Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.

Online Health and Wellness Coaching Service. HEALTH & WELLNESS COACHING SERVICE . MR. EMMET QUIGLEY. HWC & (RPN)

(PG H/DIP {LEVEL 9} APPLIED HEALTH & WELLNESS COACHING). MEMBER OF THE ICF. My name is Emmet Quigley. I live in the Dundalk area of County Louth, Ireland. My professional background is that of Mental Health Nursing with 20+ years nursing practice. Since 2019, I have a Private Health & Wellness Coaching Practice. I offer One to One Online and In-Person Coaching for Adults. What is Health and Well-b

Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 09/10/2023

World Mental Health Week 2023.
For World Mental Health Day Tomorrow (October 10th)

This week, we promote and celebrate World Mental Health Day, I wish to acknowledge the genesis of this event.

The World Federation of Mental Health started promoting Mental Health Day, back in 1992. Now celebrated annually this event creates a powerful platform for taking action to build awareness on Mental Health Issues.

Regrettably, while much progress has been achieved over the last 30 years, Mental Health still carries too much stigma and great inequalities in the Social Determinants of Health that exist for providing effective mental health for all currently.

This years theme concerns (Mental Health is a Human Right)

My posts focus on the Why, How and Where in our own mental health journey, where we can each build our Mental Health, so as to enjoy greater Holistic Wellbeing now and in the future.

This is a topic about (Ways to Build Our Resilience)

In times like these, which we are navigating great change uncertainty and the demands of achieving and maintaining optimum wellbeing in our society, developing resilience is key to health.

Should you find any of my posts be thought provoking or helpful, please like, share and comment.

I look forward to all the building mental health conversation learnings this week.

What does Resilience mean for you?

What have you learned about your Mindset and Lifestyle Habits which can either decrease or build your Resilience?


Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 18/09/2023

Reading and Mental Health.

Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 10/09/2023

Before taking health and lifestyle action, check to see where your Mindset is at. Where can shifting your Mindset improve your Goal Results?

Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 19/06/2023

As it is Men's Health Awareness Month, I am promoting awareness of our Mental Health and The Eight Dimensions of Wellness, which we all share.

Have a look at this post, perhaps it will inspire you to view your own wellness and where you want, believe and decide to make and take healthy mindset and lifestyle change in your Health and Wellness?

Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 03/06/2023

Learn About Mental Fitness and How To Build More of It To Enjoy.

Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 03/06/2023

Learn About My Online Health and Wellness Coaching Practice and Find Out More Via www.emmetquigley.com.


This is Day 7
(Last Day of International Coaching Week 2023)

This Post highlights how working with a Coach enables a person to identify (What they Want to Change) and Design a Clear SMART Goal Plan for Powerful Personal Growth and Wellbeing Transformation.

Ask Yourself, How can making and taking, specific, meaningful change improve your Wellbeing and Life-Satisfaction now and in the future?


Day 6 International Coaching Week 2023.

Snapshot of the Wellbeing gains, achievable through the Coaching Process.




Day 5 International Coaching Week 2023.

I like how this succinctly describes, What is Coaching?


Day 4 of International Coaching Week (ICW) 2023.
Coaching, it's an evidence based approach, with a kind of Transformational Magic.


Day 3 of International Coaching Week (ICW) 2023.

Empowering Change arises from making and taking Intentional Change Action. What would you like to achieve, through taking gradual and meaningful Well-Being Change Action in one area of your Life right now?

Coaching can support you in your Transformation Journey!

Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.


Day Two of International Coaching Week (ICW) 2023.

Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 08/05/2023
Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 08/05/2023

It is International Coaching Week (8th to 14th May 2023.
I wish to honour the Transformative benefits of the Coaching Process and Celebrate Coaching. I will be posting Daily Coaching Motivation and Affirmations, through this week.

I encourage you to be curious, courageous and explore How Coaching can Help you to Improve your Wellbeing and Life Satisfaction.

Perhaps, you can access a Coaching Partnership. through available Employer Wellbeing Supports or via an Individual Coaching Program?

My Best,

Emmet Quigley


Wellbeing Goal Comfort Zones

A Goal describes what you want to achieve in the future. i.e.
" I want to have better sleep or better stress management in the next 3 months."

A precursor to creating Wellbeing Goals is to support a Self-Compassion Mindset. This fosters a sense of us deserving to attain transformative Wellbeing and Life Satisfaction.

When we navigate Taking Change Action, we wrestle with Decisional Balance concerning the Cost, Importance and Benefits of taking the change action weighed against keeping things the same.

Building motivation, confidence and readiness for change requires harnessing positive emotions and optimism in our ability to take lifestyle change action towards achieving our Wellbeing Goals.

Understanding the "Why" of your Goals, builds your motivation and readiness to take goal action.

Here is a Questions to Tap in to your Goal Motivation ⬇️
Q; What will achieving this goal enable you to have/do more of in your life?

Setting Goals;
Sometimes we hold a specific goal, other times we may have a general goal.

Contrary to what some might think, if you are not able to create a specific goal, that is Ok!

You can start with a General Goal e.g. " I seek more energy" Then instil Excitement to Discover how you can achieve the First Step to setting a SMART Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Time-bound)

Before goal creation, why not reflect on your personal Character Strengths & Values & Ask; What helped you overcome past challenges? e.g. Curiosity, Bravery, Zest,
Perseverance, Kindness, Love of Learning, Gratitude, Hope etc.

What are your Top Character Strengths? Why not visit VIA Character Strengths Survey @
www.character.org to complete a Survey & Find Out?

Achieving Wellbeing Goals asks us to move through Fear, Learning & Growth Comfort Zones. Your Wellness Vision Goal Plan helps you move from Languishing to Flourishing.



Meditation Benefits;

Meditation Practices, have great scope for achieving positive well-being impact for us. Meditation practice is versatile and can be personalised to suit each individuals goals.

Mindfulness Meditation is a deliberate mental training focus practice which supports us to learn to slow our racing minds, increase our self-awareness, release negativity, promote self-compassion and calm our Mind and Body.

Meditation practices can promote positive emotions, optimism, improved physical health and sleep. Meditation has also been shown to reduce Inflammation.


Mindfulness Meditation Techniques vary. However most involve - Deep Breathing Exercises, Bringing Awareness to your Body & Mind.

The key is to start with small short term goals, for example;
" I will do 2 Minutes of a Deep Breathing `Exercise on One or Two Days this Week" and begin to enjoy short term rewards, while you strive to achieve and maintain a bigger meditation goal in the medium to long term future.

You can begin to learn how to use Mindfulness Meditation Exercises by (Getting in to a comfortable sitting position in a quiet calm space, focus on your breath, try a Deep Breathing Exercise and attune your awareness to the sensation of breathing air in and out of your body.

Allow your stomach/belly to rise and fall. Pay attention to your thoughts, try to observe your thoughts in an objective, compassionate, non-judgemental accepting way.

A helpful Breathing Exercise outlined above is known as;
(Box or Square Breathing)

Why not try it out for yourself?



Holiday Time is a great opportunity for us to practice gratitude, self-compassion and promote self-awareness for all the gifts of Health and Well-being, that are present in our lives.

Christmas can be a wonderful time for many, however for some it can be difficult to navigate for a variety of Health & Well-being reasons.

I wish each person the very best in achieving their own self-care and positive mental well-being, during the Festive Season and entering the New Year of 2023.



Work- Life Balance,
or Work- Life Harmony.
Which Works Best For You?

The Times they keep a changing for sure. As we emerge from the wide ranging experiences over the last two years, our lives undergo further transformation.

Outlooks have adapted, as have our focus on our Health and Well-being Needs. In line with Personal Well-being Transformation our views on the role of Work continues to be reappraised.

We have moved through Models of Work-Life Balance (WLB) and Work-Life Integration (WLI) to now arrive at a Work-Life Harmony (WLH) Perspective. This too is bound to evolve in the future.

The Previous Models, (WLB) & (WLI) directed a person to look at the structures of, What, When and How to best carry out the Activities of Daily Living. Think of (To Do Lists, Time Block Creation & Calendar Schedule) practices we use towards achieving the ever elusive Work-Life Goal Result.

However, Work-Life Harmony (WLH) adds the Question WHY? to the mix.
⦿ Why do you do what you always do?
⦿ How do you go about your activities of living and working?
⦿ Who is it really for?
⦿ How can my Work and Living both promote my Personal and Professional Well-Being Goal Achievement?

A (WLH) Perspective invites us to find ways to bring together the different parts of our our lives, through Mindful decision making. Over time this Action can bring us gradually increased Well-being and Life Satisfaction Results.

How (WLH) manifests for each person will be a unique experience. Each of us moves up and down a sliding scale ranging from (Work as a Means to an End) to (Work as an End in Itself)

Ask yourself,

What 3 things would you like to change to achieve more Work-Life Harmony in your Life?

I am curious to hear other peoples thoughts and experiences on this.

All my best,

Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 28/11/2022

Burnout Syndrome:

As we approach the end of 2022, I encourage you to take some time to Check-In with yourself and reflect on how your Life-Work Dynamics either promote or challenge your Well-Being State?

I reflect on Coaching individuals facing decreased Well-being and Life Satisfaction as a result of coping with Burnout or being close to experiencing Burnout.

Thankfully nowadays many Employers actively support their Employees to engage in Mental Well-Being Supports for their Goals of greater Well-being, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance Results.

Regardless of whether or not you have access to Employment Well-Being Supports such as Coaching or Counselling. It is each individuals Personal Responsibility to create their own Well-Being and Life Satisfaction Goals.

Preventing or Coping with Burnout Syndrome can be greatly improved through increasing our Self-Awareness around our Mental Well-being and ways to grow our Mental Fitness and respond to our environmental challenges i.e. Job Stress, so as to reduce our risk of experiencing Burnout.

As always, be self-compassionate and practice taking good self-care actions for optimum well-being.

If you feel Stuck, seek help. Your Well-Being State can move from feeling Stuck towards feeling Strong through you prioritising creating and taking Intentional Health and Lifestyle Habit Action.

All my best,


I'm Emmet. I practice as a Health & Wellness Coach. I established my Private Coaching Practice in April 2021. Prior to working as a Health and Wellness Coach, I practiced as a Registered Mental Health Nurse (RPN) for 20+ Years.

My Professional Qualifications:
> Health & Wellness Coach, (2019)
> Registered Psychiatric Nurse, (1999)
> International Coach Federation (ICF) Member.

◎Why Work With Me?
◉ My Coaching Focus:
I support Adults to Create and Achieve Well-Being Goals for ;
• Mental Fitness & Mental Well-Being.
• Sleep, Stress & Weight Management.
• Eating Well & Being Physically Active.
• Healthy Life-Work Balance.
• Life Satisfaction.

As a Health & Wellness Coach I help Individuals like you, to Create and Take Intentional Healthy Lifestyle Habit Change Action towards Achieving Increased Health & Well-Being.

Visit my website -
(Link is in My Bio)



Mental Exhaustion arises from Frequent and Long-Term Feelings of being Overwhelmed by the demands being placed upon us, in our activities of living.

Modern Life provides us with many challenges to live authentically, while achieving our Goals.

Recognising and acknowledging a need to create Change Action for Reducing and Managing Stress in our lives is the most important First Step to promote a Self-Compassion Mindset.

This creates a therapeutic space to explore -

What do I Need to Change?
What can I Change?
What Personal, Family, Community and Work Supports can help me right now?

When we pause and use self-enquiry to begin contemplating taking Intentional Health and Lifestyle Change Action we open ourselves up to increased optimism, motivation, confidence, belief and courage in our abilities to Create and Achieve Goals for increased Mental Well-Being.

If you wish to learn more about Stress Reduction and Stress Management? Please view my other Posts.


PJ Gallagher on mental health | The Late Late Show | RTÉ One 23/10/2022

PJ Gallagher, embraced his Well-being,through seeking help and sharing his journey, which gives meaningful encouragement and hope to others. He describes what living with Mental ill-health is like and what taking healthy change action towards Health and Wellness can achieve.

Stay courageous in your Self-Care and engaged PJ. You are helping to promote reducing shame about mental illness through embracing our vulnerability and recovery potential.

PJ Gallagher on mental health | The Late Late Show | RTÉ One Watch The Late Late Show live and on-demand from anywhere in the world at http://www.rte.ie/playerThe Late Late Show | Fridays | RTÉ One, 9:35pm Irish Time

Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 10/10/2022

(World Mental Health Day, 2022) Inspires me to Reconnect with My Own Well-Being Goals.

I Post My Own Wellness Vision and Goal Plan, as an (Example) to Show How a Person can Create their Own Wellness Vision and Goal Plan for striving towards Achieving Their Health and Wellness Goal Results, by Making and Taking Intentional Transformative Health and Lifestyle Habit Change Action.

It is my wish that my post will encourage a Person reading this to Take a Step Towards Creating Healthy Lifestyle Habit Change Action in their Life to enjoy Greater Mental, Physical, Emotional, Social and Spiritual Well-Being Goal Resuts, Now and in the Future.

I Offer Adults Online
1:1 Health and Wellness Coaching.

Would you like to avail of a Complimentary Discovery Call to Explore whether you and I can work together in a Health and Wellness Coaching Program?

Visit My Website (Link in Bio) to Find out More.


Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 01/09/2022

Why Create A Walking Habit for Weight Loss?
Are you in the Midlife Stage and Seeking to promote your Weight Management and striving towards a Weight Loss Goal? I am and this involves more than Calorie Counting alone!

Walking Outdoors helps to Improve Midlife Metabolic Health, without increasing your Hunger Cravings and also lowers your Stress Hormones (Cortisol)

Walking regularly (Minimum of 30 Minutes, 5 Days a Week) is one of the best ways to decrease our Stress Hormone-Cortisol. Lower levels of Cortisol reduces Body Fat, Food Cravings and supports improved Sleep. Healthy Sleep is vital for Weight Management Goals.

Health & Well-Being Benefits of Walking For Adults:

Walking decreases Blood Sugar. As we age, we become more Insulin Resistant. Walking (Outdoors) after eating a Meal helps to manage Blood Glucose levels.
◎ Walking aids Digestion and can reduce Bloating and improve Heart Health.
◎ Taking a 5 minute walk for every hour spent Sitting increases Mental Focus, Attention, Flexibility, Mood and Heart Health.
◎Walking promotes Improverd Sleep Health. Better Sleep
assists Weight Loss.
◎ Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) Activities include Walking, Gardening, Cleaning, Typing & General Movement.
All of these use up stored Energy/Calories.

Have You Created an Enjoyable Walking Habit Yet?

⦿ Picture how increased Physical Energy, Mental Fitness, Better Sleep, Rest and Weight Management can provide greater Health &
Well-Being for You to enjoy Now and in the Future?

⦿ What will these things help you to do differently in your Life?

⦿ How do you Look and Feel?

⦿ How does a Weight Loss Goal fit in to your Wellness Vision?

Question: Are you Ready to Invest in a Health and Wellness Coaching Program to Create your Wellness Vision Goal Plan with Me?

Discover the Transformational Results Coaching can bring You.

Visit www.emmetquigleyhealthcoaching.ie



The 7 Types of Rest; by (Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith, 2019)

Why Is Rest So Important?

The American Psychological Association states; Stress and Burnout are now more evident than ever before. The inspiring news is that we can take intentional action to prevent and reduce our risks of Chronic Stress and Burnout by bringing our Awareness to the benefits of the 7 Types of Rest for greater Well-Being.

How to Promote the 7 Types of Rest for Your Well-Being;
1.PHYSICAL REST; Is both Active and Passive. Passive Rest includes-sleeping and naps. Active Rest includes gentle physical stretching, yoga and massage.

2.MENTAL REST; activities promote calmness and things which remind us to slow down our thoughts. Examples such as creating Mental Breaks in our Daily Schedule, Writing a Daily Journal before Bedtime to empty our minds.

3. SENSORY REST; Reducing stimulant sources like, Light, Sound, Data from Laptops, Mobile Phones etc. Excessive exposure to these can lead to Sensory Overwhelm. Create Sensory Breaks in your day.

4. CREATIVE REST; Especially important for people who practice Problem-Solving Work Roles. Support your Well-Being by spending time in Nature, bring your awareness to the majesty of the Sky, Land, Mountains, Forrests, your Garden and enjoy the Arts.

5.EMOTIONAL REST; encourages a person to create a habit of Time and Space to truly process and express your real Self and step away from People Pleasing roles. Emotional Rest Habit Actions requires great courage to express what you really need right now.

6. SOCIAL REST; A need for Emotional Rest often goes hand in hand with Social Rest. A Social Rest deficit arises, when we feel an Imbalance between Social relationships, which can exhaust& rejuvenate us. Aim to immerse yourself in the company of people who positively support your wellbeing.

7. SPIRITUAL REST; involves a deep sense of belonging, meaning, love and acceptance in our life. Strive for Community Involvement & Meditation Habits.

Can working with a Health and Wellness Coach like me help you to create and achieve your Goal for greater Well-being? Visit my Website to Learn More. My Website Link is in My Bio.

Have a Restful and Enjoyable Weekend.


Photos from Emmet Quigley Health Coaching - Compás Sláinte.'s post 20/08/2022

Check-In with your Health and Well-Being, by taking this Well-Being Quiz.

What did your Discover?

Are you Deciding to Make and take Intentional Healthy Lifestyle Change Action to Achieve increased Health, Well-Being and Life Satisfaction Now?

I'm Emmet. I am a Health and Wellness Coach since 2019. I offer Online Health and Wellness Coaching for Adults who Seek to Achieve Greater Health and Well-being Results, by Developing New Health and Lifestyle Habits.

My Health & Wellness Coaching Focus is on -
▶︎Mental Well-Being Goals.
▶︎Sleep, Stress & Weight Goals.
▶︎Physical Activity Goal.
►Eating Well Goal.
▶︎Social Connections Goal.
▶︎Life Balance & Life
Satisfaction Goals.

If you are looking for effective and affordable Online Health and Wellness Coaching Supports?
Why not visit my Website - (Link in My Bio) www.emmetquigleyhealthcoaching.ie.

Learn more about how You and I can work Together towards you achieving Your Health and Well-Being Goal Habit Results for you to enjoy now and in the future.

Find out more about-

How Coaching with Me Works?
What to Expect In A Coaching Program?
How Coaching can Benefit your Health and Well-Being?

You can also view some Client Testimonials to get a Snapshot of what Coaching with me is like!

My Website, contains My Calendly Link for You to arrange your (Free Discovery Call) to Find out if Coaching Together is a Good Fit.

The Discovery Call is a Conversation, up to 30 Minutes, I can explain the Coaching Program Supports I offer and the Program Costs and Payment Options.

I welcome an opportunity to Speak with you!



Creating New Healthy Lifestyle Habits appears Simple enough in terms of the potential for greater Health and Well-Being Results, Right! Maybe Not?

The Human tendency to make simple things challenging arises from a combination of our Mindset, Motivation, Readiness, Values, Self-Awareness, Character Strengths, Past Setbacks and Environmental Factors can come together to reduce our Self-Efficacy (Self-Belief in our Abiliity) to make and take Change Action in our Well-Being Habits.

Sometimes, we might be forgetful of making our Well-Being a Top Priority. Perhaps we may lack understanding about the importance which the Pillars of Health, such as Environment, Sleep, Healthy Food Choices, Physical Activity, Stress Management, Social Connections and Rest exert upon the level of Health, Well-Being and Life Satisfaction we experience?

We may not know what we want, regarding our Health and Well-Being. This stops us from discovering our motivation to enable us to enjoy health promoting activities of living.

We may lack a Vision, Plan and Confidence to think it possible to take Intentional Change Action towards achieving increased Health, Well-Being and Life Satisfaction Habits to Enjoy.

We are capable of cultivating the immense mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social resources inside us to change our Health and Lifestyle Attitudes and Behaviours towards achieving our Health and Well-being Goals.

The key to creating Healthy Habits resides in tapping in to our Motivation, Readiness, Importance and Achievable Results, which practicing Healthy Habits in everyday life brings for us.

I use the word (Practice). This is how we develop Mastery with any New Habit.

A Health & Wellness Coach supports you to make and take Health and Lifestyle Change Action Processes, at a Pace which Best Fits You. Slow, well-designed gradual habit action steps lead to meaningful goal attainment results.

Have you considered how working with a Health and Wellness Coach can help you strive towards achieving the Goals You Seek?



Self-Compassion and Self-Worth; These elements of us are often strongly influenced and shaped by our early formative life experiences. Often unknown to ourselves, we can adapt low self worth and associated low self-compassion. this can develop in to being harsh and over critical of ourselves across the spectrum of our Activities of Living.

The List of Six Things To Unlearn, encourages each of us to create a kind, reflective, objective and compassionate space to intentionally work on deconstructing such learned behaviours which prevent us from the practice of Self-Compassion which nourishes our Self-Worth.

I find the Research based work from experts such as (Dr.Kristin Neff) and Brene Brown to be inspirational in terms of asking ourselves to take action steps towards decreasing Shame, Vulnerability and increasing our levels of Empathy and Courage for Self-Compassion, especially when things go wrong or not the way we would like, so as to support our Goals for Greater Mental Fitness, Well-Being and Life Satisfaction.

Self-Compassion can be described as the practice of showing yourself non-judgemental, unconditional love and positive regard, just like we do for those we care about when they are coping with distress and pain.

Kristin Neff, 2007, describes three Elements in
Self-Compassion -
1. Self-Kindness; Strive to avoid destructive self-critical mindset and behaviour.
2.Acknowledge Being Only Human: including our unique flaws and imperfections and moments when we expereince pain and discomfort.
3. Mindful Compassion; the practice of intentional self-awareness of experiences where we feel discomfort and pain, with keeping a non-judgemental outlook throughout.

Research is growing to highlight that people with healthy self-compassion experience reduced Anxiety and Depression and increased Life Satisfaction. Now that's worth creating a Self-Compassion Habit Goal!


Further Info at-

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Videos (show all)

The 7 Types of Rest; by (Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith, 2019) Why Is Rest So Important? The American Psychological Association...
Creating New Healthy Lifestyle Habits appears Simple enough in terms of the potential for greater Health and Well-Being ...
Walking and Well-Being.  We are learning more and more about how being Physically Active brings beneficial results for o...




Opening Hours

Tuesday 5pm - 7pm
Wednesday 5pm - 7pm
Thursday 5pm - 7pm

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