Georgina Yadav Life Mastery
Being happy is a birthright. My passion is emotional healing with coaching, sound healing & yoga.
Lessons I’ve Learned from my Dog
1. Celebrate Each Day
Every day he wakes up so excited for his new day. He celebrates it. We can do the same. Take a few moments in the morning before you reach for your phone to celebrate that you are alive – not everyone gets to wake up. Contemplate your day ahead with gratitude and have a focus and purpose for the day. You will only live this day once so make the most of it!
2. Live in the Moment
He lives in the present moment always. He doesn’t think about the past (that I know of) or stress about the future. He lives each day moment by moment with enthusiasm. The past is gone and can’t be changed and the future is not yet here so enjoy the present moment. If you find yourself wandering to the past or present you can use your 5 senses to bring yourself back to the present. The breath is especially good for this as you can’t breathe in the past or future. You breathe in the present moment. Take a deep inhale then blow out through your mouth like you’re blowing through a straw. This helps to calm the nervous system. Other things you can do are listen to the sounds around you, focus on something in front of you, notice the sensation of your feet touching the floor; be aware of texture and taste when eating your food.
3. Let Go of Emotions
He never holds grudges or stays angry. If he gets a fright, it’s momentary then he lets it go and goes back to being happy and in the moment. He doesn’t allow his emotions to rule his life. When we hold onto emotions such as anger and resentment the only person we’re hurting is ourselves. Forgiveness is a big part of any healing journey. It’s not to say that you have to accept that what someone did or said to you was OK but you don’t carry around it with you like a huge weight. Forgiveness is about freeing yourself, not the other person.
4. What you Give You Receive
He loves nearly everyone! He rushes up to people to say hello always so excited and happy to greet them. In return he gets a lot of love back (and pats). Love is at a higher frequency than anger and resentment. The more love you give out and the more open you are to people the more love will come back to you. You receive what you emit.
If you are interested in exploring these topics further get in touch about my 12 week 1:1 coaching program. It is a proven, reliable, repeatable system of transformation. Create and stat living a life you love.
Georgina Yadav on LinkedIn: #lifelessons #furbaby #coachingonline Lessons I’ve Learned from my Dog 1. Celebrate Each Day Every day he wakes up so excited for his new day. He celebrates it. We can do the same. Take...
Forgiving someone who you feel has harmed or wronged you is maybe one of the hardest things to do. Forgiveness is not condoning what the other person did or accepting that is was OK; it is about setting yourself free. The interesting thing with forgiveness is that it is never about the other person but about you!
If you are holding onto feelings of blame, resentment, anger or betrayal then you are hurting yourself not the other person. It is your body and nervous system that is living with all of these harmful and negative emotions that, if held onto for many years, will ultimately be detrimental to your health. Think about forgiveness as an act of kindness towards yourself not the other person. Forgiveness is not a one time event, it is a process that will eventually set you free and allow you to live in peace and happiness.
Georgina Yadav on LinkedIn: #happiness #health #kindness Forgiving someone who you feel has harmed or wronged you is maybe one of the hardest things to do. Forgiveness is not condoning what the other person ...
Jadav Payeng has planted a tree nearly every day for the last 42 years on what was once a tree-less sandbar. It is now a 1,360 acre forest (550 hectares) with several thousand trees that is home to Bengal tigers, rhino, deer and numerous birds. If you ask someone to plant a forest this size, it would no doubt seem overwhelming but planting one or two trees a day every day is manageable.
The same principle applies to you and your dream or goals. They may seem overwhelming and you have no idea how you are going to get there from where you are now, but all it takes is one small step every day in the direction of your dream. There is absolutely something you can do each day, just like planting a tree.
So what is one step you'll take today?
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Georgina Yadav on LinkedIn: #smallstepsgiantleap #takethefirststep #dreamscometrue Jadav Payeng has planted a tree nearly every day for the last 42 years on what was once a tree-less sandbar. It is now a 1,360 acre forest (550 hectares...
our automatic reaction when you read this quote is probably to think about others. I posted this because I invite you to think about it in relation to yourself and the words you use when you look at yourself in the mirror; when you compare yourself to others; when you think you have failed at something; when you are lacking self-belief.
I would never contemplate speaking to others the way I have spoken to myself in the past! So why do we do it to ourselves? Why do we find it so hard to show love and compassion towards ourselves? I believe advertising and mass media plays a large part in this - constantly showing us how we should look and how we should live the perfect life. The age of celebrity. If we don't live up then we're not good enough. I also don't believe as kids we were ever taught how. But it's never too late.
Try to start to be aware of when you hear yourself being critical and unkind towards yourself and interrupt it. It can help to keep a journal of what you say repeatedly to yourself so you can start to identify some of the self-limiting beliefs you hold about yourself (we all have them)! Through bringing awareness you can start to change your relationship with yourself.
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Georgina Yadav on LinkedIn: #selftalkmatters #selftalk #selfhelp Your automatic reaction when you read this quote is probably to think about others. I posted this because I invite you to think about it in relation to...
Georgina Yadav on LinkedIn: #stevejobs #timeisprecious #timeisnow How will you choose to spend today? It may seem like a flippant question, but when you think about the fact that you will never get today back it may ...
Georgina Yadav on LinkedIn: #change #happiness #health As we head into a New Year it’s a great time to pause and reflect. A time to assess your life and your current results over the last year and look ahead...
You are far greater than any circumstance, condition or situation that you may be facing. It is easy to believe in your current circumstances, we all do that. It is a challenge to hold a belief for what you would love when faced with conditions that may not match your dream or vision. But if you can hold true to your vision no what is currently happening in your life then you can become a Master Mind.
Georgina Yadav on LinkedIn: #masterminds #believeinyourself #believeinyourdreams You are far greater than any circumstance, condition or situation that you may be facing. It is easy to believe in your current circumstances, we all ...
Does this sound familiar? You replay past or future events over and over in your mind or worry about things that you can’t control. Constant overthinking can become a habit. With modern day stresses it's easy to become caught in this habit without even realizing it but it's actually not productive and can lead to health issues such as insomnia, trouble concentrating and loss of energy. This in turn, often leads to bad food choices, increased caffeine intake and more worries just creating a vicious cycle of overthinking. This can eventually lead to chronic anxiety or depression. Here are some simple steps to start to manage times when you catch yourself overthinking.
Georgina Yadav on LinkedIn: #health #stressedout #changeyourlife Does this sound familiar? You replay past or future events over and over in your mind or worry about things that you can’t control. Constant overthinking...
Today is International Peace Day! A day to pause and think about what it means. The obvious thing would be peace in the world - between countries, between religions, between each other. But what about your internal peace? Are you at peace with yourself? Our outer world is often a reflection of our internal landscape. Today is also a chance to reflect on yourself and look at something that you can change within you to give you more peace.
Georgina Yadav on LinkedIn: #changestartswithyou #innerpeace #worldpeaceday Today is International Peace Day! A day to pause and think about what it means. The obvious thing would be peace in the world - between countries, between...
What's your definition of self-care? Would love to know what it means to you in comments.
I had a professional photo shoot recently for my business and it brought up a lot of feelings of insecurity and fear of putting myself out there. Fear of being judged or criticized or not being good enough. Despite all the mindset training I've had through my Life Coaching and the continual study I do, there was an element of vulnerability for me. Which lead me to wonder why? Why would a reflection of my physical form make me feel this way?
A series of experiments by Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov, psychologists from Princeton, revealed that in a tenth of a second we can form an impression of a stranger just from their face. We don't even need to make a connection with someone or have a conversation with them before we decide what they are like. This blew me away because we are so much more than our physical appearance.
We have a physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic body which are constantly influencing each other and changing. Yet we appraise each other based on the physical body alone in the blink of an eye.
Imagine what we would discover about others if we took more time? How much longer are you willing to give someone?
Georgina Watson on LinkedIn: #coachingforgrowth #emotionalintelligencecoach #mentalhealth I had a professional photo shoot recently for my business and it brought up a lot of feelings of insecurity and fear of putting myself out there. Fear...
Want to know how to live a more fulfilled life? Check out my advice in the latest Entrepreneurs Herald article. Start living the life you deserve today!
To master your dream, it is not necessary to compete and rule over others. When you learn to work with abundance in your life, your dreams can be fulfilled regardless of situations or circumstances.
The past is gone, it cannot come back. Don't waste your energy there when you could be creating an amazing future for yourself.
Do you have a dream? It will always remain a dream until you take a step towards it.
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