Xent GYM

Xent GYM

Xent GYM


"Pakhoshchi Parfumiv Quizas is under the romantic pixni, Zigraniy on the seven -string Gitarі. Toni Tamnichi Y Charivni, Nazzadkovi that sexy, Pidkupovaya to his Schirsteu і Nevvimushestya.
The reinforced Muzikant, the pull -to -the -ended to the inter -strings of the Itali Lemon, the chorno currants of the Chervoni Yagid, stuck. Occupational Overbir Vivilniviy Esthetic Bulgarian Troyandi that Jasmin, dreary pіd as a dreamam indії. PIDSUMKOVY Akord presenting the Solodny PISLAASMAK, representations by vanimal Serpanku, as a tart honey, pre -serving the strict Sandali tree.

Parfumova water Quizas pydіde spokes Zhintsi іz Grailivim, coquettishim. There is a love to love the Flirt I, the romance of romance, ї the heart is vіdkryk for love, and the Zadaten is to enchant the king."


"The Frenchman's brand Mancrara is a divovizhny. Having been at the Slud-Kvitkovii, Solodki miraculous aroma, vin with a light vested s**t of the shomato indії right in front of yours. Tsia GUDOVA, ZAZHEGKOVA, Ekzotical Kraina Zavdi Vabil his own extraordinary, ambiguous by that beauty. Starodavni Ashrey, Shdodenni Mantry, Cow, Yaki Vilitovyu Vulitzi, Zapzhdi Radіsni і vidkritі ndіycyki - the fragrance of the fragrance of all the beauty of the і Tamniyu ndiya. Zhinka, Yaka turned the aroma, creating the same not to the name of the call, but the inside. Vaughn Shuka, the Bachiti, who is inaccessible to the same.
Pershi noti composits to smell like, we clean the orange by the kvit with Solodko General Heliotrope. Piercing the Glibin of the SCID MIDROSTIS, LACKING “CREAM” CHARARA - NIZHY JASMINA, LOLODAM EMBRA TO TO TRANDARYA PROSTITITION INICHIC motifs. At the plume of sandalwood, a solo-tank-term bog musk by the hollow vetiver, I Trochi Vankoye Vanili, the usVidomalennya is grace."


"Jeanchy aroma Jean Paul Gaultier Classique - Classic is vitonhen, non -owl. Jean-Paul Geta Zzhzhdi Buvo Othevikhi, Kohannya to be poured out to be viralo in a yogo creative. Through the іndiviyduali livestock aroma, the great artist of his viravang, vislavlialychi and vaguely
For whom is it not by a secret, Jerel Nathnnya for the barn, Grandmos of Model, Aje Vaughn in Yogo Marennі - Etalon of Vitschnochnosti, is the waterflows, Spinas, the fragrance of the Classique, the smell of the smalle of the trojoandy of the Solodniy Vіyanni of the zirocotal Anisu. And the Kombіnatsіya iz orange tsvit, the unique izhnchiye izhniye, smells, smell, iblvati virvati at the svytvati Kohannya Teplnia. Vanil I Ambrova Derevina complete the character of the image.
The aroma of Jean Paul Gaultier Classique doesn’t get fat, Krok for crocus is crossing you at that unmarried Zhinka, Wise Good, Overland Charivnistyu Im’yakim Blizsky."


"SVIT can be jammed with the Sonyachny, yak gorgers Aqua allegoria Flora Salvaggia brand Guerlain. Sokovita compositsy is a scent about a walk on the quit field, de can know the pacifier I spokiy. Svizhiy, pidbadorliy aroma of grief of you, you are not in the udal, be a good image of your own yield, charm, and maltkiy, I am easy for childish spocation. At once, I viyotyu vydchuti for himself the reference, Yak, you can do it with her nuns.
Olfatorna Pirika Tualetiy Derry Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Flora Salvaggia:
Partykova note is outlined by Podkhu Polovikh KVITIV, cried out by M'yakoy Rosoy, with the lines of the dini thaw of the overflows of the Nizhnya Fayalka.
The note of the Serzi is a badio by the composite with the nytl Svytl of the spicus-salt jasmine of the I M'yaki KVITOK ONELSINA.
Kintseva Nota Gift Streams I Vishukani Schleif, Yaky Robi with an unusable fіalkoy, earthlings of overflows Irisa I with immovable stroke vidttyks of the bialog musk."


"On the storage of the KVITKOVO-MUSKOUNTAL Origan aroma of the famous Parfumer Franxi Kurkjyan, the fantasy of the Sudseniki Zhiznok, the fantasy.
Parfumova Water became the third in Lіnіytsly Pizlya Family Parfumіv l'ar du Temps I not the minsh of the popular fragrance Nina I Proponitnii Potamni Fantasy.
The compositsyu is forced by the Sounds is prompted by the head of the head Akords - the sensitive. The pierced Akord of the folding of bilimi by the landscapes, the Trojande is born in pepper, the other - Bilsh with greenhouses with the notes of the Benza Smol, the Virgіnsky cedar, and overflows of the Ambri. Vidversii aroma l'extase pydcreshes the erotic, the affection of Zhinochi Naturi, finished by the statue of Bilsh Rozkutoy, and the Bazhana I Porinuti at Nalhodnya Permoststy.
Tsey spousing the aroma of performances in the designer Zheashechtsi, ShO Imita Modny Clutch vid Nina Ricci. The bottle is virtue of the ore-brown-bouquet stabbing of that by the embellishment-an attic for the rod of the Chorny Koloro.
Tester (tester) - a demonstration wareant of the aroma, yaki to get the vibrations to the party goods with the adhesions for the MISTSI Sale. The animal is your respect for those of the Burnt Vidmіninoi (yaki to aroma, staiki, i. RIZNITSY MIZHIS IN THE SUCH DOSKILKA DISTIONS WITH THE METUA AND ANTIVERS, FIRMA-VISTILNIT NOT NASTILKA DBAILOLE POSSIBLE UNDER BEARD: WITH SUCK IN THIS TEAR TECHNISHICHIE PACKISHIA (simple cardboard gear go for the sale for sale) She often does not get close to Krishechka. Zvidsi I Nizhrey Vartіst Testers."


"SCID GOZHDI Poloning his mysteries to the Spirit of Charivnitva, the same Parfumeric brand Tesori d`oriente, having stools the reference to the nectar Iz -vel Orihi composition. Golovna “Zirka” to the aroma is penetrated by the note of the bialog musk, Yak MAY Solodkuvato-Pudrovy, Dazhe Snutyviy I Privablivius Fleur, Yaki Virozhnya of Special Vitoncete Ta Ta Elepenste. That, hto viber toilet I water water musk, I know the wounded power of the I Charvnist, to that the lines of the UNIKAL MAGINE image.
Solodkosti I unique charm Aldegіdiv seced Kvitkov NIZHNIST, de on the piercing plan of the vicious honey-fruit Pakhoshchi Zhasmin. The lightness of the powder notes is stuck with the oxypers of the Oxytian landscapes of the Trojand, the form of the dust Mile Cers. Aquatical notes of Ambr are slandered with a vishukim flaler of the bial musk I greenhouse sounds of the trees of trees, yaki, stare the pe*******on of the i -neurny slide."


"Tamnich, the uniformly fragrant trifle of Carolina Herrera CH L'Eau 2017, Yaka Virizniy is clarified by Barvami, to vomit your image of the unlit, and one is a URITHRITHING BURIL BURIY HIRALLY PSENNEY. The water is toilet water to virtue of the groove and bagathedral compositsyu, yak roded with spiral fruit-kvіtki-like Akords.
Lemon-Apelsinovy ​​staggers the Badioriy entered, the harmonious is the Citrus-Kvіtkovim Fler, the Cardamon, the Cardamon, is amended by the bee-to-the-rope pier. VITONSHIL PAKHOSHSHI FLILDORDORE, PROKHOD-TRAVIANISTI THINAI Akordi, Podrovo-Chutti Trojandovi prying Imbirni notes of the storage of contrasting hearts, Gractea Grazkoye, smoothly flowing into the cherivna fynalne, vitkana of the blessed trees coniferous-smokelies PIVTONIV I MUSKU Balsam."


"Vy - Vechiri Vechirki with supercockels? Vidpovіd is the bouty of the deprivation of a frail, adhesion to the head heroine of Parfuman is the water moscow mule brand Juliette Has a Gun, riveted by Parfumer Romano Richchi. The aroma of exiles of the cult cocktail of the Moscow Mule, to the warehouse of the Yaku, enter the lichen three Ingredi: Gorіlka, Imbriye spruce I Laimovy S*K. You feel piercedly akordi, then with a sparkle, you can be in a heartburn to you, for the yang, for a lot of a considerable tension for ruling. Conscravity, Zhuhvalism of the provocation in one bottle.
Olfatorna Piriyd Parfumova Derlier Juliette Has a Gun Moscow:
Verkhni noti vіdkrivayn the sound of the Parfumiv izkrostimi breezes of the oversized tart bergamot, ilnatonatsya of the Badio Lima Girkuvatoy Prokholoda Lemon.
The Noti “Serzya” is closed by the Solodko-Solodko-Solodko-Solustic motifs, the sabbath, and the molecule of Gedion, the sound of the YASOMRAMPRAMMNYA, is so-chop.
Kintsevi noti is fascinated by Hviylyuyuchoy Ambrot, Emotziyny Obertons of Blog Musus, with trees with the greenhouses of the trees of the village."


"NICHO do not zrivnya, Iz Parfumami, SO Building PIDKRESTITITY ZHINKI, Complete the image of this izyndivine style. A priest of the fragrant Elixir can tell about your ruler more, NIZH DOVGI promote.
One such charm zyllam є Parfumi vid of the American brand Cindy C. Ga va, cuho of his own ghosts ibcou ib.
Chariv aroma is to be honored with green svizosti of the injuriyani ib kyvyvatikh citrusovikh notes. Cherce Parfumiv is represented by the aromatic bouquet of Trojand, jasmine of that, outlive Zhitttirada fruit motifs of Yabluk that peach. The base of the aroma is the reference of the Barvosty Cocktail, in the Jacques of the order by musk that the cedar of the Sandalov tree. The aroma is taken from the Sonyachni Tropіki that of his own ekzotichestya.
Cindy C. Ga va - Tse Vibir Divchini, Yaka is ready to be comfortable, Yaskravikh vidkrittev I novelties.
Tester (tester) - a demonstration wareant of the aroma, yaki to get the vibrations to the party goods with the adhesions for the MISTSI Sale. The animal is your respect for those, niyaki vіdmіnino (yaki to aroma, staiki, i. RIZNITSY MIZHILE IN THE SUCH DOSKILKA DISTERS WITH THE METUA ANDSIVE, FIRMA-VISTILNIT NOT NASTILKA DBAILOLE POSSIBLE UNDERDENDENT LEAD: WITH SUCH THE SURNED TEAR TEACH PACKISHIE (simple cardboard gear go for the sale for sale) She often does not get close to Krishka. VID Tsoogo I Nizhchi Vartіst Testers."


"In 2004, Rotsi, the dies in illai, was UNIKALNA UNIKA - Svit, having drunk the toilet water Subtil rour home vid Ferragamo. Vaughn Volodya Vsima Timi Yas, Scho, Yaki live on the Teritel.

Husiness, temperament I Garyachkh - Golovni Rice to the character of a young Cholovik, yak want a mati roskishni Parfumi Subtil Pour Homme vid Salvatore Ferragamo. Vin noble and rosemonia, delighting, voloding manners of the Secrets of Spokushi.
Cholovіk at the Subli Subtil Rour Homme vid Salvatore Ferragamo - Csanova, pu Kolekіono venochi Cherzi. Tsey is not a background: Yakshcho Vin Zustna Gidna Zhinka, then to love the Nazzhdzhdi.
Volodar Subtil Rour Homme vid Salvatore Ferragamo - riddles, yaki unclear Rosgadati. Yak P'anyanki Parfumi is naked in a rib, special bagathedral overflows, so I і їkhniy sovereign Buva Riznim.

The pe*******on of the fragrance is more likely to “nos” Cholovik, for the Tsoyoy, the internal force, the fading of the special one is allowed to smack. ROZKISH, BAGNITY IS COMPORT DIKNETY PARFUMI SUBTIL ROUR HOMME VID Salvatore Ferragamo. Khoto Zho Zhdpovіdati vimogami, yaki vistuvlya is a dear aroma, rejected vid Zhitty Bagato Primni Surprisiv!"

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Jalan Keramat Blok Mushola No. 67, RT. 6/RW. 1, Cilandak Tim. , Ps. Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta