C-FIT helps people achieve their dreams. Our method gives people Recomposition (gain mass - lose fat


Passover has passed over, and Summer is here. Your clients are ready to prepare for beach season. InBody 270 is key for several reasons:

Tracking progress
Monitoring body fat (% & Segmentally)
Gauging muscle mass
Building calorie deficit
Intuitive insights into training
Getting results

Contact us to receive a price quote.

*Devices will be installed within 1 week from purchase date.



Many people think that a Body Composition Analyzer is just used to measure parameters like fat, muscle, etc. In truth, devices like InBody can many useful things to help you professionally. Have you tried working with ratios when developing a ReComposition plan?

InBody can accurately measure Body Fat Mass, Fat Free Mass, and weight. Many clients will not have a weight problem, as much as a ratio problem.

Let's say the client (male) weighs 80 kg., but his proportions are less desirable. He has 55 kg. of Fat Free Mass & 25 kg. of Fat Mass. He will look OK, but he is actually a bit week, and bit over-sized on his Fat Mass.

With InBody you can develop a healthier, happier ratio that will help the client look better and feel better. You will be able to track his changes, until ultimately the golden ratio is achieved.

Most people intuitively know their ratio, but need help articulating it, setting it, and working towards it. InBody can do most of the work...putting the professional & the client in position to execute the plan.


To get gains, you must work beyond what you think is possible. And once it becomes possible, you use it or lose it.


This conversation happens multiple times per day. People, usually women, receive their body fat % and then promptly overeact.

Usually their body composition looks like this:

Height: 155 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Body fat %: 35

Clearly, someone who weighs 55 kg is NOT fat. There is a name however for what they ARE.


What is 'skinny fat'?

When you reach an acceptable weight, the wrong way, this is skinny fat. Usually, a skinny fat person has a perfect BMI, but they got there the wrong way (this is one of the major flaws of BMI).

Inside your weight are two kinds of mass: Fat Mass and Fat Free Mass (Mass without considering fat). If you reached an ideal weight (based on height) in a non-ideal way, it will be counter-productive. BMI (BODY MASS INDEX) considers all weight as equal. But in health, all weight is not equal. Generally, we want to see a higher proportion of muscle against fat. This will automatically create a healthy body fat %.

In our example above, our client has an ideal weight, low muscle mass, and relatively high level of fat. She is 'not' fat; but too much of her 55 kg is composed of fat mass. Inside the 55 kg is too much fat and not enough muscle. In other words, though her weight is low, it is composed inefficiently. She needs a better composition, proportionately.

Skinny fat is technically called sarcopenic obesity. This implies a relatively high level of fat alongside critically low muscle mass. One of the challenges of this condition is that society considers this attractive, but in reality it is not an ideal body composition. People who suffer this DO feel fat, do not look fat, and the results confuse everyone.

One thing to remember, body fat % is not the same thing as 'fat'. Fat is measured in kg while % is a ratio of fat mass to weight which considers fat free mass % at the same time, inversely.


One of my favorite [innocent] questions that I get once a day:

"Is that DEXA?"

And my answer: "No."

So what is DEXA and how does InBody compare to DEXA?

DEXA is a gold standard device in body composition. It uses x-ray technology to measure bone density. Its accuracy is about 99% to actual body composition. The device is not dangerous, but it is not advised to use it daily (if you could), and to own one would set you back half a million shekels. Needless to say, they aren't common or practical. I always advise getting a DEXA scan once you feel you reach your body composition goal.

InBody is 98% as accurate as DEXA. I got tested on both devices back to back; DEXA - 20% & InBody 19% body fat. As you can see, the difference was minimal.

Is the goal to get 100% accurate results? Well, not really...not unless you want to be cut open and killed to find out what your body composition was. The goal is to get a deep understanding of your body composition.

InBody is validated against DEXA, so it would be impossible to be (or claim) more accurate than DEXA. However InBody scans give more data and more insight than a DEXA scan. This is why many professionals actually prefer to scan clients with InBody and discuss their body composition using InBody data.


One of the rabbinic concepts that works in fitness is "tzvei dinim"....one concept, two outcomes.

Fat is one of these instances. Fat is most specifically fat mass and confused with body fat %.

Why aren't they the same?
..because fat mass is the mass of fat in your body. % is a ratio of fat, weight, and fat free mass.

The simple application where we can really see the concept:

A small female of 50 kg is NOT fat, but may have a high fat % because her lean mass is low.


I get asked this question a lot: "What will the results give me?"

The answer is nuanced, but the basic idea is that InBody sees what you or others won't or can't see.

Some examples are:

Weak or undersized legs
Segmental fat areas
Relative muscle mass..and much more!

I know that my body perplexes me in many ways, and InBody gives me a constantly objective feedback loop. Using InBody I have been able to not only lose an incredible amount of fat, but I have used it to get lean and to build muscle.

InBody is designed to help you reach your fitness, health, and appearance goals.


Ok, here is my 'How to eat the perfect banana' tip:

Think about fish.

You know how fish tastes great unless it's cooked wrong, and turns out 'tasting like fish'...
..the same goes for a banana. If a banana tastes like a banana, it means it's not ripe.

*How can you identify the perfectly ripe banana?

It is yellow with lots of brown in the peel. Inside it will be perfectly yellow. Not enough brown, and it will taste like a banana, and too brown, it will have gross mushy parts.

Eat perfect bananas; a great way to get through your day. Eat as many as you would like.

And remember, if it tastes like a banana, it needs more time to ripen.

Enjoy your day.


People often ask me how I was able to lose weight, and the usual assumption is that I must have had the surgery. The short answer is, no, I didn't have the surgery. I used InBody, fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle/habit changes.

The picture I presented below is a great example of the reality of today. If you want to make a profound bodily change, you have two paths to choose from:

Pills & Surgery
Lifestyle Change

I think the best answer should be plainly obvious. What is not obvious, is that not enough healthcare workers are working hard to push the latter, and default to the former.

The message is simple: Your body/Life is in your hands, and you can make into whatever you want.

Don't look for the shortcut; you'll pay for it later.


Distance/Speed Running is an incredibly difficult sport/Physical Activity Level to incorporate into your life. Let's find out why:

The following make running hard:

Mental fatigue
Sleepy (early morning/late night/
Time allowance
Etc..to name a few!

I, like many others, began running during Covid when gyms closed, and fell in love. Then when Covid passed, I realized not only did my life drastically change, but my new fitness schedule now needed to fit somehow into my new, much busier life. No longer did I have 24/7 for fitness.

In the middle of this, I moved to a location with a much harsher winter to add to the complications. My daily 10k quickly became my once in 1-2 weeks 10k; it just wasn't happening.

Once I settled down, I found that 4 am was the best time to get out, since my day didn't start until at least 6 am. But, with the change in schedule, I also found that I can be overall more productive at 4 am. Running took a backseat...again.

Today it all changed. I leveled with myself, and decided I would only run 5k for now on, and dedicate my long runs to 10k on those special days. Here us what I learned/realized:

I enjoy 5k much more
Recovery was super easy
Injury is less prone
Meditation was stronger
Mental fatigue was removed
I burned nearly 400 kcal
My PAL went up
Cardio was working
It was fun
And many, many other benefits
But the most important one...

Consistency. 5k is a run that I know I can be consistent with. 30 minutes, and your day moves on. It is a win-win.

Here's to 5k...a great way to enjoy the day.




1) Gets Stuck
2) Realizes it is because of themself
3) Needs to fix it

How many times have you found yourself stuck, only to realize you were sabotaging the process?!

When this happens, do not fret; take immediate action. Usually it is because you were not willing to go the extra mile.

These days I am stuck at 81-2 kg. I know how to go into 'Rambo-mode' to fix it, but I would like to find a smoother solution. The problem is 1 or 2 things:

Too many calories
Too little movement (PAL)
*Limited time & energy to invest

Let's I was eating an oatmeal breakfast everyday that I thought I could [calorically] afford, only to realize I can't. By definition mu body will not turn fat into fuel. It would be a futile attempt. You will not find the solution until you:

Come to a grip
Add up your energy in-take
Make the changes
*Get out of denial

Somewhere in our strategy is a flaw, if there is prolonged plateau. The real issue is, will you channel the inner-Rambo to fix it?



I must say, losing weight and gain muscle the first round was super easy. As a Rabbi, I could train as long as I wanted, when I wanted. I never looked back, I never had a bad day.

As great as it was,my experience wasn't a reality.

These days I work outside, often spending many hours a day in my car. The effort needed to succeed is real. I have just as many off-days as I have on-days. The struggle is tough.

All I know is, there will be ups and there will be downs; the journey is [now] much longer and convoluted.

My mantra is 'just keep going' as it is all one can do.

Training is the best way to get profiund results, but people have families, lives, work, etc. Fitness & nutrition for the working man is a work in progress...figuring it out one day at a time.

Yes, I know how to go hardcore and get results...but the goal now is to go slow, enjoy life, and execute along the journey.


Bread is a controversial food...to eat it, or not to eat it, this is the question.

I am against bread for 5 reasons:

1) Bread will kill your budget. If you are in a calorie deficit, bread will take about 500 kcal from your already low budget allowance. It's not worth it.

2) Bread has no ROI. When you are in a calorie deficit, you need your food to work for you, not against you. Bread simply isn't helping your cause.

3) The key to a calorie deficit is high volume - low calories. Bread is low volume - high calories. It's too counter-intuitive to include in your diet.

4) Bread is highly refined, and thus like potato chips. One slice will lead to another. Are you really eating about 35 grams worth?

5) 35 grams...that is about the size of your portion. Carbs are not meant for big portions. By definition bread can't be the bulk of your meal.

Bread is simply not a great food. Yes, it has benefits, some of which are important:


However, you can get the same benefits from other foods that don't have these 5 drawbacks.

You can either just leave bread out, or swap it with another food. Have you ever tried a lettuce-wrap burger? I highly recommend it (protein without the carb hit)!



One of the secrets to creating a healthy & sustainable Calorie Deficit is to base it on quality calories. A quality calorie is food content that works for you instead of against you.

Doughnuts are mostly refined carbs, meaning pure sugar, which creates problems for your body.

Veggies are also carbs, but they will contribute to your health.

If you can pick between 250 kcal of either doughnuts or veggies, choose the latter.

We all know you will want to choose doughnuts, so what is it that will influence our choices?

Taste and ease.

Doughnuts are easy to eat and taste great. Veggies are hard to eat and may not taste great; you'll choose doughnuts.

The secret is to learn how to make easy, great veggies.
..but that is a different post 🤔



Why is your principal your 'pal' - because he is your [princi-PAL]...most of us remember hearing this as kids.

Training is your 'pal' too...your P.HYSICAL A.CTIVITY L.EVEL.

Training can be boiled down to a few solid principles: smart nutrition, increased physical activity level, and consistency-dedication. Along the way you need important intangibles like habits, knowledge, perserverance, etc. The total package will have you in the greatest shape of your life.

The secret of PAL is to make a very real, significant change in your [physical] lifestyle. The ultimate goal is to transform yourself from dwelling in an inactive state, to an active one. Living an active lifestyle will solve your PAL issues.

In most systems, PAL can break down to 4 levels spanning 1-2:

1 - Sedentary
1.11 - Lightly Active
1.5 - Active
2 - Very Active

This list is arbitrary; there are many methods of calculating the list. InBody defaults to 1.11 and the goal is to elevate it to a higher, sustainable standard.

In short, your Body Composition will vastly improve with your improved PAL.



Do you want RESULTS?

I'm sure you do, but what is the 'best' way to achieve them? The answer is actually quite simple: TRAIN.

As I reflect on my fitness journey, I have come to the conclusion that I have very weak results outside of formal training. Covid only reinforced this realization; house-bound for an extended period of time and turning to training created profound results.

The benefits of a training lifestyle can not be denied. You will experience an elevated PAL, clear body enhancements & conditioning, along with a necessary nutritional improvement.

InBody (Body Composition) is not crucial, but it will guide you along your journey, offer validity, and create publishable results. For this, InBody [context] is invaluable.

You can achieve results without training, but the truth is, I never have. One need not train like a madman, but I do advise some sort of training implementation into your lifestyle.

C-FIT is my InBody training platform, designed to introduce training to people who can not train for a living. The InBody element compensates via data, allowing clients to target their weaknesses and focus on getting specific results.



Results in 1 week? YES!

Think of your fitness in terms of 1 week, 7 days. You have 7 opportunities to make it all happen. 7 strength sessions, 7 aerobic efforts, 7 days of nutrition. Are you hitting 7/7? 6/7? At least 2-3/7?

Your results are largely (if not entirely) based on this ratio. If you use your time wisely and efficiently you will see a result each week. Once you have established your result-making machine, then all you need to do is to replicate the success each week, and adjust level of difficulty based on your [new] current standing.

The bottom line is this: start each week fresh and crush the week. Success will come if you turnout a quality ratio.

Get the results you deserve; kill the week and increase your weekly ratio output.

Contact me if you would like help in structuring your week:

..enjoy your week...go get it!


Do Body Composition Machines measure Body Fat % and if so, are they [totally] accurate?

No and no...but what you probably don't realize is what they in fact DO measure in an ACCURATE way.

InBody uses what is called BIA technology. What that means is that the machines interfaces with your body's water via low level electric currents. Via calculations InBody gathers data of your hydration level, i.e. TBW (Total Body Water) in kg.

From this metric, the Fat Free Mass is calculated, and the results sheet can produce a full-body diagnostic based on your water levels. This is extremely accurate.

Finally after calculating Water, Protein, and Minerals, InBody deducts the difference (in weight) as Fat Mass, leading to Body Fat %. This result is about 98.5% accurate, strong enough to rely on and achieve real results.

I like to think of InBody results as a numerical scoring system. Through fitness and smart nutrition, you can improve your body composition [score] each day!



Many fitness professionals believe that the key to a healthier body is improving body fat %. The only problem these peofessionals face in their theory is that there is no way to practically measure body fat %. It is a major connundrum.

But what if the key is something else? Body Composition runs through FAT FREE MASS. FFM is the basis of all Body Composition Data, and is directly influenced by our Total Body Water. BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) machines are very accurate in measuring TBW, and can predict/measure FFM.

By monitoring FFM the clinician can make sense out of the client's body data. When a body makes sense, we can deeply understand a client's unique story and personal journey. This is the key to building a program tailored to their specific needs.

If you are thinking about improving your body, for either health or personal reasons...start to think, research, educate etc. about FFM over BF% because the former is the better indicator of the path you must follow.



This is what InBody is all about!

Meet Gustavo (I use fake names 🤪)...

Gustavo dealt with the following:

Poor fitness
Poor body composition
Lack of self-awareness

He was overweight, but very strong, and didn't realize his strength because of the excess fat.

Gustavo took InBody very seriously, and chose to go with his strength(s) and reduce fat mass...a true ReComposition.

He lowered his fat significantly while losing nearly '0' muscle mass! That is what it's all about!

In InBody there are 3 basic body types: 'C' - 'I' - 'D' ...determined by body composition. When muscle under-performs against weight and fat, the graphs make a 'C' shape. The goal is to get a body composition of a 'D' shape.

Not only did Gustavo make it to 'D', he lowered his fat %, scored high on InBody, & developed a huge Fat Free Mass!

Way to go Gustavo!

*Can you guess where Gustavo can go to from here? (Based on his data)



All success in the world boils down to a formula. Some formulas are subjective, but the core success is always universal. Finding success in the weightroom is no different; it's a formula...tension, volume, & frequency.

Let's say that you want more success in your full-body routine. The key is to add more weight...but how? And I can't just magically get stronger overnight to simply 'add more weight!'

Imagine a routine that is composed of 12 exercises. The formula is to add a 13th exercise. Assume that the addition is 'chest press' using 20 kg dumbbells, 3 sets of 10.

You will have added:

1200 kg (lifted)
About 10 more minutes to your routine
'That much more' effort
2-4 times a week: 2500+ kg (that didn't exist before.

So yes, you just got stronger...overnight. You made it happen.

Tension. Volume. Frequency.

The formula is simple: just add more weight.



'Fred' is a new trainee in C-FIT. He came to me with good strength, but too much excess fat. We therefore began ReComposition Training.

In 2 weeks time, Fred lost about 4 kg. His secret of success: following the formula!

Calorie Deficit Method
C-FIT Training
Consistency & Dedication

We are watching his calories and providing great food options (high volume - low calorie), and training at high-intensity (twice a week).

His wife said she never knew him to be under 89 kg...hopefully we'll hit sub-85 kg relatively soon!



I'm lazy, I admit it.

One of the key factors to ReComposition is increasing your PAL (Physical Activity Level). As that variable increases, so do the rest of your numbers (TDEE, BMR, etc). Cardio is a great solution.

With Cardio, you will simply move your body more, requiring more energy from your output. This means you will require and burn more energy. Another benefit is improved digestion. Your body will speed up its processing, and food will pass through quicker.

Cardio is a key element in fitness, nutrition, and health because it makes 'you' function a little bit smoother in each segment. Even though I like running more, I don't have 2 hours a day (everyday) to invest in my training. On off-days, cardio is the key. It is much quicker and highly efficient.

Here are some cardio ideas:

Hill repeats
Jump rope
Long-distance lunges
Running 'heavy'
High-effort movements.
..are you ready for cardio?



'The scale is just a number'
- InBody
..but what does the number on the scale indicate? The answer; not much.

When we need to lose weight, we hop onto the scale, and hopefully the number falls. Too often it will indeed fall, yet the reality is you are probably losing the wrong 'weight'.

Weight indicates mass, and there are 2 basics forms of mass: fat & fat free. Through an effective program, you will lose fat mass, while keeping your fat free mass high. You want to be the biggest, leanest body that you can be. Theoretically, this would solve your weight issue.

The concept of 'bigger muscles-less fat' is called ReComposition. It is in direct contrast of losing weight. Weight is 2-dimensional, while mass is 3-dimensional. Effective weightloss needs to be a bit complex, considering several factors.

Think of the effort as putting together a puzzle. Weight is just a number, whereas ReComposition is an orchestra of factors to get right:


These codes seem like jibberish, but an experienced trainer can use the data to help you transform your body.

Too often losing weight is just a burning off of muscle mass. Not only is it not sustainable, it is also very unhealthy. ReComposition is not only the goal, but it is extremely healthy!

Anyone that has 5 kg to lose can benefit from ReComposition...not only will you feel better shedding some fat, but the added muscle will infuse health and energy back into your life!



The InBody Results Page delivers a wealth of wisdom. Essentially it is body composition laid out on paper. Moreover, it is 'your' body composition laid out on paper. By understanding how body composition works, you can deeply understand your body's data.

Most people fall somewhere in the spectrum of body recomposition; gaining muscles, losing fat, or both. This is where understanding the data is most challenging.

People often confuse 'muscles' with 'mass'. Muscles are a part of mass, but mass can not be defined as muscles. You can get stronger and more defined, while becoming smaller.

When people lose weight, i.e. fat mass they often lose fat free mass at the same time. They look strong and fit, as their muscle quality greatly improves. However their 'true body' may actually get smaller, i.e. loss of fat free mass.

This is not a 'penalty', rather something to be aware of. In a healthy recomposition, ideally the goal is to keep your fat free mass as high as possible while burning off fat mass and improving muscle quality.



It's going to happen...the scale won't move. When it does happen, the solution is simple: move the scale.

Moving the scale is a concept/strategy that I like to use in order to get results. The move is straightforward:

Do whatever it takes to shakeoff the plateau. Eat less & move more...rigorously. It should only take 1-2 days to get over the hump.

I am not saying starve or suffer. What I am saying is up that PAL level to another level and really clamp down on in-take. The scale will move and then you can get back on track.



These days I am just not tough enough [yet] to succeed in my fitness. 'Tough' means you can endure the elements, conditions, and scenarios that manifest as challenges.

Take rain and cold for example. I am not tough enough to run in weather that is a bit rainy and cold. Squeezing in a run between appointments is another example. Can you change clothes, run, and then get back to your routine? Swift transition is 'tough'

And then there is being 'physical'. Physical means you can embrace the grind, hitting back all that life gives you.

Motivation brings toughness and physicality. Without motivation, we are left being timid and apprehensive.

Try to find your motivation; it will help you develop your toughness and physicality. The result will be consistency and success.



How many times do we default into 'crazy cardio' when trying to lose weight? Try to think of it in a new way...'Crazy PAL' (Physical Activity Level).

What is the difference?

First of all, always remember...'weight' must mean something. You aren't losing 'weight', you are losing fat mass. More specifically, you are burning fat mass. And even more specifically, you are converting fat mass into fuel/energy [to power your activities].

Now that we are speaking correctly...

Crazy cardio looks like this: hitting the treadmill for an hour+ session killing ourselves trying to burn off everything we ate. Simply put, this is not wise, practical, or sustainable. Crazy cardio will burn you out, and open you up for injury.

Try crazy PAL.

A crazy Physical Activity Level means that you go up [an actual] level of physicality. Usually there are 4 levels: 1-2. If you are sedentary, you are at level 1. An Olympian is level 2. You need to be somewhere in the middle. If you can achieve a consistent 1+ of physical activity in a sustainable way, you will significantly increase your energy demand. As long as you don't eat more, and stay in a calorie deficit, your body will burn more fat-for-fuel.

So what is so crazy about that?

You will need to be a bit crazy to get out of your comfort zone. Vigorous and rigorous physical activity is anything significantly more than you are doing now.

Here are some ideas:

Walk for an hour each day.
Walk briskly up hills.
Take a job that involves labour.
Do household things the hard way.
..the list is endless...just get a little crazy, hence 'Crazy PAL'.


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