Pro marketing

שיווק דיגטלי - ניהול קמפיינים ממומנים בגוגל ורשתות חבר?

בניית אתרים
בנייה ועיצוב אתרי WordPress באמצעות עורך התוכן המתקדם Elementor.

קידום אתרים אורגני באינטרנט
קידום אתרים בתוצאות החיפוש במטרה להשיג חשיפה לטווח הארוך.

קידום ברשתות חברתיות.
ניהול שוטף של רשתות חברתיות להגדלת חשיפה והצגת פעילות מתמשכת.


כנראה שהתחלת את הבלוג שלך במטרה ליצור מעט כסף איפשהו בהמשך.

בכדי להרוויח כסף מהבלוג שלך, שיווק שותפים היא אחת השיטות היוצאות דופן להפוך תנועת גולשים למטבעות.

שיווק השותפים היא אסטרטגיה אפשרית בצורה הטובה ביותר אם אתה יכול לאתר סחורה טובה שהמבקרים שלך סקרנים לגביה,
ושאתה יכול להרגיש בטוח להציע לגולשים.

כדי לעזור, עשרת הפלטפורמות והרשתות הגדולות המשותפות. ביחד, הם יספקו לך זכות כניסה לעשרות המון סוחרים ומיליוני מוצרים.

בין אם אתה צריך לקדם סחורה גופנית או מוצרים דיגיטליים, או יצרנים גדולים או יצרנים קטנים, תמצא ברישום זה פלטפורמת שותפים שיכולה לצרף אותך למשהו שמתאים.

בואו נצלול פנימה!
מתחילים באחד ממבני שיווק השותפים הגדולים ביותר שקיימים.

1. ShareASale

2. Awin (Formerly Affiliate Window)

3. Amazon Associates

4. CJ Affiliate (Formerly Commission Junction)

5. Rakuten Marketing (Formerly LinkShare)

6. Avangate Affiliate Network

7. ClickBank

8. FlexOffers

9. Walmart Affiliates

10. eBay Partner Network


טיפים ליצירת כותרות ממירות יותר!

כשמדובר במודעות רספונסיביות לרשת החיפוש עליך לשאוף ל-8-10 על מנת שהן יהיו אפקטיביות. על מנת ליצור מספר יעיל של כותרות, הנה כמה טיפים:

תאר והצג את ההטבה\הערך המוסף או פתרון בעיה של הגולש.
השתמש במילת המפתח העיקרית שלך באחת או שתיים מהכותרות שלך - זה משדר רלוונטיות לגולש וישר עונה לו על השאלה האם זה מה אני מחפש
וגם ודא שלפחות שלוש מהכותרות שלך אינן כוללות מילות מפתח זה על מנת לבדל ולעשות כותרות ותיאורים ייחודיים שלא חוזרות על עצמן
הצמדת כותרת
היכולת להצמיד כותרות ותיאורים מאפשרת לך להבטיח שכותרת או תיאור מסויימים מופיעים בכל שילוב או בסדר מסוים. זה שימושי אם חשוב להשתמש בצורה חכמה כי המכונות הלומדות של גוגל מריצות טסטים ולבד מוצאות את הכותרות המנצחות, אבל במקרה של כתב ויתור מסוים, שימוש כסינון ראשון(לדוגמה לציין לבעלי כרטיס אשראי) וככה לסנן תנועה לא אקטואלית או להפעיל סקרסיטי כלומר הפחדה בנוגע לזמן לדוגמה בכותרת 2 תמיד רשום "מבצע עד יום שישי"


How to Measure Google Ads Sitelink Performance

The Google Ads sitelink is one of the most powerful ad extensions an advertiser can use; they provide users with more context of what users can expect to see on your website and directly expose related pages of your site on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). When used effectively as part of your search campaign strategy, sitelinks can:

Improve your presence on the SERP by taking up more ad space compared to your competitors
Increase CTR by 10-15%
Increase conversion rates by decreasing the number of steps on the path to a conversion

The ad in the top position shows all four sitelinks in their entirety
To ensure you’re getting the most out of your advertising strategy, you’ll need to evaluate as many aspects of your campaign elements as possible. By measuring sitelink performance, you can discover which sitelinks have a positive impact on campaign metrics (click-through rates, conversions) or which pages result in higher levels of user engagement (longer average session duration, more pages visited per session).

How to Measure Sitelink Performance (and Why It Is Important)
Like anything else on search and display, you must always test, evaluate, and test again! You want to make sure that you are taking users to parts of your site that add value to their online experience. Leading users to highly informative content about your product/service or even a conversion-focused landing page can increase their trust in your expertise and help decrease the number of steps in their path to conversion.

In some instances, sitelinks may not always need to be tested and updated. For example, suppose you’re a small business owner whose advertising intention is to gain as many customers as possible; your sitelinks might always be: “About Us,” “Directions,” “Request a Consultation,“Services”.

For B2B advertisers, a sitelink strategy might not be that straightforward. While “Contact Us” might seem like a great sitelink across all campaigns, after looking at performance data, you may find out that users are less likely to click on the sitelink when attached to a non-brand campaign vs. a brand campaign. After discovering poor engagement, it will be in your best interest to test a new sitelink to improve a user’s search experience.

Where to Find Sitelink Performance Data
You can find sitelink performance data in two places :
in the Google Ads platform and Google Analytics.

Google Ads
In Google Ads, you can access performance data by opening the ad extensions dashboard. The extensions view shows an aggregate of sitelink performance metrics from the top-level under “all campaigns.”
''Depending on how you have implemented your sitelink strategy, you may be interested in viewing sitelink performance on a campaign or ad group basis. You can find this data by toggling “Extensions view” to “Associations view,” or you can click directly into a campaign and navigate to the ad extensions screen. Campaign names will appear when you switch to the Associations view.

Google Analytics
To find sitelink data in Google Analytics, start by selecting Acquisition from the sidebar on the left of the screen. Find Google Ads in the drop-down menu and select Sitelinks.

You can also view campaign-specific data in Google Analytics by setting your secondary dimension to Campaign and clicking on advanced. You can then filter by the campaign(s) needed for analysis.

When looking at sitelink data in Google Analytics, you may notice that the data differ compared to those in Google Ads – I’ll explain why later on in this post.

How to Measure and Report on Individual Sitelink Performance (the Right Way)
So now that you know where to find the data, which numbers should you rely on? While what you report on is dependent on your campaign goals, you need to know which numbers should be evaluated to make optimizations and recommendations.

Google Ads
Google Ads is a bit tricky in the way it presents this data. Let’s walk through an example.

The screenshot above shows three ad extensions and associated metrics for each. The first one indicates 41,604 clicks with a CTR of 8.75%. However, if you were to report those numbers, you would be grossly exaggerating the effectiveness of this sitelink.

To clarify, the 41,604 click count is the number of times an ad was clicked on when this sitelink appeared under the ad, but not the number of times a user actually clicked on this specific sitelink. To reveal this granular data, we will use the Segment function in the top right corner, and choose This Extension vs. Other.

Doing so will show segmented data for each sitelink extension.

Changing this view tells a completely different story! According to the screenshot above, when looking at the metrics for the sitelink in row 1, rather than that initial 41,604 number, we can see that users actually clicked on the sitelink only 307 times, delivering a much lower CTR of 0.06%.

Google Analytics
As mentioned above, you may have noticed that your Google Ads top-level sitelink data and Google Analytics data might differ. The data that Google Analytics provides is the segmented data we just learned how to reveal in the previous section. The screenshot below shows information for the same sitelinks ads, but this time in Google analytics.

You can see that rows three and six coincide with the segmented data from Google Ads.

What Do You Do with This Data?
At the end of the day, the way you report on sitelink performance depends on your campaign’s objectives and your expectations. If your goal is to increase overall campaign click-through rates, try replacing low CTR sitelinks and test with new ones, and then measure results. But if you’re running a sitelink for something seasonal or temporary like a promotion or a webinar, you may want to view the performance on a more granular level to see how many users converted through it (if any).

By using sitelinks effectively, you can educate stakeholders by reporting on accurate performance. By digging deeper into Google Ads and Google Analytics, you can obtain deeper insights into your sitelinks performance to make well-informed optimization decisions.


6 tips to prepare your blog for affiliate marketing

Ready to monetize your blog but not sure where to start? Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn extra income for bloggers. Here are 6 tips to prepare your blog for affiliate marketing.

1. Find the right affiliate programs
There are many ways to find the right affiliate programs for your niche. Some of them are :

Using Google search
Finding affiliate promotions from competitors
Browsing affiliate directories
Before you jump on board an affiliate program, check the commission structure offered and read company reviews.

2. Add affiliate promotions to popular posts
One of the most obvious ways to prepare your blog for affiliate marketing, yet sometimes overlooked, is going through old posts and updating them.

Don’t add affiliate links to each blog post, you don’t want to spam your own content. Focus on the articles that get the most traffic on your blog, as these can bring you the most referrals.

Open old popular posts and refresh the content with new information. Updating your content will give you a boost in Google rankings. Start looking for places where affiliate promotion makes sense. Add your affiliate links to product mentions or include new product information for comparison.

3. Write product reviews and recommendations
Once you have joined affiliate programs, it’s time to create quality reviews and recommendations.

When you write a review including an affiliate promotion, keep in mind to create value for your reader. Good research is necessary for a solid review. If you don’t own the product, no problem! Simply browse product ratings and read use cases to get a good overview of the product.

Make sure your content is in depth and speaks about the good as well as the downsides of the product. If you can find more affiliate products within the same category, even better! Now you can create a strong comparison article and guide your readers in choosing the best product for their needs.

4. Place affiliate ads
Beside written promotion, compelling affiliate ads in the form of banners are a great way to promote affiliate products on your blog.

Start preparing your blog for affiliate marketing by finding available promotional materials from the affiliate program. You can often find banners of different sizes to make your promotion stand out.

When placing affiliate ads, carefully consider the size and position on your blog. Avoid banners that are to large or have clashing colors. Remember that affiliate ads are only a small aspect of you blog and they shouldn’t overtake your blog design.

5. Promote your content
To be successful in affiliate marketing It’s important to focus on traffic. The more visitors your website has, the more people see your affiliate promotions. This will result in more commissions.

Backlinks play an important part in getting more traffic. These links come from an external website to your page. Backlinks let search engines know you have something important to say on a particular topic.

The more relevant backlinks you have to your website, the better you will rank in Google for that particular topic and the more traffic you will get. Here are a few ways to get backlinks to your website:

Start guest posting on websites in your niche
Create and promote infographics linking to your website
Discuss content collaboration and promotion with fellow bloggers
On top of this, promoting your content on social media will help build your audience and get you direct traffic to your blog.

6. Build an email list
Email marketing is an efficient way to expand your affiliate promotions. Start building an email list by placing sign up forms on your website. In exchange for an email address you can offer something valuable in return, for example an e-book or checklist that is relevant to your niche.

Email marketing is also a powerful tool to nurture your relationship with your audience. Try to create entertaining and interesting content for your readers. Read our full guide on How to build an email list for affiliate marketing to get more tips on this subject.

Hopefully these tips were useful in preparing your blog for affiliate marketing. For more tips on affiliate marketing, check out our Ultimate guide to affiliate marketing.


The 10 Best Digital Marketing Blogs You Should Be Reading.

1. The Moz Blog :
The Moz blog is undoubtedly one of the best to read if you're looking to stay on top of industry news related to SEO or inbound marketing initiatives. Any good digital marketer understands the importance of SEO, and how ever-changing the guidelines, rules, and regulations associated with search results can be. The Moz blog covers everything you need to know with the right amount of detail to make it comprehendible without being overwhelming. Even if you're a beginner with SEO, their content is quite digestible. Each of their posts provides real value, offering actionable insights or even "how-to" articles related to SEO. Every Friday, they post a "Whiteboard Friday" video as part of a recurring series, diving into different topics under the giant SEO umbrella. Whether it's an analysis of an announcement from Google about a recent algorithm update, or a guide for keyword planning, the MOZ blog should be a go-to for any marketers or business owners looking to deepen their knowledge of SEO and learn how they can better integrate it into their overall marketing plan (if they aren't already).

digital marketing blog - moz

2. Content Marketing Institute:
Content is an essential aspect of any digital marketing campaign. The Content Marketing Institute offers some of the best advice around in terms of how content can help your brand. From industry trends to best practices, their posts offer helpful advice on how to create the best strategies for your business and how your content marketing should play a role in the "bigger picture." One of their main objectives is to provide education to marketers, so there are plenty of events and research documents, as well as access to a lot of resources including eBooks and whitepapers. Any successful content marketing plan has undoubtedly utilized some of the expertise shared through the Content Marketing Institute-whether they realize it or not!

3. Marketing Land:
Marketing Land provides a lot of quality content on different topics and industry news. From updates in content management systems, to new features on social media platforms, their posts are informative and relevant. Recently some of their posts covered the CES Tech event in Las Vegas by posting panel discussions and blogging about different topics that were covered throughout the event. This live blog allowed people, who may not have been able to make it to the actual event, stay informed and become a part of the discussion even though they were not in attendance. Their blog lets you interact with various industry leaders, while providing their audience with content that is engaging and educational.

4. Econsultancy:
The insights on the Econsultancy blog range from the entire digital marketing spectrum, and even dive into more specific niche industries. The resources they offer provide practical advice for brands to market themselves online in a way that follows best practices but also integrates innovative trends. When it comes to innovation and the latest and greatest in digital marketing, Econsultancy always has it covered. Whether you're B2B or B2C, or work in fashion or healthcare, Econsultancy offers advice for marketing that nearly any business can apply to their tactics to help reach their own objectives.

digital marketing blog - econsultancy

5. Kissmetrics:
The Kissmetrics blog offers analytics and testing insights on everything you'd ever need when it comes to marketing. Data-driven marketing is truly their expertise. The team at Kissmetrics regularly examines statistical trends to create reports that can better inform brand's online performance. These posts help create solutions for companies looking to improve their online marketing, and a lot of their findings can help to shape the decisions made for a lot of companies as they try to achieve their marketing goals. Arguably the best part about their insights, and their real differentiator in comparison to blogs that are seemingly similar, is that nearly all of their thoughts are backed by corresponding metrics that support and provide reasoning for the advice they're giving.

6. Convince & Convert:
Convince & Convert offers a variety of resources including a website, blog, podcast, books, and ebooks. They are digital marketing advisors led by Jay Baer, and it is the perfect stop to learn more about digital advertising. Each of the articles are short and simple that get to the point of what they are discussing, while still remaining insightful and informative. Their articles help you look at your own content in a new way, and think outside of the box in regards to what opportunities you could be incorporating into your own digital marketing strategies. Their content, can help your own content.

7. Socialfresh:
What is great about Socialfresh's posts is that many of them include alternative media embedded in them. Most of them are podcasts covering the topic of the blog post that it is within, but others include videos and speeches or presentations at various events. This is a great blog for someone who may not have the time to sit and read multiple articles at a time. This offers you more than one way to consume the content that the blog is providing. It's an obvious choice to include some digital media in a blog that highlights digital marketing, and a welcomed alternative way to consume the information being presented. The diverse topics that are covered focus a lot on the power of social media and how the industry is evolving.

digital marketing blog - socialfresh

8. PR Daily News:
PR Daily News combines industry-related news with other top stories going on throughout the world that day. It keeps all the information you need to stay on top of things in one easy newsfeed as opposed to switching to a bunch of different outlets to learn about news topics from different industries. It hones in on communication and PR conversations and topics by highlighting tools, trends, and techniques to make you sharper, while making your job easier. It offers a nice blend of readings on content marketing, as well as tech information. This balance makes for a blog that is easy and enjoyable to consume a variety of topics at once, without anything getting too repetitive.


This amazing blog is one step ahead of the game. From gadget and tech coverage to marketing campaign insight and analysis, they offer a lot of quality information. Aside from being visually appealing, they pose questions and topics that are interesting and engaging to the curious reader. They provide interesting technology focused articles, and some predictions for the industry, while constantly remaining ahead of their field. They have a section of their blog that includes a number of downloadable trend reports that discuss " the future of…" a number of different industry-related topics. And forget about discussing marketing trends for 2016, these guys already have forecast for 2017.

digital marketing blog - psfk

10. Blue Fountain Media - The ROI Factor Blog:
Of course we have to include our very own ROI Factor Blog. We take pride in our work, and we enjoy discussing a number of different topics that shape the industry in which we operate. Our digital marketing blog prompts a number of different conversations from digital trends, to marketing innovation and best practices. We balance the scale between the importance of technical and results-driven marketing, and creative campaigns, and work to highlight everything in between through our bi-weekly posts. From strategy, design, and marketing, to website and mobile app development, you can find it all here at BFM. Digital marketing blogs are a great way to stay on top of what is going on in this rapidly-changing industry.


Top tips for a successful blog.
There are plenty of tips and tricks to get your own creative blog rocking and therefore raising your profile and helping you to win more business.
Here's top 20 tips for a successful creative blog.

Getting started.
Choosing a blogging platform is your first challenge. There are lots of free options out there including Wordpress, Tumblr, TypePad and Blogger. All of them offer free design themes so you can customise your own blog so it's very easy to get started. And if you're not sure how to use them? There's plenty of online video tutorials to be found on the web – for example, Wordpress has its very own lesson list to help get you started.

Consider integration.
From an SEO point of view, it's worth getting your blog integrated with your existing website to build content and make the search engines love you even more. After all, SEO (search engine optimisation) is all about content. But if you're not able to do this or can't afford to hire a web developer to sort, then start a free blog and make sure you include links to your main website or other links, for example to your artistic portfolio.

Find a niche.
When choosing a creative topic to blog about, try and find a niche. Make your blog about something very specific and you'll please both the search engines and your readers. Try not to be too general and really focus on one specialist topic and stick to it. Find your own niche and go for it – just remember to stay on topic.

Write about what you love.
Write about something you love, otherwise you'll show no passion in your writing. And if there's no passion, your content will suffer, so find a topic you are comfortable with and only write about that. For example, if you're a museum curator, talk about the industry, emerging trends and other museums or exhibitions you love. And if you're a theatre director, you could write about industry folk you admire or share your working day with your followers.

Offer value.
It goes without saying but if you don't provide something the public wants, your creative blog will never be a success. Give people what they're after and offer real value to their web browsing experience. What do I mean by this? Well, value is demonstrated in the content you publish. If your content isn't valuable people won't read it or return to read more. Really think about what you're putting out there and give the people what they want.

Focus on marketing.

You won't get anywhere if you just launch a blog and hope that people will come without any marketing effort. You have to actively market your blog and you can do that through a variety of ways. You can start chatting with other bloggers by leaving valuable comments on other people's blog posts – this will help draw people back to your own site. Or you can make use of the search engines and write about topics that are popular in the searches, like this very feature. Or you could even offer to contribute to influential e-zines or blogs to help raise your profile. Whatever you choose to do, just get out there and market yourself like mad. There's really no excuse not to.

Encourage interaction.
Get people talking on your blog. Ask them to add their comments on various articles, like I've done with this post. Encourage interaction wherever possible. Ask for feedback, respond to people's contributions, build a community and be nice. People love to interact, so make sure you're friendly and welcoming.

Make commenting easy.
Just be aware that there are many reasons why people might not comment on your blog posts. It could be anything from not providing easy access to log a comment to writing about negative things people don't want to be a part of. Bottom line? Make commenting easily accessible and write about stuff that gets people talking positively. If people can interact on your blog, they'll keep coming back for more.

Don't worry about negativity.
Occasionally you may get the odd negative comment on your blog. Don't let it put you off or scare you away from blogging. Any comments you're not happy with can be deleted or responded to positively. Despite what people say, it's very rare that you'll face negativity so don't worry about it too much.

Don't get stage fright and believe in yourself.
Once your blog starts to get more than 1,000 visitors per month, it's only natural that you may lose confidence in yourself and your writing. Don't get stage fright and keep at it! There is a reason why you have so many visitors, so believe in yourself and keep writing fantastic content.

Images, images and more images.
People love images. Some of the most popular arts and creative blogs in the world include a lot of imagery. This is partly because people love to quickly scan through web pages and they enjoy seeing photographs and pictures that help to break up text and add visual interest. When writing a creative blog, images are essential so provide as many as possible and give your audience lots of things to enjoy.

Provide easy reading.
Research suggests that people view and scan web pages rather than read every last bit of copy. Therefore, try and keep your articles as easy, quick reads. Provide lists wherever possible and break up the text. From an SEO point of view, you want to provide at least 250 words of copy. But it's also good to stick to this number for your readers — unless of course you're writing an article such as this one – in which case, add in bullet points or lists because it will hold people's attention more.

Give your posts punchy titles.
When thinking about things to blog about, write articles that have punchy titles: ones that people search for through search engines and titles that are appealing and catchy. You want to draw people in and inspire their curiosity.

Keep it regular.
A blog is almost like an online journal and suggests a "regular" focus. Try and keep your blog updated with at least two articles a week. Ideally, you need to be blogging every single day, especially if SEO is one of your key priorities. Otherwise, just try and keep things going. And if you go on holiday, make best use of scheduling tools on your blog so you can post articles automatically while you're away from your desk.

Avoid clutter.
When designing your blog — either creating one from scratch or using any of the free blogging platforms online — try and keep the layout clean, fresh and uncluttered. Avoid adding lots of unnecessary features. Keep it easy on the eye and you'll please your blog visitors and have them coming back for more.

Get social.
Don't neglect social media elsewhere like Twitter and Facebook. Make sure you hook these up to your blog's RSS feed and update your followers and fans with your latest post. Twitterfeed is a great tool that automatic publishes your posts to your Twitter and Facebook accounts — great for Twitter but looks a bit spammy for Facebook at present. Test everything first and make sure you're happy with the automatic updates and tweets you're putting out there.

Allow easy following.
Place "follow" badges on your blog wherever possible. For example, on Blogger you can add a free widget which encourages people to "follow your blog" in their own Google readers. Tumblr has something similar but this is already integrated. Make sure you provide an easy follow option on your own blog, even if it's just clear links to your RSS feed.

Keep an eye on analytics.
Keep track of how people are landing on your blog and how they're finding you. You can then tailor your blog posts to your readers' needs as well as making best use of those external sources that are really drawing people in. If you invest in any online advertising, your analytics will also help determine your ROI (return of investment) and whether it's working or not. Keep an eye on your web analytics and ensure your blog is working as powerfully as it should be.

Get personal.
Reveal more about who you are in your posts and your audience will love you for it. People want to follow people, not brands. Include an "about" section if possible and a photograph of yourself. By offering a personal slant, you'll be encouraging people to like you and by tapping into their emotions you'll encourage loyalty hence happy, returning visitors.

A really great example is Ana Kinsella, a fashion blogger from Ireland. Her Ripped Knees blog is mixed with lots of fashion news, but the personal slant is when she posts pictures of her own outfits. Stylebuble is very similar and hugely popular. Add a personal touch to your own blog.

Spell checking and proof-reading.
Finally, before you hit the "publish" button, it's crucial you check your spelling and proofread your article again and again. Bad spelling will not only ruin your credibility, it will damage your SEO as the search engines won't appreciate poor copy. Make sure you check everything before you go live.



Here are the 11 SEO marketing tips :

+ Improve existing content with missing subtopics
+ Send emails to everyone you link to
+ Add internal links to new pages
+ Do an annual content audit
+ Repurpose blog posts as videos
+ Respond to relevant HARO requests
+ Monitor competing backlinks for underperforming content
+ Fix pages with broken backlinks
+ Convert images into backlinks
+ Install a caching plugin
+ Optimize for ‘definition’ featured snippets
+ Embed your videos in relevant posts


קידום אתרים במנועי חיפוש הוא מגוון הפעולות המתבצעות במטרה לשפר את מיקומי דפיו של אתר אינטרנט בתוצאות החיפוש של מנועי החיפוש לביטויי החיפוש הנשאלים על ידי שוקי היעד של האתר, עד להשגת אותם מיקומים בצמרת תוצאות החיפוש שיניבו תוצאות מסחריות או אחרות שמצדיקות את ההשקעה בקידום האתר.

At its core, search engine optimization (SEO) is about increasing your website’s visibility in the organic search results of major search engines.

To get that visibility, you must understand three core components:

What types of content people want or need.
How search engines work.
How to properly promote and optimize your website.
While search engines and technology are always evolving, there are some underlying foundational elements that have remained unchanged from the earliest days of SEO.

This is why, in collaboration with some of the field’s top authorities and experts, we created this in-depth overview and tutorial – to define SEO for aspiring SEO professionals and explain how search engine optimization really works now. Today.

Scroll down to start reading all 18 information-packed chapters – or, if you prefer, we’ve compiled all the chapters in a downloadable ebook, SEO 101: Learn the Basics of Search Engine Optimization.

SEO for Beginners: Learn the Basics
Are you an aspiring SEO professional? Then this is the guide you need to read.

You will learn the basics of how SEO works and why it’s so important, plus:

The basics of search engine optimization. What is SEO now, why it’s important, how people search and what they search for, how long it takes to see results, and some big challenges you’ll face in your career.
Key ranking factors. Why links, keywords, and high-quality content are all incredibly important for SEO success. Also, we dispel some of the biggest SEO myths.
How to continue your SEO education. Discover the top online search publications you should read, digital marketing conferences you can attend, and industry experts you should follow.
The history of SEO. From the dawn of websites and search engines in the 1990s up to today, we recap the biggest milestones to help you understand where search has been, where it is today, and where SEO is heading in the future.
EXPERT AUTHORS INCLUDE: Benj Arriola, Loren Baker, Anna Crowe, Dave Davies, Stoney deGeyter, Danny Goodwin, Tylor Hermanson, Ryan Jones, Jeremy Knauff, Julia McCoy, Brock Murray, Kristine Schachinger, and Dan Taylor.

P.S.! Once you’re ready to dive deeper into SEO, make sure to check out Search Engine Journal’s followup, A Complete Guide to SEO. It covers everything you need to know.

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