Bainne mama

Bainne mama

I am a lactation Consultant and a General, Peadiatric and Public Health Nurse. Providing lactation support for mums to be, new mums and dads.

I am available for breastfeeding preparation classes, post natal one to one lactational consults.


Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful women in our life 🥰🥰

Photos from Bainne mama's post 01/10/2022

National Breastfeeding Week from 1st to 7th of October.

This year, the theme for World Breastfeeding Week (WBW 2022) is Step up for Breastfeeding - Educate and Support.

‼️Let's celebrate National Breastfeeding Week with a giveaway!!❤️

As part of Breastfeeding week I would like to offer one lucky mum to be a space on October Breastfeeding Preparation Masterclass.

👇Enter your chance to win:👇

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‼️Competition runs 1st - 7th October 2022 winner announced on 8th‼️

Photos from President of Ireland / Uachtarán na hÉireann Michael D. Higgins's post 29/09/2022

It was a pleasure to be invited to this fantastic event hopefully spreading the word and normalising breastfeeding


How to wash your breast feeding equipment!

1. Warm soapy water is all you need.
2. Only use basin and brush for baby feeding equipment.
3. Do not place pump parts directly in the sink, because germs in sinks or drains could contaminate the pump.
4. Rinse. Rinse by holding items under running water.
5. Dry. Allow to air-dry thoroughly. Place pump parts, wash basin, and bottle brush on a clean, unused dish towel or paper towel in an area protected from dirt and dust. Do not use a dish towel to rub or pat items dry because doing so may transfer germs to the items.


Tip for life!! Take time for yourself. Make this your 'me time'.
I am 11 months into my second breastfeeding journey and need me time. I’m very luck my husband takes over as much as he can as when I need that welcomes break.

Listen to music or go for a walk.
Sit down and have a coffee/tea for me, spend 10-15 baby-free minutes by yourself and enjoy it!

We must close the loophole that facilitates misleading online ads for baby formula 10/08/2022

Misleading information impacts peoples choice.
Ask your health care professionals if you have questions.
Breastfeeding up to the age of 2 is recommended but all we can do can do our best however long that is!
Remember that if your formula feeding that there is no bed for follow on milk.. no formula is needed after the age of 1 that full fat cows milk is enough

We must close the loophole that facilitates misleading online ads for baby formula A new Bill making its way through the Dáil offers an historic chance to end baby formula companies’ exploitative practices

Photos from Bainne mama's post 04/08/2022

My current b**b monster.. .. 10 months into my second breastfeeding journey.


World Breastfeeding Week reminds us that we all have a role in protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding. This year’s theme highlights the links between breastfeeding and good nutrition, food security and inequality.


Happy National Breastfeeding Week 2022..
Having a chat on KCLR96FM tomorrow at 11.20 have a listen


Protein, protein protein is key to fuel your hunger!

During lactation, a woman must eat an adequate amount of protein in order to maintain her own muscle mass, while also providing adequate nutrition to the infant through breast milk.

The current Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for protein suggest, that healthy lactating women (0–6 mo postpartum) should consume an Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) of 1.05 g protein/kg/d.

So for the 70kg woman would need 73.5gr of protein..

Best High-Protein Foods
1. Lean Beef. = 22 grams protein per 3-ounce serving of 93%-lean ground beef.
2. Chicken. = 27 grams protein per 3-ounce serving of skinless chicken breast.
3. Salmon. = 19 grams protein per 3-ounce serving.
4. Eggs. = 6 grams protein per 1 large egg.
5. Peanut Butter.
6. Pasta.
7. Cottage Cheese.
8. Lentils.


Did you know???
the composition of breast milk will actually change in response to your infant’s needs. Milk will have a higher water content when the weather is HOT.

Research confirms that babies who are exclusively breastfed don’t need extra water in hot weather.

The key is to allow baby to feed on demand.

When temperatures are hot your baby is likely to feed more often, for shorter periods of time.

Offer the breast frequently to encourage your baby to have many extra feeds.

Remember your body makes milk based on supply and demand. It’s important that she nurse frequently, and not receive water, so your milk supply is not compromised.

Don’t forget to drink water yourself though! Being a bit thirsty won’t affect your milk supply but make sure that you have plenty of water so you don’t become dehydrated on hot, humid days!


Breastfeeding hot tip!!

There is no need to avoid wearing the dresses that you love just because they are not breastfeeding friendly!!!

Dust off those lovely summer dresses and pop on a pair of cycling shorts underneath! The best way to look stylish, save a few bob and prevent a Marilyn Monroe and Carrie Bradshaw moment.

This is a hot tip especially those who have toddlers hanging out of you pulling up your dress also!!


Oh, I’ll Cry Over Spilled Milk!!

it happened. I dropped a bottle of milk. I will never forget it 50mls dripping down the countertop and puddling onto the floor. My heart ached. My b**bs ached. Tears started streaming down my cheeks. Yes, I literally cried over spilled milk.


Is your babies blocked nose affecting their feeding??

Things you can do to help baby stay comfortable during feedings and throughout your baby’s blocked nose
* When feeding, keep your little one as upright as possible. Try propping him or her up with extra pillows for added support while nursing.
* Congestion is often relieved when upright, so keep them upright as much as possible during awake periods.
* Use saline drops and/or a rubber suction bulb to remove congestion from your baby’s nose before breastfeeding. You will likely have to do this several times through the day and night to continuously clear out backed-up mucus while providing a more comfortable feeding experience for your little one.
* Use a humidifier in your nursery to keep the air moist and ease your baby’s cold symptoms while they sleep.
* Feed or simply sit with your little one in a steam-filled bathroom. To do so, run a hot shower and sit outside the tub and/or shower area to nurse your baby or even just relax together – the warm steam can help relieve congestion!
* When a sick baby won’t nurse at all, you can instead try giving them breast milk with a syringe, dropper, or cup instead of by bottle or breast.
* Something else to consider is freezing some of your breast milk until it’s slushy and then feeding it to your little one with a spoon or cup – the cold, slushy mixture may provide some relief for a sore throat while providing the important antibodies and nutrients he or she needs from your breast milk.


To the struggling breastfeeding mom — I hear you, I see you, I was you.

Breastfeeding may be natural, but it does not come easy or naturally to almost everyone.

Common Struggles in Breastfeeding
Despite what you may have heard, breastfeeding is not always easy, natural, or pain-free. Many women experiences struggles. Common struggles with breastfeeding include but are not limited to:
* supply issues (low supply or oversupply are both issues!)
* latch problems, including oral ties
* Allergies
* Mastitis
* Thrush
* Pumping at work

Photos from Bainne mama's post 06/06/2022

A very important question I got asked a little while ago was when will my period return? I want to try for another baby but don’t want to stop breastfeeding!

If you are breastfeeding your baby, your periods may not return for several months after childbirth.
This is because the hormone that causes you to make milk, prolactin, also stops you from ovulating and having your period. If you are breastfeeding day and night, it can be up to a year before your period returns.

Many factors determine when your period will return when you are breastfeeding These include:
* how often you feed your baby
* the way your body responds to hormone changes
* how often and how long your baby is breastfeeding
* are you giving top ups
* length between feeds

Remember we are all unique and our body reacts in different ways

Photos from Bainne mama's post 24/05/2022

Did you know breast message /Breast compression helps increase milk out by 50%!

Breast compressions simulate a milk ejection reflex (let-down reflex) and stimulate a milk ejection reflex.

The purpose of breast compression is to continue the flow of milk to the baby when the baby is only sucking without drinking.
It is possible to know when a baby is getting milk from the breast, the pause means baby got a mouthful of milk. The longer the pause, the more milk the baby got. If baby is no longer drinking on his own or drinking is slowing down, compressions can be used to “turn sucks or nibbling into drinks”, and keep baby receiving milk.

The technique may be useful for:

* Poor or slow weight gain in the baby
* Fussy babies. Babies who are fussy usually want more milk.
* Frequent feedings and/or long feedings
* Sore ni***es in the breastfeeding parent
* Recurrent blocked ducts and/or mastitis
* Encouraging the baby who falls asleep quickly to continue drinking not just sucking

Photos from Bainne mama's post 19/05/2022

Did you know that some public health nurses, GP’s and midwives are not medically trained to diagnose tongue tie?

Does this look like a tongue tie? No?
It is a tongue tie!

If you are concerned that your baby has a tongue-tie that is causing breastfeeding problems, you may wish to see a lactation consultant who can carry out a full assessment including assessing breastfeeding and checking your baby's mouth.
As lactation consultant I can discuss the assessment findings with you and your options. If it is thought that a tongue-tie may be contributing to the breastfeeding problems, I can be referred onto an appropriate health professional (eg medical professional, paediatric dentist) who can make the diagnosis and release the tongue-tie, if necessary

Contact me if you are struggling and need help
Tag your friends


Silver cups for the breastfeeding mamma!

I had a few questions about silver cups over the last few weeks so I said I would let you all know about silver cups.

Silver is a natural antimicrobial and is very effective in wound healing. They’re crafted from 925 sterling silver and fit over the ni***es to protect them. A moist wound environment is necessary for wound healing but too moist and it leads to wound breakdown.

How do you use a Silverette Nursing Cup?
Simply place the cupdirectly over each ni**le and keep on for as long as possible between breastfeeding your bub.
It’s suggested to add a few drops of breast milk to the cup before placing over your ni**le.
However, if you leak alot then no need to express the drops in as your body will do it.

Be careful!!!
If you don’t take a break you might find your ni**le is coming out soft/soggy this could actually prevent your ni**le from healing. Reduce time if this is the case or alternate feeds either.

DONT use oils and creams along with the cups.

How to clean?
Once a day, you can clean the cups with warm water to get rid of any milk residue.

If you want the cups to keep their shiny silver look, you can apply a paste made of baking soda and water. Rub the paste on the cups before rinsing thoroughly and drying them.

I do love these cups but only if used correctly.



White spot on your breast???

What is it??
It could be a milk bleb/blister
A tiny painful sack filled with milk on the ni**le or ar**la area.
It looks like a layer of skin grew over the duct opening blocking the milk .

What causes it??
- [ ] Ni**le injury
- [ ] Incorrect latch/position
- [ ] Clogged ni**le pore
- [ ] Clogged milk duct
- [ ] Oversupply
- [ ] Yeast infection

How do you treat it???
- [ ] Apply moist heating prior to feeding. Add a saline soak several times a day prior to moist heating.
- [ ] Clear the skin from the milk duct. Rub your ni**le with a warm moist washcloth or use your clean fingernail.
- [ ] Feed or pump.

Photos from Bainne mama's post 02/05/2022

Worried about that well needed cup of coffee ☕️???

If your breastfeeding/pumping you can safely have 300-500mg of caffeine a day

Remember you know your body & infant best so judge accordingly.

🤱Does the caffeine I have get into my breastmilk?
Yes. When you have anything with caffeine in it a small amount of caffeine enters your bloodstream.
Once the caffeine is in your blood, about one per cent of it ends up in your breastmilk.

👶Will caffeine harm my baby?
If you have about 300mg of caffeine day, it's unlikely to harm or affect your baby.

Caffeine in your breastmilk is more likely to unsettle your baby. So, if your baby seems restless, or fussy at sleep try cutting back on or cutting out caffeine to see if it makes a difference.

Most of our knowledge about the effects of caffeine on babies comes from how premature babies are cared for. Caffeine has been used safely for many years to help premature babies breathe. When these babies have been given too much caffeine, though, it makes them more wakeful, restless or irritable.

breastfeedingandcaffeine # #

Photos from Bainne mama's post 28/04/2022

Vasospasm is what happens when the blood vessels supplying the ni**le go into spasm and reduce the blood flow to the ni**le. This affects the flow of milk from the ni**le.

* White ni**le after feeding
* Pain can be felt before, during or after breastfeeds
* Burning pain in the ni**le
* Happens particularly in cold weather

What causes it???
* A response to ni**le trauma if the baby is not well attached to the breast.
* It can also happen due to Raynaud’s phenomenon, more commonly called ‘Raynauds’. This is when vasospasm occurs randomly and is unrelated to breastfeeds.

How can vasospasm be treated or managed?
* Avoid exposing your ni***es to cold air and wear more layers of clothing to avoid getting cold.
* Apply warmth with a compress or heat pack straight after breastfeeding.
* Use breast warmers made from a reflective material since this can be soothing.
* Try massaging olive oil onto your ni***es after feeding but without exposing your breast to cold air.
* Try avoiding caffeine some women report that avoiding this is helpful.

**lepain ***es


“Kissing your baby changes your breast milk.

I know we don’t need any excuse to kiss our baby it’s natural and we can’t get enough of it but ….

Did you know that the undeniable urge to cover your baby in kisses serves a biological purpose?

When a breastfeeding mother kisses her baby, she samples the pathogens on baby’s face, which then travel to mom’s lymphatic system.
Your body then creates antibodies to fight those pathogens, which baby receives through breast milk.

It sometimes takes only seconds..


What is dream feeding?
Dream feeding is when you rouse your baby without fully waking them to feed one more time before you go to bed for the night.
Great for babies who wake out of hunger in the middle of the night.

Research shows that sneaking in an extra feed between 10 p.m. and midnight usually reduces night wakings, helping babies stay asleep until a more “reasonable” time of the morning.
How do I dream feed?
* Gently take your baby out of the bed between 10 p.m. and 12 a.m. (around when you’re going to bed)
* Place your breast (or bottle) on your baby's lower lip; she should start feeding, even if she doesn’t fully wake.
* Encourage nursing for 5 to 10 minutes on one side, then offer the other side for 5 to 10 more minutes.

Why dream feeds are great:
* They get the extra calories they need for a better sleep.
* You sleep longer.
* The feeding is not in response to her crying (responding to cries with a feed can inadvertently encourage your baby to feed more at night).
* They eat less during the night and therefore be hungrier in the morning, which will boost her daytime eating.


Feed on demand

Feed your baby when they are hungry rather than on a schedule is ultimately best for breastfeeding success.

Did you know ???
Babies usually aren’t born hungry.
Babies appetite generally picks up around the third day. Which is ideal because that’s when our milk starts coming in!

A newborn should have at least 8 to 12 feedings each 24 hours, even if demand isn’t up to that level yet, for the first few weeks.
That is every two to three hours, day and night, counting from the beginning of each nursing session.


Feeding patterns vary widely from baby to baby. so you might need to feed a little more or less frequently. If you have a hungrier or more impatient baby on your hands, you may go little more than an hour between feedings; a more easily satisfied baby might be able to go for three-and-a-half to four hours.

If you feel like you're nursing constantly, don't worry; it's temporary. As your milk supply increases and your baby gets bigger, the breaks between feedings will get longer.

Breast milk is more easily digested than infant formula, allowing the tummies of nursing babies to empty faster.

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