Eileen Conneely - My Radical Remedy

Safe, effective, drug-free approach to ADHD/ ADD treatment.


A 13 yo girl was struggling with focus and exam anxiety. Her mom wanted to help her with focus on non-preferred tasks e.g. school work, her disabling anxiety with exams, and supporting her to have a better attitude towards school. She also wanted to help her with her reading. Summer reading was necessary to help her keep up due to her dyslexia but she really disliked doing it, and always came up with excuses to not do reading.

She finds school tests overwhelming which means she can't perform well. Her grades were usually somewhere between a 'C' and close to a fail. She goes blank in the exam situation. Her tummy would hurt for 2 days before a test. She compares herself to other kids, and thinks she's not as good as them academically. She also finds presentations and talking in front of her class very difficult.

After her first prescription her anxiety levels were better.
Her focus improved and she was getting higher grades after the second prescription. She had no anxiety.

Her mom reported the following improvements at her second follow-up.

☀ Grades are better than they have ever been.

☀ She’s now taking the initative to self-start doing her homework. This is amazing because she used to require lots of prompting in the past, and one-on-one to make sure she completed it.

☀ She’s reading for pleasure.

☀ Her focus is better even when doing work on her own.

☀ Managing tests better, last few tests she’s done really well with no nervous feeling.

If you would like more information about using homeopathy to help focus you are welcome to schedule a discovery call via my website - www.myradicalremedy.com


We don't treat symptoms or conditions in isolation with Homeopathy. We treat the whole person. It's only when the homeopath knows all your symptoms in detail along with your past medical history (timeline), and possible root causes that they can prescribe an effective course of treatment.

This 8 year old girl started treatment for ADHD type symptoms, warts, and sleeping difficulty.

The attached photo shows the progression of her warts over three prescriptions. This is what her mom had to say....

'My 8 year old Daughter who was really struggling with ADHD symptoms, behaviour, anxiety, sleep and skin issues with huge warts on her knees and hands for years.

We have tried lots of other therapies with no improvements. Since starting homeopathic treatment we have seen some great gains in her mood, behaviour, school work, sleep and warts.

We have seen huge breakthroughs , she is no longer having melatonin for sleep, enjoys life at home and school and her warts are almost non visible.

She is the happiest most loving girl she has been in years and I believe her Homeopathy treatment has helped all of her struggles both physically and emotionally.

Eileen has been amazing throughout to work with, very caring , understanding and thorough to get to the root cause, highly recommended'.


Who would have thought that a toxic substance like Mercury which is harmful, even deadly in a crude dose could have such healing potential in highly diluted, homeopathic doses?

Mercurius is a remedy I employ a lot in my practice to help children and adults with ADHD/ ADD. I think one of the reasons the mercurial pattern of symptoms is present in so many ADHD/ ADD cases is because mercury toxicity is often a contributing root cause. I see this pattern in my clinic on a regular basis.

Mercury can be passed from mother to child in utero so if the mother has amalgam fillings the child can be born with some mercury toxicity. The child can then acquire additional mercury from adjuvents, in the diet from fish, and other environmental sources.

Sometimes a person just needs one of the Mercurius remedies as a constitutional remedy as it matches their symptom picture very well. A person with high levels of mercury toxicity identified by testing will require a custom made protocol to address this. This type of work can only be done under the guidance of an experienced homeopath / naturopath.


Homeopathic remedies are a gentle and effective catalyst to enhance learning and help unlock the potential in children with ADHD, ASD, and learning difficulties.

One mom told me her son received an award for showing the most progress in his whole school. The change happened a few months into homeopathy treatment.

It's gentle, it's natural, side-effect-free, and life-changing. What is there not to love about homeopathy?!


Lovely feedback I received from one of the families I work with. Thank you for sharing 🙏 💛

Eileen has helped our family in so many ways. We are so thankful to have found her. Myself and all three of my children have greatly benefited. Initially, we started with my son when he was 8 years old. He has autism and struggles with PANS/PANDAS as well as Lyme disease and other infections. After his treatments, there were numerous improvements in his emotional regulation, energy, sleep, and overall outlook on life. He’d often become overwhelmed, extremely emotional, and physically exhausted. Thankfully with Eileen’s help over the years, he has been improving.

My four-year-old daughter struggled tremendously with sensory issues, specifically, her hair being brushed. She would scream whenever we would try to brush it. Eileen was able to help with remedies that would allow me to manage her curly hair with little issue. My daughter was also very reactive and would throw tantrums becoming so emotionally distressed that she was even scaring herself. It always amazes me the change that comes after seeing Eileen. She would become so much calmer, happier, and just overall cooperative.

My oldest daughter struggles with ADHD and eczema. During the pandemic, she became extremely depressed. Eileen was able to help us through a very difficult time. We saw improvements in her depressive symptoms and eczema.

Eileen has also been an amazing help to me in dealing with hormone and thyroid issues. I am so thankful that we found her. She always takes the time to really understand what’s going on and figure out the best course of action. She has had such an impact on the health of our family over the years and I cannot thank her enough!


You know you've landed on a good constitutional remedy and course when you see a response like this 8 weeks in to homeopathic treatment. Below is feedback from his mom at his first follow-up, and the attached image is feedback from his teacher.
🌼 Talking more. He can articulate a lot more.
🌼 Less echolalia.
🌼 More confident expressing himself.
🌼 Understands more so not seeing as many tantrums.
🌼 Doing better in school.
🌼 Sleeping better, and on his own.
🌼 Cognition is better.
🌼 He's enjoying school again.
🌼 Less erratic moods.
🌼 Started eating a lot of new foods. Trying foods he would previously never look at.
🌼 Not as constipated.
🌼 Sensory issues with clothing has lessened.
Image: His name is replaced with 'He' to protect privacy.


The potential of homeopathy only four months into homeopathic treatment.
His mom and I were happy to witness the following gains since the beginning of treatment:

- Loud, constant vocalizations have decreased significantly.

- Much, much calmer.

- Attention has improved. Listening to me and following directions.

- Sitting for periods of time rather than running around and jumping up and down. Sitting while I read him a book.

- Constant teeth grinding reduced by 60%, sometimes don't hear it at all.

-Waking up to go to then toilet, not having accidents.

- Saying more words and sounds.

- No longer afraid of loud sounds and the dark.

- Showing interest in games.

- Rather than grabbing my hand and showing me to the area where we keep his iPad, he said IPAD to ask for it.

- Started to say the alphabet clearly.

- Not chewing on objects as much.

- Sleep has much improved, now sleeps at 8:30pm for the whole night.


One of my most utilized remedies working with children with neurodevelopmental conditions. Who would have thought the middle calcium layer of the oyster shell could hold such healing potential. Hahnemann (founder of Homeopathy) shared information about this remedy in his book Chronic Diseases in 1829. Clarke was right when he said this remedy 'is one of the greatest monuments of Hahnemann's genius'.


A recent testimonial shared by one of my clients -

"Working with Eileen is really a blessing and a game changer to my family. We started working with Eileen two years ago; I was desperate and wanted to help my daughter who was diagnosed with ASD and Absent seizures - Eileen helped us to understand the root cause of my daughter illness and we worked together based on symptoms and she was always there when needed - my daughter is now more verbal, social skills has improved significantly, her anxiety was reduced and the most important part is that her brains waves and spikes were reduced by 70% which the mainstream doctors were amazed by these results and kept asking me about the reason behind this and what I have utilized.
I consider Conversations with Eileen as mental health support, talking to someone who understands your situation, validates your feelings, and let you trust your gut feelings ! I learned that when having a kid with special needs it's important to have a holistic family treatment plan.
Me and my other daughter started working with Eileen on our health issues and barriers. I started changing my family lifestyle, diets and environment and I'm so blessed and happy that I'm making these changes. As a Mom, I really feel safe knowing that Eileen is there for me whenever needed".


Why use Miralax when you can use homeopathy? Healing the gut is essential to resolve chronic constipation. Check out the facebook group if you're current relying on miralax / movicol.

MiraLax is ☠️☠️

Safe alternative

Thank you https://m.facebook.com/groups/209540745755798/?ref=share&mibextid=afzh1R


The number of kiddos who feel as though they can’t go to school is going nuclear.

School anxiety doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of going to school. It means they don’t feel safe enough - yet.

The shift won’t come if we wait for it to come from the child. It will come from the adults around them. This doesn’t mean adults caused it - they don’t, and they’re the ones with the power to make it different.

Kids need to feel the safety from school and parents. What does this look like?

First, they need to trust that at least one adult at school is willing to love and lead them - through big feelings, big anxiety, and help their school world feel softer.

They need to feel welcome at school and a sense of belonging. Of course they are welcome, cared for, and belong at school, but exactly what happens to let them know they are. If you’re not sure, ask your young one what happens to let them know they are cared for and welcome at school. If they can’t name anything, it doesn’t mean it’s not happening, it just means the things school is doing aren’t necessarily having the intended impact. That’s okay - that might be where the shift has to come from. Ask your child what might help.

They also need to feel parents loving and leading. What parents decide, the child will follow. If parents don’t believe their child is safe and loved at school, there’s no way that child will feel safe and loved there.

It’s okay not to feel that trust yet - parents aren’t meant to feel safe leaving their child with any adult - but if you’re not there, what needs to happen to get you there? If you do believe they are safe and loved, it’s important that your child knows this too.

This might sound like, ‘Yes it’s hard, and yes I know you can do this.’ If they aren’t able to get out of the car, ‘I can see you aren’t ready yet. I’m going to wait until you can hop out of the car. We aren’t going home. When you’re ready I’ll take you to your teacher. She’s waiting for you and I know she’s going to take such good care of you.’

This is why the parent-school relationship is so important. It is the net that catches our kiddos, and they need strong loving hands holding on at both ends.♥️

Photos from Eileen Conneely - My Radical Remedy's post 21/06/2024

Summer solstice blessings from Lough Gur stone circle 💚 ☀ 🌳


Homeopathy is truly amazing. This teenager is no longer having seizures. I was overjoyed to hear how he's doing recently.

🌼 No tonic / clonic seizures for 8 months.

🌼 No concern about oxygen levels. Haven't needed to give the remedy Cicuta.

🌼 He recovers better in general from exercise/ physical exertion. Is breathing recovery rate has lessened.

🌼 He recently recounted a whole story of something that happened at school in detail which hasn't happened before.

🌼 Asked me to read two books for him which he has never done before.

🌼 Constipation is better.

The feedback before Christmas was great (see below). Wonderful how far he has progressed since then.

Reduction in duration of seizure. The last one was 47 seconds, previous seizures lasted 2-3 minutes. Recovery time after seizure is shorter.

Giving Cicuta during a seizure is increasing oxygen saturation within 1 minute e.g. one night from 89 to 98 after Cicuta.

He’s less rigid during seizures, breathing sounds less restricted and wheezy.

Last one didn’t have to call an ambulance, oxygen didn’t drop.

He started singing again. He used to sing when he was 7yo but stopped.

More willing to try new foods.

His communication has improved. More verbal. Showing more interest and engagement. He’s taking the time to think before he answers a question instead of just repeating things back to us.

Focus is better. Can make an omelet from start to finish independently which is new.


Stramonium is another commonly prescribed remedy from the Solanaceae family in my practice.

It's often indicated for children with ADHD, ASD, PANDAS/ PANS, anxiety, emotional dysregulation, and sleeping difficulties. I think partly because it is such a good remedy for healing ailments from trauma, and trauma is such a huge piece of the puzzle in Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric conditions.

It's a mysterious plant. Also known as Jimson w**d or Thorn apple. It's a member of the Solanaceae family along with Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, and Mandragora.
The bloom opens at dusk during the Summer months, emitting a powerfully sweet fragrance to attract night moths. By mid-morning the following day the flowers close. Moths become intoxicated by Datura nectar, flying erratically around the plants, clumsily landing on blossoms, crashing into the leaves, and falling upon the ground.

The active ingredients are hyoscyamine, atropine, and scopolamine. The highest concentration of alkaloids is in the seeds. Toxicity symptoms include visual hallucinations, blurred vision, tachycardia, agitation, nausea and vomiting, incoherence, disorientation, auditory hallucinations, seizures, and combativeness.
The crude form can cause these intoxication symptoms so we know the highly diluted homeopathic form can help relieve similar symptoms.

Datura stramonium has been used in medicine for several thousands of years. Greek and Roman physicians used Stramonium mixed with O***m as a sedative or general anaesthetic. In the 17th Century Professor William Cullen reported the use of the seeds and extract of Stramonium was used in 'Mania, epilepsy, melancholy, rheumatism, ulcerous affections and cancer'.

Below you will read the common indications for giving this remedy in homeopathic form. It really is an amazing remedy. I have seen highly anxious kids become anxiety free, aggression/ violence become a thing of the past, sleep issues resolve, sensory sensitivity reduce, and seizures stop with just a few doses.

Photo of a Stramonium bloom taken early one morning while I was doing a herbal internship in Southern Oregon in 2014.


It's like music to my ears every time I hear a child with ASD is better able to express their needs.


My kids will be on Summer holidays soon. I'll be taking some annual leave to enjoy some adventures with them. If you are due a follow-up during the summer it's worth booking in advance as I will have reduced availability.

Clinic will be closed the following dates -

July 1st - 10th
July 22nd - 29th
August 5th - 12th
August 19th - 28th

I have a few appointments available this week and next week if you're due a follow-up now. I will be away the first week of July 💛


A testimonial gratefully received from a mom of a client I've had the pleasure of working with for four years.

"I would like all the other parents of children with ASD to know there is hope. My son is now 16 and very social. This was not the case five years ago when he was having trouble socializing, and trouble advocating for himself. Before that in third grade he would just put his head on his desk and be checked out.

Traditional medication proved to be the wrong direction and we tried naturopathic but things were getting worse, and then we found homeopathy. Boy, do I wish we had found it sooner! How was this tiny little sugar pill coated in a homeopathic remedy going to help my son I asked? One benefit was these pills were going to be easy to take as you just suck on them.

We saw layers come off over the years. His memory is better, his socialization, he engages more with others, and conversations are two-way, no tantrums like before (you still get the “typical” teenage stuff), but he is happy now where he had been mad before. We are not at the end of his homeopathic journey (nor ours now that I have discovered all the things it can help with), but we are in a place where everyone I meet who is a parent of a child with autism looking for help I tell them about homeopathy and what a profoundly positive impact it has had on all of our lives. And Eileen is wonderful to work with, knowledgeable and caring."

Image: Feedback from his teacher when he was 15 years old.


Belladonna is one of our commonly used remedies from the Solanaceae (nightshades) family. This family of remedies are so essential in my practice for helping children with emotional dysregulation (e.g. rage), ADHD, anxiety, Oppositional Defiance disorder and PANDAS.

20 years ago when I started studying homeopathy I worked with individuals with severe learning difficulties and ASD. Reading about these remedies then was a total revelation. I had no idea that natural medicines existed that matched, and could help such psychological, neurological and cognitive states. Now many years later I'm working with clients that frequently require these remedies, and I am so grateful to have them in my tool kit.

Belladonna has such potential to relieve bouts of rage and restlessness, and enhance emotional regulation.

I find it really helpful in ADHD, ASD and PANDAS cases where there's lots of rage alongside a tendency to intense fevers, bouts of tonsillitis and/ or chronic ear infections. It works well to calm neuroinflammation.

If you are struggling with a child who suffers with symptoms like this know that homeopathy can help. Stimulant meds, anti-depressants, and anti-psychotics are not the only option.


I've heard about so many amazing gains over the last few months. I'm excited to share some of them with you.

I was delighted to hear this from a mom recently about her 6 year old daughter with selective mutism...

Introducing Homeopathy - The Film 17/04/2024

You can support this new film about homeopathy by purchasing a ticket for a private screening between April 19th - 21st. It's a community funded film so there is a $25 charge for the tickets. Each ticket is good for one device, so buy one and invite friends and family to watch it together.

The creators believe this film has the potential to change the public's understanding of homeopathy and as a consequence put homeopathy in its rightful place in health care.

Introducing Homeopathy - The Film A new documentary film reshaping the medical landscape and restoring Homeopathy's


It's early days working with this boy. We're halfway through his second course of homeopathic remedies and seeing some amazing shifts. Small steps = big leaps.


Lycopodium is a remedy I often recommend in my practice.
If you look through the symptoms you can see how we aim to treat the whole - mental, emotional, cognitive, and physical symptoms. It's all connected.

Lycopodium is a good example of one of our amazing gut-brain axis remedies. Often an area we need to focus on in complex children's cases (and adults too of course).


For someone who used to support adults with ASD with independent living this feedback makes my heart sing. It's potential progress like this that called me away from support work in a social care setting to embrace practicing homeopathy full-time.

Thanks to the mother who gave me permission to share her feedback. I think it beautifully conveys the potential of homeopathy to support an adult with ASD to fulfill their potential and be independent.

"Over three years ago my 18-year-old son, who has ASD, started working with Eileen. I can't believe ALL the changes he has made since that time!

Now, he has his driver's license and feels comfortable driving on his own. This was a HUGE accomplishment!

Last week he went over to a friend's house! At 20 years old, he now has friends and actively gets together with them and does activities together. He never had friends before. He is now able to give and take in a relationship, which makes communication and friendship so much easier!

Decisions are now so much easier for him to make and not as complicated nor as overwhelming! Like deciding on which parking space to use or what to wear each day when he gets dressed. His self-care has drastically improved! He now knows when he needs to take a shower and can do so without any other directives.

He now can touch food and prepare a few meals from scratch, whereas before his sensory issues were too much and the steps involved in preparing even a simple dish were too challenging.

He loves to read and can now independently to local libraries and pick out a book to read. Before, the anxiety of going in and not knowing who he would meet would stress him out. Today, he feels comfortable doing it. This has transferred to the grocery store and other areas needed for independent living. When we are eating out as a family, he can now order from the menu, and tell the waiter/waitress what he wants to eat, even if he has never been to that restaurant. He also can now advocate for himself, having anaphylactic allergies, and letting the server know.

He finished high school and was accepted into trade school. He successfully completed the program and was hired by a company! These are HUGE examples of skills and improvements he has made since starting treatment with Eileen.

Eileen is very easy to talk to - as a mom/caregiver, and my son was at ease with how she related to him. He looks forward to talking to her and sharing stories! She also has been a great cheerleader and encourages him! It's helpful to look back and see how far he has come in such a short period of time!

His quality of life, happiness, and his independence has dramatically improved! He is NOT the same young man he was before he started seeing Eileen a few years ago! These are just a few examples of things my son couldn't do at 18 years of age (even after YEARS of training and practice), but now, thanks to Eileen's patience, compassion, and excellent care, he can do so independently. Homeopathy works and a wonderful homeopath, like Eileen, makes ALL the difference! :)"


We have many great homeopathic remedies that can help individuals with ADHD and ASD.

Phosphorus is one of my most commonly prescribed remedies.
When it's a good fit it helps to improve focus, reduce hyperactivity, anxiety, defiance, fears of thunderstorms and the dark, ailments from anticipation, improve quality of sleep, and adrenal fatigue. And many physical symptoms too e.g. nosebleeds, upper respiratory conditions, and tummy upsets.

This is just a snapshot of the remedy. If you're interested you can find out more about the remedy Phosphorus online or in a homeopathic Materia medica.


I recently received this lovely testimonial from a client. I added it to my website this week.

"Eileen was recommended to us by a close friend many years ago. Our 10-year-old boy has ASD, sensory processing disorder, and anxiety. It wasn't until March 2023 when our son really hit a bump in the road that we said we would try homeopathy. We were at our wit's end. He had regressed at school, and his anxiety was through the roof. I scheduled a discovery call with Eileen, and following that I booked a first consultation. Eileen was very kind and compassionate, listened to us, and assured us that homeopathy could help.

Our son started his first course last March and we are on our 3rd course now. The treatment was really easy to follow. We were new to homeopathy so we had loads of questions which Eileen always answered and was a great support. Homeopathy is so gentle. Our son's anxiety has gone from 10 to 1 in a year. He has improved his communication skills and his eye contact. His awareness of danger has also improved. He is now staying until 2pm in school which is a massive improvement.

He's had huge gains through homeopathy so much so that I have started my journey with Eileen. Our younger son who suffered huge anxiety while transitioning to a new classroom in school also benefited from a remedy recommended by Eileen. All I would say is if you're on the fence and not sure just book a call with Eileen. You won't regret it. We are continuing to work with her and can't ever imagine life without homeopathic remedies."


You Are Loved - Emily Roussell


I just wanted to come out of hibernation to say Homeopathy rocks 🤟 If you haven't used it for advancing your level of health yet what is stopping you?

I've had a lovely start to the year in my clinic with so many stories of positive change and transformation. I'll share some stories with you soon 💛


Today is the darkest night of the year in the northern hemisphere.
Winter solstice is a celebration of the return of the light, and the next growth cycle. It is recognized as a moment of stillness and rebirth, a time to ask What do I want to do? What do I want to grow? What energy do I wish to carry through into the new year's cycle? I hope you find a moment of stillness today.

Thank you for following my Winter Solstice advent posts. It's been lovely to share some positive stories from my clinic. I hope they brought a glimmer of light. If you've been on the fence about starting your homeopathy journey I hope they've inspired you to give it a go next year. If you have already started I hope they've inspired you to continue.

Winter solstice blessings 🕯️ 🎄 ☀️


It's been amazing to witness the effects of the remedy Cicuta virosa to help this boy who has seizures associated with oxygen desaturation. Within 1 minute of giving Cicuta his oxygen saturation increases. Really positive shifts in speech and communication too. He's just finished his second course.

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Natural treatment for ADHD/ ADD

I started my working life supporting adults with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum disorder, ADHD and learning difficulties. This led me on a journey to find modalities that can truly improve the quality of life for individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions.

I am happy to say my journey was successful! I found Homeopathy! I attained my degree in Homeopathic medicine 15 years ago and have been learning every day since.

I have a special interest in treating children who struggle with emotional regulation, anxiety, restlessness, inability to focus, impulsiveness and aggression. Children who may have acquired the label ADHD/ADD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and/or other co-existing conditions ASD, ODD, SPD.

The thing is Homeopaths do not treat labels or any of these conditions in isolation, we treat individuals. My focus is always on a child's unique personality, emotional expression and reaction to their environment. What triggers them or makes them anxious, and more importantly Why?. There is always one or more root causes if a child is struggling at home, in school or socially. Some of the most common root causes I come across is a history of trauma, nutritional depletion, dietary impairment, gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, toxicity (e.g. heavy metals, glyphosate), hormonal imbalances, susceptibility to infection, presence of parasites.

In my experience constitutional homeopathic treatment helps restore emotional stability, calm, attention and focus by resolving the underlying causes of ADHD/ ADD.

Homeopathy despite being the second most used medicine in the world (apparently 200 million users worldwide) is also the most controversial. This is because we use tiny, dilute doses of natural substances as a catalyst to stimulate a response, which contradicts current conventional understanding that medicine has to be in material/ bulk doses in order to have an effect. In my experience, these excessively dilute natural substance are not only effective, but safe and gentle too. Everything you could want from a medicine!

I am deeply concerned about the trend of over-medicating our children and I know a lot of other parents are too. I'm happy to share my experience and knowledge of homeopathic medicine with anyone seeking information about natural ways and gentle systems of medicine to support their child's neurodevelopment. I offer online consultations for those seeking homeopathic treatment - www.myradicalremedy.com

There's many ways to help our children, and often a multidisciplinary approach is required to meet their many needs. Homeopathy alongside conventional/ functional/ naturopathic medicine, speech & language, occupational therapy is often like a key that unlocks a doorway, opening a world of new possibilities, progress, and improvements for the individual.

A little bit more about me...I value peace, kindness, respectful discourse, and open communication. I tend to think outside the box, am philosophically inclined, quite methodical at the same time. I'm passionate about deepening my connection with nature. I'm called to share ideas around natural health and sustainable healthcare. I am fully committed to helping others.

I have just started a new position managing a multidisciplinary clinic on a herbal medicine farm in Ireland. Bringing together Herbalists, Nutritionists, Acupuncturists, Osteopaths, Homeopaths, and Bodyworkers. We aim to serve as a model for a new paradigm of integrated, sustainable, patient-centered health care.

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