EunSeong Yoga

EunSeong Yoga

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Fat Dad to Fit Dad
Fat Dad to Fit Dad

🧘🏻‍♀️Cert. in Bikram | Vinyasa | Hatha | Ashtanga | Cyoga | Deep Stretch | Pregnancy Yog


Sharing a bit of astrology about today 8/8 💫🦁

Did you know that we are currently in the powerful energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal? The Lion’s Gate Portal physically occurs when the Sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius, Orion’s belt, and the Earth. This alignment happens during Leo season, from July 28 to August 12. But Lion’s Gate Portal peak time is today, on August 8, which is considered the most powerful day.

This year, the 2024 Lion’s Gate Portal is even more significant because the year (2+0+2+4) adds up to the number 8. In numerology, the number eight is seen as a symbol of luck, wealth, and good energy. When turned sideways, it represents infinity, symbolizing endless power and energy. ♾️

The Lion’s Gate Portal is believed to open up a flow of energy between the spiritual and physical worlds, making it an ideal time for personal growth, transformation, and spiritual awakenings. If manifesting is about aligning with your highest self and bringing that into your life, the Lion’s Gate Portal is the perfect time.

To make the most of the Lion’s Gate Portal’s powerful manifesting energy, start by getting clear on your dreams, desires, and goals. Begin with some self-reflection in a journal:
What are you grateful for?
What do you want to change?
What parts of your life don’t feel true to who you are?

Once you’ve identified your future dreams and goals, visualise what they look like. You can write them down, create a vision board, or meditate on them. It’s also a great time to practice gratitude. After August 8, it’s important to take real steps toward your goals and trust the universe to help you along the way. ✨

Photo by .her


Honor the beginning

“Beginnings can be delicate or explosive. They can start almost invisibly or arrive with a big bang. Beginnings hold the promise of new lessons to be learned, new territory to be explored, and old lessons to be recalled, practiced, and appreciated. Beginnings hold ambiguity, promise, fear, and hope.

Don’t let the lessons, the experiences of the past, dampen your enthusiasm for beginnings. Just because it’s been hard doesn’t mean it will always be that difficult. Don’t let the heartbreaks of the past cause you to become cynical, close you off to life’s magic and promise. Open yourself wide to all that the universe has to say.

Let yourself begin anew. Pack your bags. Choose carefully what you bring, because packing is an important ritual. Take along some humility and the lessons of the past. Toss in some curiosity and excitement about what you haven’t yet learned. Say your good-byes to those you’re leaving behind. Don’t worry who you will meet or where you will go. The way has been prepared. The people you are to meet will be expecting you. A new journey has begun. Let it be magical. Let it unfold.

All parts of the journey are sacred and holy.
Take time now to honor the beginning.”

‘Journey to the heart’ by Melody Beattie


It was a beautiful trip that reminded me every moment with my family is treasure. Their presence is a true gift for us, which I’m so grateful for.

Love you, and see you soon. 💕


Looking for a trip to Bali, to slow down and connect to yourself?

Embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being and inner harmony at our exclusive mindfulness retreat. We have only one spot left, so sign up now before it’s sold out! ✨

Bali Yoga Retreat 2024, 26 July - 1 August

DM me your email address for more info.


Shukran Dubai شكرا دبي

It’s a wrap. It has been a wild month, if you know you know 🙈, but I’m relieved that we managed to take care of everything we needed. I definitely have mixed feelings about exiting our Dubai lives and entering a new chapter with uncertainty, but a big part is filled with excitement for sure.

Thank you for making time to meet, for a catch up and practice, I know how busy life gets here - or everywhere I should say. I realized how much I had missed the community, support, and friendships I had in Dubai. And I now want to make an effort to create something like them in Bali.

Fun fact; it’s my 4th time moving out of Dubai since 2014 😆, so I feel like Dubai became a place like home where I keep coming back. If I had missed a chance to see you this time, I’m sure we will see each other again soon in the sandpit. Or… see you in Bali! 🌴


Bali Retreat 2024, July 26th - August 1st

If you were looking for a trip to Bali or a week of retreat to slow down and connect, or both, this is for you. ✨

Experience a transformative journey to restore your mind, body, and spirit; 6 nights in Ubud - the heart of Bali.

Send me your email address for more details.


The universe always has plans. It didn’t mean to be harsh on me at first, but I was too stubborn and ignorant. When it took care of me very delicately with gentle knocking, I didn’t acknowledge it. There was no other way to tell me than throwing a hard punch in my stomach. Wake up! When I found myself shaking in shock and trying to collect the shattered pieces of myself back - I realized that it was too late.

No. It’s never too late.

We all find our way to the darkness. We all are afraid to face it. It’s a battle we should not be shameful of, but a battle we must fight regardless. It might destroy us but will build us back up stronger.

Get ready to dive in.

Life in Bali was extremely challenging for me. Bali is the kind of place where you can’t hide and eventually you will have to face what you are hiding from. But I’m celebrating how far I have come; how to be proud of where I am - even if it’s not exactly where I want to be. I’m learning to appreciate the process, with the messiness of life and the confusion of it all.

It all begins within me.

One day, through this journey, I will find what I’m looking for within me. I tell Mother Bali that she has been so tough on me, but thanks for shaking me so that I can be where I need to be. One day, I hope my stories inspire my little girl.

It’s not happening to you, it’s all for you.


Life in Bali hasn’t been smooth sailing I must admit. But with Mama Bali’s loving nurturing, I came to face what I was hiding from. It always challenges me in a way for me to grow.

As we wrapped up our stay in Bali, a year plus 6 months extension, we made a decision to use our return tickets to Dubai for a visit - not for moving back. I loved my Dubai life at the bottom of my heart; all the memories and connections I made. But for now, it feels right to call Bali home.

Just landed in Dubai, and we have a month to enjoy the beautiful winter here. I’m looking forward to seeing you guys for practice and reconnecting!



When we had decided to live in Bali for a year, I gave a challenge to myself - riding a scooter by the end of our stay. That meant overcoming my fear that I carried for a decade.

After the two attempts of riding a scooter in 2013 & 2017 ended with minor accidents, nothing bad but scratches, riding a scooter turned to big fear. For some people, riding a scooter liberates them. But for some people like me, it scared me the most. It’s easy to get drivers through Gojek and Grab at a convenience nowadays, they are bike & car rides apps, I didn’t have to try hard to get out of my comfort zone.

About a year ago, after struggling with the inconvenience of relying on drivers, I wanted to give it a go again. I started having multiple sessions with an instructor to learn properly, practicing in the empty parking lot, driving in a village, adding destinations one by one, and started adding extra weight with groceries and laundry bags. It was slow with little steps at a time, but it felt good that I was taking my time to understand the mechanics of the bike and to get over my fear gradually. Finally, and I still can’t believe it, I got confident enough to carry my sweet little one with me on a scooter. Only now, I don’t understand how I lived in Bali without feeling so much freedom from this. Katoa loves her scooter rides; observing what’s happening all the time, asking many interesting questions, singing and dancing with swaying arms, and also falling asleep in my chest. It highlights my Bali life. It’s pure joy.

The universal trigger for fear is the threat of harm, real or imagined. This threat can be for our physical, emotional or psychological well-being. We create it from childhood memories, trauma, previous experiences, self-doubt, and much more. Fear can also help protect us, it makes us alert to danger and prepares us to deal with it. Feeling afraid is very natural in some situations. But what if, fear that doesn’t serve us and prevents us from experiencing more and adventuring deeper in this world? What if we miss out something that can change life?

Do you have something that you are so afraid of trying? Why does it make you fearful?

Photos from EunSeong Yoga's post 25/11/2023


This sums up my first experience at Inside Flow Global Summit 2023 ✨I had no idea what I was signing up for, to be honest, but there were lots of learning and realising moments that I took away with gratitude.

It had been a while since I felt like I was part of the community. As we move together with breaths, our practice becomes much more powerful. I loved the positive energy and connection created with sweats, laughters, tears, cheers, and all sorts of emotional rides. Inside Flow is not just about beautiful sequences synchronised to the music beat, but it opens hearts and expands emotions. It spreads love and happiness. It is simply therapeutic.

Thanks .leong for the photos that leave me beautiful memories.

Photos from EunSeong Yoga's post 06/08/2023

For those, who asked about Chi Nei Tsang and are curious to know more. Read the caption below.👇🏼

.bodywork with .repost
🌿 Chi Nei Tsang: Healing from Within 🌱

If you've been grappling with digestive issues, stress, or the weight of emotional tensions, I'd love to introduce you to something truly intriguing – Chi Nei Tsang. It's like a gentle, nurturing hug for your body and soul. 🤗

🌸 What Exactly is Chi Nei Tsang?

Chi Nei Tsang (CNT) draws its wisdom from ancient Chinese traditions and the art of Taoism. At its core, it's a form of abdominal massage that seeks to reawaken our body's energy flow, focusing on that central hub of life within us – our abdomen. 🌀

In CNT, we use a sequence of deep, soft, and gentle pressure on the abdomen, rib, and pelvic area, to open the flow of energy, and increase blood and lymph circulation in the abdomen.
We also use gentle rocking, stretching, and shaking, to allow the (often chronically tense) abdominal muscles and ligaments to let go of tension. And when that happens, the diaphragm relaxes, the breath re-engages with the viscera, and internal organs receive energy and nutrients to work more efficiently.

✨ The Gifts it Holds:

🌿 Aiding Digestive Harmony (discomfort of bloating, irregular digestion, or tummy troubles), by gently unraveling tension, which encourages your digestion to find its rhythm again.

🌿 Easing the Weight of Stress, as we release the knots that hold our life's stressors. This greatly supports nervous system regulation.

🌿 Unraveling Emotions: Sometimes, emotions can find a home within us, creating knots of their own.

🌿 Harmony for the Whole You: It's more than just a massage – it's an experience that seeks to balance your inner energies, fostering a deep connection between your mind, body, and spirit.

If this piques your interest and resonates with you, do reach out! 🌟
This isn't about quick fixes; it's a step towards nurturing yourself, and fostering well-being from within. 🌈


Our stay at this beautiful place came to an end. I realize practicing non attachment is never easy. I tend to resist changes time to time, and it takes quite some time to appreciate the new beginning and acknowledge value of flexibility.

Non attachment is about perspective and an understanding that we can’t control things. As much as we wanted this villa and yoga shala to be our home for longer, we are grateful how it gave us everything we needed to settle and enjoy our first year in Bali. We will cherish many beautiful memories we had from it.

A year we initially had planned to stay in Bali has passed, time does fly, and we know it’s not the time to leave this island just yet. May us soak in Bali magic a little bit longer. ✨


Hubby finally decided to take his toys out, pi***ng off all ducks to no end.

Counting the many blessings of getting to call this island home for a whole year!

So I've decided to organize a retreat on April 18th-24th while I'm here. Join me in discovering the beauty of this magical island.

Photos from EunSeong Yoga's post 06/01/2023

Bali has its sacred charm that keeps us coming back.

I’ve had the immense privilege of calling Bali home for 6 months now. I’ve met wonderful people and sampled much of what the island has to offer. And I’d love to share some of the beauty and abundance of Bali with you.

Join me for 7 days and 6 nights immersion into yoga, healing arts, food, culture and nature in the city of Ubud (Bali’s cultural and spiritual heart).

Stay in an exquisite villa, tucked away in a quiet setting on the edge of a jungle ravine that overlooks a river. An intimate oasis that has been designed for rest and regeneration, just 10 minutes walking away from the city center.

The retreat is for anyone, but especially those who are in need of some deep rest and reconnecting with nature, which is a wonderful way to connect ourselves emotionally and spiritually.

DM me to book your spot.


April 18th - 24th, 2023 | Ubud, Bali

Please send me your email address for the details if you are interested in. 🙏🏼


10 years of honour 📿

Looking back on the day I walked to the podium in LA, when I was about to guide a group of people to a yoga session for the first time. Remembering the feelings that shook my whole body and mind. Then it brought me a smile to think how little I knew where I would be in 10 years.

My teaching journey started with a big test, only some of you know the situation I faced in SC, but I'm forever grateful for those who trusted and mentored me afterwards so that I could stay on this meaningful journey. I'm proud of myself that I didn't give up on teaching, but tried to give another chance.

I have to admit that the more I teach the more self-doubt creeps in from time to time, as I wonder if I’m capable to offer what students need. Then I realize that my job is not to be perfect in every aspect but to do my best to share what I have. And that encourages me to seek for more sources of yoga I need to add on. It's work in progress, but I've been slowly transformed from the first day of teaching.

I'm celebrating my 10 years teaching anniversary with all of you who have been part of the journey. How lucky have I been; to access and learn from great teachers, to travel around the world teaching, to meet beautiful souls and to become friends through yoga, to have those who always support, encourage, and inspire me with positive energy, and to have those who continue to share their energy on a yoga mat. THANK YOU.

Lots of love and gratitude 🙏🏼

Photos from EunSeong Yoga's post 15/09/2022

An unplanned family inversion series; because they wanted to copy me 🙃 No better way to wrap up our beautiful time in Korea! 🤸🏻‍♀️ Back to Bali 🌿


An ordinary way to take a photo with my 7 years old nephew. 😂

He is into splits & inversions 🤸🏻‍♀️ these days. It’s amazing to see how he is already interested in movements at such an early age, and that he enjoys to play them often which automatically became his daily practice. I wish he continues to explore them as he grows up. ❤️

He asked me spin in headstand. I told him it’s too easy for me to show and he seemed to believe me. 🤣


I remember this beautiful sunny day in Vancouver, in the summer of 2001. A group of people in white gathered, two people were moving inside while the rest were clapping and singing in a circle. It was so powerful and fascinatig, I got goosebumps watching them.

Ever since that day, I'd always wanted to learn Capoeira. Only after over two decades later 😅, I finally stepped into it in Bali. I have no clue what I'm doing yet, but I'm enjoying these new movements out of a yoga mat. It's much more dynamic than yoga practice, yet it also requires me to stay in the present moment so it does feel very much like a moving meditation.

If you visit Ubud, check out BALA BALI] , they offer so many diverse sessions that you can try; BJJ (Braziliann Jiu-Jitsu ), Zumba , Acro yoga , BJJ, Boxing, Muay Thai, Capoeira, and etc.

BALA BALI] Capoeira is martial art from Brazil 🇧🇷 combining dance, acrobatics, music and spirituality. It is graceful and rhythmic and requires agility, strength and focus. It’s tough but incredibly rewarding so come and join on Wednesday at 4pm with


Life is simple in Bali.
We are not doing much yet doing what we need to do, and that's all we need at the moment. ✨

Bali gives us time to reflect on how we took everything we had in Dubai for granted. It makes me practice to appreciate little things everyday. It does include delivery we get, 10 days after we ordered online. 😉


Countdown begins! 🤩

5 years ago we left Dubai for a year full of wanderlust in Asia, not knowing it would turn into the greatest investment we ever made. After many conversations, I still can’t believe it’s happening, we are courageously packing our lives once more. This time around, we are adding extra KGs of cuteness. 👶🏽

The past 15 months have flown by. Every single moment with the little one have been blessings. I think the three of us managed this new journey pretty well together, but regardless it always has been hectic to balance between working and parenting. She is changing everyday, and often I wish time slows down to seize the moments longer that would never come back. She can’t slow down her growth so we decided to pause our busy Dubai lives for a year and spend more quality time.

I’m beyond grateful to have a partner in crime who always encourages me to get out of my comfort zone. Without you, I never would have thought about doing this with Katoa. ❤️ I can’t wait to see our lives unfolding surrounded by beautiful nature.

Bali, here we come again! ✨


Eid Mubarak!
May this peaceful occasion of Eid gives you all the reasons to make your life even more beautiful. 💫

For those who ask, you can meet me for group classes 💦 We are having the regular schedule back.

Monday 8:30pm Candle Light Dryp Flow + Stretch
Thursday 7am Bikram Express
Thursday 8:30pm Candle Light Dryp Flow + Stretch
Friday 7pm Hot Core Flow

Everything serves HOT🔥 See you on the mat!

Photos from EunSeong Yoga's post 07/02/2022

If you didn’t know…
I’m always watching 👀 you in the hot room! 😌🤣

Weekly teaching schedule 👇🏼
Monday 8:30pm Candle Light Dryp Flow + Stretch
Thursday 7am Bikram Express
Friday 7pm Hot Core Flow

See you on the mat!


Put your hands (or feet 🤣) up if you feel weird that today is a working day? 🙋🏻‍♀️

LVL75 will be adapting to the new weekend, Friday is no longer weekend but Sunday is, in line with the changes made by the UAE Government.

We have updated our timetables and moved Thursday & Friday classes one day backward. Please see my teaching schedule .dubai below;

Monday 7pm - Restorative Mindful Yoga (45m)
Wednesday 7pm - Sunset Flow (60m)
Friday 7am - Sunrise Flow (50m)
Saturday 9am - Saturday Flow (60m)

You can book through the LVL Studios app. 🙏🏼 Looking forward to seeing you on the mat!


It took a while 😉, but I’m back with my regular classes at the sweat hub ; join me for Candle Light Dryp Flow + Stretch, Bikram Express, and Hot Core Flow. 🙌🏼

See you on the mat!


Let’s high-five to celebrate that we got through with another crazy year.

Join me Friday Flow, at 9am tomorrow .dubai . It’s the last session of the year; we will breath, flow, and take time to reflect.

It would be only optional if you want to attempt an awkward high-five. 😉


At LVL Wellbeing (pronounced as ‘level’), our main priority is your wellbeing. Allow us to be part of your wellbeing journey; through online (live & on demand), physical sessions at LVL75 & LVL Downtown, along with many events.

We added early morning classes for those who want to start a day right - more chance to practice with me! 🙌🏼 Here are my teaching schedule, physical and live sessions.

✨LVL75 JBR .dubai
Monday 7pm Restorative Mindful Yoga
Wednesday 7pm Sunset Flow
Thursday 7am Sunrise Flow (NEW)
Friday 9am Friday Flow

Please book via an app ‘LVL Studios’ to save your spot.

✨LVL Well-Being LIVE LVL Wellbeing
Sunday 3pm GST Weekly Yoga
Wednesday 8:30pm GST Deep Stretch
Friday 8am GST Power Yoga

Please register via an app ‘LVL app’ to receive a link to join.

Feel free to DM me if you have any questions!


Dubai Fitness Challenge started today! To join the challenge take 30 minutes a day and do any activity you enjoy for the next 30 days. It was awesome to spend the first day of the challenge with this new community at LVL75 .dubai 🙏🏼

I’m teaching 2 new classes starting next week, so check out the schedule below;

Monday 7pm Restorative yoga
Wednesday 7pm Sunset Flow
Thursday 7am Morning Flow
Friday 9am Friday Flow

Hope you stay active and keep vitality through the challenge! 🙌🏼


When I used to take a photo (or I should say ‘photos’ till I get the best split of the day🙈) of a Standing Bow Pulling Pose wherever I travelled to. Well, I appreciate to be able to balance in it and get some opening in body now. 😅

It’s interesting how your focus shifts. What matter the most at the moment is how my body feels when I practice rather than how it looks or how much progress I achieve. I say it often when I teach these days, but I have to admit that it has taken a while for me to practice it. 🙏🏼



Excited to have more group classes at LVL75 starting tomorrow!

Monday 7pm Restorative Mindful Yoga
Wednesday 7pm Sunset Flow
Friday 9am Friday Flow

Book through ‘LVL Wellbeing’ app to save your spot.

.dubai with
Slow Down the Pace of Life with our NEW Class - Restorative Mindful Yoga

Restorative yoga is an excellent opportunity to disconnect from the frenetic activity of daily life and let your speedometer return to 0 mph.

It offers a welcome respite among all the turbulence of life and helps to prepare the mind and body for the inward stroke of meditation and deepened awareness.

Moving slowly through the poses allows you to explore your mind and body at a steady and natural tempo.

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Ubud?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Hubby finally decided to take his toys out, pissing off all ducks to no end.Counting the many blessings of getting to ca...
#dubai30x30 #newclasses Dubai Fitness Challenge started today! To join the challenge take 30 minutes a day and do any ac...
Desk Flow with EunSeong



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