Patala by Awatara
Creating wrist rest and desk accessories from wood and resin
through a beautiful hand-crafted process
Starting November 1, 2023 custom orders based on catalog series or new concept with reference will be processed via
Thank you so much Pals for having us. Can not wait to riding this journey with you Pals. Xixixi
See you in space!
💦Attention💦 to Shore Crush Wrist Rest!
The details of burl wood and a crush of the shore create every piece on one of kind.
You can choose specific colorways of Ocean. So, if there is any ocean you've been to, now can be set in your desk!
Swipe for more details.
DM for more!
Attention to Shore Crush Wrist Rest!
You can choose specific colorways of Ocean. So, if there is any ocean you've been to, now can be set in your desk!
The details of burl wood and a crush of the shore create every piece on one of kind.
Swipe for more details.
DM for more!
One of the most tricky wrist rest to Create.
Our 2Tone Series is shades of two resin colors. So, it will be one of a kind in detail. The production process requires attention, precision, and resin pouring skill until it becomes solid.
But, it's worthy, isn't it?
Do you have any idea to mix 2 colors through this 2Tone Series Wrist Rest?
Reach us on DM or just click link on bio 🌱🌱
pict credit:
What a wonderful feeling at lately moment.
We are thrilled to hear that Pals had such a positive experience with Patala. We truly appreciate your words and look forward to creating other products for you!
If anyone has an idea to create their own wrist rest please reach us on dm, or take a joy through our website on bio! 🌿🍀
The feedback is so warming our hearts. Thank you so much for your support and appreciation of our creature!
We hope we can continue the joy of our products.
See you again!
Product details:
- Size 35.8 x 8 x 1.8 to 1.3 cm
- Wrist Rest Custom
Feel free to reach us and finding your keyboard mate!
Howdy Pals!
Be ready for our big clearance sale tomorrow on, 13 Dec 2022!!
Kami juga mau mengumumkan kalau “LagiPengen Sale” kali ini bakal jadi Sale terakhir kami sampai batas waktu yang belum ditentukan 🥺
So, don’t miss it and don’t forget to set your notifications 🔔
The Game of Precision
Believing that personalized our Pals is the most important thing, we actively seek ways to find the best system of our process.
We recognize their setup desk is not only a place to work or just play with. They create their own life and meaning in every space they care about.
Their personal touch feels very important to increase comfort and productivity.
While creating wrist rests and desk accessories, we continuously look for the best possible harmony between process and results.
We use "custom" and "pre-order" systems. So, Our Pals can participate and feel free to be creative in creating their own personal items that they desire.
Matching with Matcha!
Who said soft colour such as matcha and pastels couldn't give you minimalist looks?
Our dearest pals, Vicky Royiba were mixing and match matcha colour with cold tone, such as grey, white, and dusty blue. Turns out, that was such a splendid job! Those colours were absolutely brings "fresh and minimalist vibes" yet there is comfort feels whenever you take a look at it.
Our Azure 2Tone Wrist Rest were doing perfectly fine as his final touch for this Matcha setup 🍵. He also ordered matching coaster to complete this
Anyway, Vicky left heartwarming reviews for our works. "It was beautiful and really good job, very satisfied with the result, as what I desired," he said on our store.
The Pouring Stages
As a resin local artisan, we barely share our pouring-resting process. Its not because we don't want to, but at this stages, we are facing a lot of struggle.
Each of the custom made order have different details, of course we always do our best to keep up. But even a slip of small mistakes cost us a lot. Such as, the struggle for getting the exact colour way, miss measurement, all the cracks because of the heat, the raw material quality that sometimes not meet our standard, even sometimes our DNA accidentally fall in 😭 🙏
Despite we have SOP and already made hundreds of it, s**t happens all the times, right? Anyway, whenever s**t happens, we would make the product all over again to fit the quality control. So our dearest pals will get the best fit product for their set up.
Maybe we can call it as the most fragile state during the whole resin art process. But, any process is the most beautiful part of the becoming 💛
It’s been 2 years since Patala was born. We are delighted to share our new Milestone with you. Grab your 20% cashback for anyone who purchases our product on for 30 days! Crazy right?
Terima kasih atas dukungan, hingga apresiasinya terhadap Patala.
See you in space!
Our Sagara Series in blue room.
Nah si Sagara ini memang keliatan mencolok, tapi masih fit banget buat banyak set up.
Memang kadang masih s**a bingung mau bikin set yang cocok. Tapi bisa nih dicoba dengan main ambience lightnya, sesederhana warna cahaya dari layar aja udah bisa bikin ambience yang sabi daahhh.
Kalau Pals disini udah rencana bikin set kaya gimana nih?
Hot Deals April is OUT NOW PALS!
April ini kita sajiin produk yang ready dari Sagara Series dan Ocean Series buat dikirim langsung ke kamu dengan special price.
Yups, ga perlu tunggu-tunggu waktu PO barangnya udah ready tinggal tunggu abang kurir sampai tujuan.
Tapiii challengenya adalah produknya jodoh-jodoh an hehehe karena ga semua ukuran kita ready.
Jadi kalau udah cocok dari ukuran dan konsepnya bisa langsung disikat aja Pals!
Deals ini ready selama bulan April, kalau mau tanya tanya bisa lewat dm atau chat di Patala by Awatara.
See you in space!
Introducing our newest product, Ravine Phone Holder!
This phone holder is a great companion to your daily activity. It has slim shape so it is very easy to carry everywhere. It also made from teak wood so we are quite sure that its is tough. While using this, you can even charge the phone at the same time thanks to the hole for cables.
Ravine Phone Holder is now available on our online store, click the link in our Bio!
See you in Space.
All of our products are handmade. Of course, it will be difficult for us to make a product that is exactly the same as what we have made before. There will always be differences in every creation. Like this one product, we call it, ✨Perfection in imperfection ✨
Usually, in the production process we always try to ensure that there are no bubbles in the resin, but the bubbles in this creation make this product even more attractive!
Wrist Rest
Size 32 cm x 8 cm x 1.8 - 1.3 cm (Angled surface)
Gliricidia Woods and transparent resin with white smokes as hint.
New arrival alert! 🚨
Introducing our newest product, Ferro Coaster. Interestingly, this coaster are made from andesite stone. Surely, it could brings aesthetic moods to your table set-up!
Happy weekend, pals 🌞
Here is one of our best sellers product,
A beautiful transparant resin and gliricidia woods with white waves as details! Such a perfect companion to your work desk.
All Item Custom | Shopee Indonesia 10 jenis produk custom Jual All Item Custom
Tatakan Gelas Kayu Jati dan Resin: Pala Sadi (bisa CUSTOM) | Shopee Indonesia Pala Sadi adalah produk yang terbuat dari Kayu Jati yang dikolaborasikan dengan resin. Produk ini cocok untuk menjadi Tatakan Gelas di Cafe, Resto ataupun dirumah, selain itu juga dapat menjadi pajangan karena unik dan cantik. Resin setiap item produk berbeda Kayu setiap Item produk ber...
Tatakan Gelas Kayu Resin - Estuary Series | Shopee Indonesia kayu resin tatakan gelas handmade Jual Tatakan Gelas Kayu Resin - Estuary Series
comfortable typing with Tara Wrist Rest~
salah satu kriya yang banyak penggemarnya juga nih,
kalian semua yang setiap hari bercengkrama dengan layar dan keyboard, entah untuk bekerja, atau bermain Tara Wrist Rest dibentuk untuk kenyamanan kalian.
Tara bisa dipesan sesuai dengan ukuran keyboard kalian, tentunya juga dengan design sesuai dengan refferensi dan keinginan kalian,
mau dibuat seragam dengan perkakas lainnya pun dengan senang hati nih bisa kita wujudkan, dan bye bye buat tangan pegel karena gak ada space buat mengangga bantalan tangan.
See you in your work table~
Let the flow in Runnel Series!
Cocok buat kamu yang s**a dengan bentuk yang natural,
dari sebatang kayu utuh yang terpecah di isi dengan warna-warna kes**aanmu.
Membayangkan runnel yang mengalir dari beragam sumber dan bermuara disatu tujuan,
meskipun tidak benar benar sampai pada tujuan yang sama.
atau bahkan kering dalam perjalanan,
Namun, membayangkan berada ditengah-tengah runnel dan menatap langit mengikuti aliran kemana pun tujuannya cukup melegakan.
meskipun belum jelas tujuannya, hahahahaha
Jadi kemana tujuanmu? sudah menemukan? atau sedang nyaris kering ditengah jalan?
Well it's okay, we have our own runnel anyways!
Share the happiness~
Berbagi sudah mendarah daging rasanya, ada saja waktu yang mendorong untuk memberikan hadiah hadiah untuk orang orang entah itu dekat-ataupun-tidak. Hari hari bahagia biasanya, pun saat hari berduka hadiah juga bisa saja diberikan untuk sebagai penghibur.
Yaa, kamu yang mungkin bingung ingin memberikan hadiah apa, selain hadiah juga kadang bingung untuk ucapannya
jika sedang bingung menghubungi Mpu-nya adalah jalan yang bisa mencerahkan~
selain hadiah yang akan di packing apik, juga kamu bisa request ucapan ses**amu, kamu cukup beritau apa yang ingin kamu utarakan dan tarraaaaaa ucapan manis dan tentunya istimewa akan berlabuh pada penerima hadiahmu!
Yes, we all need vitamin sea~
Marine Series Candle Holder
Alternatif untuk kamu yang sangat menyukai laut dan seisinya, mengabadikannya tak hanya dalam potret gambar, melainkan kamu bisa gunakan ini dalam keseharianmu.
menjadi pelipur dari hari yang penat, menyalakan sepucuk lilin dan menjadikan ruangmu beraroma merelaksasikan seluruh syaraf otak yang panas, karena dirundung matahari atau amarah dari seseorang. hahahah take your time to enjoy your self.
umm do you enjoy your day?
kalau mau spill kesehariannmu boleh dikolom komentar atau dm kok,
agak gak nyambung memang, karena Mpu-nya selain dagang juga part-time jadi pendengar atau pembaca hehehe
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Contact the business
Jalan Kyai Jogendogo
Wenski Studio
Bantul, 55182
Pengrajin khusus selop & kuluk manten (Perlengkapan busana pernikahan adat Jawa). Spesifikasi bahan &
Gunungcilik, Muntuk, Dlingo
Bantul, 55783
Bahan alami yang dikerjakan dengan alat-alat tradisional.
Plumbungan, Jalan Sabrang RT 005, Sumbermulyo, Bambanglipura
Bantul, 55764
Kami adalah UMKM yang bergerak di bidang kerajinan merchandise, souvenir, dan barang-barang promosi.
Karanggondang, RT. 13, Pendowoharjo, Sewon
Bantul, 55185
Nama : Muhammad Thoyib Alamat : Karanggondang RT.13 Pendowoharjo Sewon Bantul, Yogyakarta HP/WA : 081804233123 Email : [email protected]...
Jalan Ringroad Selatan No. 359a, Senggotan, Tirtonirmolo, Kec. Kasihan, Kabupaten Bantul
Bantul, 55184
Djati Craft menyediakan berbagai kerajinan berbahan dasar kayu jati asli 100%
Sidorejo 225, RT. 007, Dk XII, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan
Bantul, 55182
Produk Tas Unik, Produk Tas Anyam, Grosir Tas Anyaman, Agen Tas Unik, Kerajinan Tas Unik, Distributor Tas Unik, Produksi Tas Anyam, Pusat Tas Anyam, Pusat Tas Unik, Produsen Craft...
Bantul, 55182
Jual bahan kerajinan rustic, bunga klobot jagung, Mahar,Tempat Cincin, bunga kering lokal dan import
Jalan S. Parman No. 8, Bantul Wr. , Bantul, Kec. Bantul, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa
Kemasan Produk saat ini menjadi salah satu hal terpenting dalam keputusan pembelian produk 51.3% Pe