Leen Eats

Irish Performance Nutritionist

Photos from Leen Eats's post 25/05/2023

Get the low down on carb-loading 📈🥯

With the on the horizon, there’s no doubt many of you can benefit from this.

Whether it’s your first time doing the marathon, you haven’t come across the concept before or you’re saving this for future use; Carb loading is one of a myriad of strategies that will enable you to reach peak performance on race day ⛰

Carb loading aims to increase muscle glycogen stores, maintaining carbohydrate availability and preventing glycogen depletion.

Commonly referred to as “bonking” or “hitting the wall”, glycogen depletion refers to an exhaustion of your muscle’s carbohydrate stores, which act as the primary source of energy in sustained exercise 😵🪫
This can be prevented fuelling before and during an event.

A carb loading strategy may be beneficial to athletes competing in events greater than 90 minutes in duration.

Athletes that may benefit include :
🏃‍♀️Marathon Runners
⚽️ Soccer Pluers
🚴‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏊‍♂️ Triathletes
🚵‍♀️ Cyclists

Whilst this post provides an overview of carb loading, individual responses will vary and ideally should be conducted with an adequate fuelling strategy for race day under the supervision of a trained dietitian or nutritionist.

Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management 18/04/2023

Researchers from the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences in UCC are investigating the feeding behaviours, barriers to healthy eating, and dietary patterns of toddlers in Ireland.

Parents/Guardians with a toddler aged 18-36 months are invited to participate in our 15-minute online survey to help us to identify the main facilitators and constraints in the provision of a healthy diet to young toddlers.

The survey can be accessed at the link QR code above or in the link below and all responses are completely anonymous :


Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and you retain the option to leave any question(s) unanswered should you wish to do so. You maintain the right to withdraw from the survey at any point prior to completing the survey.
All information collected will be confidential and cannot be traced back to you.

The UCC Social Research Ethics Committee has approved this survey


Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management The most powerful, simple and trusted way to gather experience data. Start your journey to experience management and try a free account today.

Photos from Leen Eats's post 16/03/2023

A new Leen Eats post ?
Something seems a bit fishy


Race against the ghost of myself at the AAI games last Sunday ,unfortunately took the L in that one ⏰

Climbing one mountain exposes another peak. With every goal you accomplish (whether that’s a new PB, hitting a PR in the gym or finally getting to a desired physique), it doesn’t take long for your mind to wonder “what’s next”?

There’s no doubt that never being satisfied is a useful motivator in its own respect but I’m slowly beginning to see the beauty in appreciating the processes that got you to that desired goal in the first place. Without falling in love with the processes that get you to your goal, not only will you never be satisfied but you’ll be eternally frustrated too. Falling in love with the process will bring more long term satisfaction than accomplishing a goal will do.

Moral of the story:

Set goals but don’t get hung up on them either, just focus on what you can do that can get you there , that’s what will are the journey that bit easier.

PS. Do enjoy the big wins when they come, it’s not something that comes around every day

Photos from Leen Eats's post 19/07/2022

From looking out the window this morning, I feel that this post could well be a day overdue 🤣

With the relentless heatwave over the last week (not complaining) , many have struggled to adapt in order to maximise their performance in the heat.

Hopefully this post will help anyone training or competing in the heat over the next few weeks to make the most of their performance


I am excited to announce that I am currently taking on clients for 1-1 Performance Nutrition Coaching 🍎🍏

Having recently completed my final year exams, I am delighted to announce that as of last week I have qualified as a Nutritional Scientist having completed my BSc in Nutritional Sciences in UCC

As an athlete myself having competed at a national and international level in middle distance athletics over the past 6 years, I have gained an understanding the multitude of factors that influence our performance and well being as well as the multi factorial influences on an athlete’s dietary choices.

From my time as a student athlete in university, I learned that strain in striking the right work /life/ athletic balance between focusing on athletic performance, work life/studies as well as your personal well-being. Optimising your approach to nutrition is one of multiple ways that can help you to achieve high performance on and off the field.

I have extensive experience working with athletes in endurance , field and power based sports ⚽️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏋️

What’s included in the 1-1 performance programme ?
▪️ 1-1 Consultation with a qualified Nutritional Scientist
▪️ Comprehensive Dietary Assessment
▪️ Personalized & Sport Specific Dietary Advice
▪️ Sport Specific Fuelling Strategies for Endurance Athletes
▪️ Sample Meal Planning
▪️ Sport specific/ personalised guidance on the use of dietary supplements /ergogenic aids

For all enquiries drop me a DM or an email:
[email protected]


As Baku showed yesterday, even Ferrari have engine failures 💥💥💥

A poor attempt at racing followed by an enjoyable days pacing @ the Leevale Sports

Learn, adapt, move on & trust the process….

National Seniors 🔜


Before you hop into your recovery boots like Lebron, make sure that you’ve nailed the basics and replace any lost fuel and fluids after exercise.

What we eat (or don’t eat) after we exercise haha a major impact on our performance and arguably can be more impactful than what you consume immediately before exercise (Think of the long term impact on performance rather than an acute effect).

Ensuring that you consume protein and carbohydrates in sufficient quantity after exercise is essential to maximising any adaptions from training and in ensuring that you are recovered sufficiently to maximise the benefits from your next training session or event.

Many will find that their appetite may be slightly suppressed after exercising and that after exercise, eating any food will be the last thing on your mind. Unfortunately waiting too long to refuel after exercise or consuming insufficient carbohydrates / protein can have a detrimental effect by delaying the recovery & adaptation processes.

With the goal of optimising training adaptions and promoting muscle repair and recovery, the focus of the post workout meal is on protein and carbohydrates

Carbohydrates provide the most effective source of fuel to muscles in the form of glycogen, consuming carbohydrates after exercise has been shown to enhance muscle recovery.
Consuming carbohydrates soon after exercise is more effective at restoring muscle glycogen due to the hormones secreted during and after exercise (I.e Insulin)

The aforementioned hormonal secretions combined with increased gut permeability after exercise will result in increased absorption of carbohydrates and proteins in the post exercise window (Think up to 1 hour). Consuming approximately 25-30 g of protein immediately after exercise has been shown to be most effective in maximising muscle protein synthesis; the driving process for muscle repair and recovery. Consuming protein alongside carbohydrates has also been shown to be more effective at replenishing muscle glycogen than consuming a higher amount of carbohydrates alone!!

Moral of the story:
When recovery is the goal, protein and carbohydrates are the key and don’t forget to REHYDRATE !

Photos from Leen Eats's post 27/05/2022

Saw a great quote posted by yesterday ; “We don’t eat nutrients, we eat food that contains nutrients” 🍎 🥦 🍝

Within the realm of nutritional science there’s often a major focus on the numbers which is great in its own respect but without translation into relevant food or dietary based solutions, we will never truly see the results these numbers promise.

With that quote in mind, I thought it would be a great time to post some sample meals based on yesterday’s post, that you could trial before your next training session 🏃‍♂️ 🏊‍♀️ 🚲

Photos from Leen Eats's post 26/05/2022

Showing some Liverpool love with today’s colour way ahead of the big game in Paris this weekend

One thing that athletes always seem to have a lot of confusion about is what to eat before exercise. The most important thing to remember is not to overcomplicate it. The effects from food that you eat on the day of a competition pales in comparison to the effect of your dietary composition as a whole.

With regards to the pre-event new, the take home message is :
Don’t overcomplicate it

Whether it’s race day or game day, is not the time to start experimenting with new foods, sports drinks , gels or functional food products. That’s what training is for.

The main objectives of the pre-event meal are to :
1. Ensure there is an optimal amount of available carbohydrate for use during exercise
2. Prevent Stomach Upset

Contrary to much of the pseudoscience available on the internet, when maximising energy and optimising sports performance are the goals, carbs are king 🤴

Carbohydrates are the most efficient source of fuel for skeletal muscle based off its efficacy during aerobic respiration. As a result, improved carbohydrate availability and improved carbohydrate utilisation have consistently been shown to result in increased exercise performance . This highlights why carbohydrates are a key component of the pre-event meal.

Inadequate carbohydrate intakes in athletes have been shown to have detrimental effects on performance in competition and training as well as impairing recovery and leading to increased irritability and susceptibility to infection.

High GI / low fibre foods are often a major component of the optimal pre-event meal. This is primarily as a precaution to prevent any unnecessary stomach upset during exercise. High GI carbohydrates (simple carbohydrates) are digested a lot quicker than high fibre, low GI foods. Whilst slow releasing carbohydrates are targeted in everyday meals, the goal of the pre-event meal may initially appear counter intuitive however it’s important to remember the goal of optimising available carbohydrates for exercise. As a result , High GI carbs/ simple carbohydrates may prove effective in ensuring this goal is met.

Photos from Leen Eats's post 17/05/2022

Getting through the end of final year like…..

Photos from Leen Eats's post 15/05/2022

Optimising protein intakes by ensuring through consuming high quality sources of protein and maximising protein timing is essential to maximise recovery and to maximise the benefit from training.

Spreading your protein intake into smaller doses (Approx 20-30g) consumed every 3-4 hours has been shown to have a greater benefit to muscle repair and recovery by consuming larger doses of protein less frequently.

Consuming protein as soon as possible after training to optimise rates of muscle repair and recovery. Consuming protein with a carbohydrate rich food after exercise has also been shown to optimise the replenishment of muscle glycogen stores, ensuring you have enough energy to make the most of your next training session.

In other news, I am delighted to announce that having just completed my final year exams, I will be taking on new clients for 2022. For all enquiries drop me a DM or email 📨


One of the most common things that I’ve seen athletes struggle with is in over complicating their approach to sports nutrition.

Whilst the use of various ergogenic aids, recovery tools and supplements can play a role in the enhancement of exercise performance, their importance should not be overstressed either. Without a sufficient foundation in place, you will not be in the position to reap the rewards of these specific training, recovery and nutrition aids.
These foundations should broadly focus on having a consistent sleep schedule , properly structured training regimen and from a diet that is sufficient in energy, macro and micronutrients to meet your needs.

🔥 In striving for peak performance, many athletes often overlook what is perhaps the most detrimental factor in performance and that is the intake of sufficient calories to meet their needs. Energy requirements will fluctuate from day to day depending on your training load and it is essential that you adapt your intake to meet any change in your needs.

⛽️ The importance of sufficient carbohydrate intake should not be understated. Carbohydrates are used as the central fuel source by the muscles in intense exercise. Carbohydrate intake is also necessary to restore muscle glycogen storage after exercise, playing a major role in the recovery process. Carbohydrate loading strategies and the intake of carbohydrates during exercise are extremely important in endurance and ultra endurance events (< 1 Hour)

🍎 Another important addition to the performance checklist would be to ensure that you consume a variety of different foods (I.e Fruits & Vegetables ) in an effort to safeguard against micronutrient deficiency.

💪 Protein is essential to repair and build muscle after exercise. Protein intakes should be spread across 4-5 servings per day to maximise the rates of protein synthesis. Ensuring that protein sources are of a high quality is also critical to maximising protein synthesis.

If you have any questions on anything above or on how these principles can be adapted to your own performance goals, feel free to reach out by dropping a DM or by sending an email to [email protected] 📨


Problems hit the gym, they all workout ⚒️

Been focusing on nailing all the fundamentals this winter. Looking forward to seeing what lies ahead in 2022.

Next Stop: Indoor Season 👟📈

For anyone setting out to make a real change this new year, remember this:

There are 365 days in a year not 30. Sustained consistent action will always reap greater rewards than any quick fix.

Equally remember that when obstacles get in the way, your progression this year will be the product of how you spent the rest of the year and there’s plenty of time to get back on track after a setback.

Whether you start fast or slow, make the most of each of your 365.

Photos from Leen Eats's post 16/10/2021

Student Stir Fry ~ Serves 2 👨‍🎓 👩‍🎓

This is a really simple dish and any leftovers can keep well in an air tight container for the next day !

Wholegrain / Basmati Rice (250g) 🍚
3 Eggs 🥚
A handful of Cashew nuts 🥜
Mixed frozen Vegetables (I used a mix with chopped green beans, carrots and peas here) 🥬🥦
Mixed peppers ~ Approx 100g
Dark Soya sauce (3tbsp)
Tbsp Olive Oil (To fry 🍳)
Spices (1/2 -1 TSP ) / Alternatively store bought curry powder can work well with the addition of parsley and garlic

Bay Leaf
Tsp of garlic Purée / 1 Garlic clove 🧄


1. Boil the rice for 8-10 mins and drain
2.Scramble 2 of the eggs ( I typically add a light splash of milk for this although it’s possible without it! )
3. Add the oil to the pan set the hob to a medium heat
4. Fry the frozen veg and peppers until they start to soften (5-6mins)
5. At this point add the cashews, spices and garlic
6. Mix thoroughly and fry for 2-3 mins
7. Add the rice and scrambled egg, mix well and add the soy sauce. (2-3 mins)
8. Soya sauce can be added to preference but typically until a similar golden colour is seen throughout
9. Crack the third egg over the mixture , mix well and fry for another 2-3 mins
10. Enjoy 😉

This recipe can also be a great basis for any chicken or beef stirfry ! If preparing a chicken or beef stirfry I would recommend frying the chicken or beef for 5 mins before adding any vegetables 🌽 🌶

Photos from Leen Eats's post 10/09/2021

The supplement series returns with today’s supplement in focus being L-Carnitine 🔥

L-Carnitine is a popular supplement that has been shown to have minor effects if any on energy production in endurance exercise. As with any supplement, this effect is minor and won’t make up for poor sleep, inconsistent training or erratic nutrition habits.

L-Carnitine was best known as a supplement that could aid weight loss although there is very little scientific backing to show that this was the case.

If there is any supplement that you would like a post on in the future, make sure to let me know in the comments below 📨

As always if you have any questions don’t hesitate to let me know🙏


Plants can be strong too 💪🌱

I have discussed many important considerations for for plant based diets at length on the page before and the core message stays the same.

Whilst it is very possible to eat well and thrive when following a plant based diet, it’s important to remember that not all nutrient sources are created equally.

This occurs due to variances in the nutrient and in this case protein availability.

Protein quality refers to amino acid composition and the digestibility of the protein.

Complementing proteins involves combining different protein sources to reach a full amino acid composition I.e peanut butter with whole wheat bread.


Episode 10 of the Podcast is now available on and 🎤 🎙

Back after a brief Summer hiatus, Paudie & I gave our take on the events that went down in Tokyo over the last few weeks. We took a look back at a games full of World & Olympic records, the greatest upsets as well as giving our take on some of the more unique events that took place during the games

Ahead of the Q&A for episode 11, make sure to send your questions to Ben Leen Smith 🍎] or Paudie]

We hope you enjoy this episode and as always don't forget to follow us on instagram Ben Leen Smith 🍎] & Paudie]. You can also find us on youtube Leen Eats Paudcast . As always please don't forget to like, subscribe and share if you enjoy the podcast.


If you enjoyed episode 9 of the podcast, you’ll be sure to enjoy the chat we had with on the podcast a few weeks back.

Nick is a world renowned elite sleep coach having worked with some of the biggest athletes across multiple sporting domains. Nick has worked with the worlds top footballers at the likes of Manchester City , Liverpool , Real Madrid , Manchester United , RB Leipzig, Arsenal and the English national team. Nick has also worked with the worlds leading cyclists at Team Sky & British cycling as well as work with the RFU, RFL and Olympic sailing teams.

As the prospect of a European Super league happily lies in the past, it is quite clear that in the event that there was a European Super League, Nick would be at the forefront of the league's sleeping habits.

In this episode Nick tackles many misconceptions surrounding sleep including the myth of 8 hours & blue light. Nick takes a holistic approach to sleep and places emphasis on  what we do in the hours spent awake having the greatest effect on the quality of sleep we get each night.

Nick also takes a look at the external factors affecting the wellbeing of modern day athletes and the strategies they use to gain balance in their routines

Nick is the author of the bestseller, Sleep: The Myth of 8 Hours, the Power of Naps, and the New Plan to Recharge Your Body and Mind. Unlike other books that discuss the importance of sleep , Nick emphasizes the power of sleep and gives a guide on how to optimize the sleep we get.

Episode 5 of The Leen Eats Paudcast is available on spotifypodcasts , , and google podcasts 🎥 🎤 🎙

Nick's book can be found in print and audiobook form on https://sportsleepcoach.com/ and it is also available on amazon.

For all enquiries find Nick on instagram or visit https://sportsleepcoach.com/

We hope you take something from today's episode and please make sure to share the episode across all social media platforms if you enjoyed !


Episode 9 of the Podcast is now available on , and .

In this episode Paudie & I explore various strategies on improving sleep quality. We also take a look at the importance of sleep and question some of the mechanisms behind why we sleep. We also take a look at some of the recent performances at the US olympic trials and the world strongest man competition.

We hope you enjoy this episode and as always please don't forget to like, subscribe and share if you enjoy the podcast.


Just in search of another 3000 meter race......

First block of races out of the way but there’s a lot more to come from this season yet 📈📈


The sleep series continues with a look at some of the negative effects of sleep restriction on sports performance ⚽️ 🏈 ⚾️ 🏀 🏃‍♂️ 🚲 🏊‍♂️


⚠️ The Power of Sleep is not to be slept on ⚠️


We were delighted to be joined by David O'Connor & Brian Conroy of for episode 8 of the podcast 🔥

Episode 8 is now live across all streaming platforms 🎙

DB beans is the coffee brand that is made by runners, for runners ☕️

Whether you’re using the (lightest) 5K, 10K , 21K or 42 K (strongest) blends, you will be sure to find a blend that meets your needs.

Check out or visit www.dbbeans.ie to shop their latest range

In this episode we take a look at our own experience in using coffee, some of the benefits of caffeine in exercise and some approaches to perfect the brewing and grinding of coffee beans.

David and Brian are two well established marathon runners from Kildare who met through their shared passion for running and their love of coffee. Stay tuned to hear the lads approach to finding a work life balance whilst running while they also take the time to share some tips and insights they have picked up during their own running careers.

Photos from Leen Eats's post 15/06/2021

Delighted to partner up with to take a look at the effects of caffeine on endurance performance 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ 🚵‍♀️

DB beans is the coffee brand that is made by runners, for runners ☕️

Whether you’re using the (lightest) 5K, 10K , 21K or 42 K (strongest) blends, you will be sure to find a blend that meets your needs.

Check out or visit www.dbbeans.ie to shop their latest range

Regardless of what brand of coffee you’re using, this post will show you that the potential benefits of caffeine are not to be slept on 💤

As always thanks to everyone for your support and if you enjoyed this post please don’t forget to like and share 😄


Episode 7 of the podcast is now streaming on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, YouTube and more 🔥 🎥 🎙

This weeks episode also marks the launch of our first official video podcast.

Keep an eye out for our YouTube ; “The Leen Eats Paudcast “ for some special behind the scenes content.

Thanks to everyone that has supported the podcast over the last few weeks and as always please don’t forget to like, subscribe and share on social media if you enjoyed 🙏


Episode 6 of The Leen Eats Paudcast is now live 🔥🎤 🎙

In this weeks episode, Paudie & I take a look back at the lessons we’ve learned since we began our athletic careers.

We reflect on the pieces of advice that we would give to ourselves if we could restart the whole process once again 🔂


Photos from Leen Eats's post 18/05/2021

Calling all pizza fans 👋 👋 (Calling everyone really)

It’s a wrap pizza 🍕

This is my go to recipe when I’m low on time or if I’m not in the mood to cook


2 X Wholemeal Wraps
Mozzarella(To preference)
Passatta - 250 Grams
Garlic x 1 Clove
Dried/fresh Oregano
Dried/fresh basil
Toppings (Optional):
Mixed peppers
Cashew nuts
Spinach & Pine nut falafels (Thank me later)

For the sauce👨🏻‍🍳

1. Mix the passata, oregano, basil and the garlic clove (crushed/chopped) in a bowl

There will usually be quite a bit of leftovers from the sauce, luckily this can double up well with some pasta 🍝

For the pizza:
1. Preheat the oven to 180 C
2.Spread the sauce evenly over the first wrap
3.Place the second wrap over the first wrap
4. Add the sauce over the second wrap and spread evenly with a spoon
5. Sprinkle the grated mozzarella over the wrap
6. Add some toppings of your choice
7. Enjoy 🙌

Photos from Leen Eats's post 16/05/2021

Whilst exam season might be coming to an end for many, having good structures and habits in place surrounding your study schedule can go a long way in leading you down the path to success.

Today’s post takes a look at some nutritional considerations for exam time 📝 👩‍🎓 👨‍🎓

If anyone has any questions or is looking for advice on training or nutrition, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via Instagram DMs or email 📨

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