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Lorenz Kruse
Lorenz Kruse

Manufacturing high-class n-type solar modules


🌟 Wishing our Solar Hero community a Merry Christmas and a bright New Year! Your support has fueled our journey towards a greener future. Thank you for being the shining stars in our solar-powered adventure! 🌞🎄💫


📈 The quality of life is a choice we make today! 💚 By not adopting solar power, we jeopardize our planet's well-being. Let's make the right choice and transition to renewable energy for a better, cleaner future. 🌱


🚨 Warning: Without solar energy, we risk compromising the Earth's quality!
⚡ Act now, choose solar power, and be part of the solution. Together, we can create a sustainable and thriving future! 💪


🌞✨ "Tomorrow's Energy. Today's Hero." 🚀💡

Entdecken Sie die Zukunft der Energie mit unserem neuesten Solar Modul: HERO®PV 440HJT2-PRO2!

Dieses Meisterwerk der Solartechnologie, in Deutschland designt, setzt neue Maßstäbe für Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit.

Mit HERO®PV 440HJT2-PRO2 investieren Sie nicht nur in Solarenergie, sondern auch in eine Zukunft, die durch Innovation und Umweltbewusstsein geprägt ist. Werden Sie zum Helden von heute und gestalten Sie die Energie von morgen!

Die Entscheidung für HERO®PV 440HJT2-PRO2 bedeutet nicht nur einen Schritt in Richtung sauberer Energie, sondern auch die Übernahme einer aktiven Rolle im Kampf für eine nachhaltige Welt. Seien Sie der Wegbereiter für kommende Generationen!

Seien Sie gespannt auf unseren nächsten Beitrag, um mehr über unser HERO®PV 440HJT2-PRO2 Modul zu erfahren!

Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam den Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Zukunft ebnen. 💚🌐 Kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen über HERO®PV 440HJT2-PRO2, gestaltet und designt in Deutschland, und werden Sie zum Vorreiter der Energiewende!


🌞✨ Erleben Sie die Einfachheit nachhaltiger Energie mit Solar Hero! Unsere Installateur-Partner, wie die "Floschu GmbH", bieten Ihnen das Rundumpaket für eine reibungslose Solarenergielösung 💼🔧

Mit Stolz präsentieren wir die Floschu GmbH als Teil unseres Netzwerks. Sie sind spezialisiert auf die Installation unserer hochmodernen Solar Module, sodass Sie nicht nur umweltfreundliche Energie bekommen, sondern auch die Gewissheit, dass alles professionell und effizient umgesetzt wird. 🏡💡

Genießen Sie den Luxus, alle Schritte Ihrer Solarenergiereise mit einem zuverlässigen Partner zu durchlaufen. Von der Planung bis zur Installation - wir sind für Sie da!

Warum Solar Hero mit Floschu GmbH:
🌱 Experteninstallation: Fachleute von Floschu GmbH sorgen für eine maßgeschneiderte Installation, die Ihren Anforderungen entspricht.
🚀 Vertrauen und Qualität: Solar Hero und Floschu GmbH stehen für höchste Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit in der Solartechnologie.
Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihre nachhaltige Energiereise beginnen. Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt für ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch! 💚💼


🌞 Exciting News from SolarSolutions Expo, Düsseldorf! 🇩🇪

We're thrilled to share our groundbreaking experience at the SolarSolutions expo, where we unveiled our latest generation of solar modules!

Our innovative technology caught the eye of many, and we're grateful for the engaging conversations and the positive feedback received.

A huge thank you to everyone who joined us and showed interest in sustainable energy solutions. Your support fuels our commitment to making solar energy more efficient and accessible to all.

🔜 Up Next: Intersolar Munich 2024! Stay tuned as we gear up to bring even more exciting developments in solar technology to the forefront. Let's continue to light up the future with green energy!


🔄 Time won't wait, but will we? ⏳

Without solar energy, we're on the road to quality deterioration. Let's switch gears, choose sustainability, and ensure a brighter tomorrow for ourselves and future generations! 🌞


🌟 Entdecken Sie die Zukunft der Solartechnologie mit der HERO®PV 440HJT2-PRO2! 🌞✨

SMBB-Design-Technologie: Mit unserer innovativen 18BB-Technologie wird die Stromübertragung optimiert, um Widerstandsverluste zu minimieren und die Zelleneffizienz zu maximieren. 🚀🔍

Die HERO®PV 440HJT2-PRO2 setzt neue Maßstäbe für leistungsstarke Solarmodule, die nicht nur nachhaltige Energiegewinnung ermöglichen, sondern auch die Effizienz der gesamten Anlage verbessern.

Machen Sie sich bereit für die Zukunft der erneuerbaren Energien – HERO®PV 440HJT2-PRO2 macht Solarenergie effektiver und nachhaltiger denn je! 💡💚


Is your energy stuck in the past? 🕰️

🌞 Embrace solar power now to avoid the quality decline that awaits us in the coming years. Let's choose a sustainable future and protect our planet together with Solar Hero! 🌍

Photos from SOLAR HERO's post 30/11/2023

🌞 Exciting News from Solar Hero GmbH! 🚀

We’re thrilled to announce that Solar Hero GmbH recently showcased their groundbreaking n-type solar technology at the Solar Solutions Dusseldorf exhibition. This cutting-edge technology represents a significant leap in solar energy efficiency and sustainability.

Our innovative n-type cells are designed to deliver higher efficiency rates and longer lifespans, setting new benchmarks in the solar industry. This means more power from the same amount of sunlight, and a greener, more sustainable future for us all.

A big thank you to everyone who joined us at the exhibition. Your enthusiasm and support fuel our passion for renewable energy innovation. Let’s harness the power of the sun and create a brighter future together!

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to revolutionize solar technology.


Time is changing, let's change with it! 🔄

🌐 Climate change and depleting resources are lurking around the corner. Let's not allow future challenges to overshadow us; switch to solar energy now and build a sustainable future! 💪


🌞 The journey toward a green future is beginning now! 🚀
Let's not ignore the signs: solar energy is the only path to a sustainable future. 🌎
Let's be agents of change and bring positive transformation to both our lives and our environment! 💡


🌱 Either we change, or we lose!

🌿 If you want to be part of the green revolution, consider solar energy! Change begins now, and each of us needs to play a role.

🌍 Don't just watch, take action with Solar Hero! 🚀


The clock is ticking, but we still live with the energy of the past! 🚨

The transition to solar energy is not just a trend; it's an essential step for our Earth!
If we don't make the switch now, we may face serious challenges in the coming years. 🌍

Don't wait any longer, switch to solar energy, and let's step into a new era together! 🔆


Long Warranty and Investment Security: 🌟 Our solar panel systems not only provide energy but also ensure the safety of a long-term investment. 🏡💡

✅ Long Guarantee: We assure that our solar panel systems will deliver excellent performance for an extended period, backed by a long lifetime guarantee. This is not just a simple warranty but a sign of trust in our high-quality and durable solutions.

✅ Sustainable Reliability: Solar panels offer predictable and stable energy production over the long term. Our systems are designed with a focus on reliability to ensure our customers feel secure and can enjoy the benefits of energy independence in the long run.

✅ Innovation and Development: We work with cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions to ensure our customers always benefit from the latest developments. We closely follow changes in the solar energy field to provide the best available performance.


🌍 By using solar panels, we can sacrifice less natural land for the extraction of energy sources, preserving the stability and diversity of the ecological system.

💭 If we don't change now, what environmental changes will we have to face in the coming decades?


☀️ Drought Survival Kit: Unleash the power of solar energy in a new dimension of water conservation!

💧 Maintaining energy supply is now more efficient, as solar panels operate with minimal water usage. Choose solar energy to preserve your water resources and take a step towards a greener future! 🌿


🌎 Solar Energy and Environmental Footprint

♻️ Life cycle analyses indicate that the generation and utilization of solar energy result in significantly less environmental impact, including greenhouse gas emissions, compared to other forms of energy production.

🌳 What changes have you noticed in your lifestyle since using solar energy?


🌍 Solar energy is not only sustainable but also reduces environmental pollution! Do you know how many tons of carbon dioxide you can save the planet from in a year with an average household solar panel system?

⚡️ If you have tips, share them in the comments.


Those are just solar panels - they said. 😶‍🌫

A soulless collection of metal elements to provide infinite energy for their owners. ⚡ A pitch-black decoration of the flat roof. ⬛ Objects. Accessories. Panels.

Little did you know that they’re the pioneers of a different technology from outer space. 🌌

And every one of them has a story to tell. A past to share. A future to have. For you, for your family, and for humankind.

These jaw-dropping tales are needed to be heard. 👂

Are you ready for them?

Enter our digital spaceship, and fasten your seatbelts for a long journey of a fascinating sci-fi adventure. 🚀🧑‍🚀


From zero to hero 🦸

No one is born a hero, neither is ours. He has already been through many challenges like wars, deprivation and economic disparities📉.

Our Hero seeks to steer the humanity to a sustainable direction: showing another way ♻️🧭

The Solar Heros, including our No.1️⃣, have already found our globe, as they name it, E-arth. They analyzed the population, the environment and the colourful species living here.

They leapt in action with no hesitation as they saw the mind-boggling results of our self-destructive lifestyle 💥.

Knowledge is theirs, action is ours!

The fact that the Solarheroes are among us is delightful but making the right decision is our call. We have been sliding towards the core of extinction for decades, we have only one chance left ➡️ going to the right.

We were going backward but we are heading forward!

Are you ready for the encounter of our guiding star-like Heroes coming from the outer space? 🌌


Our panels are from outer space 🌌

There’s a good reason why our N-type TopCon cells have higher production capacity, lower power reductions, and excellent power generation performance even in low light conditions.

It is because non-humans created them. 👽

There’s a colony far beyond the stars we admire to gaze at every night. A society that has overcome the challenges of wars, economic disparities ⚖️, inequalities among social groups, and lives in a wholly technology-based society.

In need of leaving their planet named Solar due to their ☀️ dying, they’re on a mission to peacefully get in contact with different living beings and show them the way of sustainably harnessing the renewable energy sources of their planets.

The Solarians have been on Earth for over a few decades. 🌎 After discovering our way of living, they’ve decided to reveal themselves step by step because things seem to get out of our hands.

And just like they do, we need a hero, too.

Who’s it going to be❓

Stay tuned not to miss out on this exciting sci-fi story of an emerging character that can save our future.


With our panels, you can have peace of mind knowing that your investment is built to last. 📈

Because we don't just give you a piece of metal, we give you customer service, warranty and quality. 👨‍💻

Because they are Hero®PV. 🌕


🏆 Energy management application, guaranteed energy saving, we present Solarhome®!

📈 Our proprietary solution, production and heat pump consumption guaranteed, so you can redeem your energy costs without risk. Our pioneering development enables an unparalleled energy service for our customers!


📈 The solar industry has grown and changed a lot in the last decade. Solar PV systems are now cheaper than they have ever been, and the number of solar installations is growing at both residential and utility scale.

🏆 What many people may not know is just how beneficial investing in solar power can be, as some even cold and snowy areas are among the best places to install solar panels.


Solar Hero Reference 🦸🏻‍♂️

❓ What is the shade-tolerant half-cell technology that we have equipped Hero PV with?

⏳ A superior micro-crack resistant cell structure with a more balanced internal load. It also gives our solar panels partial shade tolerance.


🌎 Here is our fifth post about our Hero Full-Black Pro 430W Bifacial Double Glass solar panel, where we summarize its advantages!

🏆 With cells on both sides, you can achieve up to 30% higher production with our new panel!

🏆 EXTRA warranty comes with our proprietary panel, which is a 30 year product and 30 year performance warranty!

🏆 Thanks to N-type cells, degradation by light is reduced, in numbers: 1% degradation in the first year and expected to be 0.40% per year thereafter. This means that in 25 years our panel will still be performing at more than 89%!

🏆 Because of its design, it can be used in a wide range of applications including BIPV (building-integrated solar panels), snowy areas, vertical installation, high humidity, strong wind gusts and desert environments.

☀️ Thank you for following us over the past few weeks, I hope we have helped you get to know our Hero® Full-Black Pro panel better. Visit our website for more information:


Solar Hero Reference 🦸🏻‍♂️

👣 We agree that reducing our ecological footprint is an important goal, and installing solar panels is a great way to contribute to this goal.

🌳 HERO® solar panels are high quality and reliable, with a guaranteed long lifespan, making them a worthwhile long-term investment. With Solar Hero solar panels on your home or office roof, your energy bills can be significantly reduced.


🌎 Here is our fourth post about our Hero Full-Black Pro 430W Bifacial Double Glass solar panel, the topic of which is: wide range of applications!

🏆 This solar panel is the perfect choice for those looking for innovative technology and professional quality. Due to its design, it can be used in a wide range of applications including BIPV(building integrated solar panels), snowy areas, vertical installation, high humidity, strong wind gusts and desert environments.

🌳 In addition, the environmental impact is significant as it provides a long-term sustainable solution to energy supply.


🌳 Green energy production makes a major contribution to energy security by reducing dependence on foreign oil and gas imports, and helps develop patents and technologies that can generate jobs and economic growth in the long term.

👣 To reduce our ecological footprint and create a more sustainable future, it is important to maximise the use of green energy sources. Only then can we ensure a clean and liveable environment for future generations.


Solar Hero Reference 🦸🏻‍♂️

🏆 What makes our solar panel an award winner? For example: module efficiency: 20.38%

📈 Higher output results in lower kWp cost, higher lifetime generating capacity, but also lower annual output degradation.


🌎 This is our third post about our Hero Full-Black Pro 430W Bifacial Double Glass solar panel!

📈 Thanks to the N-type cells, degradation by light is reduced, in terms of numbers: 1% degradation in the first year and an expected 0.40% degradation per year thereafter. This means that in 25 years our panel will still be performing at more than 89%!


Solar Hero Reference 🦸🏻‍♂️

📈 N-TYPE CELLA Thanks to its application, the solar cell's light absorption capacity is improved, even in low light conditions. This means that the panel starts to produce more quickly at sunrise due to scattered light and continues to operate at sunset.

🌏 Hero solar panels are manufactured to the highest quality by a quality manufacturer with whom we are committed to making solar energy light up every corner of the world. We strive to provide high efficiency, high quality and affordable clean energy solutions for all.


🏆 Here is our second post about our Hero Full-Black Pro 430W Bifacial Double Glass solar panel!

❗ The second special thing we're sharing about it is that it comes with an EXTRA warranty on our proprietary panel, which is a 30 year product and 30 year performance warranty!

✅ Because we're confident in our product, you can be sure it will pay for itself!

Photos from SOLAR HERO's post 31/01/2023

🏆 NEXTGEN-22 results announcement❗

✅Thank you for your work over the past months, for the audience votes and for allowing us to see so many perspectives through your submissions.

🤝 We would like to announce the winners of the NEXTGEN-22 competition in this post and thank everyone for their participation!

🔍 Winners should keep an eye on the email address they registered with, as that's where we'll be contacting them in the first instance with details of how to collect their prizes.


Solar Hero Reference 🦸🏻‍♂️

❓ What does the "A" cell rating mean?

🔍 You can't tell the difference with the naked eye! That's why we test with "EL" Electroluminescence.

📉 Cell microcracks are a serious problem for the solar industry. Due to the weakness of the silicon cell material, cracking can occur due to improper handling during the manufacturing, transportation and installation of the module, and this can significantly reduce the output power of the module before installation.


🏆 Introducing the Hero Full-Black Pro 430W Bifacial Double Glass solar panel!

❗ The first special thing we share about it. It has cells on both sides, so you can get up to 30% higher production with our new panel!


🌏 The International Energy Agency reports that solar energy will be the number one source of energy by 2050.

📈 Why? The solar industry is growing rapidly every year as one of the few renewable energy sources that can be harnessed by businesses and individuals alike. Virtually any open space or rooftop can be used to install solar panels.


Solar Hero Reference 🦸🏻‍♂️

🌎 Every day we install solar panels in many places, we are happy about this not only because we can save our customers a lot in the long run, but because we know that only by protecting and protecting this planet with all our efforts we can live on it for a long time.

✅ If you would like to take advantage of all the opportunities for renewable energy production, please apply by clicking on the link!

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Kattints ide a szponzorált hirdetés igényléséhez.



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