Human Performance Ireland

Using the latest science technologies to identify performance limitations through exercise physiology, metabolic analysis & respiratory testing.

Improving the health & well being of the general population, Athletes, sports teams and medically challenged.


If your struggling to lose weight then stop struggling.
Take a simple metabolic test at the lab and we will show you exactly what you need to do with ease to manage your weight or lose those excess pounds.

It as simple as a click on the website
Book in for 15min test


Delighted to test Ireland’s Number 1 Adventure Athlete Rachel Nolan, as she prepares for her 2022 season, which looks super impressive.
Rachel was keen to see her current physiology. So after both Run & Bike tests were completed we presented her with in-depth data for her to focus on for the winter months. Having the science allows is to see where Rachel’s physiological strenght and limitations are and using the science with her coach we can make huge improvement in her physiology respiratory cardiac mechanical and metabolic economy . Rachel has a deep under standing of her body and now applying science she will give herself best possible opportunity to achieve her 2022 goals.

We will retest Rachel mid winter and see how the adaptions are working with the physiology roadmap and changes we generated.
We at HPI wish her the very best in her winter preparation.


Exceptional talent at Human performance Ireland.
After a hard and fruitful summer of road racing this athlete is looking for the next level in his physical development. His objective was to establish his current physical zones both in heart rate and power, looking at his respiratory and cardiac responses through zone 1 to failure at zone 5. He was looking for his V02 max and where his performance drop off was in power, respiratory and cardiac, to establish which failed first.
This allowed him to develop a positive training road map to improve on his limitations and to maximise his training time.
This particular athlete also required his nutritional metabolic burn rate per hour and in each zone, to ensure he was fuelling effectively. We carried out a one hour endurance fuelling test, “a test we use a lot for long distance triathletes or marathon runners”, spending extended time in each zone allowing us to see how much fat and carbs this athlete was burning and how efficient his metabolic system is at utilising food as fuel. Along side this data we were able to identify areas within his physiology to allow him improve his performance in upper zone 3 and zone 4.

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY TESTING / Human Performance Ireland 05/10/2021

Taking bookings for setting your training zones

Running Physiology Test
Rowing Physiology Test
Triathlon Physiology Test
Cycling Physiology Test

VO2 Max, Lactate Profile, metabolic economy, Max Minute Power, Heart rate max, Training Zones.

Why assess VO² max?

A VO² max test measures the maximum amount of oxygen a person’s body can breathe in and use. In other words, it records their maximum aerobic power.

A very well trained Endurance athletes will generally have a high VO² max. Power athletes such as sprinters will have a lower reading. The higher your VO² max, the less you need to work anaerobically.

Coupled with 12 bio-markers from your Respiratory Cardiovascular Metabolic and mechanical ability we can determine your specific performance and training zones and cycles to help optimise your time your coach or yourself in applying to a training programme to get the maximum results.

To book today go to Human performance Ireland website.

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY TESTING / Human Performance Ireland’t be put off with fancy words or new technologies. The science is simple and it’s for you. If you’re struggling with ...

Home - Human Performance Ireland 30/09/2021

ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH YOUR WEIGHT- Then you don't need to be. (read this, let us help you, it's worth it)

Finding clarity to achieving long term weight loss and improving your health is not easy with so much conflicting advice around today.

At Human Performance Ireland we decided to make it simple. Easy to understand the how, the why and what needs done.

So, creating a deficit of calories (in other words energy) is the ONLY way through which the human body loses weight. That comes with good and bad news. The bad news is that you actually need to eat less than what you burn to lose weight and so secret foods, or exotic combos alone will not help you in any way. The good news is that any type of diet will yield more or less the same result in terms of weight loss. That means that you can absolutely stick to the food plan that suits your preferences, as long as it ticks the health requirements and of course as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn. However eating too little is just as bad as eating too much, you need to know how much to cut per day with and without exercise in order to not damage yourself further and avoid turning down your metabolic clock (fuel burning efficiency). Therefore following a diet when not knowing how many calories your body is burning is like playing with a loaded gun. Wearable devices like Garmin, Fitbit and Apple watch are all based on an average height, weight, gender calculation or algorithm, don’t be fooled these are not accurate or even close. However if you use your individual to you, precise metabolic test result and input those into your wearable device then walla, you're now measuring accurately your caloric burn which will lead to exact science based weight-loss gains…no guesswork and it works.

Human performance Ireland is results based, we measure your system using a scientific metabolic analyser. We debunk the myths, give scientific facts based on your precise evidence-based test results and advice applying a pragmatic sensible approach to overcoming your limitations in all areas of exercise, health and nutrition.

To book your metabolic or exercise physiology test contact us at

Remove the guesswork replace it with science based evidence and understand how to be a better you.

Home - Human Performance Ireland Human Performance Ireland Passionately committed to encourage a community of people to Make Life Richer. Book an Appointment Jason Black Director of testing and education at Human Performance Ireland Internationally renowned global endurance athlete and successful high altitude mountaineer Jason Bla...


Ladies Gaa testing
Exercise physiology testing examines how this persons body’s cells and organs, such as cardiovascular, muscular and respiratory systems perform when exposed in a ramp test from a rested state to failure.

I’ve had the pleasure to work with this client since Christmas and once we established her limitations and redirected her training protocol type intensity and duration through her coach she took off…
You can see in this short video in the re- test starting at rest she outran the treadmill speed at 18kph @ 12% gradient. And all we did is changed her limiting physiology.

If your an athlete and would like to get a deeper understanding of how your physiology is performing or what limiting factor is holding you back then book your test at


Its phenomenal what you spot when Analysing clients test results during exercise.
Seeing where you can help them make gains in there physiology is so rewarding.
Been so chuffed with breakthrough results that’s helped clients achieve fab outcomes.

Today I’m working on Breathing frequency’s through Zone 3-4-5 where this client has great Vo2 capacity but just can’t use there volume when they get into the higher intensities of Z4/5. So in this individuals case we have a respiratory coordination issue which has been a limiting factor in her performance it’s trainable and fixable in 12weeks. This is only one in multiple issues we spot advise, train, retest and improve from general population to sport specific Rowers Footballs Runners Boxers Cyclists Cross fitters etc

Improving people’s health, performance and quality of life with innovative science is what drives us at HPI

If you don’t have the capacity you’ll never have the capability, let us help you.


Some friendly tips on great muscle recovery whole food choices from HPI :

Protein is essential for building and repairing bodily tissues and maintaining lean body mass and bone mineral density. Incorporating 25-30 grams of protein in each of your meals may enhance feelings of fullness, thus promoting weight loss.

We’ve selected the top 5 protein sources that you can add to your diet this summer.

Chicken: Chicken is one of the most popular types of animal protein. Its consumption has well-documented health benefits, but different parts and ways of preparation factor into how healthy your chicken meal turns out. Chicken breast is the healthier cut, containing 122 calories, and 24 grams of protein per 3 ounces.

Egg whites: Egg whites pack around 67% of all the protein found in a whole egg. Their protein is called albumin. They contain no fat or cholesterol. The white of an egg has just 16 calories and 4 grams of protein, making it a very smart way to add protein to your diet, without adding many calories.

Greek yogurt: Greek yogurt is a very good source of protein, containing around 10 grams of protein per 100 grams. It additionally is a good source of calcium which promotes bone health and can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It can provide our body with probiotics that may help restore a healthy bacterial balance within the gut.

Soybeans: Soy is a high quality plant protein which, unlike most other plant proteins, provides all the essential amino acids. Soybeans are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and they are also rich in antioxidants. One of the main nutrients which most of the health benefits of soy are attributed to, is phytoestrogens, particularly isoflavones. Although more studies need to be performed, it remains prudent to recommend soy products in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Almonds: Almonds are actually a seed. However, they are often grouped with nuts and they are considered a high protein option. In addition to being high in protein, almonds are loaded with antioxidants. These plant compounds protect the body from free-radical-induced oxidative stress, which can lead to aging, heart disease, and some types of cancers.


Some info to help you understand Carbs

Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy and are essential especially for people who engage in regular physical activity.

We’ve selected the top 5 carbohydrate sources that you can add to your diet this summer.

Fruits: Fruits are the source of many vitamins and minerals, including potassium, folate, vitamins C and A as well as polyphenols. They are naturally low in fat, sodium and calories. They are a good source of dietary fiber which help reduce blood cholesterol and contribute to a more healthy bowel function. Fruit juices contain little or no fiber, so always opt for fresh whole fruits.

Brown rice: Brown rice is a nutritious, high-fiber food. It is packed with protein, dietary fiber and various vitamins and minerals, including folate, iron, thiamine, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It is also gluten-free and rich in antioxidants which contribute to the prevention of various chronic diseases such diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.

Potato: Potato is a starchy root vegetable. 100 grams of boiled potato contain 87 calories, 20.1 grams carbohydrates, 1.9 grams protein, 0.1 grams fat and 1.8 grams dietary fiber. It is rich in B vitamins, vitamins C and D, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It contains varying amounts of resistant starch which improves digestive health and blood sugar control.

Oats: Oats are a whole-grain food. Beta-glucan, a dietary fiber found in oats, has been shown to increase satiety and to own blood cholesterol-lowering properties. It also helps proper digestive function, thereby reducing the risk for colorectal cancer. Oats are rich in micronutrients and they also contain antioxidants, the polyphenols avenanthramides in particular, which may help lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Chickpeas: Chickpeas are high in carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc and phosphorus. They are naturally low in fat and they have a low glycemic index. Research has shown that legumes can play an important role in the prevention and management of a number of health conditions.

Respiratory training - Human Performance Ireland 15/08/2021

We have proudly expanded our business at HPI to now include respiratory training.

This specialised new service is unique to HPI with natural intervention to support a recovery in medically diagnosed respiratory limitations, shortness of breath, Asthma or COPD.

With clinical respiratory diagnosis and intervention we can now assist general population with limitations in de-conditioned respiratory fitness due to injury, exercise mobility restrictions, weight or structural thoracic and rib mobility.

At HPI we can help elevate sports teams or individual physiology systems to achieve maximal gains and usage in oxygen inspiration (FVC/FEV6) and Expiratory (FEV1) breathing Co-ordination to achieve greater physiological capacity and capability.

Respiratory Limitation is the in ability to USE MOVE or UPTAKE oxygen in the human body, and has a crippling effect on life. At Human performance Ireland we have combined Spirometry & Exercise physiology testing to establish respiratory breathing limitations and address the issues with the worlds leading respiratory training device & techniques.

Respiratory training - Human Performance Ireland Respiratory Limitation is the in ability to USE, MOVE or UPTAKE oxygen in the human body, and has a crippling effect on life. At Human performance Ireland we have combined Spirometry & Exercise physiology testing to establish respiratory breathing limitations.

Make Small Changes for Big Results in Your Workouts - Human Performance Ireland 14/08/2021

Quick saturday morning dive in.

Enjoy the day.

Make Small Changes for Big Results in Your Workouts - Human Performance Ireland Make Small Changes for Big Results in Your Workouts


Best part is setting the new and improved zones that shows your improvements.

So rewarding when you establish limitations in an individuals health that’s been holding them back in life , with test results we see the issue immediately and apply a progressive solution.

In short this individual was training in all the wrong heart rate zones which they got from there Garmin watch which was so in accurate.

After we tested
In this case after 8weeks of very specific training we have this person on a seriously great road to successfully achieving there goal, not only has there health power speed and weigh improved but the biggest gain has been there mental health.. they love them self again. “Fact” they didn’t like the way they looked they didn’t like the way they felt so it hurt them mentally and emotionally.

If you are struggling with weight or shortness of breath or your fitness, with concrete evidence at HPI we will unlock your libations and show you the road to be a better you.

You can use the information in conjunction with your own coach or apply it in your local gym class or apply it yourself when exercising .. we will show you the simple steps.

If this is you book a test remove the guess work and use your time wisely.


How to Avoid Overtraining for New Exercisers - Human Performance Ireland 28/07/2021

The last few weeks have been very busy testing ordinary everyday people looking to make improvements in there life.

Some but not all had, at some stage previously committed to a level of training, ranging from walking to gym fitness classes to running and cycling, but alot reported getting burned out or just lost the hunger to keep it going...and look its normal i do it we all do it, we get sucked in its addictive and it creeps up Mr/Mrs Mental or Physical Fatigue.

This prompted me to write a small short article to help support newbies or indeed oldbees like myself of what to look for that you can self regulate, "how to avoid overtraining" and keeping the fun in achieving your goal.

Hope you enjoy.

How to Avoid Overtraining for New Exercisers - Human Performance Ireland How to Avoid Overtraining for New Exercisers


Busy Morning testing at the human performance Ireland lab. Today’s focus was on weigh loss establishing fat burning capacity setting the training zones to maximise the results in ground breaking time. Along side that we tested the overall cardiac and respiratory fitness to guide them on a clear positive path forward, avoiding huge health issues down the line. If you could benefit from a professional metabolic or exercise physiology test then simply book today at


Busy testing day at the Human Performance Lab. Todays focus was establishing any physiology limitations. It’s so empowering when using science you can pin point with razor precision how you can help make minor changes to training that leads to major break through performances. If your investing so much time and commitment to your weekly training then can you imagine how effective you can ramp it up by knowing your exact thresholds / zones / Vo2 and 9 other critical markers that removes all the guess work in the gym the road the hills or in the water.. science based factual training is for everyone beginner to the most advanced athlete. If your looking to make incredible gains book a test.


We are so humbled at HPI by the success we have achieved by testing, educating, helping and supporting our clients turn their life around, avoiding catastrophic health issues from excess weight and unhealthy life choices.
Huge thank you to everyone for spreading our successful brand and business by word of mouth and the encouragement you have shown.
If you would like to make a change in your life, either in weight loss or health improvements physically and mentally then book a test today.

Invest in yourself.

Here's a small article in the link above that we put together with some simple tips to continue to support you on your quest to find a healthier you.


Photos from Human Performance Ireland's post 29/05/2021

A slow Metabolism has been scientifically proven to cause 90% of diets to fail. With a slow metabolic system you will struggle to loose weight. Find out what’s causing it and what you can do to stop it. Using science based testing at HPI let our experts show you how to make that critical shift today with the correct balance between exercise intensity’s and caloric intake and expenditure.

Swipe for more! ✅


Here at HPI we work mainly with the general every day population. Our approach is science based testing where we can establish with pin point accuracy how and when an individual’s body burns fat that leads to weight loss.
We base all our data on heart rate zones, removing all the guess work from over or under exercising.

If you just can’t shift the weight or you’ve been following a diet and suddenly you stop, slowdown or plateau in weight-loss, then there is a perfectly good reason this has happened. Using science and metabolic analysis we can help kick start that system again.

We also analyse 12 bio markers in your Cardiac(heart) and Respiratory (lung & breathing) systems to establish good functionality and identify any limitations or life threatening issues.

This critical data will assist you or your gym / class instructor (when gyms reopen shortly) in achieving improved health, weight loss or fitness goal by applying an exercise structure individual to your needs based on actual science to maximise your results and minimise your precious time.

We are delighted at Human performance Ireland to be helping so many every day people discover the key to a healthier happier lifestyle.


John Muldowney’s remarkable Health & Weigh loss journey with HPI.

John a 56yr old Male has lost over 11kg or 24lb in total weight in 4 months (since shooting this video) simply by using the science from his metabolic and physiological test, applying a common sense sustainable approach working with the principles at Human Performance Ireland.

Not only was weight loss a concern of John’s but more significantly, the full physiology test showed his respiratory system to be operating at only 51% of its capability and his Cardiac system was under huge pressure with a fitness output of only 45%.
During the test we measured a total of 12 critical physical bio markers and while the results didn’t make pleasant reading for John, it gave him the accurate information as to where his health condition was currently and how critical nutritional calorie control and precise exercise heart rate zoning intervention would help him return to a healthily status.

John used the test results from HPI with his local gym coach and tracked his daily calorie requirement both at rest and when active precisely provided by Human performance Ireland.
He took control himself, focused on the task set and executed it in a sustainable way.
John has just retested with ourselves at HPI with staggering health results of improved respiratory capability 51% - 64% +13% and cardiac capability improving from 45% -70% + 25%. This has been a life changing result.

John’s journey continues as he now knows his new heart rate zones to burn fat (fat max) and continues to improve his heart and lungs as he knows how much he can eat to maintain or loose weight, he is no longer a slave to a system.
With the scientific results and removing the guesswork you can take control in a sustainable way to be a healthier and happier you.

Don’t take our word for it listen to John’s...

If you’re looking to make those same significant changes then we can show you how to achieve this result.

Book today.



Weigh-loss made simple at Human Performance Ireland - Human Performance Ireland 11/05/2021


Finding clarity to achieve long term weight loss and improve health is not easy with so much conflicting advice around today.

At Human Performance Ireland we decided to make it simple. Easy to understand the how, the why and what needs done.

Weigh-loss made simple at Human Performance Ireland - Human Performance Ireland Finding clarity to achieve long term weight loss and improve health is not easy with so much conflicting advice around today.

Timeline photos 09/03/2021

Test day means no where to hide science only delivers data driven facts.
You establish your limitations and you work towards improving in the shortest format avoiding junk mileage and wasted training time. Delighted to have helped this athlete make huge high performance progress at HPI today and all from a relatively low starting baseline.


We have great results to share on the fat loss side of our business at human performance Ireland.
The science is really winning through.
Five of our initial clients since Christmas have reached there 1 stone drop in weight this week and the rest are nearing that break through phase and in a completely sustainable way.

So delighted huge congrats to everyone.

FAT LOSS / Human Performance Ireland 28/02/2021

At Human performance Ireland using science we measure how well your body burns fat, we determine what caloric reduction your body needs to lose weight in a healthy sustainably way.
Let us show you how you take control.

Bookings info and pricing at

FAT LOSS / Human Performance Ireland Finding clarity to achieve long term weight loss and improve health is not easy with so much conflicting advice around today.At Human performance Ireland we ...

The Difference Between Good and Bad Carbohydrates - Human Performance Ireland 27/02/2021

Following on from our previous article based around the question often asked “does carbs put on weight”, the article provoked such a huge response we decided to unlock some more knowledge at HPI...
So presenting Good Cop Bad Cop and the difference between carbs.

Hope you enjoy, share the knowledge for others to benefit.

If your looking to get into shape and simply don’t know how, stop torchuring yourself let us remove the guesswork. Book a scientific metabolic or exercise physiology test today. That way you will be under no illusions and you can use the information to adjust your food at home and use with an online coach to improve your health and fitness.
All the booking details and prices and info are on the website.

The Difference Between Good and Bad Carbohydrates - Human Performance Ireland Is there a Good cop Bad cop – What is the difference, is there a difference ? I’m always asked this question, So heres my option. Carbohydrates (carbs) are an essential energy source, and vital for good health. When we eat carbohydrates, our body converts them into glycogen (sugar) supplying the...

Do Carbs Make You Gain Weight? - Human Performance Ireland 19/02/2021

Here is a small article i wrote on the subject of Carbs.

Carbohydrates (carbs) can be downright confusing. Some sources claim that eating carbs can hinder weight loss and cause weight gain while others say carbs are an essential part of every diet.

Share it with friends that may benefit.
Hope it helps , check out the other article we write weekly to help advise you to a healthier happier you.

Do Carbs Make You Gain Weight? - Human Performance Ireland Do Carbs Make You Gain Weight? Is the biggest question at HPI we are constantly asked. Carbohydrates (carbs) can be downright confusing. Some sources claim that eating carbs can hinder weight loss and cause weight gain while others say carbs are an essential part of every diet. Despite the conflicti...


The Boy in the striped pyjamas - NCT over and great test results. Success is a science, if you have the conditions, you get the results AEROBIC ENDURANCE +31 💪MAXIMAL AEROBIC POWER +13 💪ANAEROBIC POWER +2 👌Vo2 👆breathing frequency 👇and Lactic threshold 👆to 170.


8 Reasons Why possibly you’re Not Losing Weight

You’re choosing healthy foods, you’re exercising, you’ve cut out your late-night snacking habit, but the number on the scale isn’t budging. Sound familiar? This head-scratcher happens to the best of us. Here are some reasons why you may not be losing fat from your body.


Really productive morning studying and preparing reports for clients in response to physical activity. These include changes in the metabolism and in the physiology of the body from the heart, lungs, and your overall muscular strength system.
It’s incredible what we can identify using our science and best of all with simple changes the adaptive responses are game changing

Fat Loss - Human Performance Ireland 31/12/2020

The key in 2021 is setting goals and targets which are appropriate for you - No time like the present.

Remove the guesswork and apply science based facts and let us Identify a roadmap to your success, in fat loss or improved physical and mental health or simply helping you find that next level in your chosen field of sport.

Reach out at

Fat Loss - Human Performance Ireland Fat loss programme It’s personalised and it’s for you Book a free consultation Finding clarity to achieve long term weight loss and improve health is not easy with so much conflicting advice around today. At Human performance Ireland we measure how well your body burns fat, determine what calori...

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Videos (show all)

If your struggling to lose weight then stop struggling.Take a simple metabolic test at the lab and we will show you exac...
AR Exercise physiolgy test
Exceptional talent at Human performance Ireland.After a hard and fruitful summer of road racing this athlete is looking ...
Ladies Gaa testing Exercise physiology testing examines how this persons body’s cells and organs, such as cardiovascular...
Here at HPI we work mainly with the general every day population. Our approach is science based testing where we can est...
John Muldowney’s remarkable Health & Weigh loss journey with HPI.John a 56yr old Male has lost over 11kg or 24lb in tota...
We have great results to share on the fat loss side of our business at human performance Ireland.The science is really w...
The Boy in the striped pyjamas - NCT over and great test results. Success is a science, if you have the conditions, you ...
Human Performance Ireland





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