

Közeli reklám és marketing cégek tematikájú vállalkozások

The Deep Creative Collective
The Deep Creative Collective

They were recently asked by the Hong Kong-based publisher Viction:ary to write the foreword for one of their professional publications, Dot, Line, Shape.

In recent years de_form has not only designed the brand identity of University of Theatre and Film Arts Budapest or the city of Pannonhalma but also worked with such renowned Hungarian cultural institutions as the Museum of Ethnography, Ludwig Museum, the Hungarian National Museum or the Hungarian National Gallery. They were already invited as a guest speaker by the American Institute of Graphic A

Photos from POV Budapest's post 11/09/2024
Photos from de_form's post 11/09/2024

Project proposal for the international open call of Carlo Ratti, curator of the 19th Venice Architecture Biennale. 

We propose creating a comprehensive database to serve as a collaborative platform. Contributors could publish their ideas and gather previous non-winning Biennale proposals from various countries. These proposals, rich in insights, would be organized into a searchable database categorized by thematic units. To enhance its effectiveness, the database would feature an intelligent search with AI modules to seamlessly link related projects and concepts. This would streamline the search process and foster connections between ideas and proposals. The curator could select thematic categories aligned with this year’s Biennale themes, and we could create data visualizations from the database. These visualizations could then be integrated into the branding elements for the upcoming year, providing useful communication tools and enhancing the overall experience.

Year 2024

  .zsuzsa_ .ecsedi .bessenyey

Organizer La Biennale di Venezia
Curator Carlo Ratti
Graphic design & Website 

TwoDefine Studio + DE_FORM
Typeface DE_INTELLIGENS Display by Bendegúz Batke

Photos from de_form's post 05/09/2024

The exhibition at the Capa Center, titled “Minor Mysteries,” showcases the work of Hans van der Meer, a prominent Dutch documentary photographer known for his inquisitive eye, sharp observation, and unique blend of empathy, social involvement, and humor. It highlights his Budapest series from 1985-86, along with key works from later projects that connect his origins with his time in Hungary. The exhibition’s design features unique custom-made typography and a playful arrangement of his photographs, which reflect Van der Meer’s work.

Capa Center


Nóra Demeczky, Enikő Déri, Bertalan Bessenyey, Ádám Asztalos, Bendegúz Batke, Nagy Sára Vilma,

Claudia Küssel

Editorial photography
Laci Kőhegyi

Interior photography
Capa Center

FORFA (by Bertalan Bessenyey)

Photos from de_form's post 04/09/2024

In 2015, when we crafted the first brand identity for de_form, we established a design philosophy centered around simplicity and boldness. This approach led us to create a visual identity system that was straightforward and highly functional. For this reason, we chose the ARIAL typeface for our initial branding.

We had a deep appreciation for ARIAL and similar sans serif fonts like Helvetica and Akzidenz Grotesk. We loved the character of ARIAL so much that we consistently retained it throughout each of our rebranding efforts, making only subtle refinements to our system.

Last year, as we approached our ten-year anniversary, we felt it was time to create a custom typeface that embodies the characteristics we value in sans serif fonts, while infusing it with Deform’s fresh perspective and uniqueness. This led to the creation of DE_FORMAL, our very own typeface.

Art Directors:

Design: (DE_FORM)


Always ready for new challenges! We’re available for branding, editorial, web design and exhibition projects.

Photos from de_form's post 13/08/2024

The 2023 Glass Art NOW! exhibition at Ateneo Veneto, organized by the Bohus-Lugossy Foundation during the Venice Glass Week explores the rich history of Hungarian glass art from ancient Roman times to the present. The exhibition features both traditional craftsmanship and contemporary works, including pieces by recent graduates. This display offers a comprehensive view of Hungarian glass art’s evolution, merging traditional techniques with modern innovations.

Client and Organizer:
Eszter Bohus

Year: 2023

Team: .zsuzsa .bessenyey

Artists: Péter Botos, Balázs Sipos, Luca Kohut-Görömbei, Ágnes Smetana, Zsuzsa Vida, Barbara Szőke, Birgit Köblitz, Zsuzsanna Deák, Márta Edőcs, Luca Dimény, Judit Füri, Jusztina Jegenyés, László Lukácsi, Péter Lendvai, Melinda Soltész, Daniella Koós, Balázs Telegdi, György Gáspár, Zsolt János Budai, János Fábry, László Hefter, Amala Gyöngyvér Varga, Vajk Farkas, Boldizsár Lukácsi, James Carcass, Barnabás Wölfinger, Csilla Szilágyi

Co-organizer: FAMPATH
Curator: Dr. András B. Szilágyi
Co-curator: Szonja Dohnál
Museologist: Katalin Kárpáti

Exhibition design: Péter Balogh / .peter.official &

Graphic design & Website:

Typeface: Formula Condensed Light

Photography & Videography: Liza Lukácsi, Luca Dimény

GLASS ART NOW! 08/08/2024

The 2023 Glass Art NOW! exhibition at Ateneo Veneto, organized by the Bohus-Lugossy Foundation during the Venice Glass Week, explores the rich history of Hungarian glass art from ancient Roman times to the present. The exhibition features both traditional craftsmanship and contemporary works, including pieces by recent graduates. This display offers a comprehensive view of Hungarian glass art’s evolution, merging traditional techniques with modern innovations. A highlight of the exhibition is a 1:100 scale model of the Spatial Spiral - European Contemporary Glass Art Museum, inspired by Zoltán Bohus’s sculpture. The graphic design uses vibrant color gradients and bold typography to showcase the glass objects, with dark surfaces enhancing their visual impact. A dedicated website provides further information and stories about the exhibited pieces.

Bohus-Lugossy Foundation
Eszter Bohus


Nóra Demeczky, Enikő Déri, Rebeka Orosz, Zsuzsa Oláh, Ádám Asztalos, Bertalan Bessenyey, Benedek Regős, Bendegúz Batke, Lili Pammer, Bokodi Zsófia

Péter Botos, Balázs Sipos, Luca Kohut-Görömbei, Ágnes Smetana, Zsuzsa Vida, Barbara Szőke, Birgit Köblitz, Zsuzsanna Deák, Márta Edőcs, Luca Dimény, Judit Füri, Jusztina Jegenyés, László Lukácsi, Péter Lendvai, Melinda Soltész, Daniella Koós, Balázs Telegdi, György Gáspár, Zsolt János Budai, János Fábry, László Hefter, Amala Gyöngyvér Varga, Vajk Farkas, Boldizsár Lukácsi, James Carcass, Barnabás Wölfinger, Csilla Szilágyi

Bohus-Lugossy Foundation, Eszter Bohus


Dr. András B. Szilágyi

Szonja Dohnál

Katalin Kárpáti

Exhibition design
Péter Balogh / BaloghDesign & DE_VISION

Graphic design & Website

Formula Condensed Light

Photography & Videography
Liza Lukácsi, Luca Dimény

GLASS ART NOW! The 2023 Glass Art NOW! exhibition at Ateneo Veneto, organized by the Bohus-Lugossy Foundation, explores the rich history of Hungarian glass art from ancient Roman times to the present. The exhibition features both traditional craftsmanship and contempora…

WORK IN CONTEXT 26/06/2024

The “Work in Context” symposium and exhibition have been held three times at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME). The most recent event, in 2021, was an international meeting of Central and Eastern European (CEE) photography, focusing on contemporary art and its social contexts. In addition to lectures, panel discussions, and workshops, an exhibition showcasing the participants’ works was also featured. The symposium aimed to explore new perspectives in photography and support the development of the CEE photographic community while providing the audience with insights into current trends.

The graphic and exhibition design aimed to shape the visual character derived from everyday life in the CEE region. To achieve this, we designed a font for the website that appeared to be made from black tape. When the exhibition could be realized on a larger scale after COVID, we incorporated this effect in practice, creating a modular font that our team individually assembled. This process, carried out with minimal tools but significant analog effort, reflected the puritan, brutalist, and CEE stylistic elements of the exhibition and the font design.

MOME Photography Department


Nóra Demeczky, Enikő Déri, Ádám Asztalos, Bendegúz Batke, Bertalan Bessenyey, István Fazekas

Judit Gellér PhD, Gábor Arion Kudász DLA, Gábor Máté DLA, Zsolt Petrányi PhD

Exhibition design
Gábor Arion Kudász DLA, MOME students, DE_FORM

Máté Lakos, DE_FORM

DE_WIC DISPLAY (by DE_FORM, Bendegúz Batke)

WORK IN CONTEXT The “Work in Context” symposium and exhibition have been held three times at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME). The most recent event, in 2021, was an international meeting of Central and Eastern European (CEE) photography, focusing on c…

Minden idők legnagyobb néprajzi tárlatát készítik elő 12/06/2024

Minden idők legnagyobb néprajzi tárlatát készítik elő Miért érdemes a Néprajzi Múzeumba menni?

Cumulus Budapest 2024 12/06/2024

Cumulus Association Conference 2024

The Cumulus Association is the leading global association of art and design education and research. It represents a dynamic ecosystem for internationalisation and global mobility, knowledge exchange, and collaboration in art and design pedagogy, research, and practice. The 370 Cumulus member institutions are leading the way in art and design education around the world. Originating from 69 countries, they demonstrate the importance of collaboration in a 21st-century higher education landscape that is increasingly complex and global.

In 2024, the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME) had the honor of hosting the conference. MOME is a leading design university in the CEE region, known for its 143-year legacy and constant innovation. With a brand-new campus opened in 2019, MOME aims to be Hungary's first carbon-neutral university, offering state-of-the-art infrastructure. The university has introduced new international programs, interdisciplinary research groups, and strategic initiatives to enhance its educational and research excellence, focusing on technological transformation, ecological sustainability, and innovation.

This year's conference theme, "P/References," played with the notion of preferences and references in design. Keywords for the conference included references, preferences, past/futures, looking back/looking forward, navigation/goals, choices, decisions, values, desires, and selections. This thematic framework encouraged participants to reflect on the interplay between past influences and future directions in the field of design.

MOME Budapest

Year 2024

Team Nóra Demeczky, Enikő Déri, Bertalan Bessenyey, Ádám Asztalos, Anna Szendrei

Concept & Art direction

Design partner & DTP
Sandor Nagy (Sanya)�MOME BRAND

Conference chair�Attila Bujdosó

Photography Laci Kőhegyi, Máté Lakos�
Typefaces DE_CUMULUS (by DE_FORM, Ádám Asztalos), Fellix (by Displaay

Cumulus Budapest 2024 The Cumulus Association is the leading global network for art and design education and research, fostering international collaboration among its 370 member institutions from 69 countries. In 2024, the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOM…


Nemrég mi is választottunk: 33, szerintünk hallgatásra érdemes friss hazai zenét az idei válogatásunkra, ami a oldalon hallgatható 🤙

Szerettünk volna azonban mindenképpen szólni azokról is, akik a projekt mögött állnak: akik zsűriztek, nyereményt ajánlottak fel, technikai segítséget nyújtottak vagy egyéb módokon fújták a hátszelet kedvenc szerelemprojektünkre. Nekik köszönjük, hogy létrejött ez korrajz a nemzetközi érvényű magyar könnyűzenéről:

👂 ZSŰRI: 👂
Besnyő Dániel (VIDEÓ)
Csere Márton (CLUB)
Domokos Emőke (XPERI)
Herold János (XPERI)
Kolbenheyer Erik (XPERI)
Kun Bálint (POP)
Miller Dávid (POP)
Papp László
Stefánkovits Fanni (CLUB)
Szilágyi Norbert (CLUB)
Takács Dorina Дeva (POP)
Unger András
Vereczkey Ákos
Vermes Orsolya (VIDEÓ)

🚀 Telekom HU: 🚀
Czabányi Enikő
Fejszák Judit
Sántha Tamás
Szabó Béla

Fülöp András
Kirchknopf Mátyás
Móritz Dániel
Neményi Márton

Takács Péter
Ramin Sayyah

Kocsis Bence OIEE
Szigeti Zsófi Solére
Varga Tamás WaTa

Cséve Zsófia
Kongsaysak Réka

Nolatency Studio
Turbina Kulturális Központ

HOTS - Hungarian Oncoming Tunes
INOTA Festival
Sziget Festival

Ágoston Boróka
Berkes Ákos
Domonkos Sára
Kilián Kornél
Móritz Dániel
Papp László
Somlyay Orsolya
Szatlmayer Ágnes
Szécsi Panna
Unger András
Vereczkey Ákos

MTA – Hungarian Academy of Sciences 03/06/2024

It was an honor for us to win the branding competition organized by the MTA, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Our aim was to create an identity that respects the heritage of the MTA while adapting to current visual communication and digital demands. The design prominently features the Academy’s original crest alongside the Amen Display typeface by Hungarian designer Ádám Katyi. The color palette is inspired by the original identity element, the Allegória painting, enhancing the visual connection. The result is a classic yet contemporary brand identity that communicates clearly and powerfully.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences


.bessenyey .ecsedi

Amen Display by

MTA – Hungarian Academy of Sciences Graphic Design,Branding,Typography

Photos from de_form's post 03/06/2024

It was an honor for us to win the branding competition organized by the MTA, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Our aim was to create an identity that respects the heritage of the MTA while adapting to current visual communication and digital demands. The design prominently features the Academy’s original crest alongside the Amen Display typeface by Hungarian designer Ádám Katyi. The color palette is inspired by the original identity element, the Allegória painting, enhancing the visual connection. The result is a classic yet contemporary brand identity that communicates clearly and powerfully.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences


.bessenyey .ecsedi

Amen Display by

Photos from de_form's post 08/05/2024

In the “In Circulation” series at the Museum of Applied Arts, contemporary designers reimagine items from the museum’s collection. Buliash Todaeva was invited in July 2021 to join this initiative. The opening of her exhibition in Budapest, planned for March 2022, was canceled due to the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The exhibition catalog was halted just before printing, and in April 2022, Todaeva left Russia for France to pursue sustainable and ethical design.Todaeva designs objects that minimize environmental impact, using waste as raw materials. Her approach resonates well with the DE_FORM team, who share a similar creative spirit. They have effectively reflected her vision in the exhibition’s communication and design, collaborating smoothly with the artist and curators. After a delay, the project will finally be showcased at the 2023 Budapest Design Week.

Client Museum of Applied Arts
Year 2023-24
Team Enikő Déri, Nóra Demeczky, Bendegúz Batke, Bertalan Bessenyey, Nagy Sára Vilma, Anna Szendrei
Exhibiton concept and curator Judit Horváth PhD
Co-curators Melinda Farkasdy, Jessica Fehérvári, Rita Komporday
Installation design Buliash Todaeva
Editor Orsolya Danyi
Photography Laci Kőhegyi
Location Ráth György Villa

In Circulation – Buliash Todaeva 08/05/2024

In the "In Circulation" series at the Museum of Applied Arts, contemporary designers reimagine items from the museum's collection. Buliash Todaeva was invited in July 2021 to join this initiative. The opening of her exhibition in Budapest, planned for March 2022, was canceled due to the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The exhibition catalog was halted just before printing, and in April 2022, Todaeva left Russia for France to pursue sustainable and ethical design. Todaeva designs objects that minimize environmental impact, using waste as raw materials. Her approach resonates well with the DE_FORM team, who share a similar creative spirit. We have effectively reflected her vision in the exhibition’s communication and design, collaborating smoothly with the artist and curators. After a delay, the project will finally be showcased at the 2023 Budapest Design Week.

Client Museum of Applied Arts
Year 2023-24
Team Enikő Déri, Nóra Demeczky, Bendegúz Batke, Bertalan Bessenyey, Nagy Sára Vilma, Anna Szendrei
Exhibiton concept and curator Judit Horváth PhD
Co-curators Melinda Farkasdy, Jessica Fehérvári, Rita Komporday
Installation design Buliash Todaeva
Editor Orsolya Danyi
Photography Laci Kőhegyi
Location Ráth György Villa

In Circulation – Buliash Todaeva Graphic Design

Photos from de_form's post 03/05/2024



Our studio designs a special calendar every year, in collaboration with Europapier and EPC Nyomda. We always strive to apply innovative solutions in our calendars and to utilize the properties of the papers. Our calendar for 2024 is a functional design object that gains a new visuality week by week through the play of colors and shapes. As the primary material, we chose a special transparent paper, the 60-gram version of IBO Reflex. To this, we’ve associated an exciting visual effect that not only makes the calendar functional but also lends it dynamic excitement. The other type of paper we selected is the COLOR STYLE RECYCLING colored cardboards. With these papers, we created not just a visual variety but also conveyed the colors of the seasons. The typographic image for each month was crafted by another one of our designers, reflecting excitingly on the given month.



Nóra Demeczky, Enikő Déri, Bertalan Bessenyey (APR, SEP), Bendegúz Batke (FEB, MAY), Ádám Asztalos (AUG, NOV), Rebeka Orosz (MAR, JUN), Benedek Regős (JUL), Zsófia Ecsedi (OKT), Zsuzsa Oláh (JAN), 
Petra Erős (DEC)
Laci Kőhegyi

DE_FORMAL (by Bendegúz Batke)



Dr. Magyar Péter Amerikában élő építész és egyetemi professzor, életművében kiemelt szerepe van a kézi rajzok készítésének és kutatásának. 2023 decemberében jelent meg róla A végtelen építészete – Magyar Péter munkássága című monográfia.

2024. április 24-én 17:00-i kezdettel a Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem Auditóriumában tart nyilvános előadást Térképletek, képzeletek könyvei címmel, melyben a hallgatóság betekintést nyerhet a nemrégiben megjelent könyv tartalmába.

Az előadás magyar nyelvű.


Graphic design:


Dr. Péter Magyar is an architect and university professor living in the United States, with a significant focus in his career on hand-drawing and research. In December 2023, a monograph titled “The Architecture of Infinity – The Work of Péter Magyar” was published.

On April 24, 2024, at 5:00 PM, he will give a public lecture at the Auditorium of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art, titled “Formulas of Space, Imaginations of Books,” where the audience can gain insights into the content of his recently published book.

The lecture will be in Hungarian.

Organized by zoltanneville

Graphic design:

CALENDAR 2024 18/04/2024

Mára hagyománnyá vált, hogy csapatunk év végén különleges naptárat tervez az Europapierrel és az EPC Nyomdával együttműködve. Arra törekszünk, hogy innovatív megoldásokat alkalmazzunk a tervezés során, és kihasználjuk az egyes kreatív papírok tulajdonságait. A 2024-es naptárunk, mondhatjuk, hogy egy funkcionális design tárgy, amely hetente új vizualitást nyer a színek és formák játékán keresztül. Elsődleges anyagként egy különleges áttetsző papírt választottunk, az IBO Reflex 60 grammos változatát. Ehhez társítottunk egy olyan grafikai effektust, amely nemcsak funkcionalitást biztosít a naptárnak, de dinamikus megjelenést is kölcsönöz neki. A másik papír típus választásunk a COLOR STYLE RECYCLING színes kartonjaira esett. Ezekkel az élénk színű kartonokkal az évszakok színeire reflektáltunk. Az egyes hónapok tipográfiai képét csapatunk más-más tervezői készítették, reagálva az adott hónap karakterére.

Év: 2023

Természetesen, itt az átírt szöveg a magyar helyesírási szabályok szerint, ahol a családnevek szerepelnek először:

Csapat: Demeczky Nóra, Déri Enikő, Bessenyey Bertalan (április, szeptember), Batke Bendegúz (február, május), Asztalos Ádám (augusztus, november), Orosz Rebeka (március, június), Regős Benedek (július), Ecsedi Zsófia (október), Oláh Zsuzsa (január), Erős Petra (december)
Fotó: Kőhegyi Laci
Betűtípus: DE_FORMAL (Batke Bendegúz)


Our studio designs a special calendar every year, in collaboration with Europapier and EPC Nyomda. We always strive to apply innovative solutions in our calendars and to utilize the properties of the papers. Our calendar for 2024 is a functional design object that gains a new visuality week by week through the play of colors and shapes. As the primary material, we chose a special transparent paper, the 60-gram version of IBO Reflex. To this, we’ve associated an exciting visual effect that not only makes the calendar functional but also lends it dynamic excitement. The other type of paper we selected is the COLOR STYLE RECYCLING colored cardboards. With these papers, we created not just a visual variety but also conveyed the colors of the seasons. The typographic image for each month was crafted by another one of our designers, reflecting excitingly on the given month.



Nóra Demeczky, Enikő Déri, Bertalan Bessenyey (APR, SEP), Bendegúz Batke (FEB, MAY), Ádám Asztalos (AUG, NOV), Rebeka Orosz (MAR, JUN), Benedek Regős (JUL), Zsófia Ecsedi (OKT), Zsuzsa Oláh (JAN), Petra Erős (DEC)

Laci Kőhegyi

DE_FORMAL (by Bendegúz Batke)

CALENDAR 2024 Our studio designs a special calendar every year, in collaboration with Europapier and EPC Nyomda. We always strive to apply innovative solutions in our calendars and to utilize the properties of the papers. Our calendar for 2024 is a functional design ob…

Közép-Európai Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet | KEMKI 17/04/2024

Közép-Európai Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet | KEMKI A Közép-Európai Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet (KEMKI) küldetése a magyarországi tudományos élet erősítése, valamint a magyarországi művészet és művészettörténet magas szintű képviselete a nemzetközi színtéren lokális fókuszú, regionális és nemzetközi horizontú ...

Photos from de_form's post 13/04/2024

The new visual identity for Steenbergen Stichting. The Foundation was founded in 1961 by Johan Steenbergen (1886-1967) in memory of his older brother Hermann Diedrich Steenbergen (1883-1945). Johan was the founder of the Exakta camera factory in Dresden.

They support initiatives that stimulate individuals professionally, in line with the values from their vision. They undertake projects in memory of Johan Steenbergen, such as a research grant, together with the Drents Archief, for young historians. Currently, they have a yearly stipend for young photographers, together with the Nederlands Fotomuseum.

Steenbergen Stichting



.bessenyey .zsuzsa_
Nederlands Fotomuseum, Steenbergen Stichting

Web development
Generator by .xyz

Steenbergen Stipendium 09/04/2024

The new visual identity for the Steenbergen Stipendium, the Netherlands’ oldest and most prestigious photography prize, blends tradition with modernity. Recognizing up-and-coming talents from Dutch art academies, the award honors outstanding photography students selected by industry experts every year. Winning photographers also get the chance to showcase their work at the Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam. The updated brand incorporates elements from the original logo, injecting color and energy while maintaining relevance. Each year, a new visual pattern adds variety, reflecting creative growth while staying rooted in tradition. This transformation ensures the prize continues to inspire, captivate, and celebrate Dutch photographic excellence.

Client: Steenbergen Stichting
Year: 2022-23
Team: Nóra Demeczky, Enikő Déri, Bertalan Bessenyey, Ádám Asztalos, Rebeka Orosz, Zoltán Néder, Lili Pammer
Photos: Netherlands Fotomuseum, Steenbergen Stichting
Web development: Péter Illés
Typeface: Generator (by Riptype)

Steenbergen Stipendium The new visual identity for the Steenbergen Stipendium, the Netherlands’ oldest and most prestigious photography prize, blends tradition with modernity. Recognizing up-and-coming talents from Dutch art academies, the award honors outstanding photography s…

Szeretnéd, hogy a(z) vállalkozásod elsőként szerepeljen az Reklám és Marketing Cég tematikájú vállalkozások között Budapest városában?
Kattints ide a szponzorált hirdetés igényléséhez.




Fő Utca 67

Nyitvatartási idő

Hétfő 09:00 - 17:00
Kedd 09:00 - 17:00
Szerda 09:00 - 17:00
Csütörtök 09:00 - 17:00

További Grafikai tervezés városi Budapest tematikájú vállalkozások (összes megjelenítése)
Shape Graphic Shape Graphic
Budapest, 1138

Grafika design, Fanfiction csomagolás és ruha tervezés

Kontur Press Design Kft. Kontur Press Design Kft.
Mogyoródi út 16-20
Budapest, 1149

Grafikai tervezés, kisnyomdai kivitelezés, autódekoráció, reklám, taxisárgítás. 25 éve működünk megbízható cégként, megannyi tapasztalattal a hátunk mögött. Jókedvű, összetartó, pr...

VBO Design VBO Design

👩🏼‍💻Szépségipari vállalkozásoknak tervezek elegáns arculatot❕ 📍ʙᴜᴅᴀᴘᴇꜱᴛ | ʜᴜɴɢᴀʀʏ

777 Minds 777 Minds
Budapest, 1119

Your One - Stop Shop for Online Digital Prints

D&Graphics D&Graphics
Dévai Utca 19
Budapest, 1134

Színvonal, szakértelem, technológia. Képkidolgozás mesterfokon. Wprint a tradíció és digit?

𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘁 𝘂𝗽 it's aesthetic 𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘁 𝘂𝗽 it's aesthetic

GRAFIKAI TERVEZÉS ÉS SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGN • Logó tervezés • Hirdetések grafikai tervezése ?

Design Potion - Grafikai tervezés Design Potion - Grafikai tervezés

A Design Potion vállalkozás két egyedi tervezői szemléletmódot egyesít. Kreatív hozzáállással és értő

Budapest, Zugligeti út 9-25
Budapest, 1121

A MOME Tervezőgrafika és a MOME OPEN szervezésében induló kétféléves illusztrációs képzés.

AYSU Creative Studio AYSU Creative Studio

Graphic design studio specialized in branding with a feminine touch for passionate entrepreneurs.

It Takes Stories It Takes Stories

Kedves történetek és pillanatok, digitális illusztrációként ✨

Loggo Loggo

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Csodás Design Studio / Grafikai Műhely Csodás Design Studio / Grafikai Műhely
Budapest, 1093

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