Home of Synergy

Energy Practitioner ~ Holistic Therapist ~ intuitive medium


A reminder to all this page will be closing soon so if you want to move over to my Saoirse McCarthy The intuitive Wildflower page to keep up to date with my work 💜

Saoirse McCarthy • The intuitive wildflower Alternative & Holistic Health Service


I will be closing this page soon as I feel I've outgrown it. I'm grateful for all it has brought me and am so thankful to all who supported it.
As Facebook wouldn't allow me to make many changes with it I've set up a new page where I will be sharing my insights, spirit messages, workshops, offerings and more, so if you would like to continue to support me and keep updated then pop along and give it a like and a share, much love ❤️🙏https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61564671200510

Saoirse McCarthy • The intuitive wildflower Alternative & Holistic Health Service


We all strive to be perfect, feel perfect, look perfect, live perfectly.
We, knowingly or unknowingly judge ourselves and others and find all that we deem not to be perfect in each other.
Because in judging others we are judging ourselves.
We want to believe by having the idea of perfectionism, it will bring peace and love and an abundance of all that we feel we lack in our lives and ourselves right now.
What we fail to realise is that when we see our imperfections everywhere and within ourselves we are actually seeing the true beauty of it all.
They say that comparison is a stealer of joy but what many don't realise is that we compare ourselves to an idea of ourselves the most and when we don't meet that idea we judge ourselves even harder.
We see that despite our judgment, the day still begins regardless, we still see beauty all around us in this crazy world, in other people, in nature and in the glimmers of our daily lives.
In the moments that we giggle at ourselves through our silliness. In the acts of kindness we see people share with one another and in our moments of self awareness and clarity.

It's then we realise that this whole life and everyone in it is perfectly imperfect and that's the way its supposed to be.
We realise that judgment is the blindfold that stops you from being aware that you can tell yourself being imperfect is the most beautiful thing of all ❤️✨️


PLACES ADDED!!! Due to 24 hour sellout, we have decided to add places. So please WHAT'S APP to book ASAP ✨️🙏


Join us for a beautiful, relaxing afternoon where we will show you how to work with, and harness the power of your energy field, as well as using tarot cards to tweak your intuition for future advice and guidance. All in the stunning sea view setting of the Commodore Hotel in Cobh.
Please feel free to what's app on the number below with any questions and to book you spot ✨️🙏


As the world evolves so do we all if we let ourselves. I feel like I've shed another layer of skin and am letting myself grow into what's there for me, my soul purpose. With that, Home of Synergy has evolved into The intuitive wildflower, with my wings flying higher its finally time for me to step into what was always there for me but wasn't brave enough to do yet and that is teaching, Which is now added to my list of offerings.
Fear is not something to run from, it's something you should harness to get you to where you want to be.

I'm so excited for this long awaited stage of my journey and am so glad I get to share it with such beautiful souls 💜✨️🙏


A little story of how when you shine your light it allows others to shine theres ✨️😇

I was sitting in a café on my lunch break last week when I noticed a total stranger at the table next to me wearing this brooch. I was admiring it and wanted to tell him so when I finished my lunch and got up to leave I told him I admired it, knowing the spiritual significance of the symbol.

The same man just called into my local work today, not knowing me at all, to find me and gift me the brooch!

How one small moment spreads so much joy and allows the light to shine for many 💓✨️


The message today is letting you know just because there's a knock on your door doesn't mean you are obligated to answer. With everything you have a choice. Sometimes it's better to know that your energy is more beneficial elsewhere. Just like the yellow's & orange's here represent your inner power, creativity & identity, keeping some of your energy back for when its needed most for you to be in your power can be a more sensible choice. Not every situation you give your energy to is going to help you be the best you. Find the balance.Trust your intuition and let it guide you down the path that's right for you 😇✨️

Card by Mel Brown • Aboriginal Ancestral Wisdom


What if fairytales are real?
What if everyone could really be powerful?
What if some were put to sleep by others so they couldn't realise their power?
What if telling lies and not being authentic really does change how you look?
What if jealousy does make you look ugly?
What if your food really was poisoned?
What if a force really did cloud your reality so you couldn't see who you really are and the world you live in?
What if some people close to you and in power really don't have your best interests at heart?
What if some of who you are told are monster's and beast's really are manifested by other's because they hold so much love that is of no benefit to them and threaten there agenda, and they fear the love they could give and the change it could create?
What if you really do have a knight in shining armour and fairy godmother who looks out for your best interests and that you could call on at any time?
What if there is a small group of people working away behind the scenes daily just getting on with keeping things running and watching out for others?
What if there are others threatened by your inner beauty & light and unbeknownst to you conspires against you?
What if some people unknown to you see your true light and work in your favour for your highest good?
What if all you had to do was repeat a sequence of words every day to unlock your inner light until it flowed out into your reality and becomes your truth?
What if all you had to do to break the curse and free yourself from all that's holding you back was to see and feel that light, anchoring it within so nothing on the outside could pe*****te it and have any effect anymore?
What if all you had to do was stand in your light and let everything else go?
What if true love does conquer all?

Could fairytale's be real?

Saoirse ✨️


Life can flow better when you choose to stand out and let your unique characteristics shine rather then quieten yourself to fit in 😉 be authentically you with no apologies, it's who you were designed to be and know that you are fully supported in doing so 💜✨️😇

Cards by • Devine Abundance- Tosha Silver


Energy flows where your attention goes!
If you have followed what's in your heart and stayed true to yourself then it's all about to pay off. What's for you won't pass you by.
Hard work does not go unnoticed and we all eventually reap what we sow, in this case its in your favour.
Amazing changes are on route 💓

-Collette Baron Reid Wisdom of the Oracle


I love this definition of Spirituality, it's not all love and light it's embracing both the ups & downs. Knowing the hard times help shape you to who you are supposed to be on your growing path. It's knowing what triggers you. It's learning about yourself and how you interact with the worlds and how the worlds interact with you. It's knowing that your state of being is reflected in your reality so to get to where you want to be you have to feel it and to be it, you must clean house within. It's knowing what to let go and when to let it go. It's about knowing what to keep and when to keep it. It's knowing that feelings, judgements and experiences aren't forever but are there at exactly the moments they are supposed to be, that goes for love, passion, excitment and that goes for anger, hurt and betrayal. It's knowing that you are not your ego so not to let 'want' take over your time. It's about accepting what is and in turn let what's for you come to you. It's about not searching but seeing what is already there. Being aware ✨️


It can be stormy.
It can get uncomfortable.
Things can get choppy and you might not be able to see clearly.

But things are moving, all the above means things are coming up to the surface so they can then be washed away. Your in a healing process just as the world is now. The lower energies must come up to clear away.

E-motion is energy in motion and that's exactly what we are seeing here.
Life is all a representation of what we feel inside. We create our reality.
When your unsure of what is happening just look around you and the answers are there.

Uncomfortable does not necessarily mean bad, it means letting go of what is not for you anymore. It's showing you what you don't need to bring with you going forward. That's a blessing if you change your perception and look at it another way ✨️🌊🙏


Your Knight in shining armour wasn't just a fairytale character, it's you!

I want to take the stigma away from the word therapy and help people realise selfcare is not being selfish. Investing in you is investing in your family, children and future generations, because generational trauma is a very real thing and is imprinted in our dna. It's the gift we would rather not share.

Theirs so many different ways to help yourself be the best version of you and you owe it to yourself to find which one suits you the best.

If taking the first step is daunting then just speak it out in your thoughts. Ask for the guidence and direction, your guides & angels will show you the way and walk with you, you will always be fully supported in stepping into your power and being the best version of you 💓✨️


We are given all the ingredients we need in life, it goes without saying that to make want we want with it you have to shake things up and mix things together. You determine how messy it gets.
Use fear to your advantage to drive and motivate you and know you are always guided through every step of life💓✨️


Sometimes in situation's theirs no right or wrong, there just is.
Things don't just have one perspective, everyone has there truth and there reason, it dosen't make someone else's less valid.

It is what it is, and that's okay.


We are all infinte souls having a human experience whether we like some of the human side of things or not 🤔🤣😇


Always stand up for yourself, always value & respect yourself and ALWAYS celebrate yourself because you alone are who you need to be at peace with and you yourself will be the one who will have your back throughout life. Many, especially the ones you saw as closest to you will eye roll, disregard you and unknowingly begrudge, mainly because you no longer fit the version of you they are used to, and at times because your self confidence can be misconstrued as cockiness and selfcare as selfishness.
Society has a way of portraying people like that so many don't step into there power.

What matters is what you do for you. How much peace you can instill in yourself and that you continue to grow with the life you have been blessed with, as everyone has if they took there power back. No one else can do life for you but yourself, you need to be your own cheerleader and champion before anyone else can be, sometimes life shows you exactly who will be with you for the journey and who is no longer along for the ride.

Do you unapologetically ❤️🙏✨️

Photos from Home of Synergy's post 21/05/2024

Energy, the spirit and the soul.

Each time we incarnate, our spirit for that lifetime incarnates into a body. This spirit holds the energy which is in part the essence of our soul. Like a jigsaw piece belonging to it.
Each lifetime we live embodies another essence of spirit connected to the one soul of ours. We call it the oversoul.

Once we are born we are connected to this earth. We see our body as part of us, most see it as our identity.
What many of us fail to see and some only see when to much time has passed is that it is just a vessel. A shell in which this spirit is supposed to reside while on this journey.
Nonetheless it should always be nurtured. If we respect ourselves enough we should treat our body the same way.

What we do know and what has been proven over and over again by science is that everything is energy, our spirit is a fragment of energy from our soul, and energy can never be destroyed, it can only change form.

As we manoeuvre through life most of us don't get to the finish line unscathed. When something happens that touches us deeply such as, grief, abuse, addiction, accidents, any traumas and anything that brings dis-ease to our body and spirit, this results in us feeling and being ungrounded. A part of us knowingly or unknowingly feels it safer to escape being fully present in this 3D physical reality.

For some they are consciously aware of this happening, you hear it sometimes from people who are being attacked or who have near death experiences when they say " I left my body to escape the situation I was in. "
and some of us do it through substances.
But many of us are not aware that we do it.
In these instances you spirit does not leave you but you are not fully in your body and present either.

I see it at times like lining up a photo on top of it's negative and then slightly nudging one out of alignment with the other. You spirit is then out of alignment with your body, still connected but not in sync.

Theirs also instances of the spirit travelling further afield but always still having a connection to the body through the ethereal silver cord, this is similar to the physical imbilical cord that we are born with that connects us to our other life source. This scenario is called astral projection. Many of us do this as we sleep but we just pass it off as a crazy weird dream.

It's pretty simple when you think about it. It's our physical body that becomes tired. It needs to rest to process, to heal, to re-energize. Our spirit and soul is always connected to source, it is part of it. It is infinite. It dosent need to sleep so while it has the opportunity it travels and does what it can on our behalf. This is never without our permission, wether it's consciously or unconsciously.

When you wake you try and make sense of the 'dream' you had. Sometimes you understand the message in it all. You didn't realise it was your spirit bringing you healing while you rested through its journey, but saw it as your mind processing something you needed to understand. It in a sense is right but you didn't fully understand how the mind, body and soul did that and the process it took to do it.

Our spirit family visit us this way too through dreams. As our conscious mind is at rest and our infinite subconscious takes over where the ego has little control.

Our subconscious holds all our memories and knowledge throughout this lifetime and all other lifetimes in which we incarnated and all the times we didn't (carnate), when we were never in a body.
This is shown to us in ways such as when we hear stories of children remembering snippets of past lives, our the information we can access under hypnosis.

If only everybody could understand how powerful they are and what they are truely capable of. There would be so much less fear around the place and within.

People could be more present in there life and in each moment.

Life is all about experience. That is what we signed up for when we agreed to incarnate. Just like the spectrum of a rainbow we agreed to experience all of what life had to offer and that is the spectrum of emotions that the human body can experience too.
With that comes the lower energetic emotions and the highs (law of physics) you can't appreciate one without having experienced the other. It's our perspective and ego that would label an emotion and experience as good or bad, when in truth theirs always something to learn and knowledge to be gained from it.

We must remember this and not forget to move onto the next experience and emotion. If we linger to long doors open that are not meant for our highest experience. They can have us thinking that we belong there and are deserving of what it has to offer. Ultimately what's through that door is feeding off of the energy your spirit brings with it, because you have brought yourself out of your body to such a degree that it's is out there in the open alongside all other energies that can attach. By you going through that door you have unconsciously given it permission to.

Remember your power and you can take it back.

When you remember all the other beautiful colours and experiences your spectrum has, your spirit will gather the strength and courage along with source, universe or God, whichever you resonate with, and help you close those doors and heal so you can do what you agreed to come here to do.

Isn't it amazing to realise that for alot of us we have gone through this life alot of the time not in our body, and guess what?!

We didn't die! Life wasn't over!

Yes it is always best to be in your body and present to have the best experience we can for ourselves and our soul's journey, but it just goes to show life does not end when the body does eventually die, the only difference from my earlier example's is the ethereal sliver cord does disconnect spirit from your body, just as your imbilical cord disconnected at birth.
Your light, your soul and your spirit is energy and energy can never die.

When the time comes for the physical body to cease housing the spirit, all the doors that are meant to open for our highest journey open and that is the worthiest reward for our willingness to have the experiences on this earth in the vessel's we chose in this lifetime.

It's also how are loved ones are able to be around us from beyond.

Fear- false evidence appearing real.

Saoirse ✨️©️


As a working woman with 3 children and offering my time for holistic therapies, intuitive readings & energy work separately, I value & respect my time as its very important to me.

Thankfully in the few years I've been offering my services this has been the second time I've had a no show, I know many experience this.

I understand that life comes into play with all of us and things happen, but if you can take the time to make an appointment then at least make the same effort to let people know that you can't make it instead of having them wait around. Others who asked for my time could have gained from it.

Thank you.


While you are here make the most of it, do the best you can. Everything in our lives is a reflection of what is going on internally. Our mindset creates our reality so make it a happy & healthy mind to live in.

We tend to imagine different scenarios play out before we set them into play so why not tell yourself the best case scenario and see how that plays out for a change 😉😍💫

Ask yourself "what's the highest possible outcome that can come about from this situation?" and feed that energy, 💫

Then there can only be gains afoot.😉😍💫


Photos from Home of Synergy's post 04/05/2024

The amazing times we live in 💫

Earth is comfortable enough again to show us her true beauty.
On an individual level we for so long had to mask to conform, get by day to day, some in ways that only benefited themselves and had a negative effect on others. In closer days passed this way of operating and construct that had been established no longer serves many people because essentially it has got too uncomfortable. Uncomfortable for people to try and live day to day in ways that doesn't give them peace of mind and fulfillment anymore.
In a collective sense people are just not sitting back like they used and watching cultures, lands and people being ripped apart for selfish gains.

Everything we see on a global scale we can also see in our everyday living.

This is exactly how energy works.

As above so below.

People are learning the value of what they want to be, see and have around them.

How we are feeling is becoming very important as opposed to what we are doing, and even more importantly who and why we are doing it for.

This has been at the forefront of our minds for many years and lately for many it has been about how we have been managing our feelings, processing and transmuting is all begining to show on a surface level.

With the laws of the universe its enevittable that we would begin to see that in a collective sense.

Just like the spiral when we do the work with eyes open, peeling off and transmute the mask bit by bit more light shines through, that filters out and what we do is reflected in this world. Its the law!

We are comfortable enough now to stand in our own power and unmask, alot more then we have in the past, and as we can see and will for the foreseeable, Mother earth has matched and raised the vibration of the planet to align us with that (schumann resonance), as any mother should do helping those she loves along the way, and as she leads by example she, Mother Earth is unmasking again too!!!

Step into you, we all need to get a abit uncomfortable to shed the layers that are no longer for us and growing into who we truely are just as Earth does and just like the cattipillar. Be kind and true to you while knowing its safe to do so!


Theirs always more to get through deep down. No journey feels worth while unless we put the effort in. It takes bravery & courage but the result is freedom and the prize is understanding who you truely are 💫


As people we invision our lives going one way always assuming we have full control. We take for granted that the direction we are to go in is forward, our the only way is up, and if we have set backs, that the only way is forward again.
Life will teach us that if we hand over control to everything or everyone else but ourselves then we will inevitably go in a direction that only ourselves will not foresee.

That's OK, sometimes it will bring us back around again, giving us another opportunity to see on a deeper level how it is we got to that point in the first place and most importantly understanding why. Showing us that we can see things from a different perspective and as a result process things in a new unexpected way that brings us to a new cycle on our path, lifting a weight that isn't necessary anymore.

Life is about balance, theirs giving and taking.
A fair exchange.
Independence does not equal strength.
Sometimes we are on a the path where we are destined to surrender once in awhile, and when we do the right energy is there to support us.


It's alot more then just our home's and garden's that need a spring clean 😉💫


Imagine how different this world could be if people were to look at what they are seeing 🤔💫


This is the latest intuitive piece written by my father with his insight into today's world.

The Terrorist

Today, all around the globe that we inhabit, there are people who engage daily in the practice of connecting with their higher selves. They make these soul connections to communicate with the universe and the supreme source and creator, which most of us would commonly refer to as God. Many of those who have engaged in this spiritual practice for some time, would have fostered the ability to feel and read this universal energy. They would know for example that there is currently a great shift taking place in the earth’s energy and this in the time will manifest itself as a world very different from that which we know today. Empires will fall, monarchies will disappear, and humans connected to the light will begin to view and treat each other as God and the universe had originally intended. The balance of power on earth will shift, but there will always be those who will not want to change or relinquish power and obscene wealth.

What is happening before our eyes in the Middle East and Ukraine today, along with climate change, fractured politics, racism, hate and ever-increasing numbers of young people searching for alternatives to the old, organised religions, are but a few examples of this great shift. America’s ‘Ironclad’ and unconditional support for whatever Israel does in the middle east region is all part of what these two players in the far bigger picture, many believe has already been written. Are we looking into the opening salvos of a 3rd World War? It’s probably not yet a given, but America’s seemingly blind support for Israel in the face of the latter’s recent airstrike on the Iranian Consul in Syria resulting in sixteen deaths, has left this as a very live question, with some believing Irans predictable retaliatory response of missile strikes on Israel on April 13th, to have been what Israel had wanted. Even Hollywood seemingly has a role to play in this great change that’s about to be rolled out before us in the time ahead, through its latest big screen movie – ‘Civil War’ where once again fiction will imitate real life and with the universe not for the first time warning us that this is what could happen if we don’t get our act together. Many ordinary Americans have stated since the January 6th insurrection of 2021, that there has since been a feeling in the air, that the country is about to implode. Could the United States be the first superpower to fall?

Throughout the following pages of this blog, I intend to demonstrate that when it comes to power struggles around the globe, things are not always like how they are seen or reported from the outside, and how the power or threat of change often terrifies those holding onto power. If we take as an example the story of Jesus, we know that although he preached about peace and love and that neither could happen without people first being willing to change how they viewed the world, he was seen both by the Roman rulers and local Jewish Rabbi’s and clerics alike, as outrageously subversive and needed to be silenced. Indeed, had the term ‘Terrorist’ existed two thousand years ago, I think there’s a good chance that a sign with such a title would have been nailed above his head on the cross to which he was crucified.

What is terrorism?
The United Nations defines terrorism as follows: “Terrorism involves the intimidation or coercion of populations or governments through the threat or perpetration of violence.”
Unless I am mistaken, that interpretation, in one way or another just about describes and covers the criteria and reasons for every war that was ever fought between different nations on earth. Surely, when two nations or groups go to war with each other, it’s the group who inflicts the most terror is the one who will likely prevail.

So why is it that most of us might have a slightly different image in our minds of what terrorism involves? Perhaps, those stereotype images of foreign and crazed-looking men or women with bombs strapped to their bodies, have been developed over time by a mixture of carefully nurtured Hollywood movies, and establishment news and media outlets feeding us their global image of how the world should be properly ordered.

Those of you who read my previous blog “Love and Light Negates the Reasons for War.” Will not be surprised to hear me say that war – every war, is itself terror, and are designed and motivated to inflict terror on its enemies to persuade them to bend to its will, and this is in line with how the UN interpreted terrorism in the opening paragraph above.

If I were to put a hypothetical proposition to you, instructing that tomorrow, you will be forced to walk the length of one of two streets in a European city. You will be given a simple choice of which of the two streets to walk. That will be the only liberty you will be offered in this proposition. You will be told in advance that street A, will be a busy shopping area, that will have in its midst a parked car with a 150-pound bomb of commercially made explosives in it, primed to detonate thirty minutes after the city authorities have been given a warning of its pending detonation, offering just enough time to clear the public from the area.
Street B, you will be told will also be a busy shopping area, with a nearby residential area including a school nursery and a mosque. There will be no parked car-bomb waiting in this street, but there will be a no warning 2,000-pound bomb (of the kind currently fallen on Gaza) landing on the street at an unspecified time. Its intended target you are told, is the elimination of a terrorist cell meeting which is due to take place in a building close to the mosque at that time. You are also told; that this missile when it lands will likely wipe out the entire street.
So, my questions are thus, which street will you chose to walk, A or B? Secondly, from which street, A or B and its shoppers (survivors and non survivors) do you feel will have experienced the most terror? Thirdly, is there really a difference, or hierarchy in the level of terror experienced by victims of bombings i.e. good bombs and bad bombs? Or is the answer as simple as, war by its very nature and intension is to inflict terror, and all combatant sides and their governments and ruling bodies in every war are guilty of inflicting terror and causing what they often refer to as collateral damage?

So where did this term terrorism come from and why had it only entered the lexicon of political and military terminology of western powers in the 1960’s-70’s? This coincided with various guerilla fighter movements around the globe who were engaged at that time in liberation struggles against different colonial powers.

It has always been the practice of colonial superpowers throughout history to engage in campaigns of demeaning and dehumanising smaller power enemies and races who had gotten uppity by seeking independence from them.
What better way to undermine those independence struggles in the eyes of the wider world, than to replace the title of freedom fighter with terrorist – a catch all label that if given enough airtime and print is sure to stick.

Hence the term, one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.

If we look at the Irish war of independence from the period 1919-1922, we can get an idea of how those engaged in direct struggle with the British were viewed and dehumanised by their opponents. In the aftermath of the failed Dublin Easter Rebellion in 1916 – (a failure in military terms -but a huge success in leading directly to a greater national revolution against British rule in Ireland), the national mood changed from one of tacit support for Britain and its senseless war in Europe, to one of opposition to that war and with breaking the connection with Britain completely.
When WW1 ended in November 1918, British Prime Minister Lloyd George, called a snap general election for Britain and Ireland. After the ballots were counted, it emerged that Sinn Fein had won 73 out of the 105 seats allocated to Ireland in the House of Commons. The republican party refused to take its seats in London, opting instead to form its own Irish Parliament (The first Dail) in Dublin. Britain refused to recognise the Irish Dail and the wider mandate of the Irish people who had just voted for independence from it, even to the extent that it was prepared to use force and coercion to supress it. In so doing – was the Britain state not engaged in terrorism against the Irish people?

Following the establishment of the Dail, the Irish volunteer army, which had originally been established in defence of Home Rule in 1913, and many of whom later went on to take part in the Dublin Rising in 1916 had now given an oath of allegiance to the new Irish Republic and its democratically elected parliament - Dail Eireann. In so doing, the Irish Volunteers then became the Army of the Irish Republic – or the Irish Republican Army (IRA).
The first shots of the war of independence rang out on January 21st the same day the first Dail sat for the first time in the Mansion House in Dublin. The first two victims of that war were two policemen of the Royal Irish Constabulary otherwise known as the RIC, who were shot dead in an ambush in Tipperary. The RIC were recognised at that time as the defacto overseers/upholders of British rule in Ireland on a day-to-day basis. The republican army believed they would have to defeat and neutralise the RIC if they were ever to dismantle British rule in Ireland. They also had learned some big lessons from the military failure of the Dublin Rising of three years earlier, not least that they couldn’t possibly defeat the British superpower by engaging with them on their terms of conventional warfare. Republican leaders had seen how the Boers in South African had previously run rings around the British while engaging in guerilla warfare. Thus, the IRA was now going to proceed with its own brand of urban and rural guerilla warfare against British rule and its forces.

The Propaganda War

But there was also a second war taking place at this time – the propaganda war. If the British government was to command support for its war in Ireland, both domestically and abroad, particularly in America, it was going to have to sell that campaign being waged by the IRA, as not being a war at all, but rather a criminal conspiracy.

The British propaganda machine at that time, was not nearly as sophisticated and affective as it would become fifty years later when it was able to sell its military and covert role in the north of Ireland conflict to the world as being one of a mere neutral referee in a conflict between two religious’ tribes, with the assistance of a readily compliment media. Back in the 1919-1922 war however, the press in Ireland generally reported the news as and how it happened and that didn’t always work out that well for the Crown. One must remember that the British Empire had just come out of a great war, where trying to win hearts and minds through propaganda wasn’t one of its most important priorities, but now here in Ireland it would become a crucial element if success against rebel Ireland was to succeed. What Britain did and how it treated peoples in its other colonies around the globe went largely unnoticed by the rest of the world – out of sight -out of mind. But here in Ireland, on England’s virtual doorstep, such measures as had been deployed in other far-off colonies, might not so easily go unnoticed by the British public, or by Irish America which had a big interest in what was happening in Ireland at that time.

So how did the British refer to the IRA and describe its military operations?
Given that it was the RIC police, the very force that the IRA was now engaged in destroying, who were recording and reporting these IRA attacks/crimes to the press via Dublin Castle. They were not simply reported as individual acts or crimes, but outrages. Such emotive language was used to set the tone amongst the public here in Ireland and at home in Britain, that this was not a war, but rather a campaign of criminal actions being waged by crazed lawless gangs for a political purpose. The crown realised that if it was to concede that a war of independence was happening before the eyes of the world, it would only be a matter of time before it would have to succumb to it. So, every time the IRA shot a policeman, on the street, travelling on a train, or tram, or simply leaving his place of worship with his family, it would be followed by an official crown statement referring to the perpetrators as being part of the ‘Murder gang’ ‘Desperados’ ‘Cowards’ ‘Brigands’ etc. The terms Terrorist & Terrorism had not yet come into being, but if it had, you can be sure most newspapers in Ireland and Britain would have had it printed in bold across all its front-page mastheads at the time.

Had the British invested more in its propaganda machine, rather than its iron fist response to the IRA’s campaign, it might have had some hope of curtailing international support for Irish independence. Instead, with the arrogance that often comes with being a superpower, it chose to fight terror with terror by unleashing the Black and Tans and Auxiliaries on Irish communities. Now it was the turn of Sinn Fein to unleash its propaganda campaign to the outside world. The Black and Tans practically wrote the scripts for it through its wanton campaign of terror on civilian communities.
Republicans had their own weekly newsletter called the ‘Irish Bulletin’. The British tried to outlaw the Irish Bulletin, which only made it a greatly sought after read amongst the general publics in Ireland, Britain, and America. The vast majority of Black and Tan operations, involving, murder, r**e, kidnapping, burning of property, bank robbery, the smashing of newspaper printing presses, etc, were not so much directed at republicans, but at the wider civilian population, who in the eyes of the British overseers were regarded as the Sinn Fein community, Or as another British Prime minister Margaret Thatcher, would sixty years later describe northern nationalists as being part of the ‘terrorist community’. On the face of it, for many on the outside, those listening to and reading Thatcher’s comments, might have dismissed them as those of a harmless old imperialist who not long before had defeated Argentina in the Falklands war and who was now merely letting off a bit of steam over her frustration with the north of Ireland. However, those closer to matters on the ground in the north, understood exactly what the British Prime minister was telling them. Leaders among her own military and security/intelligence services, not to mention their loyalist paramilitary surrogate operatives on the ground, would have seen her words as a big green light that all nationalists were fair game.
After the British had sued for peace talks with the Irish and during the Treaty negotiations in Downing Street in December 1921, we know from the Irish delegation members that on December 5th, Prime minister Lloyd George made it very clear to them that unless they accepted and signed the Treaty (Peace Settlement) – which contained a number of unacceptable clauses, from an Irish point of view, not least the partitioning of Ireland, that a terrible all-out war would be unleashed in Ireland, on a level it had never witnessed before. One, after another, the Irish delegates signed the treaty. What the British had offered was not so much a peace agreement but an ultimatum. Was Lloyd George’s coercive threat of terrible and immediate force, not an act of terrorism against a democratically elected government?
Today the British establishment, still fails to recognise a war of independence was ever fought in Ireland, referring to the period of unrest between1916 to 1922 instead as ‘The Troubles’ much as it does with the later northern conflict between 1969 to 1997. Though it should be acknowledged, that in an act of true reconciliation, the then British monarch, Queen Elizibeth, did in 2011, lay a wreath at the republican plot at the Irish Garden of Remembrance in Dublin, in honour of those executed by Britain in 1916.

Human Animals

By now, most people witnessing the daily images of Israeli genocide in Gaza, have come to realise that the words expressed by the Israeli administration in the days after the Hamas terror attack of October 7th last, when it said it was going after and would destroy all those human animals, were not merely referring to those responsible for that attack, but all Palestinians inhabiting Gaza. It was clear that the word ‘Terrorist’ no longer had the desired effect or described how the Israeli regime viewed and hated those it wanted to remove from the face of the earth.

For those who were following this conflict on their tv screens over the last number of months and were wondering but weren’t quite sure if this was really genocide that was being played out before their eyes, would have had their worst fears realised recently when the Israelis murdered seven aid workers in three carefully coordinated drone attacks on their vehicles. The attacks, which were designed to deter through acts of terror, all outside aid organisations from coming to Gaza to distribute food aid to the starving natives. That a fully laden food ship was forced to turn back for Cyprus immediately after the aid workers were murdered, as well as other aid agencies declaring they would be pulling their volunteers out of the region due to the danger, exposed and confirmed once and for all what the Israeli strategy was for the extermination camp that is Gaza. “If our bombs don’t get you, the hunger will.”

Terrorist States

There is little doubt that there are few countries around the world today, apart from those with a vested interest (selling weapons to the regime), who are not looking at Israel as a terrorist state. The state of Israel spent the last seventy six years building up support and sympathy all around the world to its cause, using money, political lobbying and its very own unique super weapon called ‘the accusation of being antisemitic’ against anyone who dared to speak out about its apartheid policies in Palestine – the idea being, that if someone is accused of being antisemitic (therefore anti-Jew), it immediately shuts down all debate and discussion about how Israel is operating in Palestine. But the charge of being antisemitic carries little weight against protesting Jews who are also joining the worldwide chorus of condemnation of Israeli genocide in Gaza. Example - “Israel is a vicious, genocidal, nationalist nation.” - Jewish actress Miriam Margolyes. Morgolyes, is just one of many Jewish celebrities and clerics around the world who has marched and spoken out against Israeli tyranny in Palestine.

Today in Britain, many believe the Jewish (Israeli lobby) virtually owns the Tory party, and thanks to Kier Starmer, the British Labour party now looks like it’s in Israels pocket too. In Germany, the Israelis managed to recruit the most powerful EU country to its cause by nurturing and using the biggest (WW2) hangover and national guilt trip of any country in world history. But now, by some weird stroke of political genius since the 7th of October last, Israel has managed through its actions to shed most of that support and sympathy and have turned itself into a virtual pariah state.

If this Israel V Hamas conflict could be likened to a football match, and the game was now at the half time mark, I think the Hamas team manager would certainly be the happiest one on the sideline, particularly with the number of own goals that have been scored by the Israeli side. So, if Israel is a terrorist state, and the UN interpretation of terrorism seems to define Israeli actions in Gaza as such, not to mention all the first-hand evidence produced by hundreds of international witnesses and agencies, as well from the Palestinians themselves, then what is to be said about those who sponsor, arm, protect and fund that terrorism?

International Double Standards

What happened to that huge outpouring of sympathy and coordinated international drive of launching immediate economic sanctions against Russia after it invaded Ukraine in 2022. What had happened to the people of Ukraine was and is terrible but when compared to the scale of what’s being unleashed against the Palestinian people of Gaza, makes the suffering of those living in Ukraine look like a picnic in the park that was spoiled by bad weather. It seems this time around, all that the great and the good of the international community can offer the people of Gaza are mere words of sympathy. Words won’t protect them from the 2000-pound American-made bombs raining down on them day after day, and words wont feed them when the IDF block food conveys and murder aid workers trying to bring the food to them.

One question that many struggle to grapple with around all of this is why does the US still offer unconditional support to Israel in the face of the genocide its blatantly engaging with before the eyes of the world? To understand this, one must first understand the unique nature of that Israeli/US relationship. There are some who believe that the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his country holds and wields more power in the US than the person sitting in the White House. The Israeli lobby in the US, is so imbedded and powerful, that no US president would dare risk his or her grip on power by standing up to Israel.

The first and last US president to do so, Jimmy Carter in the 1970s when trying to develop a peace process that would lead to a two-state solution in Palestine, found that there was a big price to be paid for trying to force Israel to do the right thing. Carter, to his horror, failed to receive a second term in the White House.

Today, Joe Biden has even more reason to be afraid of upsetting Israel because this genocidal war is happening right in the middle of an election year, where he will be seeking a second term in the white house in November. That’s why Biden, while publicly questioning and cautions Israeli about its actions in Gaza, is simultaneously sending them more bombs, weapons, and money, courtesy of the US taxpayer.
But how ironic it might be, should Biden hand back the white house to Donald Trump in November, because of those taxpayers who simply cannot bring themselves to vote for continued genocide in Gaza. Thousands upon thousands of spoiled primary ballots, and mass anti genocide rallies in Washington and around the US have already given Biden cause to be worried. Could we potentially be looking at the political deaths of both Biden and the Israeli lobby in the US?

On the other hand, when one sits back and views the immediate response of various world leaders in their condemnation to the Iranian retaliatory drone attacks against Israel on the night of 13th April, i.e. the US, Britain, and France to mention a few, the picture suddenly becomes a little clearer. These are three allied countries with Israel, that have found it impossible to condemn its outright genocidal actions in Gaza, calling instead for a meaningless military pause to allow food in and hostages out. They also each, remained silent when Israel launched a similar drone attack on the Iranian consul in Damascus weeks earlier – feeling Israel should have the right to defend itself, but Iran and everyone else should not.
In fact, the US not only supported that attack on the Iranian consul, but immediately afterwards warned Iran to not retaliate. One doesn’t have to be a cynic to realise the whole point of the attack on the Iranian consul was to provoke a little diversionary conflict from Gaza that would help Israel to win back support and sympathy from some former allies who it lost because of the Gaza genocide, and which would also help Joe Biden to win back voters at home who had also deserted him because of his support for those same genocidal actions of Israel.

But what about Ireland’s hypocritical response to the Iranian attack? Taoiseach Simon Harris, and Foreign Minister Micheal Martin were fast out of the blocks in their condemnation of the Iranian missile attack on Israel but were remarkably silent when Israel sinisterly attacked the Iranian consul in Damascus less than two weeks before. How sad it is, that the Irish government projects weakness and fear, by posturing subserviently to the whims of the US/Israel/EU consensus, at the expense of the feelings and views of its own Irish people.

Soul Contract

Benjamin Netanyahu has been called many things since the October 7th attack. Firstly, domestically he has being described as a useless leader who had been facing likely corruption charges before this latest conflict erupted and the war has therefore been a god-send, allowing him to hold onto power, while leading others to outrightly accuse him of been asleep on the job with Israeli security not been ready for what Hamas had unleashed, not to mention his dismal record of not getting all of the hostages released. There is no question, but that Netanyahu is without doubt one of, if not the most unpopular leader Israel has ever had in its 76-year history.

Internationally, Netanyahu is despised far more, especially, and ironically by ordinary peoples of countries that are the closest allies of Israel, like the US, Britain, and Germany where rallies in support of Palestine have saw consistent crowds of up to a half million people march against Israeli genocide. Some commentators have even likened Netanyahu to the Anti-Christ and Hi**er.

Some would argue that Netanyahu’s campaign of genocide in Gaza has little to do with revenge against Hamas but more to do with bringing Israel to a place he had always believed it should be – in full control of Palestine as its naturally extended Jewish homeland. Netanyahu has never believed in a two-state solution where Israel and Palestine would live side by side in peace with each other. We know that Netanyahu doesn’t lie, and everything he has said he would do so far in this war, he has done, and he has stated time and again throughout the last six months that a two-state peace settlement will not happen under his watch.

As commander and chief of Israeli military forces, is Netanyahu now applying another of Hi**ers military policies of ‘Lebensraum’ the German concept of expansionism. Hi**ers stated objective in WW2 around ‘lebensraum’ was to take over non-Arian countries in eastern Europe, including Poland, Ukraine, Russia, and others, to allow more living space for German settlers in the new proposed Germania. We know what has already happened in the Palestinian West-Bank where it has been taken over by violent Israeli settlers with the assistance of the IDF. Is Netanyahu’s current campaign to oust Palestians from Gaza, the next step in that campaign of an eventual full Israeli take over?

If Hi**er was the 20th century’s Ant-Christ, is Netanyahu now the 21st century’s one? If not, he is certainly making a great impression of someone who wants to achieve that title. To suggest however, that Netanyahu is an evil Anti-Christ, would be to suggest the other allied leaders around the world that currently supports Israels military campaign, are also involved in such an evil enterprise, and what about Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, Yeminis Hutti rebels, and other countries who will likely get stuck into this arena if the conflict is allowed to escalate. Will the charge of evil also be levelled at them?

There is probably only two genuine and accurate comparisons between Netanyahu and Hi**er. Both were and are extreme nationalists who happen to have an extreme vision for their nation’s futures, which unfortunately involves the demise of others in order to bring those visions to life. The second comparison is that both held/holds such conviction and belief in their own actions, that they are convinced they are right and are acting out of patriotism. Right up to the very end, when he swallowed that cyanide capsule and put his pistol to his head, Hi**er believed he was right. Netanyahu’s earthly fate is still a work in progress, but his soul fate has long since been written.

As I alluded to at the beginning of this blog, what is currently being played out before our eyes in the middle east, is but part of a greater world shift taking place under the direction of the universe. Each of the souls of those players involved in this current drama - Israeli, Palestinian, American, Iranian, etc and others who might yet enter the stage if the situation escalates, would have agreed before they were born or incarnated here on earth, that these were the roles they were going play here, all under divine direction. In spiritual terms, this would be described as a collective soul contract. Each soul, while playing a particular role like an actor or extra in a pre-scripted movie, while not having a memory of that contracted role once they were born here on this free-will earth.
I began to tune in and explore my own soul journey about three years ago.
One part of that pre-scripted journey was to play the role of an IRA member, or as some would say, a terrorist in a past conflict. Today, because I choose to tune into my soul and connect to the divine light on a daily basis, it allows me to have a much broader view of the world and universe around me, allowing for a far better understanding of my past, present and future.

Every one of us on this earth has the ability to meditate and connect to their higher selves or soul, which in turn connects to the divine light and universe. It might be the easiest thing in the world to be cynical, negative and dismissive. Yet it’s the most incredibly beautiful experience to connect to the divine light and sit in Gods power and have all those questions that once held you back, answered. It also allows you to speak to loved ones who had previously passed over to the light. They are after all, just sitting in the room next to us, waiting for us to knock on the door and say hello!

- Kieran McCarthy

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