PT. Dayasa Aria Prima

PT. Fajar Surya Wisesa, Tbk. Why join us?

1. We are give career growth and development opportunities

2. We are have positive working environment


Dayasa Aria Prima is a company engaged in the manufacturing / paper manufacturer (Paper Mill) located in East Java, precisely in Driyorejo, Gresik Regency, a subsidiary of PT. Attractive remuneration package


Menindaklanjuti rencana Perusahaan untuk mengimplementasikan aplikasi PeduliLindungi untuk memonitor dan skrining semua pihak (Karyawan DAP, Karyawan OS, Vendor, dan Kontraktor) yang memasuki area Perusahaan, dengan ini diinformasikan bahwa Perusahaan akan menjalankan masa percobaan/trial terhadap pengimplementasian aplikasi ini pada tanggal 27 - 30 September 2021.

Semua pihak diwajibkan untuk check-in melalui aplikasi dengan memindai QR code yang tersedia di Gerbang Utama dan Gerbang Timbangan.

Setelah check-in, Anda akan diarahkan ke 1 dari 3 kategori yang ada di aplikasi, yaitu Hijau (sudah menerima 2 dosis vaksin), Kuning (baru menerima 1 dosis vaksin), dan Merah (belum/tidak mendapatkan vaksin)
Selama masa percobaan ini, pihak dengan kategori Hijau dan Kuning diperbolehkan untuk langsung masuk, sedangkan pihak dengan kategori Merah diperbolehkan masuk namun harus dicatat oleh petugas Security terlebih dahulu.

Bagi pihak yang sedang hamil atau memiliki komorbid permanen yang menyebabkan tidak dapat menerima vaksin, dapat menunjukan dokumen pendukung/bukti kondisi tsb dan HR akan memberikan kartu akses agar dapat memasuki area Perusahaan.
Bagi pihak yang sudah mendapatkan vaksinasi namun tidak memiliki telepon genggam atau telepon genggamnya tidak mendukung untuk download aplikasi PeduliLindungi atau tidak bisa mengakses sertifikat vaksinasinya, dapat membawa dan menunjukan sertifikat yang telah diprint atau menunjukkan kartu vaksinasi manual sebelum memasuki area Perusahaan.

Semua pihak diharuskan untuk check-out sesaat setelah kegiatan mereka selesai dan meninggalkan area Perusahaan.

Terima kasih

Photos from PT. Dayasa Aria Prima's post 27/08/2021

Vaksinasi Gotong Royong untuk pekerja di PT. Dayasa Aria Prima hari ini dan dua hari kedepan di fasilitasi oleh rekan-rekan nakes dari RS. Petrokimia Gresik Driyorejo.

Stay Healty and Stay Safe


Following to the Government's decree, and in order to protect all of our employees' health, we are delighted to announce that Dayasa Aria Prima will held a vaccination in our own Mill on 27, 28, and 30 August 2021.
The batches are already distributed and coordinated by GA team with each Department's Admin.

The vaccination will be facilitated by RS Petrokimia Gresik Driyorejo at the bicycle park area in front of Office A building, starting from 08:00am. Please bring copies of your ID card, a pen, and vaccine control card which has been distributed by GA team earlier.

Please make sure you maintain your condition, have a well-rested night, and have a breakfast prior to the vaccine injection.

Let it be the right step to achieve herd immunity in order to minimize Covid-19 spread and protect all Dayasa's family.

Stay safe everyone!

SALES SUPPORT (DELIVERY EX*****ON & DI MONITORING) Pekerjaan - PT DAYASA ARIA PRIMA - 3391711 | JobStreet | JobStreet 18/11/2020

IDR 5.000.000 - IDR 6.500.000
Ditayangkan pada 17-Nov-20

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Menjalin komunikasi dengan sales & customer perihal delivery request
Menjalin komunikasi dengan ekspedisi perihal pengadaan kendaraan angkut
Menjalin komunikasi dengan pihak gudang perihal ketersediaan barang
Membantu penyelesaian customer complaint
Follow up delivery & pengembalian DO (surat Jalan) dari customer.
Candidate must possess at least Diploma in Economics.
Required language(s): English prefered, Bahasa Indonesia.
At least 3 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Required Skill(s): Computer, SAP, Excel.
Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor) specialized in Sales - Corporate or equivalent.

Informasi Tambahan
Tingkat Pekerjaan
Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)
Sertifikat Professional, D3 (Diploma), D4 (Diploma), Diploma Pascasarjana, Gelar Professional, Magister (S2)
Pengalaman Kerja
3 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan
Penuh Waktu
Spesialisasi Pekerjaan
Penjualan / Pemasaran, Penjualan - Korporasi

Apply by jobstreet§ionRank=2&token=0~2dafdbe6-20e0-4fdf-b3e0-e194a56f2ca6&fr=SRP%20Job%20Listing

SALES SUPPORT (DELIVERY EX*****ON & DI MONITORING) Pekerjaan - PT DAYASA ARIA PRIMA - 3391711 | JobStreet | JobStreet Kirim lamaran sebagai SALES SUPPORT (DELIVERY EX*****ON & DI MONITORING) (3391711) di PT DAYASA ARIA PRIMA! Cari lowongan kerja Penjualan - Corporate lokasi alamat kantor kerja di Jawa Timur - Gresik - Driyorejo temukan di

Photos from PT. Dayasa Aria Prima's post 18/11/2020

Still in the Covid-19 pandemic situation, we all keep trying to get up in this situation. By sharing with others, hopefully a little can help ease the burden on the affected community.


BNPB Terima Satu Kendaraan Mobile Lab PCR Kit dari PT Dayasa Aria Prima

Metro Malam 29 Juni 2020 23:17:15

PT Dayasa Aria Prima dari Fajar Paper Group menyumbangkan mobile lab PCR kit untuk menangani klaster dua Covid-19 di Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Mobile lab PCR kit ini mampu melakukan 250-300 tes spesimen dalam satu hari.


"Happy Anniv PT. Dayasa Aria Prima (Fajar Paper Group)". ~ I hope that in the future it will be more prosperous and successful. To become a pioneer company that obeys justice, cares about social responsibility, increases excellence. ~


PT. Dayasa Aria Prima is a company engaged in the manufacturing / paper manufacturer (Paper Mill) located in East Java, precisely in Driyorejo, Gresik Regency, a subsidiary of PT. Fajar Surya Wisesa, Tbk.

The commitments of the Board of Directors, Management and employees at all levels adhere to the principles of:

Adherence to Fairness
Be fair to all parties, both customers, investors, employees and all parties who have a business relationship with the company

Dedication to excellence
The company is seriously focused on excellence.
Employees and all interested parties recognize that everyone must be consistent
in extra effort, encouragement, knowledge and competence to overcome difficulties and to continue moving forward in the best interests of the company and all related parties.

Belief in the Value of the Individual
The company believes that employees are the most valuable assets.
The Company's success is also the result of the contribution of its employees who are competent and have high integrity. The company has built strong bonds of loyalty with employees so that employees have a sense of security so they are committed to carrying out their duties with a full sense of responsibility and do it with confidence for the best future.

Concern for Social Responsibility
The company fully carries out its duties as a good corporate citizen by contributing to the communities and communities where it operates. Natural resource management and environmental conservation are of great concern to the Company.

Why join us?
1. We are give career growth and development opportunities
2. We are have positive working environment
3. Attractive remuneration package

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Jln Raya Driyorejo KM. 25, Kec. Driyorejo

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday 08:00 - 16:00
Friday 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday 08:00 - 16:00

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