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MENGHARUKAN : Doa rakyat untuk AHOK - DJAROT !!! Pemimpin Sejati KONSER ADJA (Komunitas Seniman Relawan untuk AHOK - DJAROT) adalah sekelompok seniman dari berbagai latar belakang profesi seni, yang berkump...
May the Year of the Rooster bring you success, good health and a lot of luck!
Happy Lunar New Year 2017!
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Cheers to the New Year!
May your New Year be filled with adoration, happiness, warmth and cheer, and may you pass on these to those around you too
Smart way to sell your property
RESIDENCE 8 SENOPATI - GoProp Apartemen dijual di Kota Jakarta Selatan | Kode Listing:GO160869 | Luas Tanah:133.00 m2 | Luas Bangunan:133.00 m2 | 2Kamar | 3Kamar Mandi
Jangan abaikan faktor legalitas saat membeli properti rumah Anda. Dapatkan konsultasi dari agen properti terpercaya GoProp untuk verifikasi keabsahan sertifikat properti yang ingin Anda dapatkan. Hubungi kami untuk seluruh kebutuhan properti Anda sekarang juga!
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Smart Way to Sell Property
Kunjungi pameran FOUR WINDS of Senayan di :
ADIMULIA Hotel - "Paris room" lantai 3, Jalan Diponegoro-Medan.
pukul 10.00 -17.00 WIB. Hari Minggu 13 November 2016.
Temukan jawaban bagaimana anda bisa membeli properti dengan DP kecil dan masih bisa UNTUNG 40% dalam setahun!
FOUR WINDS of Senayan, Apartmen Mewah & Eksklusif di daerah Senayan Jakarta ini dapat Anda miliki dengan hanya 600Jutaan / Cicilan 20Jutaan / bln*.
( PROMO unit terbatas! Langsung BISA huni dan FULL FURNISH ).
info hub : 08116331668 / 081277771668
PUKUL 10-17 HARI MINGGU 13 NOV 2016.
INFO HUB : 08116331668 / 081277771668
Four Winds Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima maxime quam architecto quo inventore harum ex magni, dicta impedit.
Yap, salah satu pekerjaan marketing yang paling bergengsi adalah agen properti, apalagi jika Anda bergabung dengan GoProp! Untuk info lebih lanjut, lik
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Sofa adalah salah satu perabot utama yang tidak boleh salah penempatannya. Pastikan sofa berukuran besar diletakkan di depan dinding yang kokoh, sebagai pertanda sandaran hidup yang mantap dan stabil di dalam keluarga. .
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Smart Way to Sell Property
Menunda pekerjaan sama dengan menunda kesuksesan. Setuju?
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Smart Way to Sell Property
Go Go Go! Semangat baru di hari baru dan bulan baru.
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Smart Way to Sell Property
Anda punya peranan penting dalam menjual & mencari rumah paling tepat bagi pemilik properti dan pemilik rumah di Indonesia. Sebagai Referral Agent GoProp, temukan pemilik properti dengan pembeli yang paling tepat. Untuk info lebih lanjut, klik
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Smart Way to Sell Property
INFO HUB : 087780680699
Jadilah bagian dari tim Referral Agent terbaik GoProp. Anda akan merasakan manfaat finansial dan karir yang cemerlang untuk masa depan terjamin.
Untuk info lebih lanjut, klik
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Smart Way to Sell Property ! .
Jadilah bagian dari tim Referral Agent terbaik GoProp. Anda akan merasakan manfaat finansial dan karir yang cemerlang untuk masa depan terjamin.
Untuk info lebih lanjut, klik
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Smart Way to Sell Property !
Mitra Referral GoProp - GoProp Pendapat bahwa “ tidak ada lagi yang gampang di dunia ini”, belum tentu benar. Jika anda seorang profesional muda yang smart, senang networking, dan ingin maju, dunia properti bisa jadi kunci income tambahan anda.
Musim hujan berarti Anda harus ekstra sigap untuk mengecek kondisi atap dan langit2. Selain itu, pastikan saluran air juga tidak tersumbat serta akses rumah bebas dari sampah berukuran besar. Tips terakhir : sediakan karung pasir untuk menahan masukknya air banjir saat kondisi darurat.
Goprop | Smart Way to Sell Property
Dari setiap transaksi penjualan atau sewa yang berhasil, anda akan mendapatkan komisi jasa sebanyak 15% dari total komisi yang diterima oleh GoProp ( 1.5%/1.8%* dari harga transaksi). * Komisi1.8% untuk harga properti d bawah Rp 3 Milyar. Untuk info lebih lanjut, lik .
Goprop | Smart Way to Sell Property" !
bersama GoProp. Jangan tunda apa yang seharusnya sudah Anda lakukan kemarin, mulai sekarang dan nikmati hasilnya segera!
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Smart Way to Sell Property
7 Reasons Why the Jakarta Property Market is Almost on the Upswing.
Since 2014, investors have essentially taken a wait and see approach to property investing in Jakarta. Investors have sighted 2014 elections, China's economic slowdown, slower GDP, falling property prices, introduction of new luxury property taxes and finally the tax amnesty for not wanting to invest. All this points to uncertainty, and low investor sentiment in the market.
However, the above then presents a situation where there is potentially a lot of pent up investor demand over the last few years that is waiting for some positive news or something that triggers investors to come back to the market. Remember, Jakarta's population and middle class are still rapidly growing, the demographics are the envy of many countries and these are cornerstones underlying demand. Add on top of this the several high profile infrastructure projects currently underway including the Jakarta MRT and LRT projects, JORR2 and the Jakarta to Bandung High Speed Rail and the case is building for a turning market.
There are a number of positive pieces of data that should lead to this pent up demand releasing.
One – Interest rates are low with the BI Repo rate at 5%. That is very low for Indonesia and will encourage potential investors to invest and borrow money.
Two – Loan to value ratios (LTV) have increased which means that you can borrow more money with a lower deposit (85% leverage on first property). This is a good thing for investors because they love to borrow as much as possible of other people’s money at the lowest interest rate possible.
Three – The first round of the tax amnesty has finished with the large percentage of people participating in the amnesty already paying their tax in the first round because of the low tax rates on offer. I think investors will now take the view of – Ok, I have paid my tax, that’s out of the way, let’s have a look at the market.
Four – As mentioned, I think there is a lot of pent up demand in the market since 2014. Essentially you have had investors sitting on the fence for a number of years waiting for more certainty in the market and some better investment conditions. Indonesian's haven't lost their wealth because of a slow domestic economy, they have been holding on to it waiting for a reason to buy property with it.
Five – Inflation is at historical lows at 4.5% which is good because high inflation will eat away at your property returns on a real basis. The Rupiah has also remained very stable in the 13,000 – 13,500 range.
Six – Stable politics combined with an increasingly confident president shifting toward more favorable policies for private sector and the market. Jokowi has been able to gain control of the Parliament and that should bring confidence to the market.
Seven – Prices have dropped more than 25% on the secondary residential market (in certain areas) since 2014 and have been flat lining for quite some time. The primary apartment market hasn't dropped, nor will it, because developers don't want to erode their profit margin by reducing their price. Developers have however, increased their incentives for buyers, made payment terms (up to 60 month payments) more favorable and continued their usual discounting in an effort to attract buyers back to the market.
I see a huge price discount on the secondary residential market and value on the primary. The only way the market is going from here will be North, and when it turns I think it will turn quite quickly on the back of Jakarta's pent up demand. I think the next 1 year will be a different investing environment to the one we are currently in.
All of this points to a buying opportunity for smart savvy investors who can see the capital growth prospects this city has.
Happy investing!
Hub : 081290000357
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Untuk hubungan yang harmonis dan kualitas tidur yang lebih baik, kamar tidur sebaiknya bebas dari TV, komputer atau perangkat elektronik berat lainnya. ElectroMotive Pollution atau EMP yang tinggi bisa berakibat buruk untuk kesehatan dan juga tentunya menjadi sebuah distraksi bagi hubungan antar pasangan.
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Sudah tahu layanan professional property photography dari GoProp? Kami selalu memberikan layanan khusus dan terbaik untuk kesuksesan penjualan properti Anda. Cari tahu lebih lanjut bersama GoProp
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3 tips mudah untuk mengawali karir investasi di properti :
1. Beli ketika siklus properti berada di bawah ( harga murah, banyak tawaran menarik, dan pasar sepi)
2. Potensi properti berbanding harga, cek harga pasar dengan baik.
3. Update trend properti setiap saat supaya tidak ketinggalan naik turun harga pasar.
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Smart Way to Sell Property
How do you like to spend your weekend? Gunakan akhir pekan dengan baik. Luangkan waktu bersama keluarga dan lakukan 1 hal positif di weekend ini.
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