Balance With Danielle

Through personal struggle, I discovered balance and purpose in my life by incorporating meditation,


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Viktor E. Frankl


Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.
- Andy Rooney


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Reflection is important. Although we can easily get stuck in the past or future, checking in every now and again can be beneficial.

Reflection is important. Althought we can easily get stuck in the past or future, checking in every now and again can be beneficial.

Celebrating the small wins is great as we can be so self-critical and tough on ourselves. When you look back, you will be surprised at how far you've come.

I find journaling to be a great exercise to monitor your growth. If you don't already journal, it's never too late to begin.

If you'd like some writing inspiration, you can view the journal prompts I posted on my story today.


Back in June, I moved to Bali. A lot of the other travelers here have strong opinions that are sometimes very different to my own. This hugely tested my patience. I would get so frustrated at some of the statements I would hear others say, but I realised that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. As long as someone isn't causing me or others harm, it really doesn't matter. Now, I'm able to befriend others with opposing beliefs. How? Boundaries.

Setting boundaries is imperative if you want to avoid conflict in today's overly opinionated society. Be it with your new friends, your old ones, your family or gym buddies - set boundaries. If there's a topic being discussed which you don't feel like entertaining, simply walk away. Don't feel like you have to change your beliefs to impress others. You're entitled to feel how you do. If you can discuss a topic with another calm individual with an opposing belief, that too can be great. You can both learn from each other. But if you hear someone saying the words "should" "can't" or cursing, it's better to avoid the topic.

Learning how to be calm before responding to situations has changed my life for the better. Next time someone irks you, do not feel the need to respond right away. We live in a society where we think we have to respond to emails, messages or calls as soon as possible but you don't. Take some space, breathe, reflect, and when you are calm, then respond. When you're calm, you may see the other person's side differently.

You are free to focus on the beauties around you.

Keep growing & loving โœจ


โ€œDo not learn how to react. Learn how to respond.โ€

Photos from Balance With Danielle's post 22/10/2021

Learning to be calm in a situation can give you so much power. This has been something that i've been trying to perfect over the last year. You are going to come across people you disagree with, sometimes said people will try and push your buttons. But if you can learn to control your reaction and remain calm in a heated situation, you will have conquered one of the best skills.

I used to be quite reactive. I come from a family of 7 so I had to learn to speak up if I ever wanted to be heard at the dinner table. If someone annoyed me or did what I thought was an injustice, I would react in the moment. Be it - messaging back right away or responding before fully thinking out my response. I always thought I had to have a fast response to win an argument.

Boy, has my perspective on this changed. Do you ever notice the people who say less are usually correct? They are the calm, collected person at the table who doesn't say a lot but when they do, it's usually golden nuggets of wisdom. When you learn to not take everything as a personal attack but instead as an opportunity to learn or be challenged, it can change how you interact with others every day.

Next time something triggers you, try and take 5 deep breaths and respond when you're calm. You'll be less likely to say something you'll regret.

Keep growing & loving โœจ


We all have our own special ways of healing. Everyone's journey is unique to themselves. I have spent half of my life criticizing and disliking the reflection staring back at me in the mirror. I was so great at hiding this distorted vision by exuding confidence that no one would question it.

I think these distorted views we have of ourselves stem from our inner world. What you see on the outside is rarely a show of how the person on the inside is feeling.

When you heal on the inside, your outside world changes. Does it really actually matter what you look like? No. But if it's affecting your inner world then it does. And vice versa.

I was always so lenient to post a bikini photo terrified at how much I'd regret it after putting it out there, constantly picking myself apart. After Alex took this photo, I wouldn't look at it for over a month!

Now, I can look back at this imperfectly perfect moment. Laughing with my eyes closed in Lembongan, having an absolute skit from the awkwardness of it all.

I choose to remember the memory instead of chastising my body. I celebrate how strong I am both on the inside and out. I definitely have a lot more healing to go but to say I'm happy with how far I've come is an understatement.

Take a moment today and celebrate all those small wins. How far you've come. What you've conquered. No matter how small.

Your life is filled with miracles, especially yourself.

Keep growing and loving โœจ

Photos from Balance With Danielle's post 13/10/2021


โ€œAs my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation โ€” either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.โ€

โ€• Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


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Throughout our lives, we all have run-ins with traumatic events. These events can shape us. For the better or worse. Whether it's a death, heartbreak, accident, or a bout of bad luck, I've found it grounding to look at every event in life as a blessing or a lesson.

Humans are incredible. We spend our lives learning, setting ourselves up with how to face encounters the next time we experience an event. Sometimes we have events in our life that make us question absolutely everything. Who we are as a person. What life means to us. Who is there for us in life. We can either take this experience and learn and grow from it. Or we can hold a grudge and feel bitterness and resentment towards the world.

We get to choose!

Life knocks everyone down at some point. But it's not about how many times we get knocked down - it's how many times we get up and keep going that matters.

Keep growing and loving โœจ


Aham brahmasmiโ€“ โ€œI am wholeness.โ€

You are wholeโ€”just as you are. Nothing needs to be added. Nothing needs to be taken away. Build your self-love by meditating with this mantra for a few minutes today.

As you repeat the aham brahmasmi mantra, allow each repetition to guide you into an expanded state of awareness. With time, youโ€™ll understand just how whole and complete you truly are.

Keep growing and loving โœจ


"Be gentle with yourself, learn to love yourself, to forgive yourself, for only as we have the right attitude toward ourselves can we have the right attitude toward others."
Wilfred Peterson

Photos from Balance With Danielle's post 01/10/2021

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I sometimes think I was reborn. I know how completely strange that sounds but after I cheated death, things were different. When I think back to how I used to treat myself versus how the "reborn" Danielle treats herself, it's like looking at two different people. I think this second chance at life changed a lot of my perspective.

I used to be an adrenaline ju**ie, always pushing the limits. I've realized that I acted the way I did was because I didn't value my life highly. I value and respect myself a lot more than I used to. And I can say that for a lot of the behaviors I engaged in, be it drinking ungodly amounts of alcohol, jumping off cliffs, surfing out back during stormy conditions or being with people who treated me without respect.

One of my friends recently told me they don't like to meditate because it brings up thoughts of their ex-boyfriend. I do think this is a big reason people are lenient to meditate. Not because they'll think of their ex but it can bring up unwanted thoughts that we'd rather shove to the side and distract ourselves so we don't deal with them. Sitting with yourself in quiet isn't always an easy thing to do. Meditation put a spotlight on that inner voice. We've been through quite a lot together and I've been able to befriend her.

Now, when I'm going through something, instead of running from myself, I can go inward and seek the help or answer I need within. Repairing my relationship with myself has been one of the most rewarding, grounding, yet brilliant experiences I've ever gone through.

How did I do it? Instead of running from myself, I searched for the quietness, I sat with myself, I went to therapy, I journaled.

You hear of all these things consistently online because they work.

Self love isn't taking a bath so you can post it on your instagram feed, it isn't treating yourself to that new designer handbag, it's sitting and getting close to your inner being. It's doing the work that you deserve to do on yourself.

Self love is learning about your physical, emotional and mental health on another level so you can work in line with them instead of against them.

Keep growing and loving โœจ

Photos from Balance With Danielle's post 12/09/2021

A couple of weeks ago, I had one of those weeks where I just felt โ€œoffโ€

I rarely speak up when I feel down. Not wanting to burden others with my feelings. And when I do, I notice that these pent-up emotions show themselves in other negative ways. Iโ€™m more pessimistic and a little more burnt towards the world.

Prior to this wave of sadness, I felt so strong; physically, emotionally, and mentally. But, like every now and again, this crippling anxiety came out of left field and hit me like a train.

A few years ago I was in a pretty horrific car crash. I had to visit the hospital 3-4 times a week for 9 months. I was left with nerve damage to my right arm, scars all over my scalp, and a misdiagnosis. I had to leave my job as I had to spend so much time in hospital. Because of the misdiagnosis, I was taking incorrect medication for a full year - which made me feel like a total zombie.

I was lost.

Fast forward to a year later, Iโ€™m living in Vietnam driving along on my Honda club motorbike. I come to an intersection and collide with 2 other bikes. It was a small wreck, I was only left with a few scratches but my PTSD, which had saved itself until then hit me much harder than those bikes.

Afterward, I became extremely anxious: I had regular panic attacks, I was always conscious of my surroundings, I would assess any danger in every room I went to, I found it incredibly difficult to make small decisions, and dreaded driving my once adored honda in the busy roads of Saigon.

Iโ€™ve learned to be incredibly brilliant at hiding these feelings of fear and anxiety. Until they get to a point where they bubble up and it all pours out.

That happened the other week, after staying home from the gym, Alex came home to me curled up in bed bawling crying. He had no idea I felt so bad because Iโ€™d been busying myself so much to avoid these feelings.

Ask yourself. Ask your loved ones. Ask your hairdresser.

Are you okay?
But seriously, are you okay?

Keep growing and loving โœจ

Photos from Balance With Danielle's post 10/09/2021

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This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if theyโ€™re a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honourably.

He may be clearing you out

for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

meet them at the door laughing,

and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.


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The truth is, we all have our down days.

Although some of us have this idea instilled into us that to be โ€œperfectโ€ you must always be happy...or at least seem like you are. You must be strong and never let your guard down.

And I think social media can push that ideal even further. We post smiling photos of us doing courageous things as we watch the likes roll in, sometimes more concerned about the numbers on the screen instead of enjoying the present moment. A slave to our phones one might even say.

Last week, I felt down. I chose to limit myself from my phone knowing, from experience, that it would only make me feel worse.

In case you needed it, this is a reminder: Itโ€™s not weak to fall. Itโ€™s okay to get sad every now and again. If anything, itโ€™s healthy. Feel your feelings. Understand them. Become acquainted with them. Thatโ€™s how youโ€™ll work through your feelings.

If you do feel sad, try putting your phone away. Be conscious of what content youโ€™re consuming. Because we are sensitive beings. What we consume affects us, on the conscious or subconscious level.

Instead try and replace your time with human connection, or even puppy cuddles.

Count your blessings. What are you grateful for?

โ€œIโ€™m grateful to be aliveโ€

Keep growing and loving โœจ


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The mantra is that we are all beings sharing the same planet, simply reminding us that WE ARE ALL ONE and we must care equally for other inhabitants. โœจ

Though not a traditional Vedic mantra, Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu is a Sanskrit prayer. It has been used for many centuries to invoke greater states of compassion and peace.

โ€œDo unto others as you would have them do unto youโ€ may be the closest western equivalent. Yet, the impact of this ancient mantra is far grander than simple human kindness.

Keep growing and loving โœจ

How To Forgive Yourself And Others - Balance With Danielle 20/08/2021

We all find it difficult to move on from the past and forgive ourselves for our mistakes. But forgiveness is necessary to move on and let go. Learn how you can forgive yourself and those who have hurt you. Move on from past mistakes and embrace the present. Forgiveness - letting go - move on - love

How To Forgive Yourself And Others - Balance With Danielle Whether it is yourself you must forgive for your past mistakes or somebody else in your life. Forgiveness helps us move on and let go.


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Photos from Balance With Danielle's post 17/08/2021

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What does selflessness mean to you?

Although I may have used this as an avoidance technique for the longest time...I have always found it easier to put others before myself. I genuienly feel better when I make others feel good, I simply feed off their energy.

In psychology, this is referred to as Altruistic behavior: the unselfish concern for other peopleโ€”doing things simply out of a desire to help, not because you feel obligated to out of duty, loyalty, or religious reasons. It involves acting out of concern for the well-being of other people.

An example of this could be offering up your seat on the bus to giving a helping hand to someone in need. ๐Ÿค

Altruism is proven to benefit both you and others.
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โœจ๐™ฑ๐™ด๐šƒ๐šƒ๐™ด๐š ๐™ท๐™ด๐™ฐ๐™ป๐šƒ๐™ท: People who volunteer have better overall health, and regularly engaging in helping behaviors is linked to a significantly lower mortality.
โœจ๐™ธ๐™ผ๐™ฟ๐š๐™พ๐š…๐™ด๐™ณ ๐š†๐™ด๐™ป๐™ป-๐™ฑ๐™ด๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ถ: Research shows that people experience increased happiness after doing good things for other people.
โœจ๐™ฑ๐™ด๐šƒ๐šƒ๐™ด๐š ๐š๐™พ๐™ผ๐™ฐ๐™ฝ๐šƒ๐™ธ๐™ฒ ๐š๐™ด๐™ป๐™ฐ๐šƒ๐™ธ๐™พ๐™ฝ๐š‚๐™ท๐™ธ๐™ฟ๐š‚: Being kind and compassionate can also lead to a better relationship with your partner, as kindness is one of the most important qualities that people across all cultures seek in a romantic partner.

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Be mindful of your actions.

Keep growing and loving โœจ

Photos from Balance With Danielle's post 14/08/2021

Whether it is yourself you must forgive for your past mistakes or somebody else in your life that has wronged you.ย 

Ask yourself, why am I holding onto this conflict? Why do I find it so hard to forgive this person? Is carrying this burden doing me any good?

Sometimes we hold onto this burden that hurts us much more than the other person.ย 

When you feel like somebody has wronged you it can sometimes be so hard to forgive and let go.ย 

But forgiveness is the first step, letting go comes with time.ย 

If youโ€™re finding it hard to forgive someone, try writing a letter to them, saying everything you need to get off your chest. Once youโ€™ve written it, burn it, throw it away or keep it.ย 

Iโ€™ve found this exercise incredibly freeing.ย 

Another reminder that has always helped me was putting myself in the other personโ€™s shoes, trying to understand and have compassion for someone.ย 

Remember, hurt people hurt people and if you are holding onto this, you do probably have some love for this person. Maybe they are the person who needs the love most of all.

Keep growing and lovingย โœจ


Forgive yourself. Whatever youโ€™ve done before, accept it and let it go. You are not perfect. You are capable of making mistakes. Stop hiding from the shadows of the past. Donโ€™t be trapped in the darkness of shattered memories. Let the light pass through and shine upon you. Forgive yourself because itโ€™s the only way to start again.


โ€œI release the past so I can step into the future with pure intentions.โ€

When I first began โ€œhealingโ€ I used to curse my younger self. I was embarrassed, angry, and annoyed for how foolishly I acted for so many years.

How reckless I was towards myself, how careless I was, never minding myself.

But the more I learned and grew, the more I realised the necessity to have both compassion and forgiveness for young Danielle.ย ๐Ÿฅฒ

Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes, and we all do what we think is best at the time.ย 

Sometimes social constructs and conditioning get in the way. We are so unbelievably influenced when we are young by what we consume and itโ€™s not always the best.

When I look back and realise how much I used to distract myself by partying or being an adrenaline ju**ie, I can see that I didnโ€™t want to spend time with myself or appreciate my life because I didnโ€™t value myself.ย 

I was sometimes so concerned with how I would make others feel that I rarely would check in on myself and give myself some much-needed love.ย 

When I look back now, Iโ€™m no longer embarrassed, I honestly just feel bad. I feel bad that I was so nasty to myself for so many years and was incapable of seeing my potential. I feel bad that I would berate myself for not being as good as anyone else I came across. I feel bad that my ego took place for a while and I was concerned with status, looks, material goods, and popularity.

But I can now forgive myself. Iโ€™ve learned that, although I may not have been on the best path, Iโ€™ve found a better one where I can build a beautiful relationship with myself from here on out.ย ๐ŸŒธ

Stop letting yourself suffer, start having compassion and forgiveness for yourself.

Keep growing and lovingย 


Sampoorna Hum โ€” เคธเค‚เคชเฅ‚เคฐเฅเคฃ เคนเฅ‚เค (I am complete)
I am a manifestation of the divine. I am whole in my being. I do not seek external elements, materialistic possessions or other people to complete me. I am complete as I am and happy with what I have.

I accept myself.
I accept others.
I accept the world.
I accept my reality.
Sampoorna Hum

Keep growing & loving โœจ

Why We Feel Anger & How To Control It - Balance With Danielle 08/08/2021

Find some tips on how to control your anger. Understanding why we feel anger can help us deal with it. I know it can be so difficult when you are caught up in the moment, but the more you learn to let go and control your reaction. You can control your anger and manage it for the better. Learn to con

Why We Feel Anger & How To Control It - Balance With Danielle We all feel anger, itโ€™s an emotion that can ignite a fire within us forcing us to do or say things we regret. But why do we feel anger?


Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.โ€
โ€• Lao Tzu

Keep growing and loving โœจ


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What does acceptance mean to you?

For me, it means accepting someone or something without judgment or trying to change the circumstance.

When I began to suffer with PTSD I struggled with acceptance.

I found it difficult to accept things that were out of my control. I wanted to wrap everyone I knew in bubble wrap. Making it much harder to accept them for what they were.

The more I dove into this issue, the clearer my reasoning behind this control became.

I was in constant fear of losing control that I felt the need to control othersโ€™ lives too.
If I saw someone I loved making, what I thought was a bad decision, Iโ€™d try to intervene rather than simply allow them to just be.

Letting go of this need for control has been incredibly freeing. I now realize that when you refuse to accept yourself, you project your lack of acceptance onto others - judging and controlling them.

It hasnโ€™t been easy to find acceptance within myself, Iโ€™ve spoken before about how awful I was to myself in the past. But since Iโ€™ve had more compassion and self-acceptance, accepting others just followed.

Now when others have difficulty accepting my choices, trying to intervene, I can replace annoyance with empathy, understanding that theyโ€™re doing what they think is best because they care about me.

The only thing constant is change. Learn to accept it.

Because happiness can only exist in acceptance.

Keep growing and loving โœจ


My anger was definitely tested this past month.ย  I encountered many obstacles that ignited that fire within. I donโ€™t know if I had a bout of bad luck or simply had some lessons to learn but what I could take away from this was learning how to react in a more calm manner.
My reactions were different to how they would have been even a few months ago. Maybe it came with growing another year older? Maybe it has been my daily meditation practice?
I know that reacting with anger and frustration isnโ€™t going to have a positive result. It never does. Instead, I take a deep breath and channel my inner calm.
Iโ€™ve learned a lot more about my hormones this past month. I was so sick of self diagnosing myself with everything under the sun due to the mood swings I would experience, dependent on the time of month.
I began to learn about my menstrual cycle, tracking my mood each day which allowed me to understand why I was feeling a little more irritated on certain days. What a relief that it was completely normal to feel these emotions!
If you donโ€™t track your cycle already, I would highly recommend the Flo app. Itโ€™s the only app iโ€™ve actually been able to keep up with as itโ€™s easy to use and very insightful.
I now feel less anxious understanding my hormones, how they can affect my day-to-day life and what I can do to alleviate these symptoms.
On that note, if something frustrates you or irritates you today. Try taking a few deep breaths and learn to not react straight away.
If say someone really pi**es you off, before messaging them back, write out everything you want to say to them and wait an hour to send it. Youโ€™ll usually cool off and realise you may have been over reacting.
Another thing that stopped me from getting angry this month was also looking at the bigger picture - even though I may have got scammed, had plans go to shambles, lost a drone, had my credit card eaten by an atm... I still have an incredible life and am so grateful for my health.
These โ€œthird world problemsโ€ are just that at the end of the day. As long as everyone I love and myself is safe and healthy that is all that truly matters.
Keep growing and loving โœจ


โ€œAnger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.โ€
โ€• Mark Twain

Keep growing and loving โœจ

Photos from Balance With Danielle's post 26/07/2021

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"I can feel my anger and still stay in control."

We all feel anger, itโ€™s an emotion that can ignite a fire within us forcing us to do or say things we regret. But why do we feel anger?

Feeling wronged ignites my fire.

But learning to control this anger has been one of the best things for my growth.

Anger is unavoidable, you will always run into others who have a strong opposing view to you or may say something that makes you TICK.

I recently learned that iโ€™m โ€œfieryโ€, if you know me well this may come at a surprise to you that I was shocked to hear this ๐Ÿคฃ

But hearing this made me aware that I need to learn how to harness my anger, become in control of it rather than allowing it to control me.

I get so unbelievably passionate about things sometimes but I also cannot push my values and morals onto somebody else. Because at the end of the day we are all entitled to our own ideas.

One of the best things I've learned if something or someone ignites that burning fire is to leave that space until your fire extinguishes.

I then sit and question why I'm feeling as I do. Journaling is wonderful for rationalising turbulent emotions.

How do you deal with anger?

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