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החברה המובילה בישראל בשירות לקוחות ותפעול אתרי סחר.

WECOMMERCE הוקמה בשנת 2015 כניסוי שמטרתו לחקור ולהבין את הצרכים של אתרי איקומרס קטנים ובינוניים וכיצד אתרים אלו יכולים להרוויח ממהפכת הריטייל של השנים האחרונות.
אבל במקום להסתפק בפיתוח תיאוריה צללנו לפרקטיקה והקמנו אתר מכירות אמיתי - בנינו סביבו מערך שירות, מכירות, לוגיסטיקה, שיווק וטכנולוגיה והתנסינו במשך חודשים רבים בתפעול השוטף. למדנו על בשרנו את הצרכים, הבעיות והקשיים ויצרנו פתרונות יעילים שמת

משרות אחרונות | דרושים IL 01/05/2024

אנחנו מגייסים נציגי שירות למגוון צוותים ובמגוון שעות וימים.
מחפשים משרה מלאה? מעדיפים משמרות ערב? רוצים לעבוד בשישי ובמוצ״ש?
דברו איתנו!
נציגי השירות שלנו עובדים באופן היברידי - יום בשבוע מהמשרד ובשאר הימים מהבית!!
פרטים נוספים בלינק המצורף

משרות אחרונות | דרושים IL דרושים IL הוא האתר האיכותי בישראל המכיל אלפי משרות המתעדכנות ברמה היומית.


At Wecommerce, our mission goes beyond simply providing exceptional service - we aim to become an integral part of your journey, offering support, guidance and solutions every step of the way. We are very grateful for the trust you place in us, and we are committed to continuing to exceed your expectations. 🤝💼


At WECOMMERCE, we're not just about customer service – we're about driving results!💥

Our secret sauce? A winning combination of cutting-edge technology and a team of experts committed to elevating your sales game. 🛠️💪

Ready to supercharge your sales? Let's chat! 💬


Elevate Your Brand with Top-notch Customer Service! 🌟
In a world where exceptional service sets brands apart, choosing the right customer service partner is crucial.

1️⃣ Expertise: With years of experience in ecommerce customer service, we understand the ins and outs of delighting customers and boosting brand loyalty. 🛍️
2️⃣ Personalized Solutions: Our team works closely with you to tailor solutions that align perfectly with your brand's unique needs and values. 💬
3️⃣ Cutting-edge Technology: From AI-powered chatbots to data-driven insights, we leverage the latest technology to ensure maximum efficiency. 🤖💡

Ready to elevate your brand's customer service experience? Let's chat!


Looking to elevate your customer service? 🔍
With our cutting-edge AI technology, we harness the wealth of data available to provide you with actionable insights that drive results.
📈 From understanding customer preferences to predicting trends, our AI empowers you to make informed decisions that keep your customers coming back for more. ✨
Let AI be your secret weapon in delivering exceptional service and building long-lasting relationships with your audience. 💪

Ready to take your customer service to new heights?
💼 Contact us today to discover how AI data insights can transform your business!


🚀 Elevate Your Customer Service Game: Invest in Quality Training for Our Representatives! 🚀

One of the secret ingredients to our recipe for success lies in the quality training we provide to our stellar service representatives. Here's why it matters:

1. Expertise at Your Service: Our representatives undergo rigorous training to become masters of their craft. From understanding our products inside out to mastering the art of problem-solving, they're equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle any challenge you throw their way. 🎓

2. Personalized Support, Every Time: We get it – every customer is unique, and so are their needs. Through quality training, our representatives learn to listen actively, empathize deeply, and tailor their support to suit your individual requirements. 🌟

3. Swift Solutions, No Sweat: Got a question? Need a hand? Our trained representatives are here to save the day – and they do it with lightning speed. 🛠️

AtWECOMMERCE, we're committed to raising the bar, setting new standards, and making every interaction with us a delight.


🚀 At our company, we understand that the key to exceptional service lies in creating meaningful connections. To boost engagement, we encourage our representatives to actively listen, respond promptly, and personalize interactions. 🎧 WE Embrace the human touch by acknowledging your clients' needs and concerns with genuine empathy.
Remember, it's not just about solving problems; it's about building relationships. Let's turn every interaction into a positive and engaging experience! 🤝


✨ In today's fast-paced digital world, connecting with your customers is more crucial than ever! That's why Live Chat is an absolute game-changer for your eCommerce business.

👥 Instant Connection: Say goodbye to long email response times! Live Chat allows you to engage with your customers in real-time, offering instant solutions to their queries.

💬 Personalized Support: Every shopper is unique, and so are their needs. With Live Chat, you can provide tailored assistance, product recommendations, and guidance throughout the shopping journey.

🔒 Build Trust: Transparency and trust go hand in hand. Live Chat allows you to address concerns, resolve issues, and build trust with your customers, ultimately fostering long-lasting relationships.


🌟 Elevate your customer service experience with us! Our dedicated team of representatives is committed to delivering lightning-fast responses, ensuring that your concerns are addressed promptly. Our empathic approach ensures that you're not just a client but a valued part of our community. 🤝
With a touch of professionalism, we strive to exceed your expectations and provide top-notch assistance for your business. Choose us for a service that's not just fast but also personal, empathetic, and professional. Your satisfaction is our priority! 🚀


🌐 To scale our customer service representatives effectively, we prioritize a strategic hiring process, ensuring that each new team member embodies our commitment to speed, personalization, empathy, and professionalism.
🚀 We invest in advanced technologies and efficient systems to streamline operations and enhance the speed of our responses, maintaining the personalized and empathic touch that sets us apart. Your success is our motivation to continuously scale and adapt, providing unparalleled support as your business grows. 🌟


📋✨ Crafting Effective SOPs for Your Customer Service Team 🛒🔧
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are the backbone of an efficient and customer-centric eCommerce customer service team. Here's how to create them:

1. Map Out Your Processes: Start by outlining your customer service processes. From handling inquiries to resolving issues, document every step.

2. Review and Refine: Continuously assess and update your SOPs as needed. Adapt to changing customer needs and technology advancements.

3. Use Visual Aids: Visual elements like flowcharts and diagrams can simplify complex processes and make SOPs more user-friendly.

Creating clear and comprehensive SOPs equips your customer service team to consistently deliver exceptional support, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty. 🌟📊


SOP - Standard Operating Procedure: It may sound technical, but it's your weapon for streamlining operations and delivering top-notch customer service in the world of eCommerce:

🔍 Clarity and Consistency: SOPs define every process, task, and protocol within your eCommerce customer service. Why? Because when your team knows exactly how to handle every situation, you ensure a consistent, high-quality customer experience.

📈 Efficiency and Productivity: SOPs save time and reduce errors. They guide your team, step by step, through their tasks. That means faster response times, smoother workflows, and happier customers.

✨ Elevated Customer Experience: SOPs empower you to go above and beyond. They free up time so your team can focus on creativity, innovation, and delighting your customers.


Elevating Customer Satisfaction to New Heights! 🚀✨
At WECOMMERCE, we're not just in the business of solving issues; we're on a mission to create genuine smiles and lasting satisfaction.
Our team is dedicated to making your customers happier than ever before. We believe that satisfaction isn't just a rating; it's the heart and soul of your business's success. When your customers are delighted, they become not just loyal patrons but enthusiastic advocates.
Contact us today and let's embark on a journey of unparalleled service excellence and business success! 😊📈


Empathy: The Heart of Our Customer Service ❤️
At WECOMMERCE, we understand that empathy isn't just a word; it's a superpower that transforms customer service.
Empathetic interactions make you feel valued and understood, leading to a positive experience. Also, mpathy neutralizes tense situations, helping us resolve problems constructively.
How We Do It?
🙌 We handpick representatives with a high level of empathy and train them to connect on a human level.
🎓 Our team undergoes continuous training to enhance their empathetic skills, ensuring every interaction is warm and understanding.
Join us on this journey of empathy in customer service. Together, we create experiences that truly matter. 🌟


The Power of Training ✨
At WECOMMERCE, we believe that learning never stops, especially when it comes to providing top-notch customer service.
Ongoing training keeps our team sharp, ensuring they're equipped with the latest skills and knowledge to serve you better.
Your satisfaction is our priority!
How We Do It:
📚 Regular workshops and training sessions keep our team at the top of their game.
📊 We listen to your feedback and adapt our training to meet your evolving needs.
🌐 We embrace online resources and e-learning platforms to stay up-to-date with industry trends.
Join us on our journey to excellence through continuous training! Together, we're raising the bar for customer service.


Balance between automation and personalization: raises customer service to new heights! 🌟
🤖 On the one hand - automation, which automation optimizes processes, guarantees quick responses, accurate data handling and 24/7 availability.
💬 On the other hand - customization, which adds that human touch, adapting interactions to personal needs and preferences.
Combining the two makes it possible to handle routine inquiries efficiently while maintaining the warmth of human interactions when most needed.
Automation ensures consistent quality of service as you grow, while customization preserves the personal touch that sets your brand apart.
At WECOMMERCE, we understand the art of balancing the two, and we're here to help you create meaningful and memorable customer experiences that drive loyalty and growth. 🚀


Harnessing the Potential of AI in Customer Service! 🚀
The AI transformation is underway and is set to become an integral part of the landscape. Let's explore how it can be integrated into customer service.
Rapid Responses ⚡️
Thanks to AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants, customers receive prompt solutions to their inquiries around the clock. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also amplifies operational efficiency.
At WECOMMERCE, we are thrilled and proud to participate in this groundbreaking revolution.


Embracing the human touch in customer service 🤝💬
In a world driven by technology, the essence of human connection remains irreplaceable.
At WECOMMERCE, we are aware of the deep meaning of the human touch in customer service.
Why is human contact important?
1️⃣ The ability to understand, relate and truly connect with customers, turns a simple transaction into an unforgettable experience.
2️⃣ Nothing beats a personalized touch. It's this extra effort to remember the customer's name, their preferences, and make them feel valued and special.
3️⃣ Trust is the cornerstone of customer relationships. The human touch builds trust when customers feel heard, respected and taken care of.
We believe in combining the best of both worlds. We leverage innovative technology to improve efficiency while ensuring that the human touch remains at the core of our service.
We don't just solve problems; We create relationships and create important moments. ✨


המלחמה בעזה גובה מחירים כבדים. בין השאר מחירים כלכליים. סביר להניח שהמשק הישראלי יכנס למיתון כמו שכתוב בכותרת הזאת שהתפרסמה היום בגלובס. אחד מגלגלי ההצלה הוא להתחיל לחשוב גלובלית ודווקא לעסקי איקומרס יש יתרון בתחום הזה. תתחילו היום להתאים את העסק שלכם למכירות בחו״ל כדי שהעתיד יהיה ורוד יותר. לאחרונה פרסמנו מדריך מפורט שמיועד ליצואני איקומרס מתחילים. נשמח לשלוח לכם אותו. בקרוב נפרסם תכנים נוספים בנושא. 🇮🇱💙🇮🇱
גלובס - Globes

כרטיסי גיפט קארד לעסקים בדרום ובצפון הארץ | קונים צפון דרום 06/11/2023

מיזם התנדבותי נהדר של Wix לתמיכה בעסקים בדרום ובצפון.
בעלי עסקים נרשמים בצורה די פשוטה ויכולים למכור ״גיפטקארד״ של המוצרים והשירותים בעסק שלהם. את התשלום הם מקבלים באופן מיידי ואת התמורה הם יספקו ברגע שהעסק שלהם יחזור לפעול. מוזמנים להפיץ 🇮🇱💙

כרטיסי גיפט קארד לעסקים בדרום ובצפון הארץ | קונים צפון דרום מסייעים לעסקים בדרום ובצפון הארץ ורוכשים גיפט קארד לכם או לחברים - משלמים עכשיו, מזרימים כסף לעסקים - ומממשים בימים שקטים!


חברים יקרים, בימים קשים אלו אנחנו נרתמים ומנסים לעזור ככל שניתן. בימים האחרונים נתקלנו בשאלות רבות הקשורות לתחום ייצוא האיקומרס - חברות ישראליות שתמעניינות להתרחב לשווקים גלובליים. אנחנו מאמינים שמדובר באסטרטגיה נכונה שיכולה לעזור לחברות ישראליות לשרוד במציאות הנוכחית.
לאור השאלות שעלו החלטנו לבנות מדריך ליצואן האיקומרס המתחיל. המדריך כולל טיפים לא רק בנושא השירות שבו אנחנו מתמחים, אלא גם בנושאים כמו הכנת האתר למכירות בחו״ל (בשיתוף עם BOA IDEAS), לוגיסטיקה, מחקר ועוד.
אם המדריך הזה מעניין אתכם שלחו לנו הודעה ונשמח לשלוח אותו אליכם (כמובן ללא כל עלות או התחייבות). אנחנו גם זמינים לענות על שאלות.
שנדע ימים טובים יותר.
צוות Wecommerce


The State of Israel has recently experienced a murderous terrorist attack by the Hamas organization. over 900 innocent people have been killed, thousands have been injured, and dozens have been kidnapped to Gaza, including children, infants, women, and the elderly. Our hearts are with all the people of the State of Israel. No one will break us. We will remain strong and united until good prevails.

מדינת ישראל חוותה בימים האחרונים התקפת טרור רצחנית על ידי ארגון החמאס. יותר מ-900 אנשים חפים מפשע נרצחו, אלפים נפצעו ועשרות נחטפו לעזה וביניהם ילדים, תינוקות, נשים וזקנים. ליבנו עם כל תושבי מדינת ישראל. אף אחד לא ישבור אותנו. נשאר חזקים ומאוחדים עד שהטוב ינצח.


What Are KPIs? 📈
KPIs are like our compass, guiding us toward our goals.
These measurable metrics help us understand how we're performing, where we're excelling, and where we can improve.
Why Do KPIs Matter?
🎯 KPIs ensure everyone on our team is aligned with our mission, aiming for the same targets.
📊 They empower us with data-driven insights, allowing us to make informed decisions that benefit our customers and partners.
KPIs help us continuously evaluate our efforts, striving for continuous improvement.
From customer satisfaction rates to response times, we track the numbers that matter most. Our commitment to excellence drives us to consistently meet and exceed our KPIs, ensuring you receive top-tier customer service.


Elevate Customer Happiness with us! 💬
Our team understands that in today's competitive market, customer happiness is the cornerstone of lasting success. We don't just respond to inquiries; we proactively anticipate needs, personalize interactions, and exceed expectations, leaving a lasting positive impression.
At WECOMMERCE, we firmly believe that happy customers are the best brand ambassadors. When they're thrilled with your trade website's service, they become loyal advocates, driving growth through word-of-mouth and repeat business.
Let's join forces to spread the joy of outstanding service together! 😊🛍️


Customer service challenges and their solutions 🚀
In the world of customer service there are many challenges, but the trick is to know how to overcome them smoothly:

🤔 Customers expect lightning fast responses, but sometimes there is congestion.
✔ Automation for quick queries, frees up time for personalized interactions.

🤔 Dealing with difficult customers can be a nut to crack.
✔ The secret sauce? Empathy and patience. Turn a frown into a smile? This is our superpower!

🤔Technical failures are never something to be expected.
✔ Always have a backup plan and make sure your technology is up to the task. Staying one step ahead keeps the show running.

At WECOMMERCE we manage to face these challenges. They keep us sharp, and they are opportunities to provide exceptional service. 💪


👂 The Power of Active Listening:
By actively listening, you demonstrate respect for the customer and create a supportive environment for effective communication. It allows you to gather important information, identify underlying issues, and tailor your responses to meet their specific needs. 🗣️✨


Just as Rosh Hashanah marks a fresh start, we're here to help you embark on a new year of growth and success in your online endeavors. 🌐💼
May the year ahead be filled with growth and success!
Shanah Tovah 🍎🎉


We were thrilled to be a part of the recent conference, where we shared insights into professional customer service alongside industry giants like SodaStream International, Ltd., Yotpo, and DHL.

During the event, we had the privilege of delivering a lecture on the unique challenges of customer service for global e-commerce businesses. We shared valuable tips from our own journey as a company, highlighting the lessons we've learned along the way.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this enriching experience. We look forward to continuing to support and collaborate with the Israeli e-commerce community. 🌐🛒


Unveiling the Secret to Exceptional Customer Service! 🔮
It's not just service, it's a symphony of understanding and anticipation.
The key to greatness? Weaving a tapestry of customer insights and predictive prowess, so their needs are met before they even realize them!
We're here to create moments of sheer delight and anticipation.
Join us on this journey of customer-centric enchantment! 🚀🌐


Revealing Insights through AI-Enhanced Analytics! 🔍📊
Harnessing AI's transformative capabilities, we delve into vast data landscapes to unveil insightful trends and patterns.
Our employment of predictive analytics positions us as precursors – anticipating your requirements and preemptively addressing potential challenges.
Prepare for a fresh epoch of customized service! 🌟

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