary aperitif stílusú, könnyű spritz koktél, frissítő hozzávalókkal, prémium magyar vermuttal, alma- és levendula ízjegyekkel, némi olíva bitterrel és mediterrán tonikkal társítva. Elegáns pohárban érkezik egy jégkockába fagyasztott virágon.

▪️ A Princess of Naples különböző olasz aperitif likőrök egyvelege, rebarbarás keserű, bergamottos édes és fekete chinotto likőrrel, kevés ginnel, jég nélkül, arany spray-vel a tetején felszolgálva.

▪️ A Princess of Aragon egy frissítő mocktail, amelyben frissen őrölt kávét főztünk össze cukorral és meggyel. Ezt az alapot töltjük fel alkoholmentes chinotto üdítővel és adunk hozzá egy kis citromsavat.

Tökéletes választás vacsora előtt, de akár után is” – Molnár Balázs, creative beverage igazgató

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 19/08/2024

Elle's beauty expert recently tested the VOYA Organic Beauty facial treatment at Kempinski The Spa, and consequently, we were included in their summer selection. In this section, they recommend facial and body treatments that they have personally tried and found to be effective and spectacular – those that met ELLE's strict requirements. Make an appointment with us and see for yourself the positive effects of the treatment!

Az Elle szépségszakértője nemrég a Kempinski The Spában tesztelte a VOYA arckezelést, s ezzel bekerültünk a nyári ajánlójukba. Ebben a rovatban olyan arc- és testkezeléseket ajánlanak, amelyet személyesen kipróbáltak, hatékonynak és látványosnak találtak – vagyis átmentek az ELLE szigorú szűrőjén. Foglaljon időpontot nálunk és győződjön meg Ön is a kezelés kedvező hatásáról!


Varied programmes and a true festival atmosphere await all those celebrating Hungary's birthday in Budapest from 17 to 20 August.
The detailed programme of the celebrations is available on the website, or you can ask our Concierge!
Sokszínű programok és igazi fesztiválhangulat fogadja mindazokat, akik augusztus 17-e és 20-a között Budapesten ünneplik Magyarország születésnapját.
Az ünnepségsorozat részletes programja elérhető a weboldalon, vagy kérdezze a Concierge-ünket!

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 13/08/2024

"Parallel to the development of gastronomy, drinking habits are also changing across the world. An eating and drinking culture is an integral part of a conscious lifestyle."
In our latest blog post, Balázs Molnár, our creative beverage director, talks about current bar trends.

Read his thoughts here:


Introducing our Executive Suites

Bathed in natural light from expansive windows that provide a stunning view of the Ferris wheel, this suite is adorned with distinctive Hungarian contemporary art, creating a truly unique atmosphere.

Each of our Executive Suites is a masterpiece of design, featuring meticulously chosen furnishings that capture the essence of Kempinski’s one-of-a-kind spaces.

Book now!


Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 10/08/2024

André Kertész Photo Exhibitions in Budapest – Hungarian National Museum & Museum of Fine Arts
The Hungarian National Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts are paying tribute to photographer André Kertész on the 130th anniversary of his birth.

Born Andor Kertész, also known as Andor Kohn, on 2 July 1894 in Budapest, André Kertész made history in photography, which brought him worldwide fame. He passed away after a long and fruitful life as a classic figure in the history of photography. His iconic images have become defining works of contemporary culture.

Discover the work of this pivotal figure in twentieth-century photography at the exhibitions listed below:

1: Kolorinka Art
2-4: Virginia Museum of Fine Art, Hungarian National Museum & Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest)


Taking the Extra Mile, Wherever You Are

At Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest, we believe in going the extra mile to ensure your ultimate satisfaction. Whether you're within our luxurious walls or enjoying the vibrant city outside, our team is dedicated to meeting your every need.

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 03/08/2024

Discover the art of Japanese-Peruvian fusion at NOBU. Experience a unique blend of flavours and exceptional service in the heart of Budapest.

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 31/07/2024

As the proud owner of the ‘The Green Collection Hotel of the Year 2024’ award from the Global Hotel Alliance, our mission remains to provide our guests with the highest level of luxury services while prioritising sustainability.

We are committed to leaving the smallest possible carbon footprint and preserving our environment for future generations.

🍃 Fresh tomatoes from our rooftop garden
🍃 Green Linen Artefact
🍃 Eco-friendly Ferragamo bathroom amenities
🍃 Bio rooftop garden
🍃 On-site filtered water


A Global Hotel Alliance által adományozott “The Green Collection Hotel of the Year 2024” cím büszke tulajdonosaként továbbra is fontos küldetésünk, hogy vendégeinknek a legmagasabb szintű luxusszolgáltatásokat nyújtsuk, miközben egyetlen pillanatra sem felejtkezünk meg a fenntarthatósági szempontokról, hogy minél kisebb karbonlábnyomot hagyjunk a világban és megőrizzük környezetünket a jövő generációi számára.

🍃 Friss paradicsom tetőkertünkből
🍃 Ágyneműcsere szimbólum
🍃 Környezetbarát Ferragamo kozmetikumok
🍃 Bio tetőkert
🍃 Helyben szűrt víz


12 of the Best: Cultural Holidays - Budapest: Best for real-life fantasy

Originally founded as separate cities, Buda and Pest were officially united in 1873. Buda, situated away from the river, boasts Gothic and Renaissance spires and domes, including the iconic national parliament. The area is known for its elevation, highlighted by the towers and turrets of Fisherman’s Bastion and the expansive Buda Castle, dating back to 1265. Across the iconic Chain Bridge in Pest, the atmosphere shifts dramatically to that of a capital city, bustling with activities in all the best ways.

👉🏻 Click here to discover the best attractions and activities Budapest has to offer:


Blue Fox The Bar has officially made it to the Top 500 Bars in the World list again, and we are over the moon! 🎉

🍸Thank you to our incredible team who made this happen.

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 20/07/2024

Step into summer at ÉS Bisztró with our vibrant new cocktails that bring a fiesta of flavours to your glass! Enjoy a sip of paradise as you relax on the terrace, soak up the sun and toast to a fantastic summer together. Cheers!


The Dining Guide TOP 100 continued its tradition started last year, and this year it also ranks Hungary's hotels in a separate chapter. We are delighted that Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest occupies an illustrious place in the Top 10 list.



Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes at a Kempinski hotel? Each day, an ensemble of dedicated individuals works tirelessly to create unforgettable experiences for our discerning guests, performing time-honoured tasks and rhythms that resonate across cultures and time zones.

Look behind the scenes:

📸 Diplomacy & Trade (Magazine)

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 17/07/2024

Refresh your senses with our Treatment of the season “Rejuvenation” at Kempinski The Spa!

Inspired by ancient seaweed bathing traditions, our Discovery Facial uses personalised exfoliators, serums and masks to renew your skin. Follow this with a tension-relieving Back, Neck, and Shoulder Massage for the ultimate relaxation.

Book your rejuvenating experience today!

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 13/07/2024

Introducing our Executive Suites

Bathed in natural light pouring in through the large windows, our suite no. 900 is truly special, with a fantastic view of the Ferris wheel and decorated with unique Hungarian contemporary works of art.
Explore our distinctive Executive Suites, each uniquely designed with carefully curated furnishings that embody the essence of Kempinski’s joie de vivre.

Book now!


Kevesebb alkohol, több só. Az egyik legjobb magyar bártender a koktélok jövőjéről - 05/07/2024

"... a gasztronómiából terjedt át a bárokra, hogy tartósítunk, fermentálunk, szárítunk, vagyis mindent megteszünk azért, hogy ez a jó alapanyag minél hosszabban a menün tudjon maradni."

Molnár Balázs Creative Beverage Managerünk a Forbes-nak adott interjút

Kevesebb alkohol, több só. Az egyik legjobb magyar bártender a koktélok jövőjéről - Molnár Balázs pályája elején neves bárokban dolgozott Londonban, Hongkongban és Sydneyben. Ma ő az egyik legismertebb hazai bártender.


Experience the ultimate in convenience and care with Kempinski Hotel Corvinus's exceptional laundry service.

Whether for business attire or delicate fabrics, our meticulous attention to detail ensures your garments are impeccably cleaned and cared for. Elevate your stay with us and enjoy effortless luxury at every turn.

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 01/07/2024

Introducing our Executive Suite

Explore our distinctive Executive Suites, each uniquely designed with carefully curated furnishings that embody the essence of Kempinski’s joie de vivre.

Two of our suites belonging to this category have open air space, so the feeling of spaciousness is even more obvious. The living room area is bathed in sunlight pouring in through the windows, and the view is also magnificent, as the greenery of Erzsébet Park and the imposing sight of the Ferris wheel attract the eye.

Book now!

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 29/06/2024

Did you know Budapest has been recently chosen as one of the top global destinations for a scenic drive by Discovercars?
The city beckons you to explore its charms. 🚗✨

We've prepared a five-star driving route for you starting in Budapest and taking you to the High Tatras! Check out our link. 🗺️


Every great stay begins with a warm welcome! Our exceptional concierge and bellboy are the first to greet you at our hotel, ensuring your visit starts on the right foot. They are not just the first faces you see; they are your go-to for any questions or needs throughout your stay. Their warm smiles and expert service ensure every guest feels right at home.


Spa up your summer with a smile-inducing cup of tea at Kempinski The Spa! Indulge in expert massages, rejuvenating facials and the luxury of plush robes in a serene setting. Treat yourself to ultimate relaxation this season.

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 24/06/2024

Sip, Savour and Chill at ÉS Terrace! 🍹🌞
Escape to the heart of downtown and unwind on our ÉS Terrace, the perfect summer retreat! Enjoy the comfort of our cooling system while soaking in the lively atmosphere of the city.

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 21/06/2024

It’s hard to imagine Star Wars without its iconic score. The magic behind Hollywood’s unforgettable soundtracks traces back to Richard Wagner. Discover his timeless influence and immerse yourself in the universe of this monumental composer at the Budapest Wagner Days 2024.

Photo credit: Müpa Budapest

Photos from Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest's post 18/06/2024

Bring the essence of Nobu into your Kempinski sanctuary. Explore Japanese culinary artistry with dishes that blend innovation and tradition. Whether in our serene dining atmosphere or via in-room dining, each bite offers a taste of perfection.

Szeretnéd, hogy a(z) vállalkozásod elsőként szerepeljen az étterem tematikájú vállalkozások között Budapest városában?
Kattints ide a szponzorált hirdetés igényléséhez.

Luxurious pad into a universe of care & comfort in the beating heart of Budapest

Welcome to Kempinski Hotel Corvinu Budapest!

Relax, relish and recharge in the re-invention of fine, contemporary luxury in the Kempinski Hotel Corvinus, in downtown Budapest.

Kempinski Hotel Corvinus’ imposing modernity remains a landmark of central Budapest. Flanked by green Erzsébet Park and lively Fashion Street, it is ideally located within easy reach of the main historical sights, the Danube, the financial district and the shopping boulevard.

The hotel’s rooms partly underwent a refurbishment to create a space that pleases the design-savvy and responds to the needs of the contemporary traveller. Meticulously appointed, the 316 rooms and 35 suites take inspiration from the comfort of nature and feature artwork from the Corvinus Collection of contemporary Hungarian art.

Redefining the five-star experience, the lobby is home to ÉS Bisztró, which serves contemporised Austro-Hungarian imperial food, while ÉS Deli brews speciality coffee and offers premium sandwiches. In summer, ÉS Terrace spills out onto Fashion Street. Nobu is the region’s first New Japanese restaurant. Blue Fox The Bar mixes classic and creative cocktails, plus music by its DJs and live bands. The Living Room recreates the Budapest café culture.

Kempinski The Spa is your recharge hub, which features a signature hungarymud treatment.


Erzsébet Tér 7-8

További Budapest városi éttermek tematikájú vállalkozások (összes megjelenítése)
Grinzingi Borozó Grinzingi Borozó
Veres Pálné Utca 10
Budapest, 1053

Hagyományőrző stílusát megtartva kellemes atmoszférájú, hangulatos borozó.

Szimpla Szimpla
Kazinczy Utca 14
Budapest, 1075

Jókai Tér 3
Budapest, 1061

Asztalfoglalás: [email protected] / +3613311955

Caffè GianMario Caffè GianMario
Bajcsy Zsilinszky Ut, 35
Budapest, 1065

Home delivery on wolt or order our wines and Prosecco’s on

Shalimar Indiai Étterem Shalimar Indiai Étterem
Keleti Károly Utca 4

Indiai muglai konyha mesterfokon

Mozsár Utca 12
Budapest, 1066


K+K Hotel Opera K+K Hotel Opera
Révay Utca 24
Budapest, 1065

K+K Hotel Opera located in the historic city center, just steps away from the Opera House. The hotel is a part of a unique collection of 10 individual 4-Star properties in prime de...

Majorka Majorka
Szilágyi Erzsébet Fasor 16
Budapest, 1126

Kultikus gasztrokocsma a városmajori gesztenyefák lombjai alatt.

Eklektika Restolounge Eklektika Restolounge
Kazinczy Utca 52/c
Budapest, 1075

Lánchíd Söröző Lánchíd Söröző
Fő Utca 4
Budapest, 1011

It's a great little spot on the Buda side just off the Széchenyi lánchíd (Chain Bridge). http://w

IF Cafe Jazz Club IF Cafe Jazz Club
Raday 19
Budapest, 1092

iF is a popular jazz club in Budapest. Excellent cuisine, quality craft beers and wines. Live Jazz c

Borbíróság Borbíróság
Csarnok Tér 5
Budapest, 1093