Claire Osborne: Embodied Nature

Yoga teacher and therapist educator, Amerta movement guide. Teacher trainer and mentor. Yoga practitioner since 1994. Amerta Movement practitioner since 1997.

Teaching since 2001. Yoga therapist since 2014. Cork and West Cork: Classes, workshops, retreats, one-to-one movement and Yoga therapy. Specialist mentoring for yoga teachers.


Due to family illness all my weekend workshops and day retreats are cancelled for the forseeable future.

Other work will continue: Weekly classes are ongoing until mid June. Over the summer I will be sharing my chair Yoga teacher training in Galway and co-facilitating a four day retreat in County Meath (details coming soon).


I sometimes forget
that I was created for Joy.
My mind is too busy.
My Heart is too heavy
for me to remember
that I have been
called to dance
the Sacred dance of life.
I was created to smile
To Love
To be lifted up
And to lift others up.
O' Sacred One
Untangle my feet
from all that ensnares.
Free my soul.
That we might
and that our dancing
might be contagious.

Yoga Retreat Day 22/02/2024

Still spaces for this nature-inspired yoga retreat day in West Cork!

Yoga Retreat Day A day of mindful Yoga, breathing practices, movement and relaxation.


Seated version of Trikonasana - the triangle pose. A great variation for those who are a bit unsteady on their feet, or find the full pose is too much for their back, or pelvis. For even more support rest your bent elbow on the front knee for support and lean onto it. A nice one for days when you feel tired. it opens the chest and collar bones, supporting the breathing. The gentle twist gently of this pose massages the abdominal organs and digestive system, the abdominal muscles are used to move in and out of the pose. move in and out in time with your breath, or for a bit more work, stay there for up to 5 breaths. only have the arm in the air for a brief moment if you have issues with your circulation or blood pressure. If you have neck issues, keep the head in a neutral position. Bending forwards over the legs in a seated version of child pose is a nice thing to do before moving onto the other side.


A day for you, to come home to your true nature: Immersd in a beautiful space surrounded by fields and mountains in the soft west cork countryside, you'll be gently and mindfully guided through asana, meditation, mudras, mantras, restorative yoga and yoga nidra, as well as having time in nature to rest, reflect and be recharged. All levels of experience are extremely welcome. Led by an experienced yoga teacher and yoga therapist.
Tickets on sale here:




Nodes of Growth
Cherise Pollard

for Molly Peacock

My mother thinks she cannot grow
the initial blooms shrivel,
turn to dust on the window ledge.
The stalk, once green, becomes
a dry stick, soon appraised
for the same value she gives
every crinkled brown leaf:

She cut it off.

She did not know to wait
to examine turgid base leaves,
jungle vibrant, roots brimming
the pot’s rim, testing the drainage holes,
seeking sun, trickling water.

It must work harder now
to bloom once the stem
has been removed.

At middle age, I appreciate
the orchid’s beauty: its shy blooms
burst from a dead stick:
nodes of growth emerge
as tender youth did once.

I got my first orchid at fifty.
I was
unable to accept the end of my body’s
The aura of attraction
I secretly
cheered for the orchid
whose tender nodes explode
against our assumption that
beauty only bursts from
the sweet young green.


Sometimes offering direction, sometimes giving space for whatever arises, this workshop will be based on the theme of relating. We'll explore how we share space together, in duos, in threes, in a large group - our movement is a form of expression offering and receiving, play, interaction, communication. Exploring relationship dynamics and our own patterns in a light-hearted , playful and sacred way. This is a practice of being in the moment, opening to presence, to compassion, to life.
Sometimes offering direction, sometimes giving space for whatever arises, we'll explore inter-indepen-dance, can I see myself before I see you, how can I offer to myself, receive myself, and also offer to and receive the other? The art of receiving, relaxing opening to receive and be received. Movement as communication. Receiving my own story, receiving the other.
In being seen, heard and received, healing and blossoming happens, and as we offer for the other we also blossom.
Conscious relating is holy, sweet, playful, sometimes difficult, and always sacred dance.


Remind me why i'm doing a Masters? Working til midnight to get an assignment in on time that i've been working on since christmas!!! Argghhhh, brain fried!!

Photos from Claire Osborne: Embodied Nature's post 27/01/2024

February events:
NEW mum and Baby class on Friday mornings
Amerta Movement afternoon workshop Saturday10th
Yoga Retreat Day, Saturday 24th.

Monday classes continue as usual.
All info on my website

To get regular updates, sign up to my newsletter by sending me a message and your email address.


Post-natal yoga class for mums with babies up to crawling age. Care for yourself whilst having fun with your little one and meeting other mums. Classes are in the spacious and warm studio of An Sanctoir near Ballydehob. Lots of room for all your baby gear, and a clean wooden floor for babies to roll around on - it's wriggle time for them too!!
6 week course, sorry no drop ins.


Lea and I are weaving magic again in 2 weeks time. Places limited so make sure to contact one of us to book your spot.


Let love guide you.


Just 2 places left for this 6 week course starting on the 19th (next Friday). Do you want time to rest and unwind in a nourishing, safe space, time to be with your self, connect gently with your body and breath, settle your mind, drop into your heart? Claire is an experienced teacher and yoga Therapist who will guide you gently for the hour and a quarter. Contact me to book or to be put on the waiting list for the next course - 0862134080.

Photos from Claire Osborne: Embodied Nature's post 03/01/2024

2 yoga classes starting on Monday next week (8th). Pre-booking essential - 5 week course 62euros. All welcome.

Photos from Claire Osborne: Embodied Nature's post 29/12/2023

weekly class schedule beginning January 8th
- Chair based Yoga for elders, stiff beginners and those who find it difficult to use the floor. 11.45am-1pm
- Yoga: Somatically informed Hatha Yoga, using Asana, Breathwork, Meditiation, Yoga Nidra. Beginners and experienced welcome. 7.30-9pm

- Rest and de-stress. Deeply restful class of Restorative Yoga and Meditation / Yoga Nidra. All levels welcome. 11.30am-12.15.
6 week course from Jan 19th - no drop in.

Monthly Amerta Movement deep dive. One weekend afternoon a month.

More info for everything is on my website
Or call me if you have any questions.

CONTACT: 0862134080


Empower yourself in 2024. Are you ready to take steps towards personal well being and transformation?
Whether it's a medical condition, physical ailment, life change, your mental health, or general imbalance that you would like support with, give me a call. I'm happy to have a no obligation conversation where we can decide together if what I offer is what you need right now to bring you on your journey towards balance, awareness and well-being.

- Yoga Therapy. Movement and creative practices for one-to-one and small groups.

- intimate day or half day retreats for a maximum of 4 people.

"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured
and endure what cannot be cured"
B.K.S. Iyengar

More about my background and work here:


Happy solstice everyone... Fire is crackling gently, the wind is tumbling like a noisy toddler around the house, Cody is extra fluffy after a day outdoors chasing balls, and us humans are getting cosy for the longest night. The light begins its slow return tomorrow. There are no clear endings or beginnings in nature's cycles, even as we enter midwinter, I found daffodil stems and fresh buds pushing up through the grass today. Done things are still dying and decaying, others are pushing their way into new life. Where are you at in your cycle now? Letting things go, shedding the old? Or feeling the stirring of new beginnings? We're on the threshold, looking forwards and back at the same time, suspended in the liminal dreamscape of solstice. 🕯️🌟❣️🌙☀️

Videos (show all)

The unseen life of a yoga teacher!
trees dancing in the wind and spring light



West Cork