Home of Synergy, Cobh Videos

Videos by Home of Synergy in Cobh. Energy Practitioner ~ Holistic Therapist ~ intuitive medium

It can be stormy.
It can get uncomfortable.
Things can get choppy and you might not be able to see clearly.

But things are moving, all the above means things are coming up to the surface so they can then be washed away. Your in a healing process just as the world is now. The lower energies must come up to clear away.

E-motion is energy in motion and that's exactly what we are seeing here.
Life is all a representation of what we feel inside. We create our reality.
When your unsure of what is happening just look around you and the answers are there.

Uncomfortable does not necessarily mean bad, it means letting go of what is not for you anymore. It's showing you what you don't need to bring with you going forward. That's a blessing if you change your perception and look at it another way ✨️🌊🙏

#clearing #energyinmotion #mindbodysoulspirit #intuitive #guidance #healing #harmony

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It can be stormy. It can get uncomfortable. Things can get choppy and you might not be able to see clearly. But things are moving, all the above means things are coming up to the surface so they can then be washed away. Your in a healing process just as the world is now. The lower energies must come up to clear away. E-motion is energy in motion and that's exactly what we are seeing here. Life is all a representation of what we feel inside. We create our reality. When your unsure of what is happening just look around you and the answers are there. Uncomfortable does not necessarily mean bad, it means letting go of what is not for you anymore. It's showing you what you don't need to bring with you going forward. That's a blessing if you change your perception and look at it another way ✨️🌊🙏 #clearing #energyinmotion #mindbodysoulspirit #intuitive #guidance #healing #harmony

Your Knight in shining armour wasn't just a fairytale character, it's you! I want to take the stigma away from the word therapy and help people realise selfcare is not being selfish. Investing in you is investing in your family, children and future generations, because generational trauma is a very real thing and is imprinted in our dna. It's the gift we would rather not share. Theirs so many different ways to help yourself be the best version of you and you owe it to yourself to find which one suits you the best. If taking the first step is daunting then just speak it out in your thoughts. Ask for the guidence and direction, your guides & angels will show you the way and walk with you, you will always be fully supported in stepping into your power and being the best version of you 💓✨️ #mindbodysoulspirit #selfcare #investinginyourself #intuitiondevelopment #generationaltrauma #angelguidance #energyandfrequency #feeling

Your Knight in shining armour wasn't just a fairytale character, it's you! I want to take the stigma away from the word therapy and help people realise selfcare is not being selfish. Investing in you is investing in your family, children and future generations, because generational trauma is a very real thing and is imprinted in our dna. It's the gift we would rather not share. Theirs so many different ways to help yourself be the best version of you and you owe it to yourself to find which one suits you the best. If taking the first step is daunting then just speak it out in your thoughts. Ask for the guidence and direction, your guides & angels will show you the way and walk with you, you will always be fully supported in stepping into your power and being the best version of you 💓✨️ #mindbodysoulspirit #selfcare #investinginyourself #intuitiondevelopment #generationaltrauma #angelguidance #energyandfrequency #feeling

We are given all the ingredients we need in life, it goes without saying that to make want we want with it you have to shake things up and mix things together. You determine how messy it gets. Use fear to your advantage to drive and motivate you and know you are always guided through every step of life💓✨️ #healingthoughts #mindbodyandsoul #theintuitivewildflower #standinyourpower #metamorphosis #embraceit #guided

embrace it ✨️
We are given all the ingredients we need in life, it goes without saying that to make want we want with it you have to shake things up and mix things together. You determine how messy it gets. Use fear to your advantage to drive and motivate you and know you are always guided through every step of life💓✨️ #healingthoughts #mindbodyandsoul #theintuitivewildflower #standinyourpower #metamorphosis #embraceit #guided

We are all infinte souls having a human experience whether we like some of the human side of things or not 🤔🤣😇 #selfcare #StandInYourPower #errands #humanexperience #infinitesoul #intuitive #spiritualhumor

When you set out on your day today are you going to wait to see what they day has in store for you or will you take ownership of your day and make this day yours? We all can be very good at writing out and ticking off our to do lists in our practical life but do we set intentions for ourselves and our day as much? It's the little things that can make a massive difference. Setting your intentions and putting it out there in some form, be it on paper or out loud can have a huge impact on what energy you put out and draw towards you during your waking day. Energy is energy and its what makes the world go round. How we work with that energy and our own makes all the difference. We spend so much time focusing on one side of it we forget to take control of our own and how to work with it for our own betterment. How do you expect things to go if you don't even know what you want you see, feel, accomplish? If you are uncertain, unmotivated, scatty, negative, have no drive, then of course you will see elements of that in your day to day living. You get what you give in one way or another. The louder you are the more likely you are to be heard, and that's true in many ways. The most powerful yet subtle way to be heard is what intention you put out there and what you put into your energy field. When you set yourself up at the beginning of the day, know what you want, know what you can accomplish. Set your goals and walk that path knowing and being in your power. Take a few minutes at the beginning of your day to set your intentions, take ownership, and see your power unfold before you. Life dosent happen to you, it happens for you and with you. So don't follow, Lead the way! #energyflowswhereyourintentionsgo #beinyourpower #holistichealing #homeofsynergy #todolists #ruleyourownday

When you set out on your day today are you going to wait to see what they day has in store for you or will you take ownership of your day and make this day yours? We all can be very good at writing out and ticking off our to do lists in our practical life but do we set intentions for ourselves and our day as much? It's the little things that can make a massive difference. Setting your intentions and putting it out there in some form, be it on paper or out loud can have a huge impact on what energy you put out and draw towards you during your waking day. Energy is energy and its what makes the world go round. How we work with that energy and our own makes all the difference. We spend so much time focusing on one side of it we forget to take control of our own and how to work with it for our own betterment. How do you expect things to go if you don't even know what you want you see, feel, accomplish? If you are uncertain, unmotivated, scatty, negative, have no drive, then of course you will see elements of that in your day to day living. You get what you give in one way or another. The louder you are the more likely you are to be heard, and that's true in many ways. The most powerful yet subtle way to be heard is what intention you put out there and what you put into your energy field. When you set yourself up at the beginning of the day, know what you want, know what you can accomplish. Set your goals and walk that path knowing and being in your power. Take a few minutes at the beginning of your day to set your intentions, take ownership, and see your power unfold before you. Life dosent happen to you, it happens for you and with you. So don't follow, Lead the way! #energyflowswhereyourintentionsgo #beinyourpower #holistichealing #homeofsynergy #todolists #ruleyourownday

You can see your life as lessons or blessings Its all about perspective✨️ #gratitude #mindfull #wellness #homeofsynergy #energypractitioner #holistictherapist #pyschicmedium #beingpresentinthemoment

No one person is greater than another. We all have the power and ability within us. Some just realise it earlier then others. Do you want to feel the power you have within? Here is a simple way of doing so. This can be used for your own benefit to reignite your soul and awareness, empowering you and strengthing you sense of self. Everything is energy and we unlock our power when we realise how to work with that energy and use it to better ourselves, our lives and the world around us ✨️ #energyhealing #powerball #selfawareness #strength #heartchakra #solarplexus #awaken #energypractitioner #holistictherapist #medium #homeofsynergy #wellness #innerpower

Be the light you want to see ✨️ #shine #wellness #beyou #homeofsynergy #holistictherapist #energypractitioner #bethelight

The mind is a powerful thing! What we must remember is that we have the ability to change it, to use it to our full potential for our highest good. It does not control us. Our mind is ours and it works for us if we let it. We can always step back into the driving seat and bring it to where we want it to be ✨️ #mindset #power #perspectives #homeofsynergy #holistictherapist #energypractioner #wellness #healingenergy #nolimits

Most times what we need is not very complicated... Today began by two of my children not feeling the best so our usual Tuesday routine of school & work was scratched. We took ourselves out for some fresh air and nature and mother earth's healing medicine worked its magic. Life's not complicated, we are. What's best for us at times is to just be. By the evening time my kids were fully recharged, grounded and ready for the busy world again. Moral of the story, sometimes we need to check out of the rat race and check in with oursleves. Basic nature is where we began and sometimes getting back to it is all we need. #nature #rechargeyoursoul #holistictherapist #Grounded #energypractioner #mindbodysoul #wellness #air #selfcare

Most times what we need is not very complicated... Today began by two of my children not feeling the best so our usual Tuesday routine of school & work was scratched. We took ourselves out for some fresh air and nature and mother earth's healing medicine worked its magic. Life's not complicated, we are. What's best for us at times is to just be. By the evening time my kids were fully recharged, grounded and ready for the busy world again. Moral of the story, sometimes we need to check out of the rat race and check in with ourselves. Basic nature is where we began and sometimes getting back to it is all we need. #nature #rechargeyoursoul #holistictherapist #Grounded #energypractioner #mindbodysoul #wellness #air #selfcare

Why is it important to protect your energy? Protecting your energy is good for the mind, body, and soul as it helps reduce stress, promotes positive thinking, and enhances overall health and wellness. It can also lead to increased self-awareness, improved relationships, and a deeper sense of fulfillment in life. #boundriesarehealthy #mindbodysoul #managestress #homeofsynergy #protectyourenergy #healing

It's never too late to have a conversation with your inner child ✨️ #innerchild #conversation #adultself #homeofsynergy #healing #nofear #brave #courage #strength #hope #faith

The third eye is a center of energy in the body found in the centre of the forehead between the brow, and when activated or opened, it can enhance our intuitive abilities and help us access higher states of consciousness. This can lead to a greater sense of clarity, inner wisdom, and spiritual insight. In order to activate or open the third eye, some people engage in spiritual practices such as meditation, visualization, or energy work. Others may use certain herbs or supplements, or engage in practices such as yoga or tai chi to promote a healthy flow of energy throughout the body. The third eye can be seen as a symbol of our connection to the spiritual realm and our innermost selves. By cultivating our awareness of this inner vision, we can tap into our deepest wisdom and gain a greater understanding of the world around us. We all have one, some of us just forgot. You were told growing up to dull your "imagination" as you are getting older and things you would say, draw and even do was childish. Adults would be intimidated by your awareness and knowingness and would dismiss you, knocking your confidence. You would also become scared of what you could sense or see so it was safer for you to block. So it closed as you grew. With time and intention it can be opened again ✨️ #thirdeye #pinealgland #insight #awareness #senses #sixthchakra #meditation #whitelight #homeofsynergy #insight #knowing #open #healing #spirituality #cork #cobh #trustyourself #connect