BD Bodysculpting

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from BD Bodysculpting, Personal trainer, Park Road, Rush.


A belated happy Mothers Day to all you wonderful Mums out there...

yesterday turned out to be a busier day than expected so didn't get around to announcing the winner of the 6 weeks of coaching. Winner has now been notified, thank you to everyone who took part. 🙌

I hope you were all able to take time to switch of and be present with your families, unwind, rest and enjoy your day.

Barry. ❤️


I used to have this weird resistance when it came to posting content…

Inside of my mind, I created a story that people would feel belittled rather than inspired.

But now I simply don’t care.

As long as my intentions are pure and I’m aligned with my values and vision

Nothing else matters.

Liberation comes from giving less f**ks.

So here I am.

If you’re ‘comfortable’ with where you are right now, it means you’ve stopped trying

You’ve settled for a life where you no longer wish to challenge yourself

You’ve accepted your ‘faith’

You KNOW you could do better but you’re not ‘UN-comfortable’ enough to change

Even though things could be SO much better, you refuse to step into the unknown for fear of failure

You tell yourself things like…

“I don’t have time to lose weight”

Yet you have time to give to work, give to other people, family, business, etc.

just not yourself.

Here’s the thing though…

If you’re only operating at 30, 40 or 50% of your potential

Then how much of YOU are they ACTUALLY getting?

What you’re really saying is “I don’t care enough to prioritise my time to live the life I deserve”

So you’ll continue pushing away the life you truly want for yourself

because it’s too hard to make yourself a priority.

Maybe you have a fear of failing, or starting, but you use time as a cop out.

You try to go it alone…for the 100th time

Repeating the same thing over and over and over again,

expecting a different outcome.

“Okay this is my time this Monday”

“I’m gonna start working out”

“Trust me, this time I’m dead serious, watch this space”

But when the time comes where your character gets tested

You resort to the old program that keeps you chained to your past…

Because it’s ‘familiar’ to you and we all like familiarity

It gives us a warm fuzzy feeling that we know what we’re doing

But why should it be any different this time around

If you’re not willing to try something different?

STOP repeating the same thing and expecting a different result!

Make yourself a priority instead

Realise that every excuse that’s in your way is just another self-imposed ceiling your placing on yourself,

stopping you from hitting your goals and living the life you deserve.

If you recognise that you need to change and you're ready to commit to making your biggest dreams and aspirations become a reality...

then I want to hear from you.

Empowered Mums is not just for mothers looking to drop a few pounds and get washboard abs...

it's SO MUCH more than that.

It's about building confidence in yourself...

Having freedom to choose what you want to eat, without fear of piling on the pounds

It's about feeling completely comfortable in your skin,

so you never have to compare yourself to anyone else EVER again.

Maybe you’ve tried different weight loss programs / ways to achieve your health and fitness goals before

and for whatever reason it didn’t work out, there is a belief pattern that creeps up inside of your mind

and that belief goes “I can’t do this”

If that's the case then you might be feeling a little uncertain or a little bit doubtful in your own ability to push through

based on what’s happened in the past

STOP letting your limiting beliefs prevent you from living your best life

Reach out to me today and we'll discuss where you're at, what you're looking to achieve

and what is the best path to take you there.

If we don't think we're a good suit to work together then I can send you on some free resources...

at the very least you'll get that

PLUS you’ll be walking away with a real plan of action.

Click the link below to book a free call 👇🏽

Do something today that you'll thank yourself for tomorrow.



I wish this was different but it's not....

"You can't attract into your life that which you desire, by focussing on the LACK"

In other words - if you say things like...

"I can't afford it"

"I don't have the money"

"I’ll never look like that"

"I’ll never be fit enough"

"It's make or break"

Then you'll never attract abundance into your life.

Look, this is a hard lesson

But if your mind is locked into a pattern, which is often a memory of the past

you'll NEVER escape the place you find yourself in right now.

You'll operate at a vibration in harmony with your memories.

If you've never had money and you believe that it’s out of your reach…

Or you lack a healthy, fit body and mind

because you give up on every diet, every fitness plan you’ve ever tried, therefore, you believe that it’s just not possible for you

then guess what…

you'll continue to stay in that loop.

It’s possible that something from your past is preventing you from having the future and the present that you desire


You want to look your best in a bikini by summer.

You say, “I’m not sure what I should be eating”

“What should I be avoiding?”

“How can I prepare meals in advance?”

"I don’t know how to track calories in my food”

Or to be able to run 10K in under an hour.

You think, “where do I even begin?”

“I haven’t run for 20 years, do I even know how to, without injuring myself?”

“I’m so unfit right now, I won’t make it to the end of the street”

“I’ll look stupid!”

"What's the point in starting if I'm only going to fail"

Your focus = what you don't have…

It’s uncertainty in your ability

It’s Fear of the unknown

It’s a lack of knowledge

You'll attract more of what you focus on = LACK.

This is why you'll stay stuck for not just a week or a month...

or a year or two…

But maybe for the rest of your life

IF you want more abundance in your life you must focus on abundance.

What do you desire?

How would it make you feel?

Why would it benefit you?

Who else would it benefit?

What impact would that have on your life?

What difference would it make to you?

How different would life be if you achieved that goal?

These are the kinds of questions you need to begin to ask.

STOP this pattern of "I don't have" or “I can’t”

Instead focus on...

how could I?

What do I need to do in order to achieve ‘X’ result?

What do I need to give up / cut back on / change?

Who can help me?

What ‘sacrifices’ do I need to make in order to afford the help I need so I can achieve this as soon as possible?


Can you see how limiting "I don't have the money" is?

It's likely what you’re doing right now is NOT a solution.

You repeat the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

It's NOT a way for you get what you want.

You're simply focussing on the thing you don't have.

The unfortunate news?

You'll stay stuck until you SHIFT how you think, act and feel.

Do you not think you’re worth investing in?

Don’t you deserve the BEST in life?

Are you then willing to invest TIME, ENERGY and MONEY in yourself

in order to become the person, the mother, the role model, friend, family member and confidant you know you CAN be?

“But Barry, I just can justify spending money on myself”

I get that.

You’ve probably spent money on toys for the kids, stuff around the house, a new couch, the latest in technology, or a holiday for the family

without even batting an eyelid!

But here’s the thing…

What do you think your family want more…

The stuff?

Or you showing up every day? Bringing the best of you to the table every single day for them?

If you’re only operating at 50% of your potential

Then how much of YOU are they ACTUALLY getting?

You've got to get in harmony with the vibration and energy of the things you desire in life.

If right now you're operating from a low frequency and low vibration.

Stuck in a victim mindset.

“Woe is me”.

“I don't have the money”.

“I’ll never fit into THAT dress”

Then you need to do something about it.

Be honest, close your eyes and go within.

Are you operating from a 'victim mentality'

I can't because...(insert excuse)

It's different for me...(insert excuse)

I don't have the money because...(insert excuse)

If the world thought like that we would stay stagnant.

Plenty of people never had the money and made it happen.

Why can't you be one of them?

I'm opening up another handful of places in the Empowered Mums Program for a start in March

It’s for mothers who recognise they need help

Can follow a proven process

And are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their health and fitness goals

If that’s you, over the next 90 days I want to give you:

🔥 The exact nutrition method Mums are using to drop unwanted pounds, without having to starve themselves

🔥 A customised workout routine women in their 30’s, 40s and even 50s are using to turn the clock back on their bodies, without having to do endless hours of cardio

🔥 A support group of women just like you, who understand what you go through on a daily basis

🔥 And me, a Coach who’s spent the past 17+ years dedicated to empowering Mums with the tools, support and resources necessary

to completely overhaul their health and fitness,

boost confidence

and become even greater role models for their kids

Tap the link below

Or PM me to discuss your challenges and goals.



Do You Wish You Knew What to Do to Kick Start your Health and Fitness?

Perhaps in 2021 you tried:

❌ Slimming clubs, had some results but constantly Yo-Yo - plus it’s restrictive

❌ Low cost pay as you go classes - you sweat, but didn’t get the results you want

❌ Gym memberships that you sign up for and then never go

❌ Personal Trainers that you never hear from in between sessions

❌ Supplements and short term “detox” programs

All in all, it’s likely you’ve wasted lots of money and still never came close to looking and feeling your best.

But what if there WAS a way?

What if you knew the following:

👉EXACTLY what, how much and when to eat for best results and energy

👉The exercises that were scientifically proven to burn between 400-800 calories EVERY workout

Well here’s the good news, we’re now accepting new applications for our 90 Day Empowered Mums Program.

Not only are you going to get GUARANTEED results, but we’re going to take you through our transformation system which has been proven to transform the bodies of almost 200 Mums over the last couple of years.

When you join us here's what you're going to get over the course of 90 days...

✔️ 14 Day Kick-Start Nutrition plan - A fully guided nutrition plan so that you never get overwhelmed; we tell you what to eat and when for the first 14 days, after that you will know EXACTLY what to do and you’ll have a lot more freedom around your food choices.

✔️ A customised exercise and training program to help you get in the best shape of your life!

✔️ Mindset and lifestyle coaching - you could have the best exercise and nutrition program in the WORLD but none of that matters if you haven’t been coached on how to stay consistent, build the right habits and routines…without that there is little or no chance of success

✔️ An online learning platform to help you level up in all areas of life.

✔️ Access to a private community group - Join a community of likeminded Mums that become lifelong friends to support you on your journey

✔️ Guaranteed Results or your money back - we’re the ONLY program prepared and willing to put our money where our mouth is…you get results or we pay you!

Plus a ton more value...

Finally, we want you to know that, all in all, your RESULTS are in our best interest.

Why choose us?’re not just a number, you’re a name.

We’re ALL in on your success, our entire role is simply around YOU getting results.

We PRIDE ourselves on getting you the results you deserve

And YOUR success, is OUR success

We only have 6 more spaces available for a start in March.

They WILL go fast.

This is NOT false scarcity, we can only take on a handful of new clients at any one time

To Apply Now, tap the link below 👇

To be in With a Chance of Winning 6 Weeks of Coaching Absolutely FREE…

Click the following link and comment with a ‘heart emoji’ ❤️

Just answer a few short questions for me inside of messenger so I can understand what you’re looking to achieve

and you'll be entered into the draw

Just for entering...

I will also send you on a FREE copy of my Handbook,

it’s full of hidden gems and useful hacks to help you burn body fat, strengthen tone and sculpt your body and overhaul your health and fitness

Included is our At-Home 'LEVEL 1 Bodyweight Workout' AND 'Nutrition System'.




Let’s take a moment to truly understand how hard it can be for a mother to love herself and feel confident in her own skin after having kids

They forget to make time for themselves even for just an hour

They get so caught up in a busy life that they put themselves and their own needs and happiness on the back burner.

So right now I challenge all mothers to start working on your self-care

It’s not too late to embark on your self-love journey…

Don’t shy away from working on yourself.

Even if you have failed in the past…

because failure only occurs when you quit.

No matter what you think, you deserve to be happy, healthy and confident in your own skin

When was the last time you spent time working on YOU?

Really invested time and energy on yourself?

Right now I want you to have my Empowered Mums ‘SELF LOVE HANDBOOK’ for FREE

I also want to give you the opportunity to win 6 Weeks of Coaching to help you get in great shape, improve your health and fitness and sky-rocket your confidence…


Because you deserve it, that’s why.

So if you worry about…

👉Being overweight and your health issues worsening…

👉Never enjoying fun times with your kids…

👉Not being able to enjoy eating out and occasionally indulging, without fear of piling on pounds…

👉Not being able to wear what you want to wear and instead, feeling like you have to cover up all the time…

👉Never reaching your TRUE fitness potential…

👉and always looking back with regret of what might have been…

then I really want you to have this.

If giving this Handbook away for free will help even one more mother to become the best version of themselves for their children

then it will be worth all the time and effort I invested to put this together.

To get your hands on it just tap the link below 👇

and comment with a ‘heart emoji’ ❤️

But wait…

that’s not all I want to give you…

As valuable as this Handbook will be to get you off on the right foot

Through my years of experience working with Mothers, I know that information alone does not create transformation

and so I’d like to work even closer with you.

That’s why I want to offer you the chance to work with me for 6 weeks completely FREE.

Here’s exactly what you can win…

🧘 A 6 week customised training program to help tone and sculpt your body

🤯 14 Day Kick-Start Nutrition plan to MELT body fat and rev up your metabolism

🍔 My Flexible Eating Method

🧠 Mindset and lifestyle coaching

🤓 An online learning platform to help you level up in all areas of life.

🔓 Access to a private community group with like-minded Mums aspiring to achieve the same, if not very similar, goals as you

In order to be in with a chance of winning this prize

LIKE, TAG, SHARE this post and answer a few short questions inside of messenger when you click this link 👇

and you'll be in the draw.

It will take place LIVE on MOTHER’S DAY - Sunday the 27th of March

right here 👉




Is the pain of your current situation great enough to warrant change right now?

Do you feel trapped in your body, having tried everything to drop unwanted lbs…

Yet for some reason you keep ending up back at square one?

If so, what are you doing about it?

Do you recognise you need help?

Are you willing to do WHATEVER it takes to become the person, the mother and the role model you KNOW you can be?

Then I want you to hear me out…

Last year I created a Handbook that shows EXACTLY how you can take back control of your health

It was originally part of a ‘5 day challenge’

Unfortunately, as often happens, without having someone to be accountable to

most people who started the challenge…never finished

Had they gotten just 80% of the way through

They would have received this Handbook, full of hidden gems and useful hacks

NOW I want to give it to you for FREE

All you have to do is tap the link below

and comment with a ‘heart emoji’ ❤️

then I’ll send it your way

Included is our At-Home 'LEVEL 1 Bodyweight Workout' AND 'Nutrition System'.

If you’d also like to be in with a chance of WINNING 6 WEEKS OF COACHING with me

then simply LIKE this post...

TAG a couple of your friends...

and SHARE it around,

answer a few short questions for me inside of messenger so I can understand what you’re looking to achieve

and you'll be entered into the draw

That's it.

The draw will take place LIVE on MOTHER’S DAY - Sunday the 27th of March

Right here on this page!

Here's what you can WIN...

🧘 A 6 week customised training program to help tone and sculpt your body

🤯 14 Day Kick-Start Nutrition plan to MELT body fat and rev up your metabolism

🍔 My Flexible Eating Method

🧠 Mindset and lifestyle coaching

🤓 An online learning platform to help you level up in all areas of life.

🔓 Access to a private community group with like-minded Mums aspiring to achieve the same, if not very similar, goals as you

Plus a ton more value...

So Tap that link 👇

Comment ❤️

LIKE, TAG, SHARE and answer a few short questions

and you'll be in the draw.




Have you ever found yourself starting a diet that looked great on paper, promised you the world…then failed to deliver?

Maybe the diet was SO restrictive and time-consuming that it just seemed to take up your every waking hour

It left you feeling exhausted, frustrated and deflated when results stopped showing up…

Maybe you’ve tried every diet under the sun, yet for some reason they just don’t seem to work for you?

You probably blamed yourself in the past

Or come up with excuses like…

“I just have a really slow metabolism”

“I’m naturally big-boned so can't lose weight”

“I’ve always been this way, nothing works for me”

“what’s the point in trying, I’m only going to fail?”

Whatever the reason ‘dieting’ didn’t work out for you, there is probably this belief pattern that has crept up inside of your mind and that belief goes “I can’t do this”

and so you might be feeling a little uncertain or a little bit doubtful in your own ability to push through based on what’s happened in the past

But what if I told you you just haven’t found the RIGHT plan yet

Just because you’ve eliminated things that DON’T work…shouldn’t mean you should stop looking, right?

Here's the thing and it's often what causes most people to ditch their diets after 2 or 3 weeks…

Naturally after a period of time eating a calorie deficit you will experience a drop in metabolism...

this has probably happened you in the past where you've gone on a diet and dropped weight in the first couple of weeks,

then what happens is, you put in the same amount of effort in week 3 but instead of losing more weight…

your weight loss stalls, or you may even have GAINED some weight!

You think to yourself, "Screw that, I'm not putting in all that effort again if I'm not going to be seeing any results, right?

The diet stops and you're off looking for the next quick fix solution...

then find yourself stuck in this constant loop.

I totally get that…and I want you to know that IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!

Truth is...


Diets are absolute shams…and the weight loss industry is profiting from everyone’s failures.

And the only reason why diets like Atkins, Paleo, Keto, etc., work TEMPORARILY, is because they restrict your calories to next to nothing.

But what they DON'T tell you is that as soon as you STOP these diets...

you're left with a broken metabolism,

which is WHY people put the weight back on as soon as they stop!

Now what if there was a way you could not only LOSE THE WEIGHT but keep it off PERMANENTLY?

You see, I believe that there's no point losing ANY weight if you can't keep it off for the rest of your life.

What if I told you, just like our clients are doing right now, you could lose the weight AND keep it off for good…

whilst STILL being able to eat your favourite foods.

Wouldn’t you want to know how?

In 2021 I put together a manual that explains EXACTLY how to do just that

And right now I’m willing to share that with you FOR FREE.

To get your FREE COPY all you have to do is tap the link below 👇

and send the ‘red heart emoji’ ❤️… 👈 that one

and I will personally forward it on to you.


It’s an accumulation of my, now 17 years of experience, working with Mums

and I want you to have it for FREE

Included is our At-Home 'LEVEL 1 Bodyweight Workout' AND 'Nutrition System'.

If you’d also like to be in with a chance of WINNING 6 WEEKS OF COACHING with me

then simply LIKE this post...

TAG a couple of your friends...

and SHARE it around,

answer a few short questions for me so I can understand what you’re looking to achieve

and you'll be entered into the draw

That's it.

The draw will take place LIVE on MOTHER’S DAY - Sunday the 27th of March


Here's what you can WIN...

🧘 A 6 week customised training program to help tone and sculpt your body

🤯 14 Day Kick-Start Nutrition plan to MELT body fat and rev up your metabolism

🍔 My Flexible Eating Method

🧠 Mindset and lifestyle coaching

🤓 An online learning platform to help you level up in all areas of life.

🔓 Access to a private community group with like-minded Mums aspiring to achieve the same, if not very similar, goals as you

Plus a ton more value...

So Tap that link 👇

Comment ❤️

LIKE, TAG, SHARE this post and answer a few short questions inside of Messenger

and you'll be in the draw.




Would you like to be in with a chance of WINNING 6 weeks of coaching to help you drop unwanted pounds?

Are you looking to completely overhaul your health and fitness and skyrocket your confidence?

I want to show you exactly how to reverse your body clock and get in the best shape of your life...

without following bland, restrictive diets and doing long, boring cardio workouts

by helping you implement our PROVEN “Empowered Mums System”...

which has already transformed the lives of hundreds of other Mums just like you

Just for taking part in this competition, I’m going to GIVE YOU my EMPOWERED MUMS SELF LOVE HANDBOOK absolutely FREE!

Included is our At-Home 'LEVEL 1 Bodyweight Workout' AND 'Nutrition System'.

To be in with a chance of WINNING 6 WEEKS OF COACHING with me

simply LIKE this post...

TAG a couple of your friends...

and SHARE it around

Tap the link below to jump on messenger 👇

comment with the heart emoji ❤️

and answer a few short questions for me so I can understand what you’re looking to achieve

and you'll be entered into the draw

That's it.

The draw will take place LIVE on MOTHER’S DAY - Sunday the 27th of March

Here's what you can WIN...

🧘 A 6 week customised training program to help tone and sculpt your body

🤯 14 Day Kick-Start Nutrition plan to MELT body fat and rev up your metabolism

🍔 My Flexible Eating Method

🧠 Mindset and lifestyle coaching

🤓 An online learning platform to help you level up in all areas of life.

🔓 Access to a private community group with like-minded Mums aspiring to achieve the same, if not very similar, goals as you

Plus a ton more value...

So Tap that link 👇

Comment ❤️

LIKE, TAG, SHARE this post and answer a few short questions

and you'll be in the draw.



I’m opening up 5 spaces on my online coaching program from March and I’m looking for a few specific Women…

So if you…

👉Are a 30+ year old Mum

👉Recognise you need help and are willing to follow a proven process

👉Can exercise from home up to 4 days per week for as little as 30 minutes at a time

👉Are hardworking and coachable

👉Are willing to invest in yourself

…then DM me a message right away with the word ‘mum50’ to discuss your biggest challenges and goals.

Together we will look at where you need support the MOST right now, what HASN’T worked for you in the past...then get you clear on what you need to do in order to achieve your short AND long term health and fitness goals.

I want to help you to make your biggest dreams and aspirations become a reality but I can only do that if you’re willing to reach out to me first and share the deeper side of things.



Sunday Night Anxiety is Real...

Fear of the week ahead...

Over-thinking and creating monsters in our minds, anticipating what’s to come.

Here are my Top 5 ways of beating the Sunday Night Blues.

1. No Sunday Sesh - a few beers with your Sunday roast to help ease the anxiety, or helping your husband to finish off the bottle of red may not be a session to you, but it’s exacerbating the situation.

You may feel it helps you sleep better but your quality of sleep will be really poor, having a knock on effect into your week.

Consider Sober Sundays or search out non alcoholic alternative as a short term solution.

2. Plan Your Week - get your diary out and plan with a fine toothcomb. Spend 20 minutes, along with your partner, scheduling everything (work, kids, your activities, dog walks etc.). Get super clear and excited about the week ahead and you’ll be winning the week before it’s even started.

3. Set 2 or 3 things to accomplish in your week - this can be Personal, Business or Relationships. It helps if you have something to aim for…rather than drifting through the week not knowing what you’ve done or even achieved.

4. Create A Bedtime Routine - I know, it sounds naff and childish but the positive impact is huge! Wind down, get in a state of calm, ensuring you’re in control of your week rather than your week controlling you. It’ll also improve your quality of sleep as your mind is calm and not racing.

5. Get to bed by 10.30pm - your body works on circadian rhythms and despite you believing you’re a night owl , you trained yourself to be one, therefore, you can train yourself out of it.

It won’t happen overnight (excuse the pun ), but over the course of a week, you’ll soon start to shift. For the body to work at its best and reduce your anxiety, you need to be getting 7/8 hours quality sleep.

You don’t need to implement these all at once, pick just one or two to work on to begin with and build it up.

A few weeks down the line, Sundays and your weeks, will be so much more enjoyable.


Investing in yourself can be daunting, I get that.

You find it hard to justify it somehow and you worry about starting something and not being able to finish it.

Well, what if I could give you a guarantee that that won’t happen?

What if I could give you a money back guarantee that if you don’t get a result I will give you 100% of your investment back?

Would that make the decision to start any easier for you?

How much have you invested on things that didn’t work for you in the past;

❌gym memberships

❌quick fix diet plans

❌home gym equipment

❌health clubs, etc.

none of which got you any closer to where you want to be.

Every day we spend money on things that don’t matter all that much – a TV, couch, stuff around the house…

If if were your kids’ school clothes, a birthday present or a new toy,

would you even bat an eyelid on spending a few hundred quid?

When was the last time you invested in yourself…

actually put time, energy and money into working on YOUR health?

What do you think your kids want more…the stuff?

Or do they want you showing up to be the very best version of you every single day for them...

bringing the best of you to the table every day?

Look, maybe you just didn’t have the right support structure in place before…

Maybe you had a diet plan that wasn’t “followable”, was unrealistic and impossible to sustain long term.

Perhaps you’ve tried different weight loss programs in the past

and for whatever reason they didn’t work out there’s this belief pattern that creeps up inside of your mind and that belief goes...

“I CAN'T DO THIS!!!” 😫

So you might be feeling a little uncertain,

or a little bit doubtful in your own ability to push through, based on what’s happened in the past


What most Mums want when they come to me, is not a flashy, restrictive diet plan 🤐

that looks pretty on paper but impossible to follow 🤯

It’s not a complicated exercise regime that throws them right in the deep end 🥵

It’s someone to be accountable to, someone to keep them on track and give clarity, when and where they need it most…

Someone who understands that it's NOT just about wanting wash-board abs

and fitting into skinny jeans…

it's about wanting to feel more CONFIDENT and COMFORTABLE in yourself...

to become free of the burden of being unhealthy and unfit...

having the confidence to strip down and stand in front of a mirror and think "WOW!!!"

If you’re on the fence about whether our program can help…

If you’re a busy Mum, lacking confidence, self-belief, energy and drive...

who's fed up of feeling tired and stressed

If you have 2 stone or more you’d like to drop, FOR GOOD and look and feel happier, healthier and more confident in your body.

If you’ve finally thought “enough is enough” and you’re ready to own up to your situation and do something about it…

Then I want you to tap the link below 👇👇👇

book a FREE coaching call with me

and see how we’ve been able to help other Mums drop up to 30 pounds in just 90 days,

sky-rocket their confidence

and become incredible role models for their kids

Don’t JUST take my word for it though,

follow the link and listen to what other Mums have had to say about the Empowered Mums program.

Do something today that you’ll thank yourself for tomorrow.


Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Rush?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Barry J Doyle - Online Health & Fitness Coach

“I COACH, EDUCATE and MENTOR women, specifically Mums, to become FITTER, HEALTHIER, and more CONFIDENT, in just 42 DAYS, so they can finally start enjoying life without being restricted by TIME, crazy EXERCISE routines and FAD DIETS, using my signature training system”

Videos (show all)

STEP 5: Never Give UpIf ever you find yourself giving up on your diet at the first hurdleIf you're unsure about what die...
STEP 4: Challenge yourselfIf you're looking for the best results, yet you're not placing a demand on the body...then it'...
STEP 3: Follow a Proven ProcessWhen it comes to losing weight, are you following a proven process that's going to get yo...
“My ‘5 step plan’ to help you completely overhaul your Health, Fitness and Confidence…STEP 2: Reach Out 👇Tap the link be...
Mums: Here's 3 Things That Are Probably Holding You Back From Achieving Your Health And Fitness Goals...Life is short, t...
#procrastination, noun - the act of delaying something that you should do, usually because you do not want to do it..."I...



Park Road

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EZ Fitness EZ Fitness

- One to one & small group. - Flexible workouts to fit your schedule. - Programmes tailored for YOU. - Fun workout challenges. If you’re ready to take the first step in making a ...

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