Shisha Cafe

Shisha Cafe

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Bringing Pleasure and Flavor Together


Good friends, great food!

What’s better than enjoying our delicious cuisines?

Enjoying them with your friends, of course!

Our ambience and seating arrangements encourage comfy group gatherings.

You can also reserve VIP rooms if you prefer privacy with your company.

And don't worry about the service—we have experienced staff that are trained in serving groups. 😊

Come and have a good time with your friends today!



Satu kata: unik!

Orange juice? Udah biasa.

Lemon tea? Apalagi.

Buat kamu yang s**a minuman seger-asem, ada Kiwi Shake, nih!

Pernah cobain buah kiwi dicampur susu dan krim?

Creamy, manis, sedikit asem…pas banget buat naikin mood!

Yuk, cicipin minuman ini dan menu-menu unik lainnya di ShiCaf. 😊



Penduduk Timur Tengah s**a banget sama ini…

Daun mint. 🍃

Mereka s**a pakai daun mint di salad, di bumbu, dan juga di minuman.

Daun mint bahan pokok buat mereka.

Jadi, gak heran kalau minuman mint umum disajikan di kafe-kafe Timur Tengah.

ShiCaf juga punya versi minuman mint, loh.

Lemonade Mint ini pas banget buat kamu yang s**a rasa asem-manis.

Seteguk Lemonade Mint di cuaca panas enak banget buat hilangin dahaga.

Yuk, eksplorasi menu-menu eksotis lainnya di ShiCaf!



Everything is better after ice cream…

Do you agree?

At ShiCaf, find yummy desserts to satisfy your appetite.

When that sugar craving hits, just order up!

We offer popular menus like our Banana Split and also more exotic
ones with Arabian themes.

It’s okay to treat yourself once in a while—we all need that dose of serotonin. 😉

Be in a better mood with our tasty treats! Visit us today!



Ada menu unik lagi buat kamu! 😍

Kali ini, ada Salata Bil Hummus.

Salad ini terbuat dari chickpeas (kacang Arab), tomat, feta, ketumbar dan bawang bombay.

Rasanya? Tentu aja unik.

Apalagi bareng perasan lemon, saus pomegranate, dan olive oil.

Kalau kamu lagi ikutin program makan sehat, menu ini cocok banget buat kamu…

Karena, kombinasi rasa asem, nutty, asin, dan manis bikin salad ini gak ngebosenin.

Yuk, makan seru di ShiCaf! Segera berkunjung!



Salad boring buat kamu?

Berarti kamu perlu cobain fattoush!

Menu ini terkenal di banyak negara Timur Tengah karena rasanya yang rich.

Gimana gak, dressing-nya aja kombinasi rempah sumac, saus buah pomegranate, dan perasan lemon.

Rasa manis, asem, tangy berbaur sempurna dan bikin salad ini jadi kaya rasa. 😍

Siap-siap terkejut sama rasanya! Yuk, langsung bereksplorasi di ShiCaf!



What’s your flavour?

If you’re new to sh**ha, the many sh**ha flavours available might overwhelm you.

No need to be confused! Here’s a little 101 lesson for you. 😊

🍎Fruity: These flavours taste like fruits. They have a mild taste, perfect for beginners.
🍃Minty: They give off a cooling sensation. Good choice if you prefer something strong.
🍫Creamy: If you like sh**ha with a smooth and rich taste, go for creamy flavours. They’re usually a combination of cream, vanilla, and other sweet ingredients.
🍬Combination: These flavours are a combination of natural and artificial flavourings. They give a unique taste you won’t find anywhere else.

ShiCaf has Hubble Bubble, our very own sh**ha flavours, to get you started on your sh**ha journey. Let’s begin today!

**ha **ah **g **haflavours **haflavors


Pretty or plain?

Is it important for your ho**ah to look beautiful?

Or can you just get by with plain ones?

If you’re looking for a full-on experience…

Pretty ho**ahs are definitely it.

With their unique designs, these ho**ahs will upgrade the feels of an ordinary night into a more magical one.

And who doesn’t love magic?

You can also bring them home by buying them at Sh**ha Shop* or our website.

Come and get a satisfying experience with our gorgeous ho**ahs! Visit us today!

(Only available at ShiCaf Kemang.)

**ah **ha **g


Comfort drink kamu apa?

Kalau salah satunya kopi, ShiCaf ada, nih, menu minuman berbasis kopi…

Seperti Hot Cafe Latte ini.

Rasanya milky dan manis—pas banget buat kamu yang s**a kopi tapi gak s**a pahitnya. 😊

Makin enak kalau minum kopi sambil nikmatin snacks atau finger foods ShiCaf.

Apalagi, vibes ShiCaf yang santai bakal ngedukung Coffee Time kamu.

Yuk, nikmatin waktu chill kamu di ShiCaf! Kunjungi kami segera!


Need to feel happy?

Save room for sweet desserts!

When you eat sweets, the sugar in it travels from the stomach to the brain.

This is what causes that surge of dopamine.

Dopamine is the hormone that makes you feel happy and excited.

ShiCaf offers a variety of fun, sweet desserts to make you feel better. 🫶

Visit us today!


Teh unik khas Timur Tengah…

Banyak hidangan unik yang bisa kamu temuin di ShiCaf…

Salah satunya Sahara Tea ini.

Kenapa? Karena menu ini terbuat dari teh, susu, dan kapulaga.

Rasa kapulaga kuat, pedas, dan sedikit manis.

Cocok sama teh? Cocok, kok…karena banyak teh lokal yang rasanya juga pedas, kan?

Jadi, rasanya gak akan asing di lidah kamu… 😄

Yuk, cobain menu ini dan menu-menu unik lainnya di ShiCaf!


What’s your guilty pleasure?

If one of them is sweets, you’re in luck!

Aside from savory desserts, we also have sweet ones like our Brownie Chocolate.

Moist, rich, and refreshing, it’s here to melt your troubles away…

Satisfy your sugar cravings with sweets by ShiCaf!

While you’re at it, satisfy your need for culinary adventures by exploring our exotic menus! Come visit us today!



Bored of eating your fruits?

Just dip them in a bowl of rich, melted chocolate!

It’s guaranteed to get you hooked!

If you’re bored of the same healthy meals...

ShiCaf offers healthy dishes that taste like it’s Cheat Day. 😆

One of them is our Fruits Chocolate Fondue.

It’s a fun way to eat fruits and get your fibers in.

Find fun, healthy meals you can indulge in at ShiCaf! Visit us today!


Kafe paling nyaman 🫶

Udah banyak yang jatuh hati sama kafe ini.

Gimana tidak? Suasananya aja nyaman banget.

Sambil ngobrol, kamu bisa nikmatin atmosfir hangat dari pemilihan lighting, interior, dan seating area.

Ada tim staf juga yang selalu sigap dan ramah.

Kafe ini juga ngertiin banget selera pelanggannya…

…yang s**a hiburan menarik, makanan unik, dan pengalaman lain dari yang lain.

Nah, waktunya kamu jatuh hati sama ShiCaf! 😊 Yuk, langsung berkunjung!


Girls just want to have fun!

Is ShiCaf a great place for a girls’ hangout? You bet!

Ours is a safe space where we welcome all sorts of companies.

You can choose seat positions based on what you’re comfortable with.

If you prefer privacy, we offer VIP rooms or more intimate corners.

If you want to be in the center of the action, you can choose our more central seats.

We also have staff continually on standby to serve and oversee.

Enjoy our safe space and have fun!


Do you know darbuka?

If you’ve ever seen the impressive darbuka performances done by our darbuka master, daooddebu…

…why not know some fun facts about this instrument?

So, you'll get to appreciate it more the next time you enjoy the performances. 😊

🪘It’s been around for roughly 5 millennia.
🪘It used to be made from goatskin, clay, and wood. Over time, it’s now made of more modern materials, like copper and aluminum, which don’t break easily.
🪘The darbuka actually has healing powers. There was research that suggested that its sounds can reduce stress and boost the immune system.

You can enjoy the beats of this mesmerizing, time-honored instrument at ShiCaf Kemang every Friday and Saturday night. See you then!


Seperti apa, sih, suasana di ShiCaf?

Yuk, rasain langsung!

Dari hiburannya yang meriah, interior yang mendukung, dan makanan yang bisa dinikmatin rame-rame,

…suasana di ShiCaf terasa sangat hidup. 😊

Buat melepas penat, buat cari sesuatu yang fun, atau buat kumpul-kumpul, ShiCaf jawabannya.

Nikmatin momen ngafe yang lebih hidup. Yuk, langsung ke sini!



Hypnotizing ho**ahs…

Our beautiful ho**ahs are a part of the exciting experience we offer.

They're elegant, sleek, and come in various attractive colours.

Enjoy them with us or purchase them to enjoy at home.

They’re also fairly easy to set up because of their simple designs.

Gorgeously decorated, let them pamper the eyes and steal your heart. ❤️

Contact us today for your ho**ah session!

**ah **ha **g **halover **halovers


Solusi nge-sh**ha anti bosen!

Sering nge-sh**ha?

Lama-lama, kamu pasti jenuh kalau varian rasanya itu-itu aja.

Tapi, di ShiCaf, ada Hubble Bubble.

Hubble Bubble itu isi sh**ha yang kita produksi sendiri.

Variannya banyak—ada rasa buah-buahan, desserts, dll.

Kamu bisa beli atau rasain langsung di tempat.

Pengalaman nge-sh**ha jadi fun dan exciting bareng Hubble Bubble! Yuk, langsung pesan!

***co **ha **ah


Dagingnya juicy, rasanya nendang…

Ada menu ayam yang unik di ShiCaf…

Kenapa unik? Karena dimarinasi sama rempah-rempah khas Arab sebelum dimasak.

Proses masaknya juga gak sebentar, supaya daging ayam jadi empuk, juicy, dan flavourful.

Daripada makan ayam tepung lagi, yuk, cobain olahan ayam yang gak mainstream!

Cuss…mampir ke ShiCaf sekarang buat cobain menu khas Lebanon ini!


Sip, savor, sit back…

Want some relaxing fine dining? ShiCaf can absolutely assist you.

Skilled staff members will attend to your requests.

VIP rooms are available for privacy and comfort.

Premium ingredients will be served to pamper your palates.

And our decor, furniture, and cutlery are all tailored to provide you with luxury and comfort.

Ready to dress up but not sure where to go? Head on over here…We’re all set for you. 😊


Perkedelnya Timur Tengah…

Menu falafel ini mirip perkedel karena bentuknya bulat dan digoreng.

Tapi, isian dan cara makannya beda.

Biasanya, falafel pakai chickpeas, sayur-sayuran sama rempah-rempah khas Timur Tengah.

Rasanya gurih, bertekstur, dan ada sensasi kacang-kacangan dari chickpeas-nya.

Falafel dimakan sama roti pita atau, di ShiCaf, sama saus tahini yoghurt yang nutty dan creamy.

Yuk, langsung ke ShiCaf buat cobain falafel dan makanan populer Timur Tengah lainnya!


A new type of "es jeruk" (iced orange juice)?

One of our delicious drinks is our Orange Shake.

It's sweet, creamy, refreshing…

Combined with milk and ice cream, it's more filling and rich than the well-known, local drink…

And the taste is equally enjoyable.

Don't doubt it before you try it. 😊

Discover unique food and beverages at ShiCaf! Come and visit us today!


“Can I find some comfort food/drink at ShiCaf?”

If you’re in the mood for some familiar food and beverages, we serve them, too!

Besides exotic Middle Eastern cuisines, we also serve all-time favorites…

Like our refreshing Chocolate Shake.

Sweet and simple, it’s the perfect drink for many taste buds. 💕

For the comfort food seeker, you can definitely find your vibe at ShiCaf!

Come visit us today!


Siang atau malam?

Kalau menurut kita, ambience ShiCaf lebih enak dinikmatin di malam hari, sih.

Karena, interior ShiCaf jadi semakin hidup dan semakin fun menjelang malam.

Vibes crowd-nya juga lebih enerjik.

Bahkan, banyak hiburan di jam-jam makan malam yang bisa kamu nikmatin*.

Belum pernah rasain ambience ShiCaf malem-malem? Yuk, langsung cari tahu sendiri!

(*Hiburan hanya diadakan di ShiCaf Kemang dan ShiCaf Sunset Road.)


“Is the service good?”

A great service makes a great ambience.

That’s why we make it an important matter that our staff deliver excellent service.

You’ll find them to be friendly, quick, sharp-minded…

And, of course, serving from the heart. 😊

Enjoy our awesome service and ambience here at ShiCaf. Reserve your spot today!


Harta yang paling berharga… 💕

Customers yang lebih dewasa dan sudah berkeluarga juga bisa enjoy di ShiCaf, loh.

Karena, kafe kami family-friendly.

Kamu bisa pilih dari Family Package 6 pax atau 10 pax buat pesan menu anti ribet.

Ada comfort food, sup, dan menu non-spicy buat yang sulit makan.

Interior kafe kami juga nyaman, bersih, dan wheelchair-friendly.

Mau adain family lunch/dinner? Yuk, ajak ortu dan keluarga lainnya ke ShiCaf! Segera reservasi!


Bara Man, tolong, d**g!

Kalau kamu pesen sh**ha di ShiCaf, kamu pasti bakal ketemu sama Bara Man. 😊

Dia akan…
✅ Bantu ganti posisi bara supaya gak terlalu panas atau kebakar.
✅ Bantu angkat bara kalau asap sh**ha terlalu pekat.
✅ Bantu refill bara kalau habis.

Kamu bisa nikmatin sh**ha dengan nyaman, deh! Yuk, langsung ke ShiCaf! 😄


Hangout sessions get better with sh**ha!

Sharing sh**ha is a fun social activity to try.

It gets friends closer together and helps break the ice.

Also, it can get very exciting when you and your friends explore the many sh**ha flavours available.

You can also include sh**ha in celebrations like birthdays, job promotions, graduations, etc, to make it more festive.

ShiCaf offers premium sh**ha to enjoy and pass around. Come and try it out today! 😊

**ha **ha


Sedang cari lokasi buat bridal shower? Kami bisa bantu!

Interior kami yang estetis, dengan banyak spot foto, bisa jadi nilai plus untuk dokumentasi.

Opsi makanan yang kami tawarkan beragam, mulai dari yang asin sampai manis. Jadi, kamu tidak perlu repot dengan preferensi makanan tamu-tamu kamu.

Lokasi kami juga strategis, mudah ditemukan, dan gampang diakses.

Bridal shower seharusnya jadi momen yang menyenangkan dan tidak ribet. Jadi, yuk, rencanain bridal shower kamu di ShiCaf!

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IYour diet doesn't have to be painful! Not when you’re feasting here! If you need to eat more fruits, you can eat them w...
You can't go wrong with pizza…Between exploring ShiCaf’s exotic cuisines, Perhaps you want some comfort food, too.In com...
Ada yang baru buat kamu! 🫶ShiCaf Bali punya koleksi ho**ah baru, nih! 😍Bentuknya lebih kecil, jadi lebih gampang dioper-...
🚨New collection alert! 🚨 Sh**ha Lovers, ShiCaf punya koleksi ho**ah baru, nih!Bentuknya modern, jadi gak ribet pasangnya...
“What entertainment should I choose tonight?”How about some beautiful belly dancing? ShiCaf facilitates belly dance perf...
No abal-abal!Sebagai pelopor kafe berkonsep sh**ha di Indonesia……tentunya kamu bisa berharap lebih sama kami.Dari penyaj...
When you’re looking for a great sh**ha session……you know where to go. 😉For one thing, our sh**ha collection is made of m...
Penasaran sama rasa hidangan dari Timur Tengah?ShiCaf menyajikan makanan dan minuman khas Arab yang bisa kamu eksplorasi...
Are you about to say “I do”? Let’s celebrate the anticipation at ShiCaf! ShiCaf helps you celebrate beautiful moments li...
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A treasure from the Middle East…Have you heard of an oud? It is a musical instrument with strings and it is pear-shaped....



Jalan Kemang Raya No. 10

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 01:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 22:00
Thursday 10:00 - 22:00
Friday 10:00 - 22:00
Saturday 10:00 - 23:00
Sunday 10:00 - 22:00
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