Astaunga Yoga

The Astaunga Yoga Centre, jl. Palem Timur MD 122 PONDOK CANDRA INDAH. Wadung Asri. Waru. Sidoarjo -61256. East Jawa. Indonesia

offer yoga classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced classes. On General Yoga for Health & Kids Yoga.I


Every Thursday we have class for High blood pressure and heart diseases. Who wants to join please contact +62 815-1947-9050 for registration it's almost Free
Setiap hari Kamis kita adakan Yoga kelas online berminat silahkan hubungi Mbk Upay +62 815-1947-9050

Photos from Astaunga Yoga's post 30/12/2019

Apakah Anda kelebihan berat badan?
Bertahun-tahun minum obat?
Sering minum minuman keras?
Pernah kecanduan narkoba?
Selama ini makan "sembarangan"?
Menderita perlemakan hati?
Kolesterol dan Trigliserida Anda tinggi?
Gula darah Anda tinggi?
Menderita batu ginjal?
Menderita batu empedu?

Jika jawaban dari salah satu atau beberapa pertanyaan di atas adalah "ya", maka Anda perlu menjalani *Detox*.

*Detox* atau *Detoksifikasi* adalah proses pengeluaran racun dari dalam tubuh. Secara alami, tubuh punya mekanisme pengeluaran racun, yaitu melalui keringat, urine, dan faeces. Tetapi gaya hidup dan pola makan yang tidak sehat, menyebabkan detox alami tersebut tidak mencukupi. Kelebihan lemak, gula, racun, terus menumpuk dalam tubuh Anda dari tahun ke tahun.

Program *Detoksifikasi Naturopathy* yang dipandu oleh *Dr. Madhava* ini akan membantu meringankan masalah-masalah Anda di atas. Usus, hati dan ginjal, dan organ-organ Anda akan berada dalam kondisi yang jauh lebih baik dari sekarang setelah menjalani proses pembersihan. Program ini dijalankan secara alami, sudah terbukti efektifitasnya, dan tidak menimbulkan efek samping.

Ada 4 pilihan program Detox, yaitu *Weight Loss Detox*, *General Detox*, *Liver Cleansing*, *Kidney Detox*, yang akan diadakan
1. di Rumah mawar, Ragunan, Jakarta Selatan. Tgl 30 & 31 Januari 2020 untuk pendaftaran dan informasi lebih lanjut
Silahkan hubungi Mawar: 08161997275
2. Di YWS Batu Malang, Jawa Timur.
Tgl 28 Februari & 1 Maret 2020 untuk pendaftaran dan informasi lebih lanjut
Silahkan hubungi Suci : 0821-4332-6511
3. Di Bali Tgl 28 & 29 Maret 2020 untuk pendaftaran dan informasi lebih lanjut
Silahkan hubungi Suci : 0821-4332-6511
Haryati Miarjo
Mawarsari Ariono Suprayogi
Seravica Soetjiati Soewono

Timeline photos 05/12/2018

Yang berminat masih ada kesempatan untuk mendaftar. Silahkan hubungi CP


Detoks program ini 2019
Those interested can contact and book your seat
Limited seats are available.

Photos from Astaunga Yoga's post 07/09/2018
Timeline photos 13/08/2018

Ayo siapa yang berminat. Tempat terbatas.
Come and join who wants limited seats.


Tomáre páoár áshe, tomáre pete páshe, maner mukure tava chavi enke gán gái..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0784)


O' Parama Purusa, Baba, in the hope of getting You and having Your closeness, I am painting Your beautiful picture - visualizing You in my mental mirror, in my mind, in my citta. By Your grace I am doing dhyana and singing Your blissful songs of our relation and sharing of heart. O' my Supreme guide, please be gracious - I want Your proximity.

Baba, I always remember Your smile saturated with the nectar. How You were looking towards me with eyes full of affection - mamata’ - socked with the nectar of love. That memorable, magical, and captivating moment, I cannot ever forget. Always I keep that precious memory in the core of my heart.

By Your mercy again and again I came on this earth to do Your work - sadhana, service, and sacrifice - and wipe away the tears of suffering living beings. The purpose of my life is to satisfy You - to please You. But after finishing that allotted work, I don't know where I went. That is not in my mind. Baba, by Your will now this time again I have come on this earth. I hear the resonance of Your divine, musical flute by which You are calling me incessantly. In response to Your sweet call, I am singing Your songs - dancing and rushing headlong towards You. It is Your infinite kindness.

O' my Innermost You are my everything, with the bond of Your love - You remain with me eternally.


Natural healthy drinks which helps to reduce unwanted fats

Timeline photos 07/07/2017

Are There Different Cases of Scoliosis?

There are different cases of Scoliosis. There is mild Scoliosis. This is where the spine is at less than a 20 degree curve. If you were to ever get Scoliosis, this would be the kind that you want to have. The next case is moderate Scoliosis. This is where the spine is at a 25 to 70 degree curve. The next case of Scoliosis is severe Scoliosis. This is when the spine is over a 70 degree curve. Lastly, the worse case of Scoliosis you can have is acute Scoliosis. This is whenever the spine is over a 100 degree curve.



Timeline photos 07/07/2017

Practice everyday get benifited.

Timeline photos 07/07/2017

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga

In Sanskrit "Ashta + anga" is Ashtanga. "Ashta" means Eight and "Anga" is limbs so it means Eight Limb path, ashtanga yoga is based on Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali. The asanas, Pranayamas or the dharana which we have studied earlier or the yam and niyam are based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Hence, we will acquaint ourselves with the fundamentals as stated by Patanjali first.

History of Ashtanga Yoga

Yoga has its roots about 5000 years BC as described in Vedic Philosophy and Tantras. Patanjali , great sage composed this path into a Darshan(Philosophy) in his Book Patanjal Yoga Sutra. In which he has formulated Yoga as a Eight Limbs or Eight Fold path.

Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga

Yama (Principles or moral code)
Ahimsa - A principle of non-violence
Satya - A principle of Truthfulness
Asteya - A principle of non stealing
Brahmacharya - Continence / Celibacy
Aparigah - A principle of non-hoarding or non possessiveness

Niyama (Personal Disciplines)
Shoucha - Purity
Santosh - Contentment
Tapa - Endurance
Swadhyaya - Self study
Eshwar Pranidhan - Dedication

Asana (Yoga Positions or Yogic Postures)
A stable and comfortable posture which helps attain mental equilibrium.

Pranayama (Yogic Breathing)
Extension and control of breath.

Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses)
A mental preparation to increase the power of mind.

Dharana (Concentration on Object)
Concentration of mind on one object and its field.

Dhyan (Meditation)
With drawing mind from all external objects and Focusing it on one point and meditating on it.

Samadhi (Salvation)
State of Super bliss, joy and merging individual consciousness in to universal consciousness. Union between Jivatman and Paramatman. Union of Shiva and Shakti in Sahasrar Chakra (the top of the head). Realizing the Bramhan (pure consciousness) or Realization of God is the ultimate achievement of Human Birth.


*Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga*

In Sanskrit "Ashta + anga" is Ashtanga. "Ashta" means Eight and "Anga" is limbs so it means Eight Limb path, ashtanga yoga is based on Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali. The asanas, Pranayamas or the dharana which we have studied earlier or the yam and niyam are based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Hence, we will acquaint ourselves with the fundamentals as stated by Patanjali first.

History of Ashtanga Yoga

Yoga has its roots about 5000 years BC as described in Vedic Philosophy and Tantras. Patanjali , great sage composed this path into a Darshan(Philosophy) in his Book Patanjal Yoga Sutra. In which he has formulated Yoga as a Eight Limbs or Eight Fold path.

Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga

Yama (Principles or moral code)
Ahimsa - A principle of non-violence
Satya - A principle of Truthfulness
Asteya - A principle of non stealing
Brahmacharya - Continence / Celibacy
Aparigah - A principle of non-hoarding or non possessiveness

Niyama (Personal Disciplines)
Shoucha - Purity
Santosh - Contentment
Tapa - Endurance
Swadhyaya - Self study
Eshwar Pranidhan - Dedication

Asana (Yoga Positions or Yogic Postures)
A stable and comfortable posture which helps attain mental equilibrium.

Pranayama (Yogic Breathing)
Extension and control of breath.

Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses)
A mental preparation to increase the power of mind.

Dharana (Concentration on Object)
Concentration of mind on one object and its field.

Dhyan (Meditation)
With drawing mind from all external objects and Focusing it on one point and meditating on it.

Samadhi (Salvation)
State of Super bliss, joy and merging individual consciousness in to universal consciousness. Union between Jivatman and Paramatman. Union of Shiva and Shakti in Sahasrar Chakra (the top of the head). Realizing the Bramhan (pure consciousness) or Realization of God is the ultimate achievement of Human Birth.

Timeline photos 31/03/2017

Biaya kelas yoga Rp 350.000,- perhari.
Untuk yang hanya mau ikut kelas boleh 1 hari atau 2 hari full.
Bagi yang ikut detox Kamis 1 hari full kelas dan lanjut dari jam 17 sore sampai jumat jam 12 siang detox.
Bagi yg ikut Detox ada kelas tambahan dari jam 18:30 - 19:45 ttg Detox Liver Cleansing.
Biaya ikut detox Rp 950.000,- sudah termasuk menginap semalam di Graha Wisata Ragunan.

*Jadwal acara:*
*Tgl 27 April Kamis*

Jam 08:30 - perkenalan
Jam 0900- 12-00 sesi pagi
Jam 1200 - 1400 istirahat
Jam 1400 - 1700 sesi siang

*Tgl 28 April Jumat*

Jam 08:30 - perkenalan
Jam 0900- 12-00 sesi pagi
Jam 1200 - 1400 istirahat
Jam 1400 - 1700 sesi siang

*Group Detox*
*Tgl 27 April*
Jam 18:00 konsumsi dosis pertama.
Jam 18:30 - 19:45 kelas Detox n Liver cleansing
Jam 20:00 - konsumsi dosis ke2.
Jam 22:00 - konsumsi dosis ke3
*Tgl 28 April Jumat*
Jam 06:00 - konsumsi dosis ke 4
Jam 08:00 - konsumsi dosis ke 5
Jam 10:00 - sarapan pagi.
Jam 12:00 - makan siang n pulang.

Photos from Astaunga Yoga's post 28/02/2017

Food for healthy life.

Photos from Astaunga Yoga's post 28/02/2017

Natural health

Photos from Astaunga Yoga's post 24/01/2017

Live healthy and happy.

Timeline photos 17/08/2016

What is Yoga & Yoga Teacher?

In this wellness era. Yoga business is very popular. Because of that lot of people just they learn little bit about Asana (posture) and start giving themselves new invention in the posture etc and says this yoga that yoga. And become Guru Yoga, master yoga etc.
Really if we speak what is Yoga?
"Samyogoyogo yoga ityukto jiivaatmane paramatmanah" says our scripture it means "unification in between unit entity and cosmic consciousness is called Yoga" how it happened by dint of practice ashtaunga yoga it occurred.
What is Ashtaunga Yoga?
Ashtaunga Yoga means 8 steps of yoga it's as fallow.
1. Yama - to control mind from external world { (ahimsa-satya-asteya-brahmacarya-aparigraha) ~ not to inflict - absolute truth - non-stilling - constantly remember about supreme - accumulate minimum needs}
2. Niyama - to control own self {(shouca-santosha-tapah-swadhyaya-iishwarapranidhana) ~ cleanliness internal and external - feel satisfying in which we earn in that - don't give up - study/discussion, understand and apply about goal of life - believe and meditate on supreme consciousness}
3. Asana - sthirama-sukham asanas ~ the posture which brings comfort and compassion on physical and psychic body.
4. Pranayama - control over breath.
5. Pratyahara - conceive on mind ( surrender to the supreme consciousness)
6. Dharana - To control over Mind
7. Dhyana - Meditation
8. Samadhi - realization

Now what is Guru /Teacher?
Guru / teacher who teach by practicing own self which knowledge he/she realized.

What is Yoga Guru/Teacher?

Those who by dint of practice ashtaunga yoga and realise and teaches to others by practical experience he/she called Yoga teacher.

Rest of all yoga asana (posture) Instructor not Yoga Guru/Teacher.
Be aware of your self if any one says themselves as a Yoga Guru/Teacher???
Think twice. :) ^-^

Timeline photos 12/08/2016

1st step for good health

Who does not know, Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments book states, “Dyspepsia originates from unbalanced food habits. Eating when one is not hungry or only half hungry is harmful in this disease. So is eating rich food for days together, using intoxicants, eating tasty food out of greed alone, not taking rest after the meal before running off to the office, or taking a bellyful of food (according to the scriptures, it is desirable to fill the stomach halfway with food, one quarter with water, and to keep one quarter empty for free movement of air); refraining from doing physical labour and, over and above this, doing strenuous mental work or indulging in s*x, is also harmful in this disease.” (1)

Overeating is a common phenomenon amongst greedy people during feasts and festivals around the globe. People even consciously say to themselves, "Today I am not going to overeat at such-and-such feast", but still they do it. But it happens due to greed. When people eat something that they feel is tasty and delicious, then they are prone to overeating. The problem is pervasive within the community of greedy-eaters.

As we know modern medical science and our Ananda Marga philosophy both state that overeating invites various diseases and decreases the lifespan. That is why in family life and the general society, people try to control their eating. This issue of over-eating is a big problem at present. Now is the time steps must be made for educating the people, curtailing the problem, and preventing it from occurring in the future.

Note: contact for to conduct seminars and workshops: @ [email protected],
+91 -970 4158 141 (WA),
+ 62 - 857 3156 5780 (SMS)

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Jalan Palem Timur MD 122 PONDOK CANDRA INDAH. Wadung Asri. Waru. Sidoarjo. East Jawa.

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday 08:00 - 17:00
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