Budapest Film Academy Italiano

Fusione fra Budapest Film Academy (BFA) e l'Università ELTE Fare cinema diventa ogni giorno di più un fatto globale.

Budapest Film Academy (BFA) e l'Università Eötvös Loránd (ELTE) hanno congiunto le loro forze per creare a Budapest una accademia del cinema bilingue, inglese e ungherese, con un programma pratico di studi per gli studenti che vogliano diventare professionisti del settore. Il fondatore della BFA, Jenő Hodi, si è laureato con un Master in cinematografia alla Columbia University di New York sotto

Article about Budapest Film Awards short films.pdf 14/09/2021

Now you can read the previously posted article about Budapest Film Awards in English language as well! 🤩 By clicking on the pictures you can watch the trailers of the short films.

Article about Budapest Film Awards short films.pdf Shared with Dropbox


Next week we are shooting this summer's second student film, but in the meantime here is a photo of our previous shooting... ☺️

Photos from Budapest Film Academy Italiano's post 21/06/2021

Our short film ’Legacy’ directed by Jeno Hodi, and on this project worked on many Budapest Film Academy students, has won dozens of international awards and achieved excellent results over the past six months. Most recently, for example, it was officially selected by the L.A. Shorts International Film Festival, which is an Oscar-qualifying festival. Below you can see the results so far and a picture of another award 🏆🎬

Budapest Film Awards – International festival for short films 10/06/2021

Good news for our short film festival, Budapest Film Awards! We’ve got two special offers: the winners of the main categories get two times 10.000 EUR if they make their feature film with us, with our partners. Further details:

Budapest Film Awards – International festival for short films Our mission is to discover talented filmmakers. We aim for diversity and accept short films in all genres across the globe.


Great news! 🤩 Two of our student films have achieved great success at the Cegléd Film Festival – ’Anything for Mom’ won first place, while 'The Last of the Ushers' came third. Congratulations to the actors and the crew!

Budapest Film Academy 02/06/2021

Don't forget, you can already apply for our courses starting in September! You can find more information on our website:

Budapest Film Academy Welcome to Budapest Film Academy site! / �dv�zl�nk a Budapest Film Akad�mia honlapj�n!


Budapest Film Awards is held twice a year:

☀️ SUMMER FESTIVAL: July 25th ☀️
- Early Bird Deadline: From now till May 30th
- Regular Deadline: June 20th
- Late Deadline: July 10th

❄️ WINTER FESTIVAL: December 15th ❄️
- Early Bird Deadline: September 10th
- Regular Deadline: October 15th
- Late Deadline: November 25th

You can find more info on our website:
You can follow us on instagram as well:

Photos from Budapest Film Academy Italiano's post 12/05/2021

◾️Invitation to our joint filmmaking program
◾️Meeting fellow artists
◾️Free of charge opportunity for learning from established filmmakers from the industry
We look forward to having you join us at Budapest Film Awards and get an exceptional occasion to show your work and participate in an international competition.
If you want to submit, visit our website:
You can follow us on instagram as well:


Budapest Film Academy established an international film festival, Budapest Film Awards. You may find more info about this at There will be great prizes for the main winners. Please feel free to share this with your filmmaking friends!

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