
We’re ENVY: Strategy, Digital Marketing and RevOps agency. Wanna grow? Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work. Hiya 👋we’re Envy. Even if it is 2023. No hacks.

The B2B digital marketing and RevOps agency that tech companies turn to when they need to reach scary goals….. And we’re confident that we can deliver, because we’re in the trenches fighting the good fight with B2B tech companies every day. No silver bullets. No fluff. But there will be blood, sweat, tears, and bad jokes. Our team of badass marketers and RevOps professionals is here to help you hi


7️⃣ is a lucky number, and that's why today we're sharing 7 tips to squeeze more juice out of your PPC campaigns.

But before that... Tip #0 😉
It's easy. You need content to run any ads. You need good quality content for all stages of the funnel to run successful ads.

>> Write blogs that answer the burning questions troubling your audience,
>> Record short videos with tips they didn't even know they needed,
>> Create ebooks with benchmarks and stats that'll help them convince their teams and leadership.

And the rest is here 👉 https://hubs.ly/Q02NMyz40

Envy & INFUSE's proven B2B marketing stuff event 04/09/2024

Oops!... We're doing it again 😱

B2B marketers, who do you learn from? Where do you take the best tips from? Other B2B marketers, that's right!

That's why we're inviting folks from D-ID, ThetaRay, BLEND Localization, and IDE Technologies (and more!) to share their best (or worst) stories and leave you refreshed, recharged and inspired 🎉

When? September 25th, 6PM sharp.
Where? The best rooftop in Tel-Aviv, TechMonkey.

How do I join??? Easy. Simply register here: https://l.goenvy.io/envy-infuse-b2b-marketing-event

Will we see you there? 🥂

Envy & INFUSE's proven B2B marketing stuff event Listen to B2B marketing pros speak about the stuff that really made an impact on their growth. Event organised by Envy, B2B Tech marketing agency, & INFUSE


ABM will bring us sales, let's do ABM!!!!

But it won't. Not always, not in all circumstances.

Because ABM has been here for ages. Nothing new, nothing revolutionary.

Because ABM will bring you nothing if you don't have brand awareness.

Because ABM ain't cheap, and takes a lot of research & thorough planning to actually work.

👉 And that's what Envy's Billy Cina discussed with Pe'era Feldman discussed in the video below.


Your campaigns today need more assets than ever. Here's why:

🤝 People need more touch points before engaging with your company. A single ad for a single ebook simply won't do to convert to an Opportunity.

🔍 They do a thorough research before investing any $$$. You wouldn't buy from a company with a random and not kept up-to-date website either.

⏰ B2B sales take time. How do you keep your leads nurtured during their cycle, if not with valuable content?

Plan full funnel for better results: https://hubs.ly/Q02Lf5Y90


Name one company who's yet to advertise their ebook to get people's contacts. But what if we told you ungating your content can actually bring in better quality leads? 🤨 Here's why:

You see an ad for an ebook. You don't know the company, but the topic sounds interesting and relevant to what you do.

You want to see the content of that ebook. Sure, you'll leave your email. Nobody cares.

But wait... it doesn't automatically mean you want to engage with the company further, or are ready to buy from them????

Well, duh. That's why we ungate our content. Offer valuable insights for free, no strings attached. We educate. We entertain. People stick around. And when they're ready to buy, they buy.

There are smarter ways to generate leads: https://hubs.ly/Q02Lf8s10

What to expect from marketing agencies of the future 19/08/2024

Wanna know what CMOs will be tasked with in the near future? Well, us too.

Here's our take: no more TOFU content, focus on brand awareness, new platforms for both paid & organic, growing need for agencies to go industry-specific.

Why? We're explaining here: https://hubs.ly/Q02LGL2L0

What to expect from marketing agencies of the future We're taking bets on what marketing agencies of the future will look like. What will CMOs be expected to deliver?


How long, Billy? When will we see the results?? When will we get the leads?????

- asks every person who wants to run leadgen (which is, let's admit it, a huge chunk of the b2b marketing world right now)

The answer is simple - longer than you think and wish for it to take, and (in many cases) have enough budget for.

⏰ Why do we recommend to run leadgen for at least 3-6 months?

📈 Because that's how long it takes to get enough insights about what you should and shouldn't optimize. Assuming your budget and many other factors, you should aim for at least 100 leads before you get any clear picture–and it does take a moment to generate those.


Wanna know how to get there? Start here: https://hubs.ly/Q02KWgfT0

PS Yes, there's one part of this video that we reeeeeally want to turn into a gif 🦄


We cannot all just chase KPIs blindly all the time, we need to chase our dreams too 😉 And Shiri Katalan from GlobalDots dreams about having Brad Pitt on her podcast. Her own Brad Pitt, that is.

We ALL have our Brads in our industries. Someone we REALLY wanna work with, but nothing we do is enough to attract them.

How do we change that? Use what they already have. Help them promote it. Make it easier for them.

Want to hear more from Shiri? Listen to her full presentation here: https://hubs.ly/Q02KVTwL0


Ah brand awareness. Are we thinking 😁 or 🤬?

There's A LOT of talk around brand right now, but it's for good reason, because...

No one will click on your demo ads if they don’t know your brand.

No one will give you their email address just to view an ebook.

And no one will remember your brand without strong brand awareness.

👉 This means that all campaigns, leadgen or not, will need to include more brand awareness.

Need more? We're here to help: https://hubs.ly/Q02KVQC_0


The struggle of Every. Single. CMO right now – how do I do more with less???

Well... you don't.

You either do one thing really good and the rest flops, or you try to do everything sort of okay, but you know it's never gonna be enough.

Or you allocate your budget differently 😉

Our take?

Split everything you do into 3 large buckets, like 'Online', 'Events' & 'SDRs'.

Calculate the ROI for each of those buckets – this will give you a better picture of what's working, what needs improving and what's a complete waste of money.

And you know what to do with those – invest more in what bring results, optimize what has the potential, and immediately drop what's draining your budget.

Need help? We're here: https://hubs.ly/Q02KnVLt0


What do B2B marketing and football have in common? ⚽️

None of them should rely solely on outdated attribution models! Here's why:

Say two teams met to play against each other, and team A scored two goals. If we looked at their performance through the lens of attribution models, then...

The first person who touched the ball caused team A to win (first touch model),
The last person who touched the ball caused team A to win (last touch model);
All players equally contributed to team A's win (linear model).

We know it's not true – and it works the same way in marketing 😉

See here what to look at instead: https://hubs.ly/Q02Kc29T0


You know that feeling when you join Zoom and your colleague holds their baby on camera? Cute!!! 👼

But you know what's not so cute? RevOps interruptions when your company couldn't find proper maternity cover on time... 🤬

This isn't something you can delegate without sacrifice. Because you shouldn't: https://hubs.ly/Q02Jdd6R0


It feels intuitive to start investing little and increase the budget as we work out what works and what doesn't, right? But the opposite is what does the trick. Hear us out:

🤨 If you invest very little, you won't have enough results to determine what needs to be optimized.

🤩 But if you frontload your budget, you'll get enough data quicker and will have more time to make the necessary edits = bigger chances for success.

🤑 And how much is too much? That depends on way too many factors... But we may have a way to calculate that 👉 https://hubs.ly/Q02Jc9SL0


RevOps are suspiciously very much just like babies–they both deserve uninterrupted care and attention 👼

But let's be honest, no one has enough room/time/energy/money to cater for both. So which one do you sacrifice?

With Envy's maternity cover, none. We've been looking after our clients' RevOps while they need to focus on burps and diapers 🍼 https://hubs.ly/Q02JcLVP0


In H1 2024, marketing folks invested 120% more in paid traffic compared to H1 2023 😱

Last month, we held an event with and for B2B marketers to talk through how things are changing in . For some, might be the best answer. Why?

See the full presentation here: https://hubs.ly/Q02HB67M0


Guess what. No one will click on your demo ads if they don't know your brand 🤬

Because again, buyers today do their research; they want to be familiar with a brand before initiating contact. So help them. How? 🧐

👉 Plan multiple touch points with strong, valuable inbound and consistent messaging. Position your brand as experts in the industry across various platforms.

You know we're here to help 😏 https://hubs.ly/Q02Hz_Tm0


Are you wasting your marketing dollars for fruitless lead generation?

For effective campaigns, you need strong inbound, strong budget & full funnel planning.

More here: https://hubs.ly/Q02Hz_6z0


As marketers, we gotta know how to present to persuade, influence, convince, convert... And most of the time, we're great at it. But then the time comes to present to the leadership and we just 🥵

Well, not with Helen Gottstein. Helen's a pro keynote coach and last month, at the event with organized with folks from Trendemon, she introduced us to a STAR method, but with a twist.

You can listen to her full presentation here: https://hubs.ly/Q02GlCnd0


You're missing out if you're only looking at marketing attribution models. Include correlations for better understanding of your campaign performance 🤝


>> Dark social and first party data regulations make attributing leads to a single source pretty much impossible,
>> Leads can interact with your company a lot before converting, what are you attributing the conversion to?

We say: to all your marketing activities combined 👈 And our clients know it's effective: https://hubs.ly/Q02GlBwL0


Wanna be like CyberDuBiDu? That's easy, simply include every possible buzzword you know to your messaging.

OR you can try standing out. Your choice 😉 https://hubs.ly/Q02Gb-Hr0


One question we keep hearing all the time: How much should I budget for my PPC campaigns if I work in cybersecurity?!

Well, if you consider the facts that.....the cost per lead (CPL) on LinkedIn and Google Ads has soared by 100%, 200%, and sometimes even 300%, ..and while these costs are skyrocketing, budgets remain tight and leave CMOs to do more with less...

Crazy, right?! And honestly, we don't have one answer to this question. We have a few. They're all here: https://hubs.ly/Q02G2vWd0


No one wants to talk to your SDRs 🥵 So... how do you get people to talk?!

We invited Shiri Katalan from to tell us about her approach to generating leads through... podcasting! Watch Shiri's full presentation here: https://hubs.ly/Q02Fqxt40


🍪 Here's a great thing about content, it's nothing like a cookie. You can eat it and you're still gonna have it - but only if you're smart about your resources.

Look. Brainstorming, planning, creating, distributing, and promoting content eats up time, money, and brainpower. If you're not squeezing every drop of value out of it, you're basically throwing all that effort into a black hole. Brutal, but true.

So how do we fix this? Let's say you’ve got something groundbreaking to share in your industry and you turn it into a blog post. Promoting it on your brand's social media is a no-brainer. But what if you also:

> Shoot a short video about it to post on your personal profile,
> Dive deeper into the topic in your newsletter,
> Use it as speaking material for conferences, webinars, and events,
> Launch an entire paid campaign centered around this one golden nugget.

Sounds good, eh? So please, for the love of marketing, RECYCLE YOUR CONTENT ♻️

Need help? We've got your back: https://hubs.ly/Q02FqyLH0

PS Yes, you can expect a blog post on this.

15 B2B marketing events you don't want to miss in 2024 02/07/2024

Hello hello, H2 2024! Hope you bring something better than your predecessor... 🤐

But while we're at it, there's still a wild bunch of marketing events worth attending this year, wherever you are. Remember, you either stand out or get stood up ✨

Full list of events we recommend here: https://hubs.ly/Q02DH8cq0

15 B2B marketing events you don't want to miss in 2024 We’ve curated a list of 15 B2B marketing events taking place in 2024 that you won’t want to miss if you work in B2B, especially in MarTech.


What targeting CISOs would look like if it were an emoji: 🥵

But CISOs aren't the culprit here! If anything, they're the victims - of the never-ending flood of completely irrelevant ads they have to go through on a daily basis. Do your CISO a favor and do a solid research before you advertise to them again 👉 https://hubs.ly/Q02C_4Bn0


80% of business decision-makers prefer reading articles about or from a company over scrolling through their ads. Odds are, you're one of them too. So why do we still ignore content in paid campaigns???

Consider this:
👀 People click your ads to learn more. If the content is crap, they'll bounce. Solid inbound content can prevent that.
📈 Valuable content boosts your Google Ads quality score and results.
🤷🏻‍♀️ Ads alone won’t engage people. Consistent, valuable content does.

Makes sense? Learn how to create unbeatable content for your PPC campaigns: https://hubs.ly/Q02C-K7W0


Whoop whoop, we're hiring!!

We're looking for a part-time Senior Inbound & Content Manager with hands-on client management approach. If you:

🎙️ know how to explain complex strategies without sounding like a broken webinar,
👩‍🎤 can create nurturing campaigns that turn cold leads into groupies, and
🧠 want to work with a team that values your wisdom just as much as your wit...
..then we've got a place for you 🚀 Apply here: https://hubs.ly/Q02C-DZ50

hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag


- Knock, knock!
- Who's there?
- It's Envy!
- What do you want, Envy?
- A social media manager to join our team!

Does your content attracts people faster than a cat video goes viral? Probably not, but that's completely fine–as long as you know how to stop your audience from scrolling, get them to engage in no time and follow your brand almost religiously, then we've got room for you 🚀

Come help us make the LinkedIn feeds of our clients the envy of the internet (pun absolutely intended) 😉 You can apply here: https://hubs.ly/Q02C-CDG0

Photos from GoEnvy.io's post 19/06/2024

Whoa!! What an event, right?! Thanks for coming, everyone! 🚀 We're loving the posts you're sharing, we're hearing your great feedback, and if there's anything else you wanna share - we're all ears!

If there's anything we're taking out of it, it's serving champagne early in the morning 👌

ENVY  Trendemon’s proven B2B marketing stuff event 17/06/2024

🚨 It's tomorrow! 🚨

Meet us at the Cameri Threatre (Hall 4) at 9:30 AM to mingle with the best B2B marketing pros. Each speaker will have 15 minutes to share their lived and learned experienced - almost like a blind date, huh? There's no time to waste 💪

Last chance to sign up here: https://hubs.ly/Q02BRVQK0

ENVY Trendemon’s proven B2B marketing stuff event We're shaking things up! No more theory, no more best case scenarios. Listen to these B2B marketing pros speak about the stuff that really made an impact on their growth…. Or completely flopped.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Marketing Envy provides B2B tech companies with the strategy, technology and operations they need to launch and scale their online, integrated marketing & sales activities.

We provide results-driven marketing services that will boost your business and leave competitors in awe. Marketing Envy can help develop your messaging, define and test your target audience. We will build your sales funnel using proven demand generation channels and tools, and help fill it with qualified leads. Your inbound marketing will outperform thanks to solid SEO work, top notch content, social media marketing and marketing automation tuned to perfection. Your leads will feeeeel your nurturing love. And there's so much more....

Marketing Envy's founders, together with a team of over 20 experienced marketers and automation specialists have trail-blazed marketing successes for oodles of tech companies and start-ups in Israel, USA, UK, Ireland and Australia. Companies include Facebook, Google, Canonical/Ubuntu, Fuji-Xerox, BlazeMeter, Keywee (Advisory board), SixGill, Coronet, Duda, The Financial Times, Taboola, Panaya, Cyberint, AquaSec, Illusive Networks, Priority Software, PlainID, SecDo (acquired by Palo Alto Networks), Luminate Security (acquired by Symantec) , Vulcan Cyber, Magic Software, One Hour Translations, Namogoo, BrandShield, Spot, SilverFort and more.

We’re also proud to be one of a select group of global HubSpot Diamond Partners.

Videos (show all)

ABM will bring us sales, let's do ABM!!!! But it won't. Not always, not in all circumstances. Because ABM has been here ...
Your campaigns today need more assets than ever. Here's why: 🤝 People need more touch points before engaging with your c...
Name one company who's yet to advertise their ebook to get people's contacts. But what if we told you ungating your cont...
How long, Billy? When will we see the results?? When will we get the leads????? - asks every person who wants to run lea...
We cannot all just chase KPIs blindly all the time, we need to chase our dreams too 😉 And Shiri Katalan from GlobalDots ...
Ah brand awareness. Are we thinking 😁 or 🤬? There's A LOT of talk around brand right now, but it's for good reason, beca...
The struggle of Every. Single. CMO right now – how do I do more with less??? Well... you don't. You either do one thing ...
You know that feeling when you join Zoom and your colleague holds their baby on camera? Cute!!! 👼 But you know what's no...
It feels intuitive to start investing little and increase the budget as we work out what works and what doesn't, right? ...
RevOps are suspiciously very much just like babies–they both deserve uninterrupted care and attention 👼 But let's be hon...
In H1 2024, marketing folks invested 120% more in paid traffic compared to H1 2023 😱 Last month, we held an event with a...
Guess what. No one will click on your demo ads if they don't know your brand 🤬 Because again, buyers today do their rese...


11 Tuval Street
Ramat Gan

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday 09:00 - 18:00

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