Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist

I am Holistic Nutritionist working with women to take control of their emotional eating patters, their health and lifestyle!

For more info please fill out the form


Testimonial from my client who just completed the 12 week program.

Her top goal when signing up to work with me was weight loss and even when I pushed for other goals, this was all she wanted.

So we started the program, we did the food story exercise and spoke about her past patterns with food and what she wanted to change. And started to slowly implement new healthy habits in to her daily lifestyle.

Mid way through the program she messaged me that she wasn’t losing weight quick enough and she was unmotivated. So we jumped on a coaching call and I helped her to see everything she had actually achieved in only 6 weeks.
Which was:
🥦adding more protein into her diet so she was feeling fuller after each meal
🥦wasn’t sick as much
🥦sleeping better
🥦not feeling anxious as no drinking coffee on an empty stomach
🥦more energy
🥦and lots more.

Because her only goal had been weight loss and all she wanted to see was fast results and numbers going down on the scale, she forgot to look at what was going well in such a short amount of time. Weight loss happened, just slower. I always believe that the slower you lose the easier it is to maintain.

The 12 week program is to teach you how to lose weight and maintain it forever without a diet. Without rules and counting and obsessing about food. I help you to focus on the bigger picture, which is your relationship with food. That is the only thing holding you back and without changing that, you are going to be on the diet Ferris wheel for life.

If you have been struggling with weight loss and want to get deep into your relationship with food and come away with easy healthy habits that you can fit into your life no matter how busy you are. Don’t waste time. I have 3 spots left for my 1:1 coaching program in September and I want to see you there. Comment SEPTEMBER so I can send you the link to set up a free intro call.

Looking forward to chatting with you 😊


What is holding you back???

When it comes to your relationship with food you have a choice. You always have a choice. You can stick with your old mindset of perfectionism or “all or nothing” or you can find balance and accept that this is what you can fit in to your life and it is the best you can do.

If you have spent all this time striving for weight loss and you haven’t looked deeper into your relationship with food you are doing yourself a disservice. This is what it all boils down to.

Do you prefer sweet or salty?
Do you want food freedom or to spend your life restricting good food?
Do you want to enjoy your food or only eat certain foods to lose weight?
Do you want to be a perfectionist (and pack it all in when you “mess up” one day) or find balance?
Do you want to continue with your all or nothing mentality or accept that this is your best and you are doing what you can?
Do you have food scarcity or you know that food is abundant?
Do you exercise to punish or strengthen your body?
Ask yourself these questions and see what is serving you and what is holding you back.

And if you feel you are being held back from living a fun, joyful and happy life by constantly thinking about food and weight loss… let me help you with pushing you forward!

Send me a DM to hear more about my coaching services to help you enjoy food without constantly thinking about dieting!


Hi Belle's

I am Rebecca Pash, a Holistic Health Coach who focuses on helping women improve their relationship with food, eat without restriction and judgment (have food freedom), and learn how to build a non-food related toolbox of coping mechanisms.

I understand there is so much content on social media regarding weight loss. It can become confusing, so I have created an 'Eating without Judgment' Webinar for YOU…to simplify everything and give you the initial push to start making the changes you want to make in your health, your relationship with food and your entire lifestyle.

If you want to:

☘️Lose weight and keep it off

☘️Have a better relationship with food

☘️Stop emotional eating

☘️Eat all the foods without restriction

☘️Stop the shame and judgment you have around food

☘️Start implementing healthy habits into your life

☘️Work with me and sign up for the 12 week coaching program
..Then this webinar is for you!

The Eating without Judgment FREE Webinar will be held on June 3rd at 8pm Israel Time

I will break down the top 6 mistakes most of you make regarding weight loss and give you alternative solutions. I also have a bonus for those of you who come to the webinar that you will want to take advantage of.

This webinar will be an amazing starting point for your weight loss journey, as I know most people suffer from not knowing where to start. I help you to get on track and start seeing your energy levels rise and your weight decline.

Sign up today through the link

I am so looking forward to seeing you there!


Do not miss out, put this in your diary now…

The Eating without Judgment FREE Webinar will be held on June 3rd at 8pm Israel Time

I am so excited to finally announce this webinar, I have been working on it for the past few months and now I have a date and time set I can finally give you all the info!

I am always seeking ways to connect with my audience and give you FREE advice and information to stop dieting, lose weight, and keep it off! I know that there is so much content out there regarding weight loss and it can become confusing which is why I created this for YOU…to simplify everything and give you the initial push to start making the changes you want to make in your health, your relationship with food and in your entire lifestyle.

If you want to:

☘️Lose weight and keep it off

☘️Have a better relationship with food

☘️Stop emotional eating

☘️Eat all the foods without restriction

☘️Stop the shame and judgment you have around food

☘️Start implementing healthy habits into your life

☘️Work with me and sign up for the 12 week coaching program
..Then this webinar is for you!

I have made sure to give you all the information you need in a short amount of time so that you can start making the changes you have always wanted to make and reach your goals.

I break down the top 6 mistakes most of you make regarding weight loss and give you alternative solutions. I also have a bonus for those of you who come to the webinar that you will want to take advantage of.

This webinar will be an amazing starting point for your weight loss journey, as I know most people suffer from not knowing where to start. I help you to get on track and start seeing your energy levels rise and your weight decline.

Sign up today through the link in my stories or send me a DM for the link

I am so looking forward to seeing you there!

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 30/04/2024

I get a lot of questions about what a Health Coach is and how I can help you, so I figured I would help you to understand more about my role.

As a health coach I am your accountability buddy on the side, I keep you committed to your goals and we go deep on issues that you never would have if you were just doing a normal diet.

Food is a big issue and one that most of you don’t want to deal with, so you try many diets, lose weight and then put it back on and then find another diet to try. Actually working on your relationship with food, understanding WHY you eat the way you eat, what foods you eat when you are feeling an emotion and what triggers and language you have around food can stop the cycle.

My 12 week coaching program is not a fat/weight loss program, you will lose weight if that is your goal, but my focus is way bigger than that. The goals you set are realistic, you can’t change habits that you have been practicing for years in a few weeks, it takes time. You have to break past patterns and start creating new habits around your health and the way you eat and view food.

If you are looking for someone to guide you, keep you committed and accountable and give you tons of tips and resources about food and health then I am your health coach.

I have space for 3 new clients this May, let’s set up a call to see if I am the coach for you! Send me a DM saying call and I will send you the link!

Let’s get started today!

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 23/01/2024

Have you ever wondered why you eat the way you do? Why you might not like eating in public? Or do you hide food in random places? Why do you eat certain foods during stress or when you want to celebrate?

Your eating patterns (and your relationship with food) tend to go back to your childhood, and you probably aren’t even aware of it.

One of the best exercises I do with all my clients is to go through their Food Story so I can understand what influences the way they eat.

The Food Story exercise is split into 5 parts- Bio individuality; your personal experiences and associations with food, personal coping mechanisms, physical environment and circumstances, and your health history. Social influences; which is split into family dynamics and peer influences. Cultural norms; what messages did you receive throughout your life about food and eating? Which behaviors were encouraged? Which
behaviors were “bad”? What “shoulds” did you learn from the environment around you? and your Ancestral roots; do you crave the food of your ancestors?

Once you have filled out this form you (and I) will have an insight into WHY you eat the way you do. And once we have this information we can work on ways to break the patterns and create new habits and relationships around food.

Understanding your WHY will have a huge impact on your health and weight management. If you would like to know more about my program and this exercise send me a DM!


Struggling to find meal inspo? 
Always on the hunt for easy recipes? 
Need a go-to shopping list for the supermarket? 

If you answered YES, you need my FREE Guide to Balanced Meals! 🍲
⏳I break down how to create family-friendly meals without spending hours in the kitchen
🍽️ and introduce you to the components that make a balanced meal to keep you full and satiated (and less likely to emotionally eat).

The guide makes the planning, prepping, and cooking process smooth and painless - without the overwhelm.

Comment YES below to grab your FREE copy!


👋 to all my new followers
My name is Rebecca Pash, originally from Manchester, UK, and been in Israel for 17 years. I am a single mama by choice to my 9 month baby girl, Riley, and a dog mama to Bravo. I love to workout, read, dance, watch reality tv and cook for my baby. After years of living in Tel Aviv, I moved to suburbia last year, it has been an adjustment but it is definitely best for my family (even if it's a little too quiet!) Being a single mama has really opened my eyes to the constant struggle of balancing work, running a home and being present with your child, and also making sure that you are looking after yourself. My main priority is Riley, but because I had healthy habits in place before, they are none negotiable and I practice them no matter what. (see previous post)

I have been in the Health and Wellness industry for nearly 10 years, I started as a personal fitness trainer, and over Corona trained as a health coach. My focus has always been on women, as a trainer I taught women to strength train and become strong, and as a health coach, I help busy mothers to have a better relationship with food and to create systems that will help you and your family to have a healthy and happy life.

Once you have created a system of healthy habits, even if you stop practicing, you will always know how to go back to them when needed.

I also help you to understand your food triggers, and why you emotionally eat and help you to dive deeper into your past relationship with food and see how it has impacted you today. Once you understand the 'why' behind your food choices, together we will create a toolbox of none food related coping mechanisms that you will always use when an emotion arises, instead of reaching for the chocolate.

If you want to make a big health change in 2024 or have been struggling with your relationship with food and want it to change then now is the time. I have a 12 week program to help you understand HOW and WHY you eat and make the changes you want to make to improve your entire lifestyle. Send me a DM if you want to know more about my program!

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 25/10/2023

To all my friends, family and followers, thank you for the check ins and messages of support. We will get through this time together. עם ישראל חי!

I am offering a FREE half an hour health consultation call to anyone who needs support with emotional eating, cooking for your family, easy recipe ideas or creating some healthy habits that will help you at this time. Please send me a dm or comment below.

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 04/09/2023

Emotional Eating 101

The words "emotional eating"are a little bit confusing for some people and once I started as an Emotional Eating Health Coach I received many questions as to how emotional eating relates to weight loss and what it really means to be an emotional eater, so I wanted to break it down for you.

To eat emotionally means to eat for any other reason than physical hunger, whether that is boredom, stress, food association, or eating when you aren't hungry, it all goes under the umbrella of emotional eating.

There are so many reasons it has an effect on weight loss and gain but here are the few most important ones:
* Eating emotionally tends to be foods that aren't as filling or satiating as they could be, leading you to feel dissatisfied or wanting more, so eating more food than is necessary
* Eating emotionally quickly becomes a habit so as soon as you feel a certain emotion or you are bored you reach for food without even thinking about it.
* Eating emotionally can continue the negative cycle you are in and once you ate for emotional reasons and then felt bad it could trigger you to eat emotionally again
* Eating emotionally means you are eating when you aren't actually hungry so you tend to eat more than you need

Emotional eating is a really large topic that is hard to cover in a short post, but if you generally eat more snacks over meals or you eat when you aren't hungry because it is 'lunchtime' or your friends have ordered food, or for a million other reasons and if this is something that is bothering you then it is time to speak to me and I can help you make changes to your eating habits.

When I coach my clients we go back into your food history, what language is used around food, what cultural influences you experienced, and why you eat the way you do.

If you are an emotional eater and are looking to understand more about how this is hindering your health goals then comment ME or send me a DM and I will happily share more about my work and how I can help you!

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 13/03/2023

1 month of Riley!

My teeny baby girl! I can’t believe how these past 4 weeks have flown by. It went by so quickly! She is really the cutest and thankfully pretty chilled (unless she wants to eat for hrs and I have the audacity to move!)

I have learnt so much about being a mum and about myself, it’s been challenging at times and I feel my brain has turned to mush, but it’s all so rewarding. From finally being able to breastfeed, to getting some time in the evening to eat and shower without you screaming!

Bravo is adapting slowly to this crying person in her life… I reckon she is looking forward to a good nights sleep sometime soon… as am I!

Routine has always been a very important part of my life and little miss Riley has been a nice disruption, but I am figuring it out and trying to go with the flow more.

Single motherhood ain’t for the faint hearted I tell you, but I feel it’s still one of the best things I have done, I always wanted to be a mama and if this is the way I am to do it, then this is it!

So I am patting myself on the back for getting through the first month and can’t wait for a lifetime more!

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 13/02/2023

Introducing Riley Marnie Alma Pash

Marnie is after my father (Michael, Meyer, Moshe) and my grandfather (Melville Moshe) and Alma after my Granny!

It was a crazy night of full natural labor, but my stubborn little lady was not the correct way so ended in an emergency C section!

So excited to be a mama and welcome this lady in to the world!

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 09/01/2023

3 reasons why your emotional eating is delaying weight loss! Slide ⬅️

At 8pm tonight I am offering a FREE workshop on Emotional Eating, and I still feel there is some confusion about what the connection is between EE and weight loss.

Since becoming a health coach who focuses on emotional eating, I have really tried to stay away from weight loss discussions as there is so much noise around it and so many people trying to help you “diet” or change your “lifestyle”. I have always wanted my focus to be on improving your health - both physical and mental.

I do understand that most people really just want to hear about weight loss and how my program can give you the number on the scale you have been waiting for. But I really try to help people take the focus away from numbers and improve their health over anything. Focusing on numbers can lead to obsession and restriction.

Anyway, I made this post to help clear up any confusion and show you how emotional eating and weight loss is totally connected. If you aren’t understanding your hunger cues, eating mindfully and watching your portion sizes then you are going to struggle with weight loss.

You can do everything right, eat bland food, workout and sleep well but if your go to is to eat when you are stressed, angry or lonely then what are you doing to change these habits.

My role is to help you create new habits around emotional eating and help you to lose weight and keep it off. Emotional eating is so common and one of the main reasons people do struggle with weight loss, and maybe aren’t aware of it! If you aren’t tackling this then you are going to continue to yo yo diet!

If you want to hear more sign up to my FREE workshop tonight at 8pm by commenting with your email address below!

Looking forward!

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 01/01/2023

Happy New Year to all my friends, family, amazing clients and followers!

I am offering ALL of you a FREE workshop on emotional eating. We all do it, we all get stressed and upset about it and we all want to stop it. But how??

This is what my workshop will cover. I will explain why we do it, what our triggers are and how you can stop it. I will help you to create an emotional eating toolkit that doesn’t include any food.

I will help you to have a better relationship with food and your diet.

This workshop is for you if:
✅ you use food for emotional reasons over physical reasons
✅you don’t know how to stop
✅you want to have a healthy relationship with food
✅ you want to learn more about meal planning and organizing your meals
✅you are ready to make changes in 2023

This workshop is not:
❌ if you just want a quick fix

I have so much information to share and I really want to help as many of you as I can to tackle your emotional eating!

So let’s start 2023 with great intentions (not resolutions) and start improving your relationship with food!!

Who is in 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️
Comment below or send me a DM

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 15/11/2022

How is it already mid November? 😱 how did this happen?? (I feel like I lost a week moving…but still)

For the rest of this month I am offering all new clients the chance to get 2 FREE sessions once you sign up for my 12 week program! Over 500nis in value!!!

My program is designed to help you:
1. Change your emotional eating patterns
2. Improve your relationship with food and diet
3. Organize your meals & snacks
4. Create healthy habits
5. Help you to lose weight

As an emotional eating coach I really focus on helping you to start understanding food, what works for you, what makes you feel good and what you can avoid. What makes you eat and what ways you can use non food related coping mechanisms when an emotion arises.

We talk about your past, what you want for your future and where you stand today. Who were your biggest influences when it comes to food, and what has helped you in the past!

My 12 week program holds you accountable to the goals YOU set for yourself!

If you want to know more please feel free to DM for more info

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 04/11/2022

Today is the end of an era!
It was my last day of training !
The place I called home for 6.5yrs! The place I grew as a trainer, learnt from the other trainers, started my business, met new clients who became friends, became stronger and had some of the best times at a workplace!

I am eternally grateful for for allowing me to thrive there as a trainer and letting me train for so many hrs!

I have loved being part of the originals and I will miss you all .bogdanovic

Even though I am moving on from being a trainer I will never forget Toolbox Urban gym and my time there!

When one door closes… many others open!


has written so many books about her journey overcoming emotional eating, that should be read by everyone. When I started my emotional eating course, I read as many of them as I could, to really understand more views on women and food and also to help myself stop the emotional eating cycle I have been doing for so many years.

What I learnt from her work is in order to stop emotional eating and to start eating for physical hunger you need to go back to natural eating, paying attention the food in front of you and spending time eating it. We so often eat in a rush and don't even taste the food infront of us. It stops us using our hunger cues and understanding when we are full or need to eat more and It takes away the appreciation we have for food.

Here are the 7 eating guidelines :
1. Eat when you are hungry
2. Eat sitting down (not standing at the kitchen counter or even in your car)
3. Eat with no distractions
4. Eat what your body wants, not your mind
5. Stop eating when you have had enough
6. Eat with the intention of being in full view of other people (no hiding)
7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure

How often do you eat this way? And which of the guidelines can you commit to for each meal for the next week? Comment below!


Yes, Bravo is getting a human baby sister!

I have been hiding it on social for a while, but now I have wanted to share my news and also share a bit about my journey into single motherhood by choice. It's been an interesting time and I have learnt alot about myself and the Israeli medical system, being pregnant in Israel is a full time job of scans, appointments, blood tests and everything else.

I started the process over a year ago and there were tons of tests and appointments and then I started hormones in December. The first IUI did not work so I went for IVF in March 2022 and did 2 rounds of egg retreivals and 2 transfers and 1 stuck. It was a lot of schlepping to my hospital and moving s***m from hospital to hospital, tons of injections, supositories, pills and meditation. After the first transfer didn't work I went in to my second transfer feeling hopeful and I used Zita West's meditation for fertility everyday.

I am so grateful for the fact that I am pregnant and carrying a healthy baby girl, I am focusing on keeping strong and healthy until birth, I have managed to train 3 times a week (which I will share more about in a future post) and I am making sure my food is nutritious and I am getting everything I need for me and my growing baby.

It's going to be crazy with an exciteable puppy and a new born but I am really looking forward to becoming a mum and the new steps I am taking.

I can't wait to share more of my workouts, my food and my general thoughts of health and motherhood in the future.

If you have any questions about navigating the IVF system in Israel please reach out!


Wishing all my friends, family, current, past and future clients a Shana Tova!

I wish you all a year full of health and wealth and everything you wish for!

Looking forward to meeting more of you and helping you to reach your health goals in the new year!

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 22/09/2022

Rosh Hashana is the start of a brand new year, and a great chance to make some new years resolutions and have good intentions for new habits and improved health. But, the 2 day holiday can sometimes become overwhelming to those who are trying to lose weight or create new healthy habits but are faced with 4 heavy meals so I wanted to share 5 ways to not overeat over Rosh Hashana.

1) Eat breakfast, I know I know it's another meal, but by skipping breakfast and 'saving' your appetite for a larger than normal lunch can sometimes lead to coming to the table starving and over indulging in foods that you don't really want. Starting your day with a small meal gets your metabolism working and means you aren't starving by the time you sit down for lunch.

2) Drink lots of water, it is hard on the holidays to drink water like you would do on a normal day, you are in synagogue, sitting a lot and you are going from meal to meal, but water is really important. It helps you to feel full and stops that feeling of hunger when you are really thirsty. So try to bring a water bottle with you.

3) Protein is really important, so should be the first thing you put on your plate, don't be distracted by the delicious sweet carrots and roasted potatoes, start your meal with protein and you will feel fuller and satiated.

4) Take a little of everything you like and put it on your plate so you can see how much you are eating, you can always go back for seconds if you are still hungry. The problem with picking on some salad and then meat and then potatoes and then rice, makes it hard to see how much you are actually eating. So try to make a plate up at the beginning of the meal, try everything you want and see how full you are when you have finished the plate.

5) Move away from the table once the meal is done. We all love to sit at a table filled with food once the meal has finished, but this tempts you to eat more as its in your face. So, either clear the table when the meal is done or move away.

I hope these simple tips helped you to have a healthy and happy Rosh Hashana.

Photos from Rebecca Pash Holistic Nutritionist's post 20/09/2022

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Rebecca Pash and I’m an emotional eater.
For most of my life, I’ve used food to numb my emotions, whether to stop feeling lonely or simply eating when bored. I tried SO many diets over the years despite being hugely underweight, and I spent a lot of time really punishing my body, trying to be thinner. All I wanted in life was to be “skinny”, spurred on by comments from people around me. Those comments stuck with me for years, going round and round my head, and I tried everything: I over trained at the gym, ate very little, skipped meals - all with the ultimate goal of being ‘thin’.

Nine years ago, I started studying fitness training and it took me until then to really grasp that punishing my body for not being 'thin enough' is not a good way to live. Instead, I began caring more about being strong. I wanted my body to be able to lift weights, and realised that without the proper amount of food that wouldn’t be possible. So I stopped skipping meals and eating cottage cheese and almonds (!) for dinner. I stopped over training at the gym, and began to work on a program that would require me to eat whole foods to keep up with the strength I wanted to build. I still ate junk, and I still used it to numb big feelings, but I began experiencing a change in mindset. Through coaching, I learned how to eat proper meals, which in turn meant I slept better, felt more energised and less stressed. Let’s be real - it took me time to make these changes, but I eventually came to realise that ‘being skinny’ was no longer the end goal - the end goal was my health.

Fast forward to 2020 when I discovered Holistic Health coaching, deciding to explore on an even deeper level how to help myself and my fitness clients. I learned so much, and all I want to do is share it! Crucially, I learned that my entire lifestyle, the whole picture, is actually more important than the food on my plate. We can have great, filling meals but if I’m not working on the reasons behind my emotional eating - nothing will change. This bit of the coaching really sparked my interest, so I went even deeper with an Emotional Eating psychology course to really get to the bottom of it. All this time, I was working as a fitness trainer but so often I heard stories from clients that reflected their issues with emotional eating, and I had the lightbulb moment - THIS is what I want to help women with!

Why am I sharing my whole process?

In the last 10 years, I’ve come really far on my health and wellness journey. I know that having a toolbox of non-food related coping mechanisms is the best way to stop using food to numb my emotions. There are so many ways we can avoid falling back on food as a crutch. When I do use food for anything other than physical hunger, I honor it, I accept it and I move on. I don't punish myself or berate myself, I don’t glorify thinness or looking a certain way, and I don't think “I ate this thing, so now my day has gone to hell.” I regulate, I continue with my normal meals and I deal with my emotions another way.

My goal is to share these incredible tools I’ve gained with you - with women, with anyone who feels they fall into emotional eating habits. As a Holistic Health coach, as a fitness trainer, as someone who neglected to nourish and believe in their body - I believe all women are entitled to feel how they want to feel. This is why I do what I do!

I’m currently running an awesome offer for Rosh Hashana - 16 sessions with me, for the price of 12! We’ll be working through your relationship with food, your mindset, your emotions. In these sessions you will learn:

How to eat for your own body, not follow a diet for the masses 🥑
How to love your body 💛
How to read your hunger cues: eating for physical hunger over emotional hunger 🔑
How to create your own ‘toolbox’ of non-food related coping mechanisms 🧰
How to create healthy habits that can last a lifetime ⏳

Bear in mind, the ultimate goal of our work together is not necessarily weight loss - it’s understanding your body, loving your body, enjoying your relationship with food while understanding your cues, your triggers, and how we work through those emotional moments without relying on food. If weight loss is your goal, we will work out a healthy, balanced plan together.

The photos included here reflect two stages of my life - one from when I was undereating and overtraining, and the other one from when I learned HOW to eat properly, training 3 times/week.

If you’re looking to start reaching big health goals this year, click on the link and I’ll be in touch to set up a call. Shana Tova!

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I help women to lose weight without restricting the foods they love ❤️ Ready to change the way you eat and think about f...
Weight loss does not need to be complicated. Implement these 5 healthy habits and start losing weight and keeping it off...
Incorporating these 3 healthy habits helped me to lose weight after birth. There is a lot of pressure to ‘snap back’ and...
Creating balanced meals does not have to be complicated, once you understand what is needed you will be making them in y...
If you are fed up of constantly losing and regaining the same weight over and over again you need to….WORK WITH ME -You ...
Diet culture is all around you and when you are in the thick of losing weight it can become so confusing.What diet gives...
It is NOT your fault….It is not your fault that you feel the need to be on a constant diet. To watch the number on the s...
Emotional eating…Like with most things in life you are so used to instant gratification you forget to take a second and ...
If you feel that you are eating emotionally on the regular or feel out of control with your eating habits, maybe it is t...



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ברק סטודניה - מאמן כושר אישי וקבוצתי ברק סטודניה - מאמן כושר אישי וקבוצתי
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Jaffa-Tel Aviv, 6473810

היי:) קוראים לי ברק סטודניה. אני מאמן כושר ובריאות מוסמך מטעם מכון וינגיט.