Dror Israel

Dror Israel

Dror Israel educators work
to build a just and equal Israel. Our programs reach over 100,000 yearly.

Dror Israel educators live in the neighborhoods we serve, bridging gaps and solving local problems. Through innovative education based on dialogue and understanding, we teach leadership and responsibility for self and community, promoting social action to drive change. Our areas of work include: schools for youth at risk, Jewish-Arab programs, national social justice initiatives, educational works

Back to School as Rockets Fly: Dror Israel's Commitment to Northern Communities 30/08/2024

As the new school year begins amidst ongoing war, Dror Israel continues to support communities along Israel’s northern border.
From trauma response in Majdal Shams to empowering young leaders through our schools, we're committed to ensuring that education and community resilience continue, even in the face of adversity.

Learn more about our efforts to support communities as they navigate these challenging times >>

Back to School as Rockets Fly: Dror Israel's Commitment to Northern Communities As the new school year begins under the shadow of ongoing war, communities along Israel's borders face unprecedented challenges. With rockets continuing to fly and the threat of escalation ever-present, returning to school is fraught with fear and uncertainty. At Dror Israel, we know this moment dem...

Rebuilding Israel's Social Fabric: Dror Israel's Educators' Communities 27/08/2024

Understanding their unique role in these difficult times, young educators are stepping up to rebuild and strengthen Israel’s border communities.
With the support of Dror Israel, 80 inspiring young adults are moving to the Gaza border region to create and expand Educators' Communities, bringing hope, support and resilience to impacted communities

Read more about their incredible journey and our role in rebuilding the social fabric of these communities on our blog.>>

Rebuilding Israel's Social Fabric: Dror Israel's Educators' Communities In the aftermath of the October 7 attacks and the ongoing conflict, Israel’s border communities have been deeply impacted, with many young adults leaving their homes. This has created significant voids, particularly in education and youth programming, where young people play crucial roles. Recogni...

Reflecting on Hope and Change: Insights from the Dror Educational Centers' Annual Educators’ Conference 23/08/2024

500 educators, 2 days, countless moments of inspiration.
This week, the Dror Educational Centers’ Conference brought together teachers and leaders from across Israel to explore how education can be a force for change, even in the most challenging times.

Discover how we’re building hope and resilience, one classroom at a time >>

Reflecting on Hope and Change: Insights from the Dror Educational Centers' Annual Educators’ Conference This year, amidst one of the most challenging periods our society has faced, the Dror Educational Centers hosted their annual Social Pedagogy Seminar, gathering 500 dedicated educators from across Israel. Despite the pervasive sense of despair that has gripped many, these educators—kindergarten te...

Zionist youth group mourns slain Druze members, as deadly rocket attack shines light on community’s complex ties to Israel 18/08/2024

We’re proud to share that eJewishPhilanthropy has featured the inspiring resilience of our associated youth movement, HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed (NOAL) in Majdal Shams following the recent tragic attack. The article sheds light on the strength and unity of our Golan Druze participants and their growing connection to Israeli society despite the challenges they face.

This story is a powerful testament to the deep bonds being formed between communities, as NOAL continues its mission of bringing together youth from all backgrounds to heal, learn, and grow together.

Read the full article to learn more about the incredible work being done and how our movement is helping the youth of Majdal Shams and beyond >> https://bit.ly/3WVqEwG

Zionist youth group mourns slain Druze members, as deadly rocket attack shines light on community’s complex ties to Israel Three of the 12 children killed in Hezbollah's rocket attack were members of HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed, a sign of how Golan Druze are increasingly affiliating with the State of Israel


"Imagine you had to take a small bag with some clothes and toys, and leave your kibbutz. This is exactly what happened to us."

This powerful speech from 8th graders of the northern Kibbutz Kfar Giladi captures the heartache of being uprooted from their homes due to the war. Despite the challenges, they find strength and comfort in youth movement activities, which help them feel at home even when far away.

"It's amazing to see how here together, evacuees and non-evacuees, our shared youth movement give us a sense of continuity and belonging. It feels like home... it helps us overcome the homesickness and gives us strength to continue."

Their resilience and spirit remind us of the importance of community, even in the toughest times. We in Dror Israel and our associated youth movement are committed to supporting the evacuated youth until they safely return to their homes and beyond, as they rebuild their communities alongside hope and trust.

After Harrowing Attack, Youth Movement Branch in Majdal Shams Offers Hope, Space To Grieve - אתר החדשות דבר 09/08/2024

In the wake of the horrific Hezbollah attack that took the lives of 12 children in Majdal Shams, including three fifth-graders from our associated youth movement, the local branch has become a beacon of hope and healing for the community.

Our coordinators and counselors are tirelessly working to provide a safe space for the youth to mourn, support each other, and begin the long process of healing. Rabeea Bhsas, the Golan Heights NOAL coordinator: "I want [the branch] to be the place where a child can break down and cry, but also laugh."

Read the full article on how we are coming together in these difficult times and offering a sanctuary for Druze youth >> https://en.davar1.co.il/530501/

Support Dror Israel's essential programs supporting healing and building resilience >> https://www.drorisrael.org/donate

After Harrowing Attack, Youth Movement Branch in Majdal Shams Offers Hope, Space To Grieve - אתר החדשות דבר The HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed (NOAL) youth movement branch in the northern Druze town of Majdal Shams lost three fifth-grade participants to the Hezbollah attack | The youth movement, which operates in Israel’s Jewish, Arab, and Druze sectors, has led mourning circles in Majdal Shams following the a...


"The worst thing that happened to us this year was the war. And the best - this summer!"

50 elementary schoolers from Sderot danced, played, acted, and let loose in the youth movement's July day camp. The camp gave them a chance to create positive memories and rebuild friendships after a difficult year.

Read more (article in Hebrew) >> https://www.davar1.co.il/527122/

Photos from Dror Israel's post 02/08/2024

Over 6,000 children from the north of Israel have already taken part in our summer activities, which help to rebuild trust, hope, and resilience.

In Tel Aviv, young evacuees from Kiryat Shmona enjoy a wide range of activities at our day camp program, including art day, science day, and trips to attractions!

As tensions in the north escalate, Dror Israel remains committed to supporting the impacted children until they safely return home and beyond.

Learn more about Dror Israel's ongoing emergency response >> https://bit.ly/48lnrdm

Northern Escalation Zoom Update | Dror Israel 01/08/2024

Please Join Us Tomorrow For a LIVE EMERGENCY UPDATE
From Majdal Shams (the Druze Village Bombed by Hezbollah)

Hear from Samir Asad, IDF Reserve Lieutenant Colonel
Director Druze Sector Activities for Dror Israel’s associated Youth Movement.
He will share about the impact of the recent attack that took the lives of 12 children and how Dror Israel is helping the Druze community deal with this tragedy.

Friday, August 2nd @ 2 PM Eastern // 11 AM Pacific
Register here >>

Northern Escalation Zoom Update | Dror Israel Zoom live updates from our educators on the ground as they share updates about the situation in Israel and Dror Israel's response effores

Bnei HaMoshavim Leadership Seminar Moves to Tel Aviv, Adjusts for Wartime Reality - אתר החדשות דבר 31/07/2024

Trading the wilderness of our northern campsite for an oasis of green in Tel Aviv, our associated youth movement's Summer Leadership Course adapted to the wartime reality.

650 teens from the rural division, including 150 from evacuated communities, have been trained this summer to become local leaders. Despite the difficulties, these young leaders are stepping up to strengthen their communities and provide stability during these uncertain times.

Read the Davar newspaper's recent article about their remarkable journey and the impact of their training>> https://en.davar1.co.il/523579/

Your support is vital in nurturing the resilience and leadership of our youth during these trying times >> https://www.drorisrael.org/donate

Bnei HaMoshavim Leadership Seminar Moves to Tel Aviv, Adjusts for Wartime Reality - אתר החדשות דבר 650 rising 10th graders were trained to be counselors in moshavim throughout Israel, including 150 from communities that have been evacuated due to the ongoing war | Idit Tidhar, Bnei HaMoshavim director: “The sense that we’re counting on them will strengthen the community in the coming years”


We mourn, together with the Druze community and all of Israel, the brutal death of 12 children and teens from Majdal Shams.

Among those killed in Hezbollah's terrible attack are three fifth grade participants from the local HaNoar HaOved youth movement branch.

We hold in our hearts the mourning families and Druze community and stand with them in pain, sorrow, and hope for an end to the violence.
Wishing a speedy recovery to the injured.

Photos from Dror Israel's post 15/07/2024

Since the massacre on October 7th, where many of Israel's Arab citizens were also murdered, wounded and kidnapped, Dror Israel has expanded its work within the Arab communities.
This week, our Teen Leadership Course trained hundreds of new Arab junior counselors who will be part of the rebuilding of Israel. The course provided tools on how to respond during emergencies, as well as how to be a role model for local children and help to rebuild their hope. The course also aims to foster bridges between Jews and Arabs.

Dror Israel is committed to continuing to lead children and youth from all parts of Israeli society and to being part of the rebuilding of trust, resilience and hope.

Rebuilding Community: Dror Israel Educators in Sderot 12/07/2024

Five months ago, our dedicated educators' kibbutz returned to Sderot after months of displacement, bringing hope and resilience back to the heart of this community. Since then, they've been tirelessly working to support and rebuild, from providing crucial emotional and educational programs for children and teens to facilitating community leadership groups.

Read our latest blog post to learn about our efforts to bring healing and empowerment to Sderot >>

Rebuilding Community: Dror Israel Educators in Sderot After 5 months as living as internal refugees, the educators’ kibbutz of Dror Israel returned to Sderot in March. Despite fresh memories of Hamas terrorists roaming the streets, this dedicated group of educators has only deepened its commitment to the city since the war began. Dror Israel has had ...


Our Teen Leadership Course has concluded, with nearly 2,000 teens participating in an intensive 6-day training.

This year's course was uniquely important. Over 300 participants came from evacuee centers where they’ve lived for the past 8 months. Some are waiting for family members to be released from captivity, others are mourning the loss of loved ones. Many brought stories of fear, uncertainty, and pain.

But they also brought stories of hope.

Yuval from Prigan, a moshav in the Gaza border area, shared how youth movement counselors supported her upon arriving at the evacuee center in Eilat, inspiring her to become a counselor and help other kids.

Teens from the northern moshav She'ar Yashuv told how they chose to continue running activities for kids in the evacuee center even after their families returned home, taking long bus rides to do so.

Amit from Kiryat Shmona found purpose in running programs for younger kids at his evacuee center in Tel Aviv, realizing that even in difficult times, he has something valuable to offer.

These inspiring teens, along with hundreds more, spent the week gaining the skills and knowledge needed to be community leaders, especially in times of emergency.
Amid the tension and uncertainty, one thing is clear: They will be the builders of resilience and healing in their communities, wherever the future leads.

Dror Israel Continues Operating Preschools in Devastated Kibbutz Be’eri Community 02/07/2024

In the wake of unimaginable devastation, the spirit of resilience and dedication shines through. Following October 7th, Dror Israel rapidly mobilized to re-establish preschools for the children of Kibbutz Be’eri, offering a beacon of hope and stability amidst the chaos.

Eight months later, discover the incredible journey of the Dror Israel educators who transformed hotel lobbies into preschools and continue to provide a lifeline for displaced, traumatized children.

Read our latest post to learn about their unwavering commitment to rebuilding and supporting the Be'eri community >>

Dror Israel Continues Operating Preschools in Devastated Kibbutz Be’eri Community "There was a rush of people and organizations here. Everyone was still in shock. There was general chaos," recalled Shaked Feldman of her first days at the David Hotel in the Dead Sea, where the entirety of Kibbutz Be’eri was evacuated after the outbreak of the war. Shaked, mother of two young dau...

Connecting Past and Present: NOAL Youth Leaders Visit Poland Amid War 19/06/2024

Against the backdrop of ongoing war and rising antisemitism, 200 of HaNoar HaOved's youth movement leaders embarked on a profound journey to Poland.

These incredible teens visited concentration camps, explored stories of resistance, and connected deeply with our Jewish heritage.

Participants noted powerful parallels between past and present struggles, bringing the lessons of history into sharp focus.

Read more about this impactful trip and the reflections it inspired on our blog >>

Connecting Past and Present: NOAL Youth Leaders Visit Poland Amid War Just before Yom HaShoah and Passover, the HaNoar HaOved v’HaLomed (NOAL) youth movement took 200 of its young leadership on a trip to Poland. While it included traditional themes of heroism and resistance of the Zionist youth movements in the ghettos, these themes took on particular significance i...

Amidst Ongoing War, Dror Israel Adapts its Summer Programs 14/06/2024

This summer will be anything but typical for Israel's youth.
As families grapple with trauma, displacement, and ongoing rocket fire, Dror Israel's summer programs are being reimagined to provide security, routine, and emotional support for thousands.

From tailored day camps to our adapted Teen Leadership Institute, we’re committed to meeting the unique needs of each community during these challenging times.

Discover how we’re ensuring a safe, enriching summer for all >>

Amidst Ongoing War, Dror Israel Adapts its Summer Programs During a typical summer, Dror Israel and its affiliated youth movement HaNoar HaOved v’HaLomed (NOAL), run summer programming for tens of thousands of Israeli teens and children across the country. This includes day camps, sleepaway camps and overnight hikes, as well as the renowned Teen Leadershi...

Working together to Bring Them Home NOW 07/06/2024

8 month after the horrors of October 7th, 124 Israelis are still held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. The fight for their return has intensified, with new protests in Tel Aviv urging the government to act.

Dror Israel educator, Zohar Avigdori, from the Eshbal Educators Kibbutz, has been a leading voice in this movement. "There must be a deal - it is urgent," he says, emphasizing the need for action beyond military pressure. "This is not a struggle, we are not struggling with anyone - it is a joint effort. All the people of Israel want the hostages at home. The state must take responsibility for its citizens."

Read more of Zohar's story and the efforts to bring all the hostages home >>

Working together to Bring Them Home NOW As the war grinds on, thousands of families and communities are still missing their loved ones. The fight to return the 124 Israeli and international citizens still held hostage by Hamas in Gaza has heated up in recent weeks, following a decision by the Hostage Families’ Forum to release a graphic...

New Project Invites Young Israelis to Rethink Yom HaAtzmaut in Days of War 26/05/2024

Discover how a group of young Israelis reimagined Yom HaAtzmaut through a unique initiative by Dror Israel.

Amidst the ongoing conflict, they’ve created a special "haggadah" to honor Independence Day, founding a new tradition during the current reality.

Learn how they are fostering unity and reflection through new rituals and community meetups across the country >>

New Project Invites Young Israelis to Rethink Yom HaAtzmaut in Days of War When it comes to the transition between commemorating the fallen Yom HaZikaron and celebrating Israel’s independence on Yom HaAtzmaut, always difficult but especially challenging this year, a group of young people are offering an alternative vision. Rujum, a nationwide project created by Dror Isra...

In Memorial Ceremonies Across the Country, NOAL Honors its Fallen 20/05/2024

On Yom HaZikaron, participants of HaNoar HaOved across the country honored the memory of 57 former or current youth movement participants lost on or following October 7th. The youth movement's teen leaders also helped to organize ceremonies for evacuated communities.

Read more about their moving ceremonies and heartfelt tributes on our blog >>

In Memorial Ceremonies Across the Country, NOAL Honors its Fallen This Yom HaZikaron was different from most. Israel is in the middle of an active war in Gaza, dealing with a tense and escalating front in the north, and still waiting for 129 hostages to return. It has lost over 700 soldiers and over 800 civilians since last year’s Memorial Day. 57 of those lost ...

On Yom HaZikaron, Thousands Participate in Yearly Youth Movement Tradition of Distributing Flowers to Bereaved Families 16/05/2024

🌹 On Yom HaZikaron, HaNoar HaOved youth movement participants honored fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism with a tradition spanning 44 years: "Flowers for the Fallen."

Thousands of teens across Israel distributed bouquets to bereaved families, offering comfort and solidarity in their time of remembrance. Read more about this touching tribute on our blog >>

On Yom HaZikaron, Thousands Participate in Yearly Youth Movement Tradition of Distributing Flowers to Bereaved Families In cemeteries from Eilat to the northern town of Rosh Pina, teenage members of the HaNoar HaOved youth movement (NOAL) took part in the 44th annual “Zer L’Nofel” event, which translates to “Flowers for the Fallen.” On the morning of Monday May 13, the official Memorial Day for the Fallen S...

Photos from Dror Israel's post 13/05/2024

On this Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day), Dror Israel and its associated HaNoar HaOved youth movement remember and mourn our participants, students and graduates who were killed on October 7th and in the war since.

May their memory be a blessing.


After months in evacuees centers, the community of Kibbutz Re'im moved to a new temporary home- just around the corner from Dror Israel's Tel Aviv Educators Kibbutz!

Despite the many challenges of displacement, the bond between these communities is a source of strength and inspiration.
Learn how they're working together to rebuild resilience and support the Kibbutz's youth during these trying times.

Read more on our blog >> https://bit.ly/3wuQpuh

For the First Time: the IDF trains 60 female soldiers to assist evacuated communities 01/05/2024

HaNoar HaOved, in partnership with the IDF, has trained a cohort of soldiers for a range of educational roles in order to support evacuated communities as they return home.

The soldiers will live and work with the impacted communities, supporting youth with emotional-educational programs and addressing other community needs that arise during the difficult transition.


For the First Time: the IDF trains 60 female soldiers to assist evacuated communities The soldiers from HaNoar HaOved completed the first “Tkuma” course- to support the evacuated communities.

Interview with Omer - Evacuated Youth Movement Leader 25/04/2024

Get to know Omer Amiga, an 18-year-old youth leader from HaNoar HaOved!
On our blog, Omer shares about his experiences during the war and his dedication to making a difference through informal education.
Read the interview here>>

Interview with Omer - Evacuated Youth Movement Leader Translated from “Zman HaKibbutz” article by Rotem Shoval March 26, 2024Profile: Omer Amiga, 18Omer is part of a HaNoar HaOved gap year cohort that started their year in September on Kibbutz Kfar Giladi in the Upper Galilee. They were soon evacuated to Kibbutz Kadarim when the war began. Omer is ...


Passover takes on new meaning this year, as we sit together for the seder meal amid ongoing war while our hostages are still held in Gaza and so many Israelis remain displaced from their homes.
Retelling the story of our Exodus reminds us of the resilience, bravery and determination of the people of Israel- then and now.

Wishing our friends and partners around the world a meaningful Passover.

The Show Must Go On! Passover Day Camp for Evacuees 21/04/2024

Despite many challenges, the spirit of resilience shines bright in Kiryat Shmona!

Adapting quickly following Iran's attack, Dror Israel, HaNoar HaOved, the Tel Aviv municipality, and the Kiryat Shmona municipality joined forces to organize a special Passover Day Camp for 400 evacuated children.
Led by dedicated youth counselors, the camp provided a much-needed sense of normalcy and joy amidst uncertainty.

Read all about the incredible efforts to support Kiryat Shmona's youth during these challenging times:

The Show Must Go On! Passover Day Camp for Evacuees Despite Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel on Saturday night and the subsequent closure of all educational activities on Sunday, the evacuated city of Kiryat Shmona did not give up on its commitment to provide structure and fun for its children. In close partnership, Dror Israel, the HaNoar HaO...


With evacuees, with communities returning home, and in areas under threat- Elad and so many other Dror Israel educators work tirelessly to build resilience and restore hope in impacted communities.

We are grateful for our partners and supporters who help to enable these crucial efforts.

This Passover, as we recount the Jewish people’s journey from despair to hope, and from constriction to a moment of new possibilities, we want to lift up the voices of Israelis who are continuing to work for a better future.

Elad Pelleg is the early childhood director at one of the Dead Sea preschools in Israel. Read his full reflection below, and see more Passover resources and stories here: https://bit.ly/49HZoGj


"Imagine moving an entire city — a kibbutz that endured indescribable trauma — into a hotel overnight with scarcely any belongings.

In creating an early childhood educational system for the children of Kibbutz Be’eri, which lost more than 100 people on Oct. 7th, we had to reinvent everything. All these months later, I’m proud that we’re still here — that the kindergartens are working and full of kids.

We run a full school day for our children — operating from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., and providing two meals. Things like this make it possible for parents to return to work or to take the time to completeother necessary tasks. The way I see it, our efforts are an important part of their toolkit of resilience — and the hotel where I work is just one among many supported by my organization, Dror Israel, and receiving critical assistance from JDC.

A few weeks ago, we celebrated Purim, and when you think about it rationally, there’s an impulse to focus purely on mourning and sadness. But as I sat with two young girls and had a tea party with them in their costumes, life felt almost normal. With the change of the season and with Passover approaching, my teachers and I are finding more and more room to talk gently about how we’ve grown during this time of crisis — and how our kids have continued to develop, too. When you walk into our school, you see them playing and laughing and baking and, yes, crying — but from normal childhood things.

This is my first time working with such young children, and I’ve learned so much from them about healing and resilience. They are able to bounce back so fast.

We’re older, and we move slower. People here feel they’ve lost their trust in humanity, but every action that counters that — each visitor to Israel, each message of support, each helping hand from organizations like JDC — helps us find our faith again.

We need that now. Without it, I don’t think we’d have the strength to pull through."

In a Time of Chaos, Passover Hikes Create Normalcy for Impacted Youth 16/04/2024

Amidst ongoing conflict, and after a delay due to Iran's attack , HaNoar HaOved is providing a sense of normalcy for youth with their annual Passover hikes.

This year, hundreds of children from both the Gaza border area and northern region, including evacuees, will come together for these hikes.

Learn how the youth movement is offering a much-needed reprieve amidst uncertainty >> https://bit.ly/3PXVLEY

In a Time of Chaos, Passover Hikes Create Normalcy for Impacted Youth As the war in Gaza hits its six-month point and escalation with Iran looms on the horizon, the HaNoar HaOved youth movement is doing everything it can to create a sense of routine for its young participants despite the fear and uncertainty. This includes putting on its annual Passover hikes for both...

Emergency Response | Dror Israel 14/04/2024

The barrage of missiles launched at Israel by the Islamic Republic of Iran was a chilling example of the threats facing Israel on all sides.

Dror Israel educators across the country have been checking in all day with our students and community members after a long and scary night.

While we hope the worst is behind us, we continue working with impacted communities to build resilience and prepare for future escalation.

Dror Israel remains committed to helping all Israelis heal and rebuild resilience.
Donate today- support our Healing and Resilience Efforts >>

Emergency Response | Dror Israel Dror Israel provides emotional-educational support for thousands of Israeli evacuees and builds resilience in communities under fire. Supporting traumatized children and families, Dror Israel's experienced educators enable healing and rebuilding.

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Tel Aviv?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Get to know the Dror Israel educators who left everything to establish preschools for evacuee children
Dror Israel Emergency Response
Dror Israel Emergency Response
Dror Israel Emergency Response
Over 200,000 Israelis have been displaced from their homes, and it is unclear when they will be able to return. With the...
HaNoar HaOved's Leadership Empowerment Institute
HaNoar HaOved's Leadership Empowerment Institute
HaNoar HaOved's Leadership Empowerment Institute
Matan, a counselor at HaNoar HaOved's branch in Karmiel, sent a special message to parents this week with the help of hi...
As the war in Ukraine rages on, trained educators from Dror Israel continue to provide emotional support and educational...
Join us tomorrow for a live update from Dror Israel educators on the ground operating Emergency Day Camps for Ukrainian ...


Tel Aviv