Produsen & Penjual Pakaian Pria
Admin untuk Market Place Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada.
Mampu mengelola Market Place terutama Shopee, Tokopedia, mengerti cara meningkatkan traffic di market place, terbiasa atau setidaknya pernah beriklan di market place, terbiasa menangani calon pembeli, pernah atau terbiasa memanfaatkan fitur Live Shopee,..
Diutamakan Wanita, dengan penuh semangat dan Optimis.
Admin untuk Market Place Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada.
Mampu mengelola Market Place terutama Shopee, Tokopedia, mengerti cara meningkatkan traffic di market place, terbiasa atau setidaknya pernah beriklan di market place, terbiasa menangani calon pembeli, pernah atau terbiasa memanfaatkan fitur Live Shopee,..
Can You Imagine, if you idolize someone so very much, when you can only see her through the television or other media... Then found her wearing your product? How excited you could be...
MasT as one of the owner .id first came with the idea what if my idol kak wear the product...
We're really excited and how grateful we are in Tauxo to have her respect as one of her friend and willing to introduce our chino pants, but the most important the excitement of MasT as one of the owner to have our product wear by his very adorable idol of him.
Thanks alot kakak our grateful could never be enough.
And maybe we should think about that tauxo not just men's wear....
Good morning Gentlemen.. How's life?
Well after have enough time vacation, now Tauxo are back on bussiness...
Are you ready to rock on your day? It's Monday time to resatart your week, reset your goal for the whole week... Goww....
It's always nice and relaxing to play with our pet.
Have a nice sunday evening Gentlemen... Happy Fasting.
Spending time alone in your own company reinforces your self-worth and is often the number-one way to replenish your resilience reserves.
Happy 5th day of Fasting.
“Speak only when your words are more beautiful than the silence.”
Bagaimana Ramadhan hari ke 2 nya? Sudah kegiatan apa saja yang dikerjakan, meski tidur itu ibadah tapi jangan habiskan waktu puasanya buat tidur ya...
Celana Chino Tauxo ini asyik juga loh dipadukan dengan baju koko...
Berani coba?
Keluarga besar Tauxo.id mengucapakan;
Marhaban ya Ramadhan. Bulan suci kembali tiba. Saat tepat mensucikan diri dari segala dosa. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.
"The way I dress depends on how I feel. I never have to psych myself up. Usually it just feels like it works."
Ada 5 pilihan warna Chino tauxo, Gentlemen semua harus nih punya semua warna ini, dan bisa memakainya sesuai dengan mood kita, ,karena setiap warna kita percaya mampu menyampaikan psikologi tersendiri. dan kerennya ini chino tauxo selalu tampak cocok dipadukan dengan stelan lain sesuai keinginan dan kebutuhan kita, baik acara resmi maupun santai. Masih Gak percaya? Coba deh...
Berani Coba?
'Black is modest and arrogant at the same time. Black is lazy and easy, but mysterious...
Siapa s**a warna hitam? Hitam selalu keren dipadukan dengan warna apapun, setuju apa setuju?
Chino keren ini tentu ada d**g warna hitamnya... Kamu mau? Yuk order...
Klik link website kita kalo mau tahu lebih banyak...
"Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well.”
Pick one, will you? All fascinating color..
"I am a believer that color affects people's moods."
So do you believe it so?
Mana warna favoritemu yang akan Gentlemen pilih untuk membangkitkan mood Gentlemen semua?
Have a nice Sunday, ...
This pants is also suitable to wear while you are doing your hobby, outdoor activity... Trust me it so comfy.
Celana chino keren ini tersedia juga ukuran untuk Remaja hingga dewasa, size 26 - 34, (size 36 still on progress)
Klik link di Bio untuk informasi pemesanan.
So Stretchy, So Softy and So Comfy...
That's people say about our Chino.
Our Chino Cotton Twill Use Premium material to build...
Yukk segerakan merasakan sensasi bercelana chino keren dan nyaman dari tauxo...
It's Saturday, what's your activities for today? Do what you love to do that's true...
Premium Cotton Twill Stretch from us will accompany you all day.
In frame &
Chino available size from 26 - 36
Black is always fascinating, you can combine it with whatever colors you like...
Tauxo Chino Cotton Twill Stretch
In frame :
Klik link di Bio untuk info order
Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail" - Leonardo da Vinci
If you care enough about details, you choose the right pants for your outfit, Tauxo so much care about details.
Jadi masih belum memutuskan untuk memiliki celana Chino Cotton Twill stretch nya Tauxo? Dijamin nambah keren....
Klik link di bio untuk order..
Navy blue evokes feelings of power and authority rather than the ideas of relaxation and peace that go along with more standard shades of blue. Darker shades of blue tend to lean more towards ideas of authority and importance.
Navy Blue makes man look great...
In frame
With Navy Blue Chino Cotton Twill Stretch Premium
Ada yang mau?
Hey you also looks good in Charcoal Grey...
Siap siap Jumatan dulu yuk.. Pake Chino Cotton twill premium warna charcoal Grey, yakin nambah ganteng apalagi dipake beribadah, pasti berahaya raut wajahnya...
Chino Cotton Twill Premium Tauxo Warna Charcoal Grey
In frame :
Klik link di bio untuk order
Brown is a natural color that evokes a sense of strength and reliability. It's often seen as solid, much like the earth, and it's a color often associated with resilience, dependability, security, and safety.
That's philosophy of the color brown.
Ada yang setuju? Siapa yang menyukai warna Brown dan merasa cocok??
Jika menyukai warna Brown yess celana Chino Cotton Twill premium ini bisa jadi pilihan Gentlemen semua. Unruk order klik Link di Bio ya...
Item: Chino Cotton Twill Stretch Premium Brown
In frame :
Sure it will looks good on you... Trust me it's true!
Yeay Chino Cotton Twill Premium ini sudah dapat dimiliki loh, klik link di bio dan order... Tinggal tunggu sambil nonton TV, nyalakan sebatang, kurir ketok pintu deh.
Yu siapa mau masuk dalam golongan orang keren... Order chino nya pakai ngantor, ngafe, nongkrong juga asik brad...
Chino cotton twill premium
warna Beige
Hey what's yourr Favorite color? Can you find it here? Tell us now...
If you can't find one, tell us then we might consider to have it for you...
“You can wear black at any time. You can wear it at any age. You may wear it for almost any occasion.” — Christian Dior
Yess Indeed, black is universal... Dengan Chino Cotton twill premium Tauxo warna hitam, gentlemen bisa padu padankan dengan warna lain...
Don't you agree?
“You can wear black at any time. You can wear it at any age. You may wear it for almost any occasion.” — Christian Dior
Yess indeed, black is universal... Dengan Chino Cotton Twill Premium warna Hitam dari Tauxo, gentlemen bisa padu padan kan dengan warna apapun, juga tak pandang berapa usia gentlemen jika sesuai ukuran celananya akan tetap tampil elegan dengan warna Hitam Chino Tauxo.
Nah, celana Chino Cotton Twill premium warna Hitam ini sudah bisa di order loh... Klik Link di Bio untuk info order nya.
Tersedia size :
27, 28, 30, 32 & 34 ya...
Have a nice Day Gentlemen!!
Chino Cotton Twill Premium Tauxo, -Stretchy, Softy & Comfy-
Have a nice day Gentleman... Keep your good spirit it's still middle of the week.
Grey is the queen of colors, because she makes everyone else look good.
Like this Premium Chino Cotton twill Grey one, its cutting, its stretch surely will make you have perfect look.
Varian Celana Chino Premium ini sudah bisa diorder ya... Klik Link di BIo untuk info dan pemesanan.
“Hey, I know it’s Monday. But it’s also a new day and a new week. And in that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen.”
So Gentleman warna apa yang jadi pilihan untuk pakaian di hari Senin ini?
Bagaimana kalo warna Khaki, seperti celana Chino Cotton Twill Premium dari Tauxo ini? dengan celana chino Cotton twill premium ini yakin deh bakal nambah level PeDe gentleman semua...
Oh ya, celana Chino ini sudah bisa di order ya... Untuk order bisa klik link di Bio ya...!!
Have a nice monday Gentleman...!!
We live in out present for our future, not live in our past never for the past, so free our mind, and you have freedom to move with us, Tauxo
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Jalan D**o No. 125
Bandung, 40132
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Jalan Cendana 2 Blok 2G No. 24 Rt/Rw 009/019
Bandung, 40394
Distributor Resmi Kaos Glow in The Dark Made in Bandung
Pusat grosir dan Eceran Kaos Premium 100% Cotton Combed dengan berbagai jenis warna dan motif yg lengkap dengan kualitas jahitan yg rapih serta dengan ketelitian membuat anda nyama...
Kp Cinangga Desa Pasirpogor Kecamatan Sindangkerta Kab Bandung Barat
Bandung, 40563
Jalan Jawa
Bandung, 40113
Aeyes Brand is a new brand as the philosophy of alphabet "A" of the first letter in Aeyes, which is